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Special Accounting MCQs [set-4]

76. Investment made to earn regular income

A. marketable securitie
B. fixed investments
C. Trade Investments
D. short term investments
Answer: C

77. The price quoted includes interest

A. cum interest
B. ex-interest
C. excluding interest
o m
D. None of these . c
Answer: A
78. Ex – dividend quotation ………………………………
A. including dividend
B. excluding dividend
C. excess of dividend
D. cumulative of dividend
Answer: B

79. In respect of government security the price quoted is usually

A. Ex- interest
B. cum interest
C. including interest
D. none of above
Answer: A

80. Short term investments made out of idle cash are called
A. marketable securitie
B. fixed investments
C. trade investments
D. none of these
Answer: A

81. Trade investment are investment made for ……………. Period

A. short period
B. long period
C. Two years period
D. None of these
Answer: B

82. Ex – interest means ……………………………..

A. Inclusive of interest
B. Including interest
C. Excluding interest
D. None of these
Answer: C

83. Cum – interest means ………………………………………

A. Excluding interest
B. Exclusive of interest
C. cumulative interest
D. none of the above
Answer: C

84. Investment made for long period are called ……………………

A. marketable securitie
B. Temporary investments
C. Trade investment
D. Short investment
Answer: C

85. ………………….. investment made for earning regular income

A. short term investment
B. marketable securities
C. Temporary investment
D. Trade investment
Answer: D

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86. Investment in government debentures , bonds etc. come under ………
A. variable income bearing securities
B. Temporary income bearing securities
C. Fixed income bearing securities
D. none of the above
Answer: C

87. A ledger maintained where separate investment account prepared for a

particular scrip is known as ………………………..
A. investment ledger
B. purchase ledger
C. Sales ledger
D. none of these
Answer: A

88. When bonus share are received the average cost of the existing shares are
A. Reduced
B. Increased
C. equal
D. none of these
Answer: A

89. Bonus shares are issued by ……………….. free reserves

A. Generalizing
B. Capitalizing
C. equalizing
D. None of these
Answer: B

90. Bonus shares are issued out of ……………………………………………….

A. capital reserve
B. free reserve
C. share premium
D. none of these
Answer: B

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91. Right shares are issued to ………………….. share holders
A. previou
B. existing
C. future
D. None of these
Answer: B

92. Investment account is ………………………. Account

A. Personal
B. Nominal
C. Real
D. Revenue a/c
Answer: C

93. Sale of right is a ………………….. receipt in case of right issue

A. Revenue
B. capital
C. deferred revenue
D. none of these
Answer: B

94. Brokerage is ………… in the cost of investment in the books of Purchase of

A. Added
B. deducted
C. increased
D. subtracted
Answer: A

95. Interest accrued up to the date of sale of investments added

A. Ex-interest
B. Cum-interest
C. inclusive interest
D. None of these
Answer: A

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96. The cost of right share is ……………………………
A. added to the cost of investment
B. no treatment is required
C. Subtracted from the cost of investments
D. None of the above
Answer: A

97. Long term investments are carried at ………………………..

A. fair value
B. cost price
C. cost or market price which ever is less
D. market price
Answer: B

98. Cost of investment includes ………….

A. purchase cost
B. brokerage paid
C. stamp duty paid
D. All of the above
Answer: D

99. Short term investments are carried at …………………………………..

A. Fair price
B. cost price
C. cost or market price which ever is less
D. Market value
Answer: C

100. ………… account is real account

A. Brokerage
B. Stamp duty
C. purchase
D. Investments
Answer: D

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