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Doily measures 13” (33 cm) in diameter.

in same dc; repeat from * around; hdc in

second ch of beginning of ch-2 (counts as a
Special Abbreviations ch-1 space).
beg cl (beginning cluster) = ch 2; holding the
last loop of each st on the hook, fpdc around Round 4: Ch 1, sc in same space, * ch 4, sc in
next fpdc, dc in next dc, yarn over, draw next ch-1 space; repeat from * around; ch 1,
LC4082 through all 3 loops on hook. dc in first sc of Round (counts as a ch-4 space).
ch-4 picot = ch 4, slip st in top of last st made.
cl (cluster) = holding the last loop of each st Round 5: Ch 1, sc in same space, * ch 5, sc in
on the hook, dc in next dc, fpdc around next next ch-4 space; repeat from * around; ch 2,
crochet fpdc, dc in next dc, yarn over, draw through all dc in first sc of Round (counts as a ch-5 space).
Designed by Kathryn A. White 4 loops on hook.
edc (extended double crochet) = yarn over, Round 6: Ch 1, sc in same space, * 5 dc in
insert hook in stitch or space indicated, yarn next sc, (fan made), sc in next ch-5 space,
What you will need: over and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn ch 5, sc in next ch-5 space; repeat from *
over and draw through 1 loop on hook (3 loops around; ch 2, dc in first sc of Round (counts
AUNT LYDIA’S® Extra Fine Crochet
Thread, Size 30: 1 ball 201 White
on hook), [yarn over and draw through 2 loops as a ch-5 space).
on hook] twice.
Susan Bates® Steel Crochet fpdc (front post double crochet) = yarn over, Round 7: Ch 1, sc in same space, ch 6, sc
Hook: 1.05mm [US 11/12] insert hook from the front side of the work to in 3rd dc of next fan, * ch 6, sc in next ch-5
back and to front again around the post of the space, ch 6, sc in 3rd dc of next fan; repeat
Tapestry needle
indicated stitch on a previous round; yarn over from * around; ch 2, edc in first sc of Round
GAUGE: Rounds 1–9 measure 3” and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over (counts as a ch-6 space).
(7.5 cm) in diameter. CHECK YOUR and draw through two loops (2 loops on hook),
GAUGE. Use any size hook to yarn over and draw through two loops (1 loop Round 8: Ch 1, sc in same space, * 7 dc in
obtain the gauge. on hook). next sc (fan made), sc in next ch-6 space,
triple picot = [ch 4, slip st in 4th chain from ch 7, sc in next ch-6 space; repeat from *
Buy Thread hook] 3 times. around; ch 3, edc in first sc of Round (counts
as a ch-7 space).
AUNT LYDIA’S® Extra Fine Crochet DOILY
Thread, Size 30, Art. 180 available Ch 5; join with slip st in first ch to form a ring. Round 9: Ch 1, sc in same space, ch 8, sc

Affinity Doily
in 500 yd (457 m) balls.
Round 1 (Right Side): Ch 2 (counts as first dc in 4th dc of next fan, * ch 8, sc in next ch-7
now and throughout), 15 dc in ring; join with space, ch 8, sc in 4th dc of next fan; repeat
slip st in top of beginning ch-2—16 dc. from * around; ch 8, slip st in first sc of Round.
If you have an affinity for fine lacy doilies, you
will love creating this beauty! Crocheted with Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, ch 1), * dc Round 10: Slip st into first 2 chs of ch-8
size 30 thread, the designer has created a in next dc, ch 1; repeat from * around; join space, ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 2), dc in same
wonderful masterpiece. with slip st in second ch of beginning ch-3. space, ch 2, dc in same space, ch 2, * dc in
next ch-8 space [ch 2, dc in same space]
Round 3: Ch 2, fpdc around same st; reaching twice, ch 2; repeat from * around; slip st in
behind fpdc just made, dc in top of same st; * second ch of beginning ch-4.
ch 1, dc in next dc, fpdc around same dc, dc Continued...

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LC4082 Affinity Doily Point 16 Round 17: Ch 1, sc in same st, 4 sc in next Round 20: Slip st across (2 sc, ch-3 space,
Ch 3, sc in next 5 sc, skip next sc, (sc, hdc, 2 ch-15 space, triple picot, 8 sc in same space, 2 sc), ch 4, skip next sc, dc in next sc, ch
Round 11: Ch 2, fpdc around same st, dc in dc, 2 tr, ch 2, slip st into last picot on previous triple picot, 3 sc in same space, * sc in next sc, 8, * skip (sc, ch-3, 6 sc, ch-3, sc), dc in next
same st, ch 1, * dc in next dc, fpdc around Point, ch 2, slip st in top of last tr made, tr, 2 4 sc in next space, triple picot, 8 sc in same sc, ch 2, skip next sc, dc in next sc, ch 8;
same dc, dc in same dc, ch 1; repeat from * dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 3 space, triple picot, 3 sc in same space; repeat repeat from * around; slip st in second ch of
around; slip st in second ch of beginning ch-2. dc, ch-4 picot, [4 dc, ch-4 picot] twice, 2 dc, from * around; slip st in first sc of Round. beginning ch-4.
hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2
Round 12: Ch 2, fpdc around next fpdc, dc tr, ch 2, slip st into first picot on first Point at Round 18: Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 12, * skip Round 21: Ch 5, dc in next dc, ch 3, dc in
in next dc, ch 1, * dc in next dc, fpdc around beginning of Round, ch 2, slip st in top of last (4 sc, triple picot, 3 sc), sc in next sc, ch 12; ch-8 space, ch 3, * dc in next dc, ch 3, dc in
next fpdc, dc in next dc, ch 1; repeat from * tr made, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, repeat from * around; slip st in first sc of Round. next dc, ch 3, dc in next ch-8 space, ch 3;
around; slip st in second ch of beginning ch-2. skip next sc, sc in next sc, slip st in first sc at repeat from * around; slip st in second ch of
beginning of Round. Fasten off, weave ends in. Round 19: Slip st into ch-12 space, ch 1, 3 sc beginning ch-5.
Round 13: Beg cl, ch 3, * cl, ch 3; repeat from in same space, ch 3, 5 sc in same space, ch
* around; slip st in top of beg cl. Round 16: Attach thread in the ch-4 picot on 3, 3 sc in same space, * 3 sc in next ch-12 Round 22: Ch 2, fpdc around same st, dc in
the top of any Point, ch 1, sc in same st, ch space, ch 3, 5 sc in same space, ch 3, 3 sc in same st, ch 1, * dc in next dc, fpdc around
Round 14: Slip st in ch-3 space, ch 1, 4 sc in 15, * sc in next ch-4 picot on top of next Point, same space; repeat from * around; slip st in same dc, dc in same dc, ch 1; repeat from *
same space, 4 sc in next ch-3 space, 2 sc in ch 15; repeat from * around; slip st in first sc first sc of Round. around; slip st in second ch of beginning ch-2.
next ch-3 space, ch 12, slip st in 7th ch from of Round. Continued...
hook, ch 6, 2 sc in same space, * [4 sc in next
ch-3 space] twice, 2 sc in next ch-3 space, ch
12, slip st in 7th ch from hook, ch 6, 2 sc in
same space; repeat from * around; slip st in
back loop of first sc of Round.

Round 15: Work in back loop only of each sc

Point 1
Ch 1, sc in same sc, sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, sc
in next 5 sc, sk next sc, (sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, ch
4 picot, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space,
(sc, hdc, 3 dc, ch-4 picot, [4 dc, ch-4 picot]
twice, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc,
hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, ch-4 picot, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in
next ch-6 space, skip next sc, sc in next 5 sc.
Points 2-15
Ch 3, sc in next 5 sc, skip next sc, (sc, hdc, 2
dc, 2 tr, ch 2, slip st into last picot on previous
Point, ch 2, slip st in top of last tr made, tr, 2
dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 3
dc, ch-4 picot, [4 dc, ch-4 picot] twice, 2 dc,
hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr,
ch-4 picot, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space,
skip next sc, sc in next 5 sc.

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LC4082 Affinity Doily Point 32
Ch 3, sc in next 5 sc, skip next sc, (sc, hdc, 2
Round 23: Ch 2, fpdc around next fpdc, dc dc, 2 tr, ch 2, slip st into last picot on previous
in next dc, ch 1, * dc in next dc, fpdc around Point, ch 2, slip st in top of last tr made, tr, 2
next fpdc, dc in next dc, ch 1; repeat from * dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 3
around; slip st in second ch of beginning ch-2. dc, ch-4 picot, 4 dc, triple picot, 4 dc, ch-4
picot, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc,
Round 24: Beg cl, * ch 3, cl; repeat from * hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, ch 2, slip st into first picot on
around; edc in top of first cluster at beginning first Point at beginning of Round, ch 2, slip st
of Round (counts as a ch-3 space). in top of last tr made, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next
ch-6 space, skip next sc, sc in next sc, slip st
Round 25: Ch 1, 3 sc in same space, 4 sc in in first sc at beginning of Round. Fasten off,
next ch-3 space, 3 sc in next ch-3 space, sc weave ends in. Block doily to size.
in top of next cluster, ch 12, slip st in the 7th
ch from hook, ch 6, sc in same st, * 3 sc in ABBREVIATIONS: ch = chain; cm =
next ch-3 space, 4 sc in next ch-3 space, 3 centimeters; dc = double crochet; hdc =
sc in next ch-3 space, sc in top of next cluster, half double crochet; mm = millimeters;
ch 12, slip st in the 7th ch from hook, ch 6, sc sc = single crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); tr =
in same st; repeat from * around; slip st in treble (triple) crochet; [ ] = work directions
back loop of first sc of Round. in brackets the number of times specified; *
or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as
Round 26: Work in back loop only of each indicated.
sc around.
Point 1
Ch 1, sc in next 5 sc, ch 3, sc in next 5 sc,
skip next sc, (sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, ch-4 picot, tr,
2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 3
dc, ch-4 picot, 4 dc, triple picot, 4 dc, ch-4
picot, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc,
hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, ch-4 picot, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in
next ch-6 space, skip next sc, sc in next 5 sc.
Points 2-31
Ch 3, sc in next 5 sc, skip next sc, (sc, hdc, 2
dc, 2 tr, ch 2, slip st into last picot on previous
Point, ch 2, slip st in top of last tr made, tr, 2
dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 3 dc,
ch-4 picot, 4 dc, triple picot, 4 dc, ch-4 picot,
2 dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-6 space, (sc, hdc, 2
dc, 2 tr, ch-4 picot, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in next
ch-6 space, skip next sc, sc in next 5 sc.

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