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Answer all questions (Mcq’s)

1. Which of the following correctly defines the Human Resource

a) Functional department b)Service department
b) Line department d)Authority department
2. Human resource management emphasis:-
a) Development of people b)Authority of people
C) Development of organization d)None of the above
3. Basic managerial functions of HRM includes:-
a) Planning,organizing,staffing
b) Planning,organizing,co-ordinating
c) Planning,organizing,directing and controlling
d) None of these
4. Operative functions of HRM includes:-
a) Procurement,development,compensation & motivation
b) Maintenance,Integration and emerging trends
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
5. Following are the characteristics of HRM except:-
a) Pervasive function b)Job oriented
b) Interdisciplinary Function d)Integrating mechanism
6. Human resource management means:-
a) A method which an organization collects,maintains, and reports
information on people and jobs
b) The process of integrating the employees,needs and aspirations
with organizational needs
c) The process of bringing people and organization together so that
the goals of each are achieved
d) The efforts to make life worth living for workers
7. The duties of HR manager and staff functions consist of
a)Implementing the policies b)Directing the tasks of the people
c)Assisting line manager d)All of the above
8. To ensure a safe and healthy working environment that will add
positively to the efficiency level of the employees
a) is an importance of HRM b)is an objective of HRM
b) is a scope of HRM d)All the above
9. Which of the following is not a key function of HR
a)Recruiting and selecting employees
b)formulating rewards and compensation policies
c)Training the new and existing employees
d)marketing new product and services
10. which of the following is not a quality of a successful HR manager
a)Empathy b)Ambitious
c)Exception d)Integrity
11. ----------------is a systematic process of collecting the information on
the nature of a job qualities.
a) job title b)job summary c) job analysis d)job description
12.In order to describe ---------------------, for recruitment and selection of
a) job specification b) job description c) job analysis
d) job description and job specification
13.Employers use a(n)--------------------to ensure that employees are
working toward organizational goals.
a) Performance management process
b) employee orientation program
c) management by objectives program
d) rewards program
14.What is the second step in the training process?
a) Assess the program’s success or failures
b) Present the program to a small test audience
c) Design the program content
d) Conduct a needs analysis
15. What is the final step in the training process?
a) Assess the program’s success or failures
b) Present the program to a small test audience
c) Design the program content
d) Conduct a needs analysis
16.In what way training and development offers a competitive
advantage to an organization?
a) It reduces performances deficiencies
b) It ensure employee compliance
c) It increases the supervisor’s role
d) None of the above
17.A set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization
to provides its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills
to meet current and future demands is known as:
a) Human resources management
b) Change management
c) Human resources development
d) Career planning
18.Which of the following is the core of all HRD efforts?
a) Better coordination among employees
b) Internal control of activities
c) Workplace learning
d) Employee satisfaction
19.The performance appraisals are basically used by organizations
a) Defining needed capabilities
b) Administered wages and salaries
c) Recruiting employees
d) Fulfilling staffing need
20.The benchmarks of job performance are considered as-------
a) Subjective standards
b) Criterion standards
c) Performance standards
d) Profitability standards
21.The HR department structure incorporates the use of organizational
structure to
a) organize
b) coordinate
c) control
d) all the above
22. Which of the following correctly defines the Human Resource
a) Functional department
b) Service department
c) Line department
d) Authority department
23.Human factor can be defined as __________
a) The entire concept of human behavior
b) Interrelated Physiological, Psychological and Socio-ethical aspects
of a human being
c) Micro and macro issues of socioeconomic factor
d) None of the above
24.Which of the following components are reformed to support the
strategies of human resource function?
a) Appointment b) Control System
c) Rewards d) Control System and Reward
25. What are the factors responsible for the growth of HRM?
(a) Development of scientific management and awakened sense of
social responsibility
(b) The problem of how the available human resource could
effectively minimise the cost and maximise the production.
C) Technical factors, awakening amongst workers, attitude of the
government, cultural and social system.
d) All the above
26.,Which among the followings describe the skills that are available
within the company?
(a) Human Resource inventory (b) HRIS
c)Skills inventory (d) Management inventories
27.Job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, selection, placement,
inductions and internal mobility are few important functions which
come under the heading of______________ of HRM.
(a) integration function (b) development
c)maintenance (d) procurement function
28.Which of the following is a method of collection of information for
job analysis?
(a) Questionnaire method (b) Ratio analysis
c)Optimisation models (d) Trend analysis
29..___________ provides information on the human attributes in terms
of education, skills, aptitudes, and experience necessary to perform
a job effectively.
(a) job description (b) job specification
c)job analysis (d) job evaluation
30.Job specification includes _____________.
(a) Physical characteristics
(b) Psychological characteristics
c)Personal characteristics
(d) all of these

Answer the questions

(5 marks)
31. Explain the meaning of HRM and Describe the role of HR manager in
an organization.
32.Explain the operative functions of HRM.
33.Discuss the qualities needed to be a successful HR.
34.Nature and scope of HRM.
35.Justify the problems faced by HR during Manpower planning.
36.Elaborate the process, procedure and benefits of job analysis?
37..Briefly discuss the methods of determining the training needs is an
38.How does training differ from development? Discuss the criteria
which can be used for evaluation the effectiveness of training and
39. What is the performance appraisal? What are its nature? Explain its
objectives and importance?
40..What do you mean by human resource department?
41.What is meant by job enlargement?
42.What are the issues relate to performance management and reward
44. Describe the structure of HR department?
45.What are the 5 main areas of Human Resources Management?
45.How is human resources related to other functional areas?
46.What are the defining model of HRM?Explain?
47.Write some different approaches to recruitment and selection?


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