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Answers 1 2 3. 4 5. (a) that ... who (a) that ... whom (a) of... from (a)a... the fa) in... of ’ (b) or... and (b) of... the (b) is .. was (bya... the (b) could ... may (c) their ... there (a... the (©) or... and (©) took ... take (d) fruits ... fruit (dyin... of (@)in... of (e) than ... then (6) au the (©) quiet... quite () do... did (a..the othe (© shall... should (@ explain ... explained _(g) or .. and (@) go... went () that .. this (h) greater... greatest (h) aan (h) their . his (h) reduce ... reduced 6. fa) age ... ages (b) they ... he (c) over... up (a) hold ... held (e) in... on (f) better ... best (g) in... of (h) chair ... chaired 1 (a) arrive ... arrived (b) many ... much (c) grew ... grown (d) has (e) their (f) for ... to (g) establish ... established (h) to... by 8. (aan... the (b) then ... than (and ...or (@) knows... know (€) more .. much (g) cool ... cooler (h) but .. while 9. (a) thinks ... think (b) couldn't... can't (a... the (d) can... would (e) interpret .. interpreted (Hon... in (g) each... every (hy her ... his

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