SEM-2 EST Mathematics

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Choose the correct answer from the

given options for each question given below
and each carries 2 marks.

1lim (1+x)2022-(1-x)2022

A. B. C.
1011 2022 D. 4044

2 lim -
A. 2 B.0 C.-2 D.Undefined

3. If y = sin1(3x - 4x3) + cos-1(4x3 3 x ) then

A. 3 12x2 B C.-1 D. 0

4. Which of the following is true?

A. The derivative of a constant function is not zero.

B. lim is does not exist.

C. y lx 1| is differentiable everywhere.

D. The 2na derivative of y = cOS x + i sin x is iy.

5. lim

A. 0 B.1

.If x =
t+1, y =t3+ 1 then

A. 0 B.t C. VE .

7. The function f(x) = tan"(x) - x is decreasing on

A. (-1,1) B.[-1,1] C.-o-1) u (1,) D. (-o,o)

8. If the curve ay +*' = 7 and x = y cut orthogonally at (1,1) then the value
of a is
A.-6 B.6 C.0 D. 1

9. The locus of P such that area of APAB is 12 sq. units where A(2,2) and B(--4,5)
A. x + 4xy + 4y' - 12x - 2 4 y 28 = 0

B. x2 4xy + 4y - 12x - 2 4 y - 2 8 = 0
C . x + 4 x y - 4y2 - 12x - 24y 28 = 0
D. x2 - 4xy - 4y2 - 12x - 24y 28 = 0

10.The locus of a point which is at a constant distance from a fixed point is

A. Line B. Point C. Circle D. Parabola

11. The point P(1,2) changes to Q(3,4)

I. By translation of axes, the new origin is (-2, -2)
II. By rotation of axes, the angle of rotation is tanl v2

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct ?

A. Only B. Only I C. Both I& 1 D. NeitherI nor l

to be rotated so as to remove the xy term in

12.The angle through which the axes are

2x + 2y- 6 = 0
the equation x +4xy +y

A B C. D
and parallel to the
13. The equation of the straight line passing through the point (1,2)
line y = 3x + 1 is
A. y+ 2 = x +1
8. y+2 = 3(x + 1)
D. y 2 = x - 1
G. y-2 3(x -1)
3x - 7 0 is
Angle between thelines 2x +y -4 =0 and y


A. B.
axis divide the line segment joining8
15.The ratio in which the X

A(2,-3) and B(3, -6) is

A-1:2 B.1:2 E. 2:3
Answer any THIREE of the following and each carries 10Marks.
a) (i) State Sandwich theorem.
(i) Find lim242022
b) Check the continuity of f given by below at the points 0,1 and 2

(4-x2 ifxs0
x-5 if0<xs 1
f)4x?-9 if 1<x<2
3x+1 ifx22
a) Show that Every differentiable function is continuous on R. Is the converse true?
Justify your answer.
b) Ifr = y* then show that = logy-y)2
a) If the tangent at any point on the curve x3 + y3 = as intersects the coordinate
axes in A and B, then show that the length AB is a constant.
b) If the curved surface of right circular cylinder inscribed in a sphere of radius r is
maximum, show that the height of the cylinder is V2r.
a) State Rolle's Theorem, and verify the Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem for
the function f(x) = sin x - sin 2x in [0, t].

b) Find the equation of the locus ofa point, the sum of whose distances from (0,2)
and (0,-2) is 6.
to which the origin is to be shifted by the translation of axes so as
a) Find the point
to remove the first degree terms from the equation ab.
ax +2hxy + by' + 2gx +2fy +c 0 =
,where h
b) When the axes are rotated through an angle ,find the transformed cquation of
x2+23xy -y2 = 2a
a) Transform the equation 3x +4y 5 into=

() Slope-intercept form
(ii) Intercept form and
(ii) Normal form.
the point (-3,2) and
b) Find the equations of the straight lines passing through
line 3x- y + 4 = 0.
making an angle of 45 with the straight

************End of the Paper******

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