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Where kids love coding

Grade 1

Hello ! Young Coders

Get ready to 

Fall in love with coding
Accredited by
About Codingal

Codingal is the #1 coding platform for school kids with a mission to

inspire school kids to fall in love with coding.

Coding is proven to develop creativity, logical thinking and problem

solving skills in kids.

Kids who start learning to code at a young age are guaranteed to

become leaders, creators and entrepreneurs of the future.

Let’s get started!

Our Vision

To build the largest online platform to provide 

computer science education to K-12 students.

Founder's Note

Teaching coding to kids is a huge

responsibility. Our teachers and curriculum
ensure we understand and own this fully.

Vivek Prakash
Co-founder & CEO
Co-founder and CTO of one of the
B.Tech & M.Tech, largest global programming
IIT Roorkee community HackerEarth.

Learning to code is not just about

becoming a computer scientist. Coding
empowers children at multiple levels.

Satyam Baranwal
Co-founder & COO
Founder of Skillovate — a pioneer
company in imparting coding
IIT Dhanbad training to children.
Codingal empowers kids to become
innovators of the future
Why should kids learn coding?
Coding is the new literacy.

In recent years, technology has made inroads into all

aspects of our lives. We’ve come to rely on websites,
apps and gadgets to help us through the day, be it at
work or at home. 

Given the enormous role technology is going to play in

the future, teaching kids to code is the best way to
prepare them for success.

What are the benefits of learning coding?

Helps develop problem solving skill
Boosts analytical and structural thinking abilitie
Enhances creativity and imaginatio
Helps find innovative solutions to real-life issue
Helps develop resilience

Why this curriculum?

Best coding curriculum for Grades 1-12
Rated 4.6 out of 5 by students and parents
Based on BIDE (Broad, Inspiring, Deep and Efficient)
Focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Arts, Math) subjects
Enhances cognitive, logical, and computational skills
Makes learning highly effective, interactive, and fun
Accredited by

Foundation of our curriculum


Bloom's Taxonomy is a standard

guideline for K-12 content

development, which includes 6

stages of learning: Remember,

understand, apply, analyze,

evaluate and create.


The BIDE (Broad, Inspiring, Deep

and Efficient) model has been

developed by Codingal in-house

to ensure that our curriculum

caters to the unique learning

style of every child



STEAM is an approach to

learning that uses Science,

Technology, Engineering, the

Arts and Mathematics as access

points for guiding student

inquiry, dialogue, and critical


Covers K-12 Computer Science Framework compliant

Enhance your kid’s Math and Science

concept with Codingal

Codingal's mission is to provide students with

the skills and mindset required to thrive in the

twenty-first century. Our curriculum aims to help

kids understand math and science through

coding in an interactive and fun way.


Our coding courses are engineered to cover

essential science and math concepts like

integers, solar system, microorganisms,

geometry, water cycle, etc in a way, that these

concepts are imprinted on the kid's memory



With the world becoming more automated, Math is becoming an important skill.

Coding and math are deeply related. Our coding course helps kids learn the basics

of math by developing applications like calculators, solving puzzles, etc. We make

them understand variables, set scores, calculate points, and make timed

interactions between characters using animated games. This helps kids getting a

grip of deeper principles.

Hungry Casey

Our teachers provide individual attention to kids, customise projects based on

their interest and make them fall in love with Coding, Math and Science.
Creator of tomorrow - Your kid's learning
Sprite Developer Animator
Certificate Certificate
Rising Coding Star
An ideal course to help kids
20 classes

quickly grasp the basics of

60+ Projects

coding and start writing

20 Quizzes code using blocks.

Advance Application App Developer

Developer Certificate Certificate

Coding Champion
A course to advance your
44 Classes

coding skills and build a

100+ Projects
 deeper understanding of
44 Quizzes complex coding concepts.

Game Developer Scratch Developer

Certificate Certificate

Coding Prodigy
A perfect course for kids
92 Classes

who want to excel at

184+ Projects
 coding and building
92 Quizzes complex
games and applications. Programmer


Web Developer

Coding Grandmaster
A course for those who
152 Classes

want to master the art of

450+ Projects
 coding and create a better
152 Quizzes future through code.
Rising Coding Star- Overview
An ideal course to help kids quickly grasp 20 Classes

the basics of coding and start writing code 60+ Projects

using blocks. 20 Quizzes

Key learnings Achievements

Block based coding
 Foundation of coding

Animation using Sprite lab Logic building

Game development on Play Lab Animation designing

Sequencing Game development

Featured Projects

Real world simulation Get the Pie

Create a real-world Help the Angry Bird collect
scenario using Sprite Lab. pies.

Module 1

Learn basic programming constructs
like commands, sequencing and get
comfortable with code blocks. The world My first Fun with Bounce ball
of Fishes project emoticons

Module 2

Interactive Games
Learn the application of time and
direction with the help of various A Royal Birthday Conditionals Dance
activities. battle with party with Bee party

Module 3

Critical Thinking
Learn how to use variables and
arithmetic operators in different
projects. Crazy fire Artist loop Gumball Loops with
balls Harvester
Coding Champion- Overview
A course to advance your coding skills and 44 Classes

build a deeper understanding of complex 100+ Projects

coding concepts. 44 Quizzes

Key learnings Achievements

All Rising Coding Star learnings +
 Improved aptitude

Animation and Storytelling

Critical thinking

App development using App Lab

Structured codes

UI development

App development
Complex loops
Featured Projects
Calculator Animated Alien
Create a personali ed Learn to design backdrops
calculator app and move your sprite.

Module 4

Single Player Games

Expand the space for imagination
and develop a creative mind.
Become a real coder and work on
some complex games.
Dress up Gumball Ice Age Tennis game
Minty and Penny

Module 5

Dive into the magical world of
Minecraft. Develop your creative
and problem solving skills. Star wars Hero's Voyage Minecraft
Journey aquatic adventure

Module 6

Utility Apps
Learn how to design and build
applications that have decent user
design and user interaction. Guess who Let's move it My app Play time

Module 7

Basic GUI Apps

Get introduced to the graphic tools Mario dash
like canvas and turtle. By using
these tools you can draw and Corona guide Fun with Musical Storybook
animate your drawings. Turtles letters App
Coding Prodigy - Overview (1)
A perfect course for kids who want to
92 Classes

excel at coding and build complex

184+ Projects

92 Quizzes
games and applications.

Key learnings Achievements

All Coding Champion learnings +
App, game development

Conceptual clarity

Advance app development Analytical skills

Advance game development Capstone project 

Capstone project

Featured Projects

Integer game Solar system

Combine Coding and Learn about our Solar

Maths with this fun Integer System with the amazing

game. proejct.

Module 8

Apps Using Database

Become an expert as an App

developer. Learn to create advance

apps like Personalised WhiteBoard.
All in one Survey Virtual Personalised
App App Zoo whiteboard

Module 9

Capstone Project
Build a cousre project using all
the concepts learned in the
previous modules. Capstone Capstone Random Text to
project - I project - II image speech with
generator turtle

Module 10

Logic Building
Improve your logical thinking to
help you write programs easily.
Solve problems to improve your
Collecting Find the Jumbled Rings of
treasure with evidence words Responsibility

Coding Prodigy - Overview (2)

Module 11

Game Development - I

Learn about the functions and

controls of gaming elements. Build

game using loops and counter Animated Ball Diamond Iron Man

variables. alien bounce search

Module 12

Game Development - II

Get introduced to functional

parameters of gaming elements.

Random Running on Space Squariads
Get ready to see magic in your
shapes the road shooter

Module 13

Advance Game Development

Learn functional programming in

games and advance concepts such

as velocity detection and sprite Catch me Function with Sids balloon Spriteless
interaction. Day_Night animation

Module 14

Basic Animation Development

Learn basic concepts like Loops

and Conditionals. Enhance

Coordinate Dress up Maze game Solar system
problem solving skills and logical

Module 1 5

Game Design - I

Get introduced to coordinates

and broadcast while making fun

DJ cat Happy Balls KBC Mario
games like Mario Dash.
Coding Grandmaster- Overview (1)

A course for those who want to master 152 Classes

450+ Projects

the art of coding and create a better
152 Quizzes
future through code.

Key learnings Achievements

All Coding Prodigy learnings +

Conceptual clarity

Artificial Intelligence
Analytical skills

Android App development

Confidence boost

Web development
Student project


Featured Projects

My sweet home Data ty pe

Learn Python concepts with Learn about the concept of
the help of fun shape- data types with the help of
making projects. block coding.

Module 16

Game Design - II

Understand interlinking concepts

with the help of Broadcast and

Cloning in game. Car game Hungry Integer Snake

casey game game

Module 17

Arti cial Intelligence Basic
Get introduced to the magical

world of Artificial Intelligence.

Create an image recognizer

Decision tree Ghost Happy sad Owl chatbot
project using block coding.
language dog

Module 1 8

fi v
Arti cial Intelligence Ad ance

Get introduced to speech

recognition and Machine

Learning. Feeling meter Roaming Sorting hat Tourist
Coding Grandmaster- Overview (2)

Module 19

UI/UX Design

Learn to build interactive and

creative apps like Health App.

Doodling Health App Mood Touch me

board counter not

Module 20

Mobile App Development

Introduction to basics of

Application development. Create

exciting games like Space

Calculator Gyro maze Image Space
recognizer warriors

Module 21

Native Applications

Learn how to build games

and apps using cloud

storage. Captain Checklist Mole mash Password

america app strength


Module 22

Shape making using Python

Learn Python using block-

based programming. Create

interactive shapes using the

Halloween Let's Bug My scenery Robo
basic concepts of Python.
day view Master
Coding Grandmaster- Overview (3)

Module 23

Python Programming

Learn how to write syntax in

Python language. Get

introduced to different data

Play with Polygon Work with Fun with
types, loops and more advanced
strings with turtle lists turtle

Module 24

HTML Basics

Learn the basics of constructing

and working a website. Create

Lists Magic Tables Youtube
webpages using HTM.

Module 25

CSS Basics

Learn how to make your webpages

creative using cascading style

sheets. Interlink multiple webpages

Css Emoji magic Registration My first
to create a website.
animation form website
Top 10 benefits of learning at Codingal

Regular PTM
Great opportunity for parents and teachers to open two-way
communication and to share insights and information for the
holistic development of a child.

2. Regular doubt session

After every module solve all your queries in this
personalized session. The toughest problems addressed –
concepts revised and doubts cleared!

3. Engaging quizzes
Quizzes are fun and help us remember important facts.
These well-targeted and tailor-made quizzes will boost self-
esteem and confidence among kids.

4. Thrilling competitions
Regular competitions are conducted to encourage students
to showcase their skills and develop their ideas.

5. Learning Certificates
Show the world what you can do with a certificate for every
amazing skill you master.
Top 10 benefits of learning at Codingal

6. Live personalized classes

Understand concepts faster with personal attention from
teachers. Learn coding from highly qualified teachers
trained to make learning effective and impactful.

7. Lifetime access to class videos

Forgot what was taught in the last class? No worries. Watch
the recorded class video anytime to refresh your memory.

8. Lifetime access to resources

Get lifetime access to our exclusive learning content
including DIY sheets, videos, and other resources.

9. Gamified learning
Codingal makes learning fun with gamification. Students
can take quizzes or complete projects to earn points,
badges, and rewards.

10. Community of young coders

Get access to our community of 150,000+ students to
collaborate, share projects and solve real-world problems
Innovative projects built by Codingal students

Scary Diego Victory for the shark Covid 19 game

Avyakth Saifiyah Daksh Srivastava
View Project View Project View Project

Tank enemy QR Code scanner Check-list

Sharv Nagar Sana Tanti Rudra Agarwal
View Project View Project View Project

Solar system
Frog, snake, and Angel BMI Finder
Samhith Gurajapu Bhavi Tushar Chavan Aarav Saggar
View Project View Project View Project
Students and parents love Codingal

Roopa Tanti Umer Azhaan

Codingal parent Codingal Student

Codingal builds a strong foundation The best thing about learning

and has helped enhance my coding with Codingal is the

daughter's confidence and teachers who always went the

creativity. extra mile for me.

Ira Khandelwal Ikumi

Codingal Student Codingal Parent

I'm glad I picked up coding at an Codingal's well-structured

early age as it has improved my courses have made coding fun for

logical thinking and sparked my my son. They're the best and the

creativity. quickest.
Coding- Gateway to success in the future

Now is a great time to be entering the

coding world because technology will
change more in the next 10 years than
it has in the last 50.

- Bill Gates

Whether you want to uncover the

secrets of the universe, or you just
want to pursue a career in the 21st
century, basic computer programming
is an essential skill to learn.”

- Stephen Hawking
Begin your kid’s coding journey

Is your child ready for the future?

Start their coding journey with

Codingal today.

Thank You

Built by alumni of InIn partnership with

partnership with Accredited by
With backing from

IIT Bombay
IIT Bombay IIT Guwahati

Backed by

IIT Roorkee IIT Dhanbad

BITS Pilani

Got questions?

Send us a message

Contact us [email protected]


©️Codingal Inc.
Where kids love coding

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