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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City

Ayala, Zamboanga City


(MODULE 3 &4 )

NAME: _____________________________________ DATE:________

GRADE &SECTION: _______________ SCORE: ______

Part I. Multiple Choice:

DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is not a property of a well – written text?

a. Coherence and Cohesion
b. Organization
c. Paragraphing
d. Writing Mechanics

2. It is one of the clearest indicators of a well-written text; it enables writers to

communicate ideas without confusing the reader effectively.
a. Organization
b. Language use
c. Writing mechanics
d. Coherence and Cohesion

3. Which property of a well – written text constitutes proper paragraphing and logical
order of presentation of ideas?
a. Organization
b. Language use
c. Cohesion and coherence
d. Writing mechanics
4. Which property of a well – written text constitutes features that facilitate textual continuity?
a. Organization
b. Language use
c. Cohesion and coherence
d. Writing mechanics

5. Which property of a well – written text refers to the appropriate language used in writing/speaking?
a. Organization
b. Language use
c. Cohesion and coherence
d. Writing mechanics
6. Which property of a well-written text facilitates textual continuity?
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language use
d. Mechanics

7. Which of the following is NOT true about mechanics as one of the properties of a well-written text?
a. it only focusses on grammar
b. it has to do with proofreading most of the time
c. it only emphasizes the proper use of punctuation marks in a text
d. focusses on the technical structure of the text

8. What transitional device is used in the sentence below?

"I was having a hard time understanding the article that I am reading because I have not done background research
about it."
a. Comparison
b. Cause and Effect
c. Contrast
d. Illustration

9. Maria Cruz is considered one of the most prominent mayors in our country. Aside from that, she is also known for
her good deeds as a philanthropist whose advocacy is focused on the empowerment of the youth as the future of the
land. Due to this, she was admired by her countrymen. What property of a well-written text is present in the
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language Use
d. Mechanics

10. Teacher John uses the word pedagogy to describe the strategies and methodologies he used in the classroom when
writing his school reports. What property of a well-written text James used?
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language Use
d. Mechanics

11. What is the meaning of the term “explicit”?

a. Obvious and apparent
b. Not expressed clearly
c. True in some cases
d. Maybe incorrect

12. Read the passage and answer the question. Maria was getting ready to walk to church. She put on her sandals and
grabbed her sling bag. As she was leaving, her mother said, "Be careful." Which of the following is explicitly stated in the
a. Maria is going to have her first communion
b. Maria is going to see her friend
c. Maria put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag.
d. Maria is always punctual in church services.

13. Read the passage and answer the question. Maria was getting ready to walk to church. She put on her sandals and
grabbed her sling bag. As she was leaving, her mother said, "Good luck. Be careful." Which of the following is an
implicit statement in the paragraph?
a. Maria is going to have her first communion.
b. Maria is going to see her friend.
c. Maria put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag.
d. Maria is a churchgoer.

14. What is the meaning of the term "implicit"?
a. Obvious and apparent
b. Maybe incorrect
c. True in some cases
d. Not expressed

15. Identify explicit information.

Maryjane ran down the stairs in her school building. She waited for a tricycle around the corner, and after a few
minutes, she held up her arm to stop the approaching tricycle. When she hopped in, she said, "Please take me to
Doctor's hospital."
a. Maryjane's car was broken
b. Maryjane has not enough money to pay for a taxi.
c. Maryjane was visiting her sick mother.
c. Maryjane waited for a tricycle around the corner

16. What is the meaning of the word "claim"?

a. To acquire
b. To assert something
c. To reject
d. To possess

17. Identify explicit information. Marissa held her grandmother's hand as she crossed the
busy parking lot. They walked into a grocery store. Marissa assisted her in selecting the
grocery items to be bought. "Here," said grandma, "You can hold my shopping list."
a. Marissa and her grandma went to the grocery store.
b. Marissa was given a choice to pick any items she liked.
c. Grandma often shops in that grocery store.
d. Marissa went to the store.

18. Which among the statements does not express an explicit message?
a. Please leave a clear directions for the housekeeper, so she knows what needs to be done.
b. Gay marriage is still unacceptable in our culture.
c. You should not support death penalty as capital punishment.
d. All children, except one, grow up.
Although many schools have increased funding for girls’ sports and some
have created co-educational teams, few have opened up the “rough
sports” to girls. Football, hockey and wrestling continued to be male-
dominated activities. When female athletes participates in sports, they
face social stigma for demonstrating the same attributes that bring male
athletes praise. There is a widespread myth that competing masculinizes

19. Which is the implied main idea in the text?

a. In sports, women are superior to men.
b. In sports, women could be equated to men.
c. In sports, women have not achieved equal status as men
d. In sports, women are bullied by men.
20. Which is the following is NOT true about Implicit Information?
a. It refers to information directly stated in the text.
b. Readers need to read between the lines to understand the details that the writer is trying to tell.
c. Implicit is implied or understood though not plainly or directly expressed.
d. The implicit text gives a clue.

Part II. Performance Task:
Directions: Look at the picture below, then compose five "Explicit" claims and five "Implicit"
claims. Write it on your T - CHART. (2pts. Each)


EXPLICIT - in the text IMPLICIT - in the mind

Prepared by:
Reading and Writing Skills Teacher


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