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Group Project Proposal

Course Name
Project Management
Course Code: PA- 312

Establishing a Community Health Center to Provide Basic Healthcare Services to
Underserved Populations.

Submitted By
Nishat Tanzeem-90
Any Akter-37
Syeda Nusrat Jahan-76
Nusrat Jahan Ria-12
Taslima Taznim-115

Submitted to:
Afsana Alam
Department of Public Administration
University of Dhaka.

Submission Date:
Project Title: Establishing a Community Health Center to Provide Basic Healthcare Services to
Underserved Populations.

Community Health Centre also known as community clinics. These are community driven, non-
profit clinics located in medically underserved areas or serving populations that are medically
underserved. Community Health centers offer low-cost Healthcare services such as Dental,
Medical and behavior health care. Community Health Centre extend Primary Health Care to the
doorsteps of rural people all over rural Bangladesh. Community health centers work for family
planning, women care at pregnancy time, infant care. In countries with Universal health care
most people use the health care center. The clients of community clinics are insured,
underinsured, low income or those living in areas where little access to primary healthcare is
available. The services of community health Center depend on the needs of individuals, families
and the community living in the area. Community health service focus on health promotion and
disease prevention and management which are designed to improve the health and wellbeing of
local residents, as well as take pressure off the acute care health system.

Project Objectives:

The primary objectives of this project are:

1. To establish a community health center that provides basic healthcare services to underserved
2. To increase access to affordable and quality healthcare services for underserved populations in
the community.
3. To improve the health outcomes and quality of life of underserved populations in the
4. To reduce healthcare costs by providing preventive and early intervention healthcare services
to underserved populations.
Target Population:
The target population of this project is underserved populations in the community, including
low-income households, people living in slums and informal settlements, migrant workers, and
other marginalized groups who lack access to basic healthcare services.

Time Frame:

The time frame for establishing a community health center to provide basic healthcare services to
underserved populations can vary depending on factors such as funding, location, staffing, and
regulatory requirements. However, a rough estimate for the overall time frame might be between
18 months to 2 years. This includes time for planning, conducting a needs assessment, securing
funding, hiring staff, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, renovating and furnishing the
facility, and conducting training for staff and volunteers.

Here's a breakdown of the time frame for each of the key steps involved:
Overall, it's important to remember that establishing a community health center is a complex
process that requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. It's essential to involve key
stakeholders, such as community members, healthcare providers, and local government officials,
throughout the process to ensure the health center meets the needs of the community it serves.


1. Construction and Renovation Expenses:

Land acquisition or lease: 4,00,000 taka
•Construction and renovation: 11,00,000 taka
Equipment and furnishings: 4,00,000 taka
•Total Construction and Renovation Expenses: 19,00,000 taka

2. Staffing and Personnel Expenses:

• Medical doctors (2): 9,00,000 taka per year
• Nurses (4): 6,00,000 taka per year
Front desk staff (2): 3,50,000 taka per year
Total Staffing and Personnel Expenses: 18,50,000 taka per year

3. Medical Equipment and Supplies Expenses:

• Medical equipment (e.g. stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, etc.): 1,00,000 taka
• Medical supplies (e.g. bandages, gauze, etc.): 50,000 taka
• Total Medical Equipment and Supplies Expenses: 1,50,000 taka

4. Operational Expenses:
Rent and utilities: 4,00,000 taka per year
* Insurance: 1,00,000 taka per year
• Marketing and outreach: 50,000 taka per year
• Total Operational Expenses: 5,50,000 taka per year

5. Miscellaneous Expenses:
• Legal and accounting fees: 50,000 taka
Contingency fund (10% of total budget): 5,00,000 taka
•Total Miscellaneous Expenses: 5,50,000 taka
Grand Total: 50,00,000 taka (for the first year of operation)
The following activities will be carried out to achieve the project objectives:
1. Conduct a needs assessment to identify the healthcare needs and preferences of underserved
populations in the community.
2. Develop a comprehensive healthcare service package that includes preventive and curative
services, maternal and child health services, family planning services, and health education and
promotion activities.
3. Identify and secure a suitable site for the community health center, equipped with basic
infrastructure, medical equipment, and supplies.
4. Recruit and train qualified healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics,
to staff the community health center.
5. Develop and implement a referral system to ensure timely and appropriate referral of patients
to higher-level healthcare facilities for specialized services.
6. Conduct community mobilization and sensitization activities to create awareness and demand
for basic healthcare services among underserved populations.
7. Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track progress, identify challenges, and
make necessary adjustments to the project implementation.


Although the services offered by CHCs vary, they often include support services like case
management, social work, and health education as well as primary care services including
medical, dental, and mental health services. By adjusting their services to fit the particular
requirements of their patient groups, as well as by participating in community outreach and
health promotion activities, CHCs also play a critical role in addressing health disparities and
promoting health equity.

A crucial part of healthcare delivery that aims to offer medical services to persons in
disadvantaged areas is community health care in rural communities. It entails a variety of
healthcare solutions intended to advance the health and happiness of people, families, and

Primary healthcare services: This includes fundamental healthcare services like preventive care,
health education, immunization, maternal and child health, and treatment of common illnesses.
Community health care services are also available in rural areas.

Mental health services: In rural locations, where access to mental health care may be restricted,
mental health services are crucial. Counseling, therapy, and referrals to professional programs
are among things that community health care clinicians can provide.
Emergency care: In rural locations, community health care providers are crucial in providing
emergency medical care. First aid can be given, patients can be stabilized, and transfer to a
hospital can be arranged.

Chronic disease management: Diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease are common chronic
diseases in rural settings. By routine checkups, medication management, and lifestyle changes,
community health care providers can aid in the treatment of these disorders.

Community health care professionals can support healthy behaviors, promote healthy lives, and
provide information on illness prevention and health maintenance.

Home healthcare services: In remote locations, where patients may not have easy access to
hospitals, home healthcare services are essential. In-home medical care and support services,
such as wound care, medication management, and rehabilitation services, are available from
community health care providers to patients.

Palliative care: In palliative care, symptoms and stress associated with a serious illness are
relieved. Community health care practitioners can provide palliative care services to patients
with chronic or terminal illnesses in remote regions.

Family planning services can assist individuals and couples in making well-informed choices
regarding the best time to start a family, the number of kids they should have, and the best
methods of contraception to use to avoid unexpected pregnancies. Rural Health Clinics (RHCs),
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), and Planned Parenthood clinics are a few instances
of rural community health services.

In general, community health care in rural locations is extremely important for enhancing the
health of rural communities. It aids in closing the healthcare gap and guarantees that people and
families in underserved areas receive high-quality medical treatment.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitoring and evaluation are critical components of establishing a community health center to
provide basic healthcare services to underserved populations. They help ensure that the health
center is meeting its goals and objectives, identifying areas for improvement, and making
necessary adjustments to improve the quality of care provided to the community.
Here are some key steps to consider for monitoring and evaluation:
1. Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan: This plan should outline the goals and
objectives of the health center, the indicators that will be used to measure progress
towards those goals, and the methods and frequency of data collection.
2. Collect data: Collect data on the indicators identified in the monitoring and evaluation
plan. This may include information on patient demographics, service utilization, quality
of care, and patient satisfaction.
3. Analyze data: Analyze the data collected to assess progress towards the health center's
goals and identify areas for improvement. Use the data to inform decision-making and
make necessary adjustments to improve the quality of care.
4. Share findings: Share the findings of the monitoring and evaluation with stakeholders,
including staff, patients, and funders. This can help to build support for the health center
and identify opportunities for collaboration and improvement.
5. Continuously improve: Use the findings of the monitoring and evaluation to continuously
improve the health center's operations and services. This may include making changes to
staffing, service delivery, or outreach and education efforts.
Overall, monitoring and evaluation should be an ongoing process that is integrated into the daily
operations of the health center. By collecting and analyzing data on key indicators, the health
center can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to improve the quality of
care provided to the community.


The Chairman,
Kashinathpur Union Parishad
Subject: Application to Chairman for granting permission to establish a community health

We're writing our express our strong support for the establishing of a community health center in
our village. As a resident, we believe that having Community Health Center within the village it
helps to underserved populations to get Primary Health Care. We know that rural people are not
aware of their health and also they are enable to bear their medical expenses. There are also high
population growth because their people are not aware about family planning. The village people
don't know how to take care of pregnancy women properly. If the community health center
established and the pregnancy time risk and maternity death can be reduced from our village.
The community health center also helps people to get advice about mental health. The benefits of
its offers are numerous and significant and it it will go a long way in improving the overall health
and well-being of our community.
Thank you for your time and attention and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Any Akter
Nusrat Jahan Ria
Nishat Tanzeem
Ananna Taznin
Syeda Nusrat Jahan

In conclusion, establishing a community health center to provide basic healthcare services to

underserved populations is a complex and challenging process that requires careful planning,
coordination, and execution. It is a critical step towards improving access to healthcare and
addressing health disparities in underserved communities.
The process of establishing a community health center involves several key steps, including
conducting a needs assessment, identifying potential locations, securing funding, hiring staff,
obtaining necessary permits and licenses, renovating and furnishing the facility, and conducting
training for staff and volunteers.
Once the health center is established, it is important to implement a monitoring and evaluation
plan to measure progress towards the health center's goals and identify areas for improvement.
By collecting and analyzing data on key indicators, the health center can continuously improve
its operations and services to better meet the needs of the community it serves.
Ultimately, establishing a community health center requires a commitment to collaboration,
community engagement, and ongoing improvement. By working together with stakeholders,
healthcare providers, and community members, we can create a healthcare system that provides
high-quality care to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status or location.

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