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Co-ownership - when 2 or more heirs or Questions:

beneficiaries inherit an undivided property 1. Is the property considered as co-

from a decedent, or when a donor makes a ownership or not? Yes, there are 3
gift of an undivided property in favor of two beneficiaries who inherit an undivided
or more donees. property.
2. What amount should be reported as
Co ownership may exists taxable income of the co-ownership? Zero.
Inheritance Estate tax Co-ownership is not taxable.
Donation Donor's tax 3. What amount should each heir report in
their individual returns for the year 2020,
Both are classified as TRANSFER TAXES. assuming that it was only February 25,
But income from such properties are 2020 that the accumulated net rental
subject to INCOME TAXES. income is distributed, as their share in the
net rental income of the income of the
 Co-owners are taxed individually on property they inherited? 5,000,000
their distributive share in the income of
the co-ownership. The co-ownership Estate
itself is not taxable. Income tax of an estate refers to the
tax on income received by the estate
 When inherited property remained during the period of administration or
undivided for more than 10 years and settlement.
no attempt was ever made to divide
the same among the co-heirs, nor was The properties and the income which
the property under administration accrues, from the time of period of
proceedings not held in trust, the enjoyment of life up to the death, will form
property should be considered as part of the Gross Estate of the deceased
owned by an unregistered general person subject to estate tax.
partnership, consequently, taxable as
corporation. Income from the properties of the
deceased person, from the period of
Illustration administration or settlement up to the
A, B and C are the heirs of Benny who period of actual settlement or if the estate
(Benny) died on April 2019. The properties is already settled, will form part of the
of Benny comprised solely of real property GROSS INCOME of the ESTATE.
located in Imus, Cavite, valued at
P50,000,000 as the highest of the  Administration or settlement period
acquisition cost in 1990, zonal value and refers to the period when the
fair market value, at the time of his death. properties left by a decedent is not yet
The property is primarily deriving its net finally transferred to heirs/beneficiaries
rental income of P10,000 per each tenants  While under administration, the estate
per month. The property holds 150 may earn income, thus, the
tenants. In February 25,2020, the property corresponding income tax should be
remained undivided. paid.
Applicable Tax Trusts
Income Tax Right on property, real or personal,
< 250,000 Exempt held by one party for the benefit of another.
>250,000, 15% excess over 250,000 Trusts agreements allows individuals
<400,000 to create sustained benefits for an
>400,000, 22,500 + 20% excess of individual entity
<800,000 400,000
>800,000, 102,500+25% of excess over Parties to a trust
<2,000,000 800,000  Trustor/Grantor-person who establish
>2,000,000 402,500+30% of excess over a trust
, 2,000,000  Trustee - one whom confidence is
<8,000,000 reposed as regards property for the
>8,000,000 2,202,500+355 of excess benefit of another
over 8,000,000  Beneficiary - person whose benefit
trust is created
Deductions from estate gross income  Fiduciary - any person or corporation
that holds in trust an estate of another
Gross income xx person or persons. Fiduciary may exist
Less: Deduction only if a legal trust is created.
Business expenses xx
Special Deduction Income of a trusts may be taxable to the
Distribution's of the estate income of heir trustee, beneficiary or grantor.
or beneficiaries xx
(taxable income of legatee/heir Trust is taxable to
/beneficiaries) 1. Trustee if
Taxable income of the estate xx  The income to be accumulated or held
Tax Due xx for future distribution whether ordinary
income or gain from sale of assets
Illustration included in the corpus of the trust
Karl died 2 years ago leaving an  Income of a trust administered in a
undivided property deriving income from foreign country is taxable to the trustee
rentals. His heirs were Ace and Levi. The 2. Grantor if
property is under administration through  If it is a revocable trust
the decedent's executors. The following  The income of trust, shall be applied
data were provided in 2019. for the benefit of the grantor
Rental income of the estate 800,000 3. Beneficiaries
Deductible operating expenses 420,000  If the income is to be distributed to the
beneficiaries and is irrevocable trust
Gross Income 800,000  The distribution of the year's income to
Deduction: Business expenses 420,000 an heir or beneficiary is a special item
Taxable income of the estate 380,000 of deductionn for the trust
 At the same time, special item of
Over 250,000 but not over 400,000 income to the heir/beneficiary
In excess of P250,000= 130,000 x 15%
Tax Due 19,500

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