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Technical Information

TEGIN® Pellets

Emulsifier for the formulation of O/W creams

Intended use stability. However, the exclusive use of high

O/W emulsifier viscous oils has a negative influence on the
application properties.
Benefits at a glance
 Additives containing acids or electrolytes act as
 Emulsifier based on vegetable raw materials
destabilizers; they have to be dosed carefully.
 Usage concentration of 6.0 - 8.0%
 The pH value can be adjusted to 6.8 - 8.2.
 Emulsifier for O/W creams with pleasant  The creams are distinguished by good stability
application properties
towards heat and freezing stress; stability
 Formulations with all kinds of cosmetic oils between -15 °C and +50 °C is attainable.
 Stable creams from pH 6.8 - 8.2

INCI (PCPC name) Oil phase including the emulsifier and water phase
are heated separately to 65 °C.
Glyceryl Stearate SE

We recommend adding the hot oil phase to the hot

Chemical and physical properties water phase while stirring. The coarsely dispersed
(not part of specifications) pre-emulsion is then homogenized.
Form pellets
If the above mentioned processing is not possible,
Color ivory we therefore recommend to combine the hot water
HLB value approx. 12 and oil phase without stirring (to avoid the building
of the water-in-oil form) and start afterwards with
the homogenisation.
Optimal diameter of the oil particles is approx. 5 µm.
 TEGIN® Pellets is produced on basis of vegetable
raw materials. Emulsion is cooled while slightly stirring; the stirrer
 The amount used, referred to the emulsion, has to guarantee equal horizontal and vertical
is 6.0 - 8.0%. thorough mixing, even at temperatures below
50 - 45 °C, when the low viscous emulsions become
 Oil content (including emulsifier) can be varied
highly viscous to creamy.
from 20 - 40%.
 All common cosmetic oils and fats can be Perfumes and other heat sensitive substances are
emulsified; the resulting creams show good added at 45 - 40 °C.

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Homogenization below 50 °C has a negative Guideline formulations
influence on the consistency promoting gel
O/W Care Cream - ECOCERT conform –
F 26/97
Phase A
Influence of the degree of dispersion on emulsion
quality TEGIN® Pellets 8.0%
Stearic Acid 2.0%
Coarsely dispersed emulsions appear dull and
slightly inhomogeneous. Extremely small diameters TEGOSOFT® CT 14.0%
for the present have a positive influence on the (Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride)
appearance of the creams (creams look "brilliant"), Avocado (Persea Gratissima) Oil 10.0%
but they promote gradual formation of Tocopheryl Acetate 0.9%
inhomogeneous structures ("gritty" creams), which
Retinyl Palmitate 0.1%
become visible after days or weeks. These
Phase B
inhomogeneous structures are due to partial changes
in the consistency promoting crystal structures. The Glycerin 2.0%
latter are based on glycerol monodistearate and are Water 63.0%
stabilized by the hydrophilic potassium stearate. Phase Z
Reason for the negative influence of intensive
Preservative, Perfume q.s.
homogenisation presumably is: With increasing
degree of dispersion a higher amount of potassium
stearate is absorbed in the interface. This means that 1. Heat phase A and B separately to approx.
the portion available for building up the consistency- 70 - 75 °C.
promoting gel structures decreases below 2. Add phase A to phase B with stirring. 1)
the minimal dosage required for long-term stability. 3. Homogenize.
Average particle sizes of approx. 5 µm are optimal. 4. Cool with gentle stirring.

Recommended usage concentration 1) Important information:

If phase A has to be charged into the vessel first,
6.0 - 8.0% TEGIN® Pellets phase B must be added without stirring.


600 kg pallet (24 x 25 kg)

Hazardous goods classification

Information concerning

 classification and labelling according to

regulations for transport and for dangerous
 protective measures for storage and handling
 measures in case of accidents and fires
 toxicity and ecological effects

is given in our material safety data sheets.

Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH | TEGIN® Pellets | May 2008 Page
O/W Hand Care Treatment O/W Natural Foot Care Balm
GP 4/99-11 F 34/01-4
Phase A Phase A
TEGIN® Pellets 6.0% TEGIN® Pellets 6.0%
TEGO® Alkanol 1618 2.0% TEGO® Alkanol 18 1.0%
(Cetearyl Alcohol) (Stearyl Alcohol)
Stearic Acid 2.0% Stearic Acid 2.0%
TEGOSOFT® OS 3.0% TEGOSOFT® liquid 4.0%
(Ethylhexyl Stearate) (Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate)
Mineral Oil (30 mPas) 3.0% TEGOSOFT® HP 3.0%
ABIL® 350 (Dimethicone) 1.5% (Isocetyl Palmitate)

ABIL® Wax 9840 (Cetyl Dimethicone) 2.0% Phase B

Phase B Glycerin 3.0%

Glycerin 7.0% Water 78.0%

Panthenol 0.5% Phase C

Water 73.0% Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Oil 1.0%

Phase Z Pine (Pinus) Oil 1.5%

Preservative, Perfume q.s. Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) Oil 0.5%

Preparation: Phase Z

1. Heat phase A and B separately to approx. Preservative, Perfume q.s.

70 - 75 °C. Preparation:
2. Add phase A to phase B with stirring. 1) 1. Heat phase A and B separately to approx.
3. Homogenize. 70 - 75 °C.
4. Cool with gentle stirring. 2. Add phase A to phase B with stirring. 1)
3. Homogenize.
1) Important information: 4. Cool with gentle stirring.
If phase A has to be charged into the vessel first,
5. Add phase C below 35 °C.
phase B must be added without stirring.

1) Important information:
If phase A has to be charged into the vessel first,
phase B must be added without stirring.

E 05/08

This information and all further technical advice is based on our present knowledge and experience. However, it implies no liability or
other legal responsibility on our part, including with regard to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights. In
particular, no warranty, whether express or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. We
reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments.

The customer is not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and testing of incoming goods. Performance of the
product described herein should be verified by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified experts in the sole responsibility of
a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply that similar products
could not be used. (Status: April, 2008)

Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH

Goldschmidtstraße 100 45127 Essen, Germany
P.O.BOX 45116 Essen PHONE + 49 201 173-2854 FAX +49 173-1828

[email protected]

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