Mating Game

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Mating Game

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Izumi Kouta & Midoriya Izuku
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Izumi Kouta
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Domestic Fluff, Kid Fic, Manipulative Midoriya Izuku
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-11-15 Words: 14,062 Chapters: 1/1

Mating Game
by Vilmarix


Izuku has two dreams in his life. One to be a hero and the other to be All Might’s mate. He
figures the gods must have known, to place him in this unique position. All he needed to do
was give the alpha the right incentive.


I usually write from Toshi’s POV, so I’ve decided to try my hand at Izuku’s with this fic.
Not gonna lie, this wasn’t easy. It is also longer than what I had in mind… Either way, I
hope you enjoy it!

Warning: Unbeta

See the end of the work for more notes

Izuku tapped his pen impatiently against the table of his class room desk. It had been a long but
eventful three years, and after many chaotic attacks and missions, he was finally graduating from
UA. Thinking back to his early teenage years, he smiled fondly remembering all the hard work and
determination he had put towards his dream of becoming a hero. Seeing the progress that he had
made, and the scars he had earned along the way was solid proof of that dream being a reality.
Glancing down at the crudely drawn timeline he had penned down some time back, on an old
notebook currently spread open in front of him, he let out a satisfied humm – he was on track.
However, the feeling of satisfaction quickly diminished as he shifted his attention to the second
timeline right under it. Clicking his tongue sharply, Izuku’s brows furrowed as his expression took
on a more pinched looked. It was the timeline he’d set down regarding being claimed by his mate,
and from the looks of it; he was severely behind schedule.

Snapping the book shut, Izuku leant back into his chair and allowed his thoughts to wander as he
gazes out to the world outside his window.

Ever since he was child, there had been two goals in his life. The first was to be a hero, to save and
help people with a smile on his face like All Might; and the second one came a little later. It was
after the results of the dynamics test came in, informing his mother and himself that he was an
omega. Izuku never hated his dynamic, or thought himself as handicapped. His mother was one,
and the world had evolved past those archaic beliefs of an omega being controlled and kept locked
away at home. (Sure, there was discrimination and prejudice – but when has it ever been
otherwise? Not like he could change that, he just had to play the hand he was dealt with.)

And playing he did.

Once his mother explained to him what alpha, beta and omega dynamics were; Izuku’s second goal
in life was born.

To become All Might’s mate.

Usually being an omega was undesirable, it was the dynamic which held the most obstacles in life.
However, Izuku was extremely grateful for his presentation as an omega – it was a well-known
fact among the public that All Might was an alpha; and he had been over the moon when he learnt
that omegas were the most compatible dynamic to mate with alphas. At the time, child Izuku would
have been the happiest omega on earth, as he gushed to his mother on how he would become All
Might’s mate. He still recalled the joy and elation he felt at that realisation to this day.

Growing up and being diagnosed quirkless, Izuku never gave up on either dream. True, the chance
of either of them actually becoming a reality was extremely low (the bullying made sure he never
forgot that – he never spoke about his dream of becoming All Might’s mate to anyone other than
his mother; as it didn’t feel right speaking to Kaachan about such things), but those chances were
never zero. As long as he still had a chance, he would keep trying. Keep dreaming. Keep hoping.

He recalled his inner omega purring in agreement at his resolve. There were many other omegas
vying for the blonde alpha’s attention. Who wouldn’t? The hero was cut above the rest and his
physique was in every omegas’ wank bank or heat dream. Even a couple of alphas have mentioned
being partial towards taking the hero’s knot. Despite all the competition, Izuku felt the beast’s
interest neither wavered nor diminished. It was either All Might or nothing for his inner omega. He
initially thought it was his obsession of becoming a hero and All Might being the object of his
admiration that led to the wanting of the hero as his mate; but as he grew older, Izuku began to
realise it was actually the opposite.

Regardless, when he finally met All Might, four years ago; Izuku briefly reconsidered the
existence of gods. He felt as if all his new year prayers and wishes were finally being fulfilled
when he regained consciousness in his hero’s arms under that bridge. He was fully prepared to lose
his mind to his inner beast and become yet another uninhibited omega the alpha’s arms. He had
read a plethora of posts made by omegas who claimed to have been rescued by the blonde hero,
describe All Might’s scent - on how the powerful musk had made some of them slick their pants
and spur on an early heat.

However, when Izuku took the opportunity to discreetly scent the blonde in that alley; it wasn’t
any of those things. Yes, the hero indeed smelt powerful and his scent was muskier compared to
other alphas Izuku previously encountered; but he didn’t feel the slick pool in his pants or his heat
encroach. Instead he felt something click into place within him - as if he finally slotted the missing
piece of his puzzle. His inner omega remained completely silent and he felt the beast intensely
appraise the alpha in front of him before purring in approval.

‘Perfect.’ The beast had cooed within him; and Izuku couldn’t help but agree with it.

Even after learning the alpha’s secret and emaciated form, his omega never recanted its decision.
Even after the hero shattered Izuku’s dream of being a hero on the rooftop soon after, the beast still
clawed for All Might as his mate. Fortunately, he didn’t have to fight the pushy mutt for long,
cause later that day he managed to earn the respect and position as All Might’s protégé. Izuku
smiled fondly as he recalled that particular memory.

The hero had chosen him to be the inheritor of his power, despite him being an omega. It was
widely publicised on how benevolent the alpha was, but experiencing it first hand was something
else entirely. His inner omega had trilled with pleasure at being considered worthy by their chosen
alpha. Though, realistically Izuku knew the alpha was far from seeing him as a potential mate. He
could scent the sourness of All Might’s declining health beneath the musk. Hinting at the stress
and pressure the hero was under to find a suitable successor, and to have them adequately trained.
Logically it wasn’t the time to think about settling down.

But that didn’t stop Izuku from trying.

His mother would always say to him; it was the omega who actually controlled the relationship.
She was the poster child of typical omega behaviour – docile, soft and passive. Nothing about her
screamed aggression, but growing up under her care, he began to understand what she meant. He
would often watch her as she changed her scent and behaviour to shift the alphas and betas thinking
in her favour. Izuku guesses due to this hidden side of her personality was why she was able to
provide for him flawlessly – not that his father hadn’t, but the extra money was always welcomed;
and that was excluding all the other benefits they gained (dealing with government offices for
mandatory paperwork such as taxes was a breeze).

“Just make them think it was their idea all along. You get what you want, and a happy alpha at the
same time.” His mother advised one night, when asked about handling the irritating attitudes of
so-called stronger dynamics.

Perhaps it was because of his mother, he wasn’t the typical omega either.

He wasn’t the type to sit down and look pretty, hoping for All Might to claim him – No. The gods
have blessed him with this unimaginable and miraculous opportunity; like hell he was going to let
it slip by waiting for the alpha to look his way... No... He was going to make the alpha look his
way. Not that he was going to force the blonde into a bond (he'd often hear about omegas using
their heat to trap alphas and that always left a bad taste in his mouth – not that All Might wouldn’t
have experienced such things or developed a tolerance against the pheromones).

He was simply going to guide his mentor towards what was best for him.

That being, claiming Izuku as his mate.

Izuku was aware of the age gap and being fourteen at the time didn’t really even out his odds, but
that didn’t mean he couldn’t lay the groundwork – he had time after all.

He started off small and inconspicuous. Gradually reducing the strength of his scent blocking
creams (unmated omega would wear them as a safety measure) when he was training with All
Might at the beach, allowing the alpha to become familiar and accustomed to his scent.
Fortunately, his mentor was the hands-on type with his workout, giving Izuku ample opportunity to
touch and scent mark All Might. Omegas were known to be tactile with people they trust and Izuku
played wonderfully into that stereotype. There were times he had pushed a little too much initially,
causing the blonde to stiffen; but keeping his scent and expression neutral and unconcerned seemed
to satisfy the alpha that Izuku wasn’t acting strange – just comfortable.

He was making good progress. The distance kept between them had shortened and All Might
became quite casual with his touches. Izuku made sure to keep his heat scent away, for that would
be a dead give-away – perhaps when he needed the final trump card to push the blonde over the
edge, but not now. Nevertheless, his patience had paid off. After his first year at UA, with all the
secrets regarding his quirk binding them; All Might had become accustomed to having an omega
by his side. Izuku could see the subtle possessiveness the alpha displayed – so subtle that if Izuku
wasn’t invested in this relationship, he would have missed it entirely.

He was willing to bet even All Might himself wasn’t aware of the change in his own behaviour. It
began with the occasional request to share lunch together; which gradually morphed into All Might
actually preparing a bento for him. Izuku smirked internally at the primitive meaning behind that
particular gesture (an alpha showing their ability to provide for the omega they were courting). He
didn’t miss the fact his mentor would always touch him in the exact same place the alphas in the
class had during their practical lessons; essentially purging their scent and overlaying it with his.
Not to mention the frequent ruffling of hair – scenting Izuku unconsciously; and the instinctive
shift of standing closer to Izuku whenever another alpha entered their surroundings.

All good signs his plan was bearing fruit.

But that was it.

The subsequent two years in high school hadn’t resulted in much. He’d even visited the alpha’s
apartment a couple of times and left his scent, but it was not regular enough for him to maintain his
scent at the premises. Their relationship had become closer; however there wasn’t much of a
difference from before. The alpha still remained out of his reach and painfully distant.

Chewing the back of his pencil he contemplated various options. Izuku didn’t know what more he
could do to pull the alpha towards him.

“Hey Deku.” He heard Kaachan call him and Izuku’s attention was diverted to the blonde in front
of him, “Where are you gonna stay after you graduate?”

Izuku suppressed a smirk as an idea came to him.

Time to turn this game up a notch.


“So, my boy.” All Might begins as he settles down on the familiar couch of the teacher’s office,
“How are things with you?”

“Everything is going alright.” Izuku replies as he takes his seat beside his mentor. Initially they
started off sitting opposite each other but over the years, he managed to gradually make his way to
the seat beside the retired hero. Sipping on the tea the alpha had prepared for him, Izuku continues,
“Nighteye’s agency just handed me the onboarding material for me to fill out, I just need to submit
the documents by next week, and then I would be able to start working with them soon after

“Now that you mentioned it – It is two months away, isn’t it?” The hero comments idly, “Can’t
believe four years have passed by so fast.”

Izuku hums in agreement and moves the conversation to other topics. He needed to gently steer this
conversation towards his end goal and he couldn’t do that immediately. It was vital he built on the
memories of their relationship first (make the alpha think about all the times they had spent
together) before pulling out the request he wanted All Might to ask. This was a risky gamble, but
the reward would be worth it. Izuku just hoped the groundwork of pulling the alpha towards him
was enough for this.

“Yeah, Okaa-San’s pretty much sad about me moving out.” Izuku begins, carefully slipping the
comment into their discussion on life after UA; schooling his expression to a soft sad smile and
tilting his head to the side to display his unmarred neck (a little reminder for the hero that he was
an unclaimed omega), Izuku carefully watched All Might’s reaction to that statement – would he
take the bite?

He noticed those blue eyes shift to his neck for a fraction of a second before the blonde caught
himself and coughed, “Now that you mentioned it… Nighteye’s agency is a considerable distance
away from your home isn’t it?”

Izuku suppressed the pleased smirk, instead opting for a nervous laughter, “Yeah… It is. That’s
why I’ve been looking at places closer to rent.”

“But that cannot be easy, given the area Nighteye chose for his office was pricey.”

Izuku bit his tongue to cull his excitement (this was going better than he planned). Rubbing the
back of his neck; wiping away some of the scent suppression cream he wore, making his scent a
little more overt from the previously muffled state. He switched to the lowest grade before walking
into this meeting and Izuku knew this was toeing a line, but he knew All Might wouldn’t have
noticed it; given that he had been gradually reducing the strength of his blockers over the years. If
another teacher was present, they would have immediately noticed (Izuku always kept the
strongest blockers on him to apply right after his private meetings with All Might), however this
meeting was quite late and the rest of the staff had already left the office.

“You don’t have to tell me.” Izuku laughs sarcastically, “Which was why I’m considering the
option of a flat share.”

“Oh?” All Might raises his eyebrows questioningly, and Izuku can tell the blonde was keenly
paying attention to him now.

“Yeah… Seems like I’m not alone with this problem.” Izuku casually explains, looking down at his
tea cup. There was a floating upturn stalk – seems as if luck was on his side, “Kaachan and
Todoroki-Kun are also in the same boat.”

Izuku made note of the slight narrowing of his mentor’s eyes and there was now tension in his jaw.
He knew All Might was particularly harsh towards the two alphas in the class, and the subtle
possessiveness the hero displayed regarding Izuku was almost always due to those two knotheads.
He knew mentioning those names would rile up All Might’s inner alpha; now he just needed to
guide the beast into pushing his human towards the right words.

“Young Bakugou will be working under Best Jeanist, and Todoroki with his father.” The blonde
muses out aloud, and Izuku can hear the faint tightness in his teacher’s tone. “Why would young
Todoroki search for an apartment?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure myself.” Izuku ponders out loud, tapping his finger on his chin. (Such lies,
he knew exactly why Shoto was looking for a place to stay). Allowing a few seconds to pass, Izuku
elaborates with a reiteration of the previous discussion that took place in the classroom. “Kaachan
was the one to suggest sharing a flat, but Todoroki-Kun immediately offered to do the same…
Something about wanting to have his own life or something.” Izuku shrugged, “There was a bit of
a fight about who was sharing with who, so I suggested we should all get an apartment together…”

“I see.” The blonde hero softly replies as he takes a slow but long sip of his tea.

Izuku smiled internally when he saw All Might tighten his grip around the mug. The alpha didn’t
like that suggestion at all. After all, what alpha would be fine with the omega, they’ve had by their
side for years to suddenly move in with other alphas. Once more Izuku tilted his head to expose his
bare nape, subtly reminding All Might he was unclaimed. There were few moments of silence as
Izuku anxiously waited for his teacher to continue. The conversation was at a fork, if the topic was
changed that would indicate Izuku’s plan had failed; but if it continued there was still hope he
would be rewarded for his gamble.

Finally, All Might asked, “What about your heat?”

Suppressing the sigh of relief - he still had his chance; Izuku casually answered, “Oh?... Well, I
was thinking to simply move back with Okaa-San during those days.”

The answer seemed to relax the alpha and Izuku felt a little disappointed at that reaction. He
wanted to maintain the tension, play into the possessiveness of All Might’s alpha to push out the
offer he had planned on receiving from the blonde. Keeping his expression calm and nonchalant,
Izuku waited anxiously for the alpha’s next words. It all depended on how strongly his teacher’s
alpha felt towards him.

After what felt like an eternity, Izuku perked up as All Might cleared his throat, “My boy, you
know I live in proximity to Nigheye’s agency… So, why not come and live with me?”

Izuku bit his tongue once more to curtail the sheer joy he felt at his gamble paying off. Allowing
the surprise and a mellowed down version of the happiness in his voice, Izuku nervously asked,
“Really?... Are you sure?... I don’t want to bother you, All Might.”

“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure.” The alpha quips back, smiling at Izuku. “It’s my own
place so you don’t have to think about budget. Not to mention, finding an apartment which would
be in perfect distance of three agencies is an impossible task…. Also, it would be easier for me to
advise you regarding your career – you know the paperwork and red tape. We wouldn’t have to
worry about planning meet ups if we are living together.” And adding almost bashfully, “Plus it is
never a bother of having you around.”

Izuku squashes the urge to coo at that slight confession. He was on the right path on having All
Might claim him. It had been his goal of this discussion to nudge All Might into offering to live
with him. As it would grant him constant access to the alpha in keeping their relationship going,
and allowed Izuku keep track of his ‘Become All Might’s Mate’ plan. He had to hand it to All
Might for coming up with plausible reasons behind the offer, covering the real one of not allowing
his omega to live with other alphas quite perfectly.

“Good point.” Izuku agreed, smiling brightly. “I’ll tell Kaachan and Todoroki-Kun about this… I
hope they won’t be too disappointed.” He added just to milk the situation a little bit more.
“I’m sure they would be fine.” Was a low firm answer, but all Izuku could hear was the pleased
tone of an alpha who had just won a fight.

Mom’s advice was pretty solid after all.


The following few months flew by in a blink of an eye and moving house was a fairly
uncomplicated issue. Considering how little he owned after one took out all the hero merch.
Izuku’s fanaticism over heroes or passion for quirks never died, he just became more or less
mature regarding the subject. He still owned many posters, figurines and clothing; but forewent the
bedsheets and became pickier with what he spent his money from (in short, he developed taste and
didn’t spend it on every little item that held a hero logo). When he informed his mother about his
new living arrangement; she only raised an eyebrow at him, giving her approval with a knowing
smile – moms and their omniscience nature.

The alpha’s apartment was fairly ordinary given its owner. It was located in a good suburb and the
neighbours were the type to mind their own business – something Izuku had come to appreciate
after a few run-ins with the media and press. Although the flat wasn’t fancy either, it was fully
equipped for a three-bedroom apartment each with their ensuite bathrooms, a modest kitchen,
laundry, dining and living area. He once asked his teacher why he needed so much space and the
reply he received was All Might – Toshinori (the hero had given him permission to use his name
after the graduation) shrugging his shoulders and simply replied, “I like having space.” Izuku let
out an exasperated sigh in response as his thoughts drifted back to the graduation day.

“My boy, I am no longer a hero.” The alpha smiled as they posed for a picture at the graduation
ceremony. “You can call me Toshinori.” Then going into an explanation on how he became more
comfortable with using his given name after his time spent in America, “I know it is a mouthful, so
please free to shorten it to Toshi.”

Izuku internally cheered at that allowance. Despite knowing All Might’s given name, he never
referred to the alpha by it; even mentally due to the chance of it accidentally slipping out as he was
talking. Moving closer to alpha for another picture and feeling a much larger and warm hand
placed on his waist, Izuku quickly replied, “You are still a hero for me… Sure, but as long as you
use Izuku as well.”

The alpha chuckled lowly, unconsciously tightening his hold around Izuku, “Of course, my boy.”

Initially their interactions were awkward, still adjusting to each other’s routines and lifestyle; but
nothing they couldn’t smoothen out with time. Izuku quickly found out despite the alpha being an
acceptable cook (those bento boxes were delicious – but then again, he was being biased),
Toshinori always considered cooking as a hassle and never really took to the activity. This pleased
Izuku to know that the blonde still went out of his way to make him lunch in spite of the man not
being particularly fond of the chore.

It also shed some light on the rather abysmal diet Toshinori followed. Not that the gastrectomy
limited the alpha’s choices (mainly on sugar – but apart from that, it wasn’t much), it was mainly
due to his attitude towards cooking and the alpha utter lack of concern for his own health. Izuku
had a feeling if not for the teaching job pushing him into keeping a regular meal schedule,
Toshinori would have lost even more weight. Immediately, Izuku took over the meal prepping and
cooking for the two of them; whilst his mentor focused on keeping the apartment clean and tidy.
They each did their own laundry due to the personal nature of the chore (Izuku wouldn’t have
minded teasing the alpha with his slick, but he felt that it would be too soon for that).
Regardless of their slow start, they quickly became accustomed to one another. Toshinori would
usually be the first one home, hence leaving out the meat in the sink to thaw until Izuku made his
way to the flat. Breakfast was a combination of sleepy silence and coffee; although Izuku ensured
the blonde had a good portion of oatmeal before leaving for office, taking the lunch he had
prepared as well. When he returned from the agency, they would spend the rest of the evening after
dinner either watching some mindless TV show or movie whilst Toshinori graded papers and Izuku
would review the endless pile of paperwork.

The close proximity helped Izuku at chipping the distance between them, and now from an
outsider’s perspective, they could be mistaken for a courting couple. He knew their relationship
was rather intimate for an unmated alpha-omega couple and his inner omega revelled in the
additional skinship. It wasn’t uncommon to see the curiosity and confusion on the cashiers faces
every time they went grocery shopping together (picking fresh produce and meat wasn’t a talent
bestowed upon Yagi Toshinori – the blonde had been awestruck when Izuku introduced him to the
concept of fresh weekend markets and at how cost effective they were).

Little by little, he eased into not wearing the scent blocking cream at all inside the apartment, and
took his time scent marking the entire flat and alpha regularly. Toshinori hadn’t mentioned
anything regarding the change, Izuku wasn’t even sure if the blonde had noticed it either.
However, he did notice the reciprocal scenting in return. The increased frequency of ruffling his
hair, the hand on his back when they shopped in a crowded part of the market, the frown and sour
scent the alpha would exude when another alpha was overly friendly with Izuku. He often had to
bite his tongue to prevent a purr from erupting at the subconscious behaviour. His inner omega was
literally rolling on their back at this attention - shameless mutt.

Perhaps it was a biological imperative to want to look after one’s mate and pups; and Toshinori
was, in his eyes, already his mate - however, Izuku didn’t mind. He rather enjoyed pampering the
alpha. He took pride in the slow but consistent increase of the blonde’s weight and improving
health. The alpha’s steady scent and voice always managed to sooth him after a particular rough
day. Besides, living together had made them learn quite a lot about each other. Toshinori had been
taken back by his proficiency in English for being able to watch many western films without
subtitles, and Izuku was surprised that All Might’s favourite food happened to be oyakodon (it
made sense given the blonde preferred high protein meals, and it was a simple dish that wouldn’t
make him feel uncomfortable afterwards).

Since Izuku moved in spring, it gave him adequate time for Toshinori to become accustomed to his
modest home wear until summer rolled in; using the excuse of the humid weather in order to dress
scantily. He switched his loungewear from long pants and sweaters to shorts and wide neck sheer t-
shirts, that would always slip off one shoulder. Izuku knew the change in attire appealed the alpha
as he would always feel the weight of Toshinori’s gaze begin from the back of his neck down to
his hips and legs, especially when he decided to reach for items on the top kitchen shelf – ever the
gentleman, the retired hero would come to his aid in a matter of seconds and effortlessly pick the
item Izuku had been straining for. In return Izuku blushed and stuttered a quiet thanks, tilting his
head ever so slightly to expose his neck. He could see the brief glance at his unmarred mating
gland and slight bobbing of his teacher’s throat as they swallowed. However, Toshinori would
always withdraw from him, frustrating the omega.

Izuku knew the alpha was now seriously considering him as a mate. He had seen the alpha
watching him as he cooked and worked around the apartment. Leaning against each other on the
couch as they watched the television, Izuku noted the frequent arm placed across his shoulder
drawing him in. However, there was something stopping the alpha from pursuing him. Izuku often
pondered on the reason and deduced it had to do with the blonde’s physique and self-worth. Living
with Toshinori, he’d notice the alpha’s habit of self-deprecating humour targeted at his body.
If he analysed the situation correctly, Toshinori considered himself an undesirable and unsuitable
alpha (utter nonsense in Izuku’s mind and his inner omega huffed in agreement). Now he was
tasked with repairing the alpha’s self-confidence and proving he wanted Toshinori. Izuku
considered becoming more overt with his flirting, but that could back-fire since many alphas
wanted to be the one to chase and claim. He mulled for days on the unusual situation, but nothing
seemed to come to mind.

Once again, the gods must have seen his conundrum; for a few weeks later, he received a call from
Mandalay of the Wild Wild Pussycats one evening.

“Good Evening Izuku-Kun. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Mandalay!” Izuku perked up at the voice. “Of course not! I hope everyone is alright and how is

“Everyone is doing fine, and it’s about Kota, which was why I called.”

Izuku immediately zeroed in on the conversation. The members of the Pussycats were all betas and
Kota being an alpha had no omega dam to reach out to after his own mother passed away. Maybe it
was his dynamic that made the pup relax and bond with him - as they went from ball punching to
nuzzling within a span of a few days. Despite their rough start, Kota was an adorable pup and Izuku
had taken a liking to him. Hence, when the purpose of the call mentioned the little boy’s name,
Izuku’s voice took a sharper edge; catching Toshinori’s attention as well.

“Why? Is everything alright with Kota-Kun?” Izuku asked after urgently.

“Kota is doing fine.” Mandalay laughs lightly, appeasing his worries, “It’s about his education…
We need to enrol him in school, but given our current location he is unable to attend. He needs to
move to the city but due to our work it is proving quite difficult.”

“Which school are you planning on having him attend?” Izuku asks.

“UA has opened a special unit for potential recommendation students and Kota has been accepted
into the course.” She explains, and Izuku recalls the conversation he previously had with his
mentor regarding Principal Nedzu’s plan on expanding the hero school to accommodate the
younger students. It was completely new and this year was the first time they’d taken intake to test
it’s feasibility. It was a small batch, and mainly consisted of children whose parents were already
heroes. Hearing the curriculum made it sound more of a daycare than school - but then again they
really didn't want to walk down the path of Hero Public Safety Commission. Toshinor had
confessed, Nedzu’s end goal of opening UA to the younger ages was to prevent young children
being trained too early; like Hawks and Todoroki-Kun.

“However, they do not provide the dorm facilities as they do for the older students.” She finishes
and he realises why she called. Kota would have to stay with someone if he were to attend the
experimental course; and there wasn’t anyone else the pup was comfortable living with.

“Would it be possible for Kota-Kun to stay with you?” Mandalay finally askes, confirming his

“Give me a moment, Mandalay. I don’t live alone and need to check with my partner.” He replies
as he mutes the call. He purposely chose that vague term to refer to Toshinori in order to tease the
alpha. Noticing the slight widening of his eyes, pleased scent and puffing of his chest, Izuku hides
a smile (a pleased Toshinori was just too cute). The blonde had clearly overheard their
conversation, but remained silent out of courtesy. Regardless he explains the situation to his
mentor. Toshinori knew of his bond with the pup, but he still needed to discuss this with the alpha
as it was his home initially, and they would have additional expenses and responsibilities.

“It’s fine Izuku.” He hears Toshinori answer with a soft smile, “I’m working at UA so taking him
to school and bringing him back wouldn’t be a concern.”

His inner omega coos at the response and the thought of having a pup to look after. Izuku smiles
brightly as he unmutes the call.

“We would love to have Kota-Kun over.”

He really did have the perfect alpha, all he had to do was show that to Toshinori – and what better
way to prove that other than showing how happy he made the omega and pup. All he needed to do
was show the alpha that physique wasn’t the sole reason for being a suitable mate; but everything
else as well.

He just hoped Kota wouldn’t mind him taking advantage of the pup for this.


“You have to try harder, if you want All Might to claim you.” The pup spoke up as soon as
Toshinori left the apartment.

Izuku narrowed his eyes and took in the expression on the boy’s face. It had only been a month
since the little alpha moved in with them, and Izuku could see the confidence in those dark eyes.
The pup knew he’d figured it out right - smart little man.

Realising there was no use of denying it, he might as well come clean; Izuku comments
nonchalantly as he clears the table, “You don’t seem to be too upset about me using you.”

“Because I’m not.” Kota replies shrugging his shoulders, “ShinoBaa-San and RyokuBaa-San have
done worse… and you haven’t used me. Unless you are faking caring for me.”

“I will never.” Izuku growls as his scent sours at the thought of him hurting this pup.

“I never said you are.” The pup replies as he approaches Izuku for a nuzzle. Instantly he gathers
the boy into his arms and scents him – reassuring the little alpha and himself that the familial bond
between them was real. Kota clearly enjoying the attention Izuku lavishes him with, lets out a
pleased alpha rumble (though underdeveloped). Due to his age it doesn’t have the same calming
effect as a full-grown alpha, however it still soothes the agitated omega within him. Izuku hadn’t
experienced Toshinori’s alpha rumble, but deep inside he knew it would melt him into a useless

“I can help you out.” The pup’s muffled voice breaks through the silence and Izuku loosens their
embrace so they could look at each other. He sees the rather mischievous glint in Kota’s eyes, “But
I won’t do it for free.”

Izuku respects a good hustle, so he entertains the offer, “Depends on what you want.”

“I want you to foster me.” He would have laughed if not for the completely serious expression on
the pup’s face and firm tone. Fostering was when an adult omega took in an alpha or omega pup
who didn’t have an omega dam to look after them. It was to sooth the dynamics of the family unit,
especially alpha pups born to beta parents. Kota should have already had a foster omega dam to
reach out to and scent, but given the traumatic way he lost his mother it wasn’t fair to force the
pup. It could have been the lack of an omega’s presence to sooth him after their death was what
made Kota antagonistic towards heroes in the first place. If so, it would also explain why Izuku
kept reaching out to him and why they bonded so fast.

“That is asking a lot for wingman duty.” Izuku calmy replies, “Why do you want me to foster you?
I would have done it regardless if you’d ask”

The pup must have felt chastised, for his confident tone fell into a soft embarrassed one as he
answered, “I know, but I wasn’t sure you since you’re so young.”

Izuku nuzzles the pup once more. Usually mated omegas would foster, as unmated alphas tended to
avoid omegas who had pups that weren’t theirs. Not that Izuku minded being Kota’s dam, he had
seen how receptive Toshinori was towards the little alpha. So, his fear of being rejected by
Toshinori for having a pup that wasn’t the blonde’s was non-existent. He’d seen his teacher
patiently explain certain alpha-like behaviours and feelings, discussing the reasons behind them
and how to handle them. How to conduct himself and not to let the prejudice go to head. Izuku was
pretty sure these were things Kota had already been taught by his aunt; but having it reiterated by
an alpha with their perspective, must have given the pup context he never had before. His inner
omega mewled in delight at how natural the blonde fell into the paternal role - Izuku couldn’t wait
to see him with theirs.

“Toshinori-San would never reject you.” Izuku replies soothingly, easing away the many worries
in the pup’s mind. He allows a few seconds for the words to sink in before switching to a more
playful tone, “However, I need to be a mated omega to foster you – so how are you going to help

Deciding to give time for Toshinori to become used to the growing closeness between Kota and
him (not that he wasn’t aware of it – but acting as an omega dam to the pup, required more intimate
and familial behaviour which took time to develop. Suddenly acting maternal towards Kota would
obviously cause the alpha to become suspicious), they discussed the various scenarios Kota could
play a part in, and agreed to spread their activities, so the older alpha wouldn’t notice the sudden
cohesion that formed between them.

Their grocery shopping trips now included Kota, and Izuku took pleasure in seeing Toshinori
fluster at the many compliments they received from various shop owners who recognised their
regular patronage to their stalls. Clearly, the blonde had never experienced such praises before, for
he remained speechless the entire time, whilst Izuku (who was carrying Kota) simply smiled and
nodded. He could see the alpha sneaking looks in his direction from the corner of his eyes; curious
as to why Izuku hadn’t corrected the assumption, but there was something else in Toshinori’s gaze
that Izuku couldn’t quite place his finger on.

Whilst choosing the fresh produce, Izuku felt Kota tug at his jacket. Focusing his attention on the
pup beside him, he shot a questioning glance at the boy.

“The alpha on your left by the broccoli bin has been checking you out for the past few minutes.”
Kota whispered and tilted his head to the left as a subtle gesture.

Izuku knew what the pup was trying to do, as his voice wasn’t as soft as it should've been; and
casually glanced in the direction Kota had gestured. His admirer was a stereotypical gym rat with
an overbuilt physique. He couldn’t make note of their other features, apart from the generic dark
hair and tanned skin; because he soon found his view being obstructed by the familiar large frame
of a particular tall blonde alpha. Izuku repressed the pleased smile that threatened to crawl on his
face as he saw Toshinori move between him and the interested alpha. Although his mentor’s
expression remained blank, he could see the slight tension on his jaw and rigidity in his posture.
Taking a deep but subtle sniff, Izuku could tell the alpha wasn’t pleased from his scent.

Nonchalantly he returned to his task of selecting vegetables, keeping his voice light, he replied,
“Doesn’t look like much… Not really my type.”

Soon as those words, Izuku saw the blonde relax and his agitated scent mellowed. He felt Kota
nuzzle into his side and he ran a hand through the pup’s hair as a silent ‘thank you’ and ‘job well

“Then what is your type?” He heard Kota ask again, and once more Toshinori seemed to be
eavesdropping on their conversation from the brief pause he witnessed the alpha make as he was
scrolling through the emails on his phone.

Smirking at the pup’s plan, and mentally thanking him for the opportunity to hint at Toshinori;
Izuku fake the uncertainty in his voice, “It’s not really looks that work for me – more of character
and personality… I prefer the relaxed, optimistic, kind and gentle type. The mainstream bulked-up,
aggressive, loud, tough alpha types don’t really work for me. I’ve had that stereotype shoved in my
face growing up and that was enough to put me off for a lifetime.” Izuku shudders thinking back to
his time with Kaachan growing up.

“So like Todoroki-Kun from your class?” The pup asks, and Izuku smiles when he sees through
the corner of his eye the alpha’s almost imperceptible tightening of his grip on the phone.

“No… I actually prefer older alphas.” Izuku confessed to Kota, acting a little embarrassed by the
admission; but seeing Toshinori’s surprised expression as the blonde looked up from his phone and
focused on him, made it worthwhile. Avoiding the alpha’s gaze, Izuku kept his attention on the
pup as he adds, “They are far calmer, more attentive and patient with omegas.”

“ShinoBaa-San mentioned the same thing.” Kota comments, obviously helping Izuku continue the
conversation as they moved to another part of the stall. With Toshinori trailing after them.

“Yeah… Mainstream media is to blame for that – claiming alpha’s who aren’t juiced-up are not
proper alphas.” Izuku clicks his tongue in annoyance, “Honestly, I don’t understand who this
appeals to. Personally, I rather have an alpha who treats me kindly. If they make me feel safe and
protected, I would definitely be considering them as mate material.”

He didn’t dare to look at his mentor, for he could feel the alpha’s heavy gaze on his body. Gauging
from the calm scent and lack of noise, what was previously discussed must have stirred-up
something within Toshinori. Booping the pup’s nose affectionately, Izuku closes off the topic,
“Remember that when you are pursuing someone, Kota-Kun.”

Seeing the little alpha’s face suddenly redden, Izuku’s smile turns mischievous. Clearly that last
line had struck a chord within Kota. Taking on a more teasing tone, he asked slyly, “Is there
someone you have in mind, Kota-Kun? From school?”

The pup’s face reddens even further, matching the tomatoes he was standing beside, as Izuku tries
and fails to stifle a giggle. Toshinori had mentioned late one-night Kota and Eri were becoming
relatively close compared to the other children in the class. Izuku initially thought it was due to the
common ground they shared. Aizawa being a familiar figure for Kota and fostering Eri. Not to
mention, his connection to both pups as well. However, considering Eri was an omega, he could
see the ‘other’ sort of interest the little alpha would hold. After all, the Pussycats would have
exposed Kota to the knowledge that omegas tended to mate with alphas who were familiar and
made them feel comfortable.
‘Playing the long game.’ Izuku thought appreciatively. If he assumed correctly the pup had his
sight set on Eri and wanted to build a relationship with her before any other alpha. Cementing
himself in her mind as a familiar comfortable presence; so, when she begins considering potential
mates, Kota would be on top of that list. Izuku knew the pup was smart and resourceful
(considering the help the boy was giving him regarding Toshinori); but seeing a similar level of
groundwork done beforehand filled Izuku with pride.

Clearly Kota was his pup in every way except blood.

And as he was Kota’s omega dam, it gives him the right of mercilessly teasing and embarrassing
his pup.

Keeping his voice innocent, Izuku asks, “So what’s their name, Kota-Kun?”

“Th-There is no one.” The pup glares as he stammers out an answer.

“Awww, don’t be shy! I could help. Perhaps arrange a playdate.”

“Please don’t. I’m too old for playdates.”

Izuku hears the alpha chuckle lowly beside him, making a noise for the first time since they had
begun this particular conversation. He turns to shoot a cheeky smile at Toshinori, who in turn
smiles gently back at him. There is a strange unreadable expression on his mentor’s face, but it was
also soft and tender.


After that particular conversation at the market, Izuku felt a shift in his mentor’s behaviour. He
noticed the alpha had become more open with his affections and seemed far more likely to enter
his personal space. Not that it wasn’t like that before, they were considerably close and tactile;
however, it would always be him entering Toshinori’s space – unless there was a rival alpha
around. Now, he noticed the alpha would stand closer if they were working together in the kitchen,
or sit closer if they were on the couch watching a movie. Toshinori would lean in further than usual
when Izuku wanted to show some paperwork for advice, and any touches would linger a moment
or two longer than before.

Even scenting was more overt. It was established, Izuku had scented this apartment extensively to
the point that Kota had mentioned even freshly washed laundry smelt a bit like him. Let alone the
smothering he would frequently subject the pup to (practically bathing Kota in his scent). With
Toshinori, he had taken advantage of his omega stereotype to be affectionate and lightly nuzzle
Toshinori – just shy of being too intimate. His omega growled in possessive satisfaction at being
able to mark their mate and pup so freely. Toshinori on the other hand, would only scent them
lightly; never overt or powerful. Though now, Izuku noticed the alpha’s scent markings were far
more potent and the scent remained longer on his clothes and skin.

It was obvious the changed behaviour was the result of that particular discussion in the market.
The knowledge of Izuku not caring for the state of his body or physique, brought down walls and
laid to rest the insecurities about his age. He watched as the alpha became bolder and more daring
with each touch and action; clearly testing Izuku to see what was welcomed and what was not. It
would have been endearing if not for the heart wrenching realisation, that the number one hero
possessed such low self-confidence and self-esteem. As if he wasn’t worthy of being loved and
desired in his true form. Many times, Izuku had wanted to call off this cat and mouse game; to
speak clearly with the man. However, he knew words wouldn’t be enough to prove how genuine
his feelings and desires were towards the alpha.

He needed to show Toshinori.

Deciding it was time to take it up a notch once more, Izuku calmly made a request before his next
heat; regarding certain articles of clothing for his nest from his mentor.

“Kota has already handed me some of his gym clothes, I would like some of yours as well,” He
asks casually, keeping the anxiety and nervousness from his tone and scent.

Seeing his mentor’s confused expression, Izuku elaborates further, “Well my nest has been feeling
off these past few heats… I guess because your scents are not in it. So, if you don’t mind, I would
like to have some of your used gym clothes.”

“Of course, my boy – just-just let me get something from the laundry basket.”

This request was an obvious tell to the alpha that Izuku was considering him as a mate. Omegas
would only build nests with scents that they held strong positive feelings for, be it familial or
romantic. An unmated omega requesting clothing from an alpha who wasn’t a pup or had any other
familial bond, was only done if the omega was seriously considered them as a potential mate.
However, as Izuku had played it off as general discomfort in the nest and not a mating request; he
could salvage the situation if Toshinori reacted unfavourably towards the request.

He had returned the clothes (washed of course!), but saturated with his fresh out of heat scent.
Izuku hadn’t seen those particular gym shirts and sweatpants till later next week, when he saw the
alpha hang out his washing to dry in the laundry room. Kota on the other hand openly nuzzled the
clothing, claiming it helped him sleep. Flattered Izuku explained an omega’s heat scent would
induce sleepiness in pups, the younger they were the longer they would sleep.

“If that is your reaction, then it's possible you are imprinting on me.” Izuku mused out as he began
prepping for dinner, with Kota at the kitchen table finishing his homework. He had returned from
his mother’s not too long ago after his heat finished this afternoon, hence his scent still held the
fading notes of his fertile period. Izuku would have usually waited another day before coming back
to Toshinori’s; however, his inner omega had been pushy regarding going back – not that he
minded, the surprised look on his mentor’s face was priceless. Along with the subtle dry swallow
and discreet glancing at his slightly swollen mating gland.

“I told ShinoBaa-San that I wanted you to foster me.” Kota looks up from his books, “She said it
would have been surprising if it were anyone else.”

Izuku blushes at the praise, scent light and happy, “I’m flattered, but I need to be a mated omega to
foster you.”

“Then why don’t you mate All Might-San?”

Toshinori had left the living area to put away the clothes Izuku returned, but from the time taken
and the proximity of his scent the blonde was clearly hiding in the corridor – out of sight and
within earshot of this conversation. Kota must have also noticed Toshinori’s extended absence and
Izuku’s gaze at the wall obscuring their vision of the hero. Hence, giving Izuku the chance to admit
his interest in Toshinori as a mate (he really loved this pup).

Izuku fakes the fluster in his voice and scent, as he shoots back to the pup, “Why do you say that?”

“You obviously like him – your scent is happier and relaxed when you are around him… Normally
I see you would keep a respectable distance with other alphas, but with All Might-San you
practically act as if you are already mated with him. Not to mention you nearly clawed that omega
to shreds the other day for touching him.”

Izuku shot an annoyed glance at the pup, the little brat was enjoying teasing him in this situation,
“That omega was clearly making Toshinori-San uncomfortable.” He refuted.

“And you didn’t deny the first part.” Kota replied with a smug expression, which caused Izuku to
bristle lightly. When he got the chance, he was going to return the teasing with interest.

He would have continued that conversation, but he heard his phone’s incoming ringtone. Seeing
the caller ID he had picked up smiling, “Hello, Ochako-Chan.”

“Deku-Kun!” She sounded winded and panicked, “There was an argument between Bakugou-Kun
and Todoroki-Kun – and they are headed to your place, right now.”

“Thanks for telling me.” He immediately hung up and glanced nervously at the entrance door.

Izuku scowled internally, being completely engrossed with his mission on making Toshinori claim
him; he’d completely forgotten about his alpha classmates, and his scent still hadn’t mellowed
down properly either. His post-heat scent would definitely encourage those two idiots and the last
thing he wanted was two alphas heading this way and ruining all the progress he had made with his

“Who was that?” Kota asks, a little alarmed due to the shift in his scent.

“Ochako-Chan, she wanted to warn me that two idiotic alphas are headed this way.” Izuku

“Do you want me to chase them away?”

“Thanks for the offer Kota-Kun.” Izuku smiles, touched at how protective the pup was of him.
“But these two are the top alphas in our batch, and they would need a beating to leave me alone –
remember what I said about overbearing dominant alphas? These two are text book versions…
Well, Kaachan is. Todoroki-Kun is more of a mellowed down version of him.”

Hearing the door being aggressively knocked, sent a wave of panic and anxiety through him. Not
that he was afraid of those two, he could easily Full Cowl them out of the apartment. Izuku was
afraid of the impact they would have on his carefully constructed relationship with Toshinori. His
scent must have displayed his agitation and general displeasure, for Kota began nuzzling him –
using his scent to sooth Izuku. Calmed slightly, he was about to leave the kitchen area and head to
the entrance; when Izuku saw Toshinori reappear from his hiding spot.

The blond approached him and embraced him tightly, before running a hand through his hair as he
said, “Stay here, I’ll handle those two.”

Stunned, Izuku watched as Toshinori disappeared around the corner. Hearing the door open and the
familiar sound of Kaachan’s shouting, he listened in on the conversation. Well more like Kaachan
and Todoroki-Kun trying to enter, but being blocked by Toshinori.

“We know the nerd is here. His mother told us he arrived here today afternoon once his heat was
over.” Izuku hears Kaachan bite back, after his mentor refused to allow them to enter.

Izuku suddenly felt his body seize as the scent of a dominant alpha quickly flooded the room. Kota
immediately pressed into his side for comfort, instinctively lowering his head in submission; whilst
Izuku felt his body flush with arousal. Those forums hadn’t lied all those years ago – All Might’s
scent was overpowering and perfect. His inner omega mewled and keened at the scent and he
could practically see the beast lay down and present. Feeling the slick wet his opening, Izuku bit
his lip as he tried to reign in his scent.

“Young Bakugou and Young Todoroki. I will not tell you again.” Even the alpha’s voice had
changed into something darker and commanding. “Izuku cannot meet with you now. I will pass the
message and he will arrange the meeting when he is ready.”

It was met with silence, and a few seconds later a soft click of the front door closing shut. Izuku
partially hoped the scent of his arousal wasn’t obvious; but seeing the alpha pause and sniff the air,
quickly did away with that. Izuku could see the suppressed smirk tugging the corners of
Toshinori’s lips, followed with the scent of a delighted alpha. Running a hand through Kota’s hair
to sooth the pup, Izuku unconsciously wets his lips and watches as his mentor’s gaze focuses on

An anthropologist would have read this situation as an alpha who challenged two other rivals and
won the right to mate with the omega. Well, if his mentor did claim him as his prize, Izuku would
send the largest hamper he could find to those two knotheads for inadvertently helping him out.
Sharing a heated glance with Toshinori before he gathered his composure.

“Thank you for that.” Izuku comments, breaking the tension. Trying to keep his tone cool, despite
his flushed cheeks. “Dinner will be ready in half an hour.”

They would be talking about this later.


Well... they didn’t speak about it that night.

Kota needed to be soothed to sleep and by the end of the dinner; the rampant sexual tension had
melted away – but not entirely. Although they haven’t addressed the elephant in the room,
Toshinori and him now danced around each other. Now, the affectionate touches were laced with
something more; both sensual and sexual. He noticed his mentor would now casually wrap a hand
around his waist and stroke his hip with his thumb whenever they sat next to each other. Toshinori
also became more expressive with his possessiveness, scenting him constantly and thoroughly (all
his coats and jackets hung in the closet by the door smelt of the alpha).

This was mated behaviour and Izuku’s omega rejoiced.

However, neither of them crossed the line. It was as if they were playing a game of chicken, both
trying to push the other to admit. Izuku’s omega whined with frustration as the days rolled by, but
he wasn’t going to give up now. He’d planned this for years and he wouldn’t cave in at the final
step – he was going to make Toshinori take the first step. After all, every single action and plan
he’d undertaken for this was to push the alpha towards making the first move.

Not even Toshinori himself will deny Izuku the satisfaction of seeing his years of planning and
hard work finally pay off.

He was going to hammer that final nail in.

Which was why he agreed to the clubbing invitation by Ochako. Usually he would stay away from
such activities, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Toshinori scent soured slightly
when he informed his mentor about his plans that night, and Kota being helpful as ever had asked
who would be accompanying him. Safe to say, the clenching of the alpha’s jaw and narrowing of
his eyes at the mention of Kaachan and Todoroki-Kun was a treat to watch. His inner omega
whimpered at the thought of disappointing their mate, but Izuku pressed on – if he wanted
Toshinori to claim him, he had to give the alpha the right incentive.

The night passed without much of an incident, Kaachan and Todoroki-Kun were as usual
excessively touchy with him. Despite it annoying his inner omega at the overly familiar behaviour,
Izuku allowed the alphas to scent him. They initially raised an eyebrow at the sheer potency of
Toshinori’s scent on him, but the lack of protest from Izuku made them bolder in overlaying the
retired hero’s scent with theirs. He needed to smell of them if his plan tonight was to be a success.

Checking the time, he shared his goodbyes with the group citing he had a shift scheduled the next
day and made his way back to the apartment. It was past one in the morning when he arrived at the
door – the latest he had been on a casual night out ever since he’d moved in with Toshinori.
Opening the door, he noticed the living room lights were still on, and the scent in the air was filled
with displeased alpha. His inner omega whined pitifully at the sour scent, and Izuku had to steel
himself from releasing his anxious and nervous scent in return. It was a risky gamble, but worth it
if it went according to plan.

“You’re late.” a familiar low voice cut through the silence, and Izuku turned towards his direction
after locking the door shut.

Just a few feet away from him stood Toshinori, dressed in his usual lounge wear with arms
crossed. The alpha wasn’t smiling, neither did his expression display any of his regular warmth.
Toshinori’s entire body was stiff with tension and eyes narrowed into a glare. Although the alpha
must have been subduing his scent, and the little he did release smelt sharp and bitter. It was a
conscious effort for Izuku to hold back from tilting his neck to the side to show his submission, as
he removed his shoes by the entrance.

Keeping his tone even, he lightly answered, “Yeah... We kinda got carried away and went for
karaoke afterwards.”

All of a sudden, he sensed his mentor approached him and backed away instinctively until his back
was against the door. Toshinori placed a hand on either side of his head, boxing him in. At times
Izuku forgets how much larger the alpha was compared to him, and tries to hold back as the scent
of angry alpha begins to surround him.

“Why do you smell of them?” Toshinori growls lowly, and Izuku gasps at the tone. Despite it not
being an actual command, he felt his resolve weaken as his omega cries at him to appease their

“It was just a packed club and karaoke room.” Izuku answered breathlessly, as the alpha leaned
closer. Toshinori gripped his chin and lifted it up as the blond sniffed deeply around his neck.
Despite letting the other two alphas to scent him, Izuku never allowed them anywhere near his
nape. Watching as Toshinori parted the collar to inspect for any marks or unwelcomed scent; he felt
his mentor’s scent relax a bit.

“Seems like more than a packed room.” Toshinori snarled when he smelt Kaachan on his shoulder
(the younger alpha had thrown an arm around his shoulders, resting his hand on Izuku’s collar

“What’s it to you?” Izuku glared back, he was tired of this tip toeing. “It’s not like I have anyone.”

“Do you want to foster the pup that much you will mate with any alpha that shows the slightest
interest?” The blonde growled back, the grip on his chin was almost painful as the alpha scent
soured once more.

“Don’t you dare bring Kota into this. He has nothing to do with this.” Izuku bites back clearly
annoyed at the insinuation. Averting his eyes, he mumbles, “Well if my first choice isn’t doing
anything... might as well find a substitute.”

This seemed to please the alpha as his scent lightened and his expression shifted from anger to
curiosity, “Look at me.” Izuku heard Toshinori ask, but he refused to listen.

“Look at me, Omega.” This time the command and title made Izuku shudder with arousal as he
refocused on Toshinori, “Who is your first choice?”

Not wanting to admit it, Izuku snap back defiantly, “Why should I tell you?”

“I think I may have an idea.” He heard the alpha chuckle lowly as one of Toshinori’s longer legs
was placed between Izuku’s. Flushing as he felt his groin resting on his mentor’s knee. Toshinori
then releases his chin and gathers both his wrists into one of the alpha’s much larger hands –
pinning them above Izuku’s head, against the door. Using his free hand, Toshinori tilts Izuku’s face
up and stares at him. The caged feeling would have usually unsettled Izuku, but since it was the
alpha of his choosing, he couldn’t help the arousal flooding his scent and slick pooling around his

He finally had the alpha the way he wanted it.

Toshinori clearly smelt his response, as Izuku watched the blonde’s pupils dilate to the point his
eyes were entirely black, surrounded with a thin ring of blue. His arousal must have enticed
Toshinori, for his mentor’s musky scent thickened and deepened. If he hadn’t had his heat a few
days ago, Izuku was sure the sheer potency of Toshinori’s scent would have caused it to come
early. Unable to suppress the urge any longer, Izuku began grinding his groin against the alpha’s

This seemed to break the final wall holding back Toshinori, causing the alpha to immediately press
his lips against Izuku’s. He moaned at the contact, allowing his mentor to instantly deepen the kiss.
It wasn’t chaste or tender, they were both too keyed up given the past few days of unresolved
sexual tension. Toshinori, clearly being the more experienced one, expertly mapped out every inch
of Izuku’s mouth with his tongue. Izuku tried to push back, but he couldn’t fight back with how
overwhelmed he was with Toshinori’s taste, smell and touch.

Mewling and grinding relentlessly on the alpha’s knee as he felt Toshinori pull back to suckle on
his lips. Arching his back against the door, Izuku cried out and the alpha released his chin. Using
his free hand to slip around his waist; under his shirt and pulling him closer. Toshinori nipped at
his lips and suckled to plump them up before withdrawing. Gasping for breath, Izuku rested his
head against the alpha’s collar bone. He was pretty sure his underwear was completely soaked by
now from that kiss alone.

Still dazed, he didn’t protest as he felt Toshinori tearing off all their clothes. Hearing the blonde
grumble about smelling of other alphas as he tossed the clothing to the floor in front of them. Izuku
always imagined Toshinori to be a gentle and patient lover, but having him as this rough and
dominating presence was even better. He would always picture their first time to be chaste and
sweet; in either of their beds. However, the reality of them mating on the floor in front of the
genkan was infinitely hotter and more arousing.

Feeling the alpha effortlessly pick him up and place him down on the wooden floorboards, with
only their crumpled clothes to cushion the harden surface. Nuzzling the small pile of clothes,
rubbing them against his scent glands and shifting them around to make a nest; Izuku settled on his
back and licked his lips lustfully as the alpha watched him intently. There was something primal
about mating on the floor which made Izuku’s inner omega mewl and coo with pleasure. Sounds
he mimicked shamelessly as Toshinori once more caged him with his much larger frame growling
appreciatively at the sounds Izuku was making.

There was a brief moment when the heat of the moment subsided and affection bloomed in Izuku’s
chest as he stared up at Toshinori’s face. Reaching out, Izuku cupped the older male’s face in his
arms and traced the alpha’s lips with his tongue. Feeling Toshinori open his mouth, Izuku dwelled
inside, purring at the taste which now overwhelmed his senses. Breaking apart for air, he felt the
alpha lean down and begin to suckle kisses down his neck. Whimpering and trembling when
Toshinori began to trace over his mating gland on his neck (having what he dreamed of for years so
close was almost too much to bear), Izuku frantically gripped the alpha’s blonde hair. However,
infuriatingly Toshinori only grazed the gland with his teeth and chuckled at the hitched whine
Izuku let out in response.

Wrapping his legs around Toshinori’s hips, Izuku pulled the alpha’s groin towards his and began to
grind – two can play this game. Feeling their hardened lengths move roughly against each other,
only riled them up further and Izuku knew they were far too gone to consider any form of foreplay.
The dance they had been doing for the past few days had sapped all forms of patience from both of
them. Izuku was pretty sure his lower half was drenched with slick as they rutted against one
another. Air heavy and thick with their combined scents, Izuku’s breath hitches as Toshinori leant
back and spread his legs wide.

Gathering the slick that had seeped out of his opening, Izuku whined with anticipation as he
watched the alpha coat his cock with it. He trembled slightly at the sheer length and girth of it,
partially due to fear; but mostly due to excitement. Izuku couldn’t wait to feel the burn and stretch
of it as it entered him. He’d spent many heats bouncing furiously on the largest dildo he was able
to find and still that couldn’t satisfy him. There were many articles online about how hung the
alpha was, but actually seeing the size in person was better than he could have imagined.

He couldn’t wait to be ruined by that cock.

Feeling Toshinori position himself in front of his wet opening, Izuku locked eyes with the alpha as
he slowly breached past the tight ring of muscles. Shivering and mewling at the burn of the stretch,
Izuku’s back curves up from the floor as he fists the torn clothing surrounding him. The lack of
prep definitely added to tightness; but given how drenched he was, there was little resistance for
the alpha to slide against. Shuddering at the feeling of being split apart, and noticing the gooseflesh
which began to appear all over his naked body; Izuku rewrapped his legs around Toshinori’s waist,
pressing his mentor further in.

Once he felt the alpha bottom out, Izuku let out a whimper at the sensation. It was nothing like the
many toys he’d shoved in there before; and after experiencing a real alpha’s cock, he wouldn’t be
able to go back to the cold silicon ones he kept hidden in the box under his bed. Feeling Toshinori
lean forward and suckle on his mating gland, crooning soothingly in his ear as Izuku adjusted and
relaxed around his cock. Nipping at the alpha’s chin and tracing the sharp features with his tongue,
he heard Toshinori’s chest rumble with a deep purr as the blonde nuzzled him.

God, he really did melt into a puddle at that sound.

The action distracted Izuku enough for him to lessen the vice like grip around Toshinori’s length;
and with a nod of confirmation, he watched the alpha pull his hips back. Moaning at the sensation
of the cock being slowly withdrawn and whining at the empty feeling it left behind, Izuku sobbed
as he begged Toshinori to thrust back in. Gasping as the alpha immediately answered with a sharp
snap of his hips, thrusting back into him. His face must have shown how much he loved the rough
treatment, for his mentor quickly picked up pace, each thrust ending harder and faster.

Somewhere in the middle, Izuku felt the alpha shift his legs from around his waist to his shoulder;
allowing a deeper reach and the new angle abused his prostrate just right. Crying out at the new
sensation and clawing at the floor, Izuku reached to fist his neglected cock – trying to chase the
building orgasm he felt curling in his toes and legs. However, his hand was slapped away and once
more his wrists were pinned above his head. His inner omega cooed and sobbed at the sheer
domination it felt and he couldn’t help but agree, exposing his neck as submission.

Toshinori immediately leant down and suckled hickeys all over his neck, making Izuku jolt with
every teasing graze of his teeth against the swollen mating gland. The combination of the brutal
pace and consistent teasing was enough to send Izuku over the edge; as his entire body jerked,
clamping down on the alpha’s expanding knot. Feeling the swelling base stretch his opening even
further, sent shivers through the aftershocks of his climax. Finally, the knot catches the rim of his
opening and alpha growls lowly as Toshinori’s body shudders through his climax. Izuku whimpers
at the sensation of ropes of hot cum filling his inside, adding to the fullness. His inner omega was
pleased and he purred in contentment.

They both collapsed on the floor, waiting for the knot to recede. Rolling on to their side, neither of
them spoke; clearly the mating had made speech impossible for the two of them. However, they
didn’t need words to convey how pleased they were with what just happened. Toshinori nuzzled
his nape once more and licked over the abused mating gland. Instantly Izuku’s mood of happiness
and satisfaction disappeared, and his scent soured at the realisation the alpha hadn’t claimed him.

Perhaps due to all the hormones and feeling ramped up after the mating, he couldn’t hold back the
tears. This obviously alarmed Toshinori, who had tightened his hold over Izuku; asking what was
wrong. After gathering his thoughts and feelings, Izuku finally wails out,

“Why haven’t you claimed me?”


Toshinori grew up with the older ways of doing things and in courting an omega he learnt there
was a process to follow. He was prepared to follow every step and tradition when the right omega
came his way. However, with Izuku all of that promptly flew out the window. He didn’t know
how, but he quickly found himself noticing the omega more and more. Initially he had considered
it being his position as a mentor or father figure for the pup which made him keep track of the
omega, but he began to realise the attention was more than that. Especially when he found himself
becoming annoyed with other alphas approaching Izuku.

He had a visible knee-jerk reaction when he realised the alpha within him had begun considering
his student as a possible mate. It frightened him and he initially tried to suppress those feelings, but
he couldn’t help but be drawn in by the sweet fresh scent of his student. It hadn’t helped with the
omega being overly affectionate and tactile, and he indulged the behaviour as it was considered
part of omega nature to be close with those they trusted. He had been flattered, as Izuku was the
first omega to act this way in his true form (as All Might he was usually smothered by them).

Perhaps he’d become spoiled in those ten months of being the sole alpha the omega paid attention
to, which made him possessive of Izuku; and he tried to keep the omega at a distance. However,
his inner alpha clawed at Toshinori whenever he saw one of the alphas in the boy’s class come too
close to the teen. He noticed Izuku’s scent was far stronger whenever they were alone together and
when they had company it was muffled under scent blockers. Toshinori reasoned it was due to the
omega feeling comfortable in his presence and took pride in being the only alpha the omega
allowed their scent to run unhindered.

Toshinori had felt conflicted with Izuku’s graduation. He was crossed between feeling joy of his
student finally becoming a full-fledged hero and the sadness of having to let the omega go. He was
fully prepared to reluctantly say his goodbyes; but upon learning Izuku was seriously considering
sharing an apartment with not one alpha but two, immediately made his blood boil and his inner
alpha growl. Hearing the boy had planned to stay with his mother during his heat day calmed him
considerably; but the thought of two immature alpha pups sniffing around his omega never sat well
with him. Which was why – even before he could finish thinking about it – he asked Izuku to move
in with him.

Overall, it had been a terrible decision, as he quickly found himself becoming more and more
attached to the omega. It surprised Toshinori at how quickly they managed to melt into each
other’s routines. How natural it was to see Izuku shuffle around the kitchen as he prepared their
meals or how they could waste hours at a time discussing various topics. Their thinking and
interests overlapped significantly and they had plenty of common ground to stand on. Things they
disagreed on were few and far between – and rarely was of consequence.

He hadn’t been surprised by the lack of scent blockers worn by Izuku after the first couple of
weeks. Not to mention those extremely scanty shorts in summer. Many times, over Toshinori
would catch himself eyeing the omega’s physique. Although the media loved to feed the public on
the thin waifish omega; he personally preferred their lesser known, thicker and toner counterparts -
and in Toshinori’s mind, Izuku was their ambassador.

They’d become extremely comfortable in the other’s space to the point that even Naomasa had
made a comment of being strongly scent marked by an omega. “Honestly Toshinori. If I hadn’t
known any better, I would’ve mistaken you for being mated. That’s how strong the scent it is.”
Recalling the detective’s words that he initially brushed away. It was a fantasy to think Izuku
wanted him as a mate. He was too old and too wounded. Why on earth would such a perfect young
omega want with an alpha past their prime? He laughed at the sheer absurdity of that thought.

However, everything changed when Kota joined them. It was obvious the pup and omega were
meant to be together. Toshinori saw that years before when he met them after the attack on the
training camp. Izuku was gifted with children, and seeing the little alpha pup cuddle into the
omega’s embrace was heart wrenching. For a brief second, Toshinori’s mind projected the image of
Izuku cuddling a pup which looked like a perfect blend of both of them. Shaking his head furiously
to dispel that daydream he quickly returned to the papers in front of him.

Just when he was about to make peace with the fact, he would have to let the omega go one day, he
overheard the discussion at the grocery stall. He had moved without thinking, as his job during
these shopping trips was holding the bags of various produce and meat while the omega and pup
selected the items. He knew Izuku was a desirable omega, the teen definitely gained the attention
of every top alpha in his batch and from the flirtatious glances from those around them; Toshinori
found himself being the designated guard dog.

The conversation that followed was – lack of a better word – enlightening. Toshinori has always
been curious about what type of alpha Izuku would have considered as a mate (beta even); and was
pleasantly surprised to hear the teen list characteristic completely opposite to the norm. He
couldn’t help but noticed that he ticked off all the boxes the teen had listed. This caused him to feel
a dangerous emotion… hope. That particular discussion gave him hope that he had a chance with
Izuku; and no matter how much he tired he couldn’t lock it away.

With this knowledge in mind, Toshinori felt their interactions change. There was something more
in their touches and something deeper in their eyes as they repeatedly caught each other staring. He
had experimented a bit. Letting his touch linger a bit more, move in closer, leaving a stronger scent
on the omega. Everything was met with easy acceptance and allowance. Toshinori considered this
simply being the implicit trust they’ve built over the years, not an omega encouraging him to court
them. An explanation he’d settled for when Izuku asked for his clothing (it was shameful, but he
had given in and used those clothes to help him ‘privately’ – if the omega’s post heat scent was this
arousing, he couldn’t imagine what his actual heat smelt like). However, that theory was quickly
disapproved when he happened to eavesdrop on another conversation between the pup and Izuku.

He hadn’t known what to feel about being seriously considered as a mate. Part of him still couldn’t
believe Izuku wanted him, but scenting the arousal in the kitchen that night eased all doubts. He
wanted to formally make a proposal, ask Izuku’s mother for permission before approaching the
omega; but the teen made it incredibly difficult to resist him. Just as he was about to inform Izuku
about his plan, the teen had cut him off by telling his plan for the night. It irked Toshinori terribly
and after hearing the names of the two alpha brats that nearly broke down his door, he had to bite
back the growl.

Smelling their scents on Izuku was the final straw, and seeing the omega who had been so
receptive become defiant broke the last thread of self-control. Toshinori had wanted to do this right,
but the thought of losing Izuku had pushed him over the edge. In his entire life he had never
expected to fuck anyone on floor, let alone on the wooden boards just before genkan. He hadn’t
expected their first time to be rough and quick either. However, seeing Izuku’s face become
debauched with pleasure as his cries became louder and needier; assured him that he hadn’t messed
this up.

Thankfully he managed to hold back on the claiming – at least he could do that right, by asking the
teen’s mother for her blessing and then Izuku to share his heat with him. Traditionally claiming
bites were only traded during heat.

However, he quickly found a distressed omega bawling in his arms asking why he hadn’t claimed

Clearly confused by the question he explained his reasoning and his only reply was a half-hearted
slap to his arm and a wet huff of irritation. Not understanding the reaction, he pressed on asking
what was wrong; and after much coaxing, Toshinori heard the omega sigh as they explained their
opinion and thoughts of the matter. Toshinori was silent as Izuku began telling him all about the
actions from four years ago. Amazed and stunned at the sheer patience and brilliance the teen
possessed to plan every move.

Toshinori couldn’t be angry when he realised Izuku had subtly manipulated him. He felt flattered
instead. Never before had he heard of an omega going to this extent to gain their alpha’s attention.
He had to hand it to his student, for any other way he would have either rejected the teen or not
even considered himself on the market to pursue Izuku. When he heard Kota was in on it as well,
Toshinori laughed. Usually mainstream media focused on the intelligence of the alpha courting the
omega of their choosing. Whilst here he was on the opposite side of the spectrum. Being desired to
this extent thrilled and complimented him in ways words wouldn’t have been able to reach.

Agreeing to claim the teen during his next heat, they began picking up the clothes on the floor.
Abruptly Izuku tensed up when he realised, he wasn’t on any contraception (Toshinori agreed, not
that they didn’t want pups – they just didn’t want pups now) and Toshinori was too gone into his
instincts to wear a condom either. With that they wound up hastily redressing (wearing new clothes
since he tore most of them) and walking towards the nearest clinic to obtain a prescription for the
Plan-B pill.

Waiting at the pedestrian crossing, Toshinori asked, “Why me?”

The young omega hummed lightly before answering, “I don’t know… Ever since I was little and
understood what dynamics meant, my omega didn’t want anyone else.” Meeting Toshinori’s gaze,
“I knew it was unlikely, and tried to find someone else… But the mutt inside didn’t accept anyone.
Perhaps the beast knew something – because the day I first met you… it all just fell into place…
The world finally made sense.”

Clearly stunned, Toshinori missed the change in lights signalling them to cross and Izuku walked
past him on to the road.

“Izuku!” Toshinori called out, stopping the younger man on the crossing completely. Luckily it
was late otherwise he would have worried about Izuku being run over.

“Please be my pair.” He asked breathlessly. Despite knowing the answer, he still felt anxious.

The initial shock melted away into a pleased smirk. If he hadn’t known better, Toshinori would
have considered it sinister. Toshinori had partially expected his successor to reply with his usual
blinding smile, but given what he’d just learnt; this reaction was far more appropriate. It wasn’t a
villainous smirk (Toshinori had seen plenty of those in his lifetime). No – this was someone
delighted that their hard work had paid off. That they finally got what they wanted.

Like a cat that finally caught the canary.

Watching Izuku as he tilted his head to the side and pulling away the collar of his shirt, Toshinori

Despite not having the haze of his rut or Izuku’s heat, he still felt intoxicated.

Walking slowly towards the omega waiting patiently in the middle of the road, he maintained eye
contact. Even though he was supposed to be on top. Even though he was the alpha. Even though he
was previously the number one hero in Japan – he felt as if he was the prey in this moment.

Locking with those bright green eyes. Toshinori knew wasn’t the hunter. He was the hunted.

...And he didn’t feel bad about it either.

Lust bleeding into their scents again and unconsciously licking his lips, Toshinori gently placed a
warm palm on Izuku’s cheek and another around the omega’s waist.

Drawing his protege close and seeing the satisfied look in Izuku’s eyes, Toshinori hummed lightly.
Lowering his mouth to the omega’s mating gland, Toshinori bites down on it.

Groaning at the taste of the blood and the scent of an aroused omega, he hears the stifled gasp and
feels a shiver that runs through Izuku’s body. Even though it was late, they were still out in the
open. Toshinori could see plenty of people in the distance and here they were bonding in the
middle of the street, right in the open.

He always considered himself a rather private person.

Yet here he was, cock hardened and ready to knot this gorgeous omega he held before him once

Pulling back and licking the bite, he hears a bright triumphant shout, “Yahoo! You’re mine now.”

Toshinori let out an exasperated but fond sigh, as leans down for a kiss.

He’ll let his omega have this.

Yagi Toshinori doesn’t get mad – He gets even.

End Notes

I’m not really sure if I achieved the feel I was going for. This was surprisingly hard, as I had
to walk a thin line between what would be alright and what was not cool in terms of
manipulation. I wanted to write a pushy omega Izuku. Keep all their traits as bottom but not
pushover, I wanted them chasing the alpha and having them twist around their finger…

Please note that although this fic doesn’t have foreplay, lube and prep (especially for anal
penetration). Realistically you need tons of it. I usually heavily feature them in my smut
scenes, but due to the feel and mood of this fic I opted to leave it out – also sex on the floor
is uncomfortable. Word of advice? Use a wide yoga mat (your knees will thank you).

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments about it. Would love to hear it! Would love
to hear it! You even can reach out to me on Twitter(@MiaVilmarix).

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