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Code No: 18ME4105 AR18

Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad (Autonomous)

IV B. Tech. (ME) I Semester (Regular/Supplementary) Examinations, Dec- 2022



1 a. Explain the Process of AM

Ans: It is a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model CAD data, usually layer
upon layer as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies. The solid components are
directly manufactured from the CAD file input data by adding the material layer upon layer.

b. Explain Virtual Prototyping.

Ans: It can be defined as a tool or software to design and evaluate or analysis the components
before producing the component physically to test in all the possible aspects. Here Prototypes are
produced and tested virtually by giving all the real time parameters. Eg: In FEM we can design
and analyze the component thermally and mechanically by giving all the load conditions and
changing materials etc.

c. Explain Rapid Prototyping.

Ans: A rapid prototype is the first or original example of something that has been or will be
copied or developed; it is a model or preliminary version of any component that has to be
manufactured within the less possible time without wasting the manufacturing time.

d. Describe Model Slicing.

Ans: The act of converting a 3D model into a set of instructions for the 3D printers is
called Slicing. Quite literally, it ‘slices’ the 3D model into thin layers, and further determine how
each layer should be printed (the tool path) to get minimum time, best strength, etc.

e. State the advantages of SLA.

Ans: The advantages of SLA are as follows:

(1) Round the clock operation.

(2) Good user support.
(3) Build volumes.
(4) Good accuracy.
(5) Surface finish.
(6) Wide range of materials.

f. State the principle of SGC.

Ans: Cubital’s system uses several kinds of resins, including liquid resin and cured resin as
materials to create parts, water soluble wax as support material and ionographic solid toner for
creating an erasable image of the cross-section on a glass mask. The Cubital’s Solid Ground
Curing process includes three main steps: data preparation, mask generation and model making.
Parts are built, layer by layer, from a liquid photopolymer resin that solidifies when exposed to
UV light.

g. State the advantages of SLS.

Ans: The advantages of SLS are as follows

(1) Good part stability.
(2) Wide range of processing materials.
(3) No part supports required.
(4) Little post-processing required.

h. State the limitations of LENS

Ans: limitations of LENS are as follows
(1) Limited materials. The process is currently narrowly focused to produce only metal parts.
(2) Large physical unit size. The unit requires a relatively large area to house.
(3) High power consumption. The laser system requires very high wattage.

i. State the advantages of 3DP

Ans: Advantages of 3DP are as follows
(1) High speed. Fastest
(2) Versatile.
(3) Simple to operate.
(4) No wastage of materials.
(5) Color.

j. State the principle of BPM

Ans: Ballistic Particle Manufacturing process, works on the principle which used a 5-axis
mechanism to direct wax droplets onto a substrate.

2. Explain the process of Rapid Prototyping to AM.

Ans: Rapid Prototyping of physical parts, or otherwise known as solid freeform fabrication or
desktop manufacturing or layer manufacturing technology, represents the third phase in the
evolution of prototyping. It helps in tremendous time savings, especially for complicated models.
More than twenty different rapid prototyping techniques have emerged in AM in the present
1. A model or component is modeled on a Computer-Aided Design/ Computer-Aided
Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system. The model which represents the physical part to be built
must be represented as closed surfaces which unambiguously define an enclosed volume.
2. The solid or surface model to be built is next converted into a format dubbed the “STL”
(Stereo Lithography) file format which originates from 3D Systems. The STL file format
approximates the surfaces of the model by polygons.
3. A computer program analyzes a STL file that defines the model to be fabricated and “slices”
the model into cross sections. The cross sections are systematically recreated through the
solidification of either liquids or powders and then combined to form a 3D model. Another
possibility is that the cross sections are already thin, solid laminations and these thin laminations
are glued together with adhesives to form a 3D model. Other similar methods may also be
employed to build the model.
Fundamentally, the development of RP can be seen in four primary areas. The Rapid Prototyping
Wheel depicts these four key aspects of Rapid Prototyping. They are: Input, Method, Material
and Applications.
The roles that prototypes play in the product development process are several. They include the
(1) Experimentation and learning
(2) Testing and proofing
(3) Communication and interaction
(4) Synthesis and integration
(5) Scheduling and markers.
3. Explain the Impact of AM on the Product Development.
Ans: Impact of Am on the Product Development:

 Computer simulation and Rapid Prototyping Technologies represent important tasks in

different areas of industrial development because of its potential for cost and time saving

 Before producing newly developed mechanical parts, the entire manufacturing process
can be visualized and improved by means of numerical simulation techniques or in some
cases by virtual simulation technologies
 Rapid Prototyping Technologies also can be used to build prototypes and mold insert or
small series very quickly and cost efficiently
 This way offers to small and medium size companies enormous potential for improving
the time to develop and market their products and for increasing their competitiveness
 Rapid Product Development is a manufacture culture, which promotes the new products
development, from design to manufacture, in the shortest timescales possible.
 This culture uses new technologies to promote the time decreasing, including the
utilization of 3 D CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling and the use of new
Management Techniques, which restructure the manufacturing process.
 The utilization of Rapid Product Development allows companies to launch new products
into manufacture in short timescales, reducing the development costs for new products.
4. Illustrate the importance of CAD Modeling in AM.

Ans: Producing objects by 3DP/AM requires converting the geometric description of that object
into a format suitable for processing by a 3DP/AM process. The components to be manufactured
by AM should be designed in CAD by using any software like, Auto CAD, CATIEA, Pro-E,
Solid Modeling etc for designing purpose.
The conversion process typically takes place in three steps.
– Assimilating the geometric description into an internal database.
– Orienting and mathematically slicing the data to produce contours corresponding to each
– Converting the contours into paths for material and/or energy deposition.
Geometric model suitable for 3DP/AM processing must contain complete information on an
object in an unambiguous manner. Surface modelers and Solid modelers are the two types of
CAD software used by designers to create geometric descriptions of objects. Therefore, as input,
3DP/AM processes require the generation of valid solid or surface models.
Solid Modelers
– Can determine unambiguously whether a point is inside, outside or on the surface of an
– They do this by providing explicit topological information about an object or by
– Constructing the object using simple geometric primitives and set operations.
 Two main schemes exist for representing solids, in CAD for designing are namely
1. Boundary Representations (Brep) or
2. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG.

5. Illustrate the uses of Software in AM with any one case study

Ans: The use of Software’s in AM is very frequent. In many steps software involvement is
prominent in AM. They can be used in the following stages as follows.
1. Initial Designing & Testing Stage.
2. Data Conversion & Transmitting Stage. (Converting of CAD file into STL file).
3. Checking and Preparation of Machine.
Let us see each in detail.
1. Initial Designing & Testing Stage: During the design stage many software’s can be used
based on their utilization. Some of the designing software’s used in designing are Auto CAD,
CATIEA, Pro-E, Sold Works etc and few more software’s are used in analyzing and simulation
of the component like ANSYS, CFD, HYPER MESH ect.
2. Data Conversion & Transmitting Stage. (Converting of CAD file into STL file): While
transmitting the design CAD file to the AM systems, software’s that particular machines can be
used frequently for converting the CAD Design file into STL file in the data front end. Eg:
Solicast for SGC etc.
3. Checking and Preparation of Machine: The same data front end software is used in
checking & preparation of the AM machines for high accuracy. It will ensures proper slicing,
Built time, Layer thickness, Scanning speed etc can be altered by the inbuilt front end software.

6. Explain the LOM Process with their variable, types and applications.
Ans: The LOMTM process is based on the following principles:

(1) Parts are built, layer-by-layer, by laminating each layer of paper or other sheet-form
materials and the contour of the part on that layer is cut by a CO2 laser.
(2) Each layer of the building process contains the cross-sections of one or many parts. The
next layer is then laminated and built directly on top of the laser-cut layer.
(3) The Z-control is activated by an elevation platform, which lowers when each layer is
completed, and the next layer is then laminated and ready for cutting. The Z-height is
then measured for the exact height so that the corresponding cross sectional data can be
calculated for that layer.
(4) No additional support structures are necessary as the “excess” material, which are cross-
hatched for later removal, act as the support.

• The patented Laminated Object Manufacturing® (LOMTM) process is an automated

fabrication method in which a 3D object is constructed from a solid CAD representation
by sequentially laminating the part cross-sections. The process consists of three phases:
pre- processing; building; post-processing.
• Pre-processing: The pre-processing phase comprises several operations. The initial steps
include generating an image from a CAD-derived STL file of the part to be
manufactured, sorting input data, and creating secondary data structures. These are fully
automated by LOM Slice, the LOM system software, which calculates and controls the
slicing functions. Orienting and merging the part on the LOM system are done manually.
These tasks are aided by LOM Slice, which provides a menu-driven interface to perform
transformations (e.g., translation, scaling, and mirroring) as well as merges.
• Building: In the building phase, thin layers of adhesive-coated material are sequentially
bonded to each other and individually cut by a CO2 laser beam .The build cycle has the
following steps: LOM Slice creates a cross-section of the 3D model measuring the exact height
of the model and slices the horizontal plane accordingly. The software then images crosshatches
which define the outer perimeter and convert these excess materials into a support structure.

• The computer generates precise calculations, which guide the focused laser beam to cut
the cross-sectional outline, the crosshatches, and the model’s perimeter. The laser beam
power is designed to cut exactly the thickness of one layer of material at a time. After the
perimeter is burned, everything within the model’s boundary is “freed” from the
remaining sheet.
• The platform with the stack of previously formed layers descends and a new section of
material advances. The platform ascends and the heated roller laminates the material to
the stack with a single reciprocal motion, thereby bonding it to the previous layer.
• The vertical encoder measures the height of the stack and relays the new height to LOM
Slice, which calculates the cross section for the next layer as the laser cuts the model’s
current layer. This sequence continues until all the layers are built. The product emerges
from the LOM machine as a completely enclosed rectangular block containing the part.
• Post-processing: The last phase, post-processing, includes separating the part from its
support material and finishing it. The separation sequence is as follows
 The metal platform, home to the newly created part, is removed from the LOM machine.
A forklift may be needed to remove the larger and heavier parts from the LOM-2030H.
 Normally a hammer and a putty knife are all that is required to separate the LOM block
from the platform. However, a live thin wire may also be used to slice through the
double- sided foam tape, which serves as the connecting point between the LOM stack
and the platform.
 The surrounding wall frame is lifted off the block to expose the crosshatched pieces of the
excess material. Crosshatched pieces may then be separated from the part using wood
carving tools.
After the part is extracted from surrounding crosshatches the wood like LOM part can be
finished. Traditional model-making finishing techniques, such as sanding, polishing,
painting, etc. can be applied. After the part has been separated it is recommended that it
be sealed immediately with urethane, epoxy, or silicon spray to prevent moisture
absorption and expansion of the part. If necessary, LOM parts can be machined — by
drilling, milling and turning.
Applications of LOM:
(1) Visualization.
(2) Form, fit and function.
(3) Manufacturing.
(4) Rapid tooling.

7. Explain the SLA Process with their variables, types and applications.
Ans: Principle: The SLA process is based fundamentally on the following principles:

(1) Parts are built from a photo-curable liquid resin that cures when exposed to a laser beam
(basically, undergoing the photopolymerization process) which scans across the surface
of the resin.
(2) The building is done layer by layer, each layer being scanned by the optical scanning
system and controlled by an elevation mechanism which lowers at the completion of each

 3D Systems’ stereo lithography process creates three-dimensional plastic objects directly

from CAD data. The process begins with the vat filled with the photo-curable liquid resin
and the elevator table set just below the surface of the liquid resin (see Figure).
 The operator loads a three-dimensional CAD solid model file into the system. Supports
are designed to stabilize the part during building. The translator converts the CAD data
into a STL file. The control unit slices the model and support into a series of cross
sections from 0.025 to 0.5 mm (0.001 to 0.020 in) thick.
 The computer-controlled optical scanning system then directs and focuses the laser beam
so that it solidifies a two dimensional cross-section corresponding to the slice on the
surface of the photo-curable liquid resin to a depth greater than one layer thickness.
 The elevator table then drops enough to cover the solid polymer with another layer of the
liquid resin. A leveling wiper or vacuum blade (for ZephyrTM recoating system) moves
across the surfaces to recoat the next layer of resin on the surface.
 The laser then draws the next layer. This process continues building the part from bottom
up, until the system completes the part. The part is then raised out of the vat and cleaned
of excess polymer.
Advantages of SLA:
Good user support.
Build volumes.
Good accuracy.
Surface finish.
Wide range of materials.

8. Explain SLS Process with the help of any one case study.
Ans: Principle: The SLS® process is based on the following two principles:

(1) Parts are built by sintering when a CO2 laser beam hits a thin layer of powdered material.
The interaction of the laser beam with the powder raises the temperature to the point of
melting, resulting in particle bonding, fusing the particles to them and the previous layer
to form a solid.
(2) The building of the part is done layer by layer. Each layer of the building process contains
the cross-sections of one or many parts. The next layer is then built directly on top of the
sintered layer after an additional layer of powder is deposited via a roller mechanism on
top of the previously formed layer.
Process: The SLS® process creates three-dimensional objects, layer by layer, from CAD-
data generated in CAD software using powdered materials with heat generated by a CO2
laser within the Vanguard system. CAD data files in the STL file format are first
transferred to the Vanguard system where they are sliced

(1) Process: A thin layer of heat-fusible powder is deposited onto the part building chamber.

(2) The bottom-most cross-sectional slice of the CAD part under fabrication is selectively
“drawn” (or scanned) on the layer of powder by a heat-generating CO2 laser. The
interaction of the laser beam with the powder elevates the temperature to the point of
melting, fusing the powder particles to form a solid mass. The intensity of the laser beam
is modulated to melt the powder only in areas defined by the part’s geometry.
Surrounding powder remains a loose compact and serve as supports.
(3) When the cross-section is completely drawn, an additional layer of powder is deposited
via a roller mechanism on top of the previously scanned layer. This prepares the next
layer for scanning.
(4) Steps 2 and 3 are repeated, with each layer fusing to the layer below it. Successive layers
of powder are deposited and the process is repeated until the part is completed.


9. Explain LENS process with the help of any one case study.
Ans: Principle: The LENSTM process is based on the following two principles:

(1) A high powered Nd: YAG laser focused onto a metal substrate creates a molten puddle
on the substrate surface. Powder is then injected into the molten puddle to increase
material volume.
(2) A “printing” motion system moves a platform horizontally and laterally as the laser beam
traces the cross-section of the part being produced. After formation of a layer of the part,
the machine’s powder delivery nozzle moves upwards prior to building next layer.
Process: The LENSTM process builds components in an additive manner from powdered metals
using a Nd:YAG laser to fuse powder to a solid as shown in Figure. It is a freeform metal
fabrication process in which a fully dense metal component is formed.
The LENSTM process comprises of the following steps
(1) A deposition head supplies metal powder to the focus of a high powered Nd:YAG laser
beam to be melted. This laser is typically directed by fiber optics or precision angled mirrors.
(2) The laser is focused on a particular spot by a series of lenses, and a motion system
underneath the platform moves horizontally and laterally as the laser beam traces the
cross- section of the part being produced. The fabrication process takes place in a low-
pressure argon chamber for oxygen-free operation in the melting zone, ensuring that good
adhesion is accomplished.
(3) When a layer is completed, the deposition head moves up and continues with the next
layer. The process is repeated layer by layer until the part is completed. The entire
process is usually enclosed to isolate the process from the atmosphere. Generally the
prototypes need additional finishing, but are fully dense products with good grain
10. Explain 3DP Process with the help of any one case study.
Ans: Principle: Their Form technology is based on the 3D printing technology developed by
MIT. Binder droplets are selectively dispensed to bond the powders in the same layer together
as well as to the next layer.

Process: The Their Form manufacturing process (see Figure) works in a manner similar to an
ink jet printer, creating three-dimensional products composed of a series of two-dimensional
layers. The process contains the following steps:

(1) Products are fabricated by printing micro drops of binders, drugs and other materials and
even living cells onto an ultra-thin layer of powdered polymers and biomaterials in a
computer-directed sequence.
(2) These droplets bind with the powder to form a particular two dimensional layer of the
product. After each layer is printed, the build platform descends and a new layer of
powder is spread and printing process is repeated.
(3) Thus the successive layers are built upon and bind to previous layer until the entire
structure is completed.

11. Write short notes on the following terms:

Selective Laser Melting.
Electron Beam Melting.
Ans: BPM: Ballistic Particle Manufacturing process, which used a 5-axis mechanism to
direct wax droplets onto a substrate. Ballistic Particle Manufacturing, which involved
simple deposition of “particles” of material onto an article. The first commercially
successful technology was the Model Maker from Sanders Prototype (now Solids cape),
introduced in 1994, which printed a basic wax material that was heated to liquid state.

Selective Laser Melting: Selective laser melting (SLM), is an AM technique developed to

melt and fuse metallic powders via a high power-density laser. The principle of the SLM
process starts with a building platform applied with very thin layers of metallic powders,
which are completely melted later by the thermal energy induced by one or several laser
beams. The cross-section area of the designed 3D part is built by selectively melting and re-
solidifying metallic powders in each layer. The building platform is then lowered by a small
distance and a new layer of powders are deposited and leveled by a re-coater. The laser
beam(s) can be directed and focused through a computer-generated pattern by carefully
designed scanner optics. Therefore, the powder particles can be selectively melted in the
powder bed and form the shape of 3D objects according to the CAD design

Electron Beam Melting: EBM uses a high-energy electron beam to induce fusion between
metal powder particles. Electron beam melting (EBM) is a type of additive manufacturing
for metal parts. It is often classified as a rapid manufacturing method. The technology
manufactures parts by melting metal powder layer by layer with an EB in a high vacuum.

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