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Volume: 7
Pages: 47-60
Document ID: 2022PEMJ524
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7632930
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-10-2
Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Grade II Learners Early Language Literacy (ELL) in Modular Distance Learning at

Simuay Junction Central Elementary School
Zenaida B. Zaniel*, Haron A. Mohamad, Marissa N. Parcon
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The quality learners’ early language literacy are the basic foundation for learning which is essential for
academic performance and lifelong learning. This study aimed to determine the Grade II Learners Early
Language Literacy (ELL) in Modular Distance Learning at Simuay Junction Central Elementary School. The
researchers used qualitative methods employing phenomenology to delineate the perspectives and challenges
experienced by the teachers, parents and learners themselves during the modular distance learning. The
participants of the study were seven (7) Grade-II Pupils, seven (7) Grade II teachers, and seven (7) parents.
The semi-structured research questionnaire was utilized during the interview process. Thus, it also investigated
the challenges in early language literacy through modular distance learning. Colaizzi’s seven steps strategy in
data analysis in phenomenological methods was utilized to provide a rigorous analysis with each step (1)
Staying close to the data. (2) Transcripts were read repeatedly (3) Significant statement (4) Formulated
meanings (5) Cluster themes (6) Developing exhaustive description (7) Producing the fundamental structure
and seeking verification of the fundamental structure to extract thematic analysis. Finally, the findings of the
study revealed six (6) important themes: 1.) Parents’ Assistance, 2.) Siblings’ Assistance, 3.) Teachers’
Assistance, 4.)Difficulty in Reading and Writing, 5.) Poor Word Recognition 6.) Difficulties in Blending
words. Furthermore, the suggested solutions to address challenges are, parents’ assistance, restriction of
gadgets, enrichment activities in the module, face to face modality and Phonetic Alphabet Translation. it is
concluded that, Modular Distance Learning can be a tool in learning early language literacy which includes
reading and writing, learner to learner interaction and enrichment activities. However, it is quietly challenging
to the part of the learners, teachers and parents. Hence, the assistance of adult learners at home like parents and
siblings seemingly addressed the challenges in the modular distance learning.

Keywords: learners, early language literacy, modular distance learning, challenges, phenomenology

Introduction that literacy development begins long before children

enter school. However, most studies show that high-
Education plays a vital role in developing the language quality early childhood classrooms can play a positive
literacy of the learners. With the help of language role in nurturing children's language and literacy skills
educators reading and writing skills of learners are (Peisner, Feinberg et al., 1999; Whitehurst et al., 1994)
developed. Early childhood development is a and preventing later reading difficulties (Ramey &
transition process that is visible, observable, and Ramey, 2003; Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998). In 2013,
predictable. As mentioned, developmental changes are a language and literacy were developed, in which
slow, predictable that occur over time. Each child is young learners were introduced to literary skills in
following an individual routes (as quoted in Shonkoff various domains through an integrated approach that
& Phillips, 2000). included the use of mother tongue, Filipino, and
English as literacies. The "linguistic development
Literacy is the ability to read and write. Like language, interdependence" hypothesis proposed by James
literacy develops through the interactions of child Cummins (1979) says that a bilingual or multilingual
experiences with others. Reading and writing can be student can succeed cognitively and academically if
acquired by young children before schooling. their L1 skills are properly developed.
However, beginning literacy or formal reading and
writing such as writing various text forms using simple The education sectors are dealing with the problems
and more complex sentences and beginning to read brought by the COVID 19 pandemic. The current
fluently happens in Grade 1 beginning Grade 2 as condition is proved to be challenging among
mentioned by Chall (1983) as cited in (Pado, 2020). At educators, parents, and especially young learners. K+3
this level, they should be able to write a range of topic teachers are accountable for teaching learners the most
and read more sighted words. But somehow different foundational skills such as language literacy. However,
environments play is a factor in learning language due to pandemic educational system shift through
different modalities in teaching delivery to provide
literacy. Indeed, since the mid-1980s, it has been noted
quality education and push through education despite

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

1. How do grade II learners learn Early Language

To address the current situation of most schools in Literacy through Modular Distance Learning in the
rural areas, DepEd, Order No.12 series of 2020 was perspective of the following:
ordered to establish new learning modalities in all 1.1 Teachers;
levels embodied in the Learning Continuity Plan
1.2 Parents; and
(LCP) for the school year 2020-2021. Alternative
1.3 learners?
modes of delivering learning aim to provide and
2. What are the challenges in learning Early Language
continue a quality education to all learners regardless
Literacy through Modular Distance Learning in the
of who and where they are. Modular Distance
perspective of the following,
Learning is one of the implemented learning delivery
2.1 Teachers;
modalities chosen by most parents due to difficulty in
2.2 Parents; and
accessing other modalities. The Learning Enrollment
2.3 learners?
and Survey Form (LESF) is used by Department of
3. What are the suggested solutions to address the
Education (DepEd) to determine the convenience of
challenges of learning Early Language Literacy
each modality. Based on the result of the survey
through Modular Distance Learning in the perspective
conducted by the teachers using the LESF on school
of the following;
opening Modular learning, it is a form of distance
3.1 Teachers; and
learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM). It is
3.2 Parents?
one of the highly convenient preferred by parents and
the guardians of the learners. The Department of
Education based the Self Learning Modules on Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS). Methodology
Teaching helps the student to assume greater
responsibility for learning and have control over his or This study employed a qualitative research design
her learning under the modular method, moreover, particularly in phenomenology to obtain and describe
modular method requires higher maturity on the side the experiences of the participants they were parents,
of the learner mand is better suited to older pupils teachers, and learners in learning English through
(Goldschmidt and Sejpal 2013). modular distance learning amid the COVID-19
Pandemic. Hence, they will share their experiences
In fact, most of the parents claim that they are
and understanding of the existing phenomena that are
incapable to assist the reading and writing activities of
shared by the group of people (Cresswell, 2009) as
their children in Modular Distance learning, for some
cited by Mohamad, (2022)
of them do not know how to read and write. In
addition, they are busy with their job. In other way The Phenomenological approach was chosen because
around, there are parents or guardians who are it is an appropriate design for this study wherein it
answering the Alternative Learning Materials (ALMS) needed to envision and explore the actual experiences
provided by the teacher for their children. of the participants. Phenomenologiest always aware
that they interpret on the basis of their own subjective
Considering the different scenarios happening with
experiences and linguistic representation never really
Modular Distance Learning, the researchers are
catches what was experienced, however, it can ponder
interested to find out how the grade II learners learn
systematically how much can be understood of the
early language literacy that includes reading and
other experiences on the basis of our own.
writing using the Modular Distance Learning
modality. It is in this context that this study is
In phenomenological research, to minimize
considered important.
presumptions, the use of bracketing was applied for
Research Questions preventing potential harmful effects of presumption
that affects the process. The narrative analysis or
This study determined the Grade II Learners Early Constractivist Approach was useful in a such away of
Language Literacy (ELL) particularly in reading and thinking about alternative to language process and
writing through Modular Distance Learning at Simuay change in different level of social phenomena and to
Junction Central Elementary School, School Year
2021-2022. Specifically, it sought answers to the
following questions:

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

be the co-construction of phenomena. Consequently, to ask permission to conduct a study. The letter will be
improving the precision of the research study .The noted by the research adviser. When the request
researchers should be vigilant at in all forms, aware of approved. The first question will be on the background
their own views and beliefs on the pre-existing on the information of the participants. The purpose of this is
study, must learn to set aside their own prior to establish rapport between the research participants
knowledge and experiences to fully capture the because later on the researcher will get deeper
experiences being told by the participants with an open information. Semi structured interview for learners,
mind (Starks and Trinidad, 2007; Taylor, 2012; Taylor parents and teachers as participants regarding their
and Francis, 2012; Tufford and Newman, 2010; perspective on early language literacy perspectives
Alquizar, 2018; Mohamad, 2022) will be conducted with an allotted time for at least
25-30 minutes. The interview guide questions will be
Locale of the Study divided into four main questions. Before taking the
interview, the participants will be instructed to observe
This study was conducted at Simuay Junction Central the IATF guidelines and health protocols.
Elementary School, located at Crossing Simuay,
Sultan Kudarat Maguindanao under Sultan Kudarat Data were collected through audio recordings of
District II Maguindanao Division with the supervision interviews since audio or video recording improves the
of Dr. Ibrahim Embing Al-haj. District II supervisor, accuracy of the content shared in the interview, as well
BARMM. Simuay Junction Central Elementary as the speaker’s intonations (InSites, 2007) with the
School (SJCES) was a monograde and DepED participants in a private setting either in their
managed school which formally established in 1953.It respective homes or private offices or another neutral
was located along crossing simuay national highway site such as a quiet coffee shop or private room. This
near Emma’s Palace Convention Center with a total audio recording of the interview were transcribed
area of 7000 square meters. The school have fifty- verbatim and checked by the participants for
three (53) teachers for now. The school is currently confirmation if everything was taken as it is.
under the administration of Ms. Salima P. Ibrahim, Confidentiality was observed in all sessions and with
School principal. all informants (Bricki and Green, 2007; Mohamad,
2022), consistently addressing them by their
Participants of the Study pseudonyms to conceal their real identity. To have a
continuous flow during interview, researchers prepared
Seven (7) grade II learners, seven (7) grade II teachers, an open-ended research question as indicated in the
and seven (7) parents were taken as the participants of interview guide but also informed them that there
the study. They determined by using the purposive could be additional questions not in the interview
criterion sampling technique. Purposive sampling also guide that might think necessary for them in providing
called judgment sampling is a type of non-probability helpful insights to the study. This also promoted trust
sampling with the main objective which is to produce and openness with the participants. The researcher will
a sample that can be a rational representative of the observe and follow the ethical considerations in
population. They were chosen because they were gathering the data.
convenient enough to answer the research questions.
The data gathered will be analyzed and interpreted.
Research Instrument The final manuscript will be readied for final
This research used semi-structured interview guide
questions as data collection instrument which was Data Analysis
considered best fit to gather the needed data required
in this study. The instrument contained the main The Colaizzi’s (1978) strategy in data analysis in
questions reflecting the variables needed to be phenomenological methods was utilized to provide a
included in the interview and the probe questions rigorous analysis with each steps (1)Staying close to
which intended to gather more relevant data with the the data. (2)Transcripts were read repeatedly
participants. (3)Significant statement (4)Formulated meanings
(5) Cluster themes (6)Developing exhaustive
Data Gathering Procedures description (7)Producing the fundamental structure
and seeking verification of the fundamental structure
The researchers wrote a letter to the school principal of to extract thematic analysis. As cited by. (Morrow,
Simuay Junction Central Elementary School (SJCES) Roise, Rodriguez, Alison and King, Nigel 2015;

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1.1. The English Teachers, Assessment on the

ways Grade II learners Learn Early Language
Literacy through Modular Distance Learning.

Parcon, 2020; Mohamad, 2022) in order to ensure the

credibility and reliability of the data given by the
participant that researchers allow to explore and reveal
the emergent themes. (Lisa Wirihana et al.,2018). The
responses of the teachers, learners and parents were
recorded, noted, and transcribed. The significant
statements from the responses of the participants were
singled out as basis of getting the code.(Mohamad,

Results and Discussion

This section contains a detailed introduction and

discussion of the data including the analysis and
interpretation. This chapter includes data on ways
Grade II learners learn Early Language Literacy
through Modular Distance Learning as assessed by
English Teachers, Parents, and learners. Second, the
Challenges of Grade II learners in Learning Early
Language Literacy through Modular Distance
Learning as perceived by the teachers, parents and the
learners. Lastly, the suggested solutions to address the
challenges in learning Early Language Literacy
through Modular Distance Learning as perceived by
the teachers and the Parents.

The Ways Grade II learners learn Early Language

Literacy through Modular Distance Learning as
assessed by English Teachers

The significant statements, formulated meanings,

codes, and theme clusters of the responses of the
teachers about the ways Grade II learners learn Early
Language Literacy is reflected in Table 1.1
In Table 1.1, five codes surfaced which are 001-005.
Participant 1,2,3, 5, 6 and 7whose significant
statement is coded 001 claimed that based on their
assessment as a teacher, Grade II learners learn early
language literacy in reading and writing through
modular distance learning through parents’ assistance
to their children to learn how to read and write. The
claimed of participants is revealed in their actual
statement during the interview as they mentioned the
lines below.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

“Participant (1) …some of the parents, ay tinuturuan › article › why-students-

talaga yung mga anak nila para matuto talagang should.)
bumasa at sumulat. kasi di naming sila name-meet
Additionally, participant 4 and 5 with significant
personally so the parents serve as their teacher at
statement coded 004 has singled out the parents’
shortage of time to teach their children to read and
write, and some of the parents have difficulty to read
The initiatives of the parents in teaching their children
and write. This might due to lack of education. To
during the pandemic to sustain learning concurs with
address the parents’ difficulty to read and write that
the idea of Wagner (2002) who suggests that students
makes them incapacitated to assist their children to
learning through distance mode need proper guidance
read and write at home in the Modular Learning, the
from their parents to manage their time and select
teacher has given the parents brief lecture about how
appropriate reading materials. Moreover, Anzaldo
(2021) adds that the parents play a vital role as home they shall guide their children at home in the MDL
facilitators and their primary role in modular learning approach. This is the way participants facilitates for
is to establish a connection and guide the child. Thus, the enhancement of the writing skills of grade II
this learning modality has passed on a big learners. The contention of participants is shown in
responsibility to the parents. their statement uttered during the interview as quoted
On the other hand, participants 2 and 7 whose
responses are coded 002 accept that siblings in the “Based on my assessment po maam is, karamihan po
family teach the learners learn reading and writing at sa mga pupils is hirap po talaga magsulat at magbasa
home. This is proven in their actual statement below. kasi wala pong oras ang guardians nila na turuan sila
pero ang ginagawa po naming is considering that
“Sa case po ng section ko, parents says na sila or yung some of the parents ay nahihirapan din magsulat
kapatid ate or kuya ang nagtuturo sa anak nila para especially magbasa, nagkakaroon po kami ng brief
matutong bumasa at sumulat.” lecturing sakanila about the lesson po sa LAS na
kinukuha nila, then yun po yung maituturo nila sa mga
Moreover, participant 3 whose responses is coded 003,
anak nila.”
believes that providing learning writing activity for
writing practice especially cursive writing practice is a
Lastly, participant 6 with significant statements coded
must since grade II level is the foundation of learning
005, claims that some of the learners are eager to learn
the cursive writing.
how to read and write. As a result, they persuade their
Participant 3 highlights the need of the provision of parents to teach them to read and write. In the same
remedial writing for the grade II learners when he manner they learn reading and writing through
uttered this, watching educational videos. This data show that, the
child learns through viewing which serves as their
“since di namin po nakikita yung mga bata maam, teacher in reading. The mentioned idea surfaces in the
what I do po sa Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) po nila, actual statement of participant 6 as stated below.
is nagpo-provide po ako ng activities which is parang
“Since may mga bata po na eager talagang matutong
writing pad paper po yung style niya then pinapa trace
bumasa at sumulat, talagang kinukulit po nila yung
ko po yun as their guide in writing po..Especially
parents nila to teach them and sometimes po they
cursive po..then pag return po nung module, makikita
learn dahil sa panunuod ng educational videos
po talaga na kahit tabingi yung ibang letters po but
po..natuto sila magbasa tapos sa writing naman po
atleast they learned to write. as of reading, nganga po
this quarter 3 po lahat po ng abstraction na part ay
talaga ang mga bata.”
pinapasulat sa big notebook to serve as their copy as
The idea of participant 3 is strengthened by another well as enhance writing skills po.”
contention that
In the study, video helps learners to learn reading and
The process of giving enhancing writing activities writing. Expert says video provides great benefits to
also improves a student's ability to recall information, teachers and learners, for it stimulates stronger course
make connections between different concepts, and performance in many contexts, and it affects students’
s y n t h e s i z e i n f o r m a t i o n in new ways ( motivations, confidence, and attitude positively.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The Parents’ Assessment on the Ways Grade II important. The parents encourage the learner to do the
Learners Learn Early Language Literacy task in the Learner Activity Sheets to enhance the
through Modular Distance Learning writing skills of the student. It is supported by the
contention that since education is no longer held
The significant statements, formulated meaning, code, within the school, parents serve as partners of teachers
and theme cluster of the significant responses of the in education. Parents play a vital role as home
participants are revealed in Table 1.2 facilitators and their primary role in modular learning
is to establish a connection and guide the child. Thus,
Table 1.2. The Parents’ assessment on the Ways Grade this learning modality has passed on a big
II learners learn Early Language Literacy through responsibility to the parents since, Department of
Modular Distance Learning Education (DepEd).

On the other hand, participants 6 who’s coded 201

accept that sibling in the family teach the learners
learn reading and writing at home since parents are
busy at work and has low educational attainment.

This is proven by the actual statement of participant 6


“Bamanduan sekanin na mga kaka nin maam ka saka

dabun sabot ta matya..niya taman ah gaga ta na
kasulat san ngala…”

Parents’ shortage of time to teach their children to read

and write, and some of the parents have difficulty to
read and write. This might due to lack of education. To
address the situation, siblings are the one who assisting
the learners in reading and writing. There are many
researches in literature indicating that parental
involvement is advantageous for children of all ages
(Cox 2005; Desforges and Abouchaar 2003; Eccles
and Harold 1993; Epstein 2001).

In Table 1.2, three codes surfaced which are Lastly, participant 7 whose coded 202 claimed that
200-202.The participant 1,2,3,4, and 5 whose coded they provide enrichment activities to teach reading and
200 accept that parents assisted their children to learn writing because module alone cannot fully fill the
reading and writing at home since module cannot be learning needs of the learner especially in reading. The
learned by learners by themselves alone. It is proven contention of participant 7 is shown in her statements
by the actual statement of participants below. uttered during the interview as quoted below:

“ Sa case po ng anak ko po maam, nung kiddie pa po “Participant (1) apia dapan modular learning na aden
siya tinuturuan ko na po magbasa ng pa unti-unti kaya prior learning na wata ko maam., kasi po tinuturuan
medyo nakakabasa po ng basic words. SA writing po naming siya. kaya nung modular na konte nalang
naman po is tinututukan ko talaga siya na isulat niya po ang adjustment na ginagawa niya. Ginagawa ko po
yung part na pinapasulat po ng guro niya dun sa LAS. is categorizing strategy para matuto siyang bumasa
pinapalit ko po sa notebook para ma practice yung ganon din po sa pagsusulat”
writing skills nya kahit papaano.”
In the study, parents facilitate the learning of their
children at home by providing activities. In
Parents teach their child how to learn early language
connection, Teale (1987) states that children’s
literacy at home specifically reading and writing. The
involvement in reading activities together which
data suggest that parent’s role in learning early
facilitated by the literate adult results in learning.
language literacy through modular distance learning is

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1.3. Ways Grade II learners learn Early Lastly participant 7, coded 302 admitted that she
Language Literacy through Modular distance
slightly know how to read and write since her parents
Learning as Assessed by Themselves
are busy. The data implies that that there is no sibling
or other person who can teach and assist the child in
learning early language literacy at home; so the learner
learns through her own effort that results to rapid
performance of the learner in reading and writing. It is
supported by the contention that Parental involvement
correlates positively on children’s academic
achievement (Barnard, 2004; Bower, 2011; Desimone,
1999; Hill & Craft, 2003; Hill & Taylor, 2004;
Zellman& Waterman, 1998).

The Challenges of Grade II Learners in Learning

Early Language Literacy through Modular
Distance Learning as perceived by the Teachers

The participants significant statements, formulated

meaning, codes, and theme clusters about the
challenges of grade II learners in learning early
language literacy through modular distance learning as
perceived by the teachers are presented in Table 2.1.
In Table 1.3 three codes surfaced which are 300-302.
Participants 1, 4. 5 and 6 whose statement is coded 300 Table 2.1. Challenges of Grade II Learners in
claimed that they learn reading and writing through the Learning Early Language Literacy through Modular
assistance of their parents. It is proven in the actual
Distance Learning as Perceived by the Teachers
statement of the participant 1 below.

“Participant (1) Bamanduan ako ni Umie.”

Since learners cannot meet their teachers personally,

their parents teach and assist them in learning reading
and writing at home. In fact; there are many researches
in literature indicating that parental involvement is
advantageous for children of all ages (Cox 2005;
Desforges and Abouchaar 2003; Eccles and Harold
1993; Epstein 2001).

On the other hand, participants 2 and 3 whose

statements coded 301 accept that she learns reading
and writing during modular distance learning through
the assistance of her siblings. The answer of
participant 2 is revealed in her actual statement during
the interview as she mentioned the line below.

“Bamanduan ako na kaka ko”

The data suggest that since some of the parents are

busy in their work, they don’t have time to teach their
children so that their siblings are the one who teach the In Table 2.1, five codes surfaced which are 400- 404.
learners at home in reading and writing. Additionally, Participant 1 and 5 whose significant statements have
some of the parents are not capable to assist the coded 400 have similar responses. The teachers
learners in learning reading and writing due to lack of singled out that that most of the attention of learners is

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

diverted into playing games instead of focusing

learning how to read and write. It is revealed in the
quoted responses of the participants below.

“Based sa sinasabi ng parent nila maam, nahihirapan

po talaga silang magbasa at magsulat dahil na “Sa Case po ng isang learner ko po maam, her mother
didivert po yung attention nila kaya mahirap silang said po during sa balikan naming ng module na panay
turuan sa bahay.” reklamo daw yung anak niya kasi masakit daw po sa
kamay ang pagsulat lalo na pag cursive and sa
This shows that the parents must put restriction to their reading naman po is hirap po talaga siya sa English
children to focus on their learning. In Fact, words, nakakabasa po Filipino basic words with
Department of Education (DEpEd) stated that one of pictures po.”
the roles of parents is a home-innovator since they
must provide their child with a productive learning The statement of the participant is supported by idea
environment to help them focus more on learning. that new writers frequently struggle with letter
formation, spacing, and posture in the beginning, but
On the other hand, participants 2 and 3 whose coded by the end of second grade, most are able to generate
401, revealed that since some of the parents needs to clear and legible work. Some youngsters, however,
attend their jobs and busy all the time, they can no continue to struggle with handwriting mechanics past
longer assist their children in learning reading and the age of seven or eight. Writing is generally sluggish
writing. It is supported by the quoted lines of the and laborious for these students, resulting in
participants below. significant levels of stress, frustration, anxiety, and
shame in school ((U.S. Census Bureau, 2002).
“Karamihan po sa bata lalo na pag busy yung
magulang gustuhin man po nilang matuto, wala pong Grade II is the foundation of learning cursive writing;
nag aassist sakanila, kaya mas pinipili nalang nilang parents must guide their children in reading and
maglaro.” writing and encourage the learners to do the written
task to enhance their writing skills. This means that
This shows that learners need assistance from their assistance and guide of parents are important.
parents to learn early language literacy.
In addition, Participants 6 and 7 also coded 404, added
Moreover, participant 4 whose significant statement is that one of the biggest challenge of learners in learning
coded 402 has singled out that one of the challenges of early language literacy during modular distance
Grade II learners in learning early language literacy is learning is, teachers cannot assess the reading
due to parents’ lack of education. Some of the parents performance of the learners in reading since they
do not know how to read and write and cannot able to cannot able to meet the learners personally. This
assist the learning of their children at home. The actual means learners need remediation for reading through
statement of the participant is shown below. the assistance of their parents. It is supported by the
idea that rather than being in preschools or day-care
“Isa po sa biggest challenge nila maam is kung paano facilities, most youngsters spend a significant amount
po nila matutunan yung basic words or even the of time with their parents. Information about what
alphabets lalo na po yung mga learners na hindi would improve young children's literacy development
nakapag aral ang magulang at walang nag aassist at would be meaningful in those situations where parents
home po.” can provide good literacy preparation for their children
during these early years. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002).
In connection, Anzaldo (2021) stated that some
parents do not know how to read or write, teaching
their children the lessons in their subject areas is more

Furthermore, participants 6 and 7, whose responses are

coded 403, revealed that another challenge of learners
is that they have difficulties in cursive writing. It is
revealed in the quoted lines of the participants stating

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2.2. Challenges of grade II Learners in Moreover, Participant 4 whose responses are coded
Learning Early Language Literacy through Modular 502 accepted that her child can write but cannot read at
Distance Learning as Perceived by the Parents. all. Vanderbilt University research reveals that
children spend just ten minutes a day practicing print
and cursive. In many homeschools, parents are simply
too buried in lesson plans to squeeze in penmanship. In
addition, it’s common for new writers to struggle with
letter formation, spacing and posture in the beginning,
but most are able to produce clear and legible text by
the end of the second grade. However, there are some
children who continue to struggle with the mechanics
of handwriting beyond age 7 or 8. For these learners,
writing is often slow and labored, and may cause high
levels of stress, fr ustr at ion, anxiety, and
em bar rassment at school.


“sa writing po tabingi parin po dipo niya alam kung

pano ang tamang capitalization. Sa reading naman po
In Table 2.2, five codes surfaced which are 500- 504. is hindi po siya marunong magbasa.”
Participants 1 and 2, whose significant statement is
coded 500 claimed that their children are lazy to do the The problem of the learner in writing is revealed by
written task in the module because their attention is the contention that Beginner writers need plenty of
diverted into playing. It is proven by the quoted practice to get comfortable holding a pen or pencil
responses of the participants below. using a tripod grip. This is the preferred finger
positioning where the thumb, index and middle finger
“Su wata ko maam, na menka babalingan den work together to hold the writing instrument securely.
pedsulat na gapok den, niya nin temu pendalmet. Young children may first begin to develop this skill
menka papembatyan na di pakab focus kasi gengel na through drawing, and later by coloring inside the lines
in coloring books.
mga suled nin a manot”
In reading the case of the learner implies that learner
The learner has lack of focus in learning reading and
needs remediation in reading. Starting with phonics
writing. It was justified by Department of Education
might help them learn how to read It is supported by
that parent must provide their child with a productive
contention that Children may struggle with reading for
learning environment to help them focus more on
a variety of reasons, including limited experience with
learning. In addition, reading implementation at home
books, speech and hearing problems, and poor
during Modular Distance Learning is low that is why
phonemic awareness.
the reading development also decreased. Moreover,
not all learners are committed to their modules; Good readers are phonemically aware, understand the
Mataac (2021). alphabetic principle, apply these skills in a rapid and
fluent manner, possess strong vocabularies and
In addition, Participants 3 and 5 which coded 501
syntactical and grammatical skills, and relate reading
highlights that one of the challenges of learners in
to their own experiences (Lyon 2000).
learning early literacy through modular distance
learning is that their children are struggling in cursive On the other hands, participant 6 whose response is
writing as well as difficulties in reading English as coded 503 claimed that her child struggles in cursive
they mentioned the statement below. writing and difficulties in pronouncing vowel sounds.
The claim of participant 6 is revealed in her actual
“ Hirap po siyang magbasa at nahihirapan sa statement during the interview as she mentioned the
pagsulat lalo na po pag dikit-dikit (cursive). sumasakit lines below.
daw po ang kamay niya.”
“Kapag cursive na po nagrereklamo po siya na
The data means that learner encounters problem in
reading and writing.
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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2.3. Challenges of grade II Learners in

Learning Early Language Literacy Through Modular
Distance Learning as Perceived by the Learners
masakit daw sa kamay tapos sa reading naman hindi themselves.
ma pronounce ng maayos vowel sounds.”

This data implies that the learner has difficulties in

cursive writing and pronunciation. The challenge of
the learner in cursive writing is revealed in many
researches stating that, some young writers bear down
on the pencil, which can cause hand cramps and
broken pencil tips. Getting these children, a writing
utensil with a wider diameter, such as a chunky pencil
or marker, sometimes helps, Moreover, Handwriting
requires highly developed fine motor skills, which is
why it typically isn’t taught until children are age 4 or
older. In addition, Beginner writers need plenty of
practice to get comfortable holding a pen or pencil
using a tripod grip wherein young children may first
begin to develop this skill through drawing, and later
by coloring inside the lines in colouring books.

The participants statement about difficulty in

pronunciation of vowels is supported by the contention In Table 2.3, four codes surfaced which are 600-603.
that Programmatic longitudinal research, including Participants 1,2, 3, 4 and 7 have similar statements
research supported by NICHD, clearly indicates that which are they cannot able to read long words. It is
deficits in the development of phoneme awareness proven by the actual statement of the participants as
skills not only predict difficulties learning to read, but they mentioned:
they also have a negative effect on reading acquisition.
“diko gabatya menka malendo ged”
Whereas phoneme awareness is necessary for adequate
reading development, it is not sufficient. Children
It is supported by the contention that Modular Distance
must also develop phonics concepts and apply these
Learning has effect to the reading development of
skills fluently in text (Lyon, Reid 2000)
beginning readers. Factors are some parents were not
Lastly, participant 7 whose response is coded 504 trained to teach reading professionally. Some
admitted that the attention of her child is diverted on households have limited reading resources to be used
gadgets and do not know how to read and write. The in reading Mataac(2021).
claim of participant 7 is revealed in her actual
On the other hand, participant 2 and 7, whose
statement during the interview as she mentioned the
responses are coded 601, stated that they are struggling
lines below.
in writing cursive and difficulties in pronunciation.
“Kaagaw po ng atensyon nila maam ang gadgets,
The participants’ responses revealed below.
menka pakelay den cellphone na diden kapamanduan
ka dibun bakikineg Yung struggle po talaga ng anak “gapasangan ako ron taro du dikit dikit diko gaga.”
ko maam ay di pa po talaga siya makabasa ngala nin
taman katawan nin semurat.” The learners have difficulty in reading words due to
lack of knowledge in phonemic awareness.
The learner cannot focus on learning reading and Researchers have demonstrated that accomplished
writing that results to rapid development in learning readers are adept at recognizing phonemes and putting
early language literacy. Meaning the learner has poor them together to construct words and phrases. They do
performance in reading. The reading implementation this quickly, accurately, and automatically. The
at home during Modular Distance Learning is low that absence of this critical linguistic skill makes it difficult
is why the reading development also decreased Mataac for children to decode and read single words, much
(2021). less sentences, paragraphs, and whole stories (Lyon,
Kame'enui and Adams 2000). Moreover, the leaner
cannot fully adjust to the shifting of writing mode

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 47-60, Document ID: PEMJ524, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7632930 , ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

wherein resulted to a biggest challenge in writing. It The significant statements, formulated meanings,
requires time and adjustment to equip learners in codes, and theme clusters of the responses of the
cursive writing. Providing guides and activities in Teachers about the Suggested Solutions to address the
cursive writing will help them overcome the challenge challenges in learning Early Language Literacy
( through Modular Distance Learning as perceived by
the teachers is reflected in Table 3.1
Participant 6 whose response is coded 602. Claimed
that, she cannot read long words but she can write. Table 3.1. Suggested Solutions to address the
words without matching pictures. It is revealed in line challenges in learning Early Language Literacy
below. through Modular Distance Learning as Perceived by
the Teachers
“Gabatya ko menka aden Drawing nin.”

To learn reading and writing the learner associates the

word with picture. Without picture, the learner cannot
able to the read that certain words. For children who
have difficulty reading, effective reading instruction
strategies should be used to build phonological
awareness and alphabetic understanding. These
strategies should be explicit, making phonemes
prominent in children's attention and perception. For
example, teachers can model specific sounds and in
turn ask the children to produce the sounds.

Teachers will need to provide additional aid and

support to many early readers. According to a
research-based strategy known as scaffolding, teachers
should provide students with a lot of instructional help
in the beginning stages of reading instruction then
gradually reduce the support as students learn more
about reading abilities. The ultimate goal is for
students to be able to read on their own without the
help of a t e a c h e r . In Table 3.1, It can be gleaned in the Teachers
( suggested solutions to overcome the challenges of
ning-read,March 3,2022). Grade II learners in learning Early Language Literacy.
Participants 1,2,5,6 and 7 whose responses are coded
Lastly, Participant 5 whose responses is coded 603 700 formulated similar answers who suggested that
stated that she can only recognized the alphabets. Parents must allot time to assist the learning of their
children at home.
“ABCD’s bu katawan ko batya.”
“In my experienced po malaki po talaga ang role ng
This means that the learner can identify letters but parents during this time…Modular learning sila po
cannot read blended words. Parents must provide
kasi ang direct contact sa mga bata so need po talaga
supervision to develop the reading ability of the
nila mag allot ng time to teach their children.”
learner at home. It is supported by the contention that
children who have difficulty reading, effective reading
This means that Parents assistance on learning Early
instruction strategies should be used to build
Language Literacy is vital to the learning of the
phonological awareness and alphabetic understanding.
learners. Since education is no longer held within the
These strategies should be explicit, making phonemes
school, parents serve as partners of teachers in
prominent in children's attention and perception The
education. Parents play a vital role as home
National Early Literacy Panel (NELP) (2008).
facilitators and their primary role in modular learning
is to establish a connection and guide the child. Thus,
The Suggested Solutions to address the challenges in
this learning modality has passed on a big
learning Early Language Literacy through Modular
Distance Learning as perceived by the teachers

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Research Article

responsibility to the parents since, Anzaldo (2001). since pupils at this age can easily learn through
listening, viewing and imitation po maam.”
Secondly, the Participant 2 whose responses are coded
701 suggested that, siblings and parents’ cooperation is In the study, video helps learners to learn reading and
also important. writing. Expert says video provides great benefits to
teachers and learners, for it stimulates stronger course
“since call and text lang po mostly yung magagawa performance in many contexts, and it affects students’
naman para ma monitor po reading and writing nila motivations, confidence, and attitude positively.
aside from our assessment, kailangan po talaga
makipag cooperate ng parents kapatid or guardian Table 3.2. Suggested Solutions to address the
para matulungan yung mga anak nila.. challenges in learning Early Language Literacy
through Modular Distance Learning as perceived by
The data shows that some of the parents are busy and the Parents.
also cannot able to read and write due to low
educational attainment. In fact, Anzaldo (2001) stated
that some parents do not know how to read or write,
teaching their children the lessons in their subject areas
is more challenging. Not all parents/guardians know
how to teach their children utilizing modular distance
learning, which is difficult. Siblings who are capable
to assist the learner in learning reading and writing are

On the other hand,, participants 3 and 5, coded 702

also suggested that train the child using various
reading and writing enhancer to supplement the
learning needs of the learners. It shows that teachers
and parents must provide remediation for reading and
writing to ensure that learners learn even in modular

“Unlike face to face po maam na marami kami ma In Table 3.2, six codes surfaced. 800-805. significant
integrate na activities, during this time po limited po statement of participant 1 coded 800 who stated the
talaga..but I can suggest po na effective po yung need to assist children in reading and writing at home,
writing pad technique and pullers method po sa this means that parents need to guide and work hand in
writing nila para ma enhance po kahit papano. sa hand with the teacher and the learner for better
reading naman po is yung suited na po talaga sa learning.
grade level as in madali na po masyado, and before po
“Siguro po, para sakin hanggat kaya natin bilang
naming binigay sa parent naming, sometimes
isang magulang, tabangan tanu su mga wata tanu ka
nagkakaroon po kami ng brief lecturing sa parents for
dibun silan kataw matya du semulat kagina dili gelay
the sake of those parents na limited lang po pinag
nu mestra nin.”
aralan ay maturuan nila anak nila pagdating sa
bahay.” Participant 2 coded 801 suggested that Do not engage
learners to too much usage of gadgets, this means that
Lastly, participant 4 whose response is coded 703, put restriction and proper scheduling of activities your
suggested that watching educational videos might help children must engage in.
in learning reading and writing. The data suggest that
since most of the children nowadays can easily learn “ huwag po muna naten sila pahawakin ng gadgets
through viewing and listening, educational videos may
kasi na didivert yung attention nila or di kaya ibigay
also supplement the learning of the children.
po sa tamang oras.”
“Based on my observation some of the kids can learn
In addition, participant 3 whose responses coded 802,
through watching educational videos for kids. malaki
po maitutulong nito sa reading and writing skills nila

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Research Article

suggested that having playmates who are studying is “ Upama ka gasulot na iyalit sa tagalog o dili na
helpful in learning to read and write. papagatagan su English word sa pronunciation nin sa
tagalog ka endo galemuan su wata taman kanu
“dili det ah padtaden I module ah ka dili pegkataw su
wata menka dili gatabangan ng lukes or suled nin
malaki rin po ang maitutulong kung yung mga kalaro
This implies that parents want to seek assistance from
po niya is nag aaral din kasi na eencourage po siya na
the teachers on how they can easily deliver the lesson
sagutan din module niya.du aden bun talaga time a to their children. In connection, Guiamalon, Alon, and
gasemu den su wata sa module” Camsa (2021) mentioned that parents and guardians
may help their children adjust to the new environment
This data implies that let the learner socialize with
and learning modality but some of them are hampered
fellow learners. Moore (1989) discussed one of the
because of incapability of facilitating and explaining
essential interactions in distance education is the
the modules provided for their children.
Learner-learner interaction which is the exchange of
information, ideas, and dialogue that occur between
students about the course, whether this happens in a Conclusion
structured or non-structured manner. Through this
manner, the eagerness and interest of the child to learn
is develop. Based on the summary of the findings, it is concluded
that Modular Distance Learning can be a tool in
Moreover, Participant 4 whose response is coded 803, learning early language literacy which includes
suggested that show words with pictures per category reading and writing; however, learning early language
and let them read it afterwards. This data suggested literacy is quite challenging to the part of the learners,
that providing supplementary activities might help
teachers and parents.
boost the learner’s interest to reduced boredom of the
module. It is further concluded that though Modular Distance
Learning is challenging, the assistance of adult
“ ang strategy ko po maam is nagpapakita ako ng
learners at home like parents and siblings seemingly
pictures with matching words per category tapos
addressed the challenges in the Modular Distance
ipapalagay ko sakanya kung saan angkop ang larawan
na yon tapos ipapabasa kop o sakanya.”
Based on the summary of the findings and conclusion
Five (5) and 7 participants which coded, 804 stated
of the study, the following are recommended: The
that they preferred Face to Face modality for their
parents may consider guiding their children to have
children to learn reading and writing.
focus in completing reading and writing activities in
“ O magaga e maka face to face ka kena langon maam the module to help them learn early Language literacy.
na aden pinangagyan nin du gasulot, niya kadekelan
1. The parents may consider guiding their children to
salkami ah mga lukes na pengalbek sa farm endo solo
have focus in completing reading and writing activities
parent.” in the module to help them learn early language
In face-to-face classrooms, teachers can supervise and
2. The parents may allot time to guide and assist the
support their students' learning Mataac (2021). In Fact,
learners in reading and writing.
Even well-designed modules with well-defined
3. The teachers may use reading and writing activities
learning outcomes can fail if the edifying tactics used
to motivate and encourage learners fail to inspire and to facilitate the reading and writing needs of the
support them in achieving the necessary learning learners.
outcomes Toohey (1999). 4. The Module coordinators may simplify English
words and activities to facilitate completion of the
Lastly, Participant 6, coded 805. suggest that if reading and writing activities in the module.
possible, teacher must provide translation on how to 5. Other researchers may conduct similar study to
pronounce certain words in the module provided for other participants to further validate the result of the
them to deliver in correct way. study.

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Research Article

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