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A game of epic quests and daring adventures, inspired by the

ancient art of tabletop skirmishing!

Perry Mesney

2. How to Play 10. Wounds and Death

3. Creating a Character i. Serious Injury Table
4. Careers 11. Levelling Up
5. Combat 12. Skills
i. Recovery 15. Spells
ii. Movement 16. Spell Miscast Table
iii. Spells and Prayers 17. Prayers
6. Combat (cont.) 18. Prayer Miscast Table
iv. Shooting 19. War Gear
v. Close Combat 23. Trade
7. To Hit and To Wound Charts 24. Bestiary
8. Armour Rules 26. Monster Skills
9. Critical Hits 27. Character Sheet

This zine details a ruleset for TTRPG gaming, heavily inspired by the
legendary skirmish game Mordheim. This ruleset intends to allow for
dungeon crawling, hexcrawling and roleplaying using similar combat rules
to Mordheim, whilst overhauling certain mechanics to allow for more
abstract and long-term roleplaying.

Writing and Illustrations: © Perry Mesney (@six.horned.goatman), 2023.

How to Play
This zine assumes that the reader has a player may wish to attempt to push
some knowledge of tabletop open a heavy stone door. The GM
roleplaying games, or TTRPGs. may ask the player to roll a strength
However, for any possible newcomers, (S) test to determine if they succeed.
TTRPGs are a form of collaborative To do this, the player must roll 1d6
storytelling. In a game like Ironhold, and roll a number equal to or lower
players create their own characters than their characteristic score. So, if
with unique skills and abilities. One the character has a strength score of 4
player takes on the role of the Games and rolls a 3, they pass and the door
Master (GM) who acts as the game's opens. It is up to the GM to decide
storyteller and referee. The GM what happens in case of failure.
creates a world for the players to Similarly, a character may wish to
explore, populated by non-player sneak past a number of guards. In this
characters (NPCs) and filled with case, the GM may call for an initiative
various obstacles and challenges for test. Note that a willpower test
the players to overcome. requires a roll of 2d6 instead of 1d6.

During the game, players take turns All of the characteristics and
describing their character’s actions, suggested uses are explained in
and the GM narrates the results. more detail in
Players use dice to determine the the creating a
success or failure of their character's character
actions, usually through Characteristic section (p.3).
Tests. Combat is also resolved The most
through dice rolls, with each player important rule
taking turns attacking and defending is to have fun -
against opponents. the GM should
make rulings,
Characteristic Tests and these
In Ironhold, Characteristic Tests are trump rules
used to determine the success or written here. If
failure of a character’s action based on in doubt, roll
their abilities and skills. For example, 1d6!

Creating a Character
To start making a character, fill in a - Toughness (T). Your resilience
copy of the character sheet (p.27) by and ability to shrug off damage in
following the instructions below. combat.
- Initiative (I). Your speed,
Races dexterity, stealth, investigation and
There are three different playable reactions.
races - humans, dwarves and elves, - Wounds (W). The amount of
though humans are by far the most damage you can take. This is
common. Different races grant determined by your class.
different characteristic bonuses. Roll - Attacks (A). Your base number of
2d6. On a result of double 1, you may attacks. This is always 1 unless stated
create an elf. On a result of 10-12, you otherwise, such as wielding two
may create a dwarf. Otherwise, create weapons.
a human. - Willpower (WP). Your charisma,
courage and mental fortitude and
Humans start with WS or BS at 4, wisdom. Note, WP tests require a
representing their regimented roll of 2d6.
training. Dwarves start with S or T at - Luck. The gods grant each a
4, representing their natural hardiness. measure of luck. You may spend a
Elves may start with WS, BS, or I at 4, luck point to reroll a failed test.
representing their supernatural These points decrease as they are
combat prowess. used, and only replenish at GM
A character's strengths and Allocate your racial characteristic.
weaknesses are measured abstractly by To determine your remaining
their characteristics. The characteristics, allocate your WS,
characteristics are as follows: BS, S, T and I from the following
array: 4, 3, 2, 2.
- Weapon Skill (WS). Your likelihood
to hit an opponent in close combat. To determine your WP, roll 2d6 and
- Ballistic Skill (BS). Your likelihood use the result. To determine your
to hit your opponent in ranged Luck, roll 1d6 and use the result.
- Strength (S). Your physical strength
and ability to cause wounds in combat.
Basic Equipment 3. Assassin
Every character starts with the Requires: I 4.
following: 2d6 silver coins, Wounds: 3.
backpack, d3 days' foods, waterskin, Skills: speed, combat, strength.
eating knife, clothes and boots, and Quick, silent, deadly. These fighters
a dagger. specialise in the subtle arts.
Assassins start with one speed skill.
Your career is limited by your Starting equipment: A sword, a rope
characteristics, and determines the and hook.
skills available to your character.
Choose one career: 4. Battle Priest
Requires: T 4.
1. Warrior Wounds: 3.
Requires: WS 4. Skills: toughness, strength, prayers.
Wounds: 4. Zealous warrior-priests that fight
Skills: combat, strength, toughness. with the power of their gods. Battle
Close combat specialists who thrive priests start with one random
in the heart of battle. They can use Prayer.
any weapon. Warriors start with one
combat skill. Starting equipment: a one-handed
weapon and shield, or a two-handed
Starting equipment: Any weapon.
one-handed weapon and shield, or
any two-handed weapon. 5. Wizard
Requires: WP 8.
2. Ranger Wounds: 2.
Requires: BS 4. Skills: academic, spells, speed.
Wounds: 3. Those who can weave the winds of
Skills: shooting, speed, combat. magic at will.
Expert ranged fighters, famed for Wizards may
their deadly accuracy at long range. start with one
Rangers start with one shooting random Spell.
Starting equipment: A bow and 20 equipment: A
arrows. staff, robes.

When diplomacy fails, arrows fly Charging characters always strike
and swords are drawn. Combat is first unless otherwise stated. A
extremely deadly, and always a last character may not charge and shoot
resort! When a fight breaks out, in the same turn. A character must
each side must roll 1d6 to determine succeed an initiative test to break
which group gets the first round. from close combat. Otherwise, they
The round is then broken up into must stay locked in close combat.
five phases: recovery, movement,
spells/prayers, shooting and close iii. Spells/Prayers. Wizards and
combat. Battle Priests may cast spells or
prayers, even in close combat. To
i. Recovery. Any applicable actions cast a spell or prayer, the user must
related to recovery or ‘beginning of roll 2d6 equal to or greater than the
turn’ effects are resolved. spell or prayer difficulty. If failed,
the use may not attempt another
ii. Movement. Characters may move one that turn. If successful, the spell
around the battlefield. Distances are or prayer is cast as described in the
measured in abstract as very far, far, description. A caster may attempt to
close, very close and close combat. cast a number of spells or prayers
A character may traverse these equal to their willpower score. This
distances at one degree per turn at a resets after a good night’s sleep. A
normal pace. To traverse dangerous caster may not cast and shoot in the
terrain, a character must pass an same turn. Spells may not be cast
initiative test (including climbing). when wearing armour, but prayers
A character may run, covering two are not subject to this limitation.
degrees of movement, but not shoot
or charge if they have done so.
If double 1 is
rolled to cast,
If a character is knocked down, they
the caster must
must spend their next turn standing
roll on the
up, and may not make any further
spell or prayer
moves. They may fight as normal. A
Miscast Table.
character may charge to initiate
See p.15 and
combat, moving at run speed into
p.17 for the list
melee range with an opponent.
of spells and

iv. Shooting. If a character is far to Otherwise, combat is resolved in
very close and can see an enemy, order of each character’s Initiative
they may attempt to shoot them. characteristic.
Each character can only shoot once
per turn unless otherwise stated. If a character is in CC with multiple
opponents, they must pick one
If a character is aiming at an enemy before announcing any attack(s).
in partial cover, they will suffer a -1
penalty to hit their opponent. To determine whether hits are
scored, roll a d6 for each attack.
To attempt to hit the target, roll 1d6 Compare the Weapon Skill (WS) of
for each attack. Compare the score the attacker and defender on the To
to the Ballistic Skill (BS) of the Hit chart overleaf to determine the
attacker on the chart below, minimum score required to hit.
showing the minimum d6 required
to hit: Some combatants fight with two
weapons, one in each hand. If so,
they may make an extra attack using
the weapon in their offhand.
However, this weapon has a -1
modifier to hit.
If a hit is scored, compare the
strength of the attacker’s weapon Once an attack hits the opponent,
with the toughness of the defender. you must determine if that attack
Then consult the wound chart breaks the enemies defences,
overleaf to see the minimum causing a wound. Compare the
required roll. strength of the attackers weapon
with the toughness of the defender.
v. Close Combat. Characters who Then consult the wound chart
are in Close Combat (CC) range are overleaf to see the minimum
engaged in combat. This can only required roll (as with shooting).
happen if a character has charged an
opponent. All characters engaged in Critical Hit! If an unmodified
CC fight in this phase, regardless of wound roll of 6 is achieved, the
which side’s turn it is. Characters attacker scored a critical hit. Roll
who charged this round strike first 1d6 on the appropriate critical hit
(before their opponent), unless table for the weapon (p.9).
otherwise stated (such as in certain
weapon properties).
To Hit Chart
Target’s Weapon Skill
Attacker’s Weapon Skill

Wound Chart
Target’s Toughness
Attacker’s Strength

Armour. A wounded character may Armour save modifiers. Some
avoid damage due to the save characters are so strong they have
granted by their armour. If wearing the ability to cleave through
armour when wounded, roll 1d6. If enemy armour. Consult the
the roll is greater than or equal to following chart to see the
the save, the wound is ignored. reduction in armour save caused
by an attackers strength.
Armour is cumulative, and each
piece will provide a bonus. For
example, +1 armour will provide an
armour save of 6, +2 will provide an
armour save of 5+, and so on.

Light armour provides a save of +1,

heavy armour provides a save of +2.
Shields provide a save of +2. Each
piece of specific armour may impose
other benefits and penalties, which
are described in full in the War Gear
section (p.22).

Some weapons grant further

strength bonuses, detailed in the
War Gear section.

Parrying. Wielding a sword or

buckler allows a character to
attempt to parry a strike. When an
attacker hits an opponent who can
parry, the opponent rolls 1d6. If the
roll is higher than the number
rolled to hit, the attack is parried
and is ignored. It is impossible to
parry a strike scored on a 6. Only
one attack may be parried this way
per sword or buckler per turn.

Critical Hits. If a character scores a wound on an unmodified roll of 6, that
player has scored a critical hit. Roll on the appropriate critical hit table for the
weapon that caused the wound. The opponent must immediately succumb to the
effect of the hit before making any armour saves or checking for wounds.
Missile Weapons Thrusting Weapons

Bladed Weapons Bludgeoning Weapons

Wounds and death. If a player character is
reduced to o wounds during the course of
a battle, that player must roll 2d6 on the
Serious Injury Table and immediately
succumb to the effects of the result. This
represents a significant strike that has
passed through the character’s defences,
and may have permanent effects.
Unimportant non-player characters (NPC)
may simply die, whilst more important
characters may roll on the Serious Injury
Table below. If the player is not
immediately slain, they may continue to
fight. For each subsequent wound below o,
the player will add +2 to the critical injury
roll. For example, if a character continues
to fight with -2 wounds, they will roll on
the critical injury table with +4. Lost
wounds reset after a good night’s sleep.

Serious Injury Table

Levelling Up
As a character completes challenges, their appropriate racial maximums,
such as challenging combat as detailed in the following tables:
encounters, roleplaying encounters
or exploration, the GM may allow Human max. characteristics:
the them to level up. This is entirely
at GM discretion, but it should be
stressed that level ups should be
awarded sparingly, and only after
exceptional circumstances. Dwarf max. characteristics:

In order to level up, roll 1d6. On a

1-3, the character may advance one
of the following characteristics:
WS, BS, S, T or I. On a 4-6, the Elf max. characteristics:
player may pick a skill, spell or
prayer as detailed on pages 12-17.

Characteristics may only be risen to

Combat Skills Shooting Skills

Weapons Master Deadeye

This character gains an extra attack This character may ignore all partial
whilst in close combat with two or cover when targeting enemies.
more enemies at once.
This character may shoot twice in
This character may reroll all missed one turn with a bow or crossbow.
attacks when wielding a one or
two-handed sword. Dry Powder

Rend Asunder This character gain a 4+ save to

ignore any misfires rolled on black
This character may ignore all powder weapons.
enemy armour on a roll of 6 to hit.
This character may reroll any
This character may attempt a 5+ roll missed shots on their first round of
to dodge an attack after a failed combat.
armour save. This cannot be
modified by enemy strength. Muzzleloader

Spellsword This character may reload and

shoot an arquebus on the same turn.
This character may take 1 spell from
the spells list.

Toughness Skills


This character gains a +1 to all

armour saves.

Hard to Kill

This character may reroll any

Strength Skills serious injuries once, and choose the
best result.
Crushing Blow
This character gains a +1 strength
bonus in close combat. Enemies have -1 strength when
rolling to wound against this
Bestial Strength character.

This character may ignore strike Stoic

last rules for two-handed weapons.
This character may ignore the
Intimidation effects of fear.

This character causes fear in Shieldwall

enemies (enemies must pass a
willpower test to successfully charge This character may grant a +2
this character). armour save to one target ally when
in very close range. This target is
Mighty Charge chosen in the recovery phase. If
this character or the target moves
This character gains +1 weapon skill out of range, this armour save is
on the first attack after a successful lost.

Shield Bash

This character may use a shield as a

blunt weapon (-1 to hit, strength as
Speed Skills Academic Skills

Lightning Reflexes Magical Training

This character may always strike This character may reroll 1 die when
first, even against an opponent who rolling a difficulty (willpower) test
charged them. to cast a spell. The caster must keep
the result.
This character gains a 5+ roll to
dodge a hit from a missile weapon. This character may deduct 1d6 silver
This cannot be modified by weapon pieces from the cost of any available
strength. object when training, to a minimum
of 1 silver piece.
Reckless Casting
This character can traverse
dangerous terrain without taking This character may attempt to cast
initiative tests. two spells each turn. After
attempting the first spell, if the
Silent character wants to cast another,
they must succeed a willpower test,
This character gains -2 to initiative with no rerolls. On a fail, this
test rolls when trying to sneak or character must roll on the miscast
remain silent (though a roll of 6 table.
always fails).


This character may break close

combat in the movement phase
without having to pass an initiative

1. Fireball 4. Shield
Difficulty: 7. Difficulty: 7.
A blast of magical fire shoots forth from A shimmering arcane shield surrounds the
the caster’s outstretched hand, scorching target, deflecting enemy blows.
the flesh of their enemies.
The mage may cast a magical shield
The target suffers an S4 hit. Armour around a target, including
saves are taken as normal (so it will themselves. For 1d6+2 turns, the
give a -1 modifier). target gains a +2 armour save that
cannot be modified by weapons or
2. Fear enemy strength.
Difficulty: 7.
The wizard whispers frightening words 5. Ruin
into the mind of the target, causing a Difficulty: 10.
supernatural fear. An aura of darkness envelops the enemy,
draining them of their life-force.
The target must take a WP test. On
a failed test, the target must flee, Target three enemy creatures that
breaking combat if so engaged. The are all in close range of each other.
target must take a WP test every Each target takes one s5 hit.
turn until free to regain control.
6. Teleport
3. Arcane Arrows Difficulty: 9.
Difficulty: 7. With word of power
Arrows of light hover in the air around uttered, the wizard
the wizard, ready to fly at a target. flashes to another place.

Summon d6+2 arcane arrows. These The wizard may

may be used in the shooting phase immediately teleport
as if they were a bow. They use the to anywhere within
caster’s BS to hit, but ignore cover very far range. If in
and movement penalties. They are close combat, the
S3 hits. wizard breaks combat
with no penalties.

Spell Miscast Table
The winds of magic are violent unpredictable, changing direction and intensity
without warning. If two 1’s are rolled (snake eyes) when attempting to cast a spell,
immediately roll 2d6 on the following table:

1. Axe of Athe
Difficulty: 7.
A holy light surrounds the weapon of the
Battle Priest, imbued with the power of
the god of oaths.

For 2d6 turns, the battle priest gains

+2 strength in close combat and
deals 2 wounds instead of 1.

2. Heal
Difficulty: 5.
The Battle Priest calls to the goddess of
healing, knitting together the flesh of the
wounded. 5. Battle-Prayer
Difficulty: 10.
The Battle Priest may heal one The Battle Priest chants a holy prayer,
wound of a target within very close emboldening his comrades and filling
range, including themselves. them with righteous fury.

3. Holy Armour All friendly models within close

Difficulty: 9. range gain +1 weapon skill for 1d6
A suit of armour formed of holy light turns.
surrounds the Battle Priest.
6. Hallowed Charge
The Battle Priest gains a +5 armour Difficulty: 6.
save (2+) for 1d6+2 turns (replacing The Battle Priest advances as a flash of
any previous armour save). lightning, meeting the foe in furious close
4. Celestial Lightning
Difficulty: 9. The battle priest may immediately
A bolt of celestial lightning strikes foes move anywhere within far range to
surrounding the Battle Priest. end in close combat with an enemy.
This counts as charging, and grants
All enemy models within very close the Battle Priest +1 strength and +1
range suffer an S3 hit, ignoring attacks in the first round of combat.
armour saves. 17
Prayer Miscast Table
The gods are fickle, and many dark beings of the void wish to interfere in the
prayers of mortals. If two 1’s are rolled (snake eyes) when attempting to cast a
prayer, immediately roll 2d6 on the following table:

War Gear
Close Combat Weapons Mace/Hammer/Staff
A brutal weapon for crushing skulls and
Axe breaking bones.
Simple, cheap, effective. A tool for war
and labour - the weapon of the working Strength: As user.
man. Special Rule: Crushing.

Strength: As user. Crushing: An attacker wielding a

Special Rule: Hew. mace gains +2 Strength in the first
round of combat.
Hew: An attacker armed with an axe
hews through armour, causing a -1 Spear.
penalty to armour saves. An ancient and simple weapon, favoured
by the shield-walls in the armies of men.
Quick and deadly. An essential sidearm Strength: As user.
for every warrior. Special Rule: Brace.

Strength: As user. Brace: A character with a spear may

Special Rule: Backstab. strike first in the first turn of close
Backstab: Gain +1 to hit if attacking
an already engaged or surprised

Versatile polearms for chopping or
thrusting, these weapons are popular
amongst civilised human infantry.

Strength: As user +1.

Special Rule: Two-handed.

Two handed: A character wielding a

two-handed weapon may not use a
shield, buckler, or any other
weapon in Close Combat.
Sword Ranged Weapons
A symbol of battle, station, and honour.
A sword can wreak carnage in the hands Bow
of the well trained warrior. A common weapon for hunters and
Strength: As user.
Special Rule: Parry. Strength: 3.
Special Rule: none.
Parry: A defender armed with a
sword may attempt to parry an Crossbow
enemy strike. When an opponent A deadly work of imperial engineering,
rolls to hit, the defender may roll though seen as cowardly by the knightly
1d6 simultaneously. If the parry roll classes.
is higher than the attack roll, the hit
is ignored. Strength: 4.
Special Rule: Long reload.
Two-Handed Weapon
Mighty weapons held in two hands, Long Reload: A character may not
capable of extreme damage. move and shoot a crossbow in the
same turn.
Strength: As user +2.
Special Rule: Two-handed, strike Javelin
last, special. A thrown weapon, used to soften up the
enemy line before a charge.
Two handed: A character wielding a
two-handed sword, axe or mace Strength: As user.
weapon may not use a shield, Special Rule: Thrown, Versatile.
buckler, or any other weapon in
close combat. Thrown: The user may move and
throw this weapon with no penalty.
Special: The weapon gains the It can only be thrown at close or
special rules of its one handed very close range.
Versatile: The javelin may be used as
Strike Last: This weapon always a spear in close combat.
strikes last in close combat.

Throwing Knife Blackpowder Weapons
Fast and deadly in the hands of Assassins, a
precisely thrown knife has been the death of Arquebus.
many unsuspecting victims. Extremely rare, deadly and unreliable,
the arquebus blasts lead shot with
Strength: As user. terrifying consequences.
Special Rule: Thrown, versatile.
Strength: 4.
Thrown: The user may move and throw Special Rule: Prepare shot, move or
this weapon with no penalty. It can only fire, save modifier, misfire.
be thrown at close or very close range.
Prepare shot: The arquebus takes a
Versatile: The throwing knife may be full turn to reload.
used as a dagger in close combat.
Move or fire: The wielder may not
Sling move and shoot in the same turn.
The most simple ranged weapon there is, a well
placed slingstone is said to be able to kill a Save modifier: On a successful
giant. wound, the arquebus causes a -2
armour save for the target.
Strength: 3.
Special Rule: Fire twice at close range. Misfire: On a roll of 1 to hit, the
gun misfires. Roll on the misfire
Fire twice at close range: The sling can table below:
be quickly reloaded and shot twice if at
close or very close range to the target.

Armour Helmet
Helmets are a varied array of protective
Armor, crafted by skilled hands and headgear, crafted from a range of
worn by valorous warriors, is a guardian materials such as leather and iron.
of life and a defender against the fell
hand of fate. Shields of stout oak and Special Rule: Lifesaving.
sturdy metals, armor of chainmail and
plate, each suited to different battles and Lifesaving: A character wearing a
realms. helmet gains -2 to any rolls on the
Serious Injury Table (to a minimum
Light Armour roll of 2).
Light armor is a variegated array of fabrics
and metals - from toughened hides to Buckler
steel-linked mail. A buckler is a versatile type of shield, able
to deflect attacks and create openings for
Save: Light armour provides a save of +1. counter-attacks.

Heavy Armour Special Rule: Parry.

Heavy armor often takes form of chain mail.
Those who can bear its weight and expense can Parry: A defender armed with a
withstand even the deadliest of blows. buckler may parry an enemy strike.
When an opponent rolls to hit, the
Save: Heavy armour provides a save of defender may roll 1d6
+2. simultaneously. If the parry roll is
Special Rule: Loud higher than the attack roll, the hit is
Loud: Heavy armour impedes
movement, and its metal components Shield
make moving silently difficult. Heavy Shields provide protection to the bearer in
armour gives a -2 to initiative tests the midst of battle.
involving stealth.
Save: Shields provide a save of +2.
Special Rule: Bulky

Bulky: If a character is wearing

light armour and holding a shield,
they suffer a -2 to initiative tests
involving stealth.

Money is generally split into three
coinage types: copper, silver and gold.
10 coppers go into 1 silver, and 10 silvers
go into 1 gold.

Copper is the everyday coinage of

commoners. Silver is mostly used by the
middle classes, such as artisans and
professional warriors. Gold is the Middle class items (cost 1d6 silver)
coinage of the aristocracy. As the Caltrops
availability of items fluctuates, so does Crossbow (2d6)
their cost. As such, item prices are Disguise
generated randomly as described below: Holy symbol
Large tent
Commoner items (cost 1d6 copper) Light armour (2d6)
10ft pole Lock
50ft rope Metal hand weapon (2d6)
Arrows/ammunition Musical instrument
Backpacks/sacks Quill and ink
Climbing gear Riding horse (2d6)
Commoner's garb Thieves' toolkit
Flasks/wineskin Well-made clothing
Flint & steel
Grappling hook Upper class items (cost 1d6 gold)
Iron spikes Accurate map
Jug of oil Arquebus
Bow (2d6) Heavy armour (2d6)
Pack horse or pony (2d6) Fine jewellery
Pots/cooking utensils Materials for magic
Rations Navigation tools
Shield Poison
Small tent Rich clothes
Tools Sextant
Torches Two-handed weapon
Wooden weapon (2d6) Warhorse (2d6)
“Dear reader, I present to you these notes from Dwarf
my travels - a compact collection of grim and Stubborn and brave mountainfolk who
ghastly creatures. Within these pages, you'll can hold their own against any foe.
find a mere taste of the horrors that have
crossed my path. But beware, for the paths of
this world are fraught with danger and
despair.” - Wilhelm Haken, infamous
mercenary. Elf
Elusive, haughty and ancient, the elves
The following creature templates may are famed for their martial prowess.
be used to create encounters. They may Skill: Strike-first.
given any equipment the GM wishes,
such as equipping a human with a shield
and sword. You are encouraged to create
your own creatures from the templates Giant
below. Any creature skills are described Massive creatures of incredible strength
at the end of this section. and size, often living in isolated
Beastial parodies of humanity, goatmen
hate the cities and ordered societies of
civilised races.
Skill: Hatred (humans).

Massive, fierce and powerful, dragons are
famed for their large wings and fiery
Skill: Fire-Breath, flying.

Goblin Wolf
Individually small and weak, these runts like Fierce and deadly predators, that hunt in
to attack in large mobs and stab their foes in packs in the wilderness of the world.
the back. Skill: Tracker.
Skill: Elusive.

Human Those adept in manipulating the winds
Humans are adaptable and numerous; of magic.
common allies and foes in the towns, on the Skill: Spellcaster.
roads and in the forests.

Greater Demon
Knight Twisted abominations, darkness
Heavily armoured fighters for good or ill, manifest. Greater demons are powerful
these warriors are a fearsome foe. and malevolent beings, often depicted as
horned or winged creatures with
formidable strength and magical abilities.
Skills: Spellcaster, flying, fear.

Hulking brutes who love nothing more
than a fight.

The height of two men, trolls are
extremely tough and just as stupid.
Skill: Regenerate.

Monster Skills

When a character attacks this creature with a blunt weapon, they may reroll any misses
to wound.

This creature can leave combat in the movement phase without passing an initiative test.

Enemies attempting to charge this creature must succeed a willpower test. If they fail,
they are frozen in fear until their next movement phase.

This creature can fly.

This creature hates a specific enemy type. When fighting a hated enemy, this character
may reroll missed hits and wounds in the first round of combat.

During the recovery phase, this creature may roll 1d6.
On a 5+, this creature regains 1 wound.

This creature can cast spells.

This creature always strikes first in combat, even
when charged. If two creatures can strike first, roll
off to decide who goes first.

This creature has an uncanny ability to track its prey.

Character Sheet

Name: Luck:

Career: Current wounds:

Race: Characteristics Current willpower:

Equipment: Skills, injuries and notes:

Target’s Weapon Skill Target’s Toughness

Attacker’s Weapon Skill

Attacker’s Strength

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