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- Organized recreational activities are often

 Recreation refers to all those activities that planned by private clubs or government
people choose to do to refresh their bodies organizations.
and minds as a diversion from their daily - Government and non-government
routine and make their leisure time more organizations decide for group activities
interesting and enjoyable. that can serve as the means of recreation
 Recreational activities are the things people for many.
do for fun and enjoyment. - Sports, cultural activities, and social
 Through this, one engages in something gatherings are some of the organized ones.
s/he likes while s/he is recreating. Hence, - Clubs and recreation centers offer a variety
recreational activities give joy and of recreational programs for people of
relaxation to one's mind and body. different ages and various interests.


 Sporting to Recreate Active recreation – It is about engaging in
- Sports such as baseball, volleyball, cricket, adventurous sports or outdoor games.
basketball, and such different games can
serve as very good recreational activities. Example. Baseball, Football, Soccer, Hockey, Tennis
- Sports enthusiasts love spending time in
Passive recreation – Involves little exertion while
such activities.
doing these activities.
- Outdoor sports, like the ones mentioned,
also provide us with the means to exercise Example. Reading, Sunset viewing, Fishing, Bird
and hence happen to be one of the best watching
forms of recreation.
 Recreation through Adventure
- Those with brave hearts take interest in INDOOR AND OUTDOOR RECREATION
activities like mountain biking, skiing,
mountaineering, bungee jumping, and
similar activities.
- These activities create thrill and excitement.
- They involve a certain amount of risk but Indoor activities typically include indoor games and
surely serve as a source of recreation for the pursuit of hobbies and activities that one
those enjoying it. engages in, for entertainment.
 Diversion through Entertainment
- Recreational activities like singing, reading, Outdoor activities include sports, adventure,
listening to music, watching movies, traveling, and activities one engages in, for
dancing, aerobics, or pursuit of hobbies, amusement.
serve as the best means to recreate.
- Our hobbies are activities giving us real
happiness. Our hobbies are activities we  TYPES OF INDOOR RECREATIONAL
truly like engaging in and taking part in ACTIVITIES
something that we love doing is surely 1. Badminton
recreation. - Badminton is a racquet sport played using
 Recreation for Amusement racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.
- Video games, computer games, and surfing - Although it may be played with larger
the Internet are some other examples of teams, the most common forms of the
recreational activities most of us like to game are "singles" (with one player per
engage in. side) and "doubles" (with two players per
- Traveling, partying, shopping, and visiting side)
parks, museums, and places of historical 2. Volleyball
importance are the means of recreation for - Volleyball is a team sport in which two
many. teams of six players are separated by a net.
- Each team tries to score points by
grounding a ball on the other team's court
under organized rules.
3. Scrabble - Underwater Diving, as a human activity, is
- Scrabble is a word game in which two to the practice of descending below the
four players score points by placing tiles, water's surface.
each bearing a single letter, onto a game 7. Snorkeling
board divided into a 15×15 grid of squares - Snorkeling is the practice of swimming on or
4. Snakes and ladders through a body of water while equipped
- Snakes and ladders, known originally as with a diving mask, a shaped breathing tube
Moksha Patam, is an ancient Indian board called a snorkel, and usually swim fins.
game for two or more players regarded - In cooler waters, a wetsuit may also be
today as a worldwide classic. worn.
- It is played on a game board with 8. Water skiing
numbered, gridded squares. - Water skiing is a surface water sport in
- A number of "ladders" and "snakes" are which an individual is pulled behind a boat
pictured on the board, each connecting two or a cable ski installation over a body of
specific board squares. water, skimming the surface on two skis or
5. Tic-tac-toe one ski.
- Tic-tac-toe is a paper and pencil game for 9. Parachuting
two players who take turns marking the - Parachuting, including also skydiving, is a
spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. method of transiting from a high point in
- The player who succeeds in placing three of the atmosphere to the surface of Earth with
their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or the aid of gravity, involving the control of
diagonal row is the winner. speed during the descent using a parachute
or parachutes.
10. Paragliding
 TYPES OF OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL - Paragliding is the recreational and
ACTIVITIES competitive adventure sport of flying
1. Aquatics paragliders: lightweight, free-flying,
- Sports that involves bodies of water. foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid
2. Parasailing primary structure.
- Parasailing, also known as parascending, - The pilot sits in a harness or lies supine in a
paraskiing or parakiting, is a recreational cocoon-like 'speed bag' suspended below a
kiting activity where a person is towed fabric wing.
behind a vehicle while attached to a - Wing shape is maintained by the suspension
specially designed canopy wing that lines, the pressure of air entering vents
resembles a parachute, known as a parasail in the front of the wing.
wing. 11. Mountaineering
3. Swimming - Mountaineering or alpinism is the set of
- Swimming is an individual or team racing outdoor activities that involves ascending
sport that requires the use of one's entire tall mountains.
body to move through water. 12. Camping
- The sport takes place in pools or open water - Camping is an outdoor activity involving
(e.g., in a sea or lake). overnight stays away from home with or
- Competitive swimming is one of the most without a shelter, such as a tent or a
popular Olympic sports, with varied recreational vehicle.
distance events. - Typically participants leave developed areas
4. Surfing to spend time outdoors in more natural
- Surfing is a surface water sport in which an ones in pursuit of activities providing them
individual, a surfer (or two in tandem enjoyment or an educational experience.
surfing), uses a board to ride on the forward 13. Caving
section, or face, of a moving wave of water, - Caving is often undertaken for the
which usually carries the surfer towards the enjoyment of the outdoor activity or for
shore physical exercise, as well as original
5. Canoeing exploration, similar to mountaineering or
- A canoe is a lightweight narrow water diving
vessel, typically pointed at both ends and .
open on top, propelled by one or more
seated or kneeling paddlers facing the
direction of travel and using a single-bladed
6. Underwater Diving 14. Horse Riding
- The sport or activity of riding
15. Rock climbing
- Rock climbing is an activity where
participants climb up, down or across
natural rocks or artificial rock walls.
- The goal is to reach the summit or the
endpoint of a route without falling.
16. Picnic
- A picnic is a meal taken outdoors (al fresco)
as part of an excursion, especially in scenic
surroundings, such as a park, lakeside, or
other place affording an interesting view.

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