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Watch the video “What Is International Women's Day?” by ClickView.

Study and discuss the pictures below as a class, then answer the questions.

Let’s discuss:

a) What is happening in each picture?

b) Is it common to see women do these activities in your country?
c) Could women have done these activities 100 years ago in your country?

ESL Pals 1 General English

Study the key words taken from the video. Then choose the correct definition.

1. International Women’s Day

a. A day when women globally don’t have to work.
b. A day to focus on improving and celebrating women’s rights globally.

2. Gender equality.
a. To treat everyone equally, regardless of whether they are male or female.
b. To give admin jobs to men, while women focus on their careers and hobbies.

3. Suffrage
a. The right to work.
b. The right to vote.

4. Social and political union.

a. An organisation that tries to get social and political change, particularly
on issues related to gender, women's rights, and equality.
b. A group of people who enjoy socialising and discussing political topics while
enjoying tea and coffee.

5. Activism
a. The efforts by individuals or groups to bring about political or social
change, often through protests, rallies and strikes.
b. A group or organisation that spreads fake news to create chaos and
confusion in a society or community.

6. Stereotypes
a. A generalised opinion of a person or group of people.
b. A true statement about a person, place or thing.

Task: Now, use the words to discuss the pictures in exercise 1.

International Women’s Day Stereotypes Gender equality

Social and political union Suffrage Activism

ESL Pals 2 General English

Study the following phrases then put the phrases into the correct categories.

● That’s a great idea also… Phrases to agree

● Yes, you’re right. And… Phrases to agree

● Why don’t we… (+infinitive)? Phrases to suggest

● I don’t agree with you because… Phrases to disagree

● To be honest, I think we should… (+infinitive). Phrases to disagree

● I totally agree with you. Phrases to agree

● How about… (+verb+ing)? Phrases to suggest

● I don’t think that’s a good idea, because… Phrases to disagree

● What do you think about… (+verb+ing)? Phrases to suggest

● I’m not sure about that because… Phrases to disagree

● That’s true. And… Phrases to agree

● Do you think we should… (+infinitive)? Phrases to suggest

Phrases to agree Phrases to disagree Phrases to suggest

1. __________________ 1. __________________ 1. __________________

2. __________________ 2. __________________ 2. __________________

3. __________________ 3. __________________ 3. __________________

4. __________________ 4. __________________ 4. __________________

ESL Pals 3 General English

Work in groups. Read the information on each card, then complete the tasks on each
card by answering the following questions:

1. Discuss the different ideas each group member has for each event.
2. Think about where, when, how, and who will attend each event.
3. Use the phrases from Exercise 3 to discuss each event.
4. Take a few minutes to finalise your plans for each event.
5. Present your ideas for each event to the class.

International Women’s Day International Women’s Day

You have been asked to organise a sport You have been asked to organise a protest
event in your local community to celebrate or strike in your local area to protest
women in sport. gender inequality.

International Women’s Day International Women’s Day

You have been asked to organise an event You have been asked to organise a music
in your local area to celebrate working event with female musicians to celebrate
women in all industries. women’s music.

ESL Pals 4 General English

Study the statements below, based on the video, and decide if they are true or false.

1. International Women's Day is celebrated every year on the 8th of March. T

2. International Women's Day is a day to recognise male achievement. F

3. Gender equality means that all genders should have equal rights and access to
opportunities. T

4. Women have always had the same rights and privileges as men throughout history.

5. Women fought for suffrage, the right to vote, in the late 19th century. T

6. Emily Pankhurst formed the women's social and political union in 1903 to fight for
women's suffrage. T

7. Women's activism led to years of protests, rallies and strikes for suffrage, and some
even lost their lives. T

8. The representation of the people bill was passed in 1918, giving all women over 21
the right to vote. F

9. All women over 21 were allowed to vote in the UK in 1928. T

10. Britain had its first female prime minister in 1979. T

11. Stereotypes can prevent individuals from reaching their potential. T

12. Women are the majority in parliament, leadership roles and career fields like science
and engineering. F

13. Gender equality is important for everyone in society. T

14. During World War I, the women's suffrage movement shifted its focus to encourage
women's involvement in the war effort. T

15. Women were excluded from working as mechanics and drivers before World War I.

ESL Pals 5 General English

Complete the quotes, from the video, by using the words from the boxes.

activism rights gradually protests suffrage encourage

1. Throughout history women have had to fight for the rights we enjoy today.

2. Change occurred gradually through the tireless efforts of brave women and men
fighting together for what is right.

3. In the 19th century the fight for women's suffrage began gaining momentum.

4. Emily Pankhurst responded by forming the women's social and political union in
1903 which encouraged a stronger type of activism.

5. This led to years of protests, rallies and strikes with women being arrested, jailed,
injured and some even losing their lives in the fight for suffrage.

6. When the first world war was declared in 1914 suffragettes shifted their campaign
to encourage women's involvement in the war effort.

engineering mechanics freedoms equality fair Stereotypes

7. Women took on responsibilities and jobs that they were previously excluded from
like working as mechanics and drivers.

8. It wasn't until 1928 that all women over 21 were finally allowed to vote. The right
to vote is important in creating a society that is fair and just.

9. If everyone has the same rights and freedom a society can grow and develop in a
way that benefits everyone.

10. Stereotypes can be really damaging and can prevent you from being yourself and
reaching your potential.

11. Today, women are still the minority in parliament, leadership roles and career fields
like science and engineering as well as making less money than men on average.

12. This International Women's Day think about what you could do to help in the fight
for equality because everyone benefits when we are all treated equally.

ESL Pals 6 General English

Answer and discuss the following questions. Use all the words and information learned
in today’s class. Say as much as you can, and have fun!

1. What is International Women's Day? International Women's Day is a day

celebrated on March 8th across the globe to recognize female achievement and
encourage action in the fight for women's rights and gender equality.

2. Why is International Women's Day important? International Women's Day is

important because it raises awareness of the ongoing struggle for women's
rights and gender equality. It celebrates women's achievements, promotes the
advancement of women in all areas of life, and encourages everyone to take
action in the fight for gender equality.

3. What does gender equality mean? Gender equality means that regardless of
gender, individuals are granted the same rights, privileges, and access to
opportunities as everyone else.

4. How have women had to fight for their rights throughout history? Throughout
history, women have had to fight for their rights to vote, stand in parliament,
receive proper medical attention, own property, access legal support, get paid
the same as men, visit the same public areas as men, and receive a proper
education. Women have fought tirelessly to gain equal rights and opportunities.

5. Who was Emily Pankhurst? Emily Pankhurst was a women's rights activist who
responded to the lack of progress and failed attempts to achieve women's
suffrage by forming the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903.

6. What did Emily Pankhurst do to fight for women's suffrage? Emily Pankhurst
fought for women's suffrage through years of protests, rallies, and strikes. She
and other suffragettes were arrested, jailed, injured, and some even lost their
lives in the fight for suffrage.

7. How did suffragettes change their campaign during World War I? During World
War I, suffragettes shifted their campaign to encourage women's involvement in
the war effort. Women took on responsibilities and jobs that they were
previously excluded from, like working as mechanics and drivers.

8. When were women given the right to vote in the UK? In 1918, the Representation
of the People Bill gave some women the right to vote, but it was only women of
a certain age and circumstance. It wasn't until 1928 that all women over 21 were
finally allowed to vote.

9. What are some ways that gender inequality is still present today? Gender
inequality is still present today in the form of stereotypes, unequal pay,
underrepresentation in leadership roles and certain career fields like science and
engineering, and other areas of life where women still face discrimination and
barriers to equality.

ESL Pals 7 General English

10. What are stereotypes and how do they affect people? Stereotypes are
generalisations or assumptions about a person or group of people based on their
gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or other characteristics. Stereotypes can be
harmful and limiting, preventing people from being their true selves and
reaching their full potential.

11. What are some career fields where women are still a minority? Women are still a
minority in career fields like science, technology, engineering, politics, and
leadership roles in various industries.

12. What can people do to help in the fight for gender equality? People can help in the
fight for gender equality by educating themselves and others on the issues,
supporting organisations that promote gender equality, advocating for policies
that promote equality and diversity, challenging stereotypes and biases, and
working to create inclusive environments that value and empower all individuals.


Let’s finish the class with a fun exercise. Study each situation, then explain to the class
what you would do in each situation. Follow the structure, “If I… I would…”.

1. If you found a lost wallet on the street, what would you do?

2. If you missed the last train home, what would you do?

3. If you accidentally spilled coffee on someone's shirt, what would you do?

4. If you received a job offer in a different city, what would you do?

5. If you were going to be late for an important meeting, what would you do?

6. If you were feeling stressed, what would you do to relax?

ESL Pals 8 General English

Read the article then complete the writing exercise on the following page.


International Women's Day (IWD) is a day that the day has been co-opted by
celebrated on March 8th every year to corporations and governments to sell
honour the contributions of women and products or promote their agendas.
their achievements. The day was first Others criticise the focus on gender
observed in the early 1900s and has since equality, arguing that it ignores the
become a global event. IWD is recognized unique challenges faced by different
by many countries, organisations, and groups of women, such as women of
individuals worldwide and is an important colour or women in poverty.
day for advocating for gender equality.
Despite these criticisms, IWD remains an
The origins of IWD can be traced back to important day for celebrating women and
the women's suffrage movement in the advocating for their rights. It has inspired
United States and Europe in the late 19th countless women's movements around
and early 20th centuries. Women's rights the world, including the Women's March
activists organised rallies and protests to in the United States and the #MeToo
demand the right to vote, better working movement, which has brought attention
conditions, and an end to discrimination. to sexual harassment and assault.
In 1908, a group of women in New York
organised the first National Women's In recent years, the theme of IWD has
Day, which was observed on February been focused on #ChooseToChallenge,
28th. The following year, the Socialist which encourages individuals to
Party of America declared the first challenge gender stereotypes and
International Women's Day on March 8th. inequality. This theme highlights the
importance of everyone, regardless of
The importance of IWD lies in its gender, to work towards gender equality
celebration of women's achievements and and create a more equitable world for all.
the ongoing struggle for gender equality.
It is a day to raise awareness of the In conclusion, International Women's Day
challenges that women face, including is a day to celebrate women's
discrimination, violence, and unequal achievements and advocate for gender
opportunities. IWD also provides a equality. While it has faced controversy, it
platform for women to come together and remains an important day for raising
advocate for change. awareness of the challenges women face
and inspiring action towards a more just
However, the celebration of IWD is not and equitable world.
without controversy. Some critics argue

ESL Pals 9 General English

Study the statements below, based on the article, and decide if they are true or false.

1. International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th every year. T

2. The day was first observed in the 18th century. F

3. Women's rights activists organised rallies and protests to demand better working
conditions and an end to discrimination. T

4. The first International Women's Day was declared by the Socialist Party of America.

5. IWD is an important day for improving gender equality. T

6. The celebration of IWD has not faced any controversy. F

7. Some critics argue that the day is used improperly by businesses and governments.

8. The focus on gender equality ignores the unique challenges faced by different
groups of women. T

9. IWD has inspired countless women's movements around the world. T

10. The theme of IWD in recent years has been focused on #ChooseToChallenge. T

11. The #MeToo movement has brought attention to sexual harassment and assault. T

12. IWD is a day to celebrate men’s and women's achievements. F

ESL Pals 10 General English

On a separate piece of paper, write detailed answers to the following questions. Use the
language and ideas presented throughout the lessons wherever possible.

1. What is International Women's Day? International Women's Day is a global day

celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

2. When is International Women's Day celebrated? International Women's Day is

celebrated on March 8th every year.

3. Why did women's rights activists organise rallies and protests? Women's rights
activists organised rallies and protests to demand better working conditions and
an end to discrimination.

4. Who declared the first International Women's Day? The first International
Women's Day was declared by the Socialist Party of America.

5. Why is IWD an important day? IWD is an important day for advocating for gender
equality and celebrating the achievements of women.

6. What controversy has IWD faced? IWD has faced controversy regarding its
commercialization and co-option by governments and corporations.

7. What do some critics argue about IWD? Some critics argue that IWD has been
co-opted by governments and corporations for their own purposes.

8. What do some argue is ignored by the focus on gender equality? Some argue that
the focus on gender equality ignores the unique challenges faced by different
groups of women, such as women of colour, LGBTQ+ women, and women with

9. What movements has IWD inspired? It has inspired countless women's

movements around the world.

10. What has the theme of IWD been focused on in recent years? The theme of IWD in
recent years has been focused on #ChooseToChallenge, which encourages
individuals to challenge gender bias and inequality.

11. What has the #MeToo movement brought attention to? The #MeToo movement
has brought attention to sexual harassment, particularly in the workplace.

12. Who is celebrated on International Women's Day? International Women's Day

celebrates women of all backgrounds, cultures, and achievements.

ESL Pals 11 General English

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