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Writing 1

Tina’s mum handed her a big bag from a department store. Tina was so happy because her mum had
bought some new clothes for her school trip in the summer. Mum looked at the bill and checked her big
bag, but suddenly she found that a new dress had gone! She was worried and returned to the shop but
the shop assistant said that he had given her the dress. She searched the road home; however, she
couldn’t find it. After all of the searching, she got home. Next morning, she saw a letter as well as her
dress on her house entrance. It said: “You lose your dress on the street”. She was very happy when she
received the dress and Tina was delighted too!

Writing 2

It’s the first day of school tomorrow and I am really excited to meet new friends and teachers and
especially a new place. I have already bought some notebooks, pencils, glue and a ruler. It’s just the first
day at the new school so I guarantee that I won’t learn anything or just learn a bit. At that time, the
teacher may ask me to buy some other things for school and I’ll buy what the teacher says so I don’t
worry about school stuff. There may be some new friends in this school, but I really want to meet Tony,
my best friend at primary school. If he’s not there, I’d like to make friends with other nice and intelligent

Writing 3:

Why don’t you try to go to the gym? There are some teachers who can help you get fit during the gym
time. They can give you some advice and there are some helpful machines that help you get fit as well.
The gym is indoor so you won’t be wet in the rain. Don’t forget to do exercise before starting the gym
class because it makes you warm up.

Writing 4:

One day, a girl name Tina was going to school. She was doing a project so she needed to bring some
tools. When the class ended, she walked down the stairs and thought about an idea for the project. She
didn’t notice a girl running quickly towards her. The girl crashed into Tina and she fell over and hurt her
cheek. The girl said sorry and picked her stuff up and she asked her: “Are you feeling hurt?” but Tina was
good. They talked with each other a lot and the girl invited Tina for a free meal to say sorry. After all,
they became best friends.

Writing 5:

Dear Jane,

Would you like to go shopping on Sunday evening? We can go at 6:30p.m. I really need more school
pencils and erasers because we are going to study offline next month. We’ll go there by bus. We can also
have some coffee after the shopping.
See you soon


Writing 6:

Jack opened the e-mail and smiled. He was happy when Nina, his friend invited him for a birthday
party on Saturday. He was really excited, but then he realized that, on Saturday, he had an important
tennis competition. It made Jack worried. He picked up the phone and started to call Nina, just to say
sorry because he couldn’t come to her party. However, Nina said “Tomorrow is also Ted’s Birthday, so
we can also have 2 birthday parties at once on Sunday”. Jack was really happy to know that and he
jumped up and down, and on Sunday, they had a great birthday party together.

Writing 7:

Dear Sam,

Last time I gave you a book that you’ve already had. Now would you like to exchange the new book at
the bookshop with me? If you could, let’s go at 3:30 p.m tomorrow. You must remember to bring the
book to exchange and you can choose any book you like.

See you soon


Writing 8: Biography of my father

My father was born in 1973 in Quảng Nam. At the age of 18, he finished his high school, and went
to a science university in his city. Then, when he was 22, he completed his university degree and started
working for a construction company. 5 years later, he became the chairman of the company. In 2002, he
married to his wife and got his first child in 2003. Nowadays, he likes playing football and watching
action films and spending time with his family. He is a very good dad because he loves his family very
much and makes a lot of money for us to spend but he is a saving person.

Writing 9:

Dear Jack,

How are you? I went to an exhibition called Colours and Paints. It showed some interesting paintings
from the best artists and painters around the world. It had some about rivers or nature or something
modern or old and cozy. I was interested the huge sculpture in front of the entrance. It had a face of a
man which called Leonardo da Vinci. I visited it because it was a popular exhibition at that time and I
wanted to see it. I really enjoyed the time.
See you soon


Writing 10:

I’ve just read an interesting book called Smiler’s Adventure which was the best-seller book last
month. It is written by Mike Jackson, a British writer who is very popular in England. The main character
is Smiler who was chased by wolves in the forest and he needed to get on his boat in the swamp which
had many crocodiles. Moreover, he had to survive by his own in the forest for 10 days for a challenge. At
last he got home peacefully. I think that is a good story and it is very scary in the middle parts.

Writing 11

Y8 is an amazing game blog which has over 1000 games from single-player to multi-player games.
That is the place where you can post games and play games with your friends. This blog has many
interesting games that are copied from other popular games in the world and some games that are first
made. This blog has been played and visited by millions of people. There are many games to play
anytime for any genres. Anyone can get into this website using phones or computers. I like this game
blog because it helps me have fun with my friends after the stressful classes.

Writing 12:

In 2020 my mother bought me a computer for my coding school. My mother got it at Thành Nhân
Computer Store in district 1. We chose the computer because it was suitable for me to code in my
lessons. My friends at this school really like it because it is light and has a nice color and a large memory.
I love it and I always use it for my study.

Writing 13:

I bought a new chess board yesterday at the bookshop near my house for my friend to play at school.
But, when we opened it to play, we found that it lost 2 chess pieces. So, we couldn’t use it to play. Can
you return it for me? The bookshop’s address is at 36 Main Street. I don’t have the receipt but I
remember the name of the shop assistant. Her name is Anna.

Writing 12

I suggest that we should include football in the activities of the sport club in our area. It is a good
choice because it makes players work better in team. In addition, they can create their teamwork skill
when they play football together. It also helps them make new friends, so the teenagers may expand the
relationship with people in the area. Moreover, we might raise the awareness and popularity of the
sport club among people. More people are able to join in the club and we can raise funds for the club by
selling football tickets to spectators. As a result, we will hold more activities for the club participants in
the future.

Writing 13

Hi Sarah,

How are you today? I hope you’re fine. I’m writing this email to tell you about the holiday sport
week. It was called Cool Summer Sport Week and there were a lot of sports for us to play like football,
basketball, surfing, volleyball and rowing. I chose to play football because it was my favorite sport. My
friend, Jack, was also there in the football match but he was in another team. I really enjoyed the time I
was there. I think you really miss an opportunity to visit the sport week .I wish you can join it next year.
See you soon

Writing 14

Last year, while we were practicing football in the field, the school officer came and told us that our
trainer got a terrible sickness and couldn’t teach us anymore.

First we were sad and thought that today’s lesson was over, but then the officer told that the new
trainer would come soon. Later he arrived. He was really handsome and strong. He started to teach us
the basic lessons again and slowly became harder lessons. We soon noticed his talents about football.
No long after, we became better day by day and the city championship was coming closer. In the
competition, our team was non-stop winning and getting closer to the final. Finally, the final match was
here and our team was qualified. The match started nervously with many dangerous situations but no
one could score a goal. And in the second half our team scored one goal. We celebrated happily and
ready to win the final. The rest of the time was really competitive but no one could make more goal. The
final result was that our team won the competition. We hugged our trainer which led us to win the city
competition and our team decided to give him the cup.

After all, the old trainer felt better and was ready to teach us again, so we said goodbye to our
trainer who had helped us score many advancements and he needed to return to his old club. We were
really upset and cried in his farewell party. We really missed him and told the story to the old trainer.

Writing 15:

Hi Jo,

How are you? I think you should buy your sister some candies and some toys like some KitKat or some
simulation toys for her or at least buy her a cake. I think she is still a young kid so simple stuff could
make her happy. And you can also get the toys and candies at the simple stationary shop or a bakery in
the City center.

See you soon


Writing 16:

Dear Jackie,

How are you today? I have chosen a game called Minecraft, a popular game and foundation in the
world. I am looking forward to buying it because it’s fun and I could play more mini games on that kind
of background. I have looked on YouTube and seen people playing it cheerfully so I am willing to have it.
By the way, what is your favorite game?



Writing 17:

Dear Lachlan,

How are you today? I’m fine and hope you are fine. I am looking forward to buying a new pair of
headphones but can’t choose which one to buy. Can you give me some ideas? I am thinking to buy the
red pair from BOSE factory because they have some cotton in their earphones, which is very
comfortable. I need some headphones because the house next to mine is being rebuilt and made a lot of
noises, which is very annoying. I can’t concentrate on my lessons.

Write soon


Writing 18:

Dear Jim,

How are you today? I’m fine and I hope you are fine too. I am looking forward to buying a new
camera for school trip because I am working for the science project at school. I really want to have a
camera so I can take photos for the information for the science project. I would like to buy the newest
Canon camera for the trip but it is very expensive. What kind of camera do you have? Is it cheaper than
the camera I mention above?

Hope to hear from you soon


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