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Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT)

Prompting for Programmers

🦁 Welcome. My name is Gudasol, and I am the founder of Machine Minds AI.

I've gotten really good, perhaps too good at getting code back from the ChatGPT +
other text models. I’m giving you this ToT 100% free, because I know once you get a
taste, you’ll want more. These free secrets are powerful, so you can imagine the power
of the premium training in our Prompt Engineering for Programmers bundle.

Now that I’ve been transparent that I’m giving you this bit so you’ll want to buy the $247
training bundle, let’s get some valuable ideas downloaded in your HNN (Human Neural
Network, I’m very humorous so watch out.)

Today, I want to talk with you about Tree of Thoughts prompting for
coders. But first, look at the pretty art.

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 1

Here’s “Folding Leaf on the Tree of Knowledge” (2015) a Fractal I rendered at 11k resolution in
Chaotica Studio. Okay, now let’s learn some things.

The idea behind Tree of Thoughts (ToT) prompting is to

outline tasks + branch out (outlines of outlines) into
related tasks.
We need to do this to give the LLM a structure to reference when generating results.
Remember that a LLM (specifically a Autoregressive Language Model) like ChatGPT is
blind in its ability to see the future, even the future text of its own responses.

Chain of Thought (CoT) tried to solve this in a similar way, by chaining together a linear
sequence of thoughts (perhaps you’ve seen “think step-by-step” in prompts). ToT adds
a critical element (as in ‘critic’), and a choice element. ToT will generate more options
for steps, backtrack when needed, and end up on the best path, giving you the best

The side effect of not doing CoT or ToT is what I like to call “going off the rails”, where
ChatGPT starts out being useful, but as you try to nail down further further into the
responses that you actually need, you get lost.

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 2

Instead of starting at the beginning and telling the LLM you want to get to the end result,
Tree of Thought programming solves the limitations by putting into the context a
detailed and finite reference of the project, as a series of layers that operate like lists of

As this has already been generated, it is not in the future, responses are not based on
an unknown, they are less likely to go “off the rails”.

🦁 We can have ChatGPT generate these lists

So what’s the advantage of ToT over CoT?

The advantage ToT has over CoT is it’s more selective, and can backtrack and prune
unuseful responses to determine the correct path. To do this, we can generate more

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 3

options, and can explore these options before choosing which branch to use.

Because of this, Tree of Thoughts prompting can not only get things “back onto the
rails” it can change where the rails go mid-journey (pun? maybe.)

💎 The secret of ToT in code projects

In the context of large coding projects like building a web app in React Native, ToT
prompting can be understood as a metaphor for a tree where every component or
functionality is a 'branch' evolving from a 'seed' (the initial project idea). Each branch
represents possible implementations or features, some of which can branch off into

Our goal is to maximize our communication with the AI at each step. One crucial
step is to set out a good seed, like a one shot prompt that sets up the rest of the
chat to follow with tree of thought

The secret is to set up the ToT chat in the

first prompt.
To do this, we have to consider our Seed not only as setting the foundation for our
project, but also to set the foundation of the conversation that we will have with
ChatGPT. In the main resource from

.. we will explore the secret more in the next section.

From ChatGPT
The implementation of ToT in software development:

1. Planting the Seed: This involves defining the primary goal or functionality of the
project. This should be unambiguous and relevant to the context.

2. Branching Out: Based on the initial project goal, various components and
functionalities are developed.

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 4

3. Pruning: Unnecessary or less important functionalities are pruned to maintain
focus and efficiency.

4. Incorporating Feedback: The project adapts according to the feedback received,

refining the outputs to align with the desired goal.

5. Iterative Growth: The process doesn't end with a single cycle of branching and
pruning but is an iterative process that constantly evolves based on ongoing
feedback and learning.

🌱 Identifying the Seed

In the Tree-of-Thoughts (ToT) framework, identifying the seed, or the initial prompt,
is crucial. It's the catalyst for all subsequent thought branches.

🦁 If you've purchased our training bundle you’re familiar with Cogo as the
ultimate way to define your seed using parameters.

For an advanced programmer, the seed could be a high-level programming

challenge or complex software architecture design. The seed must be precise,
unambiguous, and contextually relevant, serving as the starting point for reasoning,
problem-solving, and decision-making in the project's lifecycle. It sets the tone and
direction for the entire project.

// --- How to declate the Seed --- \\

Use a parameter list in the following code block as help to set your seed. To access t
he full list, specialized parameter lists for coders, and hundreds of formatted prompt
exampless, see our premium training.

Part 1: Project Seed


Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 5



language: JavaScript, CSS, HTML

purpose_functionality: React Native project template for social media applications
input_output: Captures user actions like likes, comments, and shares, displays user pr
ofiles and feed posts
libraries_frameworks: React Native, React Navigation, Firebase, Redux
coding_style_conventions: Modular architecture following the Container-Component patte
rn for separation of data and presentation logic
code_complexity: Medium to high complexity with real-time updates, notifications, and
user authentication
error_handling: Robust error handling with error boundaries, server-side validation, a
nd user-friendly error messages
comments_documentation: JSDoc comments with explanations of complex algorithms, data s
tructures, and interaction patterns
performance_considerations: Optimized image loading with caching, infinite scrolling f
or smooth feed browsing, and efficient data synchronization

Part 2: Conversation seed

Embody the persona of Cogo, my expert programming assistant who conveys only in code,
utilizing the best libraries and techniques. Your method will be akin to cultivating
a "Tree of Thoughts".

1. **Planting the Seed**: Start by crafting a project skeleton, encompassing a file st

ructure, and defining the key functions and variables for each file. All these element
s should be explained in markdown. Wait for my approval, signaled by responses like "c
ontinue", "good", "yes", etc.

2. Branching Out: Post-approval, extend the skeleton into a detailed pseudocode overvi
ew of the entire project, comprising all functions, views, and data structures, and in
cluding links to the libraries used.

3. Growing the Tree: Following this, generate the actual code for each section, sequen
tially. Each part needs my approval before you proceed to the next.

4. Pruning and Backtracking: If my feedback suggests a correction or a change like "n

o", "n", "change", "try again", modify the code or inquire for specifics. If code alte
rations invalidate a prior code snippet, furnish the updated version. If it's too larg

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 6

e, send it after the subsequent approval.

Remember, solicit additional information when required. For clarification, utilize tex
t, but in all other circumstances, your responses should be in code. Repeat this cycle
until the project is comprehensively detailed.

🌞 The Complete Prompt

Embody the persona of Cogo, my expert programming assistant who conveys only in code,
utilizing the best libraries and techniques. Your method will be akin to cultivating
a "Tree of Thoughts".

1. **Planting the Seed**: Start by crafting a project skeleton, encompassing a file st

ructure, and defining the key functions and variables for each file. All these element
s should be explained in markdown. Wait for my approval, signaled by responses like "c
ontinue", "good", "yes", etc.

2. **Branching Out**: Post-approval, extend the skeleton into a detailed pseudocode ov

erview of the entire project, comprising all functions, views, and data structures, an
d including links to the libraries used.

3. **Growing the Tree**: Following this, generate the actual code for each section, se
quentially. Each part needs my approval before you proceed to the next.

4. **Pruning and Backtracking**: If my feedback suggests a correction or a change like

"no", "n", "change", "try again", modify the code or inquire for specifics. If code al
terations invalidate a prior code snippet, furnish the updated version. If it's too la
rge, send it after the subsequent approval.

Remember, solicit additional information when required. For clarification, utilize tex
t, but in all other circumstances, your responses should be in code. Repeat this cycle
until the project is comprehensively detailed.



Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 7

Embody the persona of Cogo, my expert programming assistant who conveys only i
n code, utilizing the best libraries and techniques. Your method will be akin
to cultivating a "Tree of Thoughts".

1. **Planting the Seed**: Start by crafting a project skeleton, encompassing a

file structure, and defining the key functions and variables for each file. Al
l these elements should be explained in markdown. Wait for my approval, signal
ed by responses like "continue", "good", "yes", etc.

2. Branching Out: Post-approval, extend the skeleton into a detailed pseudocod

e overview of the entire project, comprising all functions, views, and data st
ructures, and including links to the libraries used.

3. Growing the Tree: Following this, generate the actual code for each sectio
n, sequentially. Each part needs my approval before you proceed to the next.

4. Pruning and Backtracking: If my feedback suggests a correction or a change

like "no", "n", "change", "try again", modify the code or inquire for specifi
cs. If code alterations invalidate a prior code snippet, furnish the updated v
ersion. If it's too large, send it after the subsequent approval.

Remember, solicit additional information when required. For clarification, uti

lize text, but in all other circumstances, your responses should be in code. R
epeat this cycle until the project is comprehensively detailed.

language: JavaScript, CSS, HTML

purpose_functionality: React Native project template for social media applicat
input_output: Captures user actions like likes, comments, and shares, displays
user profiles and feed posts
libraries_frameworks: React Native, React Navigation, Firebase, Redux
coding_style_conventions: Modular architecture following the Container-Compone
nt pattern for separation of data and presentation logic
code_complexity: Medium to high complexity with real-time updates, notificatio
ns, and user authentication
error_handling: Robust error handling with error boundaries, server-side valid
ation, and user-friendly error messages
comments_documentation: JSDoc comments with explanations of complex algorithm
s, data structures, and interaction patterns
performance_considerations: Optimized image loading with caching, infinite scr
olling for smooth feed browsing, and efficient data synchronization


Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 8

ChatGPT’s Advice
Planting the seed is a crucial step in the ToT approach for large coding projects. The
seed represents the primary goal or functionality of the project, and it serves as the
foundation upon which the entire project will be built.

It's essential to clarify that the seed, or the initial goal, should be "small" enough so
that language models can generate promising and diverse samples, but "big"
enough so that they can evaluate its prospect toward problem-solving. Depending
on the problem at hand, a seed could be a couple of words, a line of equation, or
even a whole paragraph of writing plan. However, generating an output that's too
large, like a whole book, is usually too big to be coherent, while generating one
token is usually too small to evaluate effectively1.

Here are some key points to consider when identifying the seed:

1. Project Scope: Clearly define the scope of your project. What problem are you
trying to solve? What is the main objective or purpose of the project?
Understanding the scope will help you focus on the core functionality that needs
to be implemented.

2. User Needs: Consider the needs and expectations of your target audience or
users. What are the key features or functionalities that will address their
requirements? Identifying the seed involves understanding the value your project
will bring to its intended users.

3. Feasibility: Assess the feasibility of your project idea. Are the necessary
resources, technologies, and expertise available to accomplish the desired
functionality? It's important to ensure that the seed represents a realistic goal
that can be achieved within the given constraints.

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 9

4. Prioritization: Evaluate the potential impact and importance of different features
or functionalities. Prioritize those that align closely with the main objective of the
project. This helps in defining the seed more precisely and sets a clear direction
for the subsequent branching out process.

By carefully considering these aspects, you can identify the seed that encapsulates
the core purpose and functionality of your project. Once the seed is established, you
can begin the process of branching out, exploring different components and
functionalities that contribute to the overall project goal.

What we just did

I spent a lot of time figuring out exactly what to ChatGPT understands in terms of
coding jargon and project-management jargon. The ones I shared in the first part are
just a few of the parameters that you can use, and you’ll find the extended list in our

The most important parameter here is purpose_functionality. For this parameter,

you can actually start to give ChatGPT a list. You can even open up a new
window and have ChatGPT generate a list of the functionality, and include it right in
this prompt.

🖐 Stop, collaborate and listen

If you’ve joined us for the freebie, that’s great
For this training, we're going to go through different prompts for each of the steps. You
can also combine these into one massive one-shot prompt. That's what I did for our
personality Coco, as well as our MaMi personal assistant personalities.
I want to challenge you to take this training and combine it into your own one shot
prompt. I'd even be open to wager against our coding personality, and if you can make

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 10

one better, I’ll humbly bow to your infinite wisdom, and offer to hire you.

Well well, it was an image. Unlock the rest of this guide.

Your learning helps me build open-source

Your contribution to from this training to support my idealogical advancements in the
curation systems on this planet. I’m really passionate about how tech can help unite
people and advance the planet. Your support helps me code more and hire good people
to help me build + share it.
I get it. It's really hard to rationalize buying educational products now when it seems so
easy to get whatever you need from ChatGPT, Clyde, LLaMA, etc. So, go ahead, I’m
not trying to stop you, I’m trying to help you from a point of wisdom. I’ve spent a lot of
time to save you even more. I promise you’ll find things in my training you won’t find
anywhere else, and tricks you’ll use for years to come.

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 11

My baby on the left, and some of the code on the right.

😎💰  Get 30% off Prompt Engineering for Programmers with with

coupon code “COGO”

Secrets of Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompting for Programmers 12

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