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Soapnut Extract (Sapindus Mukurossi)

Hair care
Skin care
Sun care
Oral care
Thickeners &
Natural extracts

Ayurveda (aya meaning “Life” and veda meaning “Knowledge”) products have been
used throughout India for over 5,000 years. Nisarg manufacture extracts that
bring together knowledge and innovation to deliver natural products with ultra-
high purity.

Nisarg Soapnut Extract (sapindus muku- Soapnut can be used in shower foams,
rossi) contains high levels of natural sapo- shampoos, toothpastes and hair colourants
nins. These saponins have detergent / sur- and with a pH in line with skin it can be
factant properties, as they contain both used to avoid the irritation and dryness
water soluble and fat soluble components. associated with many alkaline synthetic
Soapnut has been used as a washing
detergent for thousands of years in Asia The anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of
and Native America and is a popular ingredient saponins are also important in cosmetic
in Ayurvedic shampoos and cleansers. applications, in addition to their emollient
Aqueous extraction is commonly used to produce effects.
soapnut powder; this type of extraction
process results in a brown powder which
can significantly affect the colour of
finished formulations. Specification
Nisarg have developed a unique extraction INCI name : Sapindus Mukurossi
process. This process removes a high level Fruit Extract
of the dark colouring species, without
reducing the water soluble saponins. The Saponin level: > 30%
resulting soapnut powder has a much lower
residual colour than aqueous extracted pH (1% in water) : 4.5—5.5
material, whilst still maintaining its
surfactant properties.
Product appearance : Off-white cream to
light beige free
Nisarg soapnut may be used as a natural flowing powder
replacement for commonly used synthetic
surfactants such as SLES and SLS.
Water Solubility: > 95(% w/v)
Foam Generation Tests
The Ross-Miles method for measuring foam height was used to compare 1% solutions of
Soapnut, Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS).

The below chart shows initial foam height and height remaining after 5 minutes. The results
show that foam generated using soapnut is almost equal to that generated by SLES and
SLS. Foam height (foam stability) after 5 minutes is also comparable.

Overall soapnut foam generation and stability compared favourable to industry standard
synthetic surfactants.

Comparative study of foam height measured using Ross-Miles

Foam Height (ml)

80 initial
60 5 mins
Soapnut SLS SLES
1% solution

Plant name : Sapindus Mukurossi For more information on all the

Part of fruit used : Outer shell Vivimed products please visit us at:
Family name : Sapindaceae
Habitat : Lower forests of India
and Nepal
[email protected]
Common name : Reetha or Soapnut

The information contained in this data sheet is based on information we believe to be reliable and is offered in good faith but without guaran-
tee. Vivimed Labs Limited, Vivimed Labs Europe Ltd and Vivimed Labs USA Inc., make no warranties as to the accuracy or appropriateness of
the data, and recommend that prospective users determine for themselves the suitability of the materials and suggestions for use prior to
their adoption. We also recommend that approval is sought by prospective users from the respective regulatory authorities where appropriate

Rev 3.27 March 2013

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