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Semester Genap – Kelas X

TA 2022/2023
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
1. Complete the following dialogue
Seulgi : Why do you look uncomfortable?
Jisoo : No, I'm just, I'm not confident to be here among these charming people.
Seulgi : Don't feel that way, with that dress.
Jisoo : Really?
Seulgi : Of course, look at you, you're dazzling.
Jisoo : Thank you for lifting me up.

a. you look bizarre c. you look ordinary e. you look greedy

b. you look as usual d. you look beautiful
2. We have … three short stories so far.
a. write b. writed c. written d. writing e. wrote

This text for questions no 3 - 5

The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in
1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains
and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With
a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it
is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and
historical significance.

Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. It was erected entirely by hand. The main part of
the wall is about 3,460 kilometres long. One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Mount
Badaling, near Beijing, rises to about 11 metres high. This section is about 7.5 metres wide at its base and
nearly 6 metres at the top. Watchtowers stand about 90 to 180 metres apart along the wall.

3. We know from the text that Great Wall is ....

a. Not a high building
b. Located in southeast china
c. Built by using high technology
d. Built without using technology
e. The longest construction in the world
4. What makes people attracted to come to Great Wall?
a. Its highest and long sections
b. Its longest structure ever built
c. Its location and the condition of the win
d. Its deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus
e. Its architectural grandeur and historical significance.
5. Why did the writer write the text?
a. To identify Great Wall of China
b. To criticize Great Wall of China
c. To promote Great Wall of China
d. To describe of Great Wall of China
e. To compliment Great Wall of China
This text is for no 6 to 10

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat. Put the
life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you're your waist. Do not inflate the
jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you
can blow into the chip to inflate it. A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket
should be removed only in case of emergency.

The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are
prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system. We wish you an
enjoyable flight.

6. Where is the life jacket located?

a. Over the head
b. Around the waist.
c. Outside the aircraft.
d. In the back of the seat.
e. Under the seat.
7. What can interfere the navigational system?
a. Table.
b. The life jacket.
c. Mobile phones
d. The attached light.
e. Tapes around the waist.
8. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform the readers about the function of a life jacket.
b. To describe the way how to save lives using a life jacket.
c. To tell the readers about the safe flight instruction.
d. To inform the readers to take precaution steps.
e. To explain the process of life evacuation during the disaster.
9. ' they interfere the communication and navigational system...'. The underlined word is similar in
meaning with...
a. Change
b. Destruct
c. Stimulate
d. Operate
e. Disturb
10. What is the best arrangement for the following procedure text?
1. Read over the service agreement and click the box saying that you agree to abide by the email
system's rules. Once completed, click on the Submit or Enter button at the bottom of the screen.
2. Find where to sign up. Usually, there is a small link image or text that says "register" or "sign up,"
although you may have to go to the login page to find this.
3. Visit a website that offers an email service. Usually are,, and
4. Follow all the instructions on the page, filling out all the needed details.
5. Email has been created. Continue on to import your contacts, message with friends, or write
emails, plus much more.

a. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 5 b. 3 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 5
c. 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5 e. 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 5
d. 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 5

Read the text below to answer questions no 11-14!

The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars
broke into the students’ room while they were going to a football game. They never thought that while they were
away, burglars would break into their boarding house.

11. The communicative purpose of this text is ......

a. to retell events for the purpose of informing d. to acknowledge readers about informative
b. to present perspective points about an issue events
c. to describe the way they are e. to share an amusing incident
12. Where did the robbery take place?
a. at 151 Gajahmada street
b. at 161 Pattimura street
c. at 151 Pattimura street
d. at 212 Sisingamangaraja street
e. at 161 Sisingamangaraja street
13. When did the robbery happen?
a. Sunday morning d. Monday evening
b. Saturday morning e. Sunday afternoon
c. Saturday afternoon
14. Why did the text above is classified as recount text?
a. Because the text talks about experience
b. Because the text talks about myth
c. Because the text talks about legend
d. Because the text describes a thing
e. Because the text explains about how to make something

The text below to answer the questions no 15-20!

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New this was because the woman was very good and kind.
Territories. There were only a few villages. If the She had offered her own son’s life to save her
people wanted to go from one village to another, they nephew.
often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.
They ran back to the house and called for help. All
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next men in the village fetched thick sticks and went back
village to visit her own mother and brother. She with her into the forest. When they got there, they
brought along her baby son. When it was time for her saw something very strange. Instead of eating the
to leave, her brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.
son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman

followed behind, carrying her baby. When they were
in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves.
They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim
kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the
wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the
wolves, “ please eat my own son instead.” Then, she
put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves
and took her nephew away. Everyone understood that
15. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ?
a. Another village d. Hills
b. Forests e. Towers and logs
c. Mountains
16. Who was Ah Tim ?
a. The young woman’s brother d. The young woman’s son
b. The young woman’s brother’s son e. One of the men who fetched a stick
c. The young woman’s brother and nephew
17. Who walked in front when they were in the forest?
a. Her brother’s nephew d. Ah Tim
b. The woman e. The baby and his mother
c. The woman’s son
18. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim?
a. He was stumbled by a stone d. The woman cried
b. He was afraid e. The wolves were good runners
c. He ran slowly
19. The woman gave her son to the wolves because...
a. She loved her nephew than her son d. She was crazy
b. She kept a grudge on his brother e. She thought about how her brother would be
c. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves
20. What did the villagers bring sticks for?
a. To bring the woman’s nephew
b. For the weapon to beat the wolves
c. For the fire woods.
d. For play
e. For building a house for the woman.

Read the following dialogs.
Siti : Good morning, Beni.
Beni : Good morning, Siti. How are you today?
Siti : I am doing very well, thank you.
Beni : You arrive very early. Do you arrive early every day?
Siti : Yes, I do. I always come to school early. I always leave home at 6. I don’t want to be late.
Beni, why do you clean the classroom by yourself?
Beni : Asti is not here. She’s a little late.
Siti : Don’t worry, I will help you clean the classroom.
Beni : Thank you, Siti. You always help other people.
Siti : You’re welcome.

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs.

1. When does the dialog take place?
2. Where does the dialog take place?
3. What is Siti’s good habit?
4. What time does Siti go to school?
5. What is Beni doing at that time?

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