Power Transmitting Elements

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1. A 10 in diameter pulley is belt driven with a net torque of 250 ft-lb. The ratio of
tensions in the tight and loose sides of the belt is 4:1. What is the minimum tension
in the belt?

D pulley =10∈¿ Required:
τ = 250 ft-lb5in T1 = ?
T 1 :T 2=4 :1

T1 4
= ; T =4 T 2
T2 1 1
τ =250 ft −lb ¿
r pulley =10∈ ¿ =5∈¿ ¿
τ =( T 1 −T 2 ) r
3000∈−lb=( T 1 − T 2) 5∈¿
5∈¿=( 4 T 2 −T 2 ) ¿
600 lb=3 T 2
T 2=200 lb
T 1=4 T 2 ∴T 1=4 ( 200lb )
T 1=800 lb ANSWER

2. The torque transmitted in the belt connected to 300 mm diameter pulley is 400 N-
m. Find the power driving the pulley if the belt speed is 20 m/s.

D pulley =300 mm=0.3 m Required:
τ =400 N −m P =?
V =20 m/ s

V =πDN P=2 π ( 400 ) ( 21.221 )
20=π ( 0.3 ) N
P=53,333.33 W ( 1 kW
1000 W )
P=2 πτN P=53.33 kW ANSWER
3. A 3/8 in thick flat belt is 12 in wide and is used on a 24 in diameter pulley rotating
at 600 rpm. The specific weight of the belt is 0.035 lb/in 3. The angle of contact is 150
degrees. If the coefficient of friction is 0.3 and the safe stress is 300 psi, how much
power can it deliver?
3 D=24∈¿ θ=150°
t= ∈¿
8 N=600rpm f =0.3
b=12∈¿ lb S=300 psi
ρ=0.035 3


V =πDN
V =π ( 24 ) ¿
V =62.83

( )( )
ρVs e
fθ− 1
F 1 − F 2=bt S −
gc e

( )
(0.3 )(150) ( 180π )−1
( )( )
3 0.035 ( 62.83 ) e
F 1 − F 2=( 12 ) 300−
8 2.68
( 0.3 )( 150 ) ( 180π )
F 1 − F 2=608.26 lb
( F − F2 )V (608.26)(62.83)
P= 1 =
33000 33000

4. A 40 in pulley transmits power to a 20 in pulley by means of a medium double ply

leather belt, 20/64 in thick and 20 in wide. The center distance is14 feet and the
coeeficient of friction is 0.30. What is the speed of the 40 in pulley in order to stress
the belt to 300 psi at zero power? Use a belt density of 0.035lb/in 3.
D 1=20∈¿ 20 f =0.3
t= ∈¿
D 2=40∈¿ 64 S=300 psi
b=20∈¿ lb
ρ=0.035 3
C=14 ft ¿

N 2=?
12 ρV 2s
12(0.035) V s
V m =9100 fpm
12V m 12 ( 9100 )
N 2= =
π D2 π ( 40 )
N 2=869rpm ANSWER

5. An elevator weighing 2000 lbs is moving vertically upward with an accelaration of

3 ft/sec2. A man standing in the said elevator weighs 180 lbs. Compute for the
maximum tension in the cable under this condition.
Given: ft
a=3 2
melevator =2000 lb s
mman =180 lb
T max=?

T =(melevator + mman )(a+ g)
T =( 2000+180 ) ( 3+32.2 )=76,670.6 lb −
T 76,670.6
T max= =
g 32.2
T max=2382lb ANSWER

6. A 12 cm pulley turning at 600 rpm is driving a 20 cm pulley by means of a belt. If

the belt slip is 5%, determine the speed of the driven pulley.
Given: N 1=600 rpm
D 1=12 cm
D 2=20 cm Required:
N 2=?

D 1 N 1=D2 N 2 Considering 5% slip:
(12)(600)=(20) N 2 N 2=360 ( 1 −0.05 )
N 2=360 rpm N 2=342 rpm ANSWER
7. A leather belt is 250 mm wide and 8 mm thick. It is used to connect a 400 mm
diameter cast iron driving pulley to another cast iron driven pulley 900 mm in
diameter. The coefficient of friction is 0.28 and the mass of the belt is 1.9 kg per
meter of its length. Using a center distance of 5 meters, a maximum tensile stress in
the belt of 1400 kPa and a belt velocity of 20 m/s, calculate the maximum power
that can be transmitted.
Given: f =0.28 m
V =20
b=250 mm kg s
t=8 mm m
D 1=400 mm C=5 m=5000 mm Required:
D 2=900 mm S=1400 kPa P=?


θ=π − (
D2 − D1
C )
θ=π − (
900 − 400
5000 )
θ=3.04 radians

( )
6894.76 Pa F1
300 psi ( 1.47 )=
1 psi
( 250 ) ( 8 ) ( 10001 mmm )
F 1=2800 N
2 2
WV ( 9.8 ) ( 1.9 ) (20 )
F c= = =760 N
g 9.8
F 1 − F c fθ
F2 − Fc
2800− 760 (0.28)(3.04)
F 2 − 760
F 2=1630.89 N
P=( F 1 − F2 ) V

P= (2800 − 1630.89 )( 20 ) ( 1000

1 kW
P=23.38 kW ANSWER
8. Determine the width of a 6 ply rubber belt required for a ventilating fan running at
150 rpm which is driven by a 12 inch diameter pulley through a 70 hp motor running
at 800 rpm. The center distance between the pulleys is 12 feet and the rated belt
tension is 78.0 lb/in width.
Given: N 2=150 rpm N 1=800 rpm
P=70 Hp lb Required:
T =78
D=12∈¿ ¿ b=?

πD N 1
V =π ( 12 ) ¿ ¿
Connected power
b × No . of ply =
Connected belt rating
0.0118 V 0.0118(12.7674)
Connected belt rating= = =0.2965
5.08 5.08

∴ b ( 6 )=
70 (
0.746 kW
1 Hp )

9. What should be the diameter of pulley in inches if the belt speed is 4500 fpm and
the motor runs at 1760 rpm.
V =4500 fpm Required:
N=1760 rpm D=?

V =πDN
4500=πD (1760 )
D=9.77∈ ANSWER

10. Two pulleys, 80 cm apart, carries a belt in a cross-belt arrangement. If the pulley
diameters are 40 cm and 15 cm, what is the length of belt required?
Given: D2=15 cm
C=80 cm
D 1=40 cm Required:

(D ¿ ¿1+ D 2 ) π (D1 + D 2)2
L= +2C + ¿
2 4C

π ( 0.4+0.15 )
+2 ( 0.8 ) + (
( 0.4+0.15 )2 100 cm
4 ( 0.8 ) 1m )
L=256 cm ANSWER
11. An 8 inch. diameter pulley turning at 600 rpm is belt connected to a 14 inch
diameter pulley. If there is a 4% slip, find the speed of the 14 inch pulley.
Given: N 1=600 rpm
D 1=8∈¿
D 2=14 ∈¿ Required:
N 2=?

D 1 N 1=D2 N 2 N 2=342.857 ( 1 −0.04 )
8 ( 600 ) =14 N 2 N 2=329.14 rpm ANSWER

12. Find the angle of contact of a small pulley for a belt drive with a center of
distance of 72 inches if the pulley diameters are 6 in and 12 in
C=72∈¿ Required:
D=12∈¿ θ=?

θ=180− 2 sin −1 ( D−2 Cd )
θ=180− 2 sin
( 12−
2 ( 72 ) )

θ=175.22° ANSWER

13. A belt connected pulleys has 10 cm diameter and 30 cm diameter. If center

distance is 50 cm, determine the angle of contact of smaller pulley.
Given: C=50 cm
D 1=10 cm
D 2=30 cm Required:


θ=180− 2 sin−1 ( D 2−CD )

2 1

θ=180− 2 sin
( 302 (−10
50 ) )
θ=157 ° ANSWER
14. A pulley 600 mm in diameter transmits 50 kW at 600 rpm by means of belt.
Determine the effective belt pull.
D=600 mm Required:
P=50 kW F=?

P=2 θτN
50=2 πτ ( 600 ) ( 601 minsec )
τ =0.79577
τ =Fr
0.79577=F ( 6002 )( 10001 mmm )
F=2.65 kN ANSWER

15. A pulley has a belt pull of 2.5 KN. If 20 Hp motor is used to drive the pulley,
determine the belt speed.
( F 1 − F 2 )=2.5 kN
P=20 Hp

V =?

P=( F 1 − F2 ) V

20 ( 0.746
1 kW )

V =5.97 m/s ANSWER

16. A belt drive system is used to transmit power from a motor to a machine. The
motor provides a torque of 150 Nm at an angular velocity of 1000 rpm. The system
has a speed ratio of 4:1. Calculate the power transmitted by the belt drive system.
τ i : 150 Nm
ω: 1000 rpm
V .1: V 2 = 4: 1

P: ?
ω = (1000 rpm) × (2π rad/1 min) × (1 min/60 s)
ω = 104.72 rad/s
τ o = τ i / Speed ratio
τ o = 150 Nm / 4
τ o = 37.5 Nm

P=τ ×ω
P = 37.5 Nm × 104.72 rad/s
P ≈ 3927.99 W ANSWER

17. A gear system is used to transmit power between two shafts. The input shaft has
an angular velocity of 800 rad/s and transmits a torque of 120 Nm. The gear system
has a gear ratio of 2:1. Calculate the power transmitted by the gear system.
ω: 800 rad/s
τ I: 120 Nm
G1:G2 = 2:1

P= ?

τ o = τ i × Gear ratio
τ o = 120 Nm × 2
τ o = 240 Nm

P = τo × ω
P = 240 Nm × 800 rad/s

P = 192,000 W ANSWER

18. A shaft coupling is used to transmit power between two shafts. The input shaft
has an angular velocity of 900 rad/s and transmits a torque of 180 Nm. The coupling
has an efficiency of 90%. Calculate the power transmitted by the shaft coupling.
ω: 900 rad/s
τ I: 180 Nm
k: 90% or 0.90

P= ?

P=τ ×ω
P = 180 Nm × 900 rad/s
P = 162,000 W
Power transmitted with efficiency = Power transmitted without efficiency × k
Power transmitted with efficiency = 162,000 W × 0.90
Power transmitted with efficiency = 145,800 W ANSWER

19. A friction clutch is used to transmit power from an engine to a transmission. The
engine provides a torque of 300 Nm at an angular velocity of 1000 rpm. The clutch
has a slip coefficient of 0.05. Calculate the power transmitted by the clutch.
τ i :300 Nm
ω: 1000 rpm
f : 0.05

P= ?

ω = (1000 rpm) × (2π rad/1 min) × (1 min/60 s)
ω = 104.72 rad/s

τ o = τ i × (1 - Slip coefficient)
τ o = 300 Nm × (1 - 0.05)
τ o = 285 Nm

P = τo × ω
P = 285 Nm × 104.72 rad/s
P ≈ 29,853.72 W ANSWER

20. A chain drive system is used to transmit power from a motor to a conveyor. The
motor provides a torque of 300 Nm at an angular velocity of 1200 rpm. The system
has a speed ratio of 3:1. Calculate the power transmitted by the chain drive system.
τ I= 300 Nm
ω= 1200 rpm
v1:v2 = 3:1
P= ?

ω = (1200 rpm) × (2π rad/1 min) × (1 min/60 s)
ω = 125.66 rad/s

τ o = τ I / Speed ratio
τ o = 300 Nm / 3
τ o= 100 Nm

P=τ ×ω
P = 100 Nm × 125.66 rad/s
P ≈ 12,566 W

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