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2170715-DATA Mining AND Business Intelligence lab-manual

Data Mining and Business Intelligence (Gujarat Technological University)

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List of Experiment

Sr. Date of Date of

Title Sign Remark
No. Performance submission
Write a note on KDD process

Write a program to implement apriori

2 algorithm in c language
3 Demonstration of Association rule process
on dataset contactlenses.arff using apriori
4 Demonstration of classification rule process
on dataset student.arff using j48 algorithm

5 Demonstration of Association rule process on

dataset supermarket.arff using apriori
6 Study about different tools: Weka, XLMiner,
7 Introduction to the classification of Mining

8 Introduction to Decision Tree and Nural


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AIM:Write a note on KDD process

The term Knowledge Discovery in Databases, or KDD for short, refers to the broad process of
finding knowledge in data, and emphasizes the "high-level" application of particular data mining
methods. It is of interest to researchers in machine learning, pattern recognition, databases,
statistics, artificial intelligence, knowledge acquisition for expert systems, and data visualization.
The unifying goal of the KDD process is to extract knowledge from data in the context of large
It does this by using data mining methods (algorithms) to extract (identify) what is deemed
knowledge, according to the specifications of measures and thresholds, using a database along
with any required preprocessing, subsampling, and transformations of that database.

An Outline of the Steps of the KDD Process

● Data Cleaning − In this step, the noise and inconsistent data is removed.

● Data Integration − In this step, multiple data sources are combined.

● Data Selection − In this step, data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the


● Data Transformation − In this step, data is transformed or consolidated into forms

appropriate for mining by performing summary or aggregation operations.

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● Data Mining − In this step, intelligent methods are applied in order to extract data patterns.

● Pattern Evaluation − In this step, data patterns are evaluated.

● Knowledge Presentation − In this step, knowledge is represented.

The overall process of finding and interpreting patterns from data involves the repeated
application of the following steps:
1. Developing an understanding of
o the application domain
o the relevant prior knowledge
o the goals of the end-user
2. Creating a target data set: selecting a data set, or focusing on a subset of variables, or data
samples, on which discovery is to be performed.
3. Data cleaning and preprocessing.
o Removal of noise or outliers.
o Collecting necessary information to model or account for noise.
o Strategies for handling missing data fields.
o Accounting for time sequence information and known changes.
4. Data reduction and projection.
o Finding useful features to represent the data depending on the goal of the task.
o Using dimensionality reduction or transformation methods to reduce the effective
number of variables under consideration or to find invariant representations for the
5. Choosing the data mining task.
o Deciding whether the goal of the KDD process is classification, regression,
clustering, etc.
6. Choosing the data mining algorithm(s).
o Selecting method(s) to be used for searching for patterns in the data.
o Deciding which models and parameters may be appropriate.
o Matching a particular data mining method with the overall criteria of the KDD
7. Data mining.
o Searching for patterns of interest in a particular representational form or a set of such
representations as classification rules or trees, regression, clustering, and so forth.
8. Interpreting mined patterns.
9. Consolidating discovered knowledge.

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AIM:Write a program to implement apriori algorithm in c language

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fin;
int i,cols,rows,*count;
char val;
return 1;
fin = fopen(argv[1],"r");

//finding the number of cols

if(val!=' ')
printf("\nNumber of columns = %d\n",cols);
fin = fopen(argv[1],"r");
//Generation of 1 item frequent items

count = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*cols);

count[i] =0;


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//Generation of 1-item frequent sets completed!!

printf("\n1-item frequent item sets..\n");

printf("\n%d -> %d",i+1,count[i]);
return 0;

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AIM:Demonstration of Association rule process on dataset contactlenses.arff using apriori


This experiment illustrates some of the basic elements of asscociation rule mining using WEKA.
The sample dataset used for this example is contactlenses.arff
Step1: Open the data file in Weka Explorer. It is presumed that the required data fields have been
discretized. In this example it is age attribute. Step2: Clicking on the associate tab will bring up
the interface for association rule algorithm.
Step3: We will use apriori algorithm. This is the default algorithm.
Step4: Inorder to change the parameters for the run (example support, confidence etc) we click
on the text box immediately to the right of the choose button.

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AIM:Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset student.arff using j48


This experiment illustrates the use of j-48 classifier in weka. The sample data set used in this
experiment is “student” data available at arff format. This document assumes that appropriate data
pre processing has been performed. Steps involved in this experiment:
Step-1: We begin the experiment by loading the data (student.arff)into weka.
Step2: Next we select the “classify” tab and click “choose” button t o select the “j48”classifier.
Step3: Now we specify the various parameters. These can be specified by clicking in the text box
to the right of the chose button. In this example, we accept the default values. The default version
does perform some pruning but does not perform error pruning.
Step4: Under the “text” options in the main panel. We select the 10-fold cross validation as our
evaluation approach. Since we don’t have separate evaluation data set, this is necessary to get a
reasonable idea of accuracy of generated model. Step-5: We now click ”start” to generate the
model .the Ascii version of the tree as well as evaluation statistic will appear in the right panel
when the model construction is complete.
Step-6: Note that the classification accuracy of model is about 69%.this indicates that we may
find more work. (Either in preprocessing or in selecting current parameters for the classification)
Step-7: Now weka also lets us a view a graphical version of the classification tree. This can be
done by right clicking the last result set and selecting “visualize tree” from the pop-up menu.
Step-8: We will use our model to classify the new instances.
Step-9: In the main panel under “text” options click the “supplied test set” radio button and then
click the “set” button. This wills pop-up a window which will allow you to open the file
containing test instances.

Dataset student .arff @relation student @attribute age {<30,30-40,>40} @attribute income {low,
medium, high} @attribute student {yes, no} @attribute credit-rating {fair, excellent} @attribute
buyspc {yes, no} @data % <30, high, no, fair, no <30, high, no, excellent, no 30-40, high, no,
fair, yes >40, medium, no, fair, yes >40, low, yes, fair, yes >40, low, yes, excellent, no 30-40,
low, yes, excellent, yes <30, medium, no, fair, no <30, low, yes, fair, no >40, medium, yes, fair,
yes <30, medium, yes, excellent, yes 30-40, medium, no, excellent, yes 30-40, high, yes, fair, yes
>40, medium, no, excellent, no %

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AIM: Demonstration of Association rule process on dataset supermarket.arff using apriori


Execution steps
Step1: Open the data file in Weka Explorer. It is presumed that the required data fields have
been discretized. In this example it is age attribute.
Step2: Clicking on the associate tab will bring up the interface for association rule


Step3: We will use apriori algorithm. This is the default algorithm.

Step4: Inorder to change the parameters for the run (example support, confidence etc) we
click on the text box immediately to the right of the choose button.
Dataset contactlenses.arff

Dataset test.arff
@relation test
@attribute admissionyear {2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010}
@attribute course {cse,mech,it,ece}

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2005, cse
2005, it
2005, cse
2006, mech
2006, it
2006, ece
2007, it
2007, cse
2008, it
2008, cse
2009, it
2009, ece

The following screenshot shows the association rules that were generated
when Apriori algorithm is applied on the given dataset.

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The experiment displays Set of large itemsets, best rule found for the given support and the
confidence values. We get the results faster using the toolkits.

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AIM: Study about different tools: Weka, XLMiner, Hadoop

Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can
either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for
data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is
also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes.

Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (Weka) is a suite of machine learning software
written in Java, developed at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. It is free software licensed
under the GNU General Public License.

Weka contains a collection of visualization tools and algorithms for data analysis and predictive
modeling, together with graphical user interfaces for easy access to these functions.[1] The original
non-Java version of Weka was a Tcl/Tk front-end to (mostly third-party) modeling algorithms
implemented in other programming languages, plus data preprocessing utilities in C, and a
Makefile-based system for running machine learning experiments. This original version was
primarily designed as a tool for analyzing data from agricultural domains,[2][3] but the more recent
fully Java-based version (Weka 3), for which development started in 1997, is now used in many
different application areas, in particular for educational purposes and research. Advantages of
Weka include:
● Free availability under the GNU General Public License.
● Portability, since it is fully implemented in the Java programming language and thus
runs on almost any modern computing platform.
● A comprehensive collection of data preprocessing and modeling techniques.
● Ease of use due to its graphical user interfaces.
Weka supports several standard data mining tasks, more specifically, data preprocessing,
clustering, classification, regression, visualization, and feature selection. All of Weka's techniques
are predicated on the assumption that the data is available as one flat file or relation, where each
data point is described by a fixed number of attributes (normally, numeric or nominal attributes,
but some other attribute types are also supported). Weka provides access to SQL databases using
Java Database Connectivity and can process the result returned by a database query. Weka
provides access to deep learningwith Deeplearning4j.[4] It is not capable of multi-relational data
mining, but there is separate software for converting a collection of linked database tables into a
single table that is suitable for processing using Weka.[5] Another important area that is currently
not covered by the algorithms included in the Weka distribution is sequence modeling.

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WEKA only deals with “flat” files

@relation heart-disease-simplified

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@attribute age numeric

@attribute sex { female, male}
@attribute chest_pain_type { typ_angina, asympt, non_anginal, atyp_angina}
@attribute cholesterol numeric
@attribute exercise_induced_angina { no, yes}
@attribute class { present, not_present}

XLMiner™ is a comprehensive data mining add-in for Excel. Data mining is a discovery-driven
data analysis technology used for identifying patterns and relationships in data sets. With
overwhelming amounts of data now available from transaction systems and external data sources,
organizations are presented with increasing opportunities to understand their data and gain
insights into it. Data mining is still an emerging field, and is a convergence of fields like statistics,
machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
XLMiner is a tool belt offering a variety of methods to analyze data. It has extensive coverage of
statistical and machine-learning techniques for classification, prediction, affinity analysis, data
exploration, and reduction.
On the XLMiner ribbon, click XLMiner Platform to view the XLMiner ribbon tabs.

The XLMiner ribbon is divided into five tabs: Data, Data Analysis, Time Series, Data Mining,
and Applying Your Model.
Data - This tab includes the Get Data icon. Click Get Data to retrieve a sample from a worksheet
or database. Select File Folder to import a collection of text documents located within a file
folder. Select Big Data to use Apache Spark to bring big data into Excel.

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Data Analysis - This tab includes four icons: Explore, Transform, Cluster, and Text. Click
Explore to use the Chart Wizard, Feature Selection, or view existing charts. Click Transform to
transform data sets with missing data, perform binning, or to transform categorical data. Click
Cluster to perform cluster analysis using k-Means or Hierarchical methods. Click Text to perform
an analysis on a collection of text documents using the new Text Miner feature.
Time Series - This tab includes three icons: Partition, ARIMA, and Smoothing. These functions
are used when analyzing a time series.
Data Mining - This tab includes four icons: Partition, Classify, Predict, and Associate. These
functions are used to perform data mining activities.
Applying Your Model - This tab includes two icons: Score and Help. Click Score to score data in
a database or worksheet using the classification or prediction algorithms. Click Help to change the
product, check your license status, view data set examples, view the Help File, download the User
Guide, check for updates, and view copyright information related to XLMiner.
1. Open your Computations file in Excel. Go to XL Miner tab. Then click Explore -> Chart

2. You will be prompted to choose your chart type. Choose Line Chart for this Dashboard. Click

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3. Now you need to select your variables. For this dashboard, choose the following variables and
click Next.

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4. You will be prompted to choose X- axis. Choose Observations # and click Finish.

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5. You will see the goal dashboard displayed

6. When you are done with this chart, you can close it by clicking X in the top right corner. You
will be given an option to either save or discard the chart

Hadoop is an open-source framework that allows to store and process big data in a distributed
environment across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to

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scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and

Hadoop Architecture
Hadoop framework includes following four modules:
● Hadoop Common: These are Java libraries and utilities required by other Hadoop modules.

These libraries provides filesystem and OS level abstractions and contains the necessary

Java files and scripts required to start Hadoop.

● Hadoop YARN: This is a framework for job scheduling and cluster resource management.

● Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS™): A distributed file system that provides high-

throughput access to application data.

● Hadoop MapReduce: This is YARN-based system for parallel processing of large data


We can use following diagram to depict these four components available in Hadoop framework.

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Hadoop MapReduce is a software framework for easily writing applications which process big
amounts of data in-parallel on large clusters (thousands of nodes) of commodity hardware in a
reliable, fault-tolerant manner.
The term MapReduce actually refers to the following two different tasks that Hadoop programs
● The Map Task: This is the first task, which takes input data and converts it into a set of

data, where individual elements are broken down into tuples (key/value pairs).

● The Reduce Task: This task takes the output from a map task as input and combines those

data tuples into a smaller set of tuples. The reduce task is always performed after the map


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Typically both the input and the output are stored in a file-system. The framework takes care of
scheduling tasks, monitoring them and re-executes the failed tasks.
The MapReduce framework consists of a single master JobTracker and one slave TaskTracker
per cluster-node. The master is responsible for resource management, tracking resource
consumption/availability and scheduling the jobs component tasks on the slaves, monitoring
them and re-executing the failed tasks. The slaves TaskTracker execute the tasks as directed by
the master and provide task-status information to the master periodically.
The JobTracker is a single point of failure for the Hadoop MapReduce service which means if
JobTracker goes down, all running jobs are halted.
Hadoop Distributed File System
Hadoop can work directly with any mountable distributed file system such as Local FS, HFTP
FS, S3 FS, and others, but the most common file system used by Hadoop is the Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS).
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is based on the Google File System (GFS) and
provides a distributed file system that is designed to run on large clusters (thousands of
computers) of small computer machines in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner.
HDFS uses a master/slave architecture where master consists of a single NameNode that
manages the file system metadata and one or more slave DataNodes that store the actual data.
A file in an HDFS namespace is split into several blocks and those blocks are stored in a set of
DataNodes. The NameNode determines the mapping of blocks to the DataNodes. The DataNodes
takes care of read and write operation with the file system. They also take care of block creation,
deletion and replication based on instruction given by NameNode.
HDFS provides a shell like any other file system and a list of commands are available to interact
with the file system. These shell commands will be covered in a separate chapter along with
appropriate examples.
How Does Hadoop Work?

Stage 1A user/application can submit a job to the Hadoop (a hadoop job client) for required
process by specifying the following items:
1. The location of the input and output files in the distributed file system.

2. The java classes in the form of jar file containing the implementation of map and reduce


3. The job configuration by setting different parameters specific to the job.

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Stage 2
The Hadoop job client then submits the job (jar/executable etc) and configuration to the
JobTracker which then assumes the responsibility of distributing the software/configuration to
the slaves, scheduling tasks and monitoring them, providing status and diagnostic information to
the job-client.
Stage 3
The TaskTrackers on different nodes execute the task as per MapReduce implementation and
output of the reduce function is stored into the output files on the file system.
Advantages of Hadoop
● Hadoop framework allows the user to quickly write and test distributed systems. It is

efficient, and it automatic distributes the data and work across the machines and in turn,

utilizes the underlying parallelism of the CPU cores.

● Hadoop does not rely on hardware to provide fault-tolerance and high availability (FTHA),

rather Hadoop library itself has been designed to detect and handle failures at the

application layer.

● Servers can be added or removed from the cluster dynamically and Hadoop continues to

operate without interruption.

● Another big advantage of Hadoop is that apart from being open source, it is compatible on

all the platforms since it is Java based.

Hadoop Installation Step:

Step 1: Click here to download the Java 8 Package. Save this file in your home directory.

Step 2: Extract the Java Tar File.

Command: tar -xvf jdk-8u101-linux-i586.tar.gz

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Fig: Hadoop Installation – Extracting Java Files

Step 3: Download the Hadoop 2.7.3 Package.

Command: wget

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Downloading Hadoop

Step 4: Extract the Hadoop tar File.

Command: tar -xvf hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Extracting Hadoop Files

Step 5: Add the Hadoop and Java paths in the bash file (.bashrc).
Open. bashrc file. Now, add Hadoop and Java Path as shown below.

Command: vi .bashrc

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Fig: Hadoop Installation – Setting Environment Variable

Then, save the bash file and close it.

For applying all these changes to the current Terminal, execute the source command.

Command: source .bashrc

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Refreshing environment variables

To make sure that Java and Hadoop have been properly installed on your system and can be

accessed through the Terminal, execute the java -version and hadoop version commands.

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Command: java -version

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Checking Java Version

Command: hadoop version

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Checking Hadoop Version

Step 6: Edit the Hadoop Configuration files.

Command: cd hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/

Command: ls

All the Hadoop configuration files are located in hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop directory as you can

see in the snapshot below:

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Fig: Hadoop Installation – Hadoop Configuration Files

Step 7: Open core-site.xml and edit the property mentioned below inside configuration tag:
core-site.xml informs Hadoop daemon where NameNode runs in the cluster. It contains

configuration settings of Hadoop core such as I/O settings that are common to HDFS &


Command: vi core-site.xml

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Configuring core-site.xml

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

Step 8: Edit hdfs-site.xml and edit the property mentioned below inside configuration tag:
hdfs-site.xml contains configuration settings of HDFS daemons (i.e. NameNode, DataNode,

Secondary NameNode). It also includes the replication factor and block size of HDFS.

Command: vi hdfs-site.xml

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Configuring hdfs-site.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

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Step 9: Edit the mapred-site.xml file and edit the property mentioned below inside configuration
mapred-site.xml contains configuration settings of MapReduce application like number of JVM

that can run in parallel, the size of the mapper and the reducer process, CPU cores available for a

process, etc.

In some cases, mapred-site.xml file is not available. So, we have to create the mapred-site.xml file

using mapred-site.xml template.

Command: cp mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml

Command: vi mapred-site.xml.

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Fig: Hadoop Installation – Configuring mapred-site.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

Step 10: Edit yarn-site.xml and edit the property mentioned below inside configuration tag:
yarn-site.xml contains configuration settings of ResourceManager and NodeManager like

application memory management size, the operation needed on program & algorithm, etc.

Command: vi yarn-site.xml

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Fig: Hadoop Installation – Configuring yarn-site.xml

<?xml version="1.0">

Step 11: Edit and add the Java Path as mentioned below: contains the environment variables that are used in the script to run Hadoop like

Java home path, etc.

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Command: vi hadoop–

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Configuring

Step 12: Go to Hadoop home directory and format the NameNode.

Command: cd

Command: cd hadoop-2.7.3

Command: bin/hadoop namenode -format

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Formatting NameNode

This formats the HDFS via NameNode. This command is only executed for the first time.

Formatting the file system means initializing the directory specified by the variable.

Never format, up and running Hadoop filesystem. You will lose all your data stored in the


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Step 13: Once the NameNode is formatted, go to hadoop-2.7.3/sbin directory and start all the
Command: cd hadoop-2.7.3/sbin

Either you can start all daemons with a single command or do it individually.

Command: ./

The above command is a combination of, &

Or you can run all the services individually as below:

Start NameNode:
The NameNode is the centerpiece of an HDFS file system. It keeps the directory tree of all files

stored in the HDFS and tracks all the file stored across the cluster.

Command: ./ start namenode

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Starting NameNode

Start DataNode:
On startup, a DataNode connects to the Namenode and it responds to the requests from the

Namenode for different operations.

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Command: ./ start datanode

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Starting DataNode

Start ResourceManager:
ResourceManager is the master that arbitrates all the available cluster resources and thus helps in

managing the distributed applications running on the YARN system. Its work is to manage each

NodeManagers and the each application’s ApplicationMaster.

Command: ./ start resourcemanager

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Starting ResourceManager

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Start NodeManager:
The NodeManager in each machine framework is the agent which is responsible for managing

containers, monitoring their resource usage and reporting the same to the ResourceManager.

Command: ./ start nodemanager

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Starting NodeManager

Start JobHistoryServer:
JobHistoryServer is responsible for servicing all job history related requests from client.

Command: ./ start historyserver

Step 14: To check that all the Hadoop services are up and running, run the below command.
Command: jps

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Fig: Hadoop Installation – Checking Daemons

Step 15: Now open the Mozilla browser and go to localhost:50070/dfshealth.html to check the
NameNode interface.

Fig: Hadoop Installation – Starting WebUI

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AIM: Introduction to the classification of Mining techniques
Data mining techniques can be classified broadly as
● 1. Predictive:
● a. Classification
● b. Regression
● c. Time series Analysis
● d. Prediction
● 2. Descriptive:
● a. clustering
● b. Summarization
● c. Association Rules
● d. Sequence Discovery
● You can refer the below chat about that.

● Data Mining Techniques Graph
● Now I am going to give brief intro about each types.
● Classification:
● It is often refered as “supervised learning”. It has a predefined set of groups or models
based on that we predict values.
● (e.g) Airport security maintains a set of metrics and try to predict the terrorist
● Regression:
● The regression using known data formats like linear or logistic and assume the future data
format will fall in to the data structure. It then try to predict the value by applying some
mathematical algorithms on the data set.
● (e.g) Investing on Pension fund. Calculating your annual income and try to predict what
you need after you retire. Then based on the present income and needed income makes
investment decision. The Prediction done by simple regression formula to revise every
● Time series Analysis:
● With time series analysis, every attribute value determine by the different time interval.

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● (e.g) Buying a company stock. Take X,Y,Z companies month by month performance and
try to predict their next one year growth and based on the growth you buy stocks.
● Prediction:
● Prediction is relates with time series but not time bound. It is used to predict value based on
past data and current data.
● (e.g) Water flow of a river will be calculated by various monitors at different levels and
different time intervals. It then using those information to predict the water flow of future.
● Clustering:
● It is widely called as unsupervised learning. It is similar to classification except it won’t
have any predefined groups. instead the data itself define the group.
● (e.g) Consider a super market has buying details like age, job and purchase amount we can
group by age against percentage as well job against percentage to make meaningful
business decision to target the specific user group.
● Summarization:
● Summarization is associating the sample subset with small description or snippet.
● Association Rules:
● It is also called as linked analysis. It is all about under covering relationship among data.
● (e.g) Amazon “People bought this also bought this” model
● Sequence Discovery:
● Sequence discovery is about finding sequence of an activity.
● (e.g) In a shop people may often buy tothpaste after toothbrush. It is all about what
sequence user buying the product and based on theo shop owner can arrange the items near
by each others.

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AIM:Introduction to Decision Tree and Nural Networks

Decision Tree

A decision tree is a structure that includes a root node, branches, and leaf nodes. Each internal
node denotes a test on an attribute, each branch denotes the outcome of a test, and each leaf node
holds a class label. The topmost node in the tree is the root node.
The following decision tree is for the concept buy_computer that indicates whether a customer at
a company is likely to buy a computer or not. Each internal node represents a test on an attribute.
Each leaf node represents a class.

The benefits of having a decision tree are as follows −

● It does not require any domain knowledge.

● It is easy to comprehend.

● The learning and classification steps of a decision tree are simple and fast.

Decision Tree Induction Algorithm

A machine researcher named J. Ross Quinlan in 1980 developed a decision tree algorithm known
as ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser). Later, he presented C4.5, which was the successor of ID3. ID3
and C4.5 adopt a greedy approach. In this algorithm, there is no backtracking; the trees are
constructed in a top-down recursive divide-and-conquer manner.

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Generating a decision tree form training tuples of data partition D

Algorithm : Generate_decision_tree

Data partition, D, which is a set of training tuples
and their associated class labels.
attribute_list, the set of candidate attributes.
Attribute selection method, a procedure to determine the
splitting criterion that best partitions that the data
tuples into individual classes. This criterion includes a
splitting_attribute and either a splitting point or splitting subset.

A Decision Tree

create a node N;

if tuples in D are all of the same class, C then

return N as leaf node labeled with class C;

if attribute_list is empty then

return N as leaf node with labeled
with majority class in D;|| majority voting

apply attribute_selection_method(D, attribute_list)

to find the best splitting_criterion;
label node N with splitting_criterion;

if splitting_attribute is discrete-valued and

multiway splits allowed then // no restricted to binary trees

attribute_list = splitting attribute; // remove splitting attribute

for each outcome j of splitting criterion

// partition the tuples and grow subtrees for each partition

let Dj be the set of data tuples in D satisfying outcome j; // a partition

if Dj is empty then
attach a leaf labeled with the majority
class in D to node N;

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attach the node returned by Generate
decision tree(Dj, attribute list) to node N;
end for
return N;

Tree Pruning
Tree pruning is performed in order to remove anomalies in the training data due to noise or
outliers. The pruned trees are smaller and less complex.
Tree Pruning Approaches
There are two approaches to prune a tree −
● Pre-pruning − The tree is pruned by halting its construction early.

● Post-pruning - This approach removes a sub-tree from a fully grown tree.

Cost Complexity
The cost complexity is measured by the following two parameters −
● Number of leaves in the tree, and

● Error rate of the tree.

Nural Network

Neural network method is used for classification, clustering, feature mining, prediction and
pattern recognition. It imitates the neurons structure of animals, bases on the M-P model and
Hebb learning rule, so in essence it is a distributed matrix structure. Through training data mining,
the neural network method gradually calculates (including repeated iteration or cumulative
calculation) the weights the neural network connected. The neural network model can be broadly
divided into the following three types: (a) Feed-forward networks: It regards the perception back-
propagation model and the function network as representatives, and mainly used in the areas such
as prediction and pattern recognition; (b) Feedback network: It regards Hopfield discrete model
and continuous model as representatives, and mainly used for associative memory and
optimization calculation; (c) Self-organization networks: it regards adaptive resonance theory
(ART) model and Kohonen model as representatives, and mainly used for cluster analysis.

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NEURAL NETWORKS IN DATA MINING In more practical terms neural networks are non-
linear statistical data modeling tools. They can be used to model complex relationships between
inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data. Using neural networks as a tool, data warehousing
firms are harvesting information from datasets in the process known as data mining. The
difference between these data warehouses and ordinary databases is that there is actual
anipulation and cross-fertilization of the data helping users makes more informed decisions.
Neural networks essentially comprise three pieces: the architecture or model; the learning
algorithm; and the activation functions. Neural networks are programmed or “trained” to “. . .
store, recognize, and associatively retrieve patterns or database entries; to solve combinatorial
optimization problems; to filter noise from measurement data; to control ill-defined problems; in
summary, to estimate sampled functions when we do not know the form of the functions.” It is
precisely these two abilities (pattern recognition and function estimation) which make artificial
neural networks (ANN) so prevalent a utility in data mining. As data sets grow to massive sizes,
the need for automated processing becomes clear. With their “model-free” estimators and their
dual nature, neural networks serve data mining in a myriad of ways.

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A. Data Preparation Data preparation is to define and process the mining data to make it fit
specific data mining method. Data preparation is the first important step in the data mining and
plays a decisive role in the entire data mining process. It mainly includes the following four
processes: a) Data cleaning: Data cleansing is to fill the vacancy value of the data, eliminate the
noise data and correct the inconsistencies data in the data. b) Data option: Data option is to select
the data arrange and row used in this mining. c) Data preprocessing: Data preprocessing is to
enhanced process the clean data which has been selected. d) Data expression Data expression is to
transform the data after preprocessing into the form which can be accepted by the data mining
algorithm based on neural network. The data mining based on neural network can only handle
numerical data, so it is need to transform the sign data into numerical data. The simplest method
is to establish a table with one-to-one correspondence between the sign data and the numerical
data. The other more complex approach is to adopt appropriate Hash function to generate a
unique numerical data according to given string. Although there are many data types in relational
database, but they all basically can be simply come down to sign data, discrete numerical data and
serial numerical data three logical data types. Fig. 6 gives the conversion of the three data types.
The symbol “Apple” in the figure can be transformed into the corresponding discrete numerical
data by using symbol table or Hash function. Then, the discrete numerical data can be quantified
into continuous numerical data and can also be encoded into coding data.

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B. Rules Extracting There are many methods to extract rules, in which the most commonly used
methods are LRE method, black-box method, the method of extracting fuzzy rules, the method of
extracting rules from recursive network, the algorithm of binary input and output rules extracting
(BIO-RE), partial rules extracting algorithm (Partial-RE) and full rules extracting algorithm (Full-
RE). C. Rules Assessment Although the objective of rules assessment depends on each specific
application, but, in general terms, the rules can be assessed in accordance with the following
objectives. 1) Find the optimal sequence of extracting rules, making it obtains the best results in
the given data set; 2) Test the accuracy of the rules extracted; 3) Detect how much knowledge in
the neural network has not been extracted; 4) Detect the inconsistency between the extracted rules
and the trained neural network.

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