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Data Privacy Act (R.A. 7394)

Deadline: February 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM

Late submissions will not be given any merit.

a. Print a copy of this page in a long bond paper.
b. In a separate long bond paper, write (handwritten) your answers to the questions provided.
c. Answer in a brief and concise manner.

1. Define consumer products and services. (2.5 pts)

2. What is the policy on consumer product quality and safety? (5 pts)
3. What are the implementing agencies in consumer product quality and safety? (2.5 pts)
4. What shall these implementing agencies ( in no.3) establish? (5 pts)
5. What is stockpiling? (2.5 pts)
6. What shall be done to injurious, dangerous and unsafe products? (2.5 pts)
7. What shall be done when a consumer product is determined to be substandard or materially defective? (5
8. What is certification of conformity to consumer product standards? (2.5 pts)
9. When is an imported product refused admission? (2.5 pts)
10. What shall be done to substandard or materially defective imported products? (2.5 pts)
11. What shall be done if the defective imported products maybe modified? (2.5 pts)
12. What happens to imported consumer products that were not admitted? (2.5 pts)
13. What are the prohibited acts under consumer product quality and safety? (5 pts)
14. What are the penalties under consumer product quality and safety? (5 pts)
15. What is the state policy on deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts or practices? (2.5 pts)
16. When is there a deceptive sales act or practice? ( 5 pts)
17. When is there an unfair or unconscionable sales act or practice? (5 pts)
18. Discuss home solicitation sales. (5 pts)
19. What are the penalties when the protection against deceptive, unfair, unconscionable sales acts or
practices is violated? (2.5 pts)
20. What is the state policy on labeling and fair packaging? (2.5 pts)
21. When is there a violation on labeling and fair packaging? (2.5 pts)
22. What are the minimum labeling requirements for consumer products? (5 pts)
23. What are the additional labeling requirements for food? (2.5 pts)
24. When is a food deemed mislabeled? (5 pts)
25. What are the additional labeling requirements for cosmetics? (2.5 pts)
26. When is a cosmetic deemed mislabeled? (5 pts)
27. When is a drug or device deemed mislabeled? (5 pts)
28. When is a hazardous substance deemed mislabeled? (5 pts)
29. What are the grounds for seizure and condemnation of mislabeled hazardous substances? (5 pts)
30. What are the labelling requirements for cigarettes? (2.5 pts)
31. What are the penalties when labeling and fair packaging is violated? (5 pts)
32. What are the consumer rights protected under the Consumer Act of the Philippines? (5 pts)
33. What is the price tag act? (5 pts)
34. What is the lemon law? (5 pts)

Portfolio 06 Consumer Act of the Philippines (CAP)

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