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Working Journalists Act 1955 & 1958

Presented by
Dr. Gulshan Gupta
Working Journalists Act 1955

This Act may be called the

Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees,
(Conditions of Service) & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955.
1. in relation to working journalists, the Wage Board
constituted under section 9.
2. in relation to non-journalist newspaper employees, the Wage
Board constituted under section 13C.
Working Journalists Act 1955

As per the Working Journalists Act, the Industrial

Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, shall apply
to every newspaper establishment where 20 or more
persons are employed or were employed on any day of the
preceding 12 months, as if the establishment were an industrial
Definitions under
Working Journalists Act 1955

1. “newspaper” means any printed periodical work containing public

news or comments on public news and includes such other class of
printed periodical work.

2. “newspaper employee” means any working journalist, and

includes any other person employed to do any work in, or in relation
to, any newspaper establishment.

3. “newspaper establishment” means an establishment under

the control of any person or body of persons, whether incorporated
or not, for the production or publication of one or more newspapers
or for conducting any news agency or syndicate
Definitions under
Working Journalists Act 1955

1. “Wage Board decision” means the decisions of the Wage

Board published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part
II, Section 3, dated the 11th May, 1957.
2. Wages” means wages as defined in the Industrial Disputes Act,
1947 (14 of 1947);
Committee of
Working Journalists Act
For the purpose of enabling the Central Government to fix rates
of wages in respect of working journalists in the light of the
Judgment of the Supreme Court, a committee need to be
An officer of the Ministry of Law not below the rank of Joint
Secretary, nominated by the Central Government, who shall be
the Chairman of the Committee.
Three persons nominated by the Central Government from
among the officers of each of the Ministries of Home Affairs,
Labour and Employment and Information and Broadcasting.
A chartered accountant nominated by the Central Government.
Hours of work
Working Journalists Act

No working journalist shall be required or allowed to work in any

newspaper establishment for more than one hundred and forty-
four hours during any period of four consecutive weeks, exclusive
of the time for meals.
Every working journalist shall be allowed during any period of
seven consecutive days rest for a period of not less than twenty-
four consecutive hours, the period between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M.
being included therein.
(Explanation: “Week” means a period of seven days beginning a
mid-night on Saturday.
Working Journalists Act

Leave- Without prejudice to such holidays casual leave or other

kinds of leave as may be prescribed,
every working journalist shall be entitled to-
(a) Earned Leave on full wages for not less than one-eleventh of the
period spent on duty;
(b) Leave on Medical Certificate on one-half of the wages for not
less than one eighteenth of the period of service.
Fixation or revision of rates of Wages
Working Journalists Act 1958

1. The Central Government may, in the manner hereinafter provided,-

(a) fix rates of wages in respect of working journalists;
(b) revise, from time to time, at such intervals as it may think fit,
the rates of wages fixed under this section or specified in the order
made under section 6 of the Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates
of Wages) Act, 1958 (29 of 1958).

2. The rates of wages may be fixed or revised by the Central

Government in respect of working journalists for time work and for
piece work.
Procedure for fixing and revising rates of wages
Working Journalists Act 1958

The Central Government shall, as and when necessary, constitute a

Wage Board for fixing and revising rates of wages consisting

(a) three person representing employers in

relation to newspaper establishments;
(b) three persons representing working journalists;
(c) four independent persons, one of whom shall be person who is,
or has been, a Judge of a High Court or the Supreme Court and who
shall be appointed by that Government as the Chairman thereof.
Section 17 of
Working Journalists Act 1958

Where any amount is due under this Act to a newspaper

employee from an employer, the newspaper employee himself,
or any person authorised by him in writing in this behalf, or in
the case of the death of the employee/journalist, any
member of his family may, without prejudice to any other
mode of recovery,

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