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RECALLS 19 July 2022

1. Paroxerine inhibit 2D6

2. Smoking (Tobacco): 1A2 inducer
3. Which cause oral contraceptive failure? Fluconazole or Amphotericin B or Rifampicin or L-thyroxin
4. What does of Feso4 H2o should be given to get 100mg of elemental iron (170mg)
5. Ascorbic acid used with methenamine to acidify urine increase formaldehyde which has antibacterial activity
6. Metformin dose newly diagnosed patient --- 500mg OD
7. Codeine metabolite --- Morphine
8. Not affected in acute asthma –5HT
9. Levodopa concentration is effected with – (dopamine, carboxylase inhibitor, protein diet)
10. Saturation of substrate leads to ---- increase in reaction, decrease in reaction, reaction stop, no change
11. Labetalol is : Alpha and beta blocker.
12. Starting cone 200, tl/2 = 6 hr, Cone after 24hr? ---- 12.5hr
13. Penicillin MOA --- cell wall inhibitor
14. Hepatic blood flow 72, perfusion 90, F? 80%
15. Methyldopa – Hemolytic anemia
16. 5 a-reductase inhibitor: Finasteride
17. 0.3ml 1 X 10-4 & 2 X 10-6 moles
18. 2.66 mg KCI 3 mmole/L & 90 ml
19. Digoxin and Amiodaron interaction ---
20. What would be the better outcome in public health (early detection of disease and treatment, increase
diagnosis, increase healthcare worker load)
21. Long term use of prednisone causes on face what------- Starie (Telangectiasis)
22. Drug safe in iv bolus: salbutamol
23. Epinephrine act primary on (beta 1)
24. What counseling not necessary female patient taking oral contraceptives ---
25. Thrombocytopenia means ---
26. Type I reaction is caused by: lgE
27. epoprostenol ---- It inhibits platelet activation
28. effective vasodilator.
29. Formoterol onset? 1-3 min
30. Higher in blood --- erythrocytes
31. NPH diff from glargine by: shorter duration of action
32. 30ml 1.5 ppm, 6000 L, 30%
33. Not used as antianginal agent: verapamil - perindopril (ACEI) - Metoprolol
34. Not appear in asthma ... 5HT
35. Leukocytosis: fr leukocytes
36. Cause miosis (cholinergic agonist) ------ pilocarpine
37. osmotic diuretic ... Mannitol
38. Doxorubicin > cardio toxicity
39. Least likely to cause hepatoxicity: Amoxicillin, PCM, Flucloxacillin
40. Not for tachyarrhythmia: Atropine
41. which laxative make dependance--------Biscodyl
42. Longest-acting opioid -- fentanyl patch (if not present > Methadone)
43. Traveler diarrhea which antibiotics for treatment? x-floxacin
44. Methotrexate toxicity give? Leucovorin (Ca folinate, folinic acid), ** for prevention: Folic acid
45. Selegeline -- MAO B Inhibitor
46. Penicillinase resistant AB? Oxacillin, cloxa, dicloxa, flucloxa nafcillin, Methicillin
47. Procain degradation: Hydrolysis
48. Atenolol in angina: decrease HR, decrease Oxygen demand
49. Which is not measured by immunoassay? Electrolyte
50. Diphenoxylate is given for? Acute uncomplicated diarrhea
51. Amphotericin B used for Aspergillus
52. Drug which is used both IV and topical --- (Amphotericin B, Miconazole, Fluconazole)
53. Primary organ for drug metabolism --- Liver
54. Cross placenta? lgG
55. Longest wash our period – Fluoxetine
56. Counseling for folic acid - --- folic acid up to 12 weeks
57. Least to absorb the drug (buccal cavity, stomach, intestine, ileum) not sure
58. Not the side effect to Thyroxin (heat intolerance, weight gain, fine tremor,
59. Not indicated live vaccine in (above 50 years, 1 year ago had a zoster, immunocompromised, kidney failure)
60. Not side effect of paroxetine --
61. Tumor lysis syndrome cause (Hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia)
62. Impact of Darpopoietin (Erythrocytes)
63. Lithium cause – Diabetes insipidus
64. HTN + Diabetes: ACE inhibitors
65. Cross sensitivity between penicillin and cephalosporin 4-10%- 2 - 3%
66. what is unusual for Ace inhibitors: -increased creatinine & hyperkalemia , decreased creatinine &
67. Counseling for GTN (amber glass tight container with cotton)
68. Impulse carries away from cell body (effector, Axon, dendrites,)
69. What increase in heart failure (CKP, LDH, )
70. Buffer used for which dosage form (IV, Suppositories, Oral disintegrate tablet)
71. Anemia in CKD (Normochromic normocytic, normochromic microcytic)
72. Pressure in more (Arteries or Veins)
73. Wrong about camphor (Eutetic, insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol)
74. Warfarin is antagonized by (St. wort, ginko biloba, grapefruit,)
75. Lanolin calculation wool fat from recall (50+6)
76. Concentration dependent antibiotic (Vancomycin, Aminoglycosides, Azithromycin, Doxycycline)
77. Ketone group (phenobarbitone)
78. Bactericidal antibiotic
79. Traveller diarrahe (Norfloxacin)
80. Cause of meningitis in 2 years
81. Attached to surface of (ribosomes)
82. MAO type A Selective – Moclobemide
83. MAO type B Selective --- Selegiline
84. Drug of choice in Pinworn – Mebendazole
85. Cardiac glycoside --- steroid nucleus
86. Benefit of moderate exercise in diabetes patient (reuptake of glucose)
87. Chondrocytes (OA)
88. Drug in pregnancy (Labetalol)
89. Drug caution in depression with hypertension (Methyldopa)
90. Drug contraindicated in acute porphyria (ketamin, propofol, phenobarbital) not sure
91. Prostaglandin --- Fatty acid
92. Vancomycin – redness, flushing
93. Causative agent for meningitis age 2-10 years Neisseria
94. Meningitidis (less than 2 -- H.lnfluenza)
95. Bradykinin- Vascular smooth muscle relaxation
96. Atenolol + Verapamil- Bradycardia “additive effect”
97. Productive cough for hypertensive patients---- Guaiphenesin
98. Protective layer on stomach-- Sucralfate
99. Miosis------ Pilocarpine
100. Side effect of aminoglycoside--------- Nephrotoxicity
101. Precursor of Histamine--- Histidine
102. Laxative dependence----- Bisacodyl
103. Verapamil and Cyclosporin interaction----- Increase Cyclosporin
104. Prevention of Asthma------------ Inhaled Corticosteroid
105. Diphenoxylate for---------- Acute uncomplicated diarrhea
106. NE to Epinephrine------ Methylation
107. Osmotic diuretic-------- Mannitol
108. Amphotericin B----- Aspergillosis
109. Time to reach steady state 12hrs
110. MOA of Corticosteroids-----Inhibits Phospholipase A2
111. Acamprostate duration-----3 months
112. Drug having ketone structure-----Prednisolone
113. Dose adjustment need after smoking-----Olanzapine
114. Bond Between Organophosphorus and Chlorine----- (don’t know the options)
115. What should be immediate action patient overdose with paracetamol with no symptoms of toxicity (NAG,
Taken test, sodium bicarbonate, water)
116. Remaining calculations mmol, all new

NOTE: No question from any structure, no question from stereochemistry

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