Im 2023

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Clinical Skills Intramuscular injection Procedure

Student Name: Computer# Gp #

Examiner (Print) Final Score /28= %

Procedure step Not Done (0) Incorrect/ Correct (2)

Incomplete (1)
1. Greets patient, introduces self, verifies patient name,
medication order and file number. Explains procedure.

2. Student obtains consent and notes any allergies to

cleansing solution, medications.
-Ensures privacy and chaperone.

3. Washes hands and gathers supplies(cotton swabs,

cleaning solution, medication, 2 needles, syringe, sharps
-Wears clean gloves.
4: Draws up medication (noting expiry date), changes
needle before injection into patient.

5. Positions patient, uncover the area to be injected,

draping as needed, identifies the proper landmarks for
safe injection.
AAs to explain injection sites.

6. Disinfects the skin (outward spiral at least 2x)

7. Ask the patient to relax the muscle.

-Insert the needle swiftly at an angle of 90 degrees.

8. Aspirate; if blood appears, withdraw needle & start

again, if not proceed.

9. Inject slowly keeping the needle stabilized.

10. Withdraw needle swiftly and immediately places dry

cotton swab.
-discards needle in sharps container immediately.

11. Observes patient for reaction, covers to maintain

privacy. Thanks patient

12.Cleans up area and washes hands

13. Expresses need to document procedure including
time, site, name and dose of medication.
AAs to explain 7 rights of injection.


Final Score /26

Reading assignment.

-indications, contraindications and complications of IM injection.

-Sites for under-5 vaccination injection.

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