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Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _____________

Year & Section: __________________________________ Date: ______________

S.Y. Second Semester 2022-2023

Direction: Pray before you start answering. Read and analyze the questions or statement carefully. Write your answer
before the number. Use blue or black pen only. Any forms of tampering, alterations, erasures mean wrong.

Multiple Choices.

1. Which of the following ridge characteristics are the two ridges that are flowing side by side and suddenly separating or spreading
a. converging ridge c. type lines
b. diverging ridge d. bifurcation

2. Which of the following ridge characteristics refers to a single ridge, which splits into two ridges?
a. type lines c. bifurcation
b. enclosure d. divergence

3. This refers to Galton’s details.

a. Fingerprint pattern c. Focal Point
b. Ridges and furrows d. Ridge characteristics

4. Which of the following ridge characteristics a meeting of two ridges that were previously running side by side?
a. Converging ridge c. type lines
b. Diverging ridge d. bifurcation

5. What do you call the basic boundaries of fingerprint pattern?

a. Divergence c. pattern area
b. Type lines d. bifurcation

6. What do you call the delta and core?

a. Ridge characteristics c. Ridges
b. Focal point d. Pattern area

7. What do you call a point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the center of the divergence of the type lines?
a. Delta c. pattern area
b. core d. typelines

8. The part of a loop or a whorl in which appear the core, deltas and ridges are located.
a. Type lines c. Core
b. Pattern Area d. Ridge Characteristics

9. Which of the following ridge characteristics that divides into two branches and meets to form the original ridge?
a. Bifurcation c. Diverging ridge
b. Enclosure d. Converging ridge

10. Focal points are enclosed within the core. The statement is ____.
a. True c. False
b. Partially true d. No answer

11. The delta may not be located at a bifurcation, which does not open towards the core. The statement is ___ .
a. True c. False
b. Partially true d. Partially false

12. When there is a choice between a bifurcation and another type of delta, the short ridge is selected. The statement is _____.
a. True c. False
b. Partially true d. Partially false

13. When there are two or more possible deltas, which conform to the definition, the one nearest the core is chosen.
a. True c. False
b. Partially true d. Partially false

14. What do you call the approximate center of the fingerprint impression?
a. delta c. pattern area
b. core d. typelines

15. This is a short ridge at the top or summit of a recurve usually at a right angle.
a. fragmentary core c. short ridge
b. appendage d. dot ridge
16. What do you call a part of a recurving ridge between the shoulders of the loop?
a. staple core c. fragmentary core
b. rod core d. sufficient recurve

17. When the innermost sufficient recurve contains no ending ridge or rod rising as high as the shoulders of the loop, the core is placed
on the shoulder of the loop farther from the delta. The statement is ____.
a. True c. partially false
b. False d. partially false

18. Bifurcation, short ridge, ending ridge, and a dot. Which among them should you choose as your type of delta in the fingerprint?

a. bifurcation c. ending ridge

b. short ridge d. a dot

19. The following can be considered in the selection of the delta, except:
a. dot c. enclosure
b. ending ridge d. bifurcation

20. When the innermost sufficient recurve contains no ending ridge or rod rising as high as the shoulders of the loop, the core is placed
on the shoulder of the loop nearer from the delta. The statement is ___.
a. true c. false
b. partially true d. partially false

21. How many bones does the human hands has?

a. 25 c. 27
b. 26 d. 28

22. What do you call the particular bone that is covered with the friction skin having all the different types of patterns and located near
the tip of the finger?
a. Terminal Phalange c. Basal Phalange
b. Middle Phalange d. Dermal Papillae

23. What pattern is considered as a transitional pattern between a plain arch and a loop, possesses either an angle or up thrust, or two
of the three basic characteristics of the loop?
a. Plain arch c. Ulnar loop
b. Tented arch d. Radial loop

24. Which of the following fingerprint pattern in which the ridges run its direction to the radius or to the thumb.
a. Radial whorl c. Tented loop
b. Ulnar loop d. Radial loop

25. Which of the following fingerprint pattern has a combination of two or more different types of patterns except in plain arch?
a. Plain whorl c. Accidental whorl
b. Double loop d. Central pocket loop whorl

26. When the downward direction of the loop points towards the little finger, it is said to be:
a. Ulnar loop c. tented Arch
b. Radial loop d. Plain arch
27. Which of the following fingerprint pattern wherein the ridges flow from one side to the other without recurving and make a rise at
the center?
a. Plain whorl c. radial loop
b. Plain arch d. tented arch

28. What fingerprint pattern consists of two deltas with and at least one ridge that make a turn through one complete circuit? An
imaginary line drawn between the two deltas touches or crosses at least one of the circuiting whorls ridges within the pattern area?
a. plain whorl c. double loop whorl
b. central pocket loop whorl d. accidental whorl

29. What fingerprint pattern consists of two separate and distinct loop formations?
a. plain whorl c. double loop whorl
b. central pocket loop whorl d. accidental whorl

30. In an accidental whorl type of pattern, which of the following pattern is not included in the combination?
a. ulnar loop c. tented arch
b. plain whorl d. plain arch

31. Which of the following is not a requisite/characteristic of a loop?

a. core c. a ridge count across a looping ridge
b. delta d. One ridge that forms a complete circuit

32. These patterns are named for their positions related to the radius and ulna bones. A fingerprint pattern having only one delta and
a. Arches c. whorl
b. Loop d. accidental

33. What do you call the simplest type of fingerprints that are formed by ridges that enter on one side of the print and exit on the
other? They do NOT have type lines, deltas, or cores.
a. arches c. whorl
b. loop d. accidental whorl

34. Ridge tracing applies to what fingerprint pattern?

a. loop c. whorl
b. arch d. any pattern

35. If Accidental whorl appears in the right index, what is the symbol used to attain the purpose of blocking.
a. X c. D
b. C d. W

36. If Plain whorl appears in the left middle finger, what is the symbol used to attain the purpose of blocking?
a. X c. D
b. C d. W

37. Which of the following symbols may come out for the Secondary Classification by small letter group?
a. rat c. art
b. tar d. all of the foregoing

38. What particular fingers do the SSC is applicable?

a. Index, middle and ring finger of the right hand c. Index, middle and little finger of both hands
b. Index, middle and ring finger of the left hand d. Index, middle and ring finger of both hands

39. How many ridge counts are required to attain the symbol S under major classification using the table B for loop pattern?
a. 1-11 ridge count c. 1-17 ridge count
b. 18-22 ridge count d. 12-16 ridge count
40. If one finger of the is amputated, it is a given a classification with that of;
a. The first finger c. the next finger
b. The last finger d. the opposite finger
41. What is the process of counting ridges that cross or touch an imaginary line drawn between the delta and core of a loop?
a. ridge counting c. ridge ending
b. ridge tracing d. none of these

42. If the ridge counting of a loop in the Index finger is twelve (12), what must be the symbol for purposes of the Sub-Secondary
a. I c. O
b. M d. L

43. If the ridge count of the ring finger is 8, what is the symbol for purposes of the sub-secondary classification?
a. I c. M
b. O d. L

44. 1 over 1 in the primary classification would indicate that all patterns are:
a. whorls c. loops & whorls
b. arches & loops d. whorls & arches

45. In the primary classification, if a whorl pattern appears in the left middle finger what must be the value?
a. 16 c. 4
b. 8 d. 2

46. Which of the following consists the complete type of patterns, which belong to the numerical value group?
a. whorls, central pocket loop whorl, double loop whorls
b. whorls, ulnar loop, central pocket loop whorl, radial loops
c. plain whorl, central pocket loop whorl, double loop whorl
d. plain whorl, central pocket loop whorl, double loop whorl, accidental loop whorl

47. What is the first classification derived by assigning and summing up the numerical values of whorl patterns of the ten fingers
expressed in a fraction added by one over one?
a. primary classification c. final classification
b. secondary classification d. major classification

48. What is the classification derived from counting the first loop that appears in one of the fingers starting from the right thumb
excluding the little fingers of both hands?
a. key classification c. final classification
b. secondary classification d. major classification

49. Which of the following classification division is derived from ridge count and whorl trace of both thumbs?
a. key classification c. final classification
b. secondary classification d. major classification

50. What is the classification derived from the ridge count of a loop pattern appearing on the right little finger?
a. key classification c. final classification
b. secondary classification d. major classification

51. What is the classification of the index, middle, and ring fingers of both hands determined by the ridge count for loops and
ridge trace for whorl patterns?
a. key classification c. final classification
b. sub-secondary classification d. major classification

52. The following patterns are considered in determining the small letter group in the Secondary Classification except;
a. Tented arch c. Ulnar loop
b. Plain arch d. Radial loop
53. The following are the symbols of whorls pattern in ridge tracing of the Sub-Secondary classification except;
a. Inner c. Medium
b. Outer d. Meeting

54. What do you call an orderly manner of starting the card and grouping each card and filing in a specific sequence according to
the final classification formula?
a. Indexing c. Searching
b. Filing d. Classification

55. Which of the following NCIC Classification system means?

a. National Center Information Crime
b. National Crime Information Center
c. National Classification Identification Center
d. National Crime Identification Center

56. In the NCIC FPC, which of the following Code denotes in Missing or Amputated finger?
a. AA c. XX
b. TT d. AMP

57. What do you call the classification method that uses a two-letter code for each pattern type. This makes twenty characters of
string from a 10-digit fingerprint (one pattern type=two character)?
a. IAFIS c. Indexing
b. NCIC d. Searching

58. What does IAFIS stands for?

a. Information Automated Fingerprint Identification System
b. International Automated Fingerprint Identification System
c. Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
d. Identification Automated Fingerprint Information System

59. Which of the following IAFIS code for Accidental Whorl?

a. XW c. AX
b. WU d. AU

60. Which of the following IAFIS Code of the Radial Loop of the left hand?
a. LS c. AU
b. RS d. WU

John 14:14
If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
Juan 14:14
Kung hihiling kayo ng anuman sa aking pangalan, ito ay aking gagawin.”

Prepared by: Checked and Noted by:


Subject-in-Charge Chair, Criminology Program

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