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" Stability study to predict the shelf life of

product, by accelerating the rate of
decomposition, preferably by increasing
temperature of reaction.
" These are experimental designs.
" Preparations are subjected to high stresses
during stability testing such as
1. Temperature
2. Humidity
3. Light
" This studies are only valid when the breakdown
depends on temperature.
" this method is not used in case of complex reactions.
"This method is valid only if energy of activation lies
between 10-30Kcal/mole.
"The products which loose their physical integrity at
elevated temperature is not suitable for accelerated
"This method is not valid when order changes at
higher temperature.
Tests at elevated temperature:
" Drug liquid preparation stored at 50, 60, 70,85,100 and
" Also study performed at R.T. and or refrigerator temp.
First year-3month interval
Second year- 6 month interval
Tests at high intensity of light:
Drug substances darken on exposing to light, can be controlled by
using amber glass or opaque container.

By exposing drug substance to 1oo& 121(fc)4 &2weeks to light and

another sample examined protected from light .

" Results found on appearance and chemical loss may be recorded.

Comparing color or using spectroscopy for examination.

" eg.cycloprofen becomes very yellow after five days exposing to light.
Tests at high partial pressure of oxygen:
Here, high oxygen tension plays important role to
investigate stability Usually 40% of oxygen atmosphere
allows for rapid evaluation.
" Results were correlated with inert & without inert
Tests at high relative humidity:
" Presence of moisture may cause hydrolysis and oxidation.
These reactions may accelerated by exposing the drug to
different relative humidities.

" Control humidity by Lab desiccators

Closed dessicator are placed in an oven to provide constant
" Itexplains the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction.
Accordingto Arrhenius, with every 10°C rise in temperature, the
rate of reaction increases by 2-3 times. Jemp (K)
Activation 8.31 x 10 kJ/K"mol
Frequency factor energy

" Arrhenius factor represents frequency of collisions between two

Activation energy (Ea) is the amount of energy that is required for a
reaction to get started.
log k - log A - 2.303RT
What is the Arrhenius equation used for?

The Arrhenius equation can be used to

determine the effect of a change of
temperature on the rate constant, and
consequently on the rate of the reaction.
Why Arrhenius equation is applied in
accelerated stress stability testing?

The Arrhenius equation is useful to estimate

rate constant datafor temperatures not
experimentally obtained.

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