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Chapter 17

Page 212 and 213

Blesseth is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand

three hundred and five and thirty days.

It MEANS length of cycle is 1335 days This verse is not mentioned in the book only once it is mentioned
again in this book i am letting it to you to find out where it is mentioned and that will

connect to this point and lead you to the cycle with this cycle

Page 213 and Page 372

It says length of cycle is 1335

days This verse is not
mentioned in the book only
once it is mentioned again in
Blesseth is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand
this book i am letting it to you
to find out where it is
mentioned and that will
connect to this point and lead
you to the cycle with this cycle
three hundred and five and thirty days.
Gann directly showing a cycle
make attention and do
Robert believed that he understood the cycle and knew detailed study
Thousand 1000

Three hundred 300

Five 5

Thirty 30

1305 +35 =1335

1335 +30 =1365

Page 372
a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is
he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hun-
dred and five and thirty days.” Twelve hundred and
ninety days are to be added to the time the war broke

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