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Min Max Description

1 1.5 Rarely Demonstrates

1.51 2.5 Sometimes Demonstrates
2.51 3.5 Most of the Time Demonstrates
3.51 4.5 Consistently Demonstrates
4.51 5 Roles Model
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Name of Employee: JAYSON M. MARFIL Name of Rater: ATTY. NELYN B. FRINAL, CESE
School: NULING INTEGRATED SCHOOL Date of Review: July 2023
Rating Period: August 2022- July 2023


Performance Indicators Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Means of Verification Timeline Weight per KRA Very Unsatisfactory Actual Results
QET Outstanding (5)
Satisfactory (4)
Satisfactory (3)
Poor (1) Q E
Domain I 1.1 Vision, mission Any of the following: August
Leading and core values 1. Homeroom Guidance 2022- July
Strategically 1.1.3 Collaborated with Program Report/Minutes on 2023
(20%) school personnel in the Orientation of DepEd Collaborated
communicating the Vision, Mission, and Core with school Collaborated
with school
DepEd vision, mission Values personnel in with school Collaborated
personnel in
and core values to the 2. Minutes of the Faculty communicating personnel in with school
wider school community Meeting on DepEd vision, DepEd vision, communicating personnel in
DepEd vision,
to strengthen shared mission, and core values mission, and DepEd vision, communicating
mission, and
understanding and with attendance and core values to mission, and DepEd vision,
core values to No acceptable
alignment of school Pictorials the parents, core values to mission, and
Quality the wider- evidence was
policies, programs, 3. HR PTA guardians, learners , core values to
school shown
projects and activities Meeting on DepEd vision, teaching and teaching and learners within
mission, and core values nonteaching nonteaching the class as
stakeholders as
with attendance and personnel as personnel as shown by
shown by at
Pictorials 4. shown by at shown by submitted MOV
least one (1)
Minutes of the General least one (1) submitted MOV 1
MOV from
Assembly on DepEd vision, 10% MOV from 2
MOVs 5-7
mission, and core values MOVs 3-4
with attendance and
5. SMEPA Report 6.
School Report Card
7. Approved SIP with
Certificate of Compliance Submitted No acceptable
Efficiency acceptable evidence was
MOVs shown
with attendance and
5. SMEPA Report 6.
School Report Card
7. Approved SIP with
Certificate of Compliance

Submitted Submitted Submitted

Submitted No acceptable
acceptable acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs after 20 MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time shown
after deadline days after deadline

1.2 School planning Any of the following: August

and implementation 1. General 2022- July
1.2.3 Engaged the Assembly/SPT/HR PTA 2023
school community in the Minutes or Procedures of
Consistently Frequently Partially
development and the Meeting with Fully engaged
engaged with engaged with engagedt with
implementation of Attendance Sheet and with the whole
the whole the whole the whole
school plans aligned Pictorials school
school school school
with institutional goals 2. Signed project work plan community in
community in community in community in
and policies and budget matrix (from the development
the development the development the development
SIP) and
and and and No acceptable
3. Project Proposals/Activity implementation
Quality implementation implementation implementation evidence was
Designs with of school plans
of school plans of school plans of school plans shown
Accomplishment Report aligned with
aligned with aligned with aligned with
4. Memorandum of institutional
institutional institutional institutional
Understanding (MOU) goals and
goals and goals and goals and
/Agreement (MOA) 5. policies as
policies as policies as policies as
Manifesto of Support shown by the
shown by the shown by the shown by the
6. Signed SIP and AIP MOV
5% 0 0

Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable

Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV
MOVs MOVs MOVs shown

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline
1.7 Monitoring and Any one (1) of the August
evaluation processes following: 2022- July
and tools 1. Contextualized SIP/AIP 2023
1 .7.3 Designed Monitoring tool
supplemental 2. Contextualized Teacher/
Designed at
monitoring and Activity Evaluation tool Designed at
least one (1) Designed at Designed at
evaluation tools 3. Contextualized Client least one (1)
activity that is least one (1) least one (1)
following standard Satisfaction Survey supplemental
90-100% within supplemental supplemental
processes to promote 4. Proof of participation of monitoring and
the standard monitoring and monitoring and
learner achievement school community in evaluation tools
supplemental evaluation tools evaluation tools
designing supplemental M & following
monitoring and following following
E Tools (Minutes, standard
evaluation tools standard standard No acceptable
Attendance, Pictorials) processes to
Quality following processes to processes to evidence was
5. Analyses of M & E promote learner
standard promote learner promote learner shown
presented to the SPT achievement
processes to achievement achievement
6. Proof of enhancement of used within the
promote learner used within the used within the
the supplemental M & E grade
achievement school as classroom as
tools level/departme
used beyond evidenced by evidenced by
nt as evidenced
the school as the submitted the submitted
with annotation on its 5%
evidenced by MOV
by the submitted
0 0
contribution MOV
the submitted

Submitted MOV SSubmitted

Submitted MOV Submitted MOV
used within the MOV used
used beyond used within the No acceptable
grade level, within the
Efficiency the school as school as evidence was
department the classroom the
shown in the shown in the shown
school as shown school as shown
annotation annotation
in the annotation in the annotation
Domain II 2.1 Records Any one (1) of the August
Managing management following: 2022- July
School 2.1.3 Capacitated 1. Training 2023
Operations school personnel in Design/Proposals on School
and managing school data Data Management using
Resources and information using ICT (e.g. Google Drive,
Conducted at Conducted at Conducted at Conducted at
(20%) technology, including Google Forms, and other
least one (1) least one (1) least one (1) least one (1)
ICT, to ensure efficient Communication platforms
training to 90- training to 80- training to 70- training to 60-
and effective school (Messenger, Facebook
100% of school 89% of school 79% of school 69% of school
operations page, or school website)
teaching and teaching and teaching and teaching and
with sample certificates,
nonteaching nonteaching nonteaching nonteaching
pictorials, and attendance
personnel on personnel on personnel on personnel on
2. Proof of the no. of school
managing managing managing managing
personnel utilizing the
school data and school data and school data and school data and
school website, Facebook No acceptable
information information information information
page, groupchats, Google Quality evidence was
using using using using
Drive, google forms and the shown
technology, technology, technology, technology,
likes used in school
including ICT, to including ICT, to including ICT, to including ICT, to
operation (e.g.
ensure efficient ensure efficient ensure efficient ensure efficient
and effective and effective and effective and effective
3. Proof of utilization and on
school school school school
– time updating of reports in
operations as operations as operations as operations as
3% evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by 0 0
DPDS, etc.
the submitted the submitted the submitted the submitted
Report on Data
Management System with
Attendance and Pictorials

100% of the 90% of the 80% of the 70% of the

target target target target No acceptable
Efficiency participants participants participants participants evidence was
participated in participated in participated in participated in shown
the training the training the training the training

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline
2.2. Financial Any of the following: 1. August
Management Approved AIP, SOB,APP, 2022- July
2.2.3 Exhibited efficient PPMP, and WFP 2023
and effective practices 2. Updated Transparency
in the management of Board (picture and posted Consistently Frequently Partially
Fully exhibited
finances consistently documents)/ Rated STB exhibited exhibited exhibited
efficient and
adhering to policies, Monitoring Tool efficient and efficient and efficient and
guidelines and 3. Copy of the approved effective effective effective
practices in the
issuances in allocation, justification and amended practices in the practices in the practices in the
management of
procurement, WFP (as necessary) management of management of management of
disbursement and 4. Liquidation Reports of finances finances finances
liquidation aligned with MOOE consistently consistently consistently
adhering to
the school plan 5. PTA/Clubs and adhering to adhering to adhering to
policies, No acceptable
Organizations/ Financial policies, policies, policies,
Quality guidelines and evidence was
Report on PTA accounts guidelines and guidelines and guidelines and
issuances in shown
and other Donations issuances in issuances in issuances in
6. Income Generating 5% allocation, allocation,
allocation, 0 0
reports (e.g. Canteen procurement, procurement, procurement,
Report) disbursement disbursement disbursement
and liquidation
7. Classroom and liquidation and liquidation and liquidation
aligned with the
Accomplishment and aligned with the aligned with the aligned with the
school plan as
Financial Reports school plan as school plan as school plan as
shown in the
8. SPT Attendance and shown in the shown in the shown in the
Minutes of the Meetings MOVs MOVs MOV
regarding Management of
9. Deed of Donations/
Monthly DepEd
Partnerships Database
System (DPDS) Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
10. SMEPA Agreements Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
and accomplishment report acceptable MOV
MOVs MOVs MOVS shown
on MOOE and other school
funds’ utilization
2.3 School facilities Any of the following: August
and equipment 1. Duly Signed Property 2022- July
2.3.3 Established Acknowledgement Receipt 2023
shared accountability in (PAR)/ Inventory Custodian Consistently Frequently Fully Partially
managing school Slip (ICS) established established established established
facilities and equipment 2. Duly signed Property shared shared shared shared
in adherence to policies, Transfer Report (PTR) accountability in accountability in accountability in accountability in
guidelines and 3. Resource Utilization managing managing managing managing
issuances on Logbook/ Record school facilities school facilities school facilities school facilities
acquisition, recording, 4. Program of Works and equipment and equipment and equipment and equipment
utilization, repair and with Accomplishment in adherence to in adherence to in adherence to in adherence to
maintenance, storage Report and Pictorials policies, policies, policies, policies,
and disposal 5. Updated School Property No acceptable
guidelines and guidelines and guidelines and guidelines and
inventory report (RPCPPE / Quality evidence was
issuances on issuances on issuances on issuances on
RPCPI) shown
acquisition, acquisition, acquisition, acquisition,
recording, recording, recording, recording,
3% utilization, repair utilization, repair utilization, repair utilization, repair 0 0
and and and and
maintenance, maintenance, maintenance, maintenance,
storage and storage and storage and storage and
disposal as disposal as disposal as disposal as
shown by MOV shown by MOV shown by MOV shown by MOV
5 3 and 4 1 and 2 1

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable MOV
Timeliness acceptable MOV MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days 30 days after
on time after the shown
after deadline deadline

2.4 Management of Any of the following: August

staff 2.4.3 1. Approved SF 7 2022- July
Engaged school 2. Class/Teachers 2023
personnel in maintaining Program
effective management 3. Daily Supervisory Plan
Consistently Frequently Fully engaged Partially
of staff in adherence to 4. Designation/Office Orders
engaged school engaged school school engaged school
laws, policies, 5. Organizational Chart
personnel in personnel in personnel in personnel in
guidelines and 6. Updated HRD Training
maintaining maintaining maintaining maintaining
issuances based on the Inventory Management, and
effective effective effective effective
needs of the school Evaluation System (TIMES)
management of management of management of management of
staff in staff in staff in staff in
No acceptable
adherence to adherence to adherence to adherence to
Quality evidence was
laws, policies, laws, policies, laws, policies, laws, policies,
guidelines and guidelines and guidelines and guidelines and
issuances issuances issuances issuances
based on the based on the based on the based on the
needs of the needs of the needs of the needs of the
school as school as school as school as
3% evidenced in the evidenced in the evidenced in the evidenced in the 0 0
submitted MOVs submitted MOVs submitted MOVs submitted MOVs
3% 0 0

Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable

Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline
2.5 School safety for Any of the following: August
disaster 1. Documentation on 2022- July
preparedness, Classroom-based DRRM 2023
mitigation and Activities
resiliency 2. National Simultaneous Worked with
Worked with
2.5.3 Worked with the Earthquake Drill (NSED) Worked with learners,
wider school community Reports the wider teaching and Worked with
in managing school 3. School Mental Health and school nonteaching the learners in
ans in
safety for disaster Psychosocial Support community in personnel managing
preparedness, Services (MHPSS)/ managing community in school safety for
school safety for
mitigation and resiliency Psychological First Aid school safety for managing disaster
to maintain continuous (PFA) intervention disaster school safety for preparedness,
delivery of instruction Programs preparedness, disaster mitigation and No acceptable
mitigation and
4. Certificate of WASH/ Quality mitigation and preparedness, resiliency to evidence was
resiliency to
WINS level of practice resiliency to mitigation and maintain shown
5. Minutes of the PTA maintain resiliency to continuous
Meeting on DRRM with continuous maintain delivery of
delivery of
Attendance and Pictorials delivery of continuous instruction as
6. Proof of partnership with
3% instruction as
instruction as
delivery of evidenced by 0 0
evidenced by
the BDRRMC (e.g. evidenced by instruction as any one (1) of
any one (1) of
MOU/MOA/Resolutions) any one (1) of evidenced by the MOVs 1-2
the MOVs 3 and
7. Approved Contingency the MOVs 6-7 any one (1) of
Plan the MOVs 2-4

No acceptable
Efficiency evidence was
acceptable MOV
2.6 Emerging Any one (1) of the August
opportunities and following: 2022- July
challenges 2.6.3 1. Traning Design/Proposal 2023
Capacitated school on Inclusive Education
personnel in managing (IPED, Madrasah/ various
emerging opportunities programs,ALS, IPEd) with Capacitated 90- Capacitated 80- Capacitated 70- Capacitated 60-
and challenges to Attendance and Pictorials 100% of the 89% of the 79% of the 69% of the
promote equality and 2. GAD Plan/Report/ school school school school
equity in addressing the Accomplishment with personnel in personnel in personnel in personnel in
needs of learners, Attendance and Pictorials managing managing managing managing
school personnel and 3. SLAC Plan/ emerging emerging emerging emerging
other stakeholders Accomplishment Report opportunities opportunities opportunities opportunities
with Attendance and and challenges and challenges and challenges and challenges
Pictorials to promote to promote to promote to promote
No acceptable
4. Training on Reading equality and equality and equality and equality and
Quality evidence was
Assessment and equity in equity in equity in equity in
Intervention addressing the addressing the addressing the addressing the
5. Capacity Training on needs of needs of needs of needs of
Addressing Least Learned learners, school learners, school learners, school learners, school
Competencies/ Learning 3% personnel and personnel and personnel and personnel and 0 0
Gaps other other other other
6. INSET Activity Design stakeholders as stakeholders as stakeholders as stakeholders as
with Attendance and evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by
Pictorials the submitted the submitted the submitted the submitted

100% of the 90% of the 80% of the 70% of the

target target target target No acceptable
Efficiency participants participants participants participants evidence was
participated in participated in participated in participated in shown
the training the training the training the training
Domain 3 3.1 School-based Any of the following: August
Focus and review, 1. Minutes of the Grade 2022- July
Teachng contextualization, and Level/ Departmental/ 2023
Learning implementation of Faculty Meetings on the Designed with
Enhanced with Conducted Meeting with
learning standards review, contextualization teams the
teams the with teams the teams the
3.1.3 Worked with and implementation of conduct of
mechanisms on review, conduct of
teams in the conduct of learning standards with review,
the review, contextualizatio review,
review, attendance and pictorials contextualizatio
contextualizatio n and contextualizatio
contextualization and 2. Sample of Contextualized n and
n and implementation n and
implementation of Lesson Plans/LAS/ Activity implementation
implementation of learning implementation
learning standards to Sheets of learning No acceptable
of learning standards to of learning
assist teachers in 3. Proof of utilization of Quality standards to evidence was
standards to assist teachers standards to
making the curriculum contextualized materials assist teachers shown
assist teachers in making the assist teachers
relevant for learners (COT, Pictorials, Checked in making the
Activity Sheets) 3% in making the curriculum
in making the 0 0
curriculum relevant for curriculum
4. Accomplished relevant for
relevant for learners as relevant for
Performance Monitoring and learners as
learners as shown by the learners as
Coaching Form (PMCF) shown by the
shown by the submitted shown by the
5. Conducted submitted
submitted MOVs MOVs submitted MOV
action research on the use MOVs
of contextualized materials/
improvement of learning
6. Minutes of the Focus
Group Discussion (FGD) Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
7. Minutes of the SLAC Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
Meeting/SLAC Plan acceptable MOV
MOVs MOVs MOVs shown
8. List of Least Learned
Competencies 9.
Remedial Plan 10.
Approved Mid-Year
Performance Review and
Evaluation (MPRE) Plan
3.2 Teaching Any of the following: August
standards and 1. Classroom Observation 2022- July
pedagogies 2. Instructional Supervisory 2023
3.2.3 Engaged school Plan with Accomplishment
personnel such as Report Consistently Frequently Fully engaged Partially
master teachers, head 3. Accomplished RPMS – engaged school engaged school school engaged school
teachers and Phase 2 (Performance personnel such personnel such personnel such personnel such
department heads in Monitoring and Coaching as master as master as master as master
providing technical Form/ Classroom teachers, head teachers, head teachers, head teachers, head
assistance to teachers Observation Notes with teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and
on teaching standards pictorials department department department department
and pedagogies within 4. LAC Plan and Report heads in heads in heads in heads in
and across learning related to content and providing providing providing providing
areas to improve their pedagogy based on technical technical technical technical
teaching practice developmental needs assistance to assistance to assistance to assistance to
No acceptable
5. PMCF with pictorials teachers on teachers on teachers on teachers on
Quality evidence was
6. Accomplished Class teaching teaching teaching teaching
Observation Rating standards and standards and standards and standards and
Sheet /Sample Teachers’ pedagogies pedagogies pedagogies pedagogies
reflection journa/COT within and within and within and within and
agreement form across learning across learning across learning across learning
7. Sample Individual areas to areas to areas to areas to
Professional Development improve their improve their improve their improve their
Plan (IPDP)
3% teaching teaching teaching teaching 0 0
practice as practice as practice as practice as
evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by
the submitted the submitted the submitted the submitted

Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable

Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
MOVs MOVs MOVs MOVs shown

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable MOV acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
s10 days after MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
deadline after deadline
3.3 Teacher Any of the following: August
Performance 1. Minutes of the Faculty 2022- July
Feedback Coordination Meeting with 2023
3.3.3 Collaborated with Attendance and Pictorials Synthesized
school personnel in on the use of validated discussions Conducted Planned for the
effectively using feedback during mentoring and conduct of
validated feedback 2. Performance Monitoring mentoring and coaching mentoring and
obtained from learners, and Coaching Form (PMCF) coaching sessions using coaching
parents and other 3. COT Observation Notes/ Guided school sessions using validated sessions using
stakeholders to help Rating Sheet and Inter- personnel in validated feedback validated
teachers improve their Agreement Form planning for the feedback obtained from feedback
performance 4. Consolidated Result of application of obtained from learners, obtained from No acceptable
Teachers Performance Quality results to help learners, parents and learners, evidence was
Evaluation with Analysis improve their parents and other parents and shown
5. Consolidated Result of performance as other stakeholders to other
Client Satisfaction Survey evidenced by stakeholders to help teachers stakeholders to 0 ###
with Analysis MOVs 6 and 7 help teachers improve their help teachers
improve their performance as improve their
6. Sample Filled-out IPDP performance as shown by any performance as
shown by any one (1) of the shown by the
7. Consolidated IPDP one (1) of the MOVs 2-3 MOV 1
Results MOVs 4-5

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline

3.4 Learner Any of the following: August

achievement and 1. KPI 2022- July
other performance 2. MPS 2023
indicators 3. Signed SMEPA
3.4.3 Engaged the wider agreement and action plan Engaged the
school community in with the theme on Quality Engaged the Engaged the
teaching and Engaged the
developing data – and Efficiency whole school parents/guardi
nonteaching learners in
based interventions to 4.Action Plan community in ans in
personnel in developing data
sustain learner 5. Intervention Program developing data developing data
developing data – based
achievement and attain (e.g. Reading, Math, – based – based
– based interventions to
other performance Science) and the like 6. interventions to interventions to No acceptable
interventions to sustain learner
indicators SPT/SGC Minutes of the Quality sustain learner sustain learner evidence was
sustain learner achievement
Meeting on developing data achievement achievement shown
achievement and attain other
– based interventions and attain other and attain other
and attain other performance
(school initiated projects performance performance
performance indicators as
and activities) with indicators as indicators as
indicators as shown by the
Attendance and Pictorials shown by the shown by the
shown by the submitted MOVs
7. Copy of results of data submitted MOVs submitted MOVs
submitted MOVs
analyses with project design 3% 0 0
of specific intervention
signed by the program
8. M & E Results with action
plan to address gaps
Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
9. Consolidated feedback Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
culled from Client acceptable MOV
MOVs MOVs MOVs shown
Satisfaction Survey with
agreement and action plan
10. SMEPA Report
analyses with project design 3% 0 0
of specific intervention
signed by the program
8. M & E Results with action
plan to address gaps
9. Consolidated feedback
culled from Client
Satisfaction Survey with
agreement and action plan
10. SMEPA Report

Submitted Submitted Submitted

Submitted No acceptable
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Timeliness acceptable MOV evidence was
10 days after 20 days after 30 days after
on time shown
deadline the deadline deadline

3.5 Learning Any of the following: August

Assessment 1. LAC Plan/Minutes with 2022- July
3.5.3 Worked with Attendance and Pictorials 2023
concerned personnel 2. SMEPA on Quality with
involved in evaluating Agreements and Action
teachers’ use of Plan Consistently Frequently Fully worked Partially worked
learning assessment 3. Quarterly MPS by subject worked with the worked with the with the with the
tools, strategies and with agreement/ concerned concerned concerned concerned
results consistent with action plan and personnel personnel personnel personnel
curriculum requirements accomplishment report involved in involved in involved in involved in
to ensure accountability 4. Record of conference evaluating evaluating evaluating evaluating
in achieving higher with parents’ on learners’ teachers’ use of teachers’ use of teachers’ use of teachers’ use of
learning outcomes performance during release learning learning learning learning
of LRC with Attendance and assessment assessment assessment assessment
Pictorials tools, strategies tools, strategies tools, strategies tools, strategies
5. List of least learned No acceptable
and results and results and results and results
competencies with specific Quality evidence was
consistent with consistent with consistent with consistent with
intervention shown
curriculum curriculum curriculum curriculum
6. Result/Findings of Action requirements to requirements to requirements to requirements to
Research on specific 3% ensure ensure ensure ensure 0 0
intervention accountability in accountability in accountability in accountability in
7. School-Based Literacy achieving higher achieving higher achieving higher achieving higher
and Numeracy Assessment learning learning learning learning
results outcomes as outcomes as outcomes as outcomes as
8. PMCF evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by
9. IPDP the submitted the submitted the submitted the submitted

Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable

Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV
3.6 Learning Any of the following: August
environment 1. Accomplished 2022- July
3.6.3 Engaging the Child-Friendly School 2023
wider school community Survey Engaging the
Engaged the Engaged the Engaged the
in maintaning a learner- 2. Child Protection Policy wider school
school in grade level in class in
friendly, inclusive and 3. School signages on community in
maintaning a maintaning a maintaning a
healthy learning Child-Friendly Environment maintaning a
learner-friendly, learner-friendly, learner-friendly, No acceptable
environment 4. Accomplished School learner-friendly,
Quality inclusive and inclusive and inclusive and evidence was
Safety Assessment Tool inclusive and
healthy learning healthy learning healthy learning shown
(Certificate) healthy learning
environment as environment as environment as
5. Safety Seal environment as
shown by the shown by the shown by the
6. Brigada Eskwela shown by the
submitted MOVs submitted MOVs submitted MOVs
Accomplishment Report submitted MOVs
7. MOA/MOU on Child
Safety and Security
8. GAD Accomplishment
Report 3% 0 0
9. Adolescent Reproductive Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
Submitted 1
Health (ARH) Report Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV
10. Special Programs MOVS MOVS MOVS shown
IPEd) Accomplishment
11. Teen/ Hub/Peace
12. Reading/Community Submitted Submitted Submitted
Learning Centers Submitted No acceptable
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Timeliness acceptable MOV evidence was
10 days after 20 days after 30 days after
on time shown
deadline the deadline deadline

3.8 Learner discipline Any of the following: August

3.8.3 Ensured 1. School Policies/ 2022- July
that learner discipline Handbook 2023
policies developed with 2. Anecdotal Records
stakeholders are 3. Accomplished SGC Ensured that Ensured that Ensured that Ensured that
integrated into various Functionality Tool learner learner learner learner
school processes and 4. Minutes of SGC Meeting discipline discipline discipline discipline
are applied consistently on Disciplinary Measures policies policies policies policies
at all times, by all and Policies developed with developed with developed with developed with
school personnel at all 5. SGC Constitution and By- stakeholders are stakeholders are stakeholders are stakeholders are
levels Laws integrated into integrated into integrated into integrated into
6. SPG/SSG CBL various school various school various school various school No acceptable
7. PTA CBL Quality processes and processes and processes and processes and evidence was
8. Teachers Association are applied are applied are applied are applied shown
CBL consistently by frequently by fully by all partially by all
9. HGP Report all school all school school school
10. SSAT Survey Result personnel at all personnel at all personnel at all personnel at all
(Certificate) levels as levels as levels as levels as
11. Report on WINS evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by
Program, safety protocols 2% the submitted the submitted the submitted the submitted 0 0
12. Child Protection policy MOVs MOVs MOVs MOV
13. MOU/MOA related to
learner discipline policies
14. Manifesto of Support
from Stakeholders
9. HGP Report
10. SSAT Survey Result
11. Report on WINS
Program, safety protocols 2% 0 0
12. Child Protection policy
13. MOU/MOA related to
learner discipline policies
14. Manifesto of Support
from Stakeholders

Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable

Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline

Domain 4 4.4 Performance Any of the following: August

Development Management 1. Consolidated IPCRF 2022- July
of Self and 4.4.3 Monitored and Rating/ESAT 2023
Others evaluated with school 2. Filled-Out Performance
20% personnel the Monitoring and Coaching Consistently Frequently Partially
Fully monitored
implementation of Form (PMCF) monitored and monitored and monitored and
and evaluated
performance 3. School HRD Plan and evaluated with evaluated with evaluated with
with school
management system to Accomplishment report school school school
personnel the
ensure career 4. INSET Training Design personnel the personnel the personnel the
advancement for and Accomplishment Report implementation implementation implementation
of performance
individual school 5. School Professional of performance of performance of performance
personnel and to Development Plan (SPDP) management management management
system to No acceptable
improve office based on PPST and non - system to system to system to
Quality ensure career evidence was
performance teaching needs ensure career ensure career ensure career
advancement shown
6. Samples of Reflection advancement advancement advancement
for individual
Journal on Performance for individual for individual for individual
Management and school school school
personnel and
Monitoring personnel and personnel and personnel and
to improve office
7. Proof of attendance or to improve office to improve office to improve office
engagement on personal
5% performance as performance as
performance as
performance as 0 0
shown by the
and professional shown by the shown by the shown by the
submitted MOVs
development platforms submitted MOVs submitted MOVs submitted MOV
(e.g.meetings and
conferences) like certificate
of attendance with pictures
or screenshots
8. HRD Report on School
Personnel Profile Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
Submitted 1
9. Updated HRD TIMES Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV
Report MOVs MOVs MOVs shown
10. Monitoring and
Evaluation Plan RPMS
cycle Submitted
Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline
4.5 Professional Any of the following: August
development of 1. Record of teachers 2022- July
school personnel attendance to trainings/ 2023
4.5.3 Monitored and scholarship/post – graduate
evaluated the with status (completed, on –
implementation of going, units earned) Consistently Frequently Fully monitored Partially
professional 2. Sample Memo, Travel monitored and monitored and and evaluated monitored and
development initiatives Order, and Certificates of evaluated the evaluated the the evaluated the
in enhancing strengths Training/Seminars/Worksho implementation implementation implementation implementation
and addressing ps with Pictorials of professional of professional of professional of professional
performance gaps 3. Proof of Membership to development development development development
among school Professional Organization initiatives in initiatives in initiatives in initiatives in
No acceptable
personnel 4. Monthly Results of M & E enhancing enhancing enhancing enhancing
Quality evidence was
during SLAC/School – strengths and strengths and strengths and strengths and
based trainings with addressing addressing addressing addressing
analyses and action plan on performance performance performance performance
gaps gaps among gaps among gaps among gaps among
5. SLAC Plan, Minutes and school school school school
other personnel as personnel as personnel as personnel as
School – based trainings 5% shown by athe shown by the shown by the shown by the 0 0
with Attendance and MOVs MOVs MOVs MOV
6. Action Research
addressing learning Gaps
7. Proof of Participation on
NEAP/Arkzone Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
Scholarships/ Trainings Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
8. Training acceptable MOV
plans addressing learning
9. School initiated Submitted
enrichment/Intervention Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
Programs acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
MOVs on time after the shown
after deadline after deadline
4.6 Leadership Any of the following:
development in 1. Learning and
individuals and teams Development Needs
4.6.3 Analysis (LDNA) Planned with
Designed Reflected on
Capacitated individuals 2. School Action Plans Conducted school
enhanced the conducted
and teams to effectively 3. Minutes of the Meeting capacity- personnel on
initiatives/prog capacity-
perform leadership roles 4. Benchmarking Activities building capacity-
rams in building
and responsibilities in 5. Approved Activity programs for building
capacitating programs for
fostering shared Proposal/Design individuals and programs for
individuals and individuals and
governances and 6. Accomplishment with teams to individuals and
teams to teams to
accountability Attendance and Pictorials effectively teams to
effectively effectively
7. Team Building Activities perform effectively
perform perform
8. Post Activity Evaluation leadership roles perform No acceptable
leadership roles leadership roles
and Analysis Report Quality and leadership roles evidence was
and and
9. Reflection responsibilities and shown
responsibilities responsibilities
Paper/Notes/Journal in fostering responsibilities
in fostering in fostering
10. List of Proposed L& D shared in fostering
shared shared
Activities based on Post governances shared
governances governances
Evaluation Results and governances
and and
11. Enhanced PPAs based 5%
accountability as accountability as
accountability as and 0 0
on Post Activity Evaluation shown by any accountability as
shown by any shown by any
Results one (1) of shown by any
one (1) of MOVs one (1) of MOVs
12. Minutes of the Meeting MOVs 5-7 two (2) of MOVs
10-12 8-9
on the enhancement of 1-4
capacity programs

Submitted No acceptable
Efficiency acceptable evidence was
MOVS shown

Submitted Submitted Submitted

Submitted No acceptable
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Timeliness acceptable MOV evidence was
10 days after 20 days after 30 days after
on time shown
deadline the deadline deadline
4.8 Rewards and Any of the following: October-
Recognition 1. Minutes of the Meeting on July
mechanism School RewardSystem with
4.8.3 Worked with Attendance and Pictorials
school personnel to 2. Approved School Frequently Fully worked Partially worked
encourage stakeholders PRAISE Program and worked school with school with school
to support the Reward System Consistently
personnel and personnel and personnel and
implementation of the 3. Invitation Letetrs/ worked with
stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders
school rewards system Programs/ Advertisments in school
the the the
in recognizing and School Facebook personnel and
implementation implementation implementation
motivating learners, Page/Websites stakeholders
of the school of the school of the school
school personnel and 4. Proof of Conduct of to recognize and
rewards system rewards system rewards system
other stakeholders to Awarding Ceremonies/ motivate
in recognizing in recognizing in recognizing
sustain exemplary Certificate of learners, school
and motivating and motivating and motivating
performance and/or Recognition/List of personnel and No acceptable
learners, school learners, school learners, school
continued support Awardees Quality other evidence was
personnel and personnel and personnel and
stakeholders to shown
other other other
stakeholders to stakeholders to stakeholders to
sustain sustain sustain
exemplary exemplary exemplary
performance performance performance
and/or and/or and/or
support as
continued continued continued
5% evidenced by 0 0
support as support as support as
evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by

Submitted No acceptable
Efficiency acceptable evidence was
MOVS shown

Submitted Submitted Submitted

Submitted No acceptable
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Timeliness acceptable MOV evidence was
10 days after 20 days after 30 days after
on time shown
deadline the deadline deadline
Domain 5 5.5 Community Any of the following:
Building engagement 5.5.3 1. List of
Connections Empowered the PTA/SGC/SPG/SSG/HR
(20%) community, such as PTA officers
parents, alumni, 2. Minutes of the Consistently Frequently built
authorities, industries SPT/SGC/SPT General Fully built Partially built
built constructive
and other stakeholders, Assembly Meeting with constructive constructive
constructive relationships
to participate in Attendance and Pictorials relationships relationships
relationships with authorities,
addressing concerns on 3. Letters of with authorities, with authorities,
with authorities, colleagues,
learner development, as invitation/requests colleagues, colleagues,
colleagues, parents and
well as school and 4. Program/ project parents and parents and
parents and other No acceptable
community implemented in partnership other other
Quality other stakeholders in evidence was
improvement with stakeholders stakeholders in stakeholders in
stakeholders in an enabling and shown
5. Brigada Eskwela an enabling and an enabling and
an enabling and supportive
Accomplishment supportive supportive
supportive environment for
Report/DPDS environment for environment for
environment for learners as
6.School Facebook learners as learners as
learners as shown by the
Page/Websites shown by the shown by the
shown by the submitted
7. GAD Accomplishment submitted MOVs submitted MOV
submitted MOVs MOVs
8. Child Protection Policy
9. Anti-Bullying Policy
10 Proof of attendance to 20% 0 0
stakeholders' meetings and
activities (e.g. Certificate of
Attendance during Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 No acceptable
Barangay Assembly) Submitted 1
Efficiency acceptable acceptable acceptable evidence was
11Proof of Partnerships with acceptable MOV
Stakeholders in the
Implementation of School
12. SIP

Submitted Submitted
Submitted acceptable No acceptable
acceptable acceptable
Timeliness acceptable MOV MOVs 20 days evidence was
MOVs 10 days MOVs 30 days
son time after the shown
after deadline after deadline

Overall Rating for Assessment

Adjectival Rating
Adjectival Rating Scale Ratee: Rater: Approving Authority:
Outstanding 4.500 - 5.000

Very Satisfactory 3.500 - 4.499

Satisfactory 2.500 - 3.499 __________JAYSON M. MARFIL___________ ATTY. NELYN B. FRINAL, CESE CRISPIN A. SOLIVEN JR., CESE
Unsatisfactory 1.500 - 2.499 School Head Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent
Poor 1.000 - 1.499

Consistently exceeded Performance is considered extraordinary. This rating is characterized not only by achieving exceptional results in terms
performance requirements (5) of quality, quantity and timeliness, but by consistently going beyond those normally expected for the position.

Performance is considered outstanding. This rating is characterized not only by achieving excellent results in
Frequently exceeded terms of quality, quantity and timeliness, but by frequently going beyond those normally expected for the
performance requirements (4) position.

Fully met the expected This rating describes performance that fully met requirements in terms of the quality, quantity and timeliness of
performance requirements (3) results achieved and represents the fully acceptable level of performance for the position.
This rating describes performance that partially met requirements. Quality and timeliness of work reflect
shortcomings, or the quantity produced falls short of the established measures of performance. Some results
are inadequate after consideration of any relevant circumstances beyond the staff member’s control. Certain
Partially met performance assignments are only accomplished with a level of help or supervision that is disproportionate to that which
requirements (2) would reasonably be expected from an individual in this role and at this level.


Ave. Score

0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000

0 0.000
0 0.000

0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
### #REF!

0 0.000
0 0.000

0 0.000
0 0.000

0 0.000
0 0.000

0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000

g for Assessment #REF!

Self Management Teamwork
1. Sets personal goals and direction, needs and development. 1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.
5 5

2. Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear and purposive and takes into 2. Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork and goal accomplishment
account personal goals and values congruent to that of the organization. 5 across the organization. 5

3. Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher goals. 3. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements.
5 5

4. Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through gantt charts, checklists, etc.) to achieve 4. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions.
goals. 5 5

5. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others. 5. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and across organizations to
5 accomplish organizational goals and objectives. 5

Roles Model Roles Model

Professionalism and Ethics Service Orientation

1. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms of Conduct and Ethical 1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues and problems.
Standards for public officials and employees (RA 6713). 5 5

2. Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the impact 2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer service issues
of his/her actions and decisions. 5 and concerns. 5

3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of attendance and 3. Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for men and women empowerment.
punctuality, good grooming and communication. 5 5

4. Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs. 4. Participates in updating of office vision, mission, mandates and strategies based on
5 DepEd strategies and directions. 5

5. Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s needs, 5. Develops and adopts service improvement programs through simplified procedures that
improve systems and help others improve their effectiveness. 5 will further enhance service delivery. 5

Roles Model Roles Model

Result Focus Innovation

1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time. 1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Fosters new ideas,
4 processes, and suggests better ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency). 5

2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing 2. Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses on improving
organizational needs before personal needs. 5 personal productivity to create higher value and results. 5

3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating 3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co – workers to develop original ideas or
procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce very satisfactory quality of work In 5 solutions. 4
terms of usefulness/acceptability and completeness with no supervision required.
4. Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficiency. 4.Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve the work
May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals set. 5 unit and organization. 5

5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to 5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates resourcefulness
improve performance. Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a lower 4 and the ability to succeed with minimal resources. 4
cost, more efficiently; or improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without setting
any specific goal.
Roles Model Roles Model
Rating: 5 - Role Model; 4 - Consistently Demonstrate; 3 - Most of the time demonstrates; 2 - Sometimes demonstrates; 1 - Rarely demonstrates

Leading People People Development
1. Uses basic persuasion techniques in a discussion or presentation e.g., staff mobilization, 1. Improves the skills and effectiveness of individuals through employing a range of
appeals to reason and/or emotions, uses data and examples, visual aids 5 development strategies. 4

2. Persuades, convinces or influences others, in order to have a specific impact or effect. 2. Facilitates workforce effectiveness through coaching and motivating/developing people
5 within a work environment that promotes mutual trust and respect. 5

3. “Sets a good example”, is a credible and respected leader; and demonstrates desired 3. Conceptualizes and implements learning interventions to meet identified training needs.
behavior. 5 5

4. Forwards personal, professional and work unit needs and interests in an issue. 4. Does long-term coaching or training by arranging appropriate and helpful assignments,
5 formal training, or other experiences for the purpose of supporting a person’s learning and 4
5 Assumes a pivotal role in promoting the development of an inspiring, relevant vision for 5. Cultivates a learning environment by structuring interactive experiences such as looking
the organization and influences others to share ownership of DepEd goals, in order to 5 for future opportunities that are in support of achieving individual career goals. 4
create an effective work environment.
Roles Model Consistently Demonstrates

People Performance Management AVERAGE

1. Makes specific changes in the performance management system or in own work
methods to improve performance (e.g. does something better, faster, at lower cost, more 5 4.867
efficiently; improves quality, customer satisfaction, morale, revenues).
2. Sets performance standards and measures progress of employees based on office and
department targets. 5 4.800
3. Provides feedback and technical assistance such as coaching for performance
improvement and action planning. 5 4.833
4. States performance expectations clearly and checks understanding and commitment.

5. Performs all the stages of result-based performance management system supported by

evidence and required documents/forms. 5

Roles Model

Rating: 5 - Role Model; 4 - Consistently Demonstrate; 3 - Most of the time demonstrates; 2 - Sometimes demonstrates; 1 - Rarely demonstrates

Final Performance Rating

Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives

Employee-Superior Agreement

The signatures below confirm that the employee and his/her superior have agreed to the contents of the performance as captured in this form.

Name of Employee Name of Superior

Signature Signature

Date Date


Strengths Development Needs Action Plan Timeline Resources Needed

Sets personal goals and direction, needs and Makes specific changes in the system or in Training, SLAC Session September 2022- Supplies
development., Makes personal sacrifices to meet the own work methods to June 2023
organization’s needs., Provides feedback and improve performance.
technical assistance such as coaching for
performance improvement and action planning.
Takes personal responsibility for dealing with
and/or correcting customer service issues and


Ratee Rater Approving Authority

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