Financial Distress and Bankruptcy Prediction Among Listed Companies Using Accounting, Market and Macroeconomic Variables

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International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

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International Review of Financial Analysis

Financial distress and bankruptcy prediction among listed companies

using accounting, market and macroeconomic variables
Mario Hernandez Tinoco, Nick Wilson ⁎
Credit Management Research Centre, Leeds University Business School, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Using a sample of 23,218 company-year observations of listed companies during the period 1980–2011, the
Received 30 October 2012 paper investigates empirically the utility of combining accounting, market-based and macro-economic data
Received in revised form 8 January 2013 to explain corporate credit risk. The paper develops risk models for listed companies that predict financial
Accepted 15 February 2013
distress and bankruptcy. The estimated models use a combination of accounting data, stock market informa-
Available online 26 February 2013
tion and proxies for changes in the macro-economic environment. The purpose is to produce models with
predictive accuracy, practical value and macro dependent dynamics that have relevance for stress testing.
Bankruptcy The results show the utility of combining accounting, market and macro-economic data in financial distress
Listed companies prediction models for listed companies. The performance of the estimated models is benchmarked against
Financial distress models built using a neural network (MLP) and against Altman's (1968) original Z-score specification.
Logit regression © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Neural networks

1. Introduction from formal (legal) insolvency notices, debt servicing (Mella-Barral &
Perraudin, 1997) and bond (Geske, 1977) or loan defaults, default
The financial crisis of 2008 highlighted the shortcomings of risk swaps1 (Ericsson, Jacobs, & Oviedo, 2009) or stock market suspensions.
management practices within the lending environment and risk assess- These modelling approaches have been applied extensively to listed com-
ment at the micro level (PD estimation). Lenders and other investors in panies using statistical procedures such as MDA, logistic regression or
the corporate sector along with regulators require timely information hazard models. Recent work has extended the definition of bankruptcy
on the default risk probability of corporates within lending and deriva- to include wider measures of ‘financial distress’ based on financial state-
tive portfolios. For banks, developing effective ʻInternal Rating Systemsʼ ments. Further, attempts have been made to incorporate some dynamics
(IRB) for corporate risk management requires building probability of by the inclusion of data reflecting changes in the macroeconomic environ-
default (PD) models geared to the specific characteristics of corporate ment, non-financial data and other time variant predictors. The present
sub-populations (e.g. SME's, private companies, listed companies, sec- study contributes to the academic literature by, first, presenting distress
tor specific models), tuned to changes in the macro environment, and, prediction model for quoted companies in the United Kingdom that
of course, tailored to the availability and timeliness of data. The use of employ a ‘finance-based’ definition of distress, to detect early stages of
credit risk models has been well documented since Altman (1968). financial distress, alongside the more formal approach using event data
There is now an extensive literature on the modelling of corporate fi- provided by the London Share Price Database. Timely prediction of
nancial distress and bankruptcy but often, it reports work that is either financial distress could, in practice, help creditors avert some of the
based on using publically available historical accounting data (Altman, costs associated with a bankruptcy filing. Second, using a multi-level the-
1968) or relies on securities market information (Merton, 1974) to pre- oretical and empirical procedure, this study offers a financial distress pre-
dict insolvencies. Recent papers argue for a combined approach, diction model that, with a rather small number of variables, exhibits a
Trujillo-Ponce, Samaniego_Medina, and Cardone-Riportella (in press) considerably high classification and prediction accuracy relative to previ-
test both accounting and market data (Credit Default Swaps, CDS) and ous research works. Third, and perhaps most importantly, the study tests,
suggest that “accounting and market data complement one another and for the first time in financial distress prediction models for public compa-
thus a comprehensive model that includes both types of variables appears nies in the United Kingdom, the relative contributions (individual as well
to be the best option.” (p. 2). The outcome definition, bankruptcy, is taken as collective) of three types of variables: financial ratios, macroeconomic
indicators, and market variables.
The paper is structured as follows. In the next section we discuss
the literature that is relevant to our modelling approach. We describe
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1133434472.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Hernandez Tinoco), The issuance of (rated) bonds and the related CDS market is relatively small among
[email protected] (N. Wilson). UK listed companies and therefore not considered in this study.

1057-5219/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
problems with failure
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 395

our database and measures of the outcome variable and set of explan- financial distress as the first year that a firm's EBITDA is less than finan-
atory variables. The estimation methodology is discussed along with cial expenses. However, the authors classify firms in this category (in
analysis, results and conclusions. addition to the first condition) whenever a firm attempts to restructure
its debt, or defaults. The fulfilment of any of these conditions classifies a
2. Review of the literature firm as financially distressed. Whitaker (1999) analyses the early stages
of financial distress and points out that its effects are not limited to
Most of prior default prediction models for quoted companies em- those firms that are unable to meet contractual debt obligations as
ploy a definition of the criterion event that is contingent upon its ul- they come due, but also to those firms whose likelihood of default in-
timate legal consequence: either bankruptcy in the United States and creases. He states that, in fact, the effects of financial distress can be
creditors' compulsory and/or voluntary liquidation in the United detected before the firm defaults, as a proportion of the loss in firm
Kingdom. These are highly visible legal events that can be objectively value occurs before default or bankruptcy. Whitaker (1999) defines fi-
and accurately dated for use as an outcome variable. The likelihood of nancial distress as the first year in which a firm's cash flow4 is less
bankruptcy can be modelled using binary choice models that require than current maturities of long-term debt. Moreover, market value is
that the populations of failing and non-failing firms be well defined used in order to confirm financial distress i.e. whether the distressed
and clearly separated from each other. 2 However, this legal definition firms in the sample had either a negative rate of growth in market
of default is not without issues. For instance insolvency can be a value or a negative rate of growth in industry-adjusted market value.
lengthy legal process and the ‘legal’ date of failure may not represent Previous research has tested the utility of market variables in
the ‘economic’ or the ‘real’ event of failure. Analysis of UK companies predicting bankruptcy by employing methodologies such as the Black
demonstrates a considerable time gap (up to three years or 1.17 years and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1974) contingent claims or option
in average) between the period that a firm enters a state of financial based approach. Bharath and Shumway (2008), Hillegeist, Keating,
distress (that caused the firm to default) and the date of legal de- Cram, and Lundstedt (2004), Reisz and Perlich (2007), and Vassalou
fault/bankruptcy. This evidence is consistent with the finding by and Xing (2004) have employed the contingent claims approach to es-
Theodossiou (1993) that firms in the United States stop providing ac- timate the likelihood of corporate failure. More recently data on Credit
counts approximately two years before the bankruptcy filing. The im- Default Swaps (prices and spreads) have been used to proxy credit
plication is that a firm in this situation is already in serious financial risk (Alexander & Kaeck, 2008). Many empirical papers have attempted
distress at some point two years before the legal bankruptcy event. to demonstrate the superiority of market-based models over accounting-
Moreover, it is possible that a firm in a state of financial distress based models and vice versa. However, the results obtained from these
does not change the legal status that a bankruptcy filing would entail models (that entail numerous restrictive assumptions5) and the subse-
(Balcaen & Ooghe, 2004). Additionally, changes in insolvency legisla- quent performance comparisons with accounting-based models have
tion, (e.g. the Enterprise Act 2004 in the UK or Chapter 11 in the US) been controversial. In a recent paper, Agarwal and Taffler (2008) per-
which have attempted to create a ‘rescue culture’, have changed the form a comparison of market-based and accounting-based bankruptcy
nature and timing of the legal bankruptcy process. Wruck (1990) prediction models, and find that traditional models based on financial ra-
states that there are several stages that a firm can go through before tios are not inferior to KMV-type, option-based models for credit risk as-
it is defined as dead: financial distress, insolvency, filing of bankrupt- sessment purposes. They conclude that, ‘in terms of predictive accuracy,
cy, and administrative receivership (in order to avoid filing for bank- there is little difference between the market-based and accounting
ruptcy), for instance. Moreover decline can be managed by the sale of models.6’ Hillegeist et al. (2004) provide contrasting results indicating
assets (pre-packs) and eventual dissolution rather than formal that the Black–Scholes–Merton option-pricing model provides signifi-
bankruptcy. cantly more information about the probability of bankruptcy that do ei-
The present study introduces for the first time, for quoted compa- ther the Altman's Z-score or the Ohlson O-score. As surmised earlier the
nies in the United Kingdom, a definition based on ‘financial distress’. default prediction literature can be characterised by a competing ap-
This development has been highlighted as important in the academic proach, where there is a clear division between market and accounting
literature (Barnes, 1987, 1990; Pindado, Rodrigues, & De la Torre, variables. Hillegeist et al. (2004),7 for instance, recommend that re-
2008) and is justified by the fact that the failure of a firm to meet searchers use the Black–Scholes–Merton methodology instead of the tra-
its financial obligations does not inevitably lead to a filing of bank- ditional accounting-based measures as a proxy for the probability of
ruptcy. The study recognises that financial distress can be costly for bankruptcy.
creditors and that they would wish to take timely actions to mini- More recent work suggests that both approaches yield similar re-
mise/avert these costs. It is therefore essential that a reliable financial sults implying that both contain useful information about firms' like-
distress prediction model be developed that not only uses the event lihood of default/financial distress. Furthermore, the individual
of bankruptcy as the primary outcome, but also includes the time characteristics (e.g. timeliness) of each type of variable (market and
when a company fails to meet its financial obligations. Wruck (1990) accounting) give promise to the development of a model that is supe-
defines financial distress as the situation where the cash flow of a firm rior in performance than ones that rely on either accounting or market
is not enough to cover its current financial obligations.3 Asquith, variables. Balcaen and Ooghe (2004) 8 argue that ‘if researchers only
Gertner, and Scharfstein (1994) analyse the options that junk bond is- include financial ratios into their failure prediction model, they im-
suers face in order to prevent bankruptcy and define financial distress plicitly assume that all relevant failure or success indicators – both in-
in a similar way. Their definition of financial distress is based on interest ternal and external – are reflected in the annual accounts. 9’ It is clear
coverage ratios. In practical terms, a firm is classified as financially dis-
tressed if its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and 4
Defined as net income plus non-cash charges.
amortisation (EBITDA) are less than its reported financial expenses (in- 5
The underlying assumptions of the theoretical Merton–Black–Scholes option-
terest expense on debt) for two consecutive year beginning in the year pricing model are, according to Saunders and Allen (2002) and Agarwal and Taffler
following its junk bond issue, or, if in any other year, EBITDA is less than (2008): normality of stock returns, and the existence of a single zero coupon loan (it
80% of its interest expense. Similarly, Andrade and Kaplan (1998) define does not distinguish between different types of loans), for instance.
p. 1550.
p. 28.
Argenti (1976), Zavgren (1985), Keasey and Watson (1987), and more recently
Balcaen and Ooghe (2004, p. 21). Maltz, Shenhar, and Reilly (2003) offer support for the inclusion of non-financial vari-
Such as debts to suppliers and employees, and principal or interest payments in ables to default prediction models.
arrears. Balcaen and Ooghe (2004, p. 35).
396 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

that financial statements do not include all the information that is rel- semi-annual excess returns over the FTSE All Share Index and firm
evant to the prediction of financial distress, and market variables are stock returns' standard deviation (calculated over a six-month period)
very likely to complement this deficiency. can enhance the predictive power of the model. Their findings suggest
Rees (1995) suggests that market prices might be a useful predic- that market values have the ability to increase the accuracy of the dis-
tor for the probability of bankruptcy as they include information on tress prediction model.
future expected cash flows. For Hillegeist et al. (2004) the stock mar- The incorporation of time variant data into credit risk models that
ket is an alternative source of information because it contains infor- captures changes in the macro-economic environment is important in
mation from other sources in addition to the financial statements. two main respects. First it adds a dynamic element to the models that
Beaver, McNichols, and Rhie (2005) indicate that a probability of acts to adjust risk scores (likelihood of insolvency) in relation to
bankruptcy is embedded in market prices, even though this proba- changing macro-economic conditions. Second such models would
bility might not be directly extracted: ‘as the probability of bankrupt- have a built-in facility to stress test PD estimates across the portfolio.
cy increases the non-linear nature of the payoff function for common There are few studies that have incorporated a macro-dependent
stock becomes increasingly more important because of risky debt hazard into the equations (Mare, 2012; Nam, Kim, Park, & Lee,
and limited liability.’ 10 Clearly the inclusion of market-based vari- 2008; Qu, 2008). In this paper we control for macro conditions, in-
ables is appealing on several grounds: first, market prices reflect flation and interest rate changes, over the sample period.
the information contained in accounting statements plus other infor- In the next section we describe the database used in the study, the
mation not in the accounting statements (Agarwal & Taffler, 2008), construction of our outcome variable and the selection of indepen-
making them a comprehensive mix potentially useful for the predic- dent variables.
tion of corporate default. Second, the inclusion of market-based vari-
ables can considerably increase the timeliness of prediction models;
3. Database descriptions and outcome definition
while financial accounts are available in the United Kingdom on a
quarterly basis, at best (prior research have used annual data con-
The panel data for the study consists of 23,218 company year obser-
ventionally), market prices are available on a daily basis. Third, mar-
vations for a total of 3020 non-financial publicly quoted companies, an
ket prices might be more appropriate to predict bankruptcy, as they
average of around 8 annual observations per company. The period cov-
reflect future expected cash flows (accounting statements, in con-
ered by the observations in the database ranges from 1980 to 2011.
trast, reflect the past performance of the firm). And fourth, market-
based variables can provide a direct assessment of volatility, a mea-
sure that could be a powerful predictor of bankruptcy risk and that 3.1. Outcome definition
is not contained in financial statements. According to Beaver et al.
(2005) the notion is that the greater the volatility, the higher the The promised analysis requires a definition of financial distress,
likelihood of bankruptcy. which can be viewed as the outcome of a process. In line with earlier dis-
Among the few studies that include a set of market variables to cussions and recent papers we focus on the ability of a firm to repay its
enhance the timeliness and power of distress prediction models are financial obligations (Asquith et al., 1994). We develop an ex-ante
Campbell, Hilscher, and Szilagyi (2008), whose analysis examines model for estimating financial distress likelihood following Pindado et
the determinants of failure as well as the pricing of financially dis- al. (2008) which employs two main conditions that need to be met in
tressed stocks with a high probability of failure through a logit order to detect and predict financial distress in a given firm/year (obser-
model that includes accounting and market variables. In addition to vation): a firm is classified as financially distressed,11 i) whenever its
a set of two accounting variables, several market variables are tested: earnings before interest and taxes depreciation and amortisation
the monthly log excess return on each firm's equity relative to the (EBITDA) are lower than its financial expenses for two consecutive
S&P 500 index, the standard deviation of each firm's daily stock re- years; and ii) whenever the firms suffer from a negative growth in mar-
turn over the past three months, the relative size of each firm mea- ket value for two consecutive years. With regard to the first condition, if
sured as the log ratio of its market capitalisation to that of the S&P EBITDA is lower than the interest expense on the company's debt then it
500 index, and the firm's log price per share truncated above at $15. can be concluded that the operational profitability of the firm is not suf-
The estimates of the study are computed with United States data for ficient to cover its financial obligations; on the other hand, with refer-
public companies. ence to the second condition, Pindado et al. (2008) state that the
Similarly, Chava and Jarrow (2004) test in their analysis, in addition market as well as stakeholders are likely to judge negatively a firm that
to the Altman's (1968) accounting variables, the variables included in suffers from the operational deficit (described in the first condition)
Shumway (2001): the accounting variables net income to total assets until an improvement in the financial condition is perceived again.
and total liabilities to total assets; and the market variables: relative Thus, the fall in market value for two consecutive years is interpreted
size defined as the natural logarithm of the firm's equity value in rela- as an indication that a firm is in effect in financial distress. As in
tion to the total NYSE/AMEX market equity value, yearly excess returns Pindado et al. (2008), the study is thus introducing a dynamic approach,
calculated as the firm's cumulative monthly return minus the a novel development in existing financial distress definitions. The vari-
value-weighed CRSP NYSE/AMEX monthly index return, and the stock's ables Earnings before interest and taxes depreciation and amortisation
volatility computed as the standard deviation using the last sixty ob- (EBITDA) and Interest expense on debt were obtained from Thomson
servable daily market prices. In Shumway (2001) the same market vari- One Banker. In order to compute the changes in market value for the
ables are tested in a bankruptcy prediction model with some minor companies in the database, the present study used the information avail-
variations, namely the idiosyncratic standard deviation of each firm's able in both Thomson One Banker and Datastream.12
stock returns, whose value is computed by regressing each stock's However, this study recognises the need to include an indicator of
monthly returns on the value-weighted NYSE/AMEX index return for default in addition to the previous ‘finance-based’ definition of dis-
the same period (year). More recently, Christidis and Gregory (2010),
follow Campbell et al. (2008) and test three market variables in a dis- 11
In a general logit model a firm is considered as financially distressed in the year
tress prediction model for UK quoted companies that includes also a that immediately follows the occurrence of both events by assigning a value of 1,
set of accounting variables. As to the market variables, they replace and zero otherwise.
Both databases were used as some missing information on specific companies in
book value of assets with market values and test whether log one database could be completed by the data of the other. A merging of the databases
was therefore required in order to obtain larger time series and thus a more accurate
p. 110. model.
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 397

tress in order to complete the concept of financial distress and there- Table 1
fore enhance the scope and the discriminating/predictive power of Summary statistics for annual observations. Financially and not financially distressed
the model for practical purposes. A definition based on Christidis
and Gregory (2010) is utilised. Thus, a firm is classified as being in fi- Classification of annual observations into financially and not financially distressed
nancial distress not only when it meets the previous two conditions, firms.

but also when it is deemed to have formally defaulted on its obliga- NFD FD Total %FD
tions. The definition of the outcome variable was constructed using 21,964 1254 23,218 5.0%
the information available in the 2012 London Share Price Database
Notes: This table reports summary statistics for the entire sample used in the construction
(LSPD). A firm is defined as in default/financial distress whenever of the financial distress prediction model. NFD and FD are financially and not financially
its status is defined as suspended, in liquidation or voluntary liquida- distressed firms. %FD is the proportion (in percentage) of annual observations that meet
tion, when its quotation has been suspended for more than three the financial distress criteria of the study. The criteria used to classify firms into financially
years, when the firm is being held by a receiver (in receivership), in and not financially distressed firms are as follows. A firm is classified as FD when it files for
bankruptcy (definition constructed using the London Share Price Database, see details
administration or in administrative receivership, or when there has
below), or whenever it meets both of the following conditions: i) its earnings before inter-
been a cancellation or suspension of the firm. est and taxes depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) are lower than its financial ex-
Thus, a firm is classified as financially distressed when its LSPD penses for two consecutive years and, ii) there is a negative growth of its market value
(2012) status is equal to any of the following definitions (that indi- for two consecutive periods.
cate the reason why the security ceased to be quoted in the SEDOL):
6) Suspension/cancellation with shares acquired later. Meanwhile,
may be treated under rule 163/2; 7) Liquidation (usually valueless In specifying the models there are two main objectives. First, the in-
but there may be liquidation payments; 10) Quotation suspended tention is to build more accurate and timely financial distress prediction
— if suspended for more than three years, this may lead to automatic models, using data that is routinely available. The models are designed
cancellation; 11) Voluntary liquidation, where value remains, and to obtain more accurate results compared to previous works in the aca-
was/is being distributed; 16) Receiver appointed/liquidation. Proba- demic field and are constructed with a parsimonious approach since
bly valueless but not yet certain; 20) In Administration/Administrative they are intended to have practical value. Further, Zmijewski (1984)
receivership; 21) Cancellation and assumed valueless or suspended but and more recently Pindado et al. (2008) have shown that in fact a
assumed valueless. In addition, the present analysis also tracks the spe- large set of variables is not required for the models to reach their max-
cific date when each one of these events occurs. imum level of efficiency. Pindado et al. (2008), for instance, employ a set
For simplicity, in the remainder of this study, the binary depen-
dent variable including both of the above definitions of corporate fail-
ure and financial distress will be referred to as ‘financial distress
indicator’. Accordingly, all firms classified as failed or financially dis-
tressed, will be referred to as ‘financially distressed’ or in ‘financial Table 2
Summary statistics of corporate failure of UK firms.
distress.’ Among the total number of observations, there are
1254 firm-years classified as financially distressed; yielding a propor- Panel A: classification of failed UK quoted companies
tion of 5% of annual observations in financial distress (Table 1). The Obs N Fa Total %F
available accounting data was taken from Datastream and Thomson
23,218 2641 379 3020 12.6%
One Banker (Worldscope); the macroeconomic variables were col-
lected from Datastream; and the market variables were constructed
Panel B: failed companies: lag of months between the date of failure and the last
merging the information available from Datastream, the London available account
Share Price Database and Worldscope. Market information was
N Min Max Mean STD
added to the companies that were found in the Thomson One Banker
database. The merging of the accounting and market variables in one 379 0 36 14.21 4.82
database resulted in fewer firms having both complete market-based Notes: Panel A reports summary statistics for the firms in the last stage of financial dis-
time-series than accounting information. tress, corporate failure. Obs is the total number of observations (firm-years) in the da-
Table 2 presents the summary statistics for the 379 failed firms that tabase, N is the number of normal (non-failed) firms, F is the number of failed firms
according to the definition below, Total is the number of firms in the database, and
were classified according to the definition of corporate failure in this %F is the proportion (in percentage) of failed firms relative to the Total number of
study using the 2012 LSPD database. Among the 381 failed companies, firms in the database. The definition of corporate failure (that follows the approach
379 were used for the calculation of summary statistics. 13 Panel B in of Christidis and Gregory (2010)) was constructed using the information available in
Table 2 shows that, among the companies that form the sample of failed the 2012 London Share Price Database (LSPD). A firm is classified as failed when its sta-
tus in the 2012 LSPD is defined as: suspended, in liquidation or voluntary liquidation,
firms; there is a lag that ranges from 0 to 36 months before the date of
when its quotation has been suspended for more than three years, when the firm is
failure. In other words, firms in financial difficulty, that eventually fail, being held by a receiver (in receivership), in administration or in administrative receiv-
cease providing accounts 1.17 years in average before the date of fail- ership, or when there has been a cancellation or suspension of the firm.b Panel B re-
ure. The minimum lag of months is zero (meaning that the company ports the lag of months between the date of failure of the company and the last
that fails keeps providing accounts until the date of failure) and the available account. N is the number of failed companies that were classified as failed
according to the above 2012 LSPD definition of corporate default, Min is the minimum
maximum observed lag is 36; one firm in the sample ceased providing number of months observed among the failed companies, and Max is the maximum
official accounts 3 years before failure.14 observed number of months. The table also shows the Mean (14.21 Months or
1.17 years approximately) and the standard deviation (STD).
For the purposes of the analysis, firms classified as failed in the database are assigned a
Two companies were removed as they presented a lag in the number of months value of 1, and zero otherwise according to the date of failure. Accordingly, the failed firms
that was much higher than that observed for the maximum in the present sample of are included among the 1254 financially distressed indicators in the database.
failed firms. As such, both firms were considered as extreme observations (outliers) The LSPD numbers and definitions in the database are: 6) Suspension/cancellation
that can have an abnormally high influence on the results, and were therefore not with shares acquired later. Meanwhile, may be treated under rule 163/2; 7) Liquidation
employed in the calculation of the summary statistics presented in Table 2. (usually valueless but there may be liquidation payments; 10) Quotation suspended — if
A likely explanation for this considerable lag is that the firm might already be fac- suspended for more than three years, this may lead to automatic cancellation; 11) Volun-
ing serious financial stress at the time it ceases to provide accounting information and tary liquidation, where value remains, and was/is being distributed; 16) Receiver
is therefore attempting to defer the accounts in order to prevent its financial state from appointed/liquidation. Probably valueless but not yet certain; 20) In Administration/Ad-
deteriorating any further or from a suspension of the trading of its stock on the main ministrative receivership; 21) Cancellation and assumed valueless or suspended but as-
exchange where it is quoted, which can be very costly. sumed valueless.
398 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

of only three accounting variables to reach a high level of accuracy in distress prediction model, the hyperbolic tangent transformation
their financial distress prediction model. The variables employed in (TANH transformation) to provide a satisfactory solution to this recur-
their study are the ratios earnings before interest and taxes over total as- rent issue in preference to frequently used technique of windsorising17
sets, financial expenses to total assets, and retained earnings to total as- the outliers in a dataset. According to Godfrey (2009), when using this
sets, which represent profitability, financial expenses, and retained statistical tool, the real line is mapped for a range of [−1,1], and where
earnings, respectively. Zmijewski (1984) uses a set of accounting vari- x possesses a small value, then tanh(x) ≈ x. Therefore, TANH can be
ables that includes proxies for return on assets, financial leverage, and li- used to generate a linear transformation for input values located near
quidity. Moreover, in a study that intends to investigate the empirical ‘expected’ values while reducing values that are outside the expected
relation between risk of bankruptcy and systematic risk through the con- range (Godfrey, 2009).18
struction of a single composite score that reflects the ex-ante probability
of bankruptcy for a company at a given point in time, Dichev (1998) em-
3.2. Independent variable selection
ploys a measure derived from exiting accounting models such as the
5-variable Altman (1968) Z-model, and the 7-variable Ohlson (1980)
3.2.1. Accounting ratios
logit model.
A range of potential independent variables were selected and test-
The second objective of the analysis is to test the usefulness of
ed based on extant empirical studies. With regard to the accounting
other non-accounting variables, namely macroeconomic and mar-
variables four ratios: Total Funds from Operations to Total Liabilities,
ket variables, with regard to their contribution to the accuracy
Total Liabilities to Total Assets, the No Credit Interval, and Interest
and timeliness of financial distress prediction models for quoted
Coverage were selected. The variable, Total Funds from Operations
companies. We investigate whether macroeconomic and market
to Total Liabilities (TFOTL), funds flow ratio that represents a perfor-
variables enhance the discriminating and predicting power of the
mance measure, was built using the data available in Worldscope.
models. There have been very few studies that analyse the perfor-
Total Funds from Operations represents the sum of net income and
mance of these three kinds of variables in a statistical financial dis-
all non-cash charges or credits; it is the cash flow of the firm. The de-
tress prediction model. It is deemed important to investigate
nominator of the ratio, Total Liabilities, is composed of all short and
macroeconomic and market variables since the former is potentially
long-term liabilities acquired by the company. This variable has
useful to act as a complement to the accounting variables and the
been successfully employed in other studies, e.g. Marais (1979) in a
latter adjusts estimated scores in relation to changes in the
Bank of England Study, and Ohlson (1980). This ratio is intended to
macro-economic environment and provides the facility to impose
show the extent to which a company is able to generate funds from
stress testing scenarios.
its operations to meet its financial obligations. The real line of TFOTL
Of course, accounting data can only be obtained on an annual
can be mapped onto [− 1,1], where a positive value indicates a good
basis, so even if the discriminating power of some previous and
position of the firm with regard to its financial obligations and a neg-
widely used models (such as the Altman (1968) model) is quite
ative value suggests that a firm might be in a position where it does
high, there is always the risk of the relying on out dated information.
not generate sufficient funds from its operations to comply with its
Furthermore, through a detailed analysis of the most extreme form
acquired obligations and might default. The higher the value of this fi-
of financial distress, 15 corporate failure, the present study shows
nancial ratio, the less likely it is for a company to be in a distressed fi-
that the firms that were classified as failed, 16 stop providing account-
nancial position. A negative sign for this ratio is expected, confirming
ing data one year on average (14 months) before the actual date of
the above hypothesis that a higher value of this ratio (approaching 1)
decreases the probability of financial distress (the estimate's sign
From the database, consisting of 130 variables in total, several
should be negative).
accounting, macroeconomic, and market variables were tested. The
The ratio Total Liabilities to Total Assets (TLTA) is a measure of finan-
final variable selection is reported below. The selection method re-
cial leverage. The data used to produce this variable was also taken from
lied on previously reported results, theoretical propositions and em-
Worldscope (as was the case of most of the accounting ratios in this
pirical assessments. The data was subject to a rigorous cleaning and
study). Total Liabilities, as discussed, is composed of all short and long
testing process and a novel approach for dealing with outlying ob-
term liabilities acquired by a company. The denominator, Total Assets
servations was adopted. Using both univariate and multivariate
of industrial firms, is the addition of total current assets, long-term re-
(logit) procedures considerable experimentation was undertaken
ceivables, investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries, other invest-
to arrive at the final choice of regressors. The variable selection in-
ments, net property plant and equipment and other assets. The ratio is
cluded four accounting ratios: Total Funds from Operations to
commonly used to measure a firm's financial leverage (and therefore fi-
Total Liabilities, Total Liabilities to Total Assets, the No Credit Inter-
nancial risk) by calculating the proportion of the company's assets that
val, and Interest Coverage; two macroeconomic variables: the
have been financed using short and long-term debt. Zmijewski (1984)
Short-Term Bill Rate (inflation-adjusted or deflated), and the Retail
included TLTA (represented as FINL) in a three-variable accounting
Price Index (base 100). Four market variables were found to consid-
model, where it displayed the expected sign and was statistically sig-
erably increase the prediction accuracy of the model: the firm's
nificant. More recent studies, such as Shumway (2001) and Chava
stock price, the company's yearly abnormal returns, the firm's size
relative to the total size of the FTSE All-Share market value, and 17
The setting of all outliers to a specific percentile of the data. For instance, they typ-
the ratio Market Capitalisation over Total Debt. These are discussed ical 90% Winsorisation would set all the data below the 5th percentile to the value lo-
in detail below. cated in the 5th percentile. Similarly, all of the data above the 95th percentile would be
Due to the existence of extreme values of variables for some obser- set equal to the value located in the 95th percentile.
vations in most databases (that could significantly alter the results of The hyperbolic function tanh(x) has been used and tested in robust signalling pro-
cessing as well as in statistical estimation, and it has been shown to be very useful to
the analysis), the present study uses, for the first time in a financial
decrease the effect of extreme values of a specific variable. It has been demonstrated
that outlying cases can lead to abnormally large residuals and have an atypical impact
The term in quotes is borrowed from Christidis and Gregory (2010, p. 6). on the fitted maximum likelihood linear predictors resulting from binary logistic re-
The definition of the response variable was constructed using the information gression models. Thus, the failure to effectively treat outliers could lead to a critical
available in the 2012 London Share Price Database (LSPD). A firm is defined as failed misrepresentation of the validity of the inferences drawn from the models. The values
whenever its status is defined as suspended, in liquidation or voluntary liquidation, transformed using the TANH function range from −1 to 1, and for small values of x,
when its quotation has been suspended for more than three years, when the firm is be- tanh(x) ≈ x. Thus, ‘with appropriate scaling, TANH can be used to provide a linear
ing held by a receiver (in receivership), in administration or in administrative receiv- transformation for input values in the neighbourhood of ‘expected’ values while reduc-
ership, or when there has been a cancellation or suspension of the firm. ing values that are outside the expected range.’ (Godfrey, 2009, p. 1).
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 399

and Jarrow (2004) in the United States, and Christidis and Gregory therefore be considered as a serious warning sign: The firm is not cre-
(2010) in the United Kingdom, have tested it and confirmed its con- ating enough cash from its operations, as measured by its Earnings
sistency and contribution to default/bankruptcy prediction models. before interest, taxes, and depreciation (EBITDA), in order to meet
The real line of TLTA can be mapped onto [− 1,1], where an increas- its interest expenses on debt. A value greater than 2.5 is interpreted
ing large, positive value indicates an increasing leverage of the firm. as the firm being able to generate funds from its operations to meet
Moreover, the higher the leverage, the higher the financial risk taken interest payments. In the present study, the COVERAGE ratio was
by the firm and therefore the higher its probability of financial dis- also transformed using the TANH function in order to treat the prob-
tress. This is because a highly leveraged company (a high TLTA lem of outlying values of the variable that could have an abnormal
ratio) could find itself in a very difficult and perilous position if cred- impact on the fitted maximum likelihood linear predictors as well
itors demand the repayment of the contracted debt. Likewise, a small as on the size of the residuals that resulted from the binary logistic re-
or negative value of the accounting ratio TLTA should indicate that gression. After the TANH transformation, the real line of the
the assets of the firm are financed by equity instead of debt. A posi- COVERAGE variable can be mapped onto [− 1,1], where an increasing
tive sign of the variable's estimate is therefore expected in the anal- large, positive value indicates an increasing ability of the firm to meet
ysis, signifying that a high value of the ratio (a high leverage) should its debt obligations. A negative sign of the COVERAGE variable's esti-
have a positive impact in the probability of financial distress. In the mate is therefore expected, suggesting that a high value of the vari-
present analysis, it is investigated whether the ratio TLTA is able to able should have a negative impact on the firm's probability of
enhance the accuracy of new financial distress prediction models financial distress of failure.
for UK quoted companies.
The variable No Credit Interval (NOCREDINT) is intended to mea- 3.2.2. Macro-economic variables
sure liquidity (Agarwal & Taffler, 2007; Taffler, 1983). Graham (2000) In addition to the accounting ratios, two macroeconomic vari-
defines the No Credit Interval variable as ‘an estimate of the length of ables were selected (among a list of eleven macroeconomic indica-
time that a company could finance the expenses of its business, at its tors) and included in the final model: the Retail Price Index (RPI),
current level of activity, by drawing on its own liquid resources and and the United Kingdom Short Term (3-month) Treasury Bill Rate
on the assumption that it made no further sales.’ 19 The input required Deflated (or the real short term Treasury bill rate), both are repre-
to produce this accounting variable was taken from Worldscope: sented on an annual scale in the present study. The first macroeco-
Quick assets, Total Current Liabilities, Sales, Earnings Before Interest nomic variable, the Retail Price Index indicator, a measure of
and Taxes, and Depreciation. The NOCREDINT variable was calculated inflation, was taken from Datastream (the Office for National Statis-
with the following formula: (Quick assets minus Current liabilities) / tics being the primary source), and it is defined by Thomson Finan-
(Daily operating expenses). Where Quick Assets represent the assets cial as ‘an average measure of change in the prices of goods and
that can be quickly and easily converted into cash or are already in services bought for the purpose of consumption by the vast majority
cash form. The formula employed to calculate Quick assets is Current of the households in the UK.’ The Retail Price Index is compiled and
Assets minus Inventories. Similarly, Daily operating expenses are published monthly. There are just a few default/failure prediction
equal to (Sales minus Earnings Before Interest and Taxes minus De- studies where this variable has been tested, and its relationship
preciation) / 365. The number resulting of this formula is, as with the probability of default has varied. As a measure of inflation,
expected, the number of days that a company can finance its ex- and thus as a ‘hidden risk pressure’ that acts as an incentive for
penses by drawing on its own current resources. However, as previ- those disposing of savings to invest them rather than see their pur-
ously explained, the ratio was transformed using the TANH function chasing power erode further in the future through inflation, it
in order to treat the problem of outlying values of the variable that could be expected that the risk-taking capacity of investors increases
could have an abnormal impact on the fitted maximum likelihood lin- in the same direction, lowering thus a firms' probability of default, as
ear predictors as well as on the size of the residuals that resulted from discussed by Qu (2008). However, as acknowledged by the same au-
the binary logistic regression. After the TANH transformation, the real thor, the direction of the relationship inflation-probability of default
line of the NOCREDINT variable can be mapped onto [− 1,1], where an has not been unequivocally established due to the ‘complexity of
increasing large, positive value indicates an increasing capacity of the inflation's effect on the economy.’ 21 Mare (2012), on the other
firm to finance its business expenses with its quasi-liquid and liquid hand, develops a failure prediction model for banks and founds
resources given its current level of activity. Conversely, a small or that the measure of inflation employed is positively related to the
negative value of this variable suggests a precarious liquidity position probability of default. His rationale is that high inflation is rather
of the firm potentially leading to a stressed position with regard to its the consequence of a generally weak macroeconomic environment,
financial obligations. A negative sign of the No Credit Interval which in turn increases the number of banking crises. Now, as
variable's estimate is expected, suggesting that a high value of the there is a direct relationship between the banking and the industrial
variable should have a negative impact on the firm's probability of fi- sector, whose magnitude is dependent upon the choice of capital
nancial distress. structure adopted by firms (the proportion of debt to equity), the
The final accounting ratio is Interest Coverage (COVERAGE) and present study's hypothesis is that a high RPI should increase a firm's
measures a firm's ability to pay interest on outstanding debt probability of failure. A positive sign of the RPI variable's estimate is
(Altman & Sabato, 2007). The Interest Coverage ratio was therefore therefore expected, suggesting that a high value of this variable
calculated dividing the variable Earnings before interest, taxes and should have a positive impact on the firm's probability of financial
depreciation (EBITDA)20 by the variable Interest charges or Interest distress of failure.
expense on debt that represents the service charge for the use of cap- The second macroeconomic variable included in the model is the
ital before the reduction for interest capitalised. Typically, a value Short Term Treasury Bill Rate Deflated (SHTBRDEF), which represents
smaller than 2–2.5 suggests that the firm might be having trouble the ‘real’ short-term rate of 3-month United Kingdom Treasury Bills
meeting its financial obligations; a value below this threshold should on an annual basis. Two main sources were used to construct this in-
dicator: from the Bank of England website 22 the level of the discount
rate from 1985 to 2011 was obtained; and from Datastream, the infla-
p. 86.
20 tion rate employed in order to deflate the discount rate for the same
EBITDA measures the earnings of a firm before interest expense, income taxes and
depreciation. Worldscope calculates EBITDA by taking the pretax income and adding
back interest expense on debt and depreciation, depletion and amortisation and p. 194.
subtracting interest capitalised.
400 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

period. Treasury Bills are defined as ‘bearer Government Securities (1995), and that this might introduce noise into the analysis and im-
representing a charge on the Consolidated Fund of the UK issued in pair the predictive accuracy of the model. However, there have been
minimum denominations of £5000 at a discount to their face value studies where equity prices have had a positive effect on the predic-
for any period not exceeding one yearʼ. 23 Treasury Bills are typically tive power of the model (Beaver, 1966; Beaver et al., 2005;
considered as the least risky investment available. They are much Christidis & Gregory, 2010). Moreover, the superior predictive accura-
more liquid than gilts (with maturity ranging between 0 and cy of a distress prediction model is not the only potential benefit
15 years) and therefore the yield rate on treasury bills is normally drawn from the inclusion of equity prices; the timeliness of the
lower than on longer-term securities. The present study included models could also be greatly improved (Keasey & Watson, 1991). Ac-
the annualised level of the 91 days (3-month) discount rate in order cordingly, to the extent that market prices reflect investors' expecta-
to test another measure intended to capture the state of the macro- tions of future cash flows or earnings, and that the company's
economic environment that could potentially have an effect on the earnings are affected by its financial position, it is expected that
probability of financial distress of industrial companies. This indicator there is a close relationship between price levels/movements and
is a proxy for interest rates, which, similar to the RPI variable, is very the probability of financial distress. It is therefore assumed that a
likely to affect industrial firms according to their capital structure. high value of the level of PRICE will decrease the probability of finan-
Lower interest rates facilitate businesses to borrow in order to invest cial distress. In other words, a negative sign of the PRICE variable's es-
in new equipment, inventories, building, research and development, timate is therefore expected, suggesting that a high value of this
etc. Furthermore, it is well known that the firm's expected return on variable should have a negative impact on the firm's probability of fi-
investment is higher today when rates are low than when they are nancial distress or failure.
high, which acts as an incentive for businesses to invest more when The second market variable included in this study is the lagged cu-
they operate in a low interest rate environment. Business borrowing mulative security residual return (ABNRET). In order to incorporate
is perhaps the most affected by high interest rates; firms might be this variable in a financial distress prediction model, each firm's past re-
in need to recur to short term loans in order to offset temporary or cy- sidual return26 in year t was calculated as the cumulative monthly re-
clic short-falls in expenses, payroll, etc., thus a high level of interest turn of the twelve months prior to the year where the financial
rate make the cost of debt more expensive, as companies will have distress event was observed, minus the FTSE All Share Index cumulative
to pay more interest back to their lenders. It is therefore assumed monthly return for the same period (t − 1). Moreover, as with the pre-
that a high value of the level of SHTBRDEF will increase the probabil- vious financial statement and macroeconomic variables and in order to
ity of failure. A positive sign of the SHTBRDEF variable's estimate is confirm its predictive ability, the ABNRET variable was computed as the
therefore expected, suggesting that a high value of this variable cumulative monthly returns two years prior to the observation of the fi-
should have a positive impact on the firm's probability of financial nancial distress event (t − 2). Both of the variables required to con-
distress of failure. struct ABNRET (Firm's monthly returns and FTSE All Share Index
monthly returns) were taken from the Datastream database. The
3.2.3. Market variables ABNRET variable was also transformed using the TANH function in
The study included four market variables in the models in order to order to treat the problem of outlying values of the variable that could
test whether they increase the predictive power of an accounting and have an abnormal impact on the fitted maximum likelihood linear pre-
macroeconomic model. The first one is the firm's equity price (PRICE). dictors as well as on the size of the residuals that resulted from the bi-
Equity prices data was obtained from the Datastream database. The nary logistic regression. After the TANH transformation, the real line
implicit underlying assumption used in the present study to justify of the ABNRET variable can be mapped onto [−1,1], where an increas-
the inclusion of market equity prices in the models is that they reflect ing large, positive value suggests a lower probability of financial dis-
a wide mix of public information concerning the future cash flows tress. Following Shumway (2001), the theoretical underlying
that can be expected from a company's share and, as suggested by assumption used in the present study to justify the incorporation of
Rees (1995), ‘a subset of that information will be relevant to the like- lagged residual returns into the models is that they should be useful
lihood of liquidation and the cash flow impact.’ 24 Therefore, it is to predict failure as investors discount the equity of those firms that
expected that equity prices contain relevant information about the are in a stressed financial position or close to bankruptcy/default. Fur-
probability of financial distress even if they are not a direct measure thermore, ass discussed by Beaver et al. (2005), if the option-like feature
of that probability (Beaver et al., 2005). It is also assumed that market of common equity is accurate, where equity can be interpreted as a call
prices will act as a complement to the financial statement and macro- option on the assets of a company (the face value of the liabilities being
economic information by enhancing the predictive power of the gen- the strike price), then the value of common equity acts as the ‘equity
eral model, and not as competing or mutually exclusive alternatives cushion available to debt-holders before their principal and interest be-
that should be used in isolation. The reason is that equity prices incor- come jeopardized.’ Therefore, a decline of the value of equity (and thus
porate financial statement data as well as other information publicly a diminished equity cushion) should entail a higher probability of fail-
available as inputs, potentially making markets a more efficient pro- ure/financial distress. This hypothesis is consistent with the findings
cessor of all available public information than accounting data alone of Dichev (1998), who measures bankruptcy risk employing the
(Rees, 1995) and therefore increasing the overall accuracy of financial Altman (1968) and Ohlson (1980) models, and shows that there is a
distress prediction models. It is assumed that the financial position of negative association between equity returns and the likelihood of bank-
the firm may lead to portfolio realignments that affect and adjust eq- ruptcy. Accordingly, it is posited that high firms' returns relative to the
uity prices ahead of the financial distress event. Furthermore, Beaver FTSE All Share Index returns will decrease the probability of financial
et al. (2005), suggest that ‘as the probability of bankruptcy increases, distress. In other words, a negative sign of the ABNRET variable's esti-
the non-linear nature of the payoff function for common stock be- mate is therefore expected, suggesting that a high value of this variable
comes increasingly more important because of risky debt and limited
liability.’ 25 Nevertheless, it might be also the case that some equity 26
In order to calculate residual/abnormal returns, firms' individual returns are
prices incorporate random information that is not directly relevant employed as the main input. The investment return can be defined as the total gain
or loss on an investment over a given period of time. The return incorporates the
to the financial distress or insolvency process, as discussed by Rees
change in the asset's values plus any cash distributions (dividends or interest pay-
ments). The specific Datastream datatype used in the present study is the Total Return
Definition taken from Datastream, Thomson Financial. Index (RI) which shows ‘a theoretical growth in value of a share holding over a specific
p. 310. period, assuming that dividends are reinvested to purchase additional units of an equi-
p. 110. ty or unit trust at the closing price applicable on the ex-dividend date.’
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 401

should have a negative impact on the firm's probability of financial dis- than the market value dimension (that previous default prediction
tress or failure. models in the United Kingdom have failed to incorporate), this var-
The third market variable incorporated to the model represents iable is intended to solve an important problem highlighted in
the Size of the company measured by its market capitalisation rela- Beaver et al. (2005), namely that the variables ABNRET, and special-
tive to the total size of the FTSE All Share Index (in order to make ly SIZE, used in this study, are not ‘scaled in that [they are] not com-
size static). The information required to construct this specific vari- pared with the magnitude of debt outstanding.’ 29 The case of the
able was taken from the Datastream database where the index Mar- variable SIZE should be particularly stressed as it is measured by
ket Value (MV) is calculated as the sum of the share price the company's market capitalisation relative to the total market
multiplied by the number of ordinary shares in issue for each index capitalisation of the FTSE All Share Index (transformed employing
constituent. 27 In the present study, the variable SIZE, was calculated the logarithmic function). It could be therefore argued that the vari-
as the logarithm of each firm's size relative to the total market value ables MCTD and SIZE, having the same denominator, could be highly
of the FTSE All Share Index. The minimum value drawn from this correlated giving rise to a multicollinearity problem that may affect
method of calculation was − 16.60 and the maximum value − 2.37, the stability of the coefficients of the independent variables in re-
with an average equal to − 10.05. This range of values results from sponse to marginal changes in the model and/or data. Correlation
the fact that the logarithmic form of a small number (a firm market matrices were computed and presented in Table 3 along with
value relative to that of the FTSE All Share will result in a very small other diagnostic tests. 30
value) yields a negative sign. Firm size as measure by the market
value can be a potentially powerful predictor of failure if the 4. Methods: panel logit model specification
option-like feature of common equity is used again as a theoretical
framework; the market value of equity of a firm in a stressed financial The sample is divided into two groups, financially distressed
position is discounted by market participants (investors) which en- firms (either financially distressed or insolvent in law) and normal
tails a reduction in the debt holders ‘equity cushion.’ This decline in or non-financially distressed firms. The outcome is a binary depen-
the level of equity, induced by a negative investors' judgement of dent variable. Our approach is to model the outcome within a
the firm's financial standing, can systematically move towards the panel logit framework (Altman & Sabato, 2007; Altman, Sabato, &
‘strike price’ (or the value of liabilities) until it reaches the point Wilson, 2010), and follow Shumway (2001) and Nam et al. (2008)
where it is insufficient to serve the firm's debt obligations (and the who show that a panel logit model, that corrects for period at risk
firm defaults). As suggested by Agarwal and Taffler (2008) ‘the prob- and allows for time varying covariates, 31 is equivalent to a hazard
ability of bankruptcy is the probability that the call option will expire model.
worthless or, in other words, that the value of the assets [as measured The logistic regression model is as follows. Let (Y1,Y1), …, (Yn,Xn)
by the firm's market value, the size] is less than the face value of the be a random sample from a conditional logit distribution. Next, let
liabilities at the end of the holding period.’28 Therefore, it is predicted x1j, x2j … xkj be a collection of k independent variables denoted by
that a high value of the SIZE variable should entail a low probability of the vector x′. Assuming that each of these variables is at least interval
failure/financial distress. Conversely, a relatively small-sized compa- scaled and that the conditional probability that the outcome is pres-
ny should have a higher probability of financial distress. In other ent is denoted by Pr(Y = 1|x) = π(x) then the logit of the logistic re-
words, a negative sign of the SIZE variable's estimate is therefore gression model is denoted by:
expected, suggesting that a high value of this variable should have a
negative impact on the firm's probability of financial distress or 0 0 0
g ðxÞ ¼ β0 þ β1 X 1j þ β2 X 2j þ … þ βk X kj
The final market variable that entered the final model is the ratio
Market Capitalisation to Total Debt (MCTD). The variable Market and
Capitalisation was taken from Datastream whereas the variable
Total Debt was taken from Thomson One Banker (Worldscope). expgðxÞ
π ðxÞ ¼
Total Debt is equal to all interest bearing and capitalised lease obliga- 1 þ expg ðxÞ
tions. As specified by Thomson Reuters, it is the sum of long and short
term debt. This market variable was adjusted using the TANH func- then
tion in order to solve the problem of outlying values. The real line
of MCTD can be mapped onto [0,1], where a high value indicates h i
that there is considerable scope for a decline in value of a firm's as- Pr Y j ¼ 1jx ¼ π ðxÞ ¼
sets (as measured by the market value of equity) before its total h i 1
¼ Pr Y j ¼ 1jX 1j ; …X kj ¼  ¼
debt exceeds its assets and it becomes financially distressed or insol- 1 þ exp −β1 X 1j −…−β0k X kj
vent. Conversely, a low value of the variable indicates that the firm's
decline in value is very close to reaching the point of insolvency, or
the point where its total debt exceeds its assets. The higher the p. 111.
value of this financial ratio, the less likely it is for a company to be Multicollinearity is present when there is linear dependency among two or more
independent variables in a multivariate model. This problem arises because some of
in a distressed financial position. Thus, it is posited that a high them may be measuring the same concept. Consequently, when a given independent
value of the MCTD variable should entail a low probability of fail- variable is a linear or a quasi-linear combination of other independent variables, the af-
ure/financial distress. Conversely, a low value company should in- fected estimates are unstable and the standard errors inflated. Tolerance value and is
volve a higher probability of financial distress. In other words, a reciprocal, variance inflation tests are computed as 1 − Rk2 and 1/(1 − Rk2) respective-
ly, where Rk2 is the determination coefficient for regression of the ith regressor on all
negative sign of the MCTD variable's estimate is predicted,
the other regressors. Freund and Littell (2000) show how the instability of the coeffi-
suggesting that a high value of this variable should have a negative cient estimates is increased by the existence of multicollinearity. It must be mentioned
impact on the firm's probability of financial distress or failure. Other that there is not a formal criterion to establish a VIF value threshold above which
multicollinearity can be ascertained; it has been argued that a VIF value greater than
10 suggests significant collinearity. The VIF values of all the regressors incorporated
In Thomson Reuters' 2008 ‘Datastream Global Equity Indices.’ User Guide. Issue 5. in the present study's models, show they are all even below 5, which indicates that
p. 20. For companies with more than one type of common/ordinary share, market multicollinearity is not present in the models and that the levels of the coefficients
capitalisation represents the total market value of the company. obtained are therefore reliable.
28 31
p. 1543. Shumway (2001, p. 123).
402 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Table 3
Correlation matrix and multicollinearity diagnostic statistics.


Panel A: correlation matrix

TFOTL 1.00000
TLTA 0.17057 1.00000
NOCREDINT −0.09720 −0.44510 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001
COVERAGE 0.72613 0.02865 −0.05983 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001
RPI −0.19100 −0.12218 0.14404 −0.19691 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001
SHTBRDEF 0.12491 0.09343 −0.10688 0.11610 −0.81383 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001
PRICE 0.37131 0.05951 −0.04823 0.37641 −0.19656 0.15184 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001
ABNRET 0.25785 −0.06960 0.03254 0.29870 −0.04405 −0.05138 0.28852 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001
SIZE 0.36300 0.09781 −0.08105 0.40685 −0.23538 0.10799 0.58264 0.29448 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001
MCTD 0.08792 −0.34893 0.18940 0.13136 −0.04910 −0.00248 0.20164 0.23896 0.22630 1.00000
b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001 0.7461 b.0001 b.0001 b.0001

Panel B: multicollinearity diagnostic statistics

TOL 0.49947 0.77183 0.87329 0.47709 0.31558 0.32067 0.60705 0.81705 0.58202 0.77601
VIF 2.00214 1.29562 1.14509 2.09603 3.16874 3.11847 1.6473 1.22391 1.71817 1.28865

Notes: Panel A of this table reports the correlation matrix of all the variables included in the model. It includes financial statement ratios, macroeconomic indicators, and market variables.
p-Values represent the probability of observing this correlation coefficient or one more extreme under the null hypothesis (H0) that the correlation (Rho) is zero. Panel B reports the
values resulting from tests intended to detect the presence of multicollinearity among all the variables incorporated in the model: Tolerance value (TOL) and its reciprocal, Variance in-
flation (VIF) are computed as 1 − Rk2 and 1/(1 − Rk2) respectively, where Rk2 is the determination coefficient for regression of the ith regressor on all the other regressors.

therefore where F′ is the derivative of F ðxÞ ¼ 1þ exp


h i 1 expð−xÞ 1 þ expð−xÞ 1
Pr Y j ¼ 1jX 1j ; …X kj ¼  : F 0 ðxÞ ¼ ¼ −
k 0
1 þ exp −∑i¼1 β1 X 1j ð1 þ expð−xÞÞ2 ð1 þ expð−xÞÞ2 ð1 þ expð−xÞÞ2
1 1 2
¼ − ¼ F ðxÞ−F ðxÞ ¼ F ðxÞð1−F ðxÞÞ:
1 þ expð−xÞ ð1 þ expð−xÞÞ2
In addition to the estimates computed through this statistical
methodology, marginal effects for each of the variables are presented.
Thus, the marginal effect of Xj on Pr[Yj = 1|Xj] is dependent upon Xj:
The marginal effect of a predictor is defined as the partial derivative of
the event probability with respect to the predictor of interest. 32 The h i
∂P Y j ¼ 1jX j    
marginal effect measurement is therefore very useful in order to in- ¼ β0 F α0 þ β0 X j 1−F α0 þ β0 X j :
terpret the effects of the regressors on the dependent variable for dis- ∂X j
crete dependent variable models, in this case, a logit binary choice
model. Marginal effects are therefore mathematically expressed as The study reports the average marginal effects of each explanatory
follows below. variable in the reported models and Tables 4–6 report summary
For simplicity, consider now the same model but with only one re- statistics.
gressor. It is called logit because:
h  i   5. Analysis of results

Pr Y j ¼ 1X j ¼ F α0 þ β0 X j
Table 7 presents the results from logistic regressions of the finan-
where Xj is the explanatory variable and α0 and β0 are unknown pa- cial distress indicator on the predictor variables. As required by the
rameters to be estimated, and binary logistic regression model, firms classified as financially dis-
tressed were given a value of 1 and firms identified as financially
1 healthy were given the value 0. This classification was carried out
F ðxÞ ¼
1 þ expð−xÞ using the previously discussed financially-based definition of distress
developed specifically for this analysis. The present study develops
is the distribution function for the logistic (logit) distribution. three main ex-ante models for estimating financial distress likelihood
If β0 > 0 then Pr[Yj = 1|Xj] = F(α0 + β0Xj) is an increasing function to test the contribution of macroeconomic indicators and market var-
of Xj: iables to the predictive accuracy of models based on financial state-
h i ment ratios. Model 1 represents the ‘Accounting only’ model and
∂P Y j ¼ 1jX j   incorporates the financial statement ratios Total Funds from Opera-
¼ β0 F α0 þ β0 X j tions to Total Liabilities (TFOTL), Total Liabilities to Total Assets
∂X j
(TLTA), the No Credit Interval (NOCREDINT), and Interest Coverage
(COVERAGE). Model 2 represents the ‘Accounting plus macroeco-
For a formal definition and derivation, see Bierens (2008), on which the present
study's estimation of marginal effects is based, and ‘Usage Note 22604: Marginal effects
nomic indicators’ model and includes, in addition to the accounting
estimation for predictors in logistic and probit models.’ variables, the indicators Retail Price Index (RPI), and the Short Term
604.html, for a detailed empirical calculation of marginal effects. Bill Rate adjusted for inflation (SHTBRDEF). Model 3 is the ‘Full
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 403

Table 4 size (SIZE) measured by the market capitalisation relative to the

Summary statistics for Model 1. total size (market capitalisation) of the FTSE All Share index, in loga-
Variable TFOTL TLTA NOCREDINT COVERAGE rithmic form. Additionally, Model 4 and Model 5 are included in
Table 7, representing a ‘Market only’ model and a ‘Market plus macro-
Panel A: entire data set
Mean 0.068572 0.486146 −0.121824 0.530676 economic variables’ model, respectively, in order to compare their
Std. Dev. 0.338255 0.188591 0.986025 0.819871 predictive accuracy with that of Model 1 and Model 2. The objective
Min −1 −0.432123 −1 −1 of this additional comparison is to test the predictive accuracy of ac-
Max 1 1 1 1
counting models against the performance of market models using lo-
Observations 18,276
gistic regression.
Panel B: non-financially distressed firms As mentioned above, the present study develops ex-ante models
Mean 0.089208 0.482734 −0.113742 0.593286 for the estimation of financial distress likelihood. In practice, the
Std. Dev. 0.323753 0.183374 0.986886 0.77798 date of the event of financial distress is not known and risk managers
Min −1 −0.432123 −1 −1
are required to employ the data that is available at the time of the
Max 1 1 1 1
Observations 17,349 analysis in order to make an estimate of the likelihood of failure or fi-
nancial distress of a company. Accordingly, this study estimates the
Panel C: financially distressed firms probability of failure in the year prior to the observation of corporate
Mean −0.317646 0.550002 −0.273086 −0.641079
financial distress (t − 1) as well as two years prior to the financial
Std. Dev. 0.370257 0.260108 0.95777 0.69207
Min −1 −0.302382 −1 −1 distress event (t − 2). In that way, the models provide evidence
Max 0.99792 1 1 1 about the predictors that best discriminate between financially dis-
Observations 927 tressed and healthy companies on the one hand, and on the other,
Notes: This table presents summary statistics for Model 1, which includes only test their predictive power. Thus, for the t − 1 models, all of the ac-
financial statement variables. It covers the mean, standard deviation, minimum and counting ratios were computed using the financial statements of the
maximum values and the number of observations that were used in the logistic year prior to the financial distress event. Accordingly, the macroeco-
regression for the ratios Total Funds from Operations to Total Liabilities (TFOTL),
nomic indicators were calculated with information from the year pre-
Total Liabilities to Total Assets (TLTA), the No Credit Interval (NOCREDINT), and
Interest Coverage (COVERAGE). Panel A contains summary statistics for the entire ceding the distress event: the Retail Price Index (RPI) in base 100 as
data set; Panel B for financially healthy firms, and Panel C for firms in financial well as the 3-month Bill rate (SHTBRDEF), which was annualised
distress. and deflated using the inflation rate in order to obtain a measure of
the level of ‘real’ interest rates in the economy. As for the market vari-
ables, equity prices (PRICE) were incorporated to the model as the of-
ficial closing price in t − 1, the variable measuring abnormal returns
(ABNRET) for year t, when the distress event was observed, was cal-
model’ incorporating, in addition to the above financial statement ra- culated as the return of the firm in year t − 1 minus the FTSE All
tios and macroeconomic indicators, four market variables: each firm's Share Index return in year t − 1. Individual firms' annual returns
Equity Price (PRICE) transformed using the logarithmic function; the were generated by cumulating monthly returns. With regard to the
firm's cumulative monthly abnormal returns on an annual basis variable that measures the relative size of the firm (SIZE), following
(ABNRET), generated as the firm's excess returns minus the FTSE All Shumway (2001), individual firms' market capitalisation was mea-
Share return index for the same period of time; the firm's relative sured at the end of the year before the financial distress event year.

Table 5
Summary statistics for Model 2.


Panel A: entire data set

Mean 0.067493 0.485921 −0.118042 0.525922 178.39851 2.048426
Std. Dev. 0.339813 0.189284 0.986466 0.822947 32.220261 2.427929
Min −1 −0.432123 −1 −1 94.59 −4.69551
Max 1 1 1 1 235.18 7.7407
Observations 18,070

Panel B: non-financially distressed firms

Mean 0.088319 0.482455 −0.109658 0.589027 177.75165 2.068698
Std. Dev. 0.325357 0.184057 0.987328 0.781256 32.427066 2.442916
Min −1 −0.432123 −1 −1 94.59 −4.69551
Max 1 1 1 1 235.18 7.7407
Observations 17,143

Panel C: financially distressed firms

Mean −0.317646 0.550002 −0.273086 −0.641079 190.36081 1.673542
Std. Dev. 0.370257 0.260108 0.95777 0.69207 25.31356 2.097986
Min −1 −0.302382 −1 −1 115.21 −4.69551
Max 0.99792 1 1 1 235.18 7.1745
Observations 927

Notes: This table presents summary statistics for Model 2, which includes financial statement ratios as well as macroeconomic variables. It covers the mean, standard deviation,
minimum and maximum values and the number of observations that were used in the logistic regression for the ratios Total Funds from Operations to Total Liabilities (TFOTL),
Total Liabilities to Total Assets (TLTA), the No Credit Interval (NOCREDINT), Interest Coverage (COVERAGE), the Retail Price Index (RPI), and the proxy for interest rates, the
3-month Short Term Bill rate adjusted for inflation (SHTBRDEF). Panel A contains summary statistics for the entire data set, Panel B for financially healthy firms, and Panel C for
firms in financial distress.
404 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Table 6
Summary statistics for Model 3.


Panel A: entire data set

Mean 0.097363 0.497767 −0.19551 0.599672 178.08903 2.046149 4.427373 −0.108952 −10.046418 0.91036
Std. Dev. 0.27721 0.169538 0.973386 0.770045 32.874323 2.532696 1.702743 0.386299 2.22842 0.192053
Min −1 −0.102771 −1 −1 94.59 −4.69551 −3.912023 −0.999988 −16.602146 0.002877
Max 1 1 1 1 235.18 7.7407 14.151983 0.999996 −2.374161 1
Observations 13,529

Panel B: non-financially distressed firms

Mean 0.118203 0.492827 −0.184269 0.669078 177.4168 2.066005 4.526808 −0.086315 −9.913979 0.919151
Std. Dev. 0.258451 0.163083 0.975489 0.713444 33.102993 2.553595 1.630117 0.374557 2.189381 0.17828
Min −1 −0.102771 −1 −1 94.59 −4.69551 −3.912023 −0.999829 −16.480853 0.006411
Max 1 1 1 1 235.18 7.7407 14.151983 0.999996 −2.374161 1
Observations 12,801

Panel C: financially distressed firms

Mean −0.269089 0.584634 −0.393164 −0.620747 189.90931 1.696996 2.678938 −0.506989 −12.375197 0.755794
Std. Dev. 0.334293 0.242075 0.91392 0.70417 25.859392 2.10305 1.982343 0.372911 1.506558 0.318516
Min −1 0.028495 −1 −1 115.21 −4.69551 −3.912023 −0.999988 −16.602146 0.002877
Max 0.724547 1 1 1 235.18 7.1745 10.96388 0.949759 −5.641377 1
Observations 728

Notes: This table presents summary statistics for the full model, or Model 3, which includes financial statement ratios, macroeconomic indicators and market variables. It covers the
mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values and the number of observations that were used in the logistic regression for the ratios Total Funds from Operations to
Total Liabilities (TFOTL), Total Liabilities to Total Assets (TLTA), the No Credit Interval (NOCREDINT), Interest Coverage (COVERAGE), the Retail Price Index (RPI), and a proxy for
interest rates, the 3-month Short Term Bill Rate adjusted for inflation (SHTBRDEF), the firm's Equity Price (PRICE), the firm's annual Abnormal Returns (ABNRET), the firm's Relative
Size (SIZE), and the ratio Market Capital to Total Debt (MCTD). Panel A contains summary statistics for the entire data set, Panel B for financially healthy firms, and Panel C for firms
in financial distress.

Finally, as for the ratio Market Capitalisation to Total Debt (MCTD), distress likelihood. The coefficient's estimate for the variable TLTA
the latter was also measured with information taken from financial displays a positive sign which indicates, opposite to the previous ac-
statements issued in t − 1. counting ratios, that a highly leveraged company (a high value of the
Table 7 reports the resulting estimates from logistic regressions TLTA variable) will display a higher likelihood of financial distress.
of the financial distress indicator on the independent variables. All This last result is also consistent with the present study's initial pre-
of the variables in the ‘accounting’ model (Model 1) are statistically dictions. Interestingly, the COVERAGE coefficient estimate possesses
significant at 5–1% in t − 1, which suggest that they are efficient pre- the highest absolute value among the financial statement ratios,
dictors of the probability of financial distress. In t − 2, or two years followed by TLTA and TFOTL, NOCREDINT having the smallest
before the financial distress event was observed, all of the regressors value. The same applies for the model estimated in t − 2, which sug-
retain their statistical significance except the accounting ratio Total gests that the accounting ratios' coefficient estimates are stable over
Liabilities to Total Assets, which becomes statistically insignificant. the two periods of time.
This is the case not only for the ‘accounting’ model, but also for the Table 7 also presents Cox and Snell's R-squared as well as
‘accounting plus macroeconomic’ model and the ‘full’ model. 33 The Nagelkerke's max rescaled R squared in order to have a comparison
fact that all of the variables in Model 1 except one retain the same point of the relative increase or decrease in performance between
level of significance in both t − 1 and t − 2 suggest that the financial models. As expected, the Nagelkerke's max rescaled R-squared de-
statement ratios that were retained in the model possess a high dis- creases for Model 1 when it is estimated from t − 1 to t − 2. How-
criminating and predicting power. Furthermore, the coefficient esti- ever, the magnitude of the decline is only marginal, which suggests
mates' signs possess the predicted sign: a negative sign of the ratio that the models' regressors are stable over time. Nevertheless, these
TFOTL, which represents a measure of the performance of a compa- measures are only included to make comparisons easier and their
ny, suggests that the higher the level of funds from operations a com- interpretation needs to be treated with caution, as they do not
pany produces (relative to their liabilities) the higher its have the same meaning for logit regressions as they have for ordi-
performance and therefore the lower its probability of entering fi- nary least squares regressions. As previously discussed, a more ap-
nancial distress. Similarly, the sign of the variable NOCREDINT sug- propriate and direct measure of the real performance of a logit
gest that the higher the liquidity of a company, 34 the lower its model is the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics
financial distress likelihood. The COVERAGE variable also displays Curve 35 (AUC), whose output will be discussed in the following
the anticipated negative sign, where an increased or substantial abil- lines.
ity to pay interest on outstanding debt, lowers the firm's financial Model 2, in addition to the accounting ratios, incorporates two
macroeconomic indicators. Both of them, RPI and SHTBRDEF are sta-
33 tistically significant at 5–1% in the model estimated in t − 1, and re-
In the remainder of the present study the term ‘Model 1’ will be used to make ref-
erence to the ‘Accounting’ only model, ‘Model 2’ to the model that includes macroeco- tain the same statistical significance in t − 2, which indicate, as in the
nomic indicators in addition to financial statement ratios, and the term ‘Model 3’ will case of three out of four of the financial statement ratios, that the vari-
be representing the ‘full model,’ or the model that includes financial statement ratios, ables are stable over two periods. Furthermore, all of the variables ini-
macroeconomic indicators and market variables. In addition ‘Model 4’ and ‘Model 5’
tially included in Model 1 retain their statistical significance and the
will be used to make reference to a ‘Market only’ model and a ‘Market plus macroeco-
nomic indicators,’ respectively.
Or, in the specific case of the No Credit Interval variable, the period that a company
could finance its own business expenses, at its current level of activity, by drawing on 35
In the remainder of the present study, the Area Under the Receiver Operating Char-
its own liquid resources and on the assumption that it made no further sales. acteristics Curve will be referred to as ‘AUC.’
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 405

Table 7
Logit regression of financial distress indicator on predictor variables.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

t−1 t−2 t−1 t−2 t−1 t−2 t−1 t−1

TFOTL −0.8105 ** −0.7327** −0.7711** −0.7357** −1.0784** −1.0001**

(6.74) (6.18) (6.30) (6.19) (6.51) (6.26)
TLTA 1.2825** 0.2048 1.3438** 0.2593 0.6102** 0.00600
(7.61) (1.18) (7.96) (1.49) (2.66) (0.03)
NOCREDINT −0.2130** −0.1670** −0.2245** −0.1685** −0.1513** −0.0938*
(4.80) (3.79) (5.07) (3.81) (2.83) (1.82)
COVERAGE −1.3362** −1.2792** −1.2851** −1.2481** −0.9738** −0.9678**
(22.99) (22.36) (22.00) (21.56) (14.24) (14.21)
RPI 0.0201** 0.0145** 0.0119** 0.00728** 0.0113**
(8.45) (5.85) (4.27) (2.60) (4.57)
SHTBRDEF 0.1901** 0.2111** 0.1262** 0.1028** 0.1010**
(6.51) (5.63) (3.84) (2.45) (3.48)
PRICE −0.1043** −0.0711** −0.1716** −0.1629**
(4.00) (2.79) (6.92) (6.49)
ABNRET −1.1429** −1.6046** −1.7637** −1.7378**
(9.55) (13.59) (15.42) (15.15)
SIZE −0.2356** −0.0440 −0.4398** −0.4140**
(7.23) (1.47) (15.49) (14.43)
MCTD −1.2944** −0.6249** −0.9757** −1.0043**
(7.53) (3.16) (6.97) (7.13)
Constant −7.8570** −2.9831** −7.8570** −6.1015** −7.2547** −4.4563** −6.9068** −8.8751**
(37.63) (30.63) (15.60) (11.40) (10.52) (6.08) (16.55) (14.17)
Pseudo R2 0.0926 0.0929 0.0965 0.0953 0.1420 0.1260 0.1017 0.1032
Max-resc R2 0.2802 0.2626 0.2901 0.2674 0.4148 0.3527 0.2967 0.2984

Notes: This table reports results from logit regressions of the financial distress indicator on the predictor variables. The models were computed for two periods: using the accounts,
market, and macroeconomic data from the year prior to the observation of the financial distress event (t − 1), and the accounts, market, and macroeconomic data from two years
prior to the observation of the financial distress event (t − 2) in order to confirm their predictive ability in addition to their discriminating power. Additionally results are presented
for a ‘Market’ model that incorporates market variables in t − 1 for comparison purposes. The absolute value of Z-statistics is reported in parenthesis. * denotes significant at 10%, **
denotes significant at 5%–1%.

relative magnitude of their coefficient estimates in Model 2. The signs predictive accuracy of the model as measured by the AUC. The only
of both indicators are also as predicted in the present study: the pos- exception is NOCREDINT, which experienced a marginal decrease,
itive sign of the RPI variable's estimate indicates that a higher level from being statistically significant at 5–1% to 10% in the models esti-
entails an increased likelihood of financial distress. And the positive mated with data generated two years prior to the observation of the
sign of the SHTBRDEF suggests that in a macroeconomic environment financial distress event. It should be also noted that the accounting
characterised by a high level of the real rate of interest, all other thing ratio TLTA displays the same behaviour as in the previous analysis
beings equal, the probability of financial distress for industrial firms of Model 1 and Model 2; when Model 3 is estimated in period t − 1
increases. However, both macroeconomic regressors' estimates are the ratio is significant at 5–1%, however, when it is estimated in peri-
lower in magnitude than the accounting ratios, RPI having the od t − 2, it ceases to be statistically significant, which suggests that
smallest estimate in absolute terms, which might suggest a smaller TLTA, despite having a positive contribution to the predictive accura-
effect of the macroeconomic variables on the likelihood of firms' fi- cy of the model, is not consistent over time. As for the signs of the co-
nancial distress. With regard to the macroeconomic variables' contri- efficient estimates, they all are as predicted in this study: a negative
bution to the predictive accuracy of the accounting model, as directly sign of the PRICE variable indicates that there is a negative relation-
measured by the AUC, it can be concluded that they contribute posi- ship between stock price levels and the likelihood of financial distress
tively, although rather marginally, when the model is estimated in of public companies, as market prices reflect investors' expectations
t − 1: The AUC shows an increase from 0.87 to 0.88. However, of future cash flows or earnings, and the company's earnings are af-
when the model is estimated in t − 2, the contribution of the macro- fected by its financial position. The sign of the ABNRET's estimate,
economic indicators is less conclusive: a very small decrease is even suggest that, as posited, there is a negative relationship between
observed from an AUC of 0.8523 to 0.8514, suggesting that in t − 2, this regressor and the probability of financial distress. Investors do
financial statement ratios alone are more powerful to predict finan- seem to discount the equity of those firms that are in a stressed finan-
cial distress than mixed with macroeconomic indicators. cial position or close to default/bankruptcy, and the returns of the
Model 3 in Table 7 presents the results from logit regressions of company seem to be affected in consequence: individual returns of
the financial distress indicator on the accounting and macroeconomic a company outperforming the returns of the FTSE All Share Index
predictor variables included in Model 2 plus 4 market variables: are a sign of good financial health and thus decrease the likelihood
firms' stock prices, past abnormal returns, the relative size of the of financial distress. Contrarily, company's returns that fall short to
company and the ratio market capitalisation to total debt. All of the match the FTSE All Share Index's returns (negative returns) are a con-
market variables that entered Model 3 are statistically significant at sistent predictor of financial distress over time (both in t − 1 and
5–1% when estimated in period t − 1. With the notable exception t − 2). The sign of MCTD suggests a negative relationship between
of the SIZE, all of the variables retain the same levels of significance this variable and the probability of financial distress. The study
when estimated in t − 2, suggesting that PRICE, ABNRET, and MCTD expected this ratio to enhance the predictive accuracy of the model
are powerful and consistent predictors over time of the likelihood of and to be consistent over time as it was constructed to include, on
financial distress. SIZE was kept in the models as, in spite of its lack the one hand, a market approach (through the measure of market
of statistical significance in t − 2, it contributed positively to the capitalisation) and, on the other, to solve the problem highlighted
406 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Table 8
Model performance measures.

Measure Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Panel A: models' performance in t − 1

AUC 0.8718 0.8763 0.9190 0.8712 0.8727
Gini rank coefficient 0.7436 0.7526 0.8380 0.7424 0.7454
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 0.5949 0.6021 0.6704 0.5939 0.5963
Cox & Snell's R2 0.0926 0.0965 0.1420 0.1017 0.1032
Nagelkerke's R2 0.2802 0.2901 0.4148 0.2967 0.2984
χ2a (4, 6, 10, 4, 6) 1776.13 (p b .0001) 1834.72 (p b .0001) 2072.44 (p b .0001) 1587.72 (p b .0001) 1588.23 (p b .0001)
Hosmer & Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test
χ2 (8) 86.5081 55.8609 10.2224 12.5565 18.5788
Pr > χ2 b.0001 b.0001 0.2498 0.1280 0.0173

Panel B: models' performance in t − 2

AUC 0.8523 0.8514 0.8918 0.8355 0.8358
Gini rank coefficient 0.7046 0.7028 0.7836 0.6710 0.6716
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 0.5637 0.5622 0.6269 0.5368 0.5373
Cox & Snell's R2 0.0929 0.0953 0.1260 0.0822 0.0831
Nagelkerke's R2 0.2626 0.2674 0.3527 0.2302 0.2301
χ2a (4, 6, 10, 4, 6) 1550.94 (p b .0001) 1573.33 (p b .0001) 1657.38 (p b .0001) 1167.70 (p b .0001) 1158.12 (p b .0001)
Hosmer & Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test
χ2 (8) 97.7438 45.3124 13.7421 10.7357 18.1839
Pr > χ2 b.0001 b.0001 0.0887 0.2171 0.0199

Notes: This table reports model performance statistics. Panel A shows measures for the five models estimated in period t − 1 and Panel B displays the same measures for all of the models
estimated in t − 2. Model 1 is the ‘accounting only’ model, Model 2 is the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic variables’ model, Model 3 if the ‘full’ model, including market variables in ad-
dition to the variables in Model 2, Model 4 is the ‘market only’ model, and Model 5 is the ‘market plus macroeconomic variables’ model. The first measure is a direct measure of the pre-
dictive accuracy of models estimated using the logit methodology, the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC); Gini coefficients, Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics,
Cox and Snell R-squared, Nagelkerke's Max-rescaled R-squared and the models' Chi-square are also presented. Additionally, Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistics are
The parenthesis following the models' χ2 represent the degrees of freedom for each estimated model: 4 for Model 1, 6 for Model 2, 10 for Model 3, 4 for Model 4, and 6 for Model

in Beaver et al. (2005), namely that the variables ABNRET and SIZE are coefficients 37 and Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics, also present in
not scaled in that they are not compared to the magnitude of debt Table 8, are widely used analysis tools by scoring analysts to assess
outstanding. By including total debt as denominator, it solves this the predictive accuracy of in-sample and hold-out tests (Altman et
problem without giving rise to multicollinearity problems with the al., 2010). The advantage of these tests is that they are easy to inter-
variable SIZE. As expected, this is a powerful as well as consistent pre- pret and calculate, as both can be derived from the AUC. As
dictor of financial distress over time. The sign of the market variable Anderson (2007) argues, the Gini rank coefficient has been co-opted
SIZE is also as predicted: companies with a high level of SIZE (high by credit scoring analysts, who employ it as a measure of ‘how well
market capitalisation relative to the FTSE All Share market a scorecard is able to distinguish between goods and bads’ where
capitalisation) are more stable (and/or well established), indicating ‘the end result is a value representing the area under the curve.’ The
a good level of the debt holders ‘equity cushion,’ far from the ‘strike Gini coefficient is very similar to the AUC, the difference is that the
price’ (or the value of liabilities), and therefore judged by investors former calculates only the area between the curve and the diagonal
as capable of serving their debt obligations, lowering thus the likeli- of the Lorenz curve, unlike the latter, which calculates the full area
hood of financial distress. As to the magnitude of the coefficients' es- below the curve. 38 As a reference point, in the context of professional
timates, ABNRET possesses the highest absolute value in Model 3, credit scoring analysis, a Gini coefficient equal to or above 50% is a
estimated in t − 1 as well as t − 2, followed by MCTD in t − 1 but very satisfactory level in a retail environment, as discussed by
not in t − 2, where it displays a lower absolute magnitude, followed Anderson (2007). In the context of the present study, the Gini rank
by SIZE and PRICE. It is therefore concluded that the market variables coefficient is used in order to complement and check the consistency
are also consistent predictors of the likelihood of financial distress of the other measures presented.
over time. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test is performed to measure the maxi-
Table 8 presents the model performance statistics for the five mum vertical deviation between two empirical cumulative distribution
models estimated in both t − 1 and t − 2. The Area Under the ROC functions (good and bad) in credit score modelling. This measure is,
Curve (AUC) is a direct and appropriate measure of the predictive ac- according to Anderson (2007) and Mays (2004), ‘the most widely
curacy of models developed using the logit methodology. DeLong, used statistic within the United States for measuring the predictive
DeLong, and Clarke-Pearson (1988) state that ‘when a test is based power of rating systems.’ 39 However, Anderson (2007) recommends
on an observed variable that lies on a continuous or graded scale, an not using this statistic (or any other measure of the predictive accuracy
assessment of the overall value of the test can be made through the of a model) in isolation, but rather as a complement to others such as
use of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.’ 36 Further- the AUC or the Gini rank coefficient, which is the approach adopted in
more, Altman et al. (2010) argue that ‘The ROC curve plots the true the present study. Mays (2004) suggest that the acceptable values for
positive against the false positive rate as the threshold to discriminate this statistic range from 20% to 70%, above which the model is ‘probably
between failed and non-failed firms' changes. The Area Under the too good to be true.’ Cox and Snell's R-squared is a measure based on the
ROC Curve is a measure of the predictive accuracy of the model,
with a value of 1 representing a perfect model.’ Gini rank correlation 37
The Gini rank correlation coefficient can be found as the Somer's D statistic in the
SAS software and most statistical software packages.
As such, it can be computed as ((2 ∗ AUC) − 1) following Altman et al. (2010).
36 39
p. 837. Anderson (2007, p. 196).
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 407

log-likelihood of the model, the log-likelihood of the original (baseline) acceptable. On the other hand, a considerable increase in the AUC is
model and the sample size, and Nagelkerke's Max-rescaled observed when market variables are added in Model 3 (from an
R-squared is a refinement of the former. In other words, both AUC equal to 0.88 to an AUC equal to 0.92); the magnitude of the en-
can be considered as measuring the same concept. In general, hancement suggest that market variables contain a substantial
they can also be interpreted very similarly (but not identically), amount of information that is not available in financial statements
to the R-squared in linear regression, as they are measures of the but that was taken into consideration by the markets and act as a
significance of the model. 40 The Hosmer and Lemeshow complement to the information provided by accounting ratios. 43 Fur-
goodness-of-fit test for binary response logistic models is also pro- thermore, the present study also estimates Model 4 and Model 5 in
vided. As discussed by Ragavan (2008), the subjects are divided order to directly compare the performance of the ‘accounting only’
into approximately ten groups of roughly the same size based on model (Model 1) and the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic variables’
the percentiles of the estimated probabilities. The discrepancies model (Model 2) against the ‘market only’ model (Model 4) and the
between the observed and expected number of observations in ‘market plus macroeconomic variables’ model (Model 5) respectively.
these groups are summarised by the Pearson chi-square statistic, It can be observed that accounting and market models in isolation
which is then compared to a chi-square distribution with k de- yield almost the same predictive accuracy, with an AUC of 0.8718
grees of freedom, were k is the number of groups (10) minus n and 0.8712 for the accounting and market only models respectively,
(2). 41 Thus, a small chi-square (b15) and a large p-value and an AUC of 0.8763 and 0.8727 when macroeconomic variables
(> 0.05) should suggest that the model is effective to predict the are added to the models. In both cases, the inclusion of macroeco-
behaviour of the data, or that the fitted model is an appropriate nomic variables enhances, although marginally, the predictive accu-
one to be employed in order to predict the specified binary out- racy. The accounting models have a marginally better performance
comes in the dataset. when estimated in period t − 1 using binary logistic regression as
Table 8 shows the performance of all of the models in the study. the main statistical methodology. It is therefore of paramount impor-
From the results presented in Panel A, which correspond to the tance to highlight the prominent increase in predictive accuracy
models estimated in period t − 1, it can be concluded that even (from an AUC equal to 0.88 to 0.92) resulting from the combination
if Model 1, the ‘accounting only’ model, possesses an already of two models that yield an almost equal (both significantly minor
high discriminating accuracy as measured by the AUC, the addi- to the ‘full model’) predictive accuracy when they are estimated in
tion of macroeconomic indicators and market variables can con- isolation.
tribute positively and substantially to the performance of the Table 8 also presents the results of Hosmer and Lemeshow
financial distress prediction models. Furthermore, it is demon- goodness-of-fit tests. Despite the different results obtained in previ-
strated that a distress prediction model, does not require the in- ous research works, and the controversy surrounding its consisten-
clusion of a large number of regressors (as in some previous cy, the present study reports the results of the goodness-of-fit test as
academic studies) to display a high discriminating and predictive it points to an interesting observation worth taking into consider-
accuracy; in the present study, a set of only 10 regressors yielded ation: when Model 1 and Model 2 (the ‘accounting only’ model
an impressive AUC of 0.92 in period t − 1 (which decreased only and the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic variables’ model respec-
marginally to 0.89 in period t − 2), suggesting that the indepen- tively) are estimated, the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit
dent variables retained in the model act as complementary and not as test show a large chi-square and a p-value b .0001, both of which in-
substitutes (or mutually exclusive). It is also important to highlight dicate that the model, although displaying a high predictive accura-
the fact that the high discriminating and predictive accuracy of the full cy, might lack other independent variables that are capital in order
model in the present study might be explained by the specific combina- to explain a higher proportion of the phenomenon that a model is
tion of independent variables, which were selected taking into consid- trying to elucidate. On the other hand, it can be observed that the
eration the problems highlighted in previous research work with opposite is true when market variables are incorporated to the ‘ac-
regard to the representation of the main, most likely, and potential indi- counting and macroeconomic variables model’ in Model 3: the re-
cators of financial distress. A very large number of financial ratios, mac- sults for the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test show a
roeconomic indicators and market variables were tested. Redundant small chi-square (b 15) and a large p-value (> 0.05) that suggests
variables were discarded, indicators that have proven their contribution that Model 3 is and adequate model. In other words, these values
to the performance of the models in previous research were included, imply that the model fitted with market variables is more appropri-
and potentially useful new ones were tested. An example of a new indi- ate to predict the data (to better discriminate and predict the spec-
cator that had not yet been tested is the ratio market capitalisation to ified binary outcomes in the dataset: healthy from financially
total debt (MCTD), which proved to contain information useful to the distressed companies). This argument finds additional support in
prediction of financial distress. The result was a new distress prediction the significantly larger AUC (from 0.88 to 0.92) when market vari-
model with a new set or combination of variables for quoted companies ables are present. In order to test if the same results hold true for
in the United Kingdom that proved to be very well positioned relative to models based on market variables, the same test was applied to
previous and well-known models for the prediction of company's Model 4 and Model 5 (the ‘market only’ model and the ‘market
default/distress. 42 plus macroeconomic variables’ respectively). Consistent with the
From Model 1 to Model 2 in period t − 1, an increase in the per- previous analysis of results, Model 4 displays a chi-square with a
formance of the models measured by the AUC was observed (from value below 15 and a p-value well above the 0.05 threshold,
0.872 to 0.876), which indicates that macroeconomic variables con- suggesting that market variables are appropriate regressors to mea-
tribute only marginally, though positively, to the predictive accuracy sure the likelihood of financial distress. Interestingly, when macro-
of a model based on financial statement ratios. As the Gini rank coef- economic indicators are added to the ‘market only’ model, both
ficient and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic are both derived from Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistics display better
computations based on the level of the AUC, they follow the same
pattern as the latter, and fall into the (previously discussed) highest 43
An example of the information that is not included in financial statements (as by
ranges that are considered by credit scoring professionals as nature they contain only past information), might be the information regarding the fu-
ture prospects of a firm such as an insufficient level of Research and Development ex-
penditure, or the negative forecast for a specific industry due to industry-specific micro
See Cox and Snell (1989) and Nagelkerke (1991). or macroeconomic developments taking place. Information of this kind is typically tak-
p. 10. en into account by investors and market participants in their analysis and is therefore
With the advantages of accuracy, simplicity and timeliness. reflected by market variables only such as equity prices or firms' returns.
408 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

values than for the accounting models (Model 1 and Model 2). Fur- others, as the exclusion of valid observations that would have otherwise
thermore, the same results apply for the models estimated in t − 2, been used in the normal estimation of the logit model, lead to inconsis-
making the above interpretation more consistent. tent and erroneous computations of the Area Under the Receiver Oper-
Unsurprisingly, the predictive accuracy of the models estimated in ating Characteristics Curve.
t − 2 experiences a decrease, which is consistent with previous de- The comparison of curves in the present study takes into ac-
fault prediction models. However, the same patterns can be observed count the correlated nature of the data, 46 on the one hand, and
when financial statement ratios, macroeconomic indicators and mar- solves the problem of comparison of two or more models using a
ket variables are combined in a single model. The only exception that constant number of observations, on the other. Following DeLong
can be observed is between Model 1 and Model 2; when macroeco- et al. (1988) and combining the use of the SAS logistic statistical
nomic variables are added to the ‘accounting only’ model, there is a methodology with the ROC macros available from the SAS Insti-
marginal decrease in predictive accuracy (from and AUC of 0.852 to tute, 47 the present paper reports a useful visual comparison of the
an AUC of 0.851), suggesting that financial statement ratios are (mar- differences in predictive accuracy of the ‘accounting only’ model,
ginally) more reliable regressors than macroeconomic indicators the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model and the
when the likelihood of financial distress is estimated in t − 2. Never- ‘full’ model using a non-parametric approach based on the theory
theless, because of the inconsequential (very small) decrease in per- on generalised Mann–Whitney U-statistics. The graphic is
formance, it could also be argued that the predictive accuracy constructed plotting the models' ability to identify true positives
remains unchanged when macroeconomic indicators are included in (sensitivity), on the Y axis, and its ability to detect true negatives
an accounting model estimated in t − 2. As to Model 3, it can be con- (1 — specificity). In other words, each individual ROC curve is gen-
cluded that the addition of market variables to Model 2 (estimated in erated (in the field of financial distress prediction models) by plot-
t − 2) increases considerable the predictive accuracy by the same ting the proportion of true distressed companies out of the
magnitude as when it was estimated in period t − 1: from an AUC companies classified by the model as distressed (‘True Positive
of 0.851 to 0.892. Model 5 also shows an increase in predictive accu- Rate’) against the proportion of false distressed companies
racy relative to Model 4: from an AUC of 0.835 to 0.836, suggesting (healthy companies) out of the companies classified by the model
that, although marginally, macroeconomic variables contribute posi- as distressed (‘False Positive Rate’) at various cutpoints. As to the
tively to the performance of the model. However, as in the case of use and interpretation of the plots' results, ‘if a test could perfectly
Model 1 and Model 2, the contribution is so small that the perfor- discriminate, it would have a value above which the entire abnor-
mance could also be considered as unchanged. Again, this analysis mal population would fall and below which all normal values
confirms the consistency of the behaviour of macroeconomic indica- would fall (or vice versa). The curve would then pass through the
tors when added either to the t − 2 ‘accounting only’ model or to point (0, 1) on the unit grid. The closer a ROC curve comes to this
the ‘market only’ model. The additional Gini rank coefficients as ideal point, the better its discriminating ability. A test with no dis-
well as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests display patterns consistent criminating ability will produce a curve that follows diagonal of the
with the above discussion and confirm the previous results, both grid.’ 48 Additionally, the areas under the receiver operating charac-
the models estimated in t − 1 and the ones estimated in t − 2. More- teristic curve of the three fitted models are tested for equality,
over, the predictive accuracy of the models presented in this study where an overall p-value below 0.05 is indicative of differences be-
can be located in the high end of the ranges specified by professional tween the areas. In other words, an overall p-value b0.05 signifies
credit managers when measured through the Gini coefficient and the that the null hypothesis of equality of areas under the ROC curve
Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic. can be rejected, thus confirming the reliability of the results.
As stated by Cleves (2002), ‘occasionally, there is a need to compare The nonparametric comparison of the areas under correlated ROC
the predictive accuracy of several fitted logit (logistic) or probit models based on the theory developed for generalised Mann–Whitney
by comparing the areas under the corresponding receiver operating U-statistics was performed, initially, on 3 models estimated in period
characteristic (ROC) curves.’44 In order to perform the comparisons, t − 1: the ‘accounting’ model, the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic
the present study applies for the first time, in financial distress predic- variables’ model, and the ‘full’ model that includes market variables.
tion models, a methodology based on a non-parametric approach that Then, two out of the three models with the best predictive accuracy,
employs the theory developed for generalised Mann–Whitney based on the Area Under the ROC Curve, were selected for another
U-statistics. The present study follows the methodology presented in comparative test with the aim of graphically presenting the increase
DeLong et al. (1988) and takes thus into account the correlated nature in predictive accuracy when market variables are added to Model 2,
of the data that arises when two or more empirical curves are on the one hand, and to test whether the AUC is differs statistically
constructed using tests performed on a same set of firms. This issue is between the two models, on the other. Furthermore, the above pro-
paramount as most of the comparisons of ROC curves made in previous cedure for the three models estimated in t − 1 was repeated for the
studies, not only in the field of finance but also in fields such as atmo- same three models estimated in t − 2. The present study presents
spheric science and medical diagnosis, for which predictions of specific thus 4 figures that allow a comparison between models and between
outcomes are essential, employ the already available computations in estimation periods that facilitates the analysis of the differences in
most statistical analysis software packages. The problem with this ap- predictive accuracy as well as the contribution of the different sets
proach is that the models to be compared (derived using the same of variables (financial statement ratios, macroeconomic indicators,
dataset) are estimated on the same number or set of observations. For and market variables) over time. Figs. 1 to 4 show a graphic repre-
instance, as highlighted by Cleves (2002), when the commands sentation of the discussion drawn from Table 7, regarding the differ-
‘roccontrast’ in SAS or ‘roccomp’ in Stata are employed to compare the ences in the predictive accuracy of the models through the
curves after running the logistic procedure, the programs use the interpretation of their respective AUCs: it can be thus confirmed
same number of observations for all models, as they drop from the com-
putation any observation45 in which at least one of the covariate values 46
The implicit correlation between the curves when two or more empirical curves
is missing (which varies between models). Therefore, difficulties can are constructed using tests performed on a same set of firms.
arise if there are missing values included in some models but not in The use of the SAS PROC LOGISTIC and the macros available from the SAS Institute
results in a method capable of comparing each model's receiver operating characteris-
tics area computed using the entire available number of observations specific to each
p. 301. individual model and not a constant number of observations for all models, thus
Stata's ‘roccomp’ command also drops from the computation any observation in avoiding the problem highlighted by Cleves (2002).
which at least one of the predicted probabilities is missing. See Cleves (2002). DeLong et al. (1988, p. 837).
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 409

Fig. 1. Comparison of areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of Model Fig. 3. Comparison of areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of Model
1, Model 2, and Model 3 estimated in period t − 1. The figure plots the AUC of the ‘ac- 1, Model 2, and Model 3 estimated in period t − 2. The figure plots the AUC of the ‘ac-
counting only’ model, the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model and the counting only’ model, the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model and the
‘full model,’ including market variables; Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3 respectively, ‘full model,’ including market variables; Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3 respectively,
estimated in period t − 1. The comparison was performed using the non-parametric estimated in period t − 2. The comparison was performed using the non-parametric
method to compare areas under correlated ROC curves presented in DeLong et al. method to compare areas under correlated ROC curves presented in DeLong et al.
(1988), where Model 1 AUC = 0.87, Model 2 AUC = 0.88, and Model 3 AUC = 0.92. (1988), where Model 1 AUC = 0.85, Model 2 AUC = 0.85, and Model 3 AUC = 0.89.
The discriminating accuracy of a model's AUC equal to the diagonal line in the graphic The predictive accuracy of a model's AUC equal to the diagonal line in the graphic
(0.50) would be no different than a random guess. Conversely, an AUC equal to 1 (0.50) would be no different than a random guess. Conversely, an AUC equal to 1
would signify that the model is able to perfectly discriminate the binary outcomes. would signify that the model is able to perfectly predict the binary outcomes. There-
Therefore, the closer the real value of an AUC to this theoretical value, the better its dis- fore, the closer the real value of an AUC to this theoretical value, the better its
criminating ability. The overall p-value = b0.0001 indicates that the null hypothesis of predicting ability. The overall p-value = b0.0001 indicates that the null hypothesis
equality of areas under the ROC curve can be rejected. In other words, the small p-value of equality of areas under the ROC curve can be rejected. In other words, the small
of this test strongly suggests that the three areas differ statistically. p-value of this test strongly suggests that the three areas differ statistically.

Fig. 4. Comparison of areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of Model
Fig. 2. Comparison of areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of Model 2, 2, and Model 3 estimated in period t − 2. The figure plots the AUC of the two models
and Model 3 estimated in period t − 1. The figure plots the AUC of the two models with with the best predictive ability: Model 2 and Model 3 estimated in period t − 2, the
the best discriminating ability: Model 2 and Model 3 estimated in period t − 1, the ‘ac- ‘accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model and the ‘full model,’ including mar-
counting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model and the ‘full model,’ including market ket variables, respectively. The comparison was performed using the non-parametric
variables, respectively. The comparison was performed using the non-parametric method method to compare areas under correlated ROC curves presented in DeLong et al.
to compare areas under correlated ROC curves presented in DeLong et al. (1988), where (1988), where Model 2 AUC = 0.85, and Model 3 AUC = 0.89. The predictive accuracy
Model 2 AUC = 0.88, and Model 3 AUC = 0.92. The discriminating accuracy of a model's of a model's AUC equal to the diagonal line in the graphic (0.50) would be no different
AUC equal to the diagonal line in the graphic (0.50) would be no different than a random than a random guess. Conversely, an AUC equal to 1 would signify that the model is
guess. Conversely, an AUC equal to 1 would signify that the model is able to perfectly dis- able to perfectly predict the binary outcomes. Therefore, the closer the real value of
criminate the binary outcomes. Therefore, the closer the real value of an AUC to this the- an AUC to this theoretical value, the better its predictive ability. Similar to the above
oretical value, the better its discriminating ability. Similar to the above comparison of the comparison of the three models, the overall p-value = b0.0001 indicates that the
three models, the overall p-value = b0.0001 indicates that the null hypothesis of equality null hypothesis of equality of areas under the ROC curve for Model 2 and Model 3
of areas under the ROC curve for Model 2 and Model 3 can be rejected. In other words, the can be rejected. In other words, the small p-value of this test strongly suggests that
small p-value of this test strongly suggests that the three areas differ statistically. the three areas differ statistically.
410 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

that the contribution of macroeconomic indicators to the perfor- The marginal effects presented in Table 9 reflect a measure of the
mance of the accounting model is positive, though marginal, when impact of the regressors on the response variable. The predictor vari-
the model is estimated in t − 1, however, results are less conclusive ables with the largest impact, in absolute terms, in Model 2 are invari-
when the model is estimated in t − 2: there is even a very small de- ably the financial ratios TLTA, COVERAGE, and TFOTL, in order of
crease in performance entailed by the inclusion of macroeconomic importance, with the NOCREDINT variable and macroeconomic indi-
indicators. It can be therefore concluded that financial statement ra- cators having the smallest impact on the expected instantaneous
tios are more powerful to predict financial distress in period t − 2. changes in the response variable while keeping all of the other covar-
On the other hand, the inclusion of market variables results in a sub- iates constant. This is also true when Model 2 was estimated in t − 2.
stantial increase in the predictive accuracy of ‘accounting plus mac- Interestingly, when market variables are added to the models based
roeconomic indicators’ models, showing consistency when they are on financial ratios, ABNRET and MCTD are among the 4 largest mar-
estimated in both periods t − 1 and t − 2. Finally, it is worth noting ginal effects in absolute terms in Model 3; MCTD and ABNRET having
that the four comparisons of areas under the curve show an overall the largest marginal effects in Model 3 in period t − 1 and t − 2, re-
p-value = b 0.0001 which indicates that the null hypothesis (H0) spectively. The present study also estimates the marginal effects for
of equality of areas under the ROC curve can be rejected. In other the ‘Market only’ model and the ‘Market plus macroeconomic indica-
words, the small p-value of the resulting from the test strongly sug- tors’ model, Model 4 and Model 5, in order to assess the changes in
gests that the three areas differ statistically and that the analysis is the response variable following a change in the specific market vari-
reliable. ables while keeping all the other covariates constant. These estima-
tions confirm the previous results: in both market models, the
variables ABNRET, MCTD, SIZE and PRICE have the largest marginal
5.1. Marginal effects and changes in predicted probabilities effects, followed by the macroeconomic indicators SHTBRDEF and
RPI, in order of importance and in absolute terms. It can be therefore
The parameters estimated from binary response models, unlike concluded that market variables do contain additional information
those estimated by linear models, cannot be directly interpreted be- very important to the prediction of financial distress. Moreover, mar-
cause they do not provide useful information that fully describes ket variables act as complements to financial ratios and market
the relationship between the independent variable and the outcome variables.
(Long & Freese, 2003). Previous bankruptcy, default, and financial dis- Presenting and analysing marginal effects for all the models in the
tress prediction models constructed using binary response models in- study has filled a gap in the financial distress prediction literature that
variably focus only on the overall discriminating or predictive lacked a measure of the individual instantaneous contribution a
accuracy of the models presented and very rarely do they provide change of a specific variable on the response variable (the financial
an interpretation of the relationship between the predictor variables distress indicator built for the present analysis), while keeping all
and the binary outcome. Such studies report solely the estimates the other regressors constant. Additionally, the present study goes
obtained from binary response models and provide an interpretation further and presents the vector of predicted probabilities for all the
of the direction of the relationship based on the sign of the estimate. individual variables' specific minimum and maximum ranges where
Nevertheless, the basic output (the coefficient estimates) obtained by they have the most impact in the probability of financial distress,
performing binary response models cannot explain the effects of indi- while keeping all the other covariates constant at their respective
vidual variables on the model's outcomes because of their nonlinear means. Thus, Figs. 4–7 show the changes in predicted probabilities
nature. Marginal effects and predicted probabilities are appropriate for accounting, macroeconomic and market variables, respectively,
analytic tools to treat this issue. when the financial distress indicator is equal to 1. The importance
This section presents results of the computation of marginal effects of these figures is that they clearly show the magnitude as well as
of individual regressors as well as graphic representations of predicted the directionality of each regressor reflected by the slope and inclina-
probabilities of financial distressed companies. This section intends to tion of the curves, plotted at various levels of the independent
fill an important gap in the default/financial distress prediction models variables.
literature, where the measurement of expected instantaneous changes Fig. 5 shows the behaviour of the predicted probabilities for finan-
in the response variable (financial distress indicator in the present cial distress at different values of each of the financial statement ra-
study) as function of a change in a specific predictor variable while tios. It can be observed that the COVERAGE variable displays the
keeping all the other covariates constant, has been overlooked. As pre- steepest slope relative to the other ratios, indicating that a given
viously discussed, marginal effect measurements (defined as the com- change in the level of this variable 50 will have the largest impact on
putation of the partial derivative of the event probability with respect the predicted probability of financial distress, when all the other vari-
to the predictor if interest) are very useful to the interpretation of the ables are kept constant at their means. The slope of the COVERAGE
individual effects of the regressors on the dependent variable in discrete vector also shows that there is a negative relationship between the
dependent variable models, or binary response models (logit regression predicted probability and the level of the variable: there is an impor-
in the present study). With regard to their calculation, the present tant decrease of the predicted probabilities of financial distress as the
study's methodology consists of outputting the marginal effects esti- COVERAGE variable approaches its maximum estimation value (1). A
mated at each observation in the dataset and then computing the sam- very similar pattern can be observed for the TFOTL ratio reflecting the
ple average of individual marginal effects in order to obtain the overall liquidity of a company: the slope also negatively relates the predicted
marginal effects. SAS statistical software code was employed to gener- probability of financial distress to the magnitude of the variable, al-
ate the estimated marginal effects. Predicted probabilities were gener- though a change in its value produces a slightly smaller impact than
ated by plotting the vector reflecting the variations in the predicted the one observed when there is a change in the magnitude of
probability of financial distress (the predicted probability that the fi- COVERAGE, as shown by the slope of the vector. Changes in the mag-
nancial distress indicator, Financial_Distress = 1) when the change in nitude of TLTA, on the other hand, are positively related to the pre-
an individual regressor ranges from its approximate minimum to its dicted probability of financial distress, and can be considered as
maximum observed value, keeping all the other covariates constant at having the third most important impact among financial statement
their means.49

49 50
The SAS statistical package was also employed for this calculation. Reflecting the firm's ability to pay interest on outstanding debt.
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 411

Table 9
Marginal effects.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

t−1 t−2 t−1 t−2 t−1 t−2 t−1 t−1

TFOTL −3.375 −3.427 −3.211 −3.464 −4.059 −4.267

TLTA 5.340 0.958 5.595 1.221 2.297 0.026
NOCREDINT −0.887 −0.781 −0.935 −0.794 −0.569 −0.400
COVERAGE −5.564 −5.983 −5.351 −5.878 −3.665 −4.129
RPI 0.084 0.068 0.045 0.031 0.048
SHTBRDEF 0.792 0.994 0.475 0.439 0.431
PRICE −0.393 −0.303 −0.724 −0.696
ABNRET −4.301 −6.846 −7.446 −7.424
SIZE −0.887 −0.188 −1.857 −1.769
MCTD −4.872 −2.666 −4.119 −4.291
n 18,276 15,909 18,070 15,703 13,529 12,305 14,807 14,578

Notes: This table reports the marginal effects (in percentages) for the ‘accounting only’ model, the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model, the ‘full’ model including also
market variables, or Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3, respectively. Additionally, marginal effects are generated for a ‘market only’ model and a ‘market plus macroeconomic
indicators’ model, Model 4 and Model 5, for comparison purposes. n represents the number of observations. Marginal effects are intended to measure the expected
instantaneous changes in the response variable (the financial distress indicator) as a function of a change in a specific predictor variable while keeping all the other covariates
constant. The methodology used in the present study to generate the marginal effects consists of outputting the individual marginal effects estimated at each observation in the
dataset and then calculating their sample average in order to obtain the overall marginal effect.

Fig. 5. Changes in predicted probabilities — financial statement ratios. The figure plots the vectors reflecting changes in predicted probabilities (for Financial Distress = 1) at dif-
ferent levels of the accounting independent variables Total Funds from Operations to Total Liabilities (TFOTL), Total Liabilities to Total Assets (TLTA), the No Credit Interval
(NOCREDINT), and Interest Coverage (COVERAGE), keeping all the other covariates constant at their mean values (TFOTL = 0.097, TLTA = 0.498, NOCREDINT = −0.2, COVER-
AGE = 0.6, RPI = 178.1, SHTBRDEF = 2.046, PRICE = 4.427, ABNRET = −0.11, SIZE = −10, MCTD = 0.91). The computation was made taking into account all the variables in-
cluded in the ‘Full’ model or Model 3 (financial statement ratios, macroeconomic indicators and market variables). Predicted probabilities are estimated employing an approximate
value of the minimum and maximum ranges of the independent variables. In this way, the predicted probabilities for all levels of a variable can be observed. This figure reports the
predicted probabilities for the ‘Full’ model estimated in period t − 1, the vectors estimated using the full model in t − 2 have very similar shapes, so they were not reported in the
present study.
412 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Fig. 6. Changes in predicted probabilities — market variables. The figure plots the vectors reflecting changes in predicted probabilities (for Financial Distress = 1) at different levels of the
market independent variables Share Price (PRICE), Abnormal Returns (ABNRET), the relative Size of the company (SIZE), and the ratio Market Capitalisation to Total Debt (MCTD), keeping
all the other covariates constant at their mean values (TFOTL = 0.097, TLTA = 0.498, NOCREDINT = −0.2, COVERAGE = 0.6, RPI = 178.1, SHTBRDEF = 2.046, PRICE = 4.427,
ABNRET = −0.11, SIZE = −10, MCTD = 0.91). The computation was made taking into account all the variables included in the ‘Full’ model or Model 3 (financial statement ratios, mac-
roeconomic indicators and market variables). Predicted probabilities are estimated employing an approximate value of the minimum and maximum ranges of the independent variables.
In this way, the predicted probabilities for all levels of a variable can be observed. This figure reports the predicted probabilities for the ‘Full’ model estimated in period t − 1, the vectors
estimated using the full model in t − 2 have very similar shapes, so they were not reported in the present study.

ratios, followed by NOCREDINT, whose slope is almost flat, indicating 5.2. Classification accuracy tables
a very small negative impact (Fig. 6).
As expected, all of the market variables show a negative rela- Classification accuracy tables have been used in previous works as
tionship between variations in individual levels and predicted an additional tool to measure the predictive accuracy of the default/
probabilities of financial distress. The covariate with the largest im- bankruptcy prediction models. The present study, however, employs a
pact on the latter is SIZE, as the vector displays the steepest slope. It different and more appropriate methodology to estimate proportions
is followed by ABNRET, MCTD and PRICE, which is consistent with of correct and incorrect classifications of financially and non-
the output obtained from the calculation of marginal effects. Final- financially distressed firms. In order to classify a set of binary data, pre-
ly, variations in the magnitude of economic indicators are positive- vious research works employ the same observations used to fit the
ly related to changes in the predicted probabilities of financial model to estimate the classification error, resulting in biased
distress when all the other covariates are kept constant at their error-count estimates. In other words, the widely-used 2 × 2 frequency
means. Interestingly, the vectors' slopes of the macroeconomic in- tables' estimates, where correctly classified observations are displayed
dicators RPI and SHTBRDEF are steeper than the financial statement on the main diagonal of the table, are derived using all observations to
ratios TLTA and COVERAGE, which could lead us to conclude that fit the model. Therefore, the results are biased, as each observation
they have a larger impact on the predicted probability of financial has an effect on the model used to classify itself. One way of reducing
distress than the estimates of marginal effects would suggest. How- the bias is ‘to remove the binary observation to be classified from the
ever, this is hardly the case, as the ranges used to plot the slopes of data, re-estimate the parameters of the model, and then classify the ob-
the macroeconomic indicators are larger in absolute terms than servation based on the new parameter estimates.51’ As it is clear that
those of the two financial statement ratios, which might explain
the observed phenomenon. 51
SAS Institute.
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 413

Fig. 7. Changes in predicted probabilities — macroeconomic indicators. The figure plots the vectors reflecting changes in predicted probabilities (for Financial Distress = 1) at dif-
ferent levels of the macroeconomic independent variables Retail Price Index (RPI), and the proxy for interest rates, the Deflated Short Term Bill Rate (SHTBRDEF), keeping all the
other covariates constant at their mean values (TFOTL = 0.097, TLTA = 0.498, NOCREDINT = −0.2, COVERAGE = 0.6, RPI = 178.1, SHTBRDEF = 2.046, PRICE = 4.427,
ABNRET = −0.11, SIZE = −10, MCTD = 0.91). The computation was made taking into account all the variables included in the ‘Full’ model or Model 3 (financial statement ratios,
macroeconomic indicators and market variables). Predicted probabilities are estimated employing an approximate value of the minimum and maximum ranges of the independent
variables. In this way, the predicted probabilities for all levels of a variable can be observed. This figure reports the predicted probabilities for the ‘Full’ model estimated in period
t − 1, the vectors estimated using the full model in t − 2 have very similar shapes, so they were not reported in the present study.

this method is rather expensive for very large datasets, the present accuracy when market variables are added to a model based on finan-
study employs the logistic procedure that provides a less-expensive cial statement ratios (Panel A and panel B in Table 10, respectively).
one step approximation to the preceding parameter estimates.52 Furthermore, Table 10 also exhibits a classification table for Model 3
In order to construct a bias-adjusted classification table, predicted estimated in period t − 2 in order to test whether the ‘Full’ model
financial distress event probabilities are estimated for each observa- continues to be useful in predicting financial distress two years
tion. If the predicted event probability exceeds or equals a given prior to the distress event, thus confirming its predictive accuracy. It
cutpoint value (whose real line is mapped onto [0,1]), then the obser- can be concluded that the methodology employed was effective to
vation is predicted to be in financial distress, otherwise, it is predicted confirm these two points: there is a considerable increase in classifi-
to be a non-event or non-financially distressed. The probability levels cation performance from Model 2 to Model 3, meaning that market
chosen range from 0.020 to 0.120 in order to get high levels of Sensi- variables provide useful information not included in financial state-
tivity and Specificity, combined as well as individually. The advantage ment ratios or macroeconomic indicators. Furthermore, the improve-
of this methodology to construct classification tables is that it pro- ment suggests that the three types of variables act as complementary,
vides a useful tool to re-calibrate a distress prediction model with dif- confirming the previous results obtained from the analysis of Areas
ferent probability cutpoints depending on the costs assigned to the under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve. The 0.060 proba-
Type I and II errors. bility level was chosen as an appropriate benchmark to perform a
The present study measures the accuracy of the classification comparison between models for the following reasons: First, this
through its Sensitivity (the ability of the model to predict a financial dis- level is equal to the rate of failed to healthy companies for which
tress event correctly) and Specificity (the ability of the model to predict complete data made the computation of predicted probabilities possi-
a non-financial distress event correctly). In Table 10, the ‘Correct’ col- ble. Second, this level produces the smallest gap between sensitivity
umn shows the number of observations that were correctly predicted and specificity percentages. Panels A, B, and C show that a probability
as financially distressed and non-financially distressed, respectively. level of 0.060 used as cutpoint, yields the combined highest predic-
The ‘Incorrect’ column presents the number of non-financially distress- tive accuracy between Sensitivity and Specificity for the three models.
ed observations that were incorrectly predicted as financially distress- The increase in predictive accuracy when market variables are added
ed, and the number of financially distressed observations that were to the ‘Accounting and macroeconomic indicators’ model is equal to 5
incorrectly predicted as non-financially distressed, respectively. The percentage points as measured by the proportion of correct classifica-
‘Percentages’ column exhibits the rate of correct classifications, the pro- tions in column 6 of Table 10, at the 0.060 probability level as cutpoint
portion of financial distress responses that were predicted to be finan- value; from 80 to 85% correct classifications in Model 2 and Model 3,
cial distress events (Sensitivity, or the ability of the model to predict respectively.
financial distress correctly), and the rate of non-financial distress re- Furthermore, when Model 3 is estimated in period t − 2, the rate
sponses that were predicted to be non-financial distress events (Speci- of correct classifications decreases by only one percentage point rela-
ficity, or the ability of the model to predict non-financial distress tive to the same model estimated in period t − 1, at the same 0.060
correctly), respectively. probability cutpoint: the correct classifications percentage is 85 in
Biased-adjusted classification tables were calculated for Model 2 t − 1, decreasing only marginally to 84 in t − 2. This indicates that
(the ‘Accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model) and Model the ‘Full’ model is also very useful to predict financial distress two
3 (the ‘Full’ model) in order to assess the increase in the classification years prior to the event.
The present classification table also possesses the advantage of
52 allowing a risk manager to calculate higher percentages of Sensitivity
viewer.htm#statug_logistic_sect037.htm. and Specificity individually. This is particularly useful as Type I and II
414 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Table 10
Bias-adjusted classification table.

Probability level Correct Incorrect Percentages

Distressed Non-distressed Distressed Non-distressed Correct Sensitivity Specificity

Panel A: Model 2 (t − 1)
0.020 841 12,282 4861 86 72.6 90.7 71.6
0.040 785 13,602 3541 142 79.6 84.7 79.3
0.060 762 13,764 3379 165 80.4 82.2 80.3
0.080 738 13,983 3160 189 81.5 79.6 81.6
0.100 701 14,275 2868 226 82.9 75.6 83.3
0.120 646 14,643 2500 281 84.6 69.7 85.4

Panel B: Model 3 (t − 1)
0.020 685 9455 3346 43 75.0 94.1 73.9
0.040 651 10,419 2382 77 81.8 89.4 81.4
0.060 631 10,845 1956 97 84.8 86.7 84.7
0.080 608 11,136 1665 120 86.8 83.5 87.0
0.100 584 11,342 1459 144 88.2 80.2 88.6
0.120 563 11,499 1302 165 89.2 77.3 89.8

Panel C: Model 3 (t − 2)
0.020 654 7793 3800 58 68.6 91.9 67.2
0.040 611 9305 2288 101 80.6 85.8 80.3
0.060 576 9757 1836 136 84.0 80.9 84.2
0.080 556 10,013 1580 156 85.9 78.1 86.4
0.100 532 10,205 1388 180 87.3 74.7 88.0
0.120 508 10,356 1237 204 88.3 71.3 89.3

Notes: This table reports a biased-adjusted classification table for predicted distress frequencies at different probability levels as cut-off values for Model 2 estimated in period t − 1, and
Model 3 estimated in period t − 1 and t − 2, in Panel A, B and C, respectively. The ‘Correct’ column shows the number of observations that were correctly predicted as financially dis-
tressed (Column 2) and non-financially distressed (Column 3), respectively. The ‘Incorrect’ column presents the number of non-financially distressed observations that were incorrectly
predicted as financially distressed (Column 4), and the number of financially distressed observations that were incorrectly predicted as non-financially distressed (Column 5), respective-
ly. The ‘Percentages’ column exhibits the rate of correct classifications (Column 6), the proportion of financial distress responses that were predicted to be financial distress events (Sen-
sitivity, or the ability of the model to predict financial distress correctly, Column 7), and the rate of non-financial distress responses that were predicted to be non-financial distress events
(Specificity, or the ability of the model to predict financial health correctly, Column 8), respectively.

errors are not equally weighted by practitioners. A false positive error confirm whether the predictive accuracy holds when the model is es-
is not as expensive as a false negative: the cost of firm predicted as fi- timated one year prior to the event of financial distress. As shown in
nancially distressed when it is in fact healthy, is less than the cost of a Table 11, the predictive accuracy decreases only marginally when the
firm predicted as financially healthy when it is in fact financially dis- model is tested with the two sub-period data. Interestingly, the
tressed. Therefore, if this is the case, a risk manager would be more model performs better in the 2007–2011 period than in the
interested in increasing the rate of correctly classified financially dis- 2001–2006 period, which might be explained by the smaller number
tressed firms (Sensitivity), choosing a lower probability level as of observations of the former, and thus the lower amount of financial
cutpoint. 53 This would be done, however, only at the cost of reducing distress events to predict. The same analysis applies when the model
the ability of the model to predict non-financial distress events cor- is estimated in t − 2. Nevertheless, the model retains a very high pre-
rectly (Specificity). The present study presented the rates of Specific- dictive accuracy overall.
ity and Sensitivity at different probability levels as cutpoints to show
the practical use of this approach to measure the accuracy of a dis- 5.4. Performance comparison benchmarks
tress prediction model and its advantages in relation to the widely
employed 2 × 2 frequency tables that implicitly give equal weights The present study also tests the robustness of the models through
to Type I and Type II errors. a comparison between the three main Models presented (Model 1, 2,
and 3), the classic Altman's (1968) model estimated employing lo-
5.3. Model validation gistic regression, the widely-used Altman's (1968) Z-score, and the

In order undertake validation tests for model performance, the

main database was divided in two sub-periods: 2001–2006 and
2007–2011. The first one corresponds to the period after the collapse
Table 11
of the information technology bubble, which took place during Model validation — areas under the ROC curve.
2000–2001, and the second one is the period following the global fi-
1980–2011 2001–2006 2007–2011
nancial crisis of 2007 to 2011. The ‘Full’ model was applied to the
two sub-periods in order to test whether its predictive accuracy re- Model 3 in t − 1 0.9190 0.9029 0.9123
Model 3 in t − 2 0.8918 0.8807 0.8935
main acceptable as measured by the Area Under the ROC Curve. Addi-
tionally, Model 3 was tested in period t − 1 and t − 2, in order to Notes: This table reports the model validation results for Model 3 estimated in period
t − 1 and t − 2. The main data set was divided into two sub-periods. The first one,
2001–2006, corresponds to the period after the collapse of the information technology
bubble, and the second one, 2007–2001, is the period that follows the global financial
In this case the predicted probability used as cutpoint would have to be lower than crisis that started in 2007. The predictive accuracy or the overall performance of the
the 0.060 level. model is measured by the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve.
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 415

Table 12 comparison purposes by these authors. The present study employs the
Logistic regression and artificial neural networks performance comparison results — multilayer perceptron,55 which is the most common architecture in ar-
areas under the ROC curve.
tificial neural networks (Alfaro, García, Gámez, & Elizondo, 200856). In
Measure Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Altman Multilayer this regard, Table 12 shows that the comprehensive Model 3 estimated
perceptron using artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptron) yields the
Panel A: models' performance in t − 1 highest overall performance among all models with an AUC equal to
AUC 0.8718 0.8763 0.9190 0.8517 0.9250 0.9250, followed by Model 3 estimated using logistic regression with
Gini rank coefficient 0.7436 0.7526 0.8380 0.7034 0.8500
an AUC equal to 0.9190. The marginally superior performance of artifi-
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 0.5949 0.6021 0.6704 0.5627 0.6800
cial neural networks is consistent with previous research; neural net-
Panel B: models' performance in t − 2 works comprise highly complex sets of node connections and weights
AUC 0.8523 0.8514 0.8918 0.8229 0.9120 that can be obtained from software (Olson et al., 2012), and overcome
Gini rank coefficient 0.7046 0.7028 0.7836 0.6458 0.8240 the restrictions entailed by traditional statistical methodologies (logis-
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 0.5637 0.5622 0.6269 0.5166 0.6592
tic regression included) such as the assumption of linearity, normality,
Notes: This table reports model performance statistics. Panel A shows measures for the independence among predictor variables, for instance (Yang, You, & Ji,
models estimated in period t − 1 and Panel B displays the same measures for the
2011). However, Table 12 shows that the difference in performance is
models estimated in t − 2. Models 1, 2, 3 and Altman's model were estimated using
the panel logit methodology. In addition, Model 3 was estimated using the neural net- marginal; moreover, logistic regression has the advantage of providing
works methodology (multilayer perceptron). Model 1 is the ‘accounting only’ model, a form that can be understood and transported quite easily, unlike neu-
Model 2 is the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic variables’ model, Model 3 is the ‘full’ ral networks, which lack ‘transparency (seeing what the model is doing,
model, including market variables in addition to the variables in Model 2. The Altman or comprehensibility) and transportability (being able to easily deploy
Model includes the following accounting ratios: Working Capital to Total Assets,
Retained Earnings to Total Assets, Earnings Before Interest and Taxes to Total Assets,
the model into a decision support system for new cases)’ (Olson et al.,
Market Value of Equity to Book Value of Total Debt, and Sales to Total Assets. The 201257).
first measure, the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC), is Table 13 presents a biased-adjusted classification table for pre-
a direct measure of the predictive accuracy of the models estimated using the logit dicted distress frequencies at different probability levels as cut-off
methodology; Gini coefficients and Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic are also presented.
values when the models are estimated in period t − 1. Models 2, 3,
and Altman's model are estimated using the panel logit methodology
(Sections A, B, and C respectively). In addition, Model 3 was estimat-
ed using the neural networks methodology (multilayer perceptron)
comprehensive model estimated using artificial neural networks in section D. When the 0.060 level is used as a benchmark to compare
(multilayer perceptron). Three techniques for the prediction of fi- the predictive accuracy of Model 2 and Model 3 relative to the Alt-
nancial distress are therefore employed to test the performance of man model, it can be observed that Model 2 possesses a marginally
our model. Table 12 presents a comparison of the performance of higher predictive accuracy than Altman's (1968) model: the overall
the ‘Accounting only’ model, the ‘Accounting plus macroeconomic rate of correct predictions for the Altman model is 77.8%, following
indicators’ model, the ‘Full’ model, Altman's (1968) model estimated closely the predictive accuracy of Model 2, which is equal to 80.4%.
using logistic regression, and the ‘Full’ model estimated using artifi- On the other hand, the ‘Full’ model displays a rate of correct predic-
cial neural networks, as measured by the Area under the Receiver tions equal to 86.7%, which is significantly superior to both
Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC), Gini rank coefficients, and accounting-based models.
Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics. Finally, when Model 3 is estimated using artificial neural net-
Table 12 shows that when the Altman model is estimated works (multilayer perceptron), it can be observed that it yields a
employing the panel logit methodology, it displays a predictive accura- very similar classification accuracy to Model 3 in t − 1; with regard
cy similar (marginally inferior) to the ‘Accounting only’ model (Model to the overall accuracy, Model 3 (logistic regression) shows a mar-
1) and the ‘Accounting plus macroeconomic indicators’ model (Model ginally higher performance of only 10 basis points (0.10%) approxi-
2), as measured by the Area Under the ROC Curve. This is as expected, mately at the three probability levels presented. Table 13 also
as Model 1, Model 2 and the Altman model are accounting-based shows that, as to the performance in correctly predicting financially
models, which makes the comparison appropriate. Model 2, which in- distressed firms, the neural networks methodology is marginally su-
cludes macroeconomic indicators, yields the best performance among perior (by less than 1 percentage point) to the logistic regression
the accounting-based models (AUC = 0.8763), followed by Model 1 methodology. The opposite is true as to the rate of correct classifica-
(AUC = 0.8718), and Altman's (1968) model (0.8517) in t − 1. This tions of healthy firms: the logistic methodology is marginally superi-
same pattern is reproduced when the models are estimated in t − 2, or to the neural networks technique. Overall, it can be concluded that
the only difference being, as previously discussed, that Model 1 perfor- the performances of the logistic regression model and the neural
mance is marginally higher than Model 2, indicating that the informa- networks model are almost identical, as the differences in predictive
tion contained in accounting variables is more relevant to the accuracy are very small, with the neural networks model
prediction of failure/financial distress than the information obtained outperforming the logit model for the prediction of failed/distressed
from macroeconomic variables when the model is estimated with firms, although by a very small margin (less than 1 percentage point
data two years prior to the event of failure/financial distress. approximately), which is consistent with the results obtained
Following the comparative approach between statistical methods through the analysis of their respective areas under the ROC curves
and intelligent techniques in Olson, Delen, and Meng (2012), Tseng in Table 12.
and Hu (2010), Cho, Kim, and Bae (2009), and Kumar and Ravi Table 14 shows Altman's Z-score classification table to discriminate
(2007), the present study also estimates Model 3 (the ‘Full’ model) between healthy and financially distressed companies employing the
using artificial neural networks54 in order to perform an additional
test of the performance of our model. Moreover, logistic regression is
a prevalent statistical methodology employed as benchmark for

The multilayer perceptron is a feedforward network that consists of an input layer,
an output layer, and a number of hidden layers.
54 56
For details regarding the fitting of the artificial neural network model in the pres- p. 116.
ent study, see Appendix A. p. 464.
416 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Table 13
Bias-adjusted classification table — logistic regression and artificial neural networks comparison.

Probability level Correct Incorrect Percentages

Distressed Non-distressed Distressed Non-distressed Correct Sensitivity Specificity

Panel A: Model 2 (t − 1)
0.040 785 13,602 3541 142 79.6 84.7 79.3
0.060 762 13,764 3379 165 80.4 82.2 80.3
0.080 738 13,983 3160 189 81.5 79.6 81.6

Panel B: Model 3 (t − 1)
0.040 651 10,419 2382 77 81.8 89.4 81.4
0.060 631 10,845 1956 97 84.8 86.7 84.7
0.080 608 11,136 1665 120 86.8 83.5 87.0

Panel C: Altman model (t − 1)

0.040 1046 12,584 5887 170 69.2 86.0 68.1
0.060 944 14,365 4106 272 77.8 77.6 77.8
0.080 854 15,359 3112 362 82.4 70.2 83.2

Panel D: multilayer perceptron (t − 1)

0.040 659 10,390 2411 69 81.7 90.5 81.2
0.060 640 10,818 1983 88 84.7 87.9 84.5
0.080 620 11,098 1703 108 86.6 85.2 86.7

Notes: This table reports a biased-adjusted classification table for predicted distress frequencies at different probability levels as cut-off values when the models are estimated in
period t − 1. Models 2, 3, and Altman's model are estimated using the panel logit methodology (Panels A, B, and C respectively). In addition, Model 3 was estimated using the neu-
ral networks methodology (multilayer perceptron) in Panel D. The ‘Correct’ column shows the number of observations that were correctly predicted as financially distressed and
non-financially distressed, respectively. The ‘Incorrect’ column presents the number of non-financially distressed observations that were incorrectly predicted as financially dis-
tressed, and the number of financially distressed observations that were incorrectly predicted as non-financially distressed, respectively. The ‘Percentages’ column exhibits the
rate of correct classifications, the proportion of financial distress responses that were predicted to be financial distress events (Sensitivity, or the ability of the model to predict fi-
nancial distress correctly), and the rate of non-financial distress responses that were predicted to be non-financial distress events (Specificity, or the ability of the model to predict
financial health correctly), respectively.

widely-used cutoff values: a company is classified as ‘financially companies while the Z-score model correctly classified 81%. Second,
healthy’ if its Z-score is greater than 2.99 and as ‘financially dis- using the same 0.060 predicted probability level as cut-off, the ‘full’
tressed’ if its Z-score is less than 1.81; additionally, following model displays an almost equal predictive accuracy with regard to finan-
Altman (2000), a company is classified as ‘financially distressed’ cially healthy companies (sensitivity is equal to 85%), which makes the
if its Z-score is less than 2.67 (in parenthesis). From Table 14, it model reliable for the prediction of both distressed and financially
can be conclude that this method shows an impressive classifica- healthy companies. Third, in technical terms, it is very straightforward
tion accuracy with regard to financially distressed firms. However, to modify the predicted probability level employed as cut-off in order
the Z-score performance is less impressive to correctly classify to minimise Type I or Type II errors (through a trade-off) depending
safe or financially healthy companies, identifying a high propor- on the researcher's/risk manager's objectives.
tion of healthy firms as distressed. Even if an error of the first
kind or Type I error (false positive) is not as costly as an error of
the second kind (false negative), the present analysis shows that 6. Conclusions
our model for UK listed companies has some advantages over the
Z-score model. First, when comparing the predictive accuracy, it can This study offers a comparison of the classification accuracy and
be observed that, taking the 0.060 predicted probability level as predictive power of three types of variables (financial statement ra-
cut-off, the ‘full’ model displays a superior performance for the classifi- tios, macroeconomic indicators and market variables) in a logit
cation of distressed firms: it correctly classified 87% of distressed model for quoted companies in the United Kingdom based on a fi-
nancial definition of firm distress. It contributes to the default pre-
diction literature by, first, using a finance-based definition of
distress complemented with a technical approach built using infor-
mation provided by the London Share Price Database. The advantage
Table 14
Altman's Z-score classification table. is that the definition of financial distress presented in this study is
not contingent upon its ultimate legal consequence: bankruptcy, as
Observed Predicted
in most of the previous prediction literature. A wider, ex ante ap-
Healthy Distressed Total % Correct proach is employed, in order to detect early stages of financial dis-
Healthy 9178 8278 17,456 52.58% tress with a high degree of reliability that could be useful to
Distressed 234 899 (997) 1133 79.35% (80.99%) practitioners to avert the high costs associated with a bankruptcy fil-
Overall percent 54.21% ing. Second, a large dataset was built merging different types of in-
Average percent 65.96%
formation from data sources widely used in the academic as well as
Notes: This table shows the classification accuracy results for Altman's Z-score model. In in the industry fields. Therefore, this study relies not only on inde-
order to estimate the rate of correct predictions, three different cut-offs were employed: pendent variables used in previous research works; but it also used
a company was classified as financially healthy if its Z-score was greater than 2.99, and
it was classified as failed/financially distressed if its Z-score was less than 1.81. The num-
a multi-level theoretical and empirical procedure to test and select
bers in parenthesis represent the firms classified as failed/financially distressed when the variables with the highest contribution to the overall accuracy
using a cut-off of 2.67, following Altman (2000). of the model. Furthermore, the study presents, unlike most studies
M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419 417

in the field of default prediction, a theoretically-based justification Output layer.

for the use of each of the retained variables in the final models. The Dependent variable: financial distress indicator
result is a model for the prediction of financial distress in the United Number of units: 2
Kingdom for quoted companies that, with a small number of vari- Activation function: Softmax
ables, displays a very high classification and prediction accuracy rel- Error function: cross-entropy
ative to previous research works. Third, and perhaps most Casing processing summary.
importantly, the study tests, for the first time in financial distress Training: 70.2%
prediction models for quoted companies in the UK, the relative con- Holdout: 29.8%
tributions (individual and as groups) of the three types of variables
to the predictive accuracy of the model: financial, macroeconomic
and market variables. Prior research has tested the ability of market
variables to predict bankruptcy employing methodologies such as
the Black and Scholes contingent claims or option-based approach.
However, the results obtained from these models (that entail nu-
merous restrictive assumptions) have been controversial. Many ef-
forts have been carried out to demonstrate the superiority of
market-based models over accounting-based models and vice
versa. To this point, the default prediction literature is characterised
by a competing approach, where there is a clear division line be-
tween market and accounting variables. The present study adopts a
different approach where the use of these types of variables is not
mutually exclusive. It is tested whether the market variables (depen-
dent, in some measure, upon the same financial information) add in-
formation that is not contained in financial statements and therefore
act as complement in default prediction models. The results
presented in this study clearly indicate that this is the case. The con-
siderable increase of the Area Under the Receiver Operating Charac-
teristics (ROC) Curve (among several other formal measures), from
0.88 to 0.92 in a model estimated in t − 1 and from 0.85 to 0.89 in
a model estimated in t − 2, that followed the incorporation of mar-
ket variables in an accounting model indicates that they contain in-
formation that is not included in financial statement ratios. A
comparison of areas under correlated ROC curves performed using
a non-parametric method, and the estimation of biased-adjusted
classification tables confirmed these results. In addition, when a
full model was estimated in t − 2 to test the real predictive accuracy Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve when:
of the model, three out of four market variables retained their statis- Financial distress indicator (1) = 0.925
tical significance, the same proportion as the financial ratios, which Financial distress indicator (0) = 0.925.
indicates that the variables included in the model are consistent. In-
terestingly, Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit tests for binary
response logistic models suggest that the ‘full model’ fitted with A.2. Estimation of Model 3 with industry controls
market variables is an adequate model, unlike the ‘accounting only’
or ‘accounting plus macroeconomic variables’ model. On the other
hand, results are less conclusive for macroeconomic variables,
which contribute only marginally to the overall classification accura-
cy of the model. Finally, the estimation of marginal effects fills an im-
Industry code construction.
portant gap in the default prediction literature by presenting
expected instantaneous changes in the response variable as function Industry SIC code Industry name
of a change in a specific predictor variable while keeping all the other code

covariates constant, which is very useful to the interpretation of the 1 b1000 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
individual effects. 2 1000 to less than 1500 Mineral industries
3 1500 to less than 1800 Construction industries
4 2000 to less than 4000 Manufacturing
Appendix A 5 4000 to less than 5000 Transportation, communication and
A.1. Fitting of Model 3 using the artificial neural 6 5000 to less than 5200 Wholesale trade
networks methodology (multilayer perceptron) 7 5200 to less than 6000 Retail trade
8 6000 to less than 6800 Finance, insurance, and real estate
9 7000 to less than 8900 Service industries
Neural networks. 10 9100 to less than Public administration
Network information. 10,000
Input layer covariates: 1. TFOTL, 2. TLTA, 3. NOCREDINT, 4. Notes: This table shows the SIC codes corresponding to the Industry classification used
COVERAGE, 5. RPI, 6. SHTBRDEF, 7. PRICE, 8. ABNRET, 9. SIZE, 10. in the present study to control for firm sector. Four-digit SIC codes for each firm were
MCTD employed for the partitioning into ten major industrial sectors. The corresponding
Hidden layers. names of the industrial groupings are presented in the last column of the table. Firm
belonging to the ‘finance, insurance and real estate sector’ were excluded from the
Number of hidden layers: 1 analysis. Following Chava and Jarrow (2004), SIC codes were chosen for this study be-
Number of units in hidden layer 1 (excluding the bias unit): 4 cause they are the most widely available industry classifications for the present sample
Activation function: hyperbolic tangent period.
418 M. Hernandez Tinoco, N. Wilson / International Review of Financial Analysis 30 (2013) 394–419

Logit regression of financial distress indicator on predictor variables with industry dummies.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

t−1 t−2 t−1 t−2 t−1 t−2 t−1 t−1

TFOTL −0.8081** −0.7355** −0.7684** −0.7326** −1.1047** −1.0056**

(6.67) (6.14) (6.31) (6.09) (6.62) (6.24)
TLTA 1.1752** −0.0109 1.2222** 0.0347 0.6149** −0.1022
(6.70) (0.06) (6.95) (0.19) (2.58) (0.42)
NOCREDINT −0.2183** −0.1766** −0.2313** −0.1795** −0.1440** −0.0968*
(4.87) (3.94) (5.16) (4.00) (2.65) (1.85)
COVERAGE −1.3580** −1.3124** −1.3093** −1.2797** −0.9805** −0.9885**
(23.20) (22.68) (22.31) (21.95) (14.25) (14.44)
RPI 0.0211** 0.0158** 0.0123** 0.0079** 0.0109**
(8.78) (6.30) (4.38) (2.78) (4.37)
SHTBRDEF 0.1889** 0.2141** 0.1258** 0.1025** 0.0991**
(6.44) (5.68) (3.81) (2.43) (3.42)
PRICE −0.1022** −0.0740** −0.1650** −0.1588**
(3.87) (2.88) (6.60) (6.28)
ABNRET −1.1505** −1.6262** −1.7593** −1.7364**
(9.53) (13.60) (15.33) (15.06)
SIZE −0.2469** −0.0476 −0.4484** −0.4242**
(7.44) (1.55) (15.56) (14.55)
MCTD −1.2621** −0.6109** −0.9678** −0.9878**
(7.26) (3.05) (6.87) (6.98)
Constant −3.9969** −2.8718** −8.9642** −6.4594** −7.2825** −3.7900** −19.8216 −20.4127
(3.48) (2.44) (6.96) (4.89) (4.54) (2.40) (0.03) (0.05)
Industry dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pseudo R2 0.0934 0.0951 0.0977 0.0978 0.1428 0.1277 0.1027 0.1041
Max-rescaled R2 0.2826 0.2687 0.2936 0.2743 0.4169 0.3573 0.2996 0.3009

Notes: This table reports results from logit regressions of the financial distress indicator on the predictor variables. The models were computed for two periods: using the accounts, market
and macroeconomic data from the year prior to the observation of the financial distress event (t − 1), and the accounts, market and macroeconomic data from two years prior to the
observation of the financial distress event (t − 2) in order to confirm their predictive ability in addition to their discriminating power. Additionally, results are also presented for a
‘Market’ model that incorporates market variables in t − 1 for comparison purposes. The absolute value of Z-statistics is reported in parenthesis. * denotes significant at 10%, ** denotes
significant at 5%–1%.

Model performance measures — models with indus

Measure Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Panel A: models' performance in t − 1

AUC 0.8719 0.8775 0.9194 0.8723 0.8735
Gini rank coefficient 0.7438 0.7550 0.8388 0.7446 0.7470
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 0.5950 0.6040 0.6710 0.5957 0.5976
Cox & Snell's R2 0.0934 0.0977 0.1428 0.1027 0.1041
Nagelkerke's R2 0.2826 0.2936 0.4169 0.2996 0.3009
χ2* (4, 6, 10, 4, 6) 1792.53 (p b .0001) 1857.77 (p b .0001) 2084.05 (p b .0001) 1604.07 (p b .0001) 1602.42 (p b .0001)
Hosmer & Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test
χ2 (8) 76.6702 56.0823 11.0757 16.7956 14.9459
Pr > χ2 b.0001 b.0001 0.1974 0.0323 0.0602

Panel B: models' performance in t − 2

AUC 0.8548 0.8553 0.8922 0.8371 0.8368
Gini rank coefficient 0.7096 0.7106 0.7844 0.6742 0.6736
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 0.5677 0.5685 0.6275 0.5394 0.5389
Cox & Snell's R2 0.0951 0.0978 0.1277 0.0834 0.0843
Nagelkerke's R2 0.2687 0.2743 0.3573 0.2336 0.2333
χ2* (4, 6, 10, 4, 6) 1589.11 (p b .0001) 1616.09 (p b .0001) 1680.4646 (p b .0001) 1186.2039 (p b .0001) 1175.0079 (p b .0001)
Hosmer & Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test
χ2 (8) 77.4006 36.4974 10.3433 14.7841 11.3724
Pr > χ2 b.0001 b.0001 0.2418 0.0635 0.1815

Notes: This table reports model performance statistics. Section A shows measures for the five models estimated in period t − 1 and Section B displays the same measures for all of
the models estimated in t − 2. Model 1 is the ‘accounting only’ model, Model 2 is the ‘accounting plus macroeconomic variables’ model, Model 3 is the ‘full’ model, including market
variables in addition to the variables in Model 2, Model 4 is the ‘market only’ model, and Model 5 is the ‘market plus macroeconomic variables’ model. The first measure is a direct
measure of the predictive accuracy of models estimated using the logit methodology, the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC); Gini coefficients, Kolmo-
gorov–Smirnov statistics, Cox and Snell R-squared, Nagelkerke's Max-rescaled R-squared and the models' Chi-squared are also presented. Additionally Hosmer and Lemeshow
goodness-of-fit statistics are displayed. * the parenthesis following the model's χ2 represent the degrees of freedom for each estimated model: 4 for Model 1, 6 for Model 2, 10
for Model 3, 4 for Model 4, and 6 for Model 5.

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