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Instruction book
Atlas Copco


Instruction book
Original instructions

Copyright Notice
Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.

This instruction book is valid for CE as well as non-CE labelled machines. It meets the
requirements for instructions specified by the applicable European directives as identified
in the Declaration of Conformity.

2013 - 12
Instruction book

Table of contents

1 Safety precautions..........................................................................................................5

1.1 SAFETY ICONS...................................................................................................................................5

1.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, GENERAL...........................................................................................................5

1.3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING INSTALLATION...........................................................................................6

1.4 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATION..............................................................................................7

1.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR...........................................................................8

2 General description......................................................................................................10

2.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................10

2.2 AIR FLOW, OIL AND COOLING SYSTEM...................................................................................................13

2.3 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM.........................................................................................................................16

3 Elektronikon® Graphic Plus controller.......................................................................18

3.1 ELEKTRONIKON CONTROL SYSTEM.......................................................................................................18

3.2 CONTROL PANEL..............................................................................................................................20

3.3 DIGITAL OUTPUT CONTACTS................................................................................................................21

3.4 ICONS USED....................................................................................................................................23

3.5 MAIN SCREEN..................................................................................................................................27

3.6 CALLING UP MENUS..........................................................................................................................31

3.7 CONVERTER MENU............................................................................................................................32

3.8 SERVICE MENU................................................................................................................................34

3.9 PROTECTIONS MENU.........................................................................................................................39

3.10 WEEK TIMER MENU...........................................................................................................................41

3.11 INFO MENU......................................................................................................................................51

3.12 TEST MENU.....................................................................................................................................52

3.13 COUNTERS......................................................................................................................................53

3.14 MODIFYING THE SETPOINT..................................................................................................................55

3.15 INPUTS MENU...................................................................................................................................57

2 APF188088
Instruction book

3.16 OUTPUTS MENU...............................................................................................................................62

3.17 SPM MENU....................................................................................................................................63

3.18 EVENT HISTORY MENU.......................................................................................................................65

3.19 MODIFYING SETTINGS........................................................................................................................66

3.20 PROGRAMMABLE SETTINGS.................................................................................................................73

3.21 WEB SERVER..................................................................................................................................73

4 Installation.....................................................................................................................82

4.1 DIMENSION DRAWING........................................................................................................................82

4.2 INSTALLATION PROPOSAL...................................................................................................................84

4.3 ELECTRIC CABLES............................................................................................................................94

4.4 SETTINGS OF CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND FUSES.........................................................................................96

4.5 ELECTRIC CONNECTION.....................................................................................................................96

4.6 QUALITY OF SAFETY COMPONENTS.....................................................................................................102

4.7 PICTOGRAPHS...............................................................................................................................102

5 Operating instructions...............................................................................................104

5.1 INITIAL START-UP............................................................................................................................104

5.2 BEFORE STARTING..........................................................................................................................109

5.3 STARTING.....................................................................................................................................110

5.4 DURING OPERATION........................................................................................................................111

5.5 CHECKING THE DISPLAY...................................................................................................................112

5.6 STOPPING.....................................................................................................................................113

5.7 TAKING OUT OF OPERATION..............................................................................................................113

6 Maintenance................................................................................................................114

6.1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE................................................................................................114

6.2 MOTOR GREASING..........................................................................................................................115

6.3 OIL SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................115

6.4 STORAGE AFTER INSTALLATION.........................................................................................................116

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Instruction book

7 Servicing procedures.................................................................................................117

7.1 AIR FILTERS..................................................................................................................................117

7.2 OIL AND OIL FILTER CHANGE.............................................................................................................117

7.3 SAFETY VALVES.............................................................................................................................118

8 Problem solving..........................................................................................................119

8.1 PROBLEM SOLVING.........................................................................................................................119

9 Technical data.............................................................................................................121

9.1 READINGS.....................................................................................................................................121

9.2 SETTINGS OF SAFETY VALVES...........................................................................................................121

9.3 REFERENCE CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS..........................................................................................122

9.4 COMPRESSOR DATA........................................................................................................................122

9.5 COMPRESSOR DATA........................................................................................................................122

10 Pressure equipment directives.................................................................................124

10.1 PRESSURE EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVES....................................................................................................124

11 Documentation............................................................................................................125

4 APF188088
Instruction book

1 Safety precautions

1.1 Safety icons


Danger for life


Important note

1.2 Safety precautions, general

General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related work safety requirements and
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with the applicable legislation, the stricter of the two
shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorized, trained,
specialized personnel. The personnel should apply safe working practices by use of personal protection
equipment, appropriate tools and defined procedures.
4. The compressor is not considered capable of producing air of breathing quality. For air of breathing quality,
the compressed air must be adequately purified according to the applicable legislation and standards.
5. Before any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the compressor,
press the emergency stop button, switch off the voltage and depressurize the compressor. In addition, the
power isolating switch must be opened and locked.
On units powered by a frequency converter, wait 10 minutes before starting any electrical repair.

If the machine is equipped with an automatic restart after voltage failure function and if this
function is active, be aware that the machine will restart automatically when the power is
restored if it was running when the power was interrupted!

6. Never play with compressed air. Do not apply the air to your skin or direct an air stream at people. Never
use the air to clean dirt from your clothes. When using the air to clean equipment, do so with extreme
caution and wear eye protection.
7. The owner is responsible for maintaining the unit in safe operating condition. Parts and accessories shall
be replaced if unsuitable for safe operation.
8. It is prohibited to walk or stand on the unit or on its components.

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Instruction book

1.3 Safety precautions during installation

All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or
non observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation,
maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the

Precautions during installation

1. The machine must only be lifted using suitable equipment in accordance with the applicable safety
regulations. Loose or pivoting parts must be securely fastened before lifting. It is strictly forbidden to
dwell or stay in the risk zone under a lifted load. Lifting acceleration and deceleration must be kept within
safe limits. Wear a safety helmet when working in the area of overhead or lifting equipment.
2. The unit is designed for indoor use. If the unit is installed outdoors, special precautions must be taken;
consult your supplier.
3. In case the device is a compressor, place the machine where the ambient air is as cool and clean as possible.
If necessary, install a suction duct. Never obstruct the air inlet. Care must be taken to minimize the entry
of moisture at the inlet air.
4. Any blanking flanges, plugs, caps and desiccant bags must be removed before connecting the pipes.
5. Air hoses must be of correct size and suitable for the working pressure. Never use frayed, damaged or
worn hoses. Distribution pipes and connections must be of the correct size and suitable for the working
6. In case the device is a compressor, the aspirated air must be free of flammable fumes, vapors and particles,
e.g. paint solvents, that can lead to internal fire or explosion.
7. In case the device is a compressor, arrange the air intake so that loose clothing worn by people cannot be
drawn in.
8. Ensure that the discharge pipe from the compressor to the aftercooler or air net is free to expand under
heat and that it is not in contact with or close to flammable materials.
9. No external force may be exerted on the air outlet valve; the connected pipe must be free of strain.
10. If remote control is installed, the machine must bear a clear sign stating: DANGER: This machine is
remotely controlled and may start without warning.
The operator has to make sure that the machine is stopped and depressurized and that the electrical isolating
switch is open, locked and labelled with a temporary warning before any maintenance or repair. As a
further safeguard, persons switching on or off remotely controlled machines shall take adequate
precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable
notice shall be affixed to the start equipment.
11. Air-cooled machines must be installed in such a way that an adequate flow of cooling air is available and
that the exhausted air does not recirculate to the compressor air inlet or cooling air inlet.
12. The electrical connections must correspond to the applicable codes. The machines must be earthed and
protected against short circuits by fuses in all phases. A lockable power isolating switch must be installed
near the compressor.
13. On machines with automatic start/stop system or if the automatic restart function after voltage failure is
activated, a sign stating "This machine may start without warning" must be affixed near the instrument
14. In multiple compressor systems, manual valves must be installed to isolate each compressor. Non-return
valves (check valves) must not be relied upon for isolating pressure systems.
15. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices, guards or insulation fitted on the machine. Every pressure
vessel or auxiliary installed outside the machine to contain air above atmospheric pressure must be
protected by a pressure relieving device or devices as required.

6 APF188088
Instruction book

16. Piping or other parts with a temperature in excess of 70˚C (158˚F) and which may be accidentally touched
by personnel in normal operation must be guarded or insulated. Other high temperature piping must be
clearly marked.
17. For water-cooled machines, the cooling water system installed outside the machine has to be protected by
a safety device with set pressure according to the maximum cooling water inlet pressure.
18. If the ground is not level or can be subject to variable inclination, consult the manufacturer.
19. If the device is a dryer and no free extinguishing system is present in the air net close to the dryer, safety
valves must be installed in the vessels of the dryer.

Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during operation and Safety
precautions during maintenance.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas.
Processing of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application
which are not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.

1.4 Safety precautions during operation

All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or
non observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation,
maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the

Precautions during operation

1. Never touch any piping or components of the compressor during operation.
2. Use only the correct type and size of hose end fittings and connections. When blowing through a hose or
air line, ensure that the open end is held securely. A free end will whip and may cause injury. Make sure
that a hose is fully depressurized before disconnecting it.
3. Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there
is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote
start equipment.
4. Never operate the machine when there is a possibility of taking in flammable or toxic fumes, vapors or
5. Never operate the machine below or in excess of its limit ratings.
6. Keep all bodywork doors shut during operation. The doors may be opened for short periods only, e.g. to
carry out routine checks. Wear ear protectors when opening a door.
On compressors without bodywork, wear ear protection in the vicinity of the machine.
7. People staying in environments or rooms where the sound pressure level reaches or exceeds 80 dB(A)
shall wear ear protectors.
8. Periodically check that:
• All guards are in place and securely fastened
• All hoses and/or pipes inside the machine are in good condition, secure and not rubbing
• No leaks occur
• All fasteners are tight
• All electrical leads are secure and in good order
• Safety valves and other pressure relief devices are not obstructed by dirt or paint
• Air outlet valve and air net, i.e. pipes, couplings, manifolds, valves, hoses, etc. are in good repair, free
of wear or abuse

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Instruction book

• Air cooling filters of the electrical cabinet are not clogged

9. If warm cooling air from compressors is used in air heating systems, e.g. to warm up a workroom, take
precautions against air pollution and possible contamination of the breathing air.
10. On water-cooled compressors using open circuit cooling towers, protective measures must be taken to
avoid the growth of harmful bacteria such as Legionella pneumophila bacteria.
11. Do not remove any of, or tamper with, the sound-damping material.
12. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices, guards or insulations fitted on the machine. Every pressure
vessel or auxiliary installed outside the machine to contain air above atmospheric pressure shall be
protected by a pressure relieving device or devices as required.
13. Yearly inspect the air receiver. Minimum wall thickness as specified in the instruction book must be
respected. Local regulations remain applicable if they are more strict.

Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during maintenance.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas.
Processing of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application
which are not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.

1.5 Safety precautions during maintenance or repair

All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these
precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for
installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will
be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

Precautions during maintenance or repair

1. Always use the correct safety equipment (such as safety glasses, gloves, safety shoes, etc.).
2. Use only the correct tools for maintenance and repair work.
3. Use only genuine spare parts.
4. All maintenance work shall only be undertaken when the machine has cooled down.
5. A warning sign bearing a legend such as "work in progress; do not start" shall be attached to the starting
6. Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there
is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote
start equipment.
7. Close the compressor air outlet valve before connecting or disconnecting a pipe.
8. Before removing any pressurized component, effectively isolate the machine from all sources of pressure
and relieve the entire system of pressure.
9. Never use flammable solvents or carbon tetrachloride for cleaning parts. Take safety precautions against
toxic vapours of cleaning liquids.
10. Scrupulously observe cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep dirt away by covering the parts
and exposed openings with a clean cloth, paper or tape.
11. Never weld or perform any operation involving heat near the oil system. Oil tanks must be completely
purged, e.g. by steam-cleaning, before carrying out such operations. Never weld on, or in any way modify,
pressure vessels.

8 APF188088
Instruction book

12. Whenever there is an indication or any suspicion that an internal part of a machine is overheated, the
machine shall be stopped but no inspection covers shall be opened before sufficient cooling time has
elapsed; this to avoid the risk of spontaneous ignition of the oil vapour when air is admitted.
13. Never use a light source with open flame for inspecting the interior of a machine, pressure vessel, etc.
14. Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the machine.
15. All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to ensure that they function properly.
They may not be put out of action.
16. Before clearing the machine for use after maintenance or overhaul, check that operating pressures,
temperatures and time settings are correct. Check that all control and shut-down devices are fitted and that
they function correctly. If the coupling guard of the compressor drive shaft was removed, check that it has
been reinstalled.
17. Protect the motor, air filter, electrical and regulating components, etc. to prevent moisture from entering
them, e.g. when steam-cleaning.
18. Make sure that all sound-damping material and vibration dampers, e.g. damping material on the bodywork
and in the air inlet and outlet systems of the compressor, is in good condition. If damaged, replace it by
genuine material from the manufacturer to prevent the sound pressure level from increasing.
19. Never use caustic solvents which can damage materials of the air net, e.g. polycarbonate bowls.

Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during operation.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are not
included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your machine.

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Instruction book

2 General description

2.1 Introduction

General views

Side view, ZE 3/4 VSD with aftercooler

10 APF188088
Instruction book

View of compressor element, ZE 3/4 VSD with aftercooler

Ref. Name
AF Air filter
AO Air outlet
Ca Aftercooler
Co Oil cooler
E Compressor element
E1 Electronic regulator
FN Fan
M1 Compressor motor
M2 Fan motor, aftercooler
SV Safety valve
TV Full-load/no-load regulator
1 Electric cabinet
2 VSD cabinet

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Instruction book

Ref. Name
3 Vibration dampers

ZE/ZA VSD are low pressure, single-stage, electric motor driven screw compressors which deliver oil-free,
pulsation-free air. By continuously matching the speed of the drive motor to the air net pressure, the
compressors optimize energy consumption and reduce the operating pressure band.
ZE compressors are air-cooled.
The compressors include mainly:
• Air filter
• Compressor element
• Drive motor
• Drive coupling
• Gear casing
• Elektronikon® control system
• Safety valves
• Oil cooler

The compressor can be provided with an aftercooler.

ANSI flanges

12 APF188088
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2.2 Air flow, oil and cooling system

Flow diagram

ZE 4 VSD compressor with aftercooler

Text on figures:

Reference Description
(1) 1 fan for ZE3(VSD) - 2 fans for ZE4(VSD)
(2) SI 94 only for VSD units
(3) 1 for ZE3(VSD) - 2 for ZE4(VSD)
(4) Extra for ZE3-4
(5) Only on pressure variants 1 up to 2.75 bar

Component list

Reference Component
005 Frame
007 Panels and doors

APF188088 13
Instruction book

Reference Component
008 Silencing foam
012 Hydrolic hoses
100 Air inlet filter, process air
102 Expansion joint
103 Inlet throttle valve (with throttle)
104 Oil-free air compressor stage
105 Silencer
106 Floating pipe
107 Safety valve
108 Flexible connection
109 Check valve
110 Compensator
111 Water separator
115 Precooler
116 Aftercooler
119 Compensator
120a Diaphragm (with throttle)
120b Solenoid valve
124 Drain receiver with valve
129 Blow-off silencer
130 Oil sump
131 Oil pump
132 Oil cooler
133 Oil filter
134 Valve
135 Bypass valve
150 Drive motor
151 Coupling
153 Fan and motor
154 Fan and motor
160 Electrical cubicle
169 Gear box breather with filter

Sensor list

Reference Component
PT29 Compressor outlet pressure
PDT02 Pressure difference, air filter
PT49 Oil pressure
TT29 Compressor outlet temperature
TT11 Compressor element outlet temperature

14 APF188088
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Reference Component
TT44 Oil temperature
TT10 Ambient warning

Air flow
Air drawn through filter (100) is compressed in compressor element (104) and discharged through check valve
(109) towards the air net.
An aftercooler is available as an option.

Condensate drain system

If a pre-aftercooler (115) and aftercooler (116) are provided, a water separator (111) (integrated in the
aftercooler) with drain receiver and valve (124) is installed downstream of the cooler to prevent condensate
from entering the air outlet pipe.

Oil system
Oil is circulated by pump (131) from the sump of the gear casing through cooler (132), the cooling jacket of
compressor element (104) and filter (133) towards the bearings and timing gears.

Cooling system

If an aftercooler (Ca) is provided, the cooler is cooled by fans (FN3 and FN4). The oil cooler is cooled by a
fan (FN2).

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2.3 Electrical system

Electrical cabinets

VSD cabinet

A1 EMC filter
A11 Frequency converter, drive motors
A21 Frequency converter, aftercooler fan motors
F1/2 Fuses
F3/5 Circuit breakers, control circuit
F7/8 Circuit breaker

16 APF188088
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F35/36/37 Fuses
K21 Contactor
M7 Fan motor, cubicle
Q26 Circuit breaker, fan motor M3
Q27 Circuit breaker, fan motor M4
T1/2 Transformers
1X1 Terminal strip
1X5 Terminal strip
1X7 Terminal strip

The system includes mainly:
• Elektronikon® control system including an electronic regulator
• VSD cabinet including the variable speed drive units
• Electric cabinet
• Drive motor
• Pressure and temperature sensors

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Instruction book

3 Elektronikon® Graphic Plus controller

3.1 Elektronikon control system

In general, the Elektronikon regulator has following functions:
• Controlling the motor speed (Variable Speed Drive) - reducing the power consumption
• On compressors with aftercooler, programming the approach temperature or outlet temperature
• On compressors with aftercooler, controlling the speed of the aftercooler fan motors
• Protecting the compressor
• Monitoring components - service warning
• Automatic restart after voltage failure

Controlling the compressor speed - reducing power consumption

The regulator matches the air delivery to the air consumption, keeping the net pressure fluctuations very low.
The regulator will continuously vary the motor speed, maintaining the net pressure as close as possible to the
programmed pressure setpoint. As the air consumption decreases, the motor speed decreases as well as the
power consumption.
If the motor is running at minimum speed and the net pressure rises to a value equal to the sum of the
programmed pressure setpoint and the indirect stop level, the load/no-load valve will close in order to unload
the compressor.
If the compressor continues to run unloaded without interruption for X seconds, the regulator will stop the
motor. (X depends on the factory configuration of the regulator.) The regulator will restart the compressor
when the net pressure drops below the pressure setpoint.

Example scenario with 150 seconds unload time

18 APF188088
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When the net pressure drops below the pressure setpoint within this period of X seconds, the load/no-load
valve will fully open and the motor speed will increase to match the air delivery to the air consumption.

Example scenario with 150 seconds unload time

Ref. Description
(1) Pressure
(2) Direct stop offset
(3) Setpoint
(4) Motor speed
(5) Minimum
(6) Time
(7) LOAD
(9) STOP
(10) Indirect stop

Direct stopping
In case the net pressure should rise to a value equal to the sum of the programmed pressure setpoint and the
programmed direct stop offset, the compressor will be unloaded and stopped.
The regulator will restart the compressor when the net pressure drops below the pressure setpoint and the
factory programmed minimum stop time has elapsed.

Protecting the compressor

Shut-down and motor overload
Several temperature and pressure sensors are fitted on the compressor. If one of these measurements exceeds
the programmed shut-down level, the compressor will be stopped. This will be indicated on the control display.
The compressor will also be stopped in case of overload of the drive motor or fan motors.
Refer to the Preventive maintenance schedule section and remedy the trouble. See also section Protections

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Shut-down warning
If the regulator detects a temperature or pressure just below the programmed shut-down level, this will be
indicated on the control panel to warn the operator before the shut-down level is reached.
The message disappears as soon as the warning condition disappears.

Monitoring components - service warning

The regulator continuously monitors critical components (drive motor grease, oil, oil filter, converter fan and
air filter). Each input is compared to programmed limits. Exceeding these limits causes a message on the
control display to warn the operator either to regrease the drive motor bearings, to change the oil or to replace
the component indicated. Refer to the Preventive maintenance schedule section.

Automatic restart after voltage failure

The regulator has a built-in function to automatically restart the compressor when the voltage is restored after
voltage failure. This function is deactivated in compressors leaving the factory. If desired, the function can
be activated. Consult Atlas Copco.
If activated, and provided the module was in automatic operation, the compressor will automatically restart
if the supply voltage to the module is restored within a programmed time period (called power recovery time).

3.2 Control panel

Elektronikon regulator

Control panel

Parts and functions

Reference Designation Function

1 Display Shows the compressor operating condition and a
number of icons to navigate through the menu.
2 Pictogram Automatic operation

20 APF188088
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Reference Designation Function

3 Pictogram General alarm
4 General alarm LED Blinks when operating in shutdown warning condition.
5 Pictogram Service
6 Service LED Lights up when service is needed.
7 Automatic operation LED Indicates that the controller runs in automatic mode.
8 Voltage on LED Lights up when supply is switched on. Compressor
unit might start automatically!
9 Pictogram Voltage on
10 Enter key Enter and confirmation key
11 Escape key To navigate to previous screen or to cancel current
12 Scroll keys Keys to scroll through the menu
13 Stop button Button to stop the compressor. LED (7) dims.
14 Start button Button to start the compressor. LED (7) lights up,
indicating that the Elektronikon controller is

3.3 Digital output contacts


Voltage-free outputs may only be used to control or monitor functional systems.

They should NOT be used to control, switch or interrupt safety related circuits.

Stop the compressor and switch off the supply before connecting external equipment.
Check the Safety precautions.

Connections for external equipment

The Elektronikon (Mk5) always comes with expansion module IO2 that has a number of digital output contacts
which can be used to connect external equipment.
Depending on the optional equipment, extra expansion modules are added to the machine configuration (IO2,

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Instruction book

Expansion Module IO2 for Elektronikon (Mk5)

The digital output contacts have following specifications:

Relay Connector Maximum load

K01 3 X 31 15 A / 250 V AC
15 A / 30 V DC
RC* protected
K02 3 X 31 15 A / 250 V AC
15 A / 30 V DC
RC* protected
K03 3 X 31 15 A / 250 V AC
15 A / 30 V DC
RC* protected
K04 3 X 31 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K05 3 X 30 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K06 3 X 30 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K07 3 X 30 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K08 3 X 30 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K09 3 X 30 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load

22 APF188088
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Relay Connector Maximum load

K10 3 X 32 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K11 3 X 32 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K12 3 X 32 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K13 3 X 32 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K14 3 X 32 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
K15 3 X 32 10 A / 250 V AC
10 A / 30 V DC
resistive load
* = Resistor Capacitor

3.4 Icons used

Status icons

Name Icon Description

When the compressor is stopped, the icon is motionless.

Stopped / Running
When the compressor is running, the icon rotates.

Compressor status Motor stopped

Local start / stop

Machine control mode

Remote start / stop

Network control

Automatic restart after voltage

Automatic restart after voltage failure is enabled

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Instruction book

Week timer Week timer is active

Emergency stop

Active protection functions Shutdown


Service Service required

Main screen Displayed when 2 or 4 line layout is picked.

Displayed when chart layout is picked.

Menu icons

Icon Description


Alarms (warnings, shutdowns)

Week timer



24 APF188088
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Icon Description

Regulation setpoints




Event history (saved data)


Input icons

Icon Description


Digital input

Special protection

System icons

Icon Description
Compressor element (LP, HP, ...)


Fan (icon only visible when installed on compressor unit)

APF188088 25
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Drain(s) (icon only visible when Electronically Regulated Drain (ERD) is installed on
compressor unit)


Frequency converter


Expansion module (Failure)


Energy Recovery

Network settings/problem

General alarm

Oil circuit


General settings

Access key / User password

Navigation arrows

Icon Description


26 APF188088
Instruction book

3.5 Main screen

Control panel

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

The main screen shows the status of the compressor operation and is the gateway to all functions implemented
in the controller.
The main screen is shown automatically when the voltage is switched on and a key is pushed. The display
switches to sleep mode when no keys are pushed for several minutes.
Five different main screens can be chosen:
1. Two value lines
2. Four value lines
3. Chart (High resolution)
4. Chart (Medium resolution)
5. Chart (Low resolution)

APF188088 27
Instruction book

Two and four value views

Typical Main screen of compressor with aftercooler (Four value lines)

Text on figures

(1) Compressor Outlet

(2) Flow in %
(3) Text varies upon the compressor's actual condition
(4) Menu
(5) Running hours

• Section A displays information regarding the compressor operation (e.g. outlet pressure (1), temperature
at compressor outlet (2)). On variable speed drive compressors, the load degree (air flow) is also given as
% of the maximum flow / compressor stage speed.
• Section B displays Status icons. Following icon types are shown in this field:
• Fixed icons
These icons are always shown in the main screen and cannot be selected by the cursor (e.g. Compressor
stopped or running)
• Shortcut icons
These icons are always shown in the main screen. If the icon is selected and the Enter key is pushed,
the screen will jump to the corresponding menu (e.g. if the icon for Motor stopped or Running Loaded
is selected, the screen will jump directly to the regulation menu after pressing the enter key).
• Control mode icons
These icons are always shown in the main screen. If the icon is selected and the Enter key is pushed,
the screen jumps to the control mode menu. Following control modes are available:

28 APF188088
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Local control

Remote control

Network control

• Optional icons
These icons are only shown if their corresponding function is activated (e.g. week timer, automatic
restart after voltage failure, etc.)
• Pop up icons
These icons pop up if an abnormal condition occurs (warnings, shutdowns, service,...)
To show more information about displayed icons, select the icon using the scroll keys and push the Enter
• Section C is called the Status bar
This bar shows the text that corresponds to the selected icon.
• Section D shows the Action buttons. These buttons are used:
• to call-up or program settings
• to reset a shutdown, service message or emergency stop
• to have access to all data collected by the controller
The function of the buttons depends on the displayed menu. The most common functions are:

Designation Function
Menu To go to the menu
Modify To modify programmable settings
Reset To reset a timer or message

To enable an action button, highlight this button by using the Scroll keys and push the Enter key.
To go back to the previous menu, push the Escape key.

Chart views

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When the Chart (High Resolution) display is selected, a chart with an X-axis covering 4 minutes is displayed.
The value displayed on the Y-axis depends on the selection made in the input screen. Each chart dot represents
1 second.

When the Chart (Medium Resolution) display is selected, a chart with an X-axis covering 4 hours is displayed.
The value displayed on the Y-axis depends on the selection made in the input screen. Each chart dot represents
a 1 minute average value.

When the Chart (Low Resolution) display is selected, a chart with an X-axis covering 10 days is displayed.
The value displayed on the Y-axis depends on the selection made in the input screen. Each chart dot represents
a 1 hour average value.

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3.6 Calling up menus

Control panel

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

When the voltage is switched on, the main screen is shown automatically (see section Main screen):

• To go to the Menu screen, highlight the Menu button (4), using the Scroll keys.
• Press the Enter key to select the menu. Following screen appears:

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• The screen shows a number of icons. Each icon indicates a menu item. The status bar shows the name of
the menu that corresponds with the selected icon.
• Use the Scroll keys to select an icon.
• Press the Enter key to activate the menu or press the Escape key to return to the Main screen.

3.7 Converter menu

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon

To call-up:
• the speed of the main motor

32 APF188088
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• the speed of the fan motor

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen):
• Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the enter key (2). Following screen appears:

• Using the scroll keys (1), move the cursor to the converter icon (see above, section Menu icon)
• Press the enter key (2). Following screen appears:

• A red selection bar is covering the item Main Motor (2). Press the enter key. A screen showing the speed
of the compressor motor appears.
To see the speed of the fan, use the scroll key to select Fan (3) and press the Enter button (1). The fan
speed is shown on the screen.
To return to the menu screen, press the Escape button (2).

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3.8 Service menu

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Service


If the controller should indicate another time interval for the service plans than the one
stated in the instruction book, see section Preventive maintenance; the most strict should
be carried out. The compressor owner is responsible to carry out maintenance at the given
time intervals of the spare parts

• To reset the service plans that have been carried out.

• To check when the next service plans should be carried out.
• To check which service plans were carried out in the past.
• To modify the programmed service intervals.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action key and push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

34 APF188088
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• Use the Scroll keys to move the cursor to the Service icon.
• Push the Enter key and following screen appears:

Text on figure

(1) Service
(2) Overview
(3) Service plan
(4) Next service
(5) History

• Scroll through the items and select the desired item. Push the Enter key to display the details as explained

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Text on figure

(1) Overview
(2) Running Hours
(3) Real Time Hours
(4) Reset

Running hours are the clocked times during which the compressor stage motor has been running. Real Time
Hours are programmable timers which keep counting even when the compressor isn't running. E.g. when a
customer would like to change a part yearly or every 4000 running hours, service level A can be put on Running
Hours 4000 hours and Real Time Hours 8800 (8760 hours = 1 year). A service warning will be displayed
after one year or sooner (after 4000 running hours ) if the compressor has been running a lot.
The figures at the left of the progress bars are the programmed service interval Running or Real Time Hours.
Those at the right count down and show the number of hours that need to be covered to reach the next service
Colored letters indicate the next upcoming service level.

Service plans
A number of service operations are grouped (called Level A, Level B, etc...). Each level represents a number
of service actions to be carried out at the time intervals programmed in the Elektronikon controller.
When a service plan interval is reached, a message will be displayed.
After carrying out the service actions related to the indicated levels, the timers must be reset manually.
From the Service menu above, select Service plan (3) and press Enter. Following screen appears:

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Text on figure

(1) Service plan

(2) Level
(3) Running hours
(4) Real time hours
(5) Modify

Modifying a service plan

Depending on the operating conditions, it might be necessary to modify the service intervals. To do so, use
the Scroll keys to select the value to be modified. A screen similar to the one below appears:

Push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

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Modify the value as required using the ↑ or ↓ scroll key and push the Enter key to confirm.
Note: Running hours and real time hours can be modified in steps of 100 hours.

Next Service

Text on figure

(1) Next service

(2) Level
(3) Running hours
(4) Actual

In the example above, the I Service level is programmed at 2000 running hours, of which 0 hours have passed.

The History screen shows a list of all service actions carried out in the past, sorted by date. The date at the
top is the most recent service action. To see the details of a completed service action (e.g. Service level,
Running hours or Real time hours), use the Scroll keys to select the desired action and push the Enter key.

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3.9 Protections menu

Control panel

Menu icon, Protections

• To display and reset the protections.

Before resetting a warning or shutdown message, always solve the problem. Frequently
resetting these messages without remedying may damage the compressor.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen):
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and press the enter key (2). Following screen appears:

• Using the scroll keys (1), move the cursor to the protections icon.
• Press the enter key (2). Following screen appears:

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A number of icons is shown, allowing to display and reset following protections:

• General:
• Compressor outlet pressure
• Ambient air temperature
• Emergency stop status
• Dynamic pressure limit control

Typical example of a general alarm screen

Text on figure:

(1) General
(2) Compressor outlet
(3) Level high
(4) Shutdown warning
(5) Shutdown
(6) Reset
(7) Modify

The screen shows that the actual reading for the compressor outlet is 2.53 bar. The screen shows also
the settings for the shutdown warning (3.60 bar) and shutdown (3.70 bar).
On the bottom of the screen are two buttons:
• Reset: to reset the alarm after remedying the problem.
• Modify: to change the alarm settings

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• Elements:
• Element outlet temperature
• Fan
• Overload fan motor status
• Converter(s)
• Main motor converter alarm
• Fan motor converter alarm
• Filters
• DP air filter
• Oil circuit
• Oil pressure
• Oil temperature

Depending on the installed optional equipment a number of extra icons and/or extra
relevant underlying menus are displayed.

3.10 Week timer menu

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Week timer

• To program time-based start/stop commands for the compressor
• To program time-based net pressure band change commands

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The timer function allows 4 different Week Action Schemes. These can be combined into a sequence of 10
weeks in a Week Cycle.

Important notice:
The Elektronikon controller allows a number of successive commands. Be aware that 2
successive commands need at least 1 minute time lapse to ensure flawless operation. For
example Start Compressor: 5:00 AM, Pressure Setpoint change: 5:01 AM.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen section),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and push the Enter key. Use the Scroll buttons to select the
Timer icon.

• Press the Enter key on the controller. Following screen appears:

(1) Week Timer

(2) Week Action Schemes
(3) Week Cycle
(4) Status
(5) Week 1
(6) Remaining Running Time

The selected item is highlighted in grey. Select the desired item and push the Enter key on the controller
to modify.

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Programming week schemes

• Select Week Action Schemes and push Enter. A new window opens. The first item in the list is highlighted
in grey. Push the Enter key on the controller to modify Week Action Scheme 1.

(1) Week Action Schemes

(2) Week Action Scheme 1
(3) Week Action Scheme 2
(4) Week Action Scheme 3
(5) Week Action Scheme 4

• When entering a Week Action Scheme, the corresponding week is displayed. The selected day is
highlighted in grey and the desired action can be set by pushing Enter.

(1) Week Action Scheme 1

(2) Monday
(3) Tuesday
(4) Wednesday
(5) Thursday
(6) Friday
(7) Saturday
(8) Sunday

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• A new window opens. The Modify action button is selected. Push the Enter key on the controller twice
to create the first action.

(1) Monday
(2) Modify

• A new window appears. Select an action from the displayed list by using the Scroll keys on the controller.
Push the Enter key to insert e.g. a first startup time.

(1) Monday
(2) Actions
(3) Remove
(4) Start
(5) Stop
(6) Modify

• A new window opens. The startup action is now visible on Monday of Week Action Scheme 1/4.

44 APF188088
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(1) Monday
(2) Start
(3) Save
(4) Modify

• To adjust the startup time, use the Scroll keys on the controller and push the Enter key to confirm.

(1) Monday
(2) Start
(3) Save
(4) Modify

• A window appears. Use the ↑ or ↓ scroll keys to modify the hour values. Use the ← or → Scroll keys to
select the minutes and modify the values using the ↑ or ↓ scroll keys.

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(1) Monday
(2) Time
(3) Save
(4) Modify

• Push the Escape key on the controller. The Modify action button is selected. Use the Scroll keys to select
the action Save.

(1) Monday
(2) Start
(3) Save
(4) Modify

• A new window appears. Use the Scroll keys on the controller to select the correct actions. Press the Enter
key to confirm.

46 APF188088
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(1) Monday
(2) Are you sure?
(3) No
(4) Yes
(5) Save
(6) Modify

Press the Escape key to leave this window.

• The actions are displayed below their respective day.

(1) Week Action Scheme 1

(2) Monday
(3) Start
(4) Tuesday
(5) Wednesday
(6) Thursday
(7) Friday
(8) Saturday

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(9) Sunday

Push the Escape key on the controller to leave this screen.

Programming the week cycle

A week cycle is a sequence of 10 weeks. For each week in the cycle, one of the four programmed Week Action
Schemes can be chosen.
• Select Week Cycle from the main Week Timer menu list.

(1) Week Timer

(2) Week Action Schemes
(3) Week Cycle
(4) Status
(5) Week 1
(6) Remaining Running Time

• A list of 10 weeks is displayed.

(1) Week Cycle

(2) Week 1
(3) Week Action Scheme 4
(4) Week 2

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(5) Week Action Scheme 1

(6) Week 3
(7) Week Action Scheme 3
(8) Off
(9) Modify

Push the Enter key twice to modify the first week.

• Following window appears. Select action e.g. Week Action Scheme 1.

(1) Week Cycle

(2) Week 1
(3) Off
(4) Week Action Scheme 1
(5) Week Action Scheme 2
(6) Week Action Scheme 3
(7) Modify

• Check the status of the Week Timer.

Use the Escape key to return to the main Week Timer menu. The status of the Week Timer is displayed
in the third line. Push the Enter key to adjust status.

(1) Week Timer

(2) Week Action Schemes

APF188088 49
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(3) Week Cycle

(4) Status
(5) Week Timer Inactive
(6) Remaining Running Time
(7) Off

• A new window appears. Select Week 1 and push the Enter key to enable the Week Timer.

(1) Week Timer

(2) Week
(3) Week Timer Inactive
(4) Week 1

• Press the Escape key to leave the pop up window. The status shows that week 1 is active.
• In certain cases it might be necessary to keep the compressor running instead of allowing the Week Timer
to stop it. To enable this condition Remaining Running Time was developed. After scrolling to Remaining
Running Time, its setting can be modified by pushing Enter and adjusting the value between 5 and 240
minutes in steps of 5 minutes.

(1) Week Timer

(2) Remaining Running Time

• After pushing the Enter key, the Remaining Running Time is confirmed and displayed. This timer is prior
to all Week Timer actions.

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3.11 Info menu

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Info

To show the Atlas Copco internet address.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

• Scroll the cursor to the Info icon (see above, section Menu icon).

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• Push the Enter key. The Atlas Copco internet address appears on the screen. At the bottom of the screen,
the More button is displayed. Push the button to display following additional info:
• MAC address
• Expansion modules
• Boot software
• Operating system
• Application software
• Licence ESi

3.12 Test menu

Control panel

Menu icon, Test

• To perform a safety valve test and to run the motor regreasing program. Both actions can only be performed
by authorized personnel and are protected by a security code.

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3.13 Counters

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Counters

To display:
• The running hours
• The loaded hours (air delivery)
• The number of motor starts
• The number of load cycles
• The number of hours that the controller has been powered (module hours)

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

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Text on figure

(1) Menu
(2) Regulation

• Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Counters icon (see above, section Menu icon)
• Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

Text on figure

(1) Counters
(2) Running hours
(3) Motor starts
(4) Load relay
(5) VSD 1-20 % rpm (the percentage of the time during which the motor speed was
between 1 and 20 %)

The screen shows a list of all counters and their current values.

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3.14 Modifying the setpoint

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Setpoint

In this menu, two different setpoints can be programmed. This menu is also used to select the active setpoint.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• The setpoint menu can be called-up in two different ways:
• either highlight the action key Menu using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key. Following screen

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Text on figure

(1) Menu
(2) Regulation

Activate the setpoint menu by pressing the enter key.

• or select the shortcut icon (Running loaded or motor stopped) and press the enter button, see section
Main screen.
• A screen similar to the one below appears:

Text on figure

(1) Regulation
(2) Reduced setpoint
(3) Setpoint 1
(4) Indirect stop level 1
(5) Direct stop level 1
(6) Modify

• The screen shows the actual settings.

To modify the settings, move the cursor to the action button Modify and press the Enter key. Following
screen appears:

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• Setpoint 1 is highlighted in red. Use the Scroll keys (3) to highlight the setting to be modified and press
the Enter key (1). Following screen appears:

The upper and lower limit of the setting is shown in grey, the actual setting is shown in black. Use the ↑
or ↓ key of the Scroll keys to modify the settings as required and press the Enter key to accept.
If necessary, change the other settings as required in the same way as described above.

3.15 Inputs menu

Control panel

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(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Inputs

To display the current values and the status of a number of digital and analogue inputs.

Starting from the main screen (see Main screen),
Move the cursor to the Menu action key and push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

Text on figure

(1) Menu
(2) Regulation

• Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Inputs icon (see above, section Menu icon).
• Push the Enter key and the screen below appears:

58 APF188088
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Text on figure

(1) Inputs
(2) Compressor outlet
(3) Dp Air filter
(4) Oil pressure
(5) Compressor outlet
(6) Modify

• The screen displays a list of all inputs with their corresponding icons and readings.
• If an input reaches a warning or shutdown level, the original icon is replaced by the warning or shutdown
icon, respectively.

Setting an input as main chart (see section Main screen)

• Navigate to the input screen as described above.
• Push the Enter key; the first input on the screen will be highlighted in grey.
• Using the arrow keys, scroll to the input to be set as main chart.
• Push the Enter key; following screen appears:

Text on figure

APF188088 59
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(1) Inputs
(2) Main chart signal
(3) Set as main chart signal
(4) Modify

• Push the Enter key; the active input is now set as main chart.

Changing the main chart input

To set another input as main chart, proceed as follows:
• Navigate to the input screen as described above.
• Push the Enter key; the first input on the screen will be highlighted in grey.
• Using the arrow keys, scroll to the input to be set as main chart.
• Push the Enter key; following screen appears:

(1) Inputs
(2) Main chart signal
(3) Set as main chart signal
(4) Modify

• Push the Enter key; following screen appears:

60 APF188088
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(1) Main chart signal

(2) Are you sure to change the main chart signal? All current chart data will be lost!
(3) Yes
(4) No

• Select the Yes key to confirm or the No key to cancel the modification operation.

Removing the main chart input

To remove the input as main chart, proceed as follows:
• Navigate to the input screen as described above.
• Push the Enter key; the first input on the screen will be highlighted in grey.
• Using the arrow keys, scroll to the input with the small chart icon.
• Push the Enter key; following screen appears:

(1) Main chart signal

(2) Remove from main chart

• Push the Enter key; following screen appears:

APF188088 61
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(1) Main chart signal

(2) Are you sure to change the main chart signal? All current chart data will be lost!
(3) Yes
(4) No

• Select the Yes key to confirm or the No key to cancel the modification.

3.16 Outputs menu

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Outputs

To display information regarding the current status of the digital outputs.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

62 APF188088
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Text on figure

(1) Menu
(2) Regulation

• Move the cursor to the Outputs icon (see above, section Menu icon), using the Scroll keys.
• Push the Enter key.
Depending on the installed optional equipment less or more icons may appear.
• The screen displays the status of following contacts under the general output icon:
• Running
• Fan motor
• Load/Unload
• Automatic operation
• General warning
• General shutdown
• Run enable fan motor

3.17 SPM menu

Control panel

APF188088 63
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(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Event History

To call up the SPM data.

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

• Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the SPM icon (see above, section Menu icon).
• The list of measured SPM data is shown.

• SPM values are only measured when the machine is running in load.

64 APF188088
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• For VSD compressors, the SPM values are only displayed when the measurement was done on a stable
speed (not during ramping up or ramping down).
• Before each SPM value a time stamp shows when this value was measured.

3.18 Event history menu

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Event History

To display a list of all shutdowns, their causes and the status of counters and in/outputs at the moment of

Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

APF188088 65
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• Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Event History icon (see above, section Menu icon).
• A chronological shutdown list is displayed.
• Select the moment of your interest and push Enter.
• The type of event and the status data of counters and in/outputs will be displayed.

3.19 Modifying settings

Control panel

(1) Enter key

(2) Escape key
(3) Scroll keys

Menu icon, Settings

To display and modify a number of settings (e.g. Time, Date, Date format, Language, units ...)

66 APF188088
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Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
• Move the cursor to the Menu action button and push the Enter key. Following screen appears:

• Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Settings icon (see above, section menu icon).
• Push the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:

Depending on the installed optional equipment less or more icons may appear.
• The screen displays following icons:

Icon Function
Network settings

Regulation settings

General settings

Fan settings

Automatic restart after voltage failure settings

APF188088 67
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Icon Function
Access key

User password

Main chart

• Move the cursor to the icon of the function that needs to be modified and push the Enter key.

Modifying network settings

• Select the network settings icon as described above and push the Enter key (1). Following screen appears:

Text on figure

(1) Network
(2) CAN
(3) Ethernet

• Scroll to the desired network and push the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:

68 APF188088
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Screen for CAN settings

Screen for Ethernet settings

• Push the Enter key once again to modify a parameter. A network parameter can only be modified when
the network is disabled (Off).

Regulation settings
This menu allows to view and modify the regulation settings.

General settings
• Select the General settings icon as described above and push the Enter key (1). Following screen appears:

APF188088 69
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Text on figure

(1) General
(2) Language in use
(3) Time
(4) Date
(5) Date format

• The screen displays the first 4 items of a list of all settings. Scroll through the list to display all other items.
• Push the Enter key, use the Scroll keys to select the setting to be modified and push the Enter key again.
• A screen appears. Use the ↑ or ↓ key to select the required parameter and push the Enter key to confirm.

Fan settings
• Select the Fan settings icon as described above and push the Enter key (1). Following screen appears:

Text on figure

(1) Fan
(2) Temperature setpoint offset select
(3) Temperature setpoint offset outlet
(4) Temperature setpoint offset approach
(5) Reaction delay

70 APF188088
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• The screen shows the first items of a list of all settings. Use the scroll button to see the other items in the
• Push the Enter key (1); a red selection bar is covering the first programmable item (Temperature setpoint
offset outlet).
Use the ↓ key of the Scroll keys to select the setting to be modified and push the Enter key.
• A pop-up screen appears. Use the ↑ or ↓ key to select the required parameter and push the Enter key to

Automatic restart
• Select the Automatic restart settings icon as described above and push the Enter key (2). Following screen

Text on figure

(1) Automatic restart

(2) Maximum power down time
(3) Restart delay
(4) Modify

• The screen displays 3 adjustable settings.

• Push the Enter key (1), scroll to the setting to be modified and push the Enter Key once again.
• A screen appears; the required parameter is adjustable and confirmed by pushing the Enter Key once more.

Access key
A number of security levels are set in the controller (e.g. user, service technician, etc.). The Access key menu
item is used to change the security level.
• Scroll to the correct icon using the scroll key and push the Enter key.
• Push the Enter key twice to modify the security level code and push Enter to confirm.

User password
If the password option is enabled, it is impossible for unauthorized personnel to modify any setting.
• Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Password icon.
• Push the Enter key twice to select and activate.
• Pick a 4 digit password using the Scroll keys and push the Enter key to confirm.

APF188088 71
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Main chart settings

Chart ranges and bands can be modified. This can cause the current value to be out of
range and can thus cause the absence of a visible curve in the graph.

The main chart settings menu allows to adjust the scale and curves on the graph. To modify these settings,
proceed as follows:
• Select the Main chart settings icon as described above and push the Enter button (1). Following screen

Text on figure

(1) Main chart

(2) Main chart signal
(3) Chart range
(4) Minimum
(5) Maximum
(6) Chart band
(7) Low
(8) High
(9) Off

The screen shows the main chart signal, the current chart range and band settings. To modify these settings,
proceed as follows:
Push the Enter key, select chart range or chart band as desired and confirm.
Modifying the chart range
Select the chart range as described above and proceed as follows:
• Push the Enter key; the minimum setting becomes highlighted. Push the Enter key to modify the minimum
setting or use the arrow down key to modify the maximum setting.
• Push the Enter key to confirm the modification.
Modifying the chart band
Select the chart band as described above and proceed as follows:

72 APF188088
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• Push the Enter key; the low band setting becomes highlighted. Push the Enter key to modify the on/off
setting or use the arrow down key to modify the low setting.
• Push the Enter key to confirm the modification.
• Proceed to modify the high band setting.

3.20 Programmable settings

Service settings

Minimum Factory Maximum

setting setting setting
Service level A hr 4000
Service level B hr 8000
Service level C hr 16000
Service level D hr 40000
Service level I hr 2000

A number of service operations are grouped (Level A, Level B, ...). Each level stands for a number of service
operations to be carried out at the programmed intervals. Consult your Atlas Copco Service Centre.

3.21 Web server

All Elektronikon controllers have a built-in web server that allows direct connection to the company network
or to a dedicated PC via a local area network (LAN). This allows to consult certain data and settings via a PC
instead of the display of the controller.

Getting started

If the compressor is equipped with a SMARTBOX, the network connection of the

Elektronikon is already in use. To allow the web server functionality, the network cable that
is connected to the SMARTBOX should be unplugged and replaced by the cable of the
company network.
If both the web server functionality and SMARTBOX are required, please contact your
local Atlas Copco Customer Centre for support.

Make sure you are logged in as administrator.

• Use the internal network card from your computer or a USB to LAN adapter (see picture below).

APF188088 73
Instruction book

USB to LAN adapter

• Use a UTP cable (CAT 5e) to connect to the controller (see picture below).

Configuration of the network card (in Windows XP)

• Go to My Network places (1).

• Click on View Network connections (1).

74 APF188088
Instruction book

• Select the Local Area connection (1), which is connected to the controller.

• Click with the right button and select properties (1).

• Use the check box Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (1) (see picture). To avoid conflicts, uncheck other properties
if they are checked. After selecting TCP/IP, click on the Properties button (2) to change the settings.

APF188088 75
Instruction book

• Use the following settings:

• IP Address
• Subnetmask
Click OK and close network connections.

Configuration of the web server

Configure the web interface (for Internet Explorer)
• Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools - Internet options (2).

• Click on the Connections tab (1) and then click on the LAN settings button (2).

76 APF188088
Instruction book

• In the Proxy server Group box, click on the Advanced button (1).

• In the Exceptions Group box, enter the IP address of your controller. Multiple IP addresses can be given
but they must be separated with semicolons (;).
Example: Suppose that you already added two IP addresses ( and Now you
add and separate the 3 IP addresses by putting semicolons between them (1) (see picture).

APF188088 77
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Click OK (2) to close the window.

Viewing the controller data

All screen shots are indicative. The number of displayed fields depends on the selected

• Open your browser and type the IP address of the controller you want to view in your browser (in this
example The interface opens:

78 APF188088
Instruction book

Screen shot (example!)

Navigation and options

• The banner shows the compressor type and the language selector. In this example, three languages are
available on the controller.

Compressor settings
All compressor settings can be displayed or hidden. Put a check mark in front of each point of interest and it
will be displayed. Only the machine status is fixed and can not be removed from the main screen.
Analog inputs
Lists all current analog input values. The measurement units can be changed in the preference button from
the navigation menu.

APF188088 79
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Lists all current counter values from controller and compressor.

Info status
Machine status is always shown on the web interface.

Digital inputs
Lists all Digital inputs and their status.

Digital outputs
Lists all Digital outputs and their status.

80 APF188088
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Special protections
Lists all special protections of the compressor.

Service plan
Displays all levels of the service plan and their status. This screen shot underneath only shows the running
hours. It is also possible to show the current status of the service interval.

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Instruction book

4 Installation

4.1 Dimension drawing


Dimension drawing of ZE 3/4 VSD with aftercooler

82 APF188088
Instruction book

Text on figures:

Reference Name
(1) Automatic drain, aftercooler
(2) Manual drain, aftercooler
(3) Cooling air
(4) Electric cable entry
(5) Air inlet
(6) Compressed air outlet
(7) Cooling air outlet
(8) Centre of gravity
(9) Cooling air outlet of cubicle
(10) Type
(11) Net mass approximately

APF188088 83
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4.2 Installation proposal

Compressor room example

ZE 3/4 VSD compressor with aftercooler

Reference Name
(1) Minimum free area to be reserved for the compressor installation

84 APF188088
Instruction book

Reference Name
(2) Ventilation proposals
(3) Common ducting for multiple units is not allowed
(4) Compressor cooling
(5) Converter cooling
(6) Process air


Working with machinery controlled by a frequency converter requires special safety

precautions which depend on the type of network (TN, TT or IT). Consult Atlas Copco.
The unit complies with class A limits for radiated emission according to EN 55011 (1998).
Beware of possible electro-magnetic interferences in case stricter limitations are valid.
The unit complies with limits according to standards EN61000-4-2:1995, EN61000-4-3:1996,
EN61000-4-4:1995, EN61000-4-6:1996 for immunity of the equipment.
Environmental conditions : Class 3K3, 3C2 according to EN 60721-3-3.
Oil mist, formation of ice, moisture condensation, water drops, water spray, water splashes
and water jets are not permissible (EN 60204 Part 1).
Thermal insulation should be provided on compressors without aftercooler to protect against
the high temperature of the air outlet valve and air delivery pipe.

1. Install the compressor on a level floor with a maximum allowable deviation of 3 mm on 1 m (0.118 in on
3.28 ft), suitable for taking the weight of the compressor. Recommended minimum distance between the
top of the bodywork and the ceiling is 500 mm (1200 mm for compressors equipped with an aftercooler),
ventilation proposal alternative 2 excepted. Distances between unit and walls stated are minimum.
2. Remove the plastic plug (if provided) from the compressor air outlet pipe and install an air outlet valve.
See section Dimension drawings for the dimensions. Close the air outlet valve and connect the air net to
the compressor.
3. The maximum pressure drop over the delivery pipe can be calculated as follows:
dp = (L x 450 x Qc1.85) / (d5 x P)
dp = pressure drop (recommended maximum = 0.1 bar)
L = length of delivery pipe in m
d = inner diameter of the delivery pipe in mm
P = absolute pressure at the compressor outlet in bar(a)
Qc = free air delivery of the compressor in l/s
4. The inlet grids and ventilation fan should be installed in such a way that any recirculation of cooling air
to the compressor is avoided. The air velocity to the grids should be limited to 5 m/s.
For alternative 2 the maximum allowable pressure drop over the cooling air ducts is 30 Pa. If the pressure
drop exceeds 30 Pa, a ventilation fan is required. Consult Atlas Copco. Common ducting for several
compressors is not allowed.
For alternative 1, the required ventilation capacity (per compressor installed) to limit the compressor room
temperature can be calculated as follows:

Qv Ducted Not ducted

With aftercooler 0.04 N/dT 0.96 N/dT

Qv = required ventilation capacity in m3/s

APF188088 85
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N = shaft input of the compressor in kW

dT = temperature rise of the compressor room in degrees Celsius
5. On compressors with aftercooler, fit the manual drain valve. Lay out the drain piping from the valve and
the automatic condensate outlet towards the open condensate collector. The drain pipes must not dip into
the water of the collector.
6. Elektronikon control system with control panel.
7. See section Electric cables for the recommended cable size of the supply cables. Check that the electrical
connections correspond to the local codes. The installation must be earthed and protected against short
circuits by fuses in all phases. An isolating switch must be installed near the compressor.

Mounting of rubber compensators

Atlas Copco oil-free compressors with aftercooler are equipped with rubber compensators on the air outlet
and water connections. These compensators can cope with some minor misalignment when the customer pipe
end is mounted. The building-in length EL for the different compensators is listed in table 1. The allowable
misalignments for each type are listed in table 3, 4 and 5. The allowable operational conditions are listed in
table 2: for a certain operation temperature, the allowable pressure equals the design pressure multiplied by
the correction factor.
The piping system at customer side shall be designed to fulfil the stated dimensional restrictions at all time.
Both static and during operation.
The compensators that are used are not suitable to carry the pressure thrust load. Adequate supporting and
anchoring of the piping system shall be foreseen to make sure that the pressure thrust load is not carried by
the compensator.
The compensator shall not carry the weight of the customer pipe end. Adequate supporting of the piping
system shall be foreseen to relieve the compensator from the weight loading.
For the design of piping and supporting structures, use an approved standard code. (e.g. EN 13480 or ASME
Table 1

Compensator part Diameter Diameter EL Style

no. (“) (mm) (mm)
1621 0290 00 1 25 150 S-10R
1621 0291 00 1 25 150 S-10R
1610 8494 00 1-1/4 32 130 S-15
1621 0589 00 1-1/4 32 130 S-15
1621 3808 00 1-1/2 40 95 S-10
1621 3809 00 1-1/2 40 95 S-10
1621 6127 00 1-1/2 40 130 S-15
1621 6155 00 1-1/2 40 130 S-15
1621 3003 00 2 50 130 S-15
1621 3004 00 2 50 130 S-15
1621 6021 00 2-1/2 65 130 S-15
1621 6058 00 2-1/2 65 130 S-15
1621 3098 00 3 80 130 S-15
1621 5477 00 3 80 130 S-15
1621 5478 00 3 80 130 S-15

86 APF188088
Instruction book

Compensator part Diameter Diameter EL Style

no. (“) (mm) (mm)
1621 8114 00 3 80 130 S-15
1623 2120 00 3 80 130 S-15
1623 2121 00 3 80 130 S-15
1619 3120 01 4 100 130 S-15
1619 7555 00 4 100 130 S-15
1621 3285 00 4 100 130 S-15
1621 3379 00 4 100 130 S-15
1623 2128 00 4 100 130 S-15
1623 2129 00 4 100 130 S-15
1619 3120 03 5 125 130 S-15
1621 6311 00 5 125 130 S-15
1623 2122 00 5 125 130 S-15
1623 2123 00 5 125 130 S-15
1619 3120 09 6 150 130 S-15
1621 8073 00 6 150 130 S-15
1621 8074 00 6 150 130 S-15
1623 2124 00 6 150 130 S-15
1623 2125 00 6 150 130 S-15
1612 6493 00 8 200 130 S-15
1619 3120 07 8 200 130 S-15
1621 1581 00 8 200 130 S-15
1621 9293 00 8 200 130 S-15
1623 2126 00 8 200 130 S-15
1623 2127 00 8 200 130 S-15
1619 3120 04 10 250 130 S-15
1621 9444 00 10 250 130 S-15
1623 2130 00 10 250 130 S-15
1623 2131 00 10 250 130 S-15

Table 2

t (°C) Correction factor

0 1
50 1
80 1
85 0.92
90 0.83
95 0.75
100 0.67
105 0.6
110 0.54

APF188088 87
Instruction book

88 APF188088
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Text on figures

(1) Pipe end customer

(2) Pipe end Atlas Copco

Table 3: Allowable misalignment for style S-15

APF188088 89
Instruction book

Allowable axial misalignment: ΔEL Max. 10 mm stretching

Max. 10 mm compression
Allowable lateral misalignment: ΔR Max. 10 mm radial
Allowable angular misalignment: Δα Max. 0°
The pipe ends must be mounted in such a way that
they are in-line.

Table 4: Allowable misalignment for style S-10

Allowable axial misalignment: ΔEL Max. 2 mm stretching

Max. 2 mm compression
Allowable lateral misalignment: ΔR Max. 4 mm radial
Allowable angular misalignment: Δα Max. 0°
The pipe ends must be mounted in such a way that
they are in-line.

Table 5: Allowable misalignment for style S-10R

Allowable axial misalignment: ΔEL Max. 5 mm stretching

Max. 5 mm compression
Allowable lateral misalignment: ΔR Max. 5 mm radial
Allowable angular misalignment: Δα Max. 0°
The pipe ends must be mounted in such a way that
they are in-line.

90 APF188088
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Text on figure

(1) Compressor
(2) No forces on compensator allowed
(3) Welded supports relieve the compensator of forces caused by the pressure thrust load
and the weight of the customer pipe end

Installation instructions

APF188088 91
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Flat DIN flanges prevent damage of the rubber Flanges with a too large inner diameter can damage
sealing. the rubber sealing.

Rough pipe ends could damage the rubber sealing.

Flanges with collar (1) prevent premature wear.

92 APF188088
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When there is a chance for damage, flat sealing must The pipe end touches the sealing surface.
be foreseen.

Bended pipe ends avoid too hard tightening of the


Torque values:
Bolts have to be torqued in 3 steps
1. Each bolt has to be fastened by hand. Pay attention to the parallelism of the sealing.
2. Fasten the bolts crosswise according to the table below.
3. After 30 minutes, fasten bolts according to the table below. Further fastening could lead to damage of the

DN Step 2 Step 3
20 – 80 50 Nm 80 Nm
100 – 300 50 Nm 100 Nm
350 – 500 50 Nm 130 Nm

APF188088 93
Instruction book

4.3 Electric cables

ZE 3/4 VSD
• The voltage on the compressor terminals must not deviate more than 10% of the nominal voltage.
• It is however highly recommended to keep the voltage drop over the supply cables at nominal current
below 5% of the nominal voltage (IEC 60204-1).
• If cables are grouped together with other power cables, it may be necessary to use cables of a larger size
than those calculated for the standard operating conditions.
• Use the original cable entry. See section dimension drawings.
• To preserve the protection degree of the electric cubicle and to protect its components from dust from the
environment, it is mandatory to use a proper cable gland when connecting the supply cable to the
• Local regulations remain applicable if they are stricter than the values proposed below.
• All electrical components should be earthed at the foreseen earthing point. All earthing points must be on
the same potenial.
• When there are sharp edges they shall be removed.
• When necessary use cable glands and conduits for cable protection.
Control wiring/ sensor wiring
• The cables shall be built according IEC60332-1.
• All wires shall be built according IEC60288 CI.5.
• The required nominal voltage is HAR 300/500V and for CSA/UL 600V for control cable/wires.
• The required nominal voltage is HAR 300/300V and for CSA/UL 300V for sensor wiring.
• All earthing cables should be green/yellow,
• The cables must be calculated according the regulations.
• When the cable is installed, it should not touch any hot components.
• The minimum temperature design of the cable shall be 70°C.
Motor wiring/unit wiring
IEC versions:
For IEC designed control panels, the below suggested cable sections are calculated according to 60364-5-52
electrical installations of buildings, part 5: selection and erection equipment, section 52: current-carrying
capacities in wiring systems.
Standard conditions refer to loose copper conductors or multicore cable with 70°C PVC insulation in free
air or open cable trays (installation method C) at 30°C ambient temperature and operating at nominal voltage.
The cables may not be grouped with other power circuits or cables.
Worst case conditions refer to:
• ambient temperature >30°C (86°F)
• cables in closed raceway, conduit or trunking system (installation method B2) at 40°C ambient temperature
• cables not grouped with other cables

94 APF188088
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Fuse calculations for IEC are done according to 60364-4-43 electrical installations of buildings, part 4:
protection for safety- section 43: protection against overcurrent. Fuse sizes are calculated in order to protect
the cable against short circuit. Fuse type aM is recommended but gG/gL is also allowed.
CSA/UL versions:
For UL designed industrial control panels, calculations for cable sections and fuses are done according to
UL508a (Industrial control panels).
For CSA, calculations for cable sections and fuses are done according CSA22,2 (Canadian electrical code).
Standard conditions: maximum 3 copper conductors in raceway or cable with 85-90°C (185-194°F)
insulation at ambient temperature 30°C (86°F), operating at nominal voltage; cables not grouped with other
Worst case conditions: ambient temperature >30°C (86°F), maximùum 3 copper conductors in raceway or
cable with 85-90°C (185-194°F) insulation at 46°C (115°F) ambient temperature and operating at nominal
voltage. Cables not grouped with other cables.
Fuse size is the maximum fuse size in order to protect the motor against short circuit. For cUL fuse HRC form
II, for UL fuse class RK5.
If the local conditions are more severe than the described standard conditions, the cables and fuses for worst
case conditions should be used.
• (1): Recommended wire section under standard conditions
• (2): Recommended wire section under worst case conditions
CSA C22,2 Nos. 0; 0.4; 0.5; 0.12; 14; 68 and UL508
TT-TN network

Type Voltage Frequency Cable section

V Hz
ZE 4 VSD 3.5 bar 440 - 460 60 2x (3xMCM250 + AWG2)

According to Canadian electric code (CE code), part 1, Section 4 / 125˚C insulation copper conductors; type
of CSA designation: R90 silicone cable.

APF188088 95
Instruction book

4.4 Settings of circuit breakers and fuses

Settings for TT/TN networks

Circuit breakers ZE 4 VSD

Type Voltage Frequency Q0 Q1 Q25 Q20 Q26 Q27

V Hz A A A A A A

CSA C22,2 Nos. 0; 0.4; 0.5; 0.12; 14; 68 and UL508

Fuses ZE 4 VSD

Type Voltage Frequency Fuses CSA HRC Fuses UL Class

V Hz II K5 K
ZE 4 VSD 3.5 bar 440-460 60 800 800

Circuit breakers ZE 4 VSD

Type Voltage Frequency Q0 Q1 Q25 Q20 Q26 Q27

V Hz A A A A A A
ZE 4 VSD 3.5 bar 440-460 60 600 1.2 3.5 23 10 10

4.5 Electric connection

General instruction for the electrical installation of VSD compressors

• Electrical equipment from Atlas Copco Compressor is designed in accordance with the safety regulations
described in IEC60204-1 and CENELEC EN60204.
• It is the responsibility of the customer to install the compressor unit according to the safety regulations in
order to protect people from electric shocks from direct or indirect contact.
• In drives with frequency converters, leakage currents occur along the RFI filter and the cable capacities,
especially during the motor start. Class A leakage detection protections would switch off the machine.
Therefore it is not recommended to use class A detection systems on frequency converters.

Installation instructions for TN, TT, IT

In each network system (TN, TT or IT), the customer has to protect the installation using overcurrent protection
by means of fuses or automatic circuit breaker protection.
With respect to the power distribution system, additional installation instructions are given.

Network type TN (TN-S, TN-C and TN-C-S)

No additional protections need to be installed. If the customer wishes to or needs to install a leakage detection
device, it should be of type B and should comply with IEC755 Amendment 2 "General requirements for
residual current-operated protective devices". Atlas Copco advises customers to install the following earth
leakage detection device: BENDER RCMA 470LY with external current transformer:

96 APF188088
Instruction book

Network type TT
In the case of TT-systems, safety regulations mostly stipulate the use of an earth leakage circuit breaker
(e.l.c.b). In combination with frequency converters, type B residual current-operated protective devices should
be used. Atlas Copco advises customers to install the following earth leakage detection device: BENDER
RCMA 470LY with external current transformer:

Network type IT
In IT-network systems, it is permissible for the power supply to continue in the event of an initial earth leakage
fault of a motor phase. However, the customer must detect the initial earth leakage fault. The fault must be
indicated as an alarm. If this is not the case, the initial earth leakage fault must trigger automatic disconnection
of the power supply (EN 60204-1 par.: 6.3). However, the high frequency capacitive leakage currents caused
by frequency converters cannot be detected by standard earth leakage detection systems. Atlas Copco
recommends that customers install: BENDER IRDH 275/435
Atlas Copco strongly recommends that customers do not connect the neutral conductor from the power supply
to the compressor unit. The exposed conductive parts of the installation must be earthed locally. (EN 60204-1
par.: 7.2.3)

Power distribution systems (TN, TT, IT)

According to IEC 60950, there are three main types of power distribution systems: TN, TT and IT. The
electrical installation instructions depend on the type of network of the customer's power supply.
Network type TN (Terra Neutral) :
The TN power distribution system provides a direct earth to the exposed conductive parts of the installation.
The connection is made through the PE-conductor. Within the TN power distribution system, there are three
sub-types: TN-S, TN-C and TN-C-S, identified according to neutral and protective earth conductors. Nearly
85 % to 90 % of industrial networks are TN type.
Network type TN-S (Terra Neutral-Separate) :
The TN-S power distribution system provides separate neutral and direct earth conductors.

A Power system earth

B Exposed conductive parts

Network type TN-C (Terra Neutral-Combined) :

In the TN-C power distribution system, the neutral and the protective earth functions are combined in a single

APF188088 97
Instruction book

A Power system earth

B Exposed conductive parts

Network type TN-C-S (Terra Neutral-Combined-Separate) :

In the TN-C-S power distribution system, the neutral and the protective earth functions are combined to some
degree in a single conductor, a direct earth to the exposed conductive parts of the installation exists in part.
The connection is achieved through the PEN conductor.

A Power system earth

B Exposed conductive parts

Network type TT (Terra Terra) :

The TT power distribution system has one point that is directly earthed. In addition, the exposed conductive
parts of the installation are connected to earth electrodes that are independent from the power system's earth.

A Power system earth

B Exposed conductive parts

98 APF188088
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Network type IT (Impedance Terra) :

The IT power distribution system has no direct connection to Protective Earth (PE). It is earthed via a high
ohmic impedance, so that the network is effectively behaving like an unearthed floating network. The exposed
conductive parts of the installation are directly connected to earth. In the event of an initial earth leakage fault
of a motor phase, the power supply continues. However, the customer must detect the initial earth leakage
fault. The fault must be indicated as an alarm.

A Power system earth

B Exposed conductive parts
C Impedance

APF188088 99
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Electrical diagram

100 APF188088
Instruction book

Text on figure:

(1) Drive cubicle

(2) Low voltage power supply
(3) Customer’s installation
(4) Motor temperature sensor
(5) Fan motors
(6) Fan motor, aircooler
(7) Fan motor, aircooler
(8) Fan motor, aftercooler
(9) Fan motor, oil cooler
10 IT networks

Reference Name
A1 R.F.I. Filter
A11 Frequency converter, drive motor
A21 Frequency converter, fan motors
F25 Overload protection, fan motor oil cooler
F26/27/28 Fuses
F35/36/37 Fuses
K21 Contactor, emergency stop

APF188088 101
Instruction book

Reference Name
L1 Line commutating reactor
M1 Compressor motor
M2 Fan motor, oil cooler
M3 Fan motor, air cooler
M4 Fan motor, air cooler
Q25 Circuit breaker, fan motor oil cooler
Q26 Circuit breaker, fan motor air cooler
Q27 Circuit breaker, fan motor air cooler
R1 Temperature sensor, motor

4.6 Quality of safety components

When installing a remote emergency button or a motor contactor, the following B10d values are advised:
• Emergency stop button: 500 000
• Main contactor: 1 333 333

4.7 Pictographs

Pictographs on control panel

Reference Name
1 Alarm
2 Service
3 Automatic operation
4 Voltage on
5 Enter
6 Escape
7 Scroll keys
8 Stop

102 APF188088
Instruction book

Reference Name
9 Start

Pictographs at other locations

Reference Name
10 Switch off main isolating switch and wait 6 minutes before removing screen
11 Warning: under tension
12 Switch off the voltage and depressurize the compressor before maintenance or repair
13 Before connecting the compressor electrically, consult the Instruction book for the motor
rotation direction
14 Torques for steel (Fe) or brass (CuZn) bolts
15 Read Instruction book before starting the compressor
16 Consult the Instruction book before greasing
17 Switch off the voltage before removing the protecting cover inside the electric cabinet
18 Oil the gaskets, screw on the filters and tighten by hand (approx. one half turn)
19 Stop the compressor before maintenance or repair
20 Automatic condensate drain
21 Manual condensate drain

APF188088 103
Instruction book

5 Operating instructions

5.1 Initial start-up

Safety precautions

The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions.

Ambient conditions
If the compressor is being operated at high altitudes, consult the Atlas Copco Customer Centre.

The compressor can be moved by a lift truck using the slots in the frame. Make sure that the forks protrude
from the other side of the frame. The compressor can also be lifted after inserting beams in the slots. Make
sure that the beams cannot slide and that they protrude from the frame equally. The chains must be held parallel
to the bodywork by chain spreaders in order not to damage the compressor. The lifting equipment must be
placed in such a way that the compressor will be lifted perpendicularly. Lift smoothly and avoid twisting.

General preparation
Make sure that the compressor is installed correctly.
See sections Dimension drawings, Installation proposal and Electric cables.
A sticker summarizing the operating instructions is delivered with the compressor. Affix the sticker next to
the control panel.

Protection during transport

The compressor and motor are secured to the frame, immobilizing the vibration dampers during transport.
All transport fixtures are painted red and must be removed.

104 APF188088
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• Remove both transport supports (Ts1) (one at each side of the gear casing) which fix the gear casing to
the frame.
• Loosen nut (4) and unscrew bolt (5) until the thread of the bolt between bolt head and nut is noticeable
over a distance of 50 mm. Tighten the nut (maximum torque = 100 Nm).

APF188088 105
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Silica gel bags

To protect the compressor against corrosion during transport, silica gel bags are installed in the silencer.
Remove flange (1), take out the silica gel bags and reinstall the flange.

106 APF188088
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Oil circuit

Position of oil level sight-glass

Check that the compressor is filled with oil; oil must be visible in oil level sight-glass

APF188088 107
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Electric cabinet

108 APF188088
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1. Check the voltage selecting wires at transformer (T1) for correct connection. Check the settings of the
circuit breakers.
2. Switch on the voltage. Start the motor and stop it immediately. Check for correct direction of rotation
while the motor is coasting to a stop. The correct rotation direction is indicated by the arrow on the coupling
housing or on the gear casing. If the rotation direction is wrong, consult Atlas Copco.
Also check the rotation direction of the oil cooler fan motor (M2) and, if provided, fan motors (M3 and
M4); arrows indicating the correct direction are stuck on all the motors.
3. Run the compressor for a few minutes; stop the compressor and check the oil level, which must be in the
middle of sight-glass (SG). Top up, if necessary.

5.2 Before starting

Safety precautions

The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions.

APF188088 109
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• Check the oil level, which must be in the middle of sight-glass (SG). Top up, if necessary, with the correct
type of oil.
• If an aftercooler is installed, close the condensate drain valve.
• Open the air outlet valve (customer's installation).
• Switch on the voltage and check that voltage on LED (4) lights up.

5.3 Starting


When the compressor is stopped and automatic operation LED (3) is alight, the
compressor may start automatically.
If the start/stop timer is active, the compressor may start automatically, even if it was
stopped manually.

110 APF188088
Instruction book


Press start button (6). The compressor starts running and automatic operation LED (3) lights up.

5.4 During operation


The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions.

Control panel

When automatic operation LED (3) is alight, the Elektronikon regulator is automatically controlling the
compressor: the speed will continuously vary to match the air delivery to the air consumption; the compressor
will start and stop whenever necessary.
Keep all doors closed during operation.

APF188088 111
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5.5 Checking the display


Before starting any maintenance or repairs, stop the compressor and open the isolating
switch (customer's installation) to switch off the voltage to the compressor.
Repairs inside the start and speed regulation cabinet may only be carried out by Atlas
Wait at least 6 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as hazardous high voltage
remains on the condensers of the start and speed regulation unit for 6 minutes after
switching off the voltage.
Close the air outlet valve.
The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions.

Control panel

1. Regularly check the display for readings and messages. Normally, the main display is shown.
2. Always check the display and remedy the trouble if alarm LED (1) is alight or blinks.
The display will show a service message if a service plan interval has been exceeded or if a service level
for a monitored component has been exceeded. Carry out the service actions of the indicated plans or
replace the component and reset the relevant timer.
Regularly check the Inputs and Outputs menus for a quick look at the compressor status.

112 APF188088
Instruction book

5.6 Stopping

Control panel

1. Press stop button (5). The compressor will stop and LED (3) will go out.
2. To stop the compressor in case of emergency, press the emergency stop button.
3. Close the air outlet valve.
4. If an aftercooler is installed, open the condensate drain valve.

Emergency stopping
• To stop the compressor immediately, press emergency stop button. Alarm LED (1) starts blinking. After
remedying the trouble, unlock the emergency stop button by pulling it out.
• After stopping, close the air outlet valve. If an aftercooler is installed, open the drain valve of the aftercooler
drain receiver.

5.7 Taking out of operation

At the end of the service life of the compressor, proceed as follows:
1. Close the air outlet valve and stop the compressor.
2. Switch off the voltage and disconnect the compressor from the mains.
3. Depressurize the compressor as described in section Depressurizing the compressor.
4. Shut off and depressurize the part of the air net which is connected to the outlet valve. Disconnect the
compressor air outlet pipe from the air net.
5. Drain the oil and condensate circuits.
6. Disconnect the condensate drain piping from the compressor.

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6 Maintenance

6.1 Preventive maintenance schedule

Safety precautions

Before starting any maintenance or repairs, stop the compressor and open the
isolating switch (customer's installation) to switch off the voltage to the
Repairs inside the start and speed regulation cabinet may only be carried out by
Atlas Copco.
Wait at least 6 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as hazardous high
voltage remains on the condensers of the start and speed regulation unit for 6
minutes after switching off the voltage.
Close the air outlet valve.
The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions, including those
mentioned in this book.

Service agreements
Atlas Copco Customer Centres have a range of service agreements to suit your needs:
• An Inspection plan
• A Preventive maintenance plan
• A Total responsibility plan
Contact your Customer Centre to agree on a tailor-made service agreement. It will ensure optimum operational
efficiency, minimize downtime and reduce the total life cycle costs.

Warranty-Product Liability
Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered
by Warranty or Product Liability.

Service kits
Atlas Copco Customer Centres will be glad to provide you with a wide range of service kits. Service kits
comprise all parts needed for servicing components and offer the benefits of genuine Atlas Copco parts while
keeping the maintenance budget low.

Regular checks
The following checks should be carried out regularly to ensure safe operation and long service life.

Period Running hours Operation

Daily 8 Check the readings.
Daily 8 On compressors with aftercooler, check that condensate is discharged
during loading.
Daily -- Check the oil level.
Before starting, the level should be in the middle of the sight-glass.

114 APF188088
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Period Running hours Operation

Weekly -- Drain condensate from the air receiver, if installed
Every 3 months -- Clean compressor.
Every 3 months -- Check for possible leaks.
Every 3 months 500 Check the coolers; clean them if necessary.
Every 3 months 500 Remove air filter and inspect. Replace if dirty or damaged.
When displayed -- Carry out service actions according to the displayed service plans

Service plan
A number of service operations are grouped (called level A, level B, level C, ...). Each level stands for a
number of service actions to be carried out at the time intervals programmed in the Elektronikon regulator.
When a level is reached, a message will appear on the screen. After carrying out all service actions, reset the
interval timers using the "Reset" key in the "Service" menu. Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre.

Service plan Running hours

A 4000
B 8000
C 16000
D 40000
I 2000

6.2 Motor greasing


Stop the compressor before greasing.

Never mix greases of different brands or types.

Motor greasing
Contact your Customer Centre for the recommended grease type, the greasing quantity and interval for the
motor bearings.

6.3 Oil specifications

Roto-Z lubricating oil

Use Atlas Copco Roto-Z oil which is specially developed for oil-free rotary compressors. This oil has a long
service life and ensures optimum lubrication.
Atlas Copco Roto-Z oil can be ordered in following quantities:

APF188088 115
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Quantity (l) Ordering number

5 l can 2908 8503 00
20 l can 2908 8501 01
209 l drum 2908 8500 00

6.4 Storage after installation

Run the compressor, e.g. twice a week, until warm.

If the compressor is going to be stored without running from time to time, protective measures must be taken.
Consult Atlas Copco.

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7 Servicing procedures

7.1 Air filters

1. In dusty operating conditions where it will be necessary to replace the filter too frequently, an appropriate
pre-filter of the dry type should be installed.
2. The filter must be serviced as soon as the service warning appears on the display.
3. Stop the compressor and switch off the voltage to the compressor.
4. Remove the air filter, never remove the filter while the compressor is running.
5. Install the new filter. Never install damaged or clogged filters.
6. Switch on the voltage and reset the air filter service warning.

7.2 Oil and oil filter change

Oil system

1. Run the compressor until warm.
2. Stop the compressor and switch off the voltage.
3. Remove filler plug (FC). Drain the compressor sump and oil cooler while the compressor is still warm.
Remove the drain plugs (Dp1 and Dp2) and open the drain valves (Dv1 and Dv2). Close the valves and
reinstall the plugs after draining.
4. Remove the oil filter. Clean the filter seat, oil the gasket of the new filter and screw it into place until the
gasket contacts the seat. Then tighten by hand.
5. Fill the compressor sump to the middle of the oil level sight-glass (SG) with oil as specified in section
Oil specifications. Reinstall the filler plug.

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6. Run the compressor for a few minutes; stop the compressor and check the oil level. Top up if necessary
to the middle of sight-glass.
7. After carrying out all the service actions of the related service plan, reset the service warning.

7.3 Safety valves

The valves can be tested on a separate compressed air line. If a valve does not open at the pressure specified
in Settings of safety valves, consult Atlas Copco.

• Never run the compressor without safety valves.

• No adjustments are allowed.

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8 Problem solving

8.1 Problem solving

• Before carrying out any maintenance, repair or adjustment work, stop the compressor
and open the isolator switch to switch off the voltage to the compressor.
• Repairs inside the start and speed regulation cabinet may only be carried out by Atlas
• Wait at least 6 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as hazardous high voltage
remains on the condensers of the start and speed regulation unit for 6 minutes after
switching off the voltage.
• Close the air outlet valve.
• The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions.

Control panel

Control panel of Mk5 regulator

Faults and remedies

If the alarm LED is lit or flashes, consult sections Event history menu or Service menu.

Condition Fault Remedy

Compressor capacity or Air consumption exceeds Check pneumatic plant
working pressure lower than capacity of compressor
Safety valves leaking Have valves inspected
Oil pressure too low Oil level too low Top up level to the middle of the oil level
Oil filter clogged Replace filter
Air temperature above normal Inlet temperature too high due Improve ventilation of compressor room and
to bad room ventilation or avoid cooling air recirculation
recirculation of cooling air
Air filter clogged Replace filter

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Condition Fault Remedy

Condensate is not discharged Discharge flexible clogged Check and correct as necessary
from condensate traps during
Compressor does not start or Service switch (SS) is switched Switch off the service switch (the drive panel
shows the converter fault 0X1 on will show REM)

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9 Technical data

9.1 Readings


The readings below are valid when operating at reference conditions. See Reference
conditions and limitations.

Readings on display
For the maximum working pressure and the outlet pressure, consult section Compressor data.

Item Reading
Outlet pressure Depends on compressor type
dp of air filter Below -0.044 bar
Oil pressure 2-2.2 bar(e)
Air outlet temperature See below
Oil temperature Approx. 30-40 ˚C

The air temperature at the outlet valve depends on the compressor type. The temperatures given below are
average values and may differ depending on the compressor type.

Type Unit Temperature at maximum working pressure

ZE 4 VSD 3.5 bar (51 psi) ˚C 40
with aftercooler

9.2 Settings of safety valves

Opening pressure of safety valve

Opening pressure(e): 4.5 bar(e) (65 psig)

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9.3 Reference conditions and limitations

Reference conditions

Item Condition
Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar(a) (14.5 psi)
Relative air humidity 0%
Air inlet temperature 20 ˚C (68 ˚F)
Motor shaft speed See Compressor data.
Nominal effective working pressure See Compressor data.


Item Limit
Maximum air inlet temperature 40 ˚C (104 ˚F)
Minimum ambient temperature 0 ˚C (32 ˚F)
Maximum effective working pressure See Compressor data.
Nominal effective working pressure See Compressor data.
Minimum effective working pressure See Compressor data.
Maximum altitude operation 1000 m (3280 ft)

9.4 Compressor data

Specific data for compressors with aftercooler

9.5 Compressor data

Specific data for compressors with aftercooler

ZE 4 VSD 3.5 bar (51 psi)

At nominal working pressure bar(e) 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5

Maximum effective working pressure bar(e) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Minimum effective working pressure bar(e) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum motor shaft speed rpm 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3630
Minimum motor shaft speed rpm 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
Total electrical power input at reference kW 214.83 223.72 233.8 239.91 252.0 254.18
conditions and approach of 20˚C
Air temperature at outlet valve at ˚C 40 40 40 40 40 40
reference conditions and approach of
20˚C (approx.)

122 APF188088
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Sound pressure level at reference dB(A) 82 82 82 82 82 82

conditions and approach of 20˚C

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10 Pressure equipment directives

10.1 Pressure equipment directives

PED instructions
• ZE 4 VSD
This is a pressure assembly of cat I according to 97/23/EC
Parts of article 3.3 of 97/23/EC are subject to good engineering practice.
Parts of category I according to 97/23/EC are integrated into the machine and fall under the exclusion of article
I, section 3.6.
Parts subject to the Simple Pressure Vessel Directive 87/404/EEC are excluded from 97/23/EC according to
article I, section 3.3.
The following pressure bearing parts are of category higher than I :
Safety valve: Category IV
Design code: AD-Merkblätter, A2

124 APF188088
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11 Documentation

Declaration of conformity
Typical example of a Declaration of Conformity document

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What sets Atlas Copco apart as a company is our conviction that
we can only excel in what we do if we provide the best possible
know-how and technology to really help our customers produce,
grow and succeed.
There is a unique way of achieving that - we simply call it the Atlas
Copco way. It builds on interaction, on long-term relationships
and involvement in the customers’ process, needs and objectives.
It means having the flexibility to adapt to the diverse demands of
the people we cater for.
It’s the commitment to our customers’ business that drives our
effort towards increasing their productivity through better
solutions. It starts with fully supporting existing products and
continuously doing things better, but it goes much further, creating
advances in technology through innovation. Not for the sake of
technology, but for the sake of our customer’s bottom line and
That is how Atlas Copco will strive to remain the first choice, to
succeed in attracting new business and to maintain our position
as the industry leader.

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