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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving



BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Section 1: Defining the complex issue 5

Section 2: Systematic decision-making 7
Section 3: Decision review 9

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Student name: Elvish Nepal


Date: 07-11-2022

Business this assessment is Worducation

based on:

Documentation reviewed Member of the executive management who specializes in

as preparation: financial analysis

Job role: Member of the executive management who specializes in

financial analysis


Numeric/Financial data:

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Section 1: Defining the complex issue

Provide business overview Overview of business:

Provide an overview of the A social start-up called Worducation makes tablets for
business, including: elementary school kids. In order to better engage and teach the
children, it focuses on both hardware and developing software,
 name of business
content, and activities. The organization's goal is to build a
 description of what the society in which literacy is not a concern. The production team
business does (e.g. key in Hong Kong notifies itself of the order specifications and
functions, vision) delivery details and incorporates them into its production
 your job role within schedule. The sale order is examined by a member of the
the business (or the operations team, who then accepts delivery of the production
role you’re assuming if request to the Hong Kong location. The operations team starts
you are basing this the order production process and handles all of the logistics,
assessment on the case including freight and direct delivery to the customer. The
study). supply chain starts when a sale is completed. An ERP system
that is only available through the company's internal network is
used to record sales. The ERP system notifies the operations
staff when an order has to be delivered.
The vision of the organization is to see a world without
Key functions:
Providing youngsters with table computers for their education
and creating additional classrooms across the world with the
proceeds from each classroom's sales.
Job role:
An employee's job function is the portion of their work that
falls under their primary duty areas. For instance, a sales
manager's job involves using the sales team to bring in new
clients for the company. It is something that an employee does
as part of their employment. I am a member of the executive
management who specializes in financial analysis and who

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oversees internal business operations like; budgeting, cash flow

overview, to comprehend the present company position,
communication with the sales, operations, and production
teams is necessary.

Outline complex issue Due to the unprecedented increase in demand and supply-chain
interruptions, management now forecasts that 2020 sales will
Describe the complex issue
be $55 million, net profit will be $5 million, and net cash flow
associated with the
will be negative $3 million. Determining new business models
business, including:
is also a challenging problem for the organization at the
 a brief outline of the moment because the global COVID-19 event has significantly
issue altered the complexity of the supply chain.
The business will need to think about and create a new business
plan that can fit with the current internet trend. However, they
also need to take into account the hostility between China and
Hong Kong, which will have an impact on the plant in Hong
 who the stakeholders Stakeholders:
are and how they are
A person or collection of persons who possess stock in a
associated with the
company. An individual with obligations to and an interest in
the success of an organization, society, or other entity, such as a
worker, client, or citizen. The stakeholders and how they are
associated with the issues are discussed below:
 Board of directors
 Management team need to participate in a decision
making process and suggestion of solution for the
identified issues.
 Customers: Always satisfy the clients
 Suppliers: Always keep a positive and good relationship
with supplie
 Financial team: Budgets and financial analyses are
prepared by the financial team and CFO.
 Manufacturing team: exchange concepts, work on
putting solutions into action.
 analysis and
presentation of  Operation team: exchange concepts, work on putting

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numeric and financial solutions into action.

data illustrating the  Financial institution: Provide a sufficient amount of
complex issue (attach finance to run the business.
to this section of the
 two objectives when Objectives for pursuing solutions:
pursuing solutions The two objectives for pursuing solutions are as follows:
Obtaining appropriate cost estimates to finance the company
Ignore how a global incident will affect the production.

 three advantages of Advantages of solving the issues:

solving the issue. People with strong problem-solving skills will advance the
company more successfully. Those who lack the skills to solve
problems will invariably suggest inadequate solutions to
important business problems, suggestions that will either fail to
resolve the underlying problem or even make it worse. The
three advantages of solving the issues in the organization are as
Increase in sales and profit margin
Reduce possible costs due to changes because of worldwide
Company’s viability, sustainability, and growth
Finding investors

 three risks involved in Risk involved in pursuing solution: Sometime there may be risk
pursuing solutions. while searching for the solution because we need to do various
things for solution. The three risks involved in pursuing
solution are as follows:
Relationship with suppliers: Supplier relationship management
(SRM) is a methodical process for assessing the suppliers of
goods, materials, and services to a company, figuring out how
each supplier contributes to success, and creating plans to raise

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performance levels. There is high risk of maintaining bad

relationship with the suppliers.
Losing customers: A key issue for any small business is lost
clients. You sometimes only have a small audience to promote
to in the beginning. You run the danger of losing a consumer if
you draw him in and then let him go because of subpar service,
exorbitant costs, or a subpar product. There is high chance of
losing clients while pursuing solution.
Staff resistance changes: The refusal to adapt to change when it
is presented is known as resistance to change. Employee
resistance to organizational change can take two forms: overt
and covert. This can take the form of openly expressing
opposition or unintentionally opposing change through
language or general behaviour. Employee may not cope with
changes while pursuing the changes.

Legislative and Legislative requirement:

organisational requirements Legislative requirements are the laws, rules, codes, and other
Establish the legislative related documents that apply to the Services in the nation where
and organisational the Services are being provided. The term "legislation" refers to
requirements related to the the process by which a legislative body creates and enacts laws.
complex issue, including: The words used in the bill to communicate the values,
 a summary of the judgements, and intentions of the proposal are important to
consider during the legislative process, which involves
relevant legislation
assessing, modifying, and voting on proposed laws.
The Privacy Act of 1988 is the piece of legislation that forbids
the unauthorized use of personal data. There are situations
involving couples that call for outside intervention and pose a
privacy risk to the business.
The law known as a free trade agreement permits businesses to
export and import as long as they comply with categorization
requirements and have paid applicable tariffs.
The Workplace Safety and Health Act (WHS Act) regulation in
Australia and other countries where the firm operates, as well
as the Fair Work Act and industrial relations regulations in
those other countries where the company conducts business.

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Organisational policies and procedures:

 a summary of the Organizational rules and procedures offer standards for
associated decision-making and how work should be done inside an
organisational policies organization. Increased openness, accountability, uniformity,
and procedures and stability are the outcomes of having clear, well-written
policies and processes.
Attach any relevant
policies to your portfolio. Principles and practices for financial authorization. It is a
policy for financial transactions requiring specific authorization
for specific roles.
New supplier regulations; It consists of procedures for the
company's acceptance of new suppliers.
Privacy policies; The business protects its customers' personal
information as is customary.
Performance management policy; Managing performance to
meet expectations is common practice.
Documentation policy; It is the company's standard paperwork.

Calculate resources To complete the solution development process different types

of resources are required in the organization. Such resources
Calculate the resources
should be made ready before starting the solution process. The
required for the solution
resources required for the solution development process are as
development process
Human resources: A company's department in charge of
anything employee-related is called human resources (HR). It
also include finding, screening, choosing, on boarding, training,
promoting, compensating, and terminating workers and
independent contractors. The human resources required are
Chief financial officer, sales operation management, manager
Equipment: Equipment is a real long-term asset that provides
value to a company over many years of operation. Equipment
examples include cars, trucks, and manufacturing machines.
They differ from intangible assets (such patents, trademarks, or

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copyrights), which lack a physical form, in that they are

tangible because they do. Laptops and smart phones are most
essential resources in the solution development process because
this helps in communication process.
Technology: Technology, or as it is sometimes referred to, the
modification and manipulation of the human environment, is
the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals of
human life. Technology like zoom and online meetings are
useful in solution development process.
Documents: A document's main goal is to make it easier for its
readers to receive information from its author. It is the
responsibility of the author to structure the work in such a way
that the data it includes may be interpreted correctly and
effectively. The author can employ a variety of stylistic devices
to achieve this. Marketing strategy, sales strategy. Annual report
are some of the documents that are required in solution
development process.
Budget: A budget is a financial plan that projects future
earnings and costs. A budget put simply, forecasts future
spending and saving in addition to anticipated income and
expenses. Having a budget promotes financial stability. A
budget makes it simpler to pay bills on time, accumulate an
emergency fund, and save for significant costs like a car or
home by keeping track of spending and sticking to a plan.
Overall, having a budget gives a person more financial stability
for both the short and long term.

Prepare presentation Attached

Use the work done in this
section to prepare a
presentation of scope of
your issue to present to
relevant stakeholders.
Use any appropriate
format (e.g. MS

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Attach the presentation to

your portfolio.

Attach: Organisational policies and procedures ☐

Legislation ☐

Presentation ☐

Financial analysis and presentation ☐

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Section 2: Systematic decision-making

Generate alternative Critical thinking method: When you use critical thinking, you
solutions for your issue analyse, interpret, evaluate, and form opinions about what you
Summarise the outcomes of read, hear, say, or write. The Greek word kritikos, which means
your meeting with the "able to judge or distinguish," is where the word "critical"
originates. The ability to access information and be conscious of
stakeholder, including:
biases or preconceptions, including your own, is referred to as
 an outline of two critical thinking. Similar to information literacy, it entails
critical thinking assessing claims, recognizing and solving issues objectively and
techniques used to methodically, and effectively expressing your opinions.
generate solution
alternatives with other Problem-solving: It is the capacity to resolve any challenges
stakeholders (attach and conflicts by making use of all the tools and knowledge at
proof e.g. mind map to hand. Along with other sources of information, it will
this section of your incorporate the expertise, knowledge, and experiences of the
 List of four to six Analysis: With this approach, topics are examined and all
pertinent data is gathered from multiple sources utilizing both
alternative solutions.
qualitative and quantitative analysis. Participation of
stakeholders, a registry of lessons learned, policies and
processes, etc. are all examples of information.

Alternative solution: A specific solution will address the issue

without introducing unintended complications. The alternative
will be accepted by all parties involved. The alternative will
probably be put into practice. The alternate complies with
organizational requirements. The six alternative solutions are as
Introducing second manufacturing facility in the organization
Outsourcing manufacturing to the third party to reduce the risk
of loss.
Immediately develop cloud-based solution technology.
Finding the new investors who can easily invest in the sector

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that we prefer.
The payment periods should be extended to make the process
much easier.
Regularly engaging in the campaigns and increasing the
production of the organization.

Evaluate alternative Most of the time, a decision is taken to address a problem. The
solutions nature of the issue that needs to be corrected must therefore be
Evaluate each identified defined and limited before moving on. All the identified
solution to establish their alternative solution must be evaluated very carefully. Through a
careful evaluation we can identify that they are the best solution
feasibility. Include:
for the problem or not.
 success criteria
Success criteria: To be within customer’s satisfaction,
 constraints relationship with suppliers, and approval from
 evaluation of each stakeholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
alternative against the Constraints: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
criteria and . . . .
Government restrictions due to COVID-19.
 List of all feasible
Rising tension can change the political situation and new
legislations can change everything.
World economy is water falling that restrains many business

Evaluation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Establishing second manufacturing facility. It will be difficult as
many still under government restrictions.

Hiring a third party to handle the manufacturing. Given the state

of the globe, the third party might demand a higher price. Invent
and develop cloud-based technology. It can be created internally
and doesn't require outside resources, making it the most
desired. getting tablets from a store. It's possible that
functionality won't serve the intended purpose and quality may

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be in question. used tablets being reused. 50/50 is the likelihood

of receiving quality tablets.

Compare feasible solutions It will be good if we compare two different feasible option
because we can figure out the best option by comparing
Use one appropriate
different options. Two critical thinking techniques: -
tool/technique to compare
Brainstorming and Cost Benefit Analysis
all feasible alternatives
with one another. Include: An assessment of bias in decision-making: This choice was
made impartially. It was founded on facts, including
 a description of the
information on the company's finances. We may generate all
tool or technique used
viable solutions and compare them to one another using the
 proof of your same standards, demonstrating the objectivity of the choice.
comparison (e.g.
The comparison is shown in the table
table, financial
below: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
analysis etc)

 an assessment of bias Introducing second The estimated cost for

in your decision- manufacturing facility in the establishing the second
making (actual or organization manufacturing facility is $5
perceived) millions Benefits: increase in
production capacity of the
organization and we can also
make a good stock of

Outsourcing manufacturing Cost: loss margin of $200 /

to the third party to reduce unit and $2 million per year
the risk of loss. assuming 10,000 units sold.
There is also less chance of
risk in the outsourcing.

Immediately develop cloud- The estimated cost to

based solution technology. introduce the cloud-based
technology in the business is
$2 millions.
Benefits: Your data is backed
up and secured in a secure
and safe location when it is

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saved in the cloud, regardless

of a natural disaster, power
outage, or other emergency.
Quickly regaining access to
your data enables you to
carry on with business as
usual, minimizing any
downtime and productivity
loss. Several services that let
users save, sync, and share
files on the cloud are referred
to as cloud-based file sharing.
All end users need is an
internet-capable device, like
a Smartphone, laptop, or
tablet, in order to access files
at any time and location.

Finding the new investors It does not take more cost to

who can easily invest in the find out the new investors.
sector that we prefer. Benefits: The requirement for
any personal assurances is
frequently removed when
bringing in outside investors,
thus lowering the risk to the
owners. You have a capable
management or leadership
team, some of whom are
interested in owning stock in
the business. Typically, these
executives and managers lack
the personal resources to
invest in the company.

The payment periods should The benefit of increasing

be extended to make the payment period is that we can
process much easier. increase the client base in the
business and it does not cost

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Regularly engaging in the Marketing budget will cover

campaigns and increasing the its cost.
production of the Benefit: The revenue of the
organization. organization will be increase.

Choose the best solution The cloud-based solution technology development is the finest
for your complex issue answer for the firm. It's currently the hot topic, as everybody
Choose the best alternative relies on the web at home for their pursuits. Several online-
based businesses have expanded their market dominance and
and explain:
operating margins. The technology doesn't quite break any laws,
 Why did you choose but it will necessitate additional rules and processes for the
it? corporation because cloud-based software is the company's
 How does it meet the initial innovation, which will eventually become one of its key
legislation and businesses.
organisational policy
 Are there any risks
associated with your Loss of Information
solution? Loss of data constitutes one of the most prevalent concerns
 What are the regarding cloud solution. It is often referred to as data leaking.
advantages of the Data loss takes place when information is removed, damaged,
or rendered inaccessible by a person, program, or program. In a
chosen solution?
cloud services context, data loss happens if our important
 Resources required material is in the control of others, one or more information
pieces cannot be utilized by the data holder, a hard drive fails,
and program is not upgraded.
Non - secure APIs and compromised layouts
As we all know, cloud technology is entirely dependent on the
Internet, thus it is essential to safeguard gateways and APIs
which are utilized by multiple stakeholders. APIs offer the most
convenient approach to connect with the majority of web
services. Several solutions in cloud technology are accessible to
the general public. Because these facilities can be reached by
outside people, there is a possibility that they will be disrupted
and compromised by cybercriminals.

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Theft of Information
Data leak is the procedure whereby private data is seen,
obtained, or taken by a foreign entity without authority,
resulting in the cybercriminals hacking the business resources.

IT costs have been lowered.
Switching to cloud technology might help you save money on
repairing and controlling your IT infrastructure. Instead of
acquiring costly hardware and software for the company, you
may save money by utilizing the services of your cloud
computing provider.

The company can swiftly either increase or decrease its
operating and storing requirements to fit current demands,
giving them mobility as their needs change. Instead of obtaining
and implementing costly upgrades manually, the cloud
computing service provider may do it for you. Using cloud
saves you time, allowing you to focus on operating your
Partnership effectiveness
Collaborating in a cloud system enables the company to interact
and exchange more readily than conventional ways. If you are
completing a task in many places, you may utilize cloud
technology to provide access to the same information to
workers, subcontractors, and foreign entities.

Auto update availability

The service cost may involve accessibility to automated
upgrades for business IT needs. The platform would be
routinely upgraded with the newest technologies, based on the
provider of cloud computing. This might involve software

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updates in addition to host and computing processing power


Resources Required:
Access to internet connectivity,
Workstations computers
IT Officer
Marketing and promotional teams/campaign
Human Resources

Prepare a brief Attached

Use the work done in this
section to prepare a brief
to share your proposed
solution withkey
stakeholders (use “Brief
outline” template if
Attach the organisation
policies that guide brief
writing to this section of
the portfolio.

Attach: Brief ☐

Feedback register ☐

Organisational policies - brief ☐

This Brief outline forms part of Section 2 of the Project Portfolio for BSBCRT611 Apply critical
thinking for complex problem solving.

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The issue at hand is that growing a firm involves considerable outlays of working capital.
Although an earnings is forecast to rise, profitability are anticipated to decrease. As a
consequence, the cash flow would be significantly strained.

Proposed Solution
Customers who make advance payments are offered a chance to earn a rebate. If the production
line could satisfy customer requirements, the governing board feels that doing so will help
improve liquidity and customer satisfaction. This is the sole alternative which satisfies each and
every critical success factors.

 Improve liquidity
 Good relationships with customers
 Good relationship with suppliers
 Boost of company.

Concerned Risks:

 Consumers' request could be insufficient.

 There may be a significant amount of demand, but not enough availability.


  Marketing team
  Sales team
  Promotion campaign
  Selling strategyy.
Proof of two critical thinking techquie used:

 Ideas on strategizing: Different arrangement to the cash flow problem Recommended:

 Creating a marketing and increasing production
 Clients that advance their payment receive a price reduction.
 Locate funders and prolong the repayment schedule
 Partnership with several other businesses

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 new commercial
 Search for less expensive sources.
 Consumers' prices will be raised.

Depending on investigation and review, the following are the great choices:
 Creating a promotion program and increasing production
 Clients that pay in advance receive a price reduction.
 Locate investors
 Repayment time should be extended.

 Cost-benefit Analysis:
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a strategy for comparing potential solutions based on their
cost and the benefits they might offer to the firm.

Creating an Projected expense: $5

additional millions Advantages:
production plant Growth in manufacturing

Outsourcing Cost: loss

manufacturing to third marginof$200/unit and $2
party million per yearassuming10,
000 units sold.

Create technologies for Projected expense: $2

cloud-based solutions. millions

Benefit: Global reach,

web-based, efficient and

Purchasing off the shelf tablets Cost: loss margin of

$300/unit and $3 million per
year as suming10,000 units

Recycling of old tablets Can only sell for $100 / $

1 million assuming 10,000
units sold

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Feedback register(first template, complete one insection3)

Person Receiving Feedback
Name of Reviewer
Required actions

Section 3: Decision review


register Organization Policies:
Develop a feedback Documentation Policy and Procedures (Policy and
register to record feedback Procedures for Documentation)
from stakeholders.
Policies describe an organization's top-level strategy within a
Attach the organisation given area of responsibility to guarantee business alignment and
policies that guide accomplishment with strategic goals.
recording of feedback.
Everybody in the workplace is expected to utilize Worlducation
designs/layouts for all needed documents.

In this scenario, the heading of the document must be

[Department Type Detail Version].

Documents should be stored to the cloud-based backup system

used by Worlducation.
All responses should be recorded in an input log as well as

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checked for accuracy using the built-in testing tool.

The gathered parameters should be included in the feedback
documentation: the time, the project code, the identification of
the examiner, the names of the individuals who got the
feedback, any remarks, as well as any corrective factors.

Incorporate feedback Completed and Attached Below

Use the feedback from
your meeting with
stakeholders to refine your
project brief.
Attach the refined brief
and completed feedback
register to this section of
your portfolio.

Seek approval Find email attached at the bottom of the document.

Use an appropriate format
to seek approval to
implement your proposed
solution (e.g. draft an
email, complete an
application form ready to
be lodged etc.)
Attach proof to this
section of your portfolio.

Self-evaluate your Strengths:

performance  I work well with others. I've always loved working in
Perform a self-evaluation: groups, and it's one of my stronger skills. My prior career as
a marketing research analyst trained me how to motivate
 Complete the self-
everyone else in tense events by including varied
evaluation checklist
stakeholders, group discussions, and thorough field
(add as an
research. The customer implemented our recommendations
to develop a product that is both ecologically and financially
 List your strengths

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and weaknesses. viable.

 Identify areas needing  My optimistic attitude is unquestionably one of my assets. I
improvement. can look at an issue from several angles and sympathize
with my customers, pupils, and patients to better understand
Attach the completed self- their requirements at any given time.
evaluation (Self-
 I am a problem solver who is also a quick learner. When
Evaluation checklist) to
developing tools in my previous role, I learnt to work
this section of your
effectively under pressure since our team would not be able
to obtain a contract unless we delivered the designs
promptly and with as little resources as possible. In these
cases, I am not scared to ask questions in order to solve the
problem. I conduct significant study for each customer so
that I am well-prepared.
 I have a tendency to be harsh on myself, which may lead to
bad self-talk and, eventually, exhaustion. I've discovered
that I can prevent this by writing down my ambitions,
targets, and critical accomplishments and making time to
recognize both major and minor achievements and
successes. Not only does this enables me to concentrate on
how I can aid the team, but it has also assisted me in
enhancing my ability to prioritize my most important duties.
Areas needing improvement:
Procrastination has long been one of my terrible habits. To be
honest, I believe it springs from a fear of failure. Keeping up
with appointments and other documentation was key to my
previous career as a real estate agent. To better organize my
time, I started utilizing Google Calendar and tools like Trello.
Crossing items off my to-do list helps me feel successful, and
I've learned to tackle more difficult activities first thing in the
morning when I'm feeling refreshed and less prone to

Attach: Self-evaluation checklist ☐

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Refined brief ☐

Completed feedback register and related

organisational policies

Proof to seek approval ☐


This self evaluation forms part of Section 3 of the Project Portfolio for
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving.

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

How happy am I?

How did I do? Comments

● Provide an overview of X I thoroughly examined

the business all of the important
● Describe the complex areas of the business.
issue associated with my

● Establish relevant
legislation, policies and x
The inquiry wasn't
● Calculate resources
really carried out
required to develop
solutions X

● Prepare a presentation
I was expecting
and present scope of my
chosen issue to stake
● Generate
alternative X Today was a
solutions with productive
other stakeholders brainstorming session.
● Evaluate and
compare alternative
● Decide on the best The best choice was
solution and justify my X
chosen with success
choice factors in mind.
● Prepare and present a
solution brief to X

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

● Develop and use a X We observed

feedback register corporate registration
● Refine my brief
● Seek necessary approvals
● Interact verbally with others Yes, with my teacher
and pupils.
● Use numerical and financial In my analysis, I may
Data in my analysis Include additional

X Microsoft has been a

● Use appropriate digital
tools and technologies X source of contention.

Refined Brief:
The issue at hand is that growing a firm involves considerable outlays of working capital.
Although an earnings is forecast to rise, profitability are anticipated to decrease. As a
consequence, the cash flow would be significantly strained.

Proposed Solution
Customers who make advance payments are offered a chance to earn a rebate. If the production
line could satisfy customer requirements, the governing board feels that doing so will help

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
improve liquidity and customer satisfaction. This is the sole alternative which satisfies each and
every critical success factors.

 Improve liquidity
 Good relationships with customers
 Good relationship with suppliers
 Boost of company.

Concerned Risks:

 Consumers' request could be insufficient.

 There may be a significant amount of demand, but not enough availability.
 Consumers get accustomed to receiving reductions and thus are hesitant to pay the full
amount for goods.
 Consumers may assume that the less expensive things are not quite as good, that might
undermine the professional image.


 Campaign for promotion

 Selling strategy
 Promotional division
 Squad consisting of salespeople
 Budget plans
 Discount policy and procedures.

Completed Feedback Register

Date 4 November 2022
Project 123-2022
Comments Added concerns were highlighted, including a
detrimental affect on brand as a result of
buyers believing that reduced items are
Consumers may still request reductions after

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
we modify our discounting policy and provide
items at original retail.
Requiredactions Based on the feedback, revise the brief.
The deadline is November 24, 2022.

Perform risk assessments for newly

discovered hazards. The deadline is
November 25th, 2022.

Analyze the project's viability utilizing the

most recent risk analysis. The deadline is
November 27th, 2022.

To: CEO, Board of Directors,
Sub: Regarding your approval implement the proposed solution

Dear All,
I've created a brief and related documentation for the cash flow issue. As you are aware, the
development of our firm needs a large rise in working capital. Revenue is likely to increase,
whereas profit margins are predicted to decrease. As a consequence, the cash flow would be
significantly strained.
As you can see from the brief, it is recommended that a discount scheme be introduced for
customers who prepay for our merchandise. According to the risk analysis, this is expected to
boost our liquidity as well as customer retention and satisfaction, demonstrating that this option
is feasible and that the benefits outweigh the risks and expenses.
We have also finalized the project report regarding the current situation with all the attachments
required. Please go through the report before coming to approval decision and do not hesitate to
contact me for any queries.
Hoping for a positive response. I am expecting the approval no later than 10th November 4, 2022
Please let me know if I can be of any help.

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

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