HLTINF006 Student Assessment Task 2

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices

Provider Code 02934D
RTO Number 121952
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

Student Assessment
Task 2: Case Studies

Apply basic principles and practices
of infection prevention and control

CHC30121 - Certificate III in Early Childhood

Education and Care

HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention

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Student Assessment - Version 1.0 May 2023
HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment


Student Details

☐ I have read and understand unit information and assessment instruction

Student ID 16252 Date 28.06.2023

Student Name Rebeca Raducu

Conditions of  The student will have access to the relevant learning resources, listed under the
Assessment learning resource of this document, for this assessment.
 Assessment task may be completed at student’s own time.
 Responses to the questions must be typed.

Student Instructions  This task requires you to read the case studies provided. You must answer all
for completion questions correctly to complete this assessment with the satisfactory result and
you may utilise the relevant learning resources related to this assessment.
 The questions within this assessment relate directly to the integrated knowledge
contained within the unit of competencies and are fundamental to the student’s
knowledge and performance evidence. Use of correct grammar and spelling is
required to demonstrate foundation skills, so please ensure to proofread your
answers prior to submission.
 You may have up to three (3) attempts to be deemed Satisfactory outcome with
this assessment.
 APA referencing must be used where original sources have been used. Do not
copy and paste text from any of the online sources. SCEI has a strict plagiarism
policy and students who are found guilty of plagiarism, will be penalised.
 The written assessment standards (8.2) outlined in the PP77 Assessment policy
and procedure apply to this assessment task.

Explanation of the The assessment tasks use a range of instructional words throughout them – such
common command as ‘compare’ and ‘list’. These words will guide the student and yourself as to the
words used in the level of detail that must be provided in their answers. Some questions will also tell
Assessment Task you how many answers the students need to give – for example, ‘Describe three
strategies…’. Use the below glossary to guide you on interpreting the words in the
 List - You must record short pieces of information in a numbered or bulleted
form with one or two words or sentences on each line.
 Outline = provide the main facts about something, more than naming, but not
a detailed description. You must give a brief description of the main facts or
sequence of events about something. The length of the response should be
guided by what you are required to outline. As long as you include the main
facts or points, then that’s enough.
 Describe = Provide full details of characteristics and/or features, more
needed than an outline or than a list. This means you should outline the most
noticeable qualities or features of an idea, topic or the focus of the question
 Explain - This means you need to make something clear or show your
understanding by describing it or providing information about it. You will need
to make clear how or why something happened, or something is the way it is.

HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

 Discuss = Provide a reasonable argument to discuss cause and effect and/or

make links between things clear in your own words
 Define – This means you should explain the meaning or interpretation of a
term or concept in your own words, including any qualities which are essential
to understanding.
 Analyse = Identify parts, the relationship between them, and their
relationships with the whole. Draw out and relate implications
 Demonstrate = Present, show or illustrate through example or action

Assessment  You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to
Procedure seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
 You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If you
feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the
time needed with the assessor prior to the assessment due date.
 Following the assessment, your responses will be assessed and marked as
appropriate. Where responses have been assessed in one (1) or more questions
as unsatisfactory, students will be required to resubmit these questions. For more
information, detailed information can be found in PP77 Assessment Policy and
Due Date  14 days after the unit completion date as outlined in the PP77 Assessment
Policy and Procedure.
Case Study 1

You are working as an educator in the Blue Bay Early Learning Center. A child named Tommy in your
class has been unwell with a progressive cough with sputum, fever, running nose, headache and body
aches. He was admitted to the Medical ward today with the diagnosis of Influenza B. As he is weak, he
needs assistance with Activities of Daily living ADL’S. After being treated for 5 days, Tommy feels better
and returns back to the Center. You are responsible for looking after him. However, when you help
Tommy to have a lunch, he suddenly starts coughing, sneezing and spitting sputum everywhere and
vomiting. The sputum and the vomitus soiled his clothes, the table, floor and dishes.

1.1 Answer the below questions:

A) Identify the hand hygiene practices which should be performed when caring for Tommy?

-5 Moments Practices:
1- Before touching-feeding, oral medications, dressing, temperature etc
2- before starting the procedure/first aid – Dressing wounds, eye drops
3. After exposure – contact with fluids etc- blood, mucous, breast milk, urine, faeces, vomit,
5. After touching surrounds- like change mat, steps, cot, bedding mats chairs
B) When should hand hygiene practices be performed?

Wash hands before treat Tommy, after treat him, after cleaning, when you arrive at work and
when you leave.
C) Why are hand hygiene practices important in ECEC environments?

They are important to minimize spreading of germs because hands are very good at

HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

transportation to and from, do not pass on other so break the chain of infection by practicising
hand hygene.
D) Why is it necessary to cover any cuts or abrasions on your hands?

Because it could get infected having open wounds and germs can get in it. Having it covered
protects from not absorbing it.

1.2 What are the appropriate PPE and additional precautions you should implement while caring for Tommy
to prevent the transmission of infection?
-Wearing gown, gloves, face mask, goggles.
-Tommy should be isolated and restricted to interact with other people.
-Design items for cleaning up.
-Use paper towel to soak up the sputum and the vomitus and put it in a plastic bag.

A) Identify the clean and contaminated zones in this scenario. Explain why it is important to confine
clean materials, equipment and instruments to the clean zone and contaminated material,
equipment and instruments to the contaminated zone.
Contaminated material, equipment and instruments are soiled with
pathogens and are able to transmit infections therefore they need to be contained within a
designated area.
• Clean materials, equipment and instruments are risk free from pathogens and are not
deemed a source of infection. They are safe to use on patients and be used by staff.
B) What materials, equipment and instruments should be confined to a clean zone?

-Foods and dishes

-Clean rest Mats and Floor Cushions
-Clean toys
C) What materials, equipment and instruments should be confined to the contaminated zones?
-Used toys and equipment
-Used play materials
-Used linen
-Mop and bucket
Risk- that staff and other children may succumb to his pathogens is
-Likelihood- likely to almost certain
-Severity- moderate to major for staff, catastrophic for an immune supressed

-Get a flu shot

-Covid 19 Vac
-Personal hygiene practices
-Regular washing of the surfaces
-Dealing with spills of body fluids
-Disposing of infectious waste

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

Incident report
Hazard report
Risk assessment report
Vistors registers

1.7 Give two (2) examples of standard respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette procedures and state why
they are important.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
Perform hand hygiene.
Use in the nearest waste receptacle to dispose of the tissue after use.

1.8 When caring for Tommy, name three (3) measures, including placing appropriate signs, that you would
take to prevent transmission of infection.
Put the signs out to prevent the transmition of infection.
Report about Tommy (what happened, when, what needs to be done, what you did)
Using personal protective equipment to protect yourself.

1.9 Identify at least three (3) control measures to minimise risk of the infection hazards in this work
As a director you shoud to minimise risk of infection hazards by:
-hygene practices/regular washing hands
-keeping clean surfaces by regular cleaning
-dispose infection waste (nappies,blood)
-promoting flu vaccination in workplace

1.10 Identify at least four (4) measures to remove the body fluid spill from the floor and minimise the
contamination of material, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter, in accordance with
standard policies and procedures
-Select appropriate PPE
-Contain spill and wipe up spills immediately with absorbent material
-Place contaminated absorbent material into either clinical waste for
disposal or into laundry skip for laundering
-Clean the surface with warm detergent solution, using disposable
cloth, sponge or mop head

1.11 Identify the procedure that should be followed for cleaning frequently touched areas of Tommy’s
environment (e.g. bed, bedside table and chair).
Frequently touched surfaces - Surfaces that are in close proximity to the
patient and frequently touched surfaces in the patient care areas should be
cleaned more frequently than minimal touch surfaces Frequently touched
surfaces can be cleaned with a detergent solution designed for general
purpose cleaning

1.12 Identify the procedure that should be followed for handling, transporting and processing linen in a
manner that controls the spread of infection.
-Used linen is ‘bagged’ at the location of use into an appropriate laundry receptacle.
-Used linen must not be rinsed or sorted in patient-care areas or washed in domestic
washing machines
-Linen soiled with body substances should be placed into leak-proof laundry bags for safe

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

-Hand hygiene is performed following the handling of used linen.
-Clean linen must be stored in a clean dry place that prevents
contamination by aerosols, dust, moisture and vermin and is separate from used linen

1.13 State three (3) procedures that should be followed for handling and cleaning Tommy’s used
equipment and resources (e.g. toys, tables, bed and thermometer), that prevents skin and mucous
membrane exposures, contamination of clothing and the transfer of pathogens.
-All reusable medical devices and patient-care equipment used in the
clinical environment should be reprocessed according to their intended use and
manufacturer’s advice
-Only TGA-registered reusable medical devices should be used; before purchase, healthcare
facilities should ensure that manufacturer’s
reprocessing instructions are provided and are able to be followed by the healthcare facility
-Single-use medical devices should not be reprocessed

1.14 In this scenario, you were exposed to Tommy’s sputum and vomitus. This is an event which may
place you at risk. What are the protocols which should be followed for care after exposure to blood or
other body fluids? To whom will you report this incident, and how?
You should report the incident to the team leader or manager.
Fill out the Injury Incident Report written and it can also be done verbally.
Do a Hazard Report
Folllow the Policy and Procedures

Case Study 2

Sue has recently been employed as an educator in early childhood center. She has only been working in
the industry for six months. On arriving at work last week, she received a child named Gwen. Her
colleagues soon informed her that Gwen has Molluscum contagiosum and that strict infection control
procedures would have to be put in place to prevent the spread of the infection. Sue was uncertain as to
what would be required.

2.1 Identify the infection risk that Sue needs to be aware of when contacting Gwen.
All the surfaces should be cleaned.
As you will might get skin to skin contact you have to perform hand hygene.
Cover the skin if you have broken skin you can get infected.
Get more information about Gwen's illness and document everthing

2.2 What reporting procedures should be undertaken?

Wear PPE, cough etiquette, performing hand hygene, cover any cut or broken skin and

2.3 Outline five (5) standard and additional infection control procedures that Sue would be required to follow.
Cleaning and Disinfection
Waste Disposal
Respiratory Hygiene (Cough Etiquette)

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Reprocessing of reusable instruments and equipment
Routine environmental cleaning

Case Study 3
Dealing with Infection
You are working in an early childhood service center. One of the children, Frances, recently had surgery
on her leg. Unfortunately, she has returned from hospital with a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) infection.
You are one of the staff who care for Frances. You and your colleagues must work within the infection
control procedures to prevent the spread of MRSA to other children or staff.

3.1 What is MRSA’s mode of transmission?

Skin-to-skin contact. MRSA  can be transmitted from one person to another through skin-to-skin
contact or by touching contaminated objects.

3.2 Where will you find the procedures for handling with a child who has an MRSA infection?
Organizational policies and processes
Consult with your superviors.
Examine Frances's health-care strategy.
Refer to the National Health and Medical Research Council's infection control method.

3.3 Do you use standard or additional precautions when working with Frances? Explain your answer.
Isolation precaution, perform hand hygiene before and after patient contact, including after gloves are
removed, avoid direct contact with potentially contaminated surfaces, implement compliance monitoring

3.4 Explain the handwashing procedure that you apply when working with Frances.
 before & after touching/dressing an infected area
 after going to the toilet
 after blowing your nose
 before handling or eating food
 after touching or handling unwashed clothing or linen
Use soap, running water and paper towel or handsanitiser when needed.

3.5 List the PPE that you have selected to use when working with Frances.
gloves, gowns, masks, goggles, face shields

3.6 Explain what you will do with the PPE after attending to Frances.

Put the PPE in a plastic waste bag and tie the opening.
Double-bag the waste, placing the first bag into a second bag. Tie the opening to secure it.
Dispose of the bag in the general waste bin.

3.7 What do you advise Frances and her family to do in terms of hand hygiene?

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

Perform hand hygiene before and after patient contact, including after gloves are removed. Perform
hand hygiene any time there is a possibility that there has been contact with blood or other potentially
infectious materials. Avoid direct contact with potentially contaminated surfaces. Make alcohol-based
hand sanitizer products readily available. Especially the 5 moments of hand hygiene to keep everyone

3.8 You are required to complete and submit a report about care routines completed for Frances. What do
you include in the report and who do you submit it to?
I will include Frances' ADLs, medications, update on her MRSA, and her room surface cleaning.
3.9 What personal risks have you considered as you are working with Frances?
The personal risk I considered with working with Frances is the risk of getting infected with MRSA.
3.10 What further steps can be put in place to protect yourself or others?
proper hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and environmental cleaning.
Attend training
3.11 What is your duty of care when working with Frances?

Ensure personal and patient safety at all times

Compliance with standard health practices and required protocols for handling
MRSA-related infections

Coordinating with other healthcare professionals for creating and evaluating

customized treatment plan for the patient

Implement strict infection control and cleaning protocols to prevent the spread of

Follow reporting cascade within the organization and national government as


Assessment Task Outcome

Submission No. 
S = Satisfactory Date Assessed  Assessor Name 
NS = Not Satisfactory 
 Carolyn Cullinan
O First submission  O S     O NS   28.06.2023
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O Re-submission 1  O S     O NS 

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HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of
infection prevention and control
Student Assessment

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O Re-submission 2  O S     O NS 
The evidence presented is: 

O Valid               O Sufficient               O Authentic               O Current 

Reasonable Adjustment

Was reasonable adjustment applied to any aspects of this assessment task? (please tick)
☐ Yes       ☐ No 
IF YES provide a description of the adjustment applied and why it was applied.
 Click or tap here to enter text.

Name of assessor: Carolyn Cullinan Date: 28.06.2023

HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention

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Student Assessment - Version 1.0 May 2023

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