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Save Costs When Moving

to S/4HANA
Archive data and optimize costs with EASY
WebDAV and EASY Archive when moving to
What You Will Learn in this White Paper

Why data archiving is a decisive cost factor when moving to the new

What you should consider before moving to S/4HANA and what steps
you should take before migrating to ensure a cost-effective move.

How EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® supports you in reducing costs and
simultaneously enables you to move to S/4HANA quickly and legally.

3 Messages for Quick Readers

The move to S/4HANA requires considerable resources. Data can be

archived and stored on an external memory. This helps companies to
optimize costs. >> Page 4

By having your data optimally structured and archived before data

migration, the move to S/4HANA will be faster, easier and cheaper.
>> Page 9

Data cleansing in action! Thanks to EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM®, only
the necessary data and documents are migrated into the new HANA
database. All other data can be stored on the external memory EASY
Archive in accordance with GDPR. >> Page 17

Data Archiving in Preparation for S/4HANA

Data archiving is an essential aspect of the cost- entered in the system. The interface creates a secure
effective migration of data to S/4HANA. To ensure an connection between the software and the external
efficient, economical data archiving process, you need a archiving system. This way, data and retention rules
good strategy - and an external archiving system. can be transferred directly from the application. This
ensures that the assigned attributes of blocking and
Thanks to data archiving, mass data that is no longer deleting are also passed on to the archive. Easy access
required in the online system but needs to be accessed to the archived accounting receipts and documents is
later is securely moved from the database and stored permanently guaranteed through the linking of content.
externally. The archived data is clearly structured, SAP solves the question about the interface with the
enabling you to carry out all processes relating to ArchiveLink and the SAP ILM product.
your data, such as destruction, in a simple and GDPR-
compliant way. The external memory means that data
and documents can be removed from the main memory
and no longer take up any storage space.

Data archiving to the external archive works using an

interface. This provides an integrated service for linking
archived documents with the application documents

Application System


Business Data

ILM Advanced
Legal Areas ILM Rules Data Archiving Blocking of Data Data Destruction

WebDAV / Archive Link

Archive - System

Optimize the data life cycle with data archiving

With the introduction of the technology SAP NetWeaver Therefore, we recommend you take appropriate steps
in combination with the HANA database, SAP Fiori even before the migration to ensure the move runs as
and S/4HANA, SAP has developed a promising seamlessly and cost-effectively as possible. In this
comprehensive offering for data management. However, graphic, we show you the life cycles of a file as well as
transferring relevant data to the new system requires a the phase from which it can be stored.
lot of time and money.

Lifecycle of Data
Lifecycle with Legal Retention Periods

Data Data
Creation Destruction
End of Business End of Purpose Legal Retention Periods End of Archiving
(EoB) (EoP) (EoA)

Residence Time Start of e.g. Access

(e. g. Annual Retention due to audit
Appropriate Financial Statement) Storage
Purpose e.g. Access by
Access to the Date no longer needs to Ends
be changed (transaction Discontinuation: Responsible
Date closed). Residence Time Department
Lock Deletion

Residence Time Retention Time

Database File System Archive / ILM Storage

Expensive storage space in S/4 HANA

While it used to be possible to operate other databases storage space on the HANA database will be billed by
as well, the new S/4HANA works exclusively in SAP. Licensing for S/4HANA is now gigabyte-based,
conjunction with the in-memory platform SAP HANA. whereas previously the cost of licensing was calculated
In return, SAP promises real-time evaluations and irrespective of volume. Consequently, the costs for the
significantly faster data processing. High-quality Big S/4HANA database are much higher compared to a
Data analyses should be made possible and will help conventional database.
companies to use their data in an optimal way.
In order to reduce the costs of migration and future
However, SAP is keeping a major cost factor hidden. maintenance, it is essential to minimize the amount of
Even in the many companies where the move to data required for migration. Nevertheless, not a single
S/4HANA has been on the table for some time, business file should be lost. In the next point, we will explain step
leaders and their teams often forget a crucial aspect. If by step how effective data archiving can save you both
no other solution is found, all data and documents have time and money when moving.
to be migrated to the new system.

Such a migration project not only requires a lot of

organization, it is also very resource-intensive. Why
is this the case? With S/4HANA, every gigabyte of

Your Path to a Cost-Effective Move to S/4HANA

Moving to SAP S/4HANA is not a simple database should be thoroughly aware of the consequences of
migration or release upgrade; it is a change of data introducing SAP S/4HANA.
structure in the ERP system. In other words, S/4HANA
requires a company to move to a whole new world.
Successful projects can take up to 5 years and become
rather costly. In order to save costs, SAP customers

Step one: Selection of methods and
data before migration

The initial problem for many companies usually lies with the existing ERP
systems, which have been used to store all company data since the time the
SAP system went live. In the past, this saved companies the additional costs
of an archive system. With the new account form, this is no longer an option,
since each document takes up additional storage space and impairs the
performance of the HANA database.

A profound transition, such as the one required by data migration to HANA,

also offers the opportunity to streamline the data structure and create a
faster, more user-friendly environment. With this in mind, it makes sense
to specify exactly which documents and data should be transferred to the
new software before moving to S/4HANA.

Which data should I migrate to SAP S/4HANA?

In general, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when Not all previously stored data and documents are
it comes to determining which data should be moved constantly needed, so the move also offers the chance
to S/4HANA. Experts recommend that you analyze the to have a clear out. Determining the data records that
company’s specific situation in detail before making a can be archived from the production system is central
decision. In particular, you should determine which data to saving costs during the move. The more data you
actually needs to be moved. After all, each file costs transfer from the production system to the archive, the
extra time and money. For this reason, the amount of cheaper it will be for you.
data being migrated is particularly important in terms of
time frame and cost planning. The sorted data can be stored quickly and securely on
an external memory and remain accessible without
You should answer the following questions before occupying space on the SAP HANA in-memory database.
making the move: Archive data can be securely stored in the archive in
• How should the stored data and documents be accordance with corporate compliance guidelines.
accessed? The HANA database can then be upgraded in a faster
and more cost-effective way thanks to appropriately
• Which data and rules have to be accessible in
structured databases.
• What data and documents can be stored more
easily and quickly elsewhere?

The benefits of data archiving before migration at a From a cost perspective, it is therefore crucial that
glance: companies check which data they are taking into the
new system, which they are not and whether they need
• The size of the database will decrease significantly. to archive anything. The system may be new, but the
old data will still be needed. And even if you don’t need
• You no longer have to pay the license costs or
it anymore, you still must have access rights. Data and
maintenance fees for old databases, some of
documents are securely stored and easily accessible on
which are really expensive. In the end, only what is
an external memory without occupying storage space in
essential is migrated to the new database.
• Currently, the HANA modules are generally
included in the SAP basic licenses, but there are
also considerable license costs. Optimized data
management can save a lot when it comes to HANA

Step two: Cleaning up the database

It is not only the time required, but also the cost of S/4HANA that
varies depending on the size of the database content to be migrated.
A well planned move with cleansed data brings with it many positive
developments. These include:

• Enhanced performance
• Less storage space required after the cleanup
• Easy administration of the HANA database

Depending on the volume of data and the need for S/4HANA licensing,
certain costs are only incurred in individual cases during the migration.
This results in individual savings potential. The two aspects of optimized
and correctly archived data and documents therefore play a crucial role
in ensuring a cost-efficient move to S/4HANA.

Step three: Optimization of data

To ensure that the move runs seamlessly, it is important to analyze

and optimize the data you want to migrate to SAP HANA in advance.
As already mentioned, a move can take years. Structured data, with
appropriate rules and attributes, shortens this process. Migration to
HANA is faster and more cost-effective. With the help of an interface,
attributes previously assigned for blocking and deleting are also passed
on directly to the archive.

An overview of the benefits of data optimization before migration:

• Easy management of data

• Fast access to data, regardless of where it is stored
• Reduced ongoing costs for SAP HANA in-memory database
• Fewer resources for the move and reduced total cost of ownership

To ensure cost-effective storage, data that is no longer required or not
required for daily operation can be archived. Employees still have access
to the archived data for reporting and auditing purposes. In addition to
reduced storage costs, external archiving guarantees high performance
levels for S/4HANA.

Step four: Correct archiving of data

Big Data is the foundation for a variety of data analysis that provides
valuable information on how to improve business processes and
make important decisions. However, an increasingly large volume of
disorganized data is becoming a growing problem for organizations. A
sophisticated data archiving strategy controls data growth sustainably
and reduces costs. A well-planned, clean data archiving system
overcomes two major challenges of change during the transition to
S/4HANA: the time and cost involved.

An overview of the benefits of correct data archiving:

• Identification of data that is no longer required by online systems

• Deleting and migrating identified data from main memory
• Controlled data growth through effective management
• Improved IT performance and user-friendly handling
• Lower overall operating costs for the SAP system
• Ideal preparation for a successful go-live of S/4HANA

EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® and EASY Archive Perfectly
Prepare You for S/4HANA

When it comes to the thorough preparation of company employees must still be able to access the data, even if
data, data archiving and data optimization are it has been archived.
important steps that a company should take if it wants EASY offers the solution in the form of a compromise:
to save time and money when moving to S/4HANA.
With the external storage provided by EASY Archive, • The database volume in SAP HANA is kept as low
data management is now much simpler and cheaper. as possible
Data archiving on EASY Archive offers you decisive `• As many data objects as possible are clearly
advantages: identified and archived
• Long-term control and reduction of system costs EASY Archive is already being used successfully to
for S/4HANA archive document types and data from SAP. The external
archive is also certified for SAP ILM and stores data
• Fast response times and maximum performance
according to the rules and in a GDPR-compliant way.
level of the SAP HANA in-memory database
Thanks to the SAP-certified add-on module EASY
At the same time, with the product combination of EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM®, storing data in EASY Archive is
WebDAV and EASY Archive, EASY also deals with the incredibly simple and secure. The archived data frees
matter of ensuring that data is available to specialist up cost-intensive space in S/4HANA, which is then
departments in a cost-effective way. After all, available to employees.

SAP data SAP documents
(structured) (unstructured)


Application data

WebDAV interface for SAP NetWeaver ILM ArchiveLink interface

ILM-enabled WebDAV interface

ILM-enabled WebDAV interface ArchiveLink interface
(ArchiveLink - references)


Storage system Storage system

EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® in operation: Functions and

For many companies, the big challenge lies in the fact The combination of EASY Archive for SAP Solutions and
that traditional archives often do not have a certified EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® is your one-stop solution
interface to the main memory. As a result, data for cost-effective, digital archiving as well as blocking
and documents, some of which are decades old, are and deleting data and documents before moving to
collected in the archives instead of being migrated S/4HANA. The management of archived data over its
in good time. In order to save costs when moving to entire life cycle is optimized without losing access or
S/4HANA, however, this is of paramount importance. any important information.

This interface to S/4HANA is created via the EASY

WebDAV for SAP ILM® server, enabling data to be
migrated to the external memory EASY Archive quickly
and directly. During the migration, it also makes it easy
to store and destroy legacy content, which thereby
creates valuable space on the main memory.

EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® and S/4HANA: A use case from the
business world

Challenge: of document attachments in the main memory is a

At the moment, many customers in the current SAP R/3 problematic cost factor in S/4HANA. Companies need
landscape use a database to store documents, which small, lean databases as a starting point for a cost-
results in a rather large database. The high number efficient move.

Until now, there was no easy way to transfer existing SAP application. This not only makes the launch
unstructured content and legacy documents to external and maintenance of the new S/4HANA faster, it also
storage. As a result, organizations have worked with decreases costs significantly.
a combination of old and new systems. Especially
when migrating to HANA, this results in double EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® can do so much more than
tasks, problems for end users and the incurrence of S/4HANA. Get in touch and discover the possibilities
unnecessary costs. the interface offers your company!

With EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM®, documents can be
quickly and easily stored and archived on the EASY
Archive. Thanks to EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM®,
migration is intuitive and less error-prone. A lower
amount of storage space is used for in-memory
processing, making both the move to and operation of
HANA less cost-intensive.

EASY WebDAV for SAP ILM® also structures, identifies

and regulates the data, with details on the number
of documents, size, MIME type, migration status and
other key pieces of information, all directly from the

About EASY

EASY SOFTWARE AG, with its headquarter in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, is developing intuitive and customised software
products and services for customers for the digitiszation of business processes for since 1990. These products can be seamlessly
integrated into existing systems and automate, mobilise, and optimise their customers’ workflows worldwide. EASY provides these
solutions on-premises, in the cloud and mobile.

Germany USA
Am Hauptbahnhof 4 102 Pickering Way, Suite 503
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Exton, PA 19341
Phone: +49 208 450 16-0 Phone: +1 610 240 9260
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Austria Turkey
Mauermannstraße 8 Altayçeşme Mah. Zuhal Sok. No:22
A-5023 Salzburg Niyazibey İş Merkezi K:5 D:10 Maltepe
Phone: +43 662 461546 İstanbul
Email: [email protected] Phone: +90 (216) 537 74 50
Email: [email protected]
United Kingdom
Reflection House, The Anderson EASY SOFTWARE PTE. LTD.
Centre, Olding Road, Bury 4 Battery Road
St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3TA Bank of China Building, #25-01
Phone: +44 1284 727870 Singapore 049908
Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 610 3508677
Email: [email protected]

Reduce costs and bid farewell to nerves when moving to
S/4HANA – with EASY. Get in touch!
Telephone: +49 208 450160
Email: [email protected]

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