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Rojgar Coaching Center

Authors Editors
Ankit Bhati Sir Shokendra Panwar
Naveen Sharma Sir Rahul Kumar
r Publisher
Rojgar Publication
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Gautam Buddha Nagar,
U.P. 203202
Mobile : 9818489147, 9311737467
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Dear Students,
As we know that at present SSC Exams are being conducted by TCS,
also there has been extensive changes in the syllabus of various exams
conducted by SSC, in which CGL, CPO, CHSL and MTS are major exams.
Generally, in exams conducted by SSC, the weightage of static GK is being
increased day by day. In recent exams, the number of questions asked in
General Studies section has been increased from 3-4 to 14 out of 25, And
there has been a phenomenal change both in the way questions are being
asked and the depth of the course content. Our team hand picked the
best Static GK content available (both online & offline) in the market.
On reviewing the material available, it was found that the material lacks
completeness as new and unconventional questions are being asked today.
Naveen Sharma Sir's Static GK classes on our YouTube channel "Rojgar
with Ankit" got very good response from the students and the content
taught in the classes was highly appreciated for being similar to the
current exam pattern. Considering this content as the base material, this
book has been prepared under the able guidance of Naveen Sharma Sir.
In this book, we have also included the study material which is quite
important from the point of view of upcoming examinations.
Although stringent efforts have been made to keep this book error free,
yet any error has inadvertently crept in due to oversight, feel free to give
suggestions and valuable feedback for the improvement of this book on
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your success, then surely it will be a proud moment for us.
We started our journey with a dream to make education accessible to the
last student standing in the queue, even today we are fully committed to
the same.

Ankit Bhati Sir

v Indian Folk Dances, Classical Dances and Artists 7
v Musical Instrument and Instrumentalists 16
v Famous Festivals and Fairs of India 20
v Important Temples of India 24
v Indian Dress 27
v Gharana of Hindustani Music 29
v Important Folk Arts of India 30
v Important Central Government Schemes 32
v National Parks/Bird Sanctuary/Tiger Reserves/
Ramsar Sites/ Biosphere Reserves of India 42
v Important Days and Weeks 49
v Important Books and Authors 56
v Neighbouring Countries of India 64
v Games 67
v Countries/States and Their National Symbols 76
v National/State Bird/Animal 78
v Indian Cities Situated on the Bank of Rivers 79
v UNESCO Heritage Sites 80
v India/World Tourist Places 82
v Important Mountain Range/Passes/Lakes/Waterfalls/
Plateau/Canal/ Trench/Glacier/Volcano 84
v Important Research Institute of India 90
v Famous Cities and their Nick Names 91
v Important Currencies and Capital of Countries 93
v India's Famous Samadhi Sthal 94
v Important Scientific Names 95
v Famous Ports, Waterways, Airports and Airlines,
Railway Station/Zone/Tunnel/National Highways of India 96
v Famous Monements of World 100
v Important Art and Culture Organisations of India 100
v Important Power Plant/Dam 101
v The President/Prime Minister of India 103
v Intelligence/News Agencies of India 107
v Important Articles 108
v Famous Industries/Navratan/Maharatna Companies 110
v GI Tags 113
v Changed Names 114
v Important Committees in India 115
v Important Revolutions 116
v Important Inventions and their Inventors 117
v Famous Political Parties and their symbols 118
v Indian Famous Religious, Social and National Movement 119
v Mineral Resources 123
v First in the World, Largest/Smallest in India 124
v Census 128
v India's Space/Defense Program/ Equipment 130
v The Capital of States and their Establishment day 135
v The High Courts of India 136
v India's Viceroys and their functions 137
v Fundamental Units 139
v Official Language of the Indian States 140
v The Mausoleums 141
v Famous Medical Inventions 142
v The Branches of Science 143
v Important Rebellions 145
v Social Reform Act 146
v Oath and Resignation of Office 147
v Important International Awards 148
v Famous International Organisation and their Headquarters 159
v Foreign Traveller in India 163
v Famous Gardens of India 164
v Famous Museum in India 165
v India's States 166
v SSC Special 177
v Important Questions 183
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Indian Folk Dances

and Artists
ANDHRA PRADESH performers of this dance are accompanied by
›› Kummi, Siddhi Madhuri, Ghanta Mardala, the Tappeta which is hung on chest.
Butta Bommalu, Bhamakalpam, Dappu, TT Bhamkalpam dance is a famous dance drama
Tappeta Gullu, Lambadi, Dhimsa, Kolattam, form based on kuchipudi. The entire dance
Veeranatyam, Gobbi, Dandaria, Bonalu, revolves around satyabhama.
TT Dappu dance is a group dance performed by
Important Points the Harijan community in which the dancers
places the instrument on their shoulders or
TT Kummi dance is also popular in Tamil Nadu. hang it in front and beat rhythmically on it
TT Kummi dance is performed by group of women with two sticks which produce a vibrating
in a circle. sound.
TT In the Kummi dance, the women stand in TT Lambadi dance is one of the most popular tribal
a circle and dance clapping their hands dance forms of the state which is performed
rhythmically. by the Banjaras. The costume of the lambadi
TT The siddhi madhuri dance is performed by tribe is very colourful and attractive.
Madhuri Tribes, which is performed during TT Dandaria dance is mainly performed by the
the rainy season. Gonds - a prominent tribe concentrated in
TT Gobbi dance is the main megnetism during central India. This is mainly a male dance in
the Sankranti festival and during this time, which the dancers use props which are long
the courtyards of all houses are cleaned and sticks and the dance involves a bit of martial
decorated. arts.
TT Butta Bommalu dance is also known as the TT Bathukamma is mainly performed by women
Mask dance. The costumes used by Butta in Andhra Pradesh.
Bommalu performers are composed of bamboo
sticks, cow dung, paint and dry grass. ASSAM
TT Bonalu dance is performed by female folk ›› Bichhua, Natpuja, Maharas, Khel Gopal,
balancing pots on their heads. Bihu, Ankiya Nat, Kaligopal, Naga Nirtya
TT Veernatyam dance is a dedicated dance to the Bagurumba, Konai, Jhumur.
devotional rituals. Veernatyam dance form is
Important Points
also called the dance of destruction.
TT Dhimsa dance is performed by 15-20 women TT Bihu dance is performed by both young men
forming a chain. The basic feature of the and women characterised by brisk stepping,
Dhimsa dance is the attempt to establish flipping of hand and swaying of his represents
friendship between the neighbouring villages. youthful passion. This is performed during
TT In Kolattam dance, the dancers use sticks to Assamese New Year.
keep the rhythm of the dance. The Kolattam TT The Natpuja dance is a folk dance of Assam
group comprises dancers ranging from 8 to 40 and an important part of the Assamese
who are grouped in pairs. culture.
TT Tappeta Gullu is a highly devotional and TT Only male dancers can participate in this
lively dance form which is performed by men. dance. They use sticks while dancing to a folk
The dancers wear a shirt and turban followed song of their tribal community.
by loincloth along with ankle-bells. The

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Karma, Dhobia, Jogia, Jhijhiya, Paika Jhumri,
TT Ankia nat is the wonderful assembled
Fagua, Dom kach.
creations, consisting of the influential
contenders of sanskrit drama and dramatic Important Points
entertain. Such as rasleela, ramleela, jatra,
kathak. TT Bidesiya is actually a type of drama, which
TT Naga dances are martial arts-based deals with the contradictory themes of
celebratory dance that depict their valor, tradition and modernity, urban and rural and
bravery and strength. wealthy and poor.
TT Bagrumba is a traditional dance that has TT The basic theme of this dance is the love story
been passed down from one generation to the of Jat and Jatin. But now the play reflects on
next generation. The bagrumba dance is often may social issues like droughts, floods and
regarded as the most important, traditional poverty.
dance of the bodo people. TT Jhumri dance is similar to Garba dance of
TT Jhumur dance is a traditional dance of tea Gujarat.
tribe communities of Assam. TT Jhijhiya dance is performed in the rainy season
to please Lord Indra. People do worship of Ma
Laxmi , Saraswati and Parvati.
TT The theme of Kajri dance is to express joy and
›› Mukhota, Yudh Dance, Buiya, Chhallo, Wancho,
Pasi Kongki, Lion and Peacock, Pong, Popir,
Bordon Chham, Rikhampada, Tappu dance. TT The purpose of Paika dance is to develop the
physical excitement and movements in the
Important Points dancing warriors.
TT Mukhota is a dance form in which the
participant wear traditional dresses and CHHATISHGARH
masks representing their duties and evil ›› Karma, Dagla, Pali, Tapali, Jhumar, Gendi,
demons. Pandwani, Panthi, Rout nacha, Bagmati,
TT Buiya folk dance belongs to digaru mishmi Kapalik, Tharthari, Chandaini, Sua Nacha,
tribe. Buiya dance is usually performed Saila.
alongwith the beats of the drum and gong. Important Points
TT The wancho tribe performs the wancho dance
of Arunachal Pradesh. It is performed for TT Karma dance is performed by Tribal groups like
recreational purpose. It is performed by both Gonds, Baigas and Oraons in Chhattisgarh.
the male and female member of the tribe. TT Panthi dance is a famous ceremony of the
TT Pasi kongki dance is performed by the Adi Satnami community.
tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. The dance TT In Gendi dance, the dancer dances on two long
depicts the social work of pasi. bamboos or just on any fixed pole.
TT The monapa tribe of Arunachal Pradesh TT Sua Nacha dance is also known as parrot
perform the folk dance popularly known as dance. It is performed in case of marriage of
lion and peacock dance. Gaura.
TT Popir dance is a tribute to the goddess TT The purpose of Saila dance is to represent
mopin Ape. She is the Goddess of prosperity great enthusiasm and emotion for the time
and fertility. She is one of the most revered after the harvest.
goddess of the galo tribes. TT Chandaini dance is an important folk art
TT The bardo dham dance is performed by both dance in the rural areas of Chhattisgarh.
the men and women of the sherdukpens TT Pandawani dance depicts the story of
community. The masks and headgears worn Mahabharata.
by the performers are very important to
the story being told and also to the overall
appearance of the dance. GOA
›› Fugdi, Dekhni dance, Dhangar, Tonyamell,
BIHAR Corridinho, Morulem, Kunbi, Talgadi, Jagor,
Bhonvado, Musol nach, The Dhalo.
›› Jata-Jatin, Panwariya, Bidesia, Kajri, Chhau,

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Important Points TT The dance was named Gugga by the devotees of
saint Gugga. It is performed in the procession
TT The Dhalo folk dance is performed by women.
taken out int he memory of saint Gugga.
when the crop is harvested and stored.
TT Loor dance is specially performed during holi
TT Dekhni dance is completely dedicated to
TT Dhangar dance form is a community of
shepherds worshiping. HIMACHAL PRADESH
TT Fugdi dance is the most popular dance, which ›› Dangi, Channak, Chham, Nati, Kayang Mala,
is performed only by women. Rakshasa (Demon) dance, Nemgen Karaliya,
Losar Shona Chuksum, Chhapeli Dandanacha,
Nati, Kadthi, Burah, Thoda Chham, Ghughti.
›› Garba, Dandiya, Tippani, Lasya, Rasleela, Important Points
Jurithun, Panihari, Bhavai, Hoodo.
TT Thoda Khel is a form of martial art or iginated
Important Points from the state of Himachal Pradesh. Bow and
Arrow is the main weapon to perform the
TT Garba is a popular folk dance from Gujarat dance..
and performed in all parts of India. During TT The Kayang Mala dance is performed with
Navratri. a garland made by weaving one's arms in a
TT Dandiya dance is popularly known as stick cross pattern.
dance. The stick which is used in this dance TT The Rakshasa dance (demon) is also known as
is believed to be the sword of Goddess Durga. Chhambha dance. The dancers wear mask to
TT Bhavai dance is considered to be the dance of depict demons attacking the crops and being
emotions. chased down by the forces of the gods.
TT Tippani dance is performed on festivals and
marriages. JHARKHAND
›› Fagua, Mundari, Sarhul, Barao, Damkach,
HARYANA Ghora-Nach, Purulia Chhau, Seraikella, Chhau,
›› Jhumar, Phag dance, Daph, Ghoomar, Dhamal, Sohrai, Manda, Paika, Jitaka, Santhali, Hunta
Majira, Gugga, Loor, Rasleela, Saang, Chaathi dance, Lahasuya, Mardani, Bheja, Ghora.
dance, Khoria.
Important Points
Important Points
TT Paika dance involves a high degree of martial
TT The Phag dance is performed by the farmers arts involvement. The dancers carry a sword
in the month of Phalgun. During performance in one hand and a shield in the other.
women wear colourful traditional clothes TT Chhau dance is performed by the tribals.
whereas men wear colourful turbans. This dance is mainly performed in open fields
TT The Saag dance mainly reflects the religious especially at night.
stories and tales that are performed in open TT Fagua dance is performed during Holi.
public places and it lasts for five hours. TT The Sarhul dance is performed in praise of the
TT Chhathi dance is performed onlyon the birth God who protects the tribes.
of a male child. TT Ghora dance is performed by men during
TT The khoria dance is a collective form of the marriage.
variety of jhumar dance style steps. TT Lahsuya dance is generally performed by men
TT Dhamal dance is performed only by men. It and women.
is said that the people perform this dance TT Mundari dance is performed by the Munda
whenever their crop is ready for harvest. tribe.
TT Daph Dance is mainly a seasonal dance
performed by farmers to commenorate a
beautiful harvest on the advent of spring
season. ›› Yakshagana, Dolu Kunitha, Veeragase,
Bilalata, Krishna Parijat, Nagamandala, Judu
Haili, Bailata.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Important Points Important Points
TT Yakshagana is a folk theater form from TT Matki dance is a community dance of 'Malwa'.
Karnataka, which is an imitation of an ancient TT Tertali dance is a folk dance of 'Kamar' tribe
art related to several traditions of Sanskrit in Madhya Pradesh.
theater or drama. TT Phul pati dance is performed on the time of
TT Dolu Kunitha is a ritual dance, mainly festival of Holi.
popular with the Kuruvas of the 'Bereshwar
TT Bardi dance is performed at the beginning of
Sampradaya'. Kuniya dhol is accompanied by
songs and beats of drums.
TT The Ahiri dance (community) consider
TT Nagamandala is a ritual dance performed to
themselves to be descendants of Sri Krishna.
pacify the spirits of serpents.
TT Krishna Parijat is a religious dance. TT Jawara dance is performed by people of
TT Veeragase dance is performed on Dussehra different regions to celebrate paddy.
festival. It is extremely popular during the
months of Shravan and Kartik.
KERALA ›› Lavani, Koli, Dindi, Tamasha, Dhangadi Gaja,
Lajim, Povadas, Nakata, Gafa, Kala.
›› Kaksi Kali, Dappu Kali, Sarpam Thullal,
Kavadiyottam, Vela Kali, Thampi Thullal, Important Points
Kaduva, Margamkali Kumati.
TT The Kala dance describes the mood of Lord
Important Points Krishna. It is considered a symbol of fertility.
TT The 'Instrument' Dappu is used in Dappu TT Koli dance is also known as Kolis.
dance. It is a group dance of the Moplas of TT Lavani dance is performed by women wearing
Malabar. 9 yards saree.
TT The Kavadiyottam dance is dedicated to Lord TT Powadas dance depicts the life of Chhatrapati
Subrahmayam as an offering in the temple. Shivaji.
TT Velakali is a martial dance of the Nair TT Lajim dance is celebrated during the Ganesh
community. festival. It is also called Lejium.
TT Thiyattu dance is a devotional performance in
the Bhadrakali temple. MANIPUR
TT Kolam Thullal is performed to get rid of the
›› Lai Haroba, Pung Cholom, Khamba thabi,
troubles and pain caused by evil spirits.
Nupa Dance, Rasleela, Jagoi, Dhagatam, Dhol
TT Kadua dance is also known as Pulikali dance. Cholom, Maibi
TT They wear painted wooden masks while
dancing in Kumati dance. Important Points
TT Pung Cholom is an art form with the
LAKSHADWEEP combination of sound and movement. In
›› Kolkali, Lava, Parichkali. this dance, the dancers themselves play the
mridanga (pung).
Important Points
TT Maibe dance is a form of Lai Haroba festival
TT Lava dance is mainly performed by the men in which the main performers are Maibio.
of Lakshadweep. This word refers to the TT The Khamba Thabi dance is a couple
expressions according to music and rhythm. performance depicting the story of a poor
TT Kolkali and Parichkali are two popular folk and brave boy from the Khuman dynasty of
art form of Lakshadweep. Khamba.
TT Nupa dance is also known as variation of
MADHYA PRADESH pungcholom dance.
›› Jawara, Matki, Saila, Muria dance, Bardi TT Rasleela dance depicts the love of Lord
dance, Ahirai dance, Lehngai, Phul pati dance, Krishna and Radha.
Bhagoria, Bilma, Tertali, Grida, Naurata.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Chang Lo is performed by the Chang tribe.
›› Dorsegata, Lahco, Nongkrem, Behdienkhlam,
TT Monyo Asho is performed by Foam Tribe.
Wangala, Dorsegata, Shad suk.
TT The Kuki dance is performed by the Chakseng
Important Points Nagas.
TT Behdienkhalam is the main dance of Jaintias
festival held every July in Jowai Jaintia hills.
This festival mainly involves the blessings of ›› Ghumura, Pala, Daskathiya, Dalkhai, Chhau
the creator for a healthy harvest. Naach, Bagha Naach, Karma Naach, Dhap
dance, Gotipua, Dandari, Munari.
TT Nongkrem dance is known as 'Ka pamblang
nongkrem'. Important Points
TT Shad suk is an annual spring dance that
TT Ghumura dance was celebrated as a court
celebrates the harvest and planting season.
dance in Kalahandi state.
TT Wangla dance is a major festival of Garos held
TT Pala dance is associated with the Satyapir
in the fall, after the harvest season.
Panth. The people of Odisha strongly believe
TT Dorsegata dance festival is also a dance in in Pala.
which the women try to take the turbans off
TT Daskathiya dance revolves around the
their male partners during the dance.
dramatic act of the singer.
TT Orchestra is used in Dalkhai dance.
MIZORAM TT Bagha Naach is performed by men in the
month of Chaitra (Hindu Calandar), who
›› Cheraw Dance, Khullam Dance, Chheh Lam
paint their bare bodies with yellow and black
Dance, Sawalakia Dance, Chailam, Tlanglam
stripes to look like tigers and add tails.
Dance, Par Lam, Sarlamkai Dance, Zangtalam.
Important Points UTTAR PRADESH
TT Cheraw dance is also known as 'Bamboo ›› Rasleela, Nautanki, Jhula, Kajri, Jadda,
dance' because of the bamboo used during its Chachari, Jaita, Jhora, Chapeli, Khyal, Mayur,
performance. Dhobiya, Charkula, Jogini, Karma, Pasi,
Natwari, Rai, Pie Danda, Diwari, Chaular,
TT Khuallam dance is also performed as a dance
of the guests. This is performed during a
ceremony called Khugchavi. Important Points
TT The Bamboo tubes and drum beats are used in
Cheraw Lam dance. TT Raslila or Rasleela is an art form. It is a form
of dance that depicts Lord Krishna's loove
TT Sawalakia dance is celebrated as a symbol of
towards the milkmaids of his village as well
winning the war.
as his consort Radha.
TT Chailam dance is celebrated during the
TT Nautanki is a dance form of Uttar Pradesh
festival of Chapchar Kut.
which is a combintion of mythological plays
TT The female dancer wears multi-coloured and folklore. It is an operatic form of theatre
clothes and a flower in her hair in the Par performance.
Lam dance.
TT Kajri dance is performed with the
accompaniment of the charming 'jhula' lyrics
NAGALAND or swing song. The term kajri possibly has
›› Modse, Rengma, Peacock Dance, Monyo Asho, been derived from the hindi word kajra.
Zeliang Chang Lo, Kuki Dance, Leshalut, TT Charkula dance is a dramatic dance
Khamba Lim, Sadal Kekai, Butterfly Dance, performance that is visually attractive. The
Angushu kighilhe, Chang Lo, Titli, Melo phita. dance uses its birth to Lord Krishna era. In
Important Points the performance of charkala.

TT The Zeliang dance is performed by the Zeliang UTTRAKHAND

Naga tribe.
›› Garhwali, Kumayuni, Kajri Jhoda, Rasleela,
Chappeli, Champal, Saro, Harul, Tandi,

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Langvir, Chonkala, Chhopati, Ghughuti, Bhaila SIKKIM
Pandav, Bhagnol, Bhotia, Thadiya, Cholia. ›› Chu fat, Sikmari, Snow Lion, Yak Chham,
WEST BENGAL Denzong, Ginenha, Tashi Yagku, Nenha,
›› Kadhi, Gambhira, Dhali, Jatra Bowl, Marasia,
Kirtan, Chhau, Santhal, Lathi, Brita, Tusu, TAMILNADU
Bau. ›› Kummi, kaulattam, kavadi attam, kai
JAMMU & KASHMIR Silambattam, Mayilattam, oyilattam,
Devaratterm, poikkal Kuthiral attam.
›› Hikat, Manjal, Dandi Dance, Damali, Hafiza,
Rouf, Dumhal, Bachha Nagma, Wu egi-Nachun, TELANGANA
Navren. ›› Perini, Dimsa, Lambadi, Dappu Bonalu.
›› Shondol, Shon, Drugpa-Rches, Balti, Koshan, ›› Hojagiri, Goria, Lebang, Mamita mosak
Takshon, Nyopa, Surhal, Jabro, Bagstonrchas, Sulemani, Bijhu, Hai-Hak, Sangrai, Gajahana
Loshon. Welcome, Delo, Golamuchao, Bomani, Marnita
›› Mando, Verdigao, Birha Main Classical Dance
PUDDUCHERRY TT Total number of classical dances in India - Eight
›› Garadi  Bharatnatyam (Old Name: Sadir) - Tamil
Nadu (Dedicated to Temples)
ÂÂ Mohiniyattam - Kerala (Especially by
›› Bhangra, Giddha, Jhumar, Daff, Dhaman,
Nakerla, Luddi, Julle, Dhankara, Sammi, Kikli,
Teejan, Baga, Jaago. ÂÂ Kathak - Uttar Pradesh
ÂÂ Odissi - Odisha
Important Points ÂÂ Manipuri - Manipur
TT Bhangra dance is performed during Baisakhi. ÂÂ Kuchipudi - Andhra Pradesh
TT The Jhumar dance is performed by the men. ÂÂ Sattriya - Assam
This is Slow and rhythmic dance. ÂÂ Kathakali (Mahabharata, Ramayana) -
TT Julli is a religious dance, which is associated Kerala (Especially by men)
with Pir and singing. TT The number of Folk Dance in India - 2500
TT Dhankara dance is also known as Gataka (Approx)
dance. TT The Description of Classical Dances is found in
TT Giddha dance is derived from the ancient style Natya shastra, written by Bharatamuni, called
of ring dance. Panchamveda.
TT Kikli dance is performed in pairs.
TT Oldest Classical Dance - Bharatanatyam
TT The Newest classical dance is Sattriya. Its
RAJASTHAN founder is Shrimantashankar Dev. It was
›› Panihari, Fundi, Kalbelia, Gangaur, Jhuma, included as classical dance in the year 2000.
Suisini, Ghoomar, Tertali, Chari, Gawari,
Kathputli, Bhawai, Gair, Gavri, Hathimana. BHARATANATYAM
Komal Vardhan, Govind, Shanta,
Important Points V.P. Dhananjayan, Meenakshi
TT Tertali dance is performed by women. Srinivasan, Geetha Chandan, Anand
TT Women express the joy of everyday's life Shankar Jayant, Arnaanvalli (2004),
through Chari dance. Padma Bhushan), Meenakshi Sundar
Pillai (Pioneer Penda nallour)
TT The Kalbelia are the snake charmer
community of Rajasthan who perform the Yamini Krishanmurti
Kalbelia dance. Awards - Padma Shri (1968)
TT Chari dance is performed by Gujjar Tribes. Padma Bhushan (2001)
Padma Vibhushan (2016)
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Autobiography - 'A Passion for Dance' Award - Order of the British Empire (1999)
State - Tamil Nadu Years Active - 1912-2003
Classical Dance - Bharatanatyam and Book - Indian Dancing (1951)
Kuchipudi Rhythms in Heaven (1957)
Padmini Priyadarshni
Sonal Man Singh (Padmini Ramachandran)
State - Mumbai, Maharashtra State - Kerala
Awards - 1992 (Padma Bhushan) Death - 2016 (71 years)
2003 (Padma Vibhushan) Award - Shantala Natya Shree Award
(She is the youngest dancer to receive Business - Film
Padma Vibhushan)
Classical Dance - Bharatnatyam Vyjayanthi Mala
Politics - Rajyasabha (Art) (2018) State - Tamil Nadu
Award - Best Actress (Sangam, 1965; Ganga
Rukmini Devi Arundale Jamuna 1962 Madhumati (1959)
State - Tamil Nadu Classical Dance - Bharatnatyam
Death - 1986 Vyjayanthimala was the first South
Award - Padma Bhushan (1956) Indian actress to act in Hindi films.
Sangeet Natak Akademi (1957) T. Balasaraswati
Kalidas Samman (1984)
State - Tamil Nadu
(Government of Madhya Pradesh),
Award - Padma Bhushan (1957)
Prani Mitra Puruskar (1968)
Padma Vibhushan (1997)
Classical Dance & Bharatnatyam
Sangeet Natak Akademi (1955)
Politics - Rukmini Devi Arundale is the first
(Noted filmmaker Satyajit Ray made
dancer to be nominated to the Rajya
a documentary on his works.)
Sabha in the field of art.
Classical Dance - Bharatanatya
Leela Samson Malavika Sarukkai
State - Tamil Nadu
State - Tamil Nadu
Award - Padma Shri (1990) Award - Sangeet Natak Akademi (2002)
Sangeet Natak Akademi (1999-2000) Padma Shri (2003)
Classical Dance & Bharatnatyam Classical Dance - Bharatnatyam, Odissi
Note: In the year 1995, Malavika Sarukkai met
Mrinalini Sarabhai America's First Lady Hillary Clinton.
State - Gujarat
Award - Padma Shri (1965)
M.K. Saroja
Born - April 7, 1931
Padma Bhushan (1992)
Death - June 13, 2022
Classical Dance & Bharatanatyam State - Tamil Nadu
Google commemorated with Doodle Classical Dance - Bharatnatyam
on her 100th birthday (11th May Award - Padma Shri (2011)
2018.) Sangeet Natak Akademi (1995)
Note: Mrinalini Sarabhai is the wife Kalidas Samman (2009-10)
of the famous space scientist Vikram
C.V. Chandrashekhar
Years active - 1947 - present
Padma Subrahmanyam Award - Sangeet Natak Akademi (1993)
State - Tamil Nadu Kalidas Samman (2008)
(Government of Madhya Pradesh)
Award - Padma Shri (1981)
Padma Bhushan (2011)
Padma Bhushan (2003)
Classical dance - Bharatanatyam Classical Dance - Bharatanatyam

Bissano Ram Gopal

State - Karnataka

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
KUCHIPUDI (KANCHIPURI) Award - Padma Shri (1974)
Yamini Krishnamurthy, Padma Bhushan (1988)
Lakshmi Narayana Shastri Padma Vibhushan (2000)
VempatiChinna Satyam (State TT When Odissi dance was on the verge of
: Tamilnadu; Padma Bhushan extinction, it was Kelucharan Mohapatra who
: 1998; Sangeet Natak revived Odissi.
Ackemi : 1967), Halimkhan, TT In 1994, he established the 'Sarjan School' to
Aparna Satisan, Vedantam train Odissi dance students.
Satyanarayana. TT Many famous classical dancers: like Sanjukta
Panigrahi, Sonal Man Singh, Priyavanda
Aparna Satheesan Mohani, Yamini Krishnamurthy. All of them
TT Arpana Satheesan belongs to Kerala. has been a disciple of Kelucharan Mohapatra.
TT She is a famous dancer of Kuchipudi dance.
TT He has been awarded the prestigious 'National
Madhvi Mudgal
Nritya Shiromani' award in January 2022 for State - Odisha
his contribution to the Kuchipudi actor. Award - Sanskriti Puruskar (1984)
Padma Shri (1990)
Radha Reddy Grand Medal de la Ville (France)
State - Andhra Pradesh (1997)
Award - Padma Bhushan (2000) Sangeet Natak Akademi (2000)
Padma Shri (1984)
Swapna Sundari Anand Sivaraman
State - Tamil Nadu Krishnankutty Mrinalini
Award - Padma Bhushan (2003) Sarabhai, Ballatol
Narayan Menon,
Shobha Naidu Udayashankar, Krishna
State - Tamil Nadu Nair, Shanta Rao.
Award - Padma Shri (2001)
Hamsa Award (Government of KATHAK
Andhra Pradesh) Suratdev Maharaj,
Gopikrishnan, Shobhana
Padamja Reddy Narayan (youngest Padma
State - Andhra Pradesh Shri recipient 1992, Gurudev
Award - Sangeet Natak Akademi Award Prasad Puruskar (2005),
(2015) Malvika Sarkar, Chandralekha,
Padma Shri (2022) Bindadin Maharaj, Acchan
ODISSI Maharaj Narayan Prasad,
Manjushree Chatterjee,
Harekrishna Behera, Sonal
Kumudini Lakhia, Kalika
Mansingh, Kiran Sehgal, Rani
Prasad, Vidya Gauri Adkar,
Karna, SanjuktaPanigrahi,
Sarswati Sen (Displie of Birju
Kalicharan Patnaik. Indrani
Maharaj), Roshan Kumari.
Rehman, Durgacharan Ranveer,
Mohan Mohapatra, Sujata Birju Maharaj
Mohapatra, Minati Mishra,
1964 - Sangeet Natak Akedemi
Sharmila Viswas, Kumkum
1986 - Padma Vibhushan
Mohanti (Padam shree 2005).
1987 - Kalidas Samman
Note: Yamuna Sagar Shivam 2012 - National Film Award for Best
performed Odissi dance in choreography for Unnai Kaanaathu.
Michael Jackson's track Black
and White in the year 1991. Lacchu Maharaj
1957 - Sangeet Natak Akedmy
Kelucharan Mohapatra
State - Odisha Sitara Devi
Years Active - 1935 & 2001 1969 - Sangeet Natak Akedemi

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
1973 - Padma Shirr SATTRIYA
Note: She refused to accept Padma Shrimat Shankardev, Sharodi Saukia, Gurujatin
Bhushan award, declaring "It is an Goswami, Prabhat Sharma, Parmanda Bakhyan,
insult, not an honor". Gahan Chandra, Goswami Manik Bakhyan.
MANIPURI Note : Borgeet is used while performing sattryia.
Nayana Jhaveri, Suvarna
Jhaveri, Ranjana Jhaveri CLASSICAL LANGUAGES
Darshana Jhaveri Six languages have been given the status of classical
(Jhaveri Sisters), Guru language in India.
Amli Singh, Nalkumar
Singh, L Bino Devi, Charu 1. Tamil (Declared in the year 2004) (oldest
Mathur, Savita Mehta, language)
Kalavati Devi, Bimbavati, 2. Sanskrit (2005)
Nirmala Mehta, Rajkumar
3. Kannada (2008)
Singh Jeet Singh, Guru
Neeleshwar Mukharjee. 4. Telugu (2008)
5. Malayalam (2013)
MOHINIYATTAM 6. Odia (2014) (The Newest Declared language)
Bharati Shivaji, Ragini
Devi, Hemamalini, Sridevi,
Kalamandalam Kalyani
Amma, Shanta Rao,
Kalamandalam Kshemavathi,
Dr. Sunanda Nair, Jai Prabha
Mennor (Kerala), Smitha
Rajan, Radha Dutta

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Musical Instrument and

DRUM Sukhwinder Singh Namdhari
TT Sukhvinder Singh is one of the India's most
dynamic percussi onists.

Alla Rakha Khan

TT Alla Rakha was awarded the Padma Shri in
TT Sangeet Natak Akedemi Award (1982). Pandit Ravi Shankar
TT He was also featured in a Google doodle on 29th TT Kalidas Samman (1987-88, MP Government)
April 2014, on the occasion of his 95th birthday. TT Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1962)
Ustad Zakir Hussain (9 March 1951-Present) TT Padma Bhushan (1967)
TT Padma Shri (1988) (The youngest recipient of TT Padma Vibhushan (1981)
Padma Shree) TT Bharat Ratna (1999)
TT Padma Bhushan (2002). TT Other Government and academic honours
TT Padma Vibhushan (2023) TT Ramon Magsaysay Award (1992)
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1990) TT Fiver Gramy Award: 1967, 1973, 2002, 2013 &
TT Book : Zakir Hussain : A Life in Music Life Time Achievement Award received at 55th
(Compliation of 15 interview session from 2016 Annual Grammy Award.
to 2017) TT Nominated for an Academy Award for Best
original score alongwith George Fenton for
Pandit Kishan Maharad (3 Septermber - 2008) Gandhi.
TT He belongs to Banaras Gharana of Hindustani TT On 7 April 2016 (96th birthday), Google published
classical music. a Google Doodle to honor his work.
TT Padma Shri (1973) TT His daughter Anoushka Shankar was nominated
TT Padma Vibhushan (2002) for a Grammy Award for best world music album
in 2003.
Gudai Maharaj (Samta Prasad) (20 July 1921- TT Book: Raga Mala : The Autobiography of Ravi
1994) Shankar, My Music: My life
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1979)
TT Padma Shree (1979)
Latif Ahmad Khan (1942-1989)
TT He belongs to Delhi Gharana of Tabla.
TT Padma Bhushan (1991)

Ananda Gopal Bandopadhyay (28 April 1942- Ustad Faiyaz Khan

TT Taal Samrat Award was given by the Ustad
Ashique Ali Khan Memorial Society in 2010.
TT He belongs to Banaras Gharana.
TT Sangeet Ratna Award (2012) Anokhelal Mishra (1914-1958)
TT He was called the jadugar of Na Dhin Dhin Na.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT In the late 1950, his programmes was broadcaste TT Konark Samman (1992)
by voice of America as well. TT Padma Bhushan (1992)
TT Anokhelal trained many musician of India. TT Yash Bharti Samman (1994)
Ramji Mishra, Mahapurush Mishra, Sanjay TT Padma Vibhushan (2000)
Mishra (Grandson).
TT Dinanath Mangeshkar Award (2000)
Pandit Jasraj (28 January 1930-2020) TT Books: Official Biography "Breath of Gold" by
TT Pandit Jasraj belongs to Mewati Gharana. Sathya Saran.
TT Padma Shri (1975) TT Along with Shivkumar Sharma, he cmposed
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1987) music for many films.
TT Padma Bhushan (1980) TT Chandni, Daar, Lamhe, Silsila, Vijay
TT Padma Vibhushan (2000)
Pannalal Ghosh (24 July 1911-1980)
Pandit Nikhil Jyoti Ghosh (28 December TT Pannalal Ghosh jointely scored the background
1918-1995) for 'Aandhiyan' in 1952 alongwith Ustad Ali
TT Padma Bhushan (1990) Akbar Khan and Pandit Ravi Shankar. He was
TT Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan Award (1995) the first to introduce the seven-hole flute.
TT He was a disciple Allauddin Khan.
Tanmoy Bose
TT Sangeet Samman (Government of West Bengal) Rajendra Prasanna
TT He belongs to Banaras Gharana.
BickramGhosh TT Grammy Award certificate for his participation
TT GIMA Award (2012) in 'Concert for George' in 2004.
TT Lifetime Achievement Award by Sahara India.
Uma Shankar Mishra
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (2017)
TT Sangeet Natak Akedemi Award (1991-92)

Budhaditya Mukherjee Rajendra Kulkarni

TT Parvati Punyabhushan Puraskar, Pune, 2010
TT Padma Bhushan (2019)
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi (2011) THE CLARINET
Vilayat Khan
TT Padama Shri (1964)
TT Padma Bhushan (1968)

Nikhil Banerjee
TT Padma Shri (1968)
TT Padma Bhushan (1986)
Shahid Parvez Khan
TT Padma Shri (2012)
Bismillah Khan
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi (2006)
TT He was invited by the Prime Minister of India,
TT Kaljyoti Lifetime Achievement Award (2020)
Pandit Jawharlal Nehru to play shehnai on the
Rajeev Janardan First Independence Day (15 August 1947) in
TT He belongs to Imdadkhani Gharana. Delhi's Red Fort.
TT Tansan Award by Government of Madhya
TT Sangeet Natak Akedemi Award (1956)
TT Padma Shri (1961)
TT Padma Bhushan (1968)
Hari Prasad Chaurasia TT Padma Vibhushan (1980)
TT Sangeet Natak Akedemi (1984) TT Tahar Mausique from Republic of Iran (1992)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Bharat Ratna (2001) Classical musician of the Maihav Gharana
TT India Post issued commemorative postage known for his virtuosity in playing the sarod.
stamps on ` 500 denomination on 21 August TT Padma Bhushan (1967)
2008. TT Padma Vibhushan (1989)
TT On his 102nd birthday, Google honored
Bismillah Khan with a Google Doodle. Amzad Ali Khan
TT There is an auditorium on the name of Bismillah TT Amzad Ali Khan is an Indian classical sarod
Khan. player, best known for his clear and fast ekharra
Ali Ahmed Hussain Khan TT In 2014, along with his two sons, Ayaan Ali
TT Sangeet Natak Akedemi Award (2009) Khan and Amaan Ali Khan performed 'Raga For
TT Banga Bibhushan Award in 2012 Peace' in Nobel Prize concert.
TT Padma Shri (1975)
Bageshwari Qamar TT Padma Bhushan (1991)
TT She is the India's only women shehnai player.
TT Padma Vibhushan (2011)
TT She was crowned Shehnai Queen in 1983 at
Chandigarh. Buddhadev Das Gupta
TT Buddhadev Das Gupta was an Indian classical
musician who played the sarod.
TT He was one of the rarists featured in nimbus
record 'The Raga Guide'.
TT Padma Shri (2011)
TT Padma Bhushan (2012)
TT Sangeet Natak Akedemi (1993)
Allauddin Khan (8 October 1862-1972)
TT Auto Biography : Bamaner Chandra
TT He is called sarod samrat.
TT Padma Bhushan (1958)
TT Padma Vibhushan (1971) HARP
TT For a generation many of his students across
different instruments like sitar and violin.

Zarin Sharma (Darovoala)

TT She belongs to Khayal (Agra) Gharana.
TT She won the all India Radio music competition
at New Delhi in the year 1960 when she was
only 13 years old.
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi (1988)
TT Saraswati S. Balchandran
TT Maharashtra Gaurav Puruskar (Maharashtra
Government) (1990) TT Krishna Bhagavatar
TT Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Award (2007) TT V. Doro Swamy
TT Baddruddin Dagar
Pandit Mukesh Sharma TT Jayanthi Kumaresh
TT His father late Pandit Rasik Behari Lal was an TT Sundaram Balachandra
eminent Sarod artist.
TT pandit Biswajit Roy Chowdhary
TT Uttar Pradesh Sangeet Natak Academy
Competition (1976-77) Rajeev Taranath
TT Rajeev Taranath is an Indian classical musician
Hafiz Ali Khan who plays the sarod. Taranath is a disciple of Ali
TT He belongs to Banarash Gharana. Akbar Khan.
TT Padma Bhushan (1960)
Ali Akbar Khan TT Padma Shri (2019)
TT Ali Akbar Khan was an Indian Hindustani

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Kunal Patil, Kelucharan Mohapatra, (Mridang

Tabla, Odissi dancer), Ustad Rehman Khan, Tota
T. Gopal Krishnan (Kerala) Ram, Pandit Bhawani Shankar, Thakur Laxman
TT Padma Bhushan 2012 Singh, Gopaldas, Chhatrapati Singh
TT Kerala Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1983)
Palghat R. Raghu
TT He was a carnatic musician and percussionist.
TT Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1983)
TT Padma Shri (1985)
TT Sangeeta Kalanidhi

Rajna Swaminathan T.H. Vinayakram (Grammy Award winner (1996),

TT Rajna Swaminathan is an occlaimed mrudangam Padma Bhushan (2014)), E.M. Subramaniam
artist, composer and scholar.

TN Krishnan, L. Subrahmanyam, Vishnu Govind

Jog, Dr.N. Rajan, Sangeeta Rajan, Kunakudi,
Vaidyanath, Mohan Chandra Shekhar, Lalgudi
Shakur Khan, Pandit Ram Narayan, Ramesh
SANTOOR Mishra, Sultan Khan, Ustad Bindu Khan, Iliyas
Khan, Abdul Karim Khan, Gopal Mishra, Ahmad


Shivkumar Sharma, Bhajansopori, Varsha

Agarwal, Trun Bhattacharya.
Zubin Mehta (Padma Bhushan 1996, Padma
RUDRAVEENA Vibhushan - 2001,
Ustad Sadiq Ali Khan, Asad Ali Khan Tagore Award - 2013)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous festivals and fairs

of india
›› Flamingo (Imp.) ›› Jitiya
›› Kalyanotsavam ›› Sohrai
›› Yellamma Jatara ›› Sarhul
›› Durgamma ›› Karma
›› Chhath Puja (Worship of Sun, It is last long for
›› Solung Utsav (Imp.)
›› Sonepur Cattle Fair
›› Dree Utsav (Imp.)
›› Rajgir Mahostav
›› Losar (By Monapa Tribes)
›› Bihula
›› Mopin (Imp.)
›› Jat Jatin
›› Sangken / Sangken
›› Bidesia
›› Pangsau
›› Loku ›› Hareli
›› Nyo kum ›› Madai
›› Sanken ›› Pola
›› Ziro Festival of Music ›› Bhojli
›› Pakke Paga Hornbill ›› Chher-Chhera
›› Meghanath Parv
›› Bihu GOA
 Bohag or Rangoli Bihu (Mid April) ›› Saint Francis Xavier Festival
 Magh Bihu (Harvesting) ›› Bonderam
 Kati Bihu (Mid October) ›› Angoor Mahotsav
›› me dam-me-phi (Ahom Tribe) ›› São João Festival
›› Baishagu (Bodo Tribe) ›› Sunburn Festival
›› Dehing Patkai (January) ›› Shigmo Mahotsav
›› Baikho ›› Thank Giving (Sakut)
›› Ambubachi (Epic of the East; Kamakhya Devi ›› Fugdi
Temple) (June) ›› Kunbi
›› Ambubachi (Mahakumbh of Poorv) ›› Shigmo Mahotsav
›› Ali-e-Lingang GUJARAT
›› Jonbeel Mela (January) ›› Modhera Festival
›› Rongker (April) ›› Madhavpur Fair (Krishna + Rukmani)
›› Deodhani ›› Paragliding Festival
›› Tea Festival ›› Kite Mahotsav
›› Rann Utsav
›› Khel Mahotsav
›› Sama Chakeva (Imp.)
›› Uttarayan

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Shamlaji Mela KERALA
›› Vautha Mela ›› Vishu
›› Beach Festival (October) ›› Onam (Harvest) (Birthday of Lord Vamana to
›› Chitra Vichitra Mela welcome King Bali) (10 days)
›› Day 1 - Athem
HARYANA ›› Day 10 - Thiruvonam
›› Pinjore Heritage ›› Thrissur Pooram
›› Gugga Navmi ›› Vallam Kali Boat Race (Punnamada Lake)
›› Gangaurc (Jhumar dance is performed by ›› Theyyam
woman) ›› Arattu
›› Suraj Kund ›› Attukal Pongal
›› Basoda Festival ›› Thiruvathira
›› Gugga Naumi Festival ›› Chirstmas
›› Guggapir Festival ›› Makaravilakku Festival
›› Halda ›› Aranmula Uthrattathi (Boat Race, Pamp River)
›› Nalwari ›› Ghadlya
›› Chaitra Navratra Fair ›› Gangaur
›› Gothee
›› Mandu
›› Doongri Festival
›› Ros Nawa
›› Pori Festival
›› Minjar Fair ›› Kaksar
›› Pulaich Festival ›› Hariri
›› Koyal Music Festival ›› Pir Bhudhan
›› Maha Sazi (Baishakhi) ›› Khajuraho Festival
›› Bhagoria Hadt Festival
›› Ujjan Kumbh Mela
›› Sarhul (Celebrated by Munda, Orav and Ho
tribes and celebrated in spring season) ›› Lokrang Utsav
›› Bhagta Parab MAHARASHTRA
›› Fagua ›› Vithoba
›› Chandi Parva ›› Ayudha Puja
›› Sohrai ›› Kala Ghoda Art Mahotsav
›› Tusu ›› Narali Purnima
›› Hal Punhya (For Farmers) ›› Gudi Padwa (The Harvest Festival)
›› Munda Mela ›› Paula
›› Dhan Buni ›› Elephant Mahatsav
›› Jitiya (The Epitome of a Mothers Unconditional ›› Ganesh Chaturthi (Tilak, 1894)
›› Kojagari Puja
›› Kadleta
›› Ellora Festival
›› Jani Shikar
›› Mangala Gauri
›› Rohini (Seed Sowing Festival)
›› Banganga Festival
KARNATAKA ›› Nashik Kumbh Mela
›› Hampi Festival (Vijay Mahotsav) ›› Legim
›› Pattadakal
›› Kambala (Buffalo Race)
›› Karaga ›› Yao Sang (Dal Jatra) (Celebrated for Five days)
›› Kalipodh ›› Lai-Haroba
›› Ugadi (New Year) ›› Kang Rath Yatra
›› Gowri Festival ›› Cherry Blossom
›› Vairamudi Festival ›› Chumpha

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Gang Ngai Panth)
›› Lui-Ngai-Ni ›› Guru Parv
›› Cheiraoba (The Manipuri New Year) ›› Lohri (During Harvest) (13 Jan)
›› Kang (The Rath Yatra of Manipur)
›› Kut (Festival of Kuki-chin-mizo)
›› Gangaur festival
›› Jagoi ›› Momasar
›› Cholom ›› Pushkar mela
MEGHALAYA ›› Bundi festival
›› Chandrabhaga Utsav
›› Wangala (Festival of 100 drums dedicated to
Sun) (Garo Tribe) ›› Fish Mahotsav
›› Kolayat Utsav
›› nongkrem
›› Maru Mahotsav/Jaisalmer Desert Festival
›› Behidinkhalam
›› Strawberry Festival SIKKIM
›› Seng Kut Snem ›› Losung
›› Norgkrem Dance Festival ›› Sonam Lhochhar
›› Losar (Tibbati Calandar)
MIZORAM ›› Saga dawa
›› Chapcher kut ›› Sakewa
›› Mimkut ›› Pang Lhabsal
›› Pawl Kut ›› Tihwar
›› Lyuva Kheetla ›› Theya
›› Khuado Kut TAMIL NADU
›› Hlukla Kut ›› Pongal (Harvesting)
(Four days of Pongal)
1. Bhongi Pongal
›› Hornbill (1 December to 10 December)
2. Surya Pongal / Thai Pongal
›› Moasu (by the Ayo tribe) 3. Mathu Pongal
›› Sekrenyi 4. Kanya Pongal
›› Ableang ›› Jallikattu
›› Yamshe ›› Chithirai
›› Tsukheneye ›› Thaipusam
›› Panguni Uthiram
ODISHA ›› Puthandu (Tamil Nadu New Year)
›› Chhav Festival
›› Dhanujatra (World's largest open air theatre) TELANGANA
›› Rajaparva (Mid June) ›› Bonalu
›› Balyatra ›› Bathukamma (Nine days festival)
›› Konark Festival ›› Medharam Jatara
›› Clay Art Mahotsav ›› Alai Balai
›› Nuakhai ›› Telangana Dussehra
›› Kalinga Mahotsav ›› Peerla Pandunga
›› Konark Dance Festival ›› Medaram Jatara
›› Rath Yatra ›› Chittaramma Jatarer
›› Puri Beach Festival ›› Sadar Festival
›› Naokhai (After Harvesting) TRIPURA
›› Chatar Jatra ›› Kharchi Puja Festival
›› Rang Batti ›› Santara Utsav
PUNJAB ›› Biju
›› Hola Mohalla ›› Hojgiri
›› Ker Utsav
›› Khalsa-panth (14 April) (13 April 1699, Khalsa

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Khumpui ›› Hemis Tsu
›› Garia Pooja ›› Hemis Gompa
›› Neel Mahal Festival ›› Saka Dawa
›› Unakoti Festival ›› Korzok
›› Kumbh Festival (Prayagraj, Haridwar, Ujjain, ›› Hemis Festival
Nashik) / Kumbh Festival ›› Tulip Festival
›› Kajali Mahotsav Festival ›› Shikara Festival
›› Ayurveda Festival ›› Kheer Bhavani Festival
›› Shravani Mela ›› Dasmoche Utsav
›› Kalinjar Festival
›› Nauchandi PONDICHERRY
›› Bateshwar Dhai Ghat ›› Pongal
›› Shakumbhari Devi ›› French Food Festival
›› Phool Dei
State New Year
›› Harela
›› Ghee Festival Andhra Pradesh, Ugadi (March-April)
›› Kandali Hill Jatra Karnataka,
›› bagioal Fair Telangana
Maharashtra Gudi Padwa (First day of
WEST BENGAL Chaitra month)
›› Nobo Borsho
›› Durga Puja Punjab Baisakhi (13 April) Khalsa
›› Jagadhatri Puja Panth 1699
›› Dal Utsav / Dol Jatra Tamil Nadu Puthandu (April 14)
›› Ganga Sagar Festival Assam Bohag Bihu (Mid April)
›› Poila Baisakh
West Bengal Pohela Boishakh (mid April)
›› Teesta Tea Festival
›› Jamai Shashti Gujarat Bestu Varas (The day After
UNION TERRITORIES Kerala Vishu (April 14)
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Sikkim Losung (December month)
›› Mariamman Kashmir Navreh (First day of Chaitra)
›› Beach Festival Odisha Pana Sankranti (Worship of
›› Monsoon festival Hanuman Temples)
›› Rose Festival
›› Cactus Festival Mahashivratri On Chaturdashi date of
›› Guldaudi Festival Krishna Paksha of Phalgun
Holi On the full moon day of Phalgun
›› Divasol
›› Tarpa Festival
Diwali On the new moon day of the
NEW DELHI Krishna Paksha of the month
›› Drone Festival of Kartik
›› spring festival Ramanavami Last day of Chaitra Navratri
›› Happiness Festival Ganesh Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi
LADAKH Chaturthi
›› Losar Festival

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important temples of India

TT Chandrabadani Temple
TT Jageshwar Temple
TT Mansa Devi Temple
TT Nanda Devi Temple
TT Naina Devi Temple
TT Syahi Devi Temple
TT Pushti Mata Temple
TT Thaneshwar Mahadev Temple
Temples in North India TT Sarveshwar Mahadev Temple
TT Garibdas Mandir
TT Vaishno Mata Temple TT Sita Mai Temple
TT Ranbireshwar Temple - Maharaja Ranbir TT Lakahada Temple
Singh TT Draupadi Ghat Temple
TT Amarnath Cave Temple TT Sheetla Mata Temple
TT Raghunath Temple - Maharaj Gulab Singh TT Ekalavya Temple
TT Kheer Bhavani Temple - Maharaja Pratap Singh TT Bhooto ka temple
TT Sun Temple - Built by Jaluka, Son of Ashoka TT Atlas Temple

TT Alchi Chos Khor - Rinchen Tsangpo TT Mukteshwar Temple
TT Lal Maitreya Temple (Buddhist) - Raja Trangspa TT Durgiana Temple
Bumde TT Golden Temple
TT Tara Mandir
TT Matho Temple
TT Brahma Ji Temple
TT Mata Chintpurni Devi Temple TT Jeen Mata Temple
TT Jwalamukhi Temple TT Kaila Devi Temple
TT Shri Hanuman / Jakhoo Temple TT Balaji Temple
TT Sankat Mochan Temple TT Karni Mata (White Rat)
TT Hadimba Devi Temple TT Aavri Mata Temple
TT Badrinath Temple TT Osian Temple
TT Kedarnath Temple TT Kiradu Temple
TT Surkanda Mata Temple TT Kunjal Mata Temple
TT Neelkanth Mahadev Temple TT Gangamaharani Temple
TT Triyugi Narayan Temple TT Garh Ganesh Temple
TT Charbhuja Temple
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Tanot Rai Mata Temple TT Bhoramdev Temple
TT Laxman Temple JHARKHAND
UTTAR PRADESH TT Vaidyanath Temple
TT Kashi Vishwanath Temple TT Harihar Dham Temple
TT Dashashwamedh Ghat Temple TT Deori Temple
TT Rangji Temple TT Kauleshwari Temple
TT Prem Mandir TT Naulakha Temple
TT Bade Hanuman Mandir TT Tapovan Temple
TT Man Kameshwar Temple TT Haldighati Temple
TT Ram Janmabhoomi Temple TT Ugratara Temple
TT Hanumangarhi
TT Bharat Milap Temple Temples in South India
TT Ashtabhuja Temple
TT Gaurakshanath Temple TAMIL NADU
TT Bharat Mata Mandir TT Meenakshi Temple (Shiva + Parvati) Built by
NEW DELHI Pandava rulers.
TT Akshardham Temple TT Brihadeshwara Temple - Raja Chola
TT Kilkari Bhairav Temple TT Sripuram Golden Temple (Lakshmi) - Chola
TT Hanuman Temple
TT Ekambareshwara Temple
TT Birla Mandir (Lakshmi Narayan Temple)
TT Mahabalipuram Temple - Narasimha Varman
TT Lotus Temple
TT Kalka Ji temple
TT Gangakonda Cholapuram Temple - Rajendra
TT Yogmaya Temple Chola I
BIHAR TT Nellaiappar Temple
TT Mahabodhi Temple TT Ranganatha Swamy Temple
TT Vishnupad Temple TT Airavatesvara Temple
TT Patan Devi Temple KARNATAKA
TT Mithila Shakti Peeth Temple TT Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Temple
TT Ashok Dham Temple TT Virupaksha Temple (Shiva) - Chalukya
TT Jal Mandir Vikramaditya II
TT Sumera Sun Temple TT Udupi Sri Krishna Temple
TT Virat Ramayana Temple TT Vitthal Temple - Rajadev Rao II
MADHYA PRADESH TT Chennakeshava Temple
TT Omkareshwar Temple TT Kedareshwar Temple- Veerabaltala Hoysala
TT Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga King
TT Chaturbhuj Temple TT Hazara Ram Temple
TT Sas-Bahu Temple KERALA
TT Chausath Yogini Temple
TT Padmanatha Swamy Temple - Marthanda
TT Bada Ganesh Mandir Varma
TT Annapurna Devi Temple
TT Sabarimala Temple - King Rajasekhara
TT Kaal Bhairav Temple
TT Vadakkunnathan Temple
CHHATTISGARH TT Attukal Bhagwati Temple
TT Danteshwari Temple
TT Chandrahasini Temple
TT Lord Venkateswara Vaari Temple - Sri Krishna
TT Banjari Mata Temple
TT Maa Bamleshwari Devi Temple
TT Ahobilam Temple - Chalukya Dynasty
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Lepakshi Temple WEST BENGAL
TT Yaganti TT Kalighat Kali Temple
TT kanipakam TT Temple Of Vedic Planetarium
TT Mangalagiri TT Fire temple
TT Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple TT Belur Math
TELANGANA TT Bishnupur Temple
TT Ramappa Temple - Kakatiya Dynasty TT Birla Mandir
TT Sangameshwar Temple-Maharaja Satyasraya TT Dakshineswar Kali Temple
Vikramaditya GUJARAT
TT Jogalumba Temple - By Badami Chalukyas TT Somnath Temple (Lord Shiva)
TT Saleswaram Lingamarah Swamy Temple TT Dwarkadhish Temple
TT Chilkur Balaji Temple TT Ambaji Temple
TT Keesaragutta Temple TT Rukmini Temple
TT Sai Baba Temple TT Shamlaji Temple
TT Ghrishneshwar Temple - Maloji Raje Bhosale TT Ananta Visudeva Temple
(Grandfather of Chhatrapati Shivaji) TT Parsvrameswan Temple
TT Trimbakeshwar Temple - Nana Saheb Peshwa TT Asksharddam (Gandhi Nagar)
TT Yamai Devi Temple TT Hutheesing Jain Temple
TT Siddhi Vinayak Temple - Vittu and Deubai Patil ODISHA
TT Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Temple - Chhatrapati TT Jagannath Temple (Kaling Raja)
TT Sun Temple Konark
GOA TT Lingaraj Temple
TT Mangeshi Temple TT Mukteshwar Temple
TT Saptakoteshwar Temple TT Rajrani Temple
TT Kamakshi Temple TT Ananta Vasudeva Temple
TT Maruti Temple TT Parsurameswara Temple
TT Akshardham

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Indian Dresses


›› Pheran (knee-length gown)
›› Modern Apparel for both men and women
›› Male: Dhoti Kurta
›› Women: Handloom saree and Langda won JHARKHAND
›› Male : (Modern Clothing Western Culture)
›› Women: Tussar silk sarees and Parthan
›› Male: Shirt-lungi, Cap adorned with rhinoceros Panchi.
›› Women: Lehenga, Long Jacket KARNATAKA
›› Male: Lungi (Mysore-peta)
›› Women : Ilkal Saree
›› Male: Dhoti-Kurta, Dhoti-Gamcha
›› Women: Mekhla Chadar / Riha Mekhla KERALA
›› Male: Mundu (Up to the ankle)
›› Women: Mundam Neriyatham Saree
›› Male: Dhoti-Mirjai/Kurta, Gamcha
›› Women: Sendha Zone/Kameez Salwar MADHYA PRADESH
›› Male : Bandi Dhoti [Jacket cap]
›› Women: Leenga Lugra
›› Male: Dhoti, Turban
›› Women : Kuchhora Style Saree (Length up to MAHARASHTRA
knee) ›› Male: Dhoti
›› Women: Lugda Saree (Nine yard)
›› Male: Shirt, Half Pant, Bamboo cap MANIPUR
›› Women: Nauvari sarees (9 yard sarees), Pano- ›› Male: Dhoti (body wrap), Smart Jacket,
Bhaju Headgear turban
›› Women: Inapi, Phanek
›› Male: Chrono, Kediyu and Modern Apparel MEGHALAYA
›› Women: Ghagra Chaniya Choli, Patola Print ›› Male: Gimpang (collarless coat)
Dupatta ›› Women: Jansem /Dhara, Kherwag
›› Male: Dhoti-Kurta, Turban, Chadar ›› Male: Dhoti-kurta
›› Women: Daman-kurti, odhani, ghagra-kameez, ›› Women: Puan, Mizo Puanchei (Mizo)
Modern apparel
HIMACHAL PRADESH ›› Male : Modern wear kilt
›› Male : Kurta, Himachal Cap) ›› Women: Skirt, Shawl, Aprin
›› Women: Shirt like kurti and scarf salvers
›› Male - Dhoti-Kurta, Gamucha
›› Women: Sambal saree, salwar-kameez
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Male : Tehmat, Kurta Pajama, Turban ›› Bomkai sarees, Habaspuri sarees,
›› Women: Suit Salwar, Ghagra Berhampur patta sarees, Khandua sarees,
Sambalpuri sarees, Peepli applique work
›› Male : Dhoti- kurta, Pagar, Safa (Turban) ANDHRA PRADESH
›› Women : Ghaghra, Kanchli ›› Mangalagiri sarees, Venkatgiri sarees,
Uppada Jamdani sarees
›› Male : Kho trousers, Bhutiya bakhu-pant
›› Ilkal sarees, Molakamuru sarees, Kasuri
›› Women : Dumidum, Dumvan
›› Male: Dhoti-lungi
›› Sanitpure sarees, Dhaniyakhali sarees,
›› Women: Sarees, Shovel (Half Saree) Baluchar sarees, Kantha embroidery
›› Male: Panch (Dhoti) ›› Balramapuram Sarees & Cottons,
›› Women: Langa voni, Salwar-kameez Kasaragod Sarees, Kuthampully Sarees
›› Male: Lainalath, Karmavalv barok) ›› Champa silk sarees
›› Women : Rigwani Sarees
UTTAR PRADESH ›› Gadhwal Sarees, Siddipet)
›› Male: Dhoti-kurta, Modern wear
›› Women: Salwar-suits, Sarees
›› Kullu shawl, Kinnauri shawl, Chamba
›› Male : Dhoti, Mirjai, Jawahar Topi
›› Women : Ghagra, Avari, Dhoti, Kurta
›› Kovai plain cotton
›› Male : Lungi, Dhoti, Kurta
›› Kani Shawl, Kashmiri Pashmina
›› Women: Saree-Salwar
GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (GI) ›› Puneri turbans, Paithani sarees
MADHYA PRADESH ›› Tangalia Shawl, Kutch Shawl, Patan Patola
›› Maheshwar sarees, Chanderi sarees
›› Banaras zari art and sarees, Lucknow
chikankari BIHAR
›› Sujni

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

gharana of hindustani
There is a rich tradition of Gharanas in classical Hindustani music. Every Gharana has its own distinct
features. The main feature of difference between Gharanas is the manner in which the notes are sung.
The concept of a Guru-Shishya leads to the development of Gharanas. Lets have a overlook at popular
Gharanas of Hindustani classical music.
Gharana Founder Exponents
Gwalior Gharana, Khyal Gayaki Ustad Hassu Khan, Ustad Bal Krishna, Balchal Karamkar,
(Vocal Style) Haddu Khan, Ustad Nathu Malini Rajukar, V.D. Paluskar, Om.
Khan Karnath Thakur, Veena Sahasra
Agra Gharana (Force Fulness Ustad Ghagghe, Khuda Faiyyaz Khan, Latafat Hussein
and deepness in the voice) Baks, Haji Sujan Khan Khan, Dinkar Kikini
Kirana Gharana In the kirana Abdul Karim Khan, Abdul Prabha Atre, Gangubai, Hangal,
style of singing, the swara is used Wahid Khan Bhimsen Joshi, Begum Akhtar,
to create an emotional mood by Hirabhai Barodekar,
means of elongation.
Jaipur Atrauli Gharana - melodic Ustad Alladiya Khan Millikarjun Mansur, Kegsarbhai
and undulating phrases that Kerkar, Shruti Sadolikni, Padma
comprise of piece. Talwaker
Rampur Sashawan Gharana Ustad Inayat Khan Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Sulochana
(Stress on the clarity of swara in and Brihaspati , Ustad Rashid Khan
this style)
Patiala Gharana (greater rhythm Ustad Fateh Ali Khan, Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali, Ajoy Chakrovat,
play) Ali Baksh Raza Ali Khan, Nirmala Devi, Naina
Devi, Parveen Sultana
Delhi Gharana (The highlight Ustad Mamman Khan Chand Khan, Usman Khan, Iqbal
of Delhi Gharana asre Ahmed Khan, Krishna Bisht
Pleasing Vistaar and exquisite
Bhendi Bazaar Gharana (There Ustad Chajju Khan Ustad Aman Ali Khan, Anjanibai
is a stress on breath control and
singing of long passages in one
breath is highly regarded in this
Banaras Gharana (Great lieting Pt. Gopal Mishra Rajan Mishra, Girija Devi, Sajan
style of khayal singing known by Mishra
Thumri Singers)
Mewati Gharana (To Develop Nazir Khan Pandit Jasraj, Moti Ram, Mani Ram,
the mood fo the raga through the Sanjeev Abhyankar
notes forming it and its style is
bhava pradhan)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Important Folk Art

of India
State Painting art ›› There is a famous martial art in Kerala.
Parashuram is said to be the origin of its
Andhra Pradesh Kalamkari
Bihar Madhubani+ Mithila
Jharkhand, Bihar Jadopatiya ›› Tamil Nadu - In this art stick is used.
Karnataka Rangwali + Kasuti THANGTA
Himachal Pradesh Pahadi + Guler + Kangra ›› Manipur - Thang Ta - Used for spear.

Kolkata Kali Ghat SARIT SARAK

[ West Bengal] ›› Manipur - Unarmed Martial Arts.

Lucknow Chikankari CHEEBI GAT-GA

[ Uttar Pradesh] ›› Manipur - Like Thangata.

Madhya Pradesh Surati, Naurata, Morete,

Tilanga ›› Bihar
Maharashtra Wali (Warli)
›› Himachal Pradesh.
Odisha Pattachitra + Saura
Gujarat Pithora +Athiya ›› Punjab – It was started by Guru Hargobind
Rajasthan Phad + Mandana + Laghu Singh.

Tamil Nadu Kallam, Tanjore MARDANI

›› Maharashtra - Use of sword and cord.
Punjab Phulkari
Telangana Cherial + Nirmal
›› West Bengal and Punjab.
Andhra Pradesh Muggulu
West Bengal Alpana ›› Tamil Nadu - Literally meaning empty handed
Kerala Kalmajattu
Uttarakhand Appen
›› Mizoram.
Uttar Pradesh Choke Poorna/Sona
TT Banaras (Uttar Pradesh)
Rajasthan Mandana
›› Jammu and Kashmir - Use of sword - shield

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Odisha – A combination of dance and martial ›› Andhra Pradesh
MALLA KHAMB ›› South India – It is of two type -
›› Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra - Use of rope 1. Parnipatt
and pole. (State game of Madhya Pradesh) 2. Asura

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Important Central Government

JAN DHAN YOJNA ÂÂ To remove youth unemployment in the
country, and create a system to make
youth employable.
TT Under this scheme different types of courses like
Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Robotics,
Big Data, VR are covered.
TT August 28, 2014 (Launched Date) TT This course is completely free.
TT To connect maximum people with banks so that TT Youth get personal accident insurance of
they can be encouraged to save money. ` 2 lakh under the scheme.
TT This scheme is operated by the 'Ministry of
TT 45.25 crore (Approx) Accounts have been opened
so far till December 2022 (Estimated).
TT Under the scheme bank does not charge you any
fee if the balance is zero.
TT Accident insurance of ` 100000 and general
insurance cover of ` 30000 is given under the
TT As per the latest figures, the amount deposited TT Launched: September 25, 2014
in Jan Dhan accounts in various banks of the TT The main objective of 'Make in India' scheme
country is more than Rs 1.30 lakh crore. is to transform the country into a global
TT The participation of women in Pradhan Mantri manufacturing hub.
Jan Dhan Yojana has been 55.2% (Approx.). TT This initiative is to invite potential investors
TT Maximum accounts have been open in UP till and partners from across the globe to New India.
october 2022.
TT The share of manufacturing sector in the
SKILL INDIA MISSION country's GDP is to be increased from 16% to
25% by the year 2022.
TT National Single Window System (NSWS)
TT Speed power
TT One District One Product scheme
TT Ministry: Ministry of Commerce and Industry


TT Launched: July 15, 2015
TT Under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
TT Ministry: Ministry of Skill Development and
TT Objective :
ÂÂ The mission of Skill India is to enhance the TT Launched: September 25, 2014
skills of poor children who have put their TT Ministry: Ministry of Housing and Urban
studies on hold due to some reason. Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Objective: The objective of the scheme is to
increase livelihood opportunities and reduce
rural poverty through skill development and
other measures.
TT Social solidarity and institution development.
TT subsidy to the urban poor
TT Shelter for the urban homeless.


TT Launched: December 25, 2014
TT Ministry: Ministry of Health and Family
TT The scheme was launched with the vision of
achieving 90% complete immunization coverage
in India by 2022.
TT The fundamental goal of the mission
indradhanush is to cover all children under
TT October 02, 2014 two years and pregnent women, those who are
TT Ministry: Ministry of Drinking Water and not covered under the universal immunization
Sanitation programme.
TT The Campaign was launched on the birth TT Indradhunush refers to 7 colours as we know
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. it, the government aims to provide immunity
to children under 2 years of age from 7 vaccine-
TT The Main objective of this mission is to
preventable diseases, those are Diphtheria,
elemination of open defecation.
Tetanus, Tuvenile, Culosis, Polio, Hepatitis B,
TT The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has achieved a and Measles.
great success in spreading awareness across the
TT To provide toilets, separately for boys and girls TT Effective year 2017
in all schools. TT Immunization coverage of 90% of children under
2 years of age
TT Effective Year 2020-21
TT The Union Government launched Intensified
Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 3.0 in February
2020 to expand the coverage of the National
Immunization Programme. The main objective
of this mission is to reach the unorganised
population for their vaccination as well as to
TT Launched: October 11, 2014 offer the vaccines available under the Universal
Immunization Program.
TT Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) was
launched on 11th October, 2014 with the aim to MISSION INDRADHANUSH PLAN 4.0
translate the comprehensive vision of Mahatma TT Effective year 2022
Gandhi about an ideal Indian village into a TT Annually more than three crore pregnant women
reality, keeping in view the present context. and 2.6 crore children are to be covered through
TT Under SAGY, Each member of Parliaments Universal Immunization Program (UIP) under
adopts a Gram Panchayat and guides its the scheme.
holistic progress giving importance for social
development at par with the infrastructure. PANDIT DEENDAYAL SHRAMEV JAYATE
TT The Adarsh Grams are to become schools of local YOJANA
development and goverence, inspiring these TT October 16, 2014
gram panchayat. TT Ministry : Ministry of Labour
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

TT Objective: To implement 'Make in India'

scheme by encouraging local manufacturers.
TT Reforming labour laws and labour practices to
TT Increase in wages limits and pension schemes TT January 22, 2015
for labourers across India.
TT The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna is a government
HRIDAY YOJANA saving scheme created with the intention to
benefit girl child under the initiative called 'Beti
Cachao Beti Padhao".
TT The parent or guardian of the girl child who is
10 years of age or younger can open an account
under the scheme.


TT January 21, 2015

Main Objective of HRIDAY Yojna
TT The main objective of HRIDAY is to preserve
character of the soul of heritage city and facilitate
inclusive heritage linked urban development by
exploring various avenues including involving
private sector.
TT Perserve and revitalize heritage where any
tourists can connect directly with citi's unique TT 8 April 2015
character. TT To provide credit of upto ` 10 lakh to small
TT Budget: 500 crores entrepreneurs and act as a regulator for micro-
finance institutions.
BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO TT Ministry: Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, Government of India.


TT January 22, 2015

TT The goal of this scheme is to make girls socially
and financially self-reliant through education.
TT Its objective is to prevent the gender-based sex TT May 1, 2015
selection and ensuring the protection of a girl TT Under the UJALA initiative, the government
child. provides two payment alternatives for
TT Ministries : Ministry of Women and Child purchasing LED bulb.
Development, Ministry of Health Family Welfare TT Ministry: Power
and Ministry of Human Resource Development.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

TT October 1, 2021
TT Amrut scheme 2.0 upto 2025-26 were approved
TT May 09, 2015 by the cabinet during october 2021.
TT Monthly pension for people in the unorganised
sector in the age group of 18 to 60 years
TT Ministry: Ministry of Finance URBAN



TT May 9, 2015 TT June 25, 2015

TT Life Insurance of ` 2 lakh for the people between TT To provide financial assistance to all homeless
age of 18 to 50 years. and people living in dilapidated houses.
TT Ministry : Ministry of Finance

TT June 25, 2015

TT To Develop 100 selected cities of the country.
TT Ministry: Ministry of Urban Development TT November 20, 2016
TT To provide financial assistance to all homeless
AMRUT SCHEME and people living in dilapidated houses.
TT Ministry : Ministry of Housing and Urban


TT 25 June, 2015.
TT The Amrut scheme is an initiative to provide
basic amenities to the urban areas to improve
the quality of life with major focus to the poor
and the disadvant.
TT Ministry : Ministry of Housing and Urban
Development TT July 1, 2015
TT Digital India is a flagship programme of the

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
government of India with a vision to transform START-UP INDIA
India into a digitally empowered society and
knowledge economy.
TT Ministry: Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology.


TT January 16, 2016
TT The Startup India scheme is an initiative of the
government of India.
TT The primary objective of startup India is the
promotion of startups and wealth creation.


TT November 5, 2015
TT An investor can deposit gold for short and long
term medium under the gold scheme.
TT Ministry: Ministry of Finance

TT March 4, 2016
TT Construction of over and under bridges to make
national highways free of railway crossings.

TT October, 2015
TT The Pradhan Mantri UDAY scheme has been
launched for a sustainable financial and
operational growth to residents of unauthorised
colonies in Delhi.
TT Ministry: Power


TT The objective of the stand up India scheme is to
faciliate bank loans between 10 lakh to 1 crore to
at SC/ST woman for setting up a new company.


TT February 18, 2016

TT To reduce the premium of the farmers who take
loans for their farming.
TT Providing financial support to farmers suffering TT April 14-24, 2016
crop lost/damage arising out of unforeseen TT Emphasis on development of villages for proper
events. development in the country.
TT Ministry : Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

TT May 1, 2016 TT September 25, 2017

TT Providing subsidized LPG connections to BPL TT This Scheme is to provide electricity to every
families. household.
TT Ministry: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural NATIONAL NUTRITION CAMPAIGN


TT 10 August, 2021
TT Providing subsidized LPG connections to BPL

NAMAMI GANGE SCHEME TT November 30, 2017

TT Prevent and reduce under nutrition, under
weight prevalence in children (0-6 years).
TT Reduce the prevalence of amenia among young


TT July 10, 2014

TT To reduce the pollution of the river Ganga
alongwith the conservation and rejuvenation of
the river bank.
TT Ministry : Union Ministry of Water Resources TT February 1, 2018
River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. TT The scheme aim to positively impact village
cleanliness and generate wealth and energy
AAJEEVIKA GRAMEEN EXPRESS YOJANA from cattle and organic waste.


TT 2017
TT The aim of the mission is to promote sustainable
livlihood for rural poor families such that they
come out of poverty. TT April 14, 2018
TT Ministry: Ministry of Rural Development
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Van Dhan yojna emphasizes the economic PRIME MINISTER KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI
developmend of tribes involved in the collection
through the utilization of nature resources and
providing them with a sustainable livlihood.


TT February 24, 2019

TT To Provide direct income support to small
and marginal farmers in the country by the
Government of India.
TT Ministry: Agriculture
TT 12 September 2018
TT To ensure remunerative prices to farmers for
their production.



TT March, 2019
TT For setting up solar pumps and renewable
energy plants for farmers.



TT September 23, 2018

TT Improving public health and achieving the goals
of sustainable development.
TT It aim to provide a service to create a healthy,
capable and context new India.
TT Ministry : AYUSH


YOJANA TT A food distribution scheme started by the
government for the poor.


TT September 12, 2019

TT This scheme is for any small holding and
marginal farmers between the age of 18 to 40
years, who have cultivated land up to 2 hectare
they have to contribute at least 20 years and 42
years maximum from 55 to 220 rs.
TT August 15, 2019

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Har Ghar Jal is a scheme initiated by the the management of ground water resources in
ministry of Jal Shakti of Government of India select water stressed areas in identified states
under Jal Jeevan mission in 2019 with the aim Haryana, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.
to provide tape water to every household by
TT Ministry: Ministry of Jal Shakti.


TT April 24, 2020

TT To give the ownership rights of the people living
in the rural areas to their land.


TT August 29, 2019

TT Fit India Mission encourages people to become
part of Fit India movement by including at least
30-60 minute of physical activity in their day to
day lives.


TT May 12, 2020
TT All the poor and labouring people have to be
provided with means of income.



TT October 10, 2019

TT To reduce in maternal mortality rate and infant
mortality rate.


TT September 10, 2020
TT Doubling of fish exports in 5 years


TT December 25, 2019

TT The major objective of the scheme is to improve

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT 2018 TT Related to water harvesting and rainwater
TT To Promotion of the food processing. harvesting.



TT May 29, 2021

TT Pradhan Mantri Yuva yojna is a centrally
sponsored scheme on entrepreneurship
TT November 12, 2020 education and training being implemented
by the ministry of skill development and
TT The Government of India is bearing both
entrepreneurship, Government of India.
the employees share and employee share of
contribution payable or only the employee share, 'SAFE HUM SAFE TUM' CAMPAIGN
depending on employment.



TT May 09, 2015

TT Facilitating low premium insurance scheme to
the weaker and poor sections of the people.


YOJANA 3.0 TT June 8, 2021
TT To improve overall development of the affected
Person in COVID.


TT January 15, 2021

TT To provide employment to such people who are
less educated or drop out of school.


TT June 21, 2021

TT To promote Covid vaccination.
TT March 22, 2021

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

TT July 5, 2021
TT April 12, 2022
TT To develop basic literacy and numeracy skills
TT To provide loans to street vendors on low interest
among the students.
rates and easy terms.
TT It aims to cover the learning needs of children in
the age group of 3 to 9 years. AGNEEPATH SCHEME
TT Ministry: Ministry of Education


TT June 14, 2022

TT The youth of the country have to be recruited in
the army for 4 years.
TT October 6, 2021 TT Ministry: Ministry of Defence
TT This scheme will create an integrated textiles
values chain from spining weaving, processing
and printing to garment manufacturing at once MY POLICY, MY HAND ABHIYAN
location. TT An institative by Ministry of Agriculture.
TT To Train the writers upto 30 years
TT Salary 50000/Year
TT Ministry of women & child development.
TT Started 15 August 1995

TT October 13, 2021

TT Providing employment opportunities to the

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

National Park, Bird Sanctuary/

Tiger Reserves/Ramasar Sites/
Bioshpere Reserve of India
TT Jim Corbett National Park is India's first been declared as the 53rd Tiger Reserve.
national park, which was established in
Uttarakhand in 1936 AD. Earlier its name was
Hailey National Park. In 1957, it was renamed NATIONAL PARKS OF INDIA
as Corbett National Park, in the memory of Jim National Park/ State Major wildlife
Corbett, the great naturalist. Ramganga and sanctuary species
Sonanadi are the major rivers flowing through Jim Corbett Uttara- Elephant, Tiger,
this national park. National Park khand Cheetah, Deer,
TT Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of Bear, Nilgai,
national parks in India. It has 12 national parks Sambar, Wild Boar
out of which 6 have been declared as Tiger Rajaji National Uttara- Elephants, Deer,
Reserves. Park khand Leopards, Sambar
TT Andaman and Nicobar Islands have 9 National and Peacocks
Parks and 96 Wildlife Sanctuaries (maximum in
Dudhwa Uttar Elephant, Tiger,
any state). National Park Pradesh Cheetah, Deer,
TT There are a total of 106 National Parks in India. Nilgai, Leopard
There is not even a single national park in
Chandra- Uttar Cheetah, Bear,
Punjab, India. While the total number of wildlife
Prabha Pradesh Nilgai, Leopard,
sanctuaries in India is 565. Also, there are 18
Sanctuary Sambhar
Biosphere Reserves and 54 Tiger Reserves in
India. Nal Sarovar Gujarat Water Birds
TT India's largest national park Hemis National
Park is located in Ladakh, which is world Gir National Gujarat Lion, Sambar,
famous for snow leopards. Park Leopard, Wild Boar
TT Nagarjunasagar - Srisailam Tiger Reserve Someshwara Karnataka Cheetah, Wild dog,
(Andhra Pradesh) is the largest tiger reserve in Sanctuary Deer, Leopard,
India. Sambhar
TT The smallest tiger reserve is Bor Tiger Reserve Bandipur Karnataka Elephant, Cheetah,
(Maharashtra). National Park Leopard, Deer,
TT Dudhwa National Park (Uttar Pradesh) shares Chital, Sambar,
the international border with Nepal. It was Tungabhadra Karnataka Leopard, Chital,
given the status of a national park in 1977. Sanctuary Black Buck Bird,
TT The Manas Sanctuary (Assam) National Park, Four horned
included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is antelope
also the famous Tiger and Elephant Reserve of Bhadra Karnataka Bear, Elephant,
the country. The name 'Manas' derived from the Sanctuary Sambar, Leopard,
river flowing from the west of Manas Garden. Deer
Apart from the one-horned rhinoceros, many Kawal Wildlife Andhra Cheetah, Leopard,
other rare animals are also found here. Sanctuary Pradesh Sambar, Bear,
TT India's smallest national park 'South Button' Wild Boar, Chital
Island National Park is located in Andaman and
Pakhal Wildlife Andhra Cheetah, Leopard,
Nicobar Islands. Sanctuary Pradesh Sambar, Bear,
TT The combined area of Guru Ghasidas National Wild Boar
Park and Tamor Pingla of Chhattisgarh has

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Kaziranga Assam One horned Indira Gandhi Tamil Nadu Elephant, Tiger,
National Park rhinoceros, Wild Sanctuary Chital, Panther,
Boar, Buffalo, Sambar, Sloth
Cheetah Bear Wild Dog,
Manas National Assam Elephant, Cheetah, Langur
Park Bear, One-horned Dampa Mizoram Cobra, Cheetah,
rhinoceros, Sanctuary Cat, Pheasant
Langur, Deer Pench National Madhya Cheetah, Nilgai,
Tansa Maha- Leopard, Sambhar, Park Pradesh Sambar, Bear,
Sanctuary rashtra Four horned Wild Boar
antelope, Wild Kanha National Madhya Tiger, Chital,
Boar, Chital, Birds Park Pradesh Leopard, Sambar,
Borivali Maha Langur, Deer, Barasingha
National Park -rashtra Sambar, Panther, (Swamp Deer)
Wild Boar Bandhavgarh Madhya Tiger, Leopard,
Kumbhalgarh Rajasthan Cheetah, Nilgai, National Park Pradesh Sambar, Bear,
Sanctuary Sambar, Bear Chakor
Ghana Bird Rajasthan Sambhar, Black Panchmarhi Madhya Tiger, Leopard,
Sanctuary Buck, Wild Boar, Sanctuary Pradesh Sambar, Nilgai,
Cock, Gharial, Chital, Deer, Bear,
Siberian Crane. Wild Buffalo.
Ranthambore Rajasthan Cheetah, Tiger, Periyar Kerala Cheetah, Elephant,
Sanctuary Lion, Leopard, Sanctuary Leopard, Sambar,
Hyena, Bear, Deer, Bear, Nilgai,
Nilgai, Sambar Wild Boar
Abohar Punjab Wild Boar, Deer, Parambikulam Kerala Cheetah, Elephant,
Sanctuary Nilgai, Black Sanctuary Leopard, Sambar,
Swan, Pigeon Deer, Nilgai, Wild
Dalma Wildlife Jharkhand Elephant, Deer, Boar
Sanctuary Leopard, Bear, Dachigam Jammu and Panther, Black
Wild Boar National Park Kashmir Bear, Red Bear,
Hazaribagh Jharkhand Cheetah, Bear, Deer,
Wildlife Leopard, Chital, Kishtwar Jammu and Blackbuck, Wild
Sanctuary Sambar, Wild Boar National Park Kashmir Yak, Tibetan
Palamu Jharkhand Elephant, Cheetah, Donkey
Sanctuary Leopard, Sambar, Rajiv Gandhi Karnataka Cheetah, Elephant,
Deer, Wild Boar Sanctuary Leopard, Sambar,
Chilka Odisha Crane, Cormorant, (Nagarhole Bear, Chakor,
Sanctuary Pelican, Migratory National Park) Pheasant,
Bird Pakhui Wildlife Arunachal Elephant, Python,
Simlipal Odisha Elephant, Tiger, Sanctuary Pradesh Deer, Sambar
Sanctuary Cheetah, Leopard, Sultanpur Lake Haryana Various Water
Sambar, Deer, Sanctuary Birds
Crocodile, Aquatic Rohilla National Himachal Musk Deer, Brown
bird Park Pradesh Bear, Mountain
Mudumalai Tamil Nadu Elephant, Cheetah, Rooster, Mountain
Sanctuary Leopard, Sambar, Leopard
Deer, Wild dog Bhagwan Goa Deer, Rat,
Vedanthagal Tamil Nadu Water Bird Mahavir park Porcupine, Sambar
Sanctuary Nongkhyllem Meghalaya Elephant, Cheetah,
Sanctuary Tiger, Deer,
Sambar, Bear

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Keibul Lamjao Manipur Deer, Wild Goat, Navegaon Maharashtra 1975 133.88
National Park Various Water National Park
Birds Bannerghatta Karnataka 1974 260.51
Kaimur Wildlife Bihar Tiger, Nilgai, national park
Sanctuary Gharial, Sambhar, Bandipur Karnataka 1974 872.24
Wild Boar National Park
Orang Tiger Assam Tiger Nagarahole Karnataka 1988 643.39
Reserve (Rajiv Gandhi)
Dibang Wildlife Arunachal Tiger National Park
Sanctuary Pradesh Kudremukh Karnataka 1987 600.52
National Park
Sundarbans West Tiger, Cheetah,
National Park Bengal Deer, Crocodile Anshi National Karnataka 1987 417.7
National Park State Year of Area National Park
Creation (in sq Anamudi Shola Kerala 2003 7.5
km) National Park
Kanha National Madhya NP-1955 941.8 Silent Valley Kerala 1984 89.52
Park Pradesh National Park
Madhav Madhya NP- 1958 375.2 Pampadum Kerala 2003 1.32
National Park Pradesh Shola National
Bandhav-garh Madhya NP- 1968 448.8 Park
National Park Pradesh Eravikulam Kerala 1978 97
Fossil National Madhya NP- 1983 0.27 National Park
Park Pradesh Mathikettan Kerala 2003 12.82
Pench National Madhya NP- 1975 292.8 Shola National
Park Pradesh Park

Van Vihar Madhya NP- 1979 4.45 Mudumalai Tamil Nadu 1990 103.24
National Park Pradesh National Park

Panna National Madhya 1981 542.67 Gulf of Mannar Tamil Nadu 1980 560.02
Park Pradesh National Park

Satpura Madhya 1981 528.73 Sculpture Tamil Nadu 1990 78.46

National Park Pradesh National Park

Sanjay National Madhya 1981 464.6 Indira Gandhi Tamil Nadu 1989 117
Park Pradesh (Annamalai)
National Park
Omkareshwar Madhya 2004 293
National Park Pradesh Guindy Tamil Nadu 1976 2.7
National Park
Dinosaur Fossil Madhya 2011 0.89
Park Pradesh Jim Corbett Uttarakhand 1936 520.8
National Park
Kuno National Madhya 2018 748.7
Park Pradesh Nanda Devi Uttarakhand 1982 624.6
National Park
Chandoli Maharashtra 2004 317.67
National Park Rajaji National Uttarakhand 1983 820
Gugamal Maharashtra 1975 361.28
National Park Gangotri Uttarakhand 1989 2390
National Park
Sanjay Gandhi Maharashtra 1983 86.96
National Park Govind Pashu Uttarakhand 1990 427.08
Vihar National
Tadoba Maharashtra 1955 116.55 Park
National Park
Flower Valley Uttarakhand 1982 87.5
Pench National Maharashtra 1975 257.26 National Park
Sundarbans West Bengal 1984 1330
Note: Pench (Jawahar Lal Nehru) National Park. National Park

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Buxa National West Bengal 1992 117 Marine Gujarat 1982 162.89
Park National Park
Jaldapara West Bengal 2014 216.3 Gir Forest Gujarat 1975 258.71
National Park National Park
Singalila West Bengal 1986 78.6 Blackbuck Gujarat 1976 34.53
National Park National Park
Neora Valley West Bengal 1986 159.9 Namdapha Arunachal 1983 1807.82
National Park National Park Pradesh
Gorumara West Bengal 1992 79.4 Mouling Arunachal 1986 483
National Park National Park Pradesh
Ranthambore Rajasthan 1980 282 Sultanpur Haryana 1989 1.43
National Park National Park
Mukundara Rajasthan 2006 200.5 Bhitarkanika Orissa 1988 145
National Park National Park
Keoladeo Rajasthan 1981 28.73 Simlipal Orissa 1980 845.70
National Park National Park
Thar National Rajasthan 1992 3162 Manipur
Park Sirohi National Manipur 1982 100
Sariska Rajasthan 1992 273.8 Park
National Park Kibul Lamjao Manipur 1977 40
Balpakram Meghalaya 1986 220 National Park
National Park (only floating
garden) Loktak
Nokrek Meghalaya 1997 47.48 lake
National Park
South Button Andaman 1992 426.23
Kaziranga Assam 1974 889.51 Island National Nicobar
National Park Park Islands
Manas National Assam 1990 500 Campbell Andaman 1992 426.23
Park National Park Nicobar
Orang National Assam 1999 78.81 Islands
Park Mahatma Andaman 1983 281.5
Dibru- Assam 1999 340 Gandhi Marine Nicobar
Saikhowa National Park Islands
National Park Mount Harriet Andaman 1987 46.62
Nameri Assam 1998 200 National Park Nicobar
National Park Islands
Raimona Assam 2021 422 North Button Andaman 1987 0.44
National Park Island National Nicobar
Park Islands
Dehing Patkai Assam 2021 234.26
National Park Middle Button Andaman 1987 0.44
Island National Nicobar
Clouded leopard Tripura 2007 5.08
Park Islands
National Park
Queen Jhansi Andaman 1996 320.06
Rajiv Gandhi Andhra 2005 2.39
Marine Nicobar
National Park Pradesh
National Park Islands
Papikonda Andhra 2008 1012.8
Saddle Peak Andaman 1987 32.54
National Park Pradesh
National Park Nicobar
Sri Andhra 1989 353.6 Islands
Venkateswara Pradesh
Galathea Andaman 1992 110
National Park
National Park Nicobar
Betla National Jharkhand 1986 226.33 Islands
Intanki Nagaland 1993 202
Vansda Gujarat 1979 23.99 National Park
National Park
Lord Mahavir Goa 1992 107
Molem National
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Phawngpui Mizoram 1992 50 TIGER RESERVE IN INDIA
Blue Mountain Tiger Reserve Year State
National Park
Corbett Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Uttarakhand
Murlan Mizoram 1991 100
National Park Rajaji Tiger Reserve 2015 Uttarakhand
Kanchanjunga Sikkim 1977 1784 Ranthambore Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Rajasthan
National Park Sariska Tiger Reserve 1978-79 Rajasthan
Valmiki Bihar 1989 335.65 Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger 2022 Rajasthan
National Park Reserve
Mahavir Harina Telangana 1994 14.59 Mukundra Hills Tiger 2013-14 Rajasthan
Vanasthali Reserve
National Park
Palamu Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Jharkhand
Mrugavani Telangana 1994 3.6
National Park Periyar Tiger Reserve 1978-79 Kerala

Salim Ali Jammu and 1992 9 Parambikulam Tiger 2008-09 Kerala

National Park Kashmir
Indravati Tiger Reserve 1982-83 Chhattisgarh
Dachigam Jammu and 1981 141
National Park Kashmir Guru Ghasidas Tiger 2021 Chhattisgarh
Kishtwar Jammu and 1981 2191.5
National Park Kashmir Udanti Sitanadi Tiger 2008-09 Chhattisgarh
Hemis National Ladakh 1981 3350
Park Achanakmar Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Chhattisgarh
Symbalbala Himachal 2010 27.88 Buxa Tiger Reserve 1982-83 West Bengal
National Park Pradesh Sundarban Tiger Reserve 1973-74 West Bengal
Inderkila Himachal 2010 94 Nagarjunasagar Srisailam 1982 Andhra
Pradesh Tiger Reserve Pradesh
Khirganga Himachal 2010 705 Namdapha Tiger Reserve 1982-83 Arunachal
National Park Pradesh Pradesh
Pin Valley Himachal 1987 675 Kamlang Tiger Reserve 2016 Arunachal
National Park Pradesh Pradesh
Great Himachal 1984 754.4 Pakke Tiger Reserve 1999- Arunachal
Himalayan Pradesh 2000 Pradesh
National Park
Dudhwa Tiger Reserve 1987-88 Uttar Pradesh
Dudhwa Uttar 1977 490
National Park Pradesh Ranipur Tiger Reserve 2022 Uttar Pradesh

Indravati Chhattis- 1982 1258.37 Pilibhit Tiger Reserve 2014 Uttar Pradesh
National Park garh Amangarh Tiger Reserve 2012 Uttar Pradesh
Guru Ghasidas Chhattis- 1981 1440.71 Kalakad Mundanthurai 1988-89 Tamil Nadu
National Park garh Tiger Reserve
Kanger Valley Chhattis- 1982 200 Satyamangalam Tiger 2013-14 Tamil Nadu
National Park garh Reserve
TT The Gir project was started in 1972 AD. Srivillipothur Megamalai 2021 Tamil Nadu
Tiger Reserve
TT Project Tiger was started in 1973 AD.
Anamalai Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Tamil Nadu
TT The Gharial project was started in 1974 AD.
Mudumalai Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Tamil Nadu
TT Turtle conservation scheme was started in 1975.
Valmiki Tiger Reserve 1989-90 Bihar
TT Magar breeding project was started in 1975 AD.
TT Project Rhinoceros was started in 1987 AD. Indra Priyadarshini Pench 1992-93 Madhya
Tiger Reserve Pradesh
TT Himchita project was started in 1987 AD.
Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve 1993-94 Madhya
TT The vulture project was implemented under the Pradesh
(2020-25) plan.
Panna Tiger Reserve 1994-95 Madhya
TT The Hangul Project began in the 1970s. Pradesh
TT Project Elephant started in the year 1992. Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Madhya
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Satpura Tiger Reserve 1999- Madhya Kanjirkulam Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
2000 Pradesh
Pichavaram Mangrove Tamil Nadu
Kanha Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Madhya
Pradesh Pallikaranai Marsh River Forest Tamil Nadu
Tadoba Andheri Tiger 1993-94 Maharashtra Karikili Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Reserve Suchindram Theroor Wetland Tamil Nadu
Pench Tiger Reserve 1998-99 Maharashtra Complex
Sahyadri Tiger Reserve 2009-10 Maharashtra Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Nawegaon Nagjira Tiger 2013-14 Maharashtra Vembanuur Wetland Complex Tamil Nadu
Vellode Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Bor Tiger Reserve 2014 Maharashtra
Vadanthangal Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Melghat Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Maharashtra
Udhaya Marthandapuram Bird Tamil Nadu
Nameri Tiger Reserve 1999- Assam Sanctuary
Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Tamil Nadu
Kaziranga Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Assam
Kunthankulam Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Orang Tiger Reserve 2016 Assam
Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Jammu –
Manas Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Assam
Reserve Kashmir (75th)
Satkosia Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Orissa
Hygam Wetland Conservation Jammu -
Similipal Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Orissa Reserve Kashmir
Dandeli Anshi or Kali Tiger 2008-09 Karnataka Lonar Lake Maharashtra
Thane Creek Maharashtra
Nagarhole Tiger Reserve 2008-09 Karnataka
Yashwant Sagar Madhya
Bhadra Tiger Reserve 1998-99 Karnataka
Biligiri Ranganath Tiger 2010-11 Karnataka
Sirpur Talab Indore, Madhya
Bandipur Tiger Reserve 1973-74 Karnataka
Sakhya Sagar Lake Madhya
Kawal Tiger Reserve 2012-13 Telangana Pradesh
Amarabad Tiger Reserve 2014 Telangana Anshupa Lake Odisha
Dampa Tiger Reserve 1994-85 Mizoram Hirakud Reservoir Odisha
IMPORTANT RAMSAR SITES : 2021-22 Tampara Lake Odisha
TT The Ramsar site is a wetland of international Satkosia Gorge Odisha
importance under the Ramsar Convention. It Ranganathittu Karnataka
is known as the 'Convention on Wetlands' an
Nanda Lake Goa
environmental treaty by UNESCO in 1971. It
was named after the city of Ramsar in Iran. Pala wetlands Mizoram
TT At present the total number of Ramsar sites in Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh
India is 75. Haiderpur Wetland Uttar Pradesh
TT Tamil Nadu has maximum number of Ramsar Sur Sarovar Uttar Pradesh
sites (14 nos), followed by Uttar Pradesh which
Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary Gujarat
has 10 numbers of Ramsar sites.
TT India's first Ramsar site is Chilka Lake, which Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary Gujarat
received the status in 1981. Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary Haryana
TT Sundarbans Wetland (West Bengal) is the Sultanpur National Park Haryana
largest Ramsar site in India. Sundarbans Tso Kar Lake Ladakh
stretching in a whopping area of 4230 sq. km.
Kabartal Lake Bihar
TT Renuka Wetland (Himachal) is the smallest site
in India, with an area of 0.2 sq km. BIOSPHERE RESERVE OF INDIA (18)
TT The 75th Ramsar site 'Kanjirkulam Bird TT Cold Desert, Himachal Pradesh
Sanctuary' (Tamil Nadu) has been recognized in TT Nanda Devi, Uttarakhand
2022. TT Khangchendzonga, Sikkim (under Man and

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Biosphere Reserve Program in 2018)
Nalbana Bird Sanctuary Odisha
TT Dehang-Dibang, Arunachal Pradesh
TT Manas, Assam Harike Lake Bird Punjab
TT Dibru-Saikhowa, Assam (smallest) Sanctuary
TT Nokrek, Meghalaya Bharatpur Bird Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
TT Panna, Madhya Pradesh Sanctuary (now known
as Keoladeo National
TT Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh
TT Achanakamar-Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh-
Chhattisgarh Nawabganj Bird Unnao (Uttar Pradesh)
TT Kachchh, Gujarat Sanctuary
TT Similipal, Odisha Samaspur Bird Rae Bareli, (Uttar
TT Sunderbans, West Bengal Sanctuary Pradesh)
TT Seshachalam Hills, Andhra Pradesh Lakh-Bahosi Bird Kannauj (Uttar Pradesh)
TT Agasthyamalai. Karnataka-Tamil Nadu Kerala Sanctuary
TT Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu Kerala Sandi Bird Sanctuary Hardoi (Uttar Pradesh)
TT Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu Bakhira Bird Sanctuary Sant Kabir Nagar (Uttar
TT Great Nicobar, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Pradesh)
TT First Biosphere Reserve - Nilgiris (1986) Okhla Bird Sanctuary Gautam Buddha Nagar
TT Present Largest Reserve - Kachchh (Gujarat). (Uttar Pradesh)
BIRD SANCTUARIES OF INDIA Saman Bird Sanctuary Mainpuri (Uttar
Bird sanctuary State
Parvati Arga Bird Gonda (Uttar Pradesh)
Kolleru Bird Sanctuary Andhra Pradesh Sanctuary
Nelapattu Bird Nellore (Andhra Vijay Sagar Bird Hamirpur and Mahoba
Sanctuary Pradesh) Sanctuary (Uttar Pradesh)
Manjira Bird Sanctuary Telangana Patna Bird Sanctuary Etah (Uttar Pradesh)
Ghatigaon Bustard Bird Maharashtra Surha Tal Bird Baliya (Uttar Pradesh)
Sanctuary Sanctuary (Lok Nayak
Nalsarovar Bird Ahmedabad (Gujarat) Bird Sanctuary)
Sanctuary Sur-Sarovar Bird Agra, Uttar Pradesh)
Sultanpur Bird Gurugram (Haryana) Sanctuary
Sanctuary Bhimrao Ambedkar Bird Pratapgarh (Uttar
Ghataprabha Bird Karnataka Sanctuary (Benti Lake Pradesh)
Sanctuary Bird Sanctuary)
Ranganathittu Bird Karnataka

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Important Days/Weeks
National/ World Leprosy January United for
International Date Theme Day 30 Dignity (2023:
day Act Now, End
Global Family January 1 One day of Peace Leprosy)
Day Indian Coast February 1 -
World Braille Day January 4 - Guard Day
Pravasi Bharatiya January 9 - World Wetlands February 2 -
Diwas Day
World Hindi Day January - World Cancer February 4 Close the Care
10 Day Gap
National Youth January 'It's all in the Safer Internet February 8 'Together for a
Day 12 mind. Day (2023 : Better Internet'
Feb. 7) (2023 : "All fun
Indian Army Day January In stride with
and games.
15 the future
National Startup January - respect and
Day 16 relationships
Parakram Diwas January - online."
23 National February Self reliance
National Girl January - Productivity Day 12 through
Child Day 24 productivity
National Voter January Making (2023: "A chance
Day 25 Elections to set goals.")
Inclusive, Rose Day February -
Accessible and 12
Participative World Radio February (2023: "Radio
National Tourism January Rural and Day, National 13 and Peace")
Day 25 Community Women's Day
Centric Tourism Valentine's Day February -
International January Scaling up and Pulwama 14
Customs Day 26 Customs Digital Martyr's Day
Transformation World Social February -(2023 :
by Embracing Justice Day 20 Overcoming
a Data Culture Barriers and
and Building a Unleashing
Data Ecosystem Opportunities
Republic Day January - for Social
26 Justice."
Martyrs Day or January -
Sarvodaya Diwas 30

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
International February Using Commonwealth March 13 Forging a
Mother Language 21 Technology for Day 2023 sustainable
Day Multilingual and peaceful
Education: common future
Challenges and World Consumer March 15 Fair Digital
Opportunities Rights Day Finance
(2023: (2023:
"Multilingual Empowering
Education : a consumers
necessity to through clean
Central Excise February - transitions.")
Day 24
National March 16 -
National Science February Integrated Immunization
Day 28 Approach in Day
Science and
Ordnance Factory March 18 -
Technology for
a Sustainable
Future International March 20 -
Sparrow Day
(2023: "Global
Science International March 20 -
for Global Happiness Day
Wellbeing") World Forestry March 21 Forest and
Zero March 1 -2023: Day Sustainable
Discrimination "Save lives : Production and
Day / World Civil Decriminalize" Consumption
Defense Day (2023: "Forests
World Wildlife March 3 Recovering and Health.")
Day key species World Water Day March 22 Ground Water:
for ecosystem Making the
restoration Invisible Visible
(2023: World March 23 Early Warning
"Partncrships Meteorological and Early Action
for wildlife Day (2023: "The
conservation) future of
National Security March 4 Nurture Young weather, climate
Day Minds : Develop and water across
Safety Culture generations.")
International March 8 Gender Equality World March 24 Invest in ending
Women's Day today for a Tuberculosis Day TB! save a life !
Sustainable (2023: "Yes we
Tomorrow can end TB!")
(2023: Digit All International April 4 (2023: Mine
: Innovation Mines Day Action cannot
and technology wait.")
for gender National April 5 (2023: Amrit
equality") Maritime Day kaal in shipping)
World Kidney March 9 Kidney health International April 6 -
Day 2023 for all Sports Day
Note: Celebrated
on the second
Thursday of
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
World Health Day April 7 Our Planet, Our International May 1 -
Health Workers' Day
(2023: "Health World Press May 3 Journalism
for all.") Freedom Day under digital
World April 10 People's choice siege
Homeopathy Day for Wellness World Asthma May 2 Asthma care for
(2023: One Day 2023 all.
Health, One Note: Celebrated on the first Tuesday of
Family.") May.
Babasaheb April 14 World Athletics May 7 -
Ambedkar Day
Jayanti (Equality
World Red Cross May 8 Be Human kind
World Hemophilia April 17 2023 : Access for
National May 11 An integrated
Day all : Prevention
Technology Day Approach to
of Bleeds as the
Science and
Global Standard
Technology for
of Care.
a Sustainable
World Heritage April 18 Heritage and Future
Day Climate
International May 12 2023: Our
(2023: Heritage Nurse Day Nurses Our
changes) Future
World Liver Day April 19 2023: Be World Migratory May 13 or Light Pollution'
vigilant, do a Bird Day 2023 14 October (2023: Water
regular liver Note: Celebrated sustaining bird
check-up. Fatty on the second life)
liver can affect Saturday of May
anyone. and October.
Civil Service Day April 21 - World Family May 15 Family and
World Earth Day April 22 Invest in our Day Urbanization
Planet International May 18 The power of the
World Book Day April 23 - Museum Day Museums
National April 24 -2023: (2023:
Panchyati Raj Panchayaton ke "Museums,
Day Sankalpon ki sustainability
Siddhi ka Utsav and well being.")
World Malaria April 25 - World Telecom May 17 -
Day Day
World Intellectual April 26 - World Bee Day May 20 -
Property Day International May 21 -
Ayushman April 30 - Anti -Terrorism
Bharat Day Day
World Veterinary April 29 - International May 22 -
Day Biodiversity Day
Note : Celebrated on the last Saturday of World Turtle Day May 23 Shellebrate
April World Thyroid May 25 "It's not you. It's
World Laughter May 7 - Day your thyroid."
Day 2023 Science Day (in May 26 -
Note: This day is celebrated every year on Switzerland)
the first Sunday of May. Note: In honour of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Mount Everest May 29 - National Doctor's July 1 -
Day Day / National
World Tobacco May 31 Protect the C.A. Day / SBI
Prohibition Day Environment Foundation Day /
(2023: We
need food, not World Sports July 2 -
to baceo) Journalist Day
World Milk Day/ June 1 - US Independence July 4 -
International Day
Children's World Zoonoses July 6 -
Defense Day Day
World June 5 Only one earth National Students July 9 -
Environment Day Day
World Food Safety June 7 Safe food, better World Population July 11 A World of 8
Day health Day Billion: Towards
(2023: "Food a resilient
standards save future for all.
lives.") Harnessing
World Brain June 8 - opportunities
Tumor Day and ensuring
rights and
International June 9 - choices for all.
Records Day
Youth Skills Day July 15 -
World Day June 12 -
Against Child World Day for July 17 -
Labor International
World Blood June 14 Blood donation
Donor Day is an act of International July 18 -
solidarity. Join Nelson Mandela
the effort and Day
save lives. International July 20 -
International June 18 - Chess Day
Picnic Day Parents' Day 2023 July 23 -
World Refugee June 20 - Note: Celebrated
Day/World on the fourth
Harmony Day Sunday of July.
International June 21 Yoga for Kargil Victory July 26 -
Yoga Day/World Humanity Diwas
Music Day World Hepatitis July 28 Bringing
Olympic Day / June 23 - Day hepatitis care
Nation Public closer to you.
Service Day World Nature July 28 -
International June 26 - Conservation Day
Day against Drug World Tiger Day July 29 India launched
Abuse and illicit
Project Tiger
to increase the
National June 29 Data for tiger population.
Statistics Day Sustainable
International July 30 -
Friendship Day
International June 30 -

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
World August 1 Take steps Skyscrapers Day September -
Breastfeeding to educate 3
Day and support International September -
breastfeeding Charity Day 5
National August 6 - Teacher's Day September -
Friendship Day 5
International September Transforming
Note: National Friendship Day occurs every Literacy Day 8 Literacy
year on the first Sunday of August. Learning Spaces
Hiroshima Day August 6 - International September -
National August 7 - Physical Therapy 8
Javelin throw Day
day/ National World Suicide September -
Handloom Day Prevention Day 10
World Tribal Day August 9 - Hindi Diwas September -
World Lion Day/ August 10 - 14
World Bio Fuel Indian Engineers September -
Day Day 15
International August 12 - World Ozone Day September Global
Youth Day / World 16 Cooperation for
Elephant Day Protecting Life
World Organ August 13 - on Earth
Donation Day World Patient September -
Vibhisika Diwas August 14 - Safety Day 17
Independence August 15 Har Ghar RPF Foundation September -
Day Tiranga Day 20
Khela Hobe August 16 - International September End Racism,
Diwas (Khela Peace Day 21 Build Peace
Hobe means: The International September -
Game is on) Symbolic 23
Photography August 19 - Language Day
Day/ World World September -
Humanitarian Environment 26
Day Health Day
Sadbhavana August 20 - World Tourism September Rethinking
Diwas/ World Day 27 Tourism
Mosquito Day
Shaheed-e-Azam September -
Women's August 26 - Bhagat Singh 28
Equality Day/ Birthday / World
International Dog Rabies Day
International Day October 1 -
National Sports August 29 - of Older Persons/
Day International
Small Scale August 30 - Vegetarian Day
Industries Day International Non October 2 The End of
Non -Aligned Day September - -violence Day Racism. The
1 Establishment
Japan Day/World September - of Peace
Coconut Day 2

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International October 3 - Children's Day November -
Nature Day 14
World Animal October 4 Shared Planet World Diabetes November Access to
Welfare Day Day 14 Diabetes
World Teacher's October 5 The Education
Day transformation Tribal Pride Day November -
of education 15
begins with World Toilet Day/ November -
teachers. World Men's Day 19
Indian Air Force October 8 - Universal Child November -
Day Day 20
World Post Day October 9 - National Law Day November -
International October 10 - / Constitution Day 26
Mental Health World AIDS Day December -
Day 1
National Postal October 10 Post for Planet International Day December -
Day for the abolition 2
International Day October 11 - of Slavery
of the Girl Child Elimination/
International Day October 13 - World Computer
for Disaster Risk Literacy Day
Reduction International Day December -
World Students October 15 - of Persons with 3
Day Disabilities
World Food Day October 16 Leave No One Indian Navy Day December -
Behind 4
World Statistics October 20 - World Soil Day December -
Day 5
National Police October 21 - Civil Defence Day December -
Memorial Day 6
National October 23 -Har Din Har Armed Forces December -
Ayurveda Day Ghar Ayurveda Flag Day 7
2022 International civil December -
UN DAY October 24 aviation day 7
International October 29 - International December Dignity,
Internet Day Human Rights 10 Freedom and
Day Justice for All
National Unity October 31 -
Day International December -
Mountains Day 11
World Tsunami November -
Day 5 National Energy December -
Conservation Day 14
Infant Safety Day November -
/National Cancer 7 Vijay Diwas December -
Awareness Day 16
World Science November - International December -
Day 2022 10 Migrants 18
Day/ National
National November -
Minorities Day
Education Day 11
World Human December -
World Kindness November -
Unity Day 20
Day 13

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Day 22 August 1-7, 2022
National Farmers December - Theme : Protect Breast Feeding A Shared
Day 23 Responsibility
National December -
Consumer Day 24
April 24-30, 2022
Good Governance December -
Day 25 Theme: Long life for all
Veer Bal Diwas December - WORLD WATER WEEK
26 August 23 to September 1, 2022
International December -
Theme: Seeing the Unseen - The Value of Water
Day of Epidemic 27
October 31 to November 6, 2022
Some Important Weeks Theme: Corruption Free India - Developed India


December 20-26, 201
January 11-17, 2023
Theme: Our Aim - Zero harm Theme: Administration Towards Village


March 12-18 October 4-10, 2022
Theme: Productivity Green Growth and Theme: Space and Sustainability
sustainability : Celebrating India's G20 Presidency. NATIONAL WILDLIFE WEEK
September 1-7, 2022
Theme : World Of Flavors
October 15-21, 2022

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Famous Books and Authors

Books Authors Kurukshetra, Urvashi Ramdhari Singh
Panchatantra Vishnu Sharma Dinkar
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Yama Mahadevi Verma Devdas, Charitraheen Sharat Chandra
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Avanti Sundari Dandin Golden Threshold, Broken Sarojini Naidu
Prem Vatika Raskhan Wings
Shahnama Firdausi Kitni Navon Mein Kitani Baar Agyeya
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Buddha Charitra Ashvaghosha Kagaz Te Canvas 49 Days, Amrita Pritam
Dasa Kumar Charitra Dandin Death of a City
Chitrangada, Gitanjali, Rabindra Nath A Train to Pakistan, A Khushwant Singh
Visarjan Tagore Company of Woman
Mitakshara Vigneshwara Sakharam Binder Vijay Tendulkar
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Pant Divine Life Sivananda
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Amarkosh Amar Singh Anamika, Parimal Suryakant Tripathi
Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita Ved Vyas Nirala
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Kitabul Hind Alberuni Judgement, Beyond the Lines, Kuldeep Nayyar
Chandrakanta Devki Nandan India after Nehru, In Jail
Khatri Coolie, Confessions of a Lover, Mulkraj Anand
Gardner, Gora, Hungry Stones, Rabindra Nath The Death of a Hero
Chandalika Tagore Untold Story, Confederation B. S. Kaul
with Pakistan
Bijak, Ramani, Sabad Kabir Das
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Ahmed India
Muntakhab-Ut Tawarikh Abd al-Qadir Common Wheel, New India Annie Besant
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Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
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Romancing With Life Dev Anand Bose Chandrachud
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and Boria
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India Shastra : Reflections on Shashi Tharoor
the Nation in Our Time Books Author
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The Struggle For My Life Shashi Tharoor

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
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A Nation to Protect Priyam Gandhi

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Dilip Kumar : In the Faisal Farooqui The Accidental Prime Sanjaya Baru
Shadow of a Legend Minister
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Golden Boy Neeraj Chopra Navdeep Singh Gill The Idea of Justice Amartya Sen
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India, That is Bharat J. Sai Deepak Amazing Ayodhya Neena Rai
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of Us and Problems
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Who Changed India Down Memory Lane Mother Teresa
Role of Labor in India's Bhpendra Yadav Ace Against Odds Sania Mirza
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Ambedkar and Modi Ilaiyaraja
The Inheritance of Loss Kiran Desai
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India: A Wounded VS Naipaul
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A Century is Not Enough Sourav Ganguly Plagues And Peoples William H. McNeil
A Passage to England Nirad C. Freedom From Fear Aung San Suu Kyi
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India : The Future is Now Shashi Tharoor Origin of Species Charles Darwin
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The Bunch of Old Letters Jawaharlal Nehru
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Swami and Friends, The R.K. Narayan
Magic Seeds
Move Your Shadow Joseph Lelyveld
Golden Girl: The Lokesh Sharma
Autobiography of P.T. Usha Snowdrop A.D. Miller
Citizen and Society Hamid Ansari The Wonder That Was A.L. Basham
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: A Story of Race and
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True Colors Adam Gilchrist Freedom in Exile 14th Dalai Lama
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Driven Virat Kohli In the Afternoon of Time Harivansh Rai
Believe Suresh Raina Bachchan
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Un Guarded Mithali Raj India's Struggle for Bipin Chander
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Mera Racket Meri Duniya Saina Nehwal
The Man Who Knew Robert, Kanigel
Mind Master Vishwanathan
Mansarovar Premchand
Shuttling to The Top P.V. Sindhu
Imperfect Sanjay Manjrekar
Goal Major Dhyanchand
Aryabhatta Aryabhatta
The race of My Life Milkha Singh
Unbreakable M.C. Mary Kom SOME IMPORTANT FACTS
A Shot at History Abhinav Bindra TT Karma Yoddha Granth: This book has been
Six Machine Chris Gayle written on the life of Prime Minister Narendra
Modi. It was released by Union Home Minister
Serve to Win Novak Djokovik Amit Shah.
Born Again on the Mountain Arunima Sinha TT Revolution 2020 - The author of this book is
A Long Innings Vijay Hazare Chetan Bhagat.
Wide Angle Anil Kumble TT A Shot at History: My Obsessive Journey to
Olympic Gold was written by Abhinav Bindra
Faster Than Lightning Usain Bolt
and Rohit Brijnath. This is the autobiography of
No Limits Michael Phelps Abhinav Bindra.
Beating the Field Brian Lara TT Shashi Tharoor is the author of the book An Era
To The Point Herschelle Gibbs of Darkness.
Cracking The Code Ayushmann TT The author of the book The People's Maharaja is
Khurrana Khushwant Singh. This book is based on the life
of Captain Amarinder Singh.
Aap Khud hi Best Hain Anupam Kher
TT The author of the book Indian Parliamentary

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Diplomacy is former Lok Sabha Speaker Smt. MARCH 2023 - LAUNCHED BOOK
Meira Kumar. This book features an account India's Vaccine Growth Story - Sajjan Singh
of parliamentary diplomacy and its role in
Mundka Upanishad : The Bridge to Immortality -
furthering foreign policy and strengthening
international relations. There are also some Karan Singh (Launched by Jagdeep Dhankar)
selected speeches of the Parliament in this book.
TT The author of Hop in a Challenged Democracy The Golden Years - Ruskin Bond
is Dr. Ashwani Kumar, a noted lawyer and
Supreme Court on Commercial Arbitration - Dr.
Manoj Kumar
TT The author of the book Taste of My Life is the Droupadi Murmu : From Tribal Hinterlands to
famous cricketer Yuvraj Singh.
Raisina Hill - karturi Ray
TT The book Ace Against Odds is an autobiography Guts Amidst Blood Bath : The Aunshuman Gaekwad
of tennis player Sania Mirza. It is written by
narrative - Aditya Bhushan
Sania Mirza, Imran Mirza and Shivani Gupta.
Made in India : 75 Years of Business and Enterprise
TT The Sellout Book: Winner of the Man Booker - Amitabh Kant
Prize 2016 is written by Paul Beatty.
Cross Court - Jaidip Mukerjea
JANUARY 2023 - LAUNCHED BOOK Collective Spirit, Concrete Action - Shashi Shekhar
Ambedkar: A Life - Shashi Tharoor Vempati
The World: A Family History - Simon Sebag Smoke and Ashes - Amitav Ghosh
Breaking Barrier: Madhav Rao Courting India : England, Mughal India and The
Origins of Empire - Nandini Das
Roller Coaster: Tamal Badyopadhyay
The Great Bank Robbery NPAs, Scams and the
FEBRUARY 2023 - LAUNCHED BOOK Future of Regulation - V. Pattabhi Ram and
Modi : Shaping a Global Order in Flux - Sujan Sabyasachee Dash
Chinoy (Launched by J.P. Nadda) Gandhi : Siyasat aur Sampradaiykta - Piyush
Savdhaan : A Chronicle of Central - Let. Gen. Vivek Babele
kassyap (Launched by Chief Gen. Manoj Pandey) Reflections - Narayanan Vaghul
The Last Heroes : Foot Soldiers of Indian Freedom My Life in Design - Gauri Khan
- P. Sainath My Life as a Comrade - K.K. Shailaja

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Neighbouring Countries
of India
PAKISTAN and India.
TT Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jammu and
Kashmir, Ladakh (Union Territory)
TT Length - 3323 km
›› Capital – Islamabad
›› Currency - Pakistani Rupee BANGLADESH
›› Independence Day
- 14 August 1947
›› Parliament Name - National Assembly
›› Parliamentary Number of seat - 342
›› National Anthem - Qaumi Taranah (The
National anthem of ›› Capital – Dhaka
Pakistan was written by ›› Currency - Taka
Hafiz Jalandhari.) ›› Independence Day - 26 March 1971
›› Border Line Name - The Radcliffe Line ›› Parliament - Jatiya Sangsad
›› Parliamentary Number of Seat - 350
›› National Anthem - Amar Shonar Bangla
›› National Flower - Jasmine
›› (National Anthem of Bangladesh was written
›› National Fruit - Mango
by Rabindranath Tagore)
›› National Bird - The Chukar
›› National Animal - Markhor NATIONAL SYMBOL
›› National Tree - Sedruns Deodar ›› National Game - Kabaddi
›› National Game - Field Hockey ›› National Flower - White Water Lily
›› National Bird - The Magpie Robin
›› National Animal - Bengal Tiger
›› Sammi µ Drum beat
›› National Tree - Mango Tree
›› Khoj µ lepa
›› Dhali dance µ Baul
›› Indus (the longest river)
›› Snake Dance µ Ghatu Dance
›› Chenab
›› Raavi ›› Jamuna River µ Padma River
›› Teesta River µ Barak River
FAMOUS MOUNTAINS ›› feni river
›› The Highest peak of Pakistan is Tirich Mir, ›› Meghna River (The longest river of Bangladesh)
which is situated in the Hindukush mountain
range. It also has three important passes FAMOUS MOUNTAIN AND PEAK OF
Khyber, Bolan and Golan. BANGLADESH
PAKISTAN BORDER LINE Keokradeng is the highest peak of Bangladesh. It
Pakistan shares its border with Iran, Afghanistan is located in bandar Ban. Its height is 986 meters.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Bangladesh shares its border with India and
›› West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura,
›› Length - 4096.7 km ›› Capital – Kabul
›› Name of the Boundary Line - The Radcliffe Line ›› Currency – Afghani
›› Parliament – Shora
›› Independence Day – 19th August
›› National Game - Buzkashi
›› National Fruit - Pomegranate
›› National Anthem - Milli Surood
›› National Tree - Afghan Pine
›› National Animal - Snow Leopard
›› Capital - Kathmandu
›› Currency - Nepalese Rupee
›› Attan (National Dance)
›› National Anthem - Sayavn Thunga Phulka
›› Natsa
›› National Parliament - Rastriya Sabha
›› Khattak Dance
›› Parliamentary number of seat - 275
›› Nepal Britain Treaty - 21 December 1923 MAJOR RIVERS
›› Amu Darya
›› Helmand (The Longest river)
›› National Flower – Rhododendron
›› National animal - Cow MAJOR MOUNTAINS
›› National Bird - Himalayan Monal ›› Hindukush µ Bashri Ghat
›› National Game - Volleyball ›› Mir Sameer
›› Noshaq is the highest peak of Afghanistan.
›› Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, BORDER LINE SHARING STATES WITH INDIA
Uttarakhand, Bihar meet Nepal. ›› Ladakh
›› Total Length of border line with Indian States ›› Length - 106 km
- 1850 km
›› Boundary Line Name - Durand Line
›› Chandi Naach µ Ghatu Dance
›› Deuda Nach µ Peacock dance
›› Maruni dance µ Lakhe dance
›› Sorathi Dance
›› Kosi River
›› Gandak River
›› Mahakali River
›› Ghaghra (The Longest river)

›› Kamala River ›› Capital - Beijing
MAJOR MOUNTAINS ›› Currency - Renminbi (Yuan Basic Unit)
›› Mount Everest (8848 m) (The Highest peak) ›› Independence Day - October 1, 1949
›› Lhotse (8516 m) ›› Parliament National People's Congress
›› Kanchenjunga (8586 m)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› National Animal – Giant Panda, Chinese ›› The Manas River is the longest river in Bhutan.
›› National Tree – Ginkgo
›› National Bird – Red Crowned Crane
›› Yangtze River (The Longest river)
›› Yellow river µ Hualhe River
›› Capital - Colombo (Sri Jayawardenopura Kotte)
›› Tarim river
›› Independence Day - 4 February
MAJOR MOUNTAINS ›› Parliament Name - parlimentera
›› Mount tai µ Lousan mountain
›› Yellow mountain
›› National Game - Volleyball
›› Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, ›› National Tree - Ceylon Ironwood
Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh.
›› Length - 3488 km
›› Mahaweli Ganga (The Longest river)
›› Name - McMahon Line
›› Kalu Ganga
BHUTAN ›› Yan oya
›› Gin Ganga
›› Maha oya
›› Pidurutalagala is the highest mountain in Sri
›› Capital – Thimphu
›› Currency - Ngultrum MYANMAR
›› Parliament - Tshogdu
›› Independence Day - 17 December 1907
›› National Animal - The Takin
›› Capital - Napyidaw
›› National Flower - Blue Poppy
›› Independence Day - January 4, 1948
›› National Bird - The Raven
›› Parliament Name - The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
›› National Game – Archery
›› Currency - Myanmar kyat
›› Mask game µ Pa cham
›› National Game - Chinlon
›› Cham dance µ Yak cham dance
›› National Flower - Padavk
FAMOUS MOUNTAINS ›› National Bird - Grey Peacock Pheasent
›› Kula Kangri
›› Gangkhar Punsum (Highest Mountain)
›› Irraueaddy River (2288 km) (The Longest)
›› Black mountain
›› Chomolhari kang MAJOR MOUNTAINS
›› Hkakabo Razi (The Highest mountain peak)
›› Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Sikkim, West Myanmar was separated in 1937 under the
Bengal Government of India Act 1935.
›› Length - 699 km

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Baseball 9 Country Game
Polo 4 United States Baseball
Kho – Kho 9 of America
Hockey, Football, 11 India Field hockey
Cricket France Football
Volleyball 6 Bhutan Archery
Gymnastics 8 Russia Bandy (Russian Hockey) / Chess
Snooker 1 Japan Judo
Rugby Football 15 Pakistan Hockey
Water Polo 7 Bangladesh Kabaddi
Kabaddi 7 Hungry Water Polo
Netball 7 Indonesia Badminton
Basketball 5 South Africa Rugby Football
Tennis/Table Tennis 1 or 2 Iran Wrestling
Futsal 5 Cuba Base Ball
South Korea Taekwondo
Norway Cross Country Skiing
Playground Related Games
Spain Man-bull fight
Court Tennis, Badminton, Netball,
Canada Ice Hockey
Handball, Volleyball, Squash,
Kho-Kho, Kabaddi China Table Tennis
Diamond Baseball Scotland Rugby Football
Ring Skating, Boxing England Cricket
Course Golf Australia Cricket
Pool Swimming Malaysia Badminton
Range Shooting, Archery Sri Lanka Volleyball
Ellie Bowling Brazil Capoeira
Matt Judo, Karate, Taekwondo Nepal Dandi-biyo (Before 2017)/
Arena Horse riding
Uruguay Football
Velodrome Cycling
Sweden Football
Field Polo, Football, Hockey
New Zealand Rugby Union
Board Table Tennis
Mexico Chararia
Track Athletics
Colombia Tejo
Pitch Cricket, Rugby
Iceland Handball

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Israel Football Can't-Miss-Swiss Martina Hingis
Mauritius Football
Scotland Golf
Game Cup/ Trophy
NICK NAME OF PLAYERS Football Begum Hazrat Mahal Cup, Bilt Cup,
Nick Name(s) Player Bordoloi Trophy, Colombo Cup,
Confederation Cup, D.C.M. Trophy,
Hockey ka Jadugar Major Dhyanchand
Durand Cup, Rovers Cup, B.C. Rai
Flying Fish Michael Phelps Trophy (National Competition),
Flying Sikh Milkha Singh FIFA World Cup, Santosh Trophy
(National Competition), Subroto
Udanpari / Golden Girl P.T Usha
Mukherjee Cup, Sir Ashutosh
Super Mom Mary Kom Mukherjee Trophy, Todd Memorial
Lightning kid Vishwanathan Anand Trophy
Indian Express Leander Paes, Bhupathi Cricket Ranji Trophy, Irani Trophy, Duleep
Little Master Sunil Gavaskar Trophy, C.K. Naidu Trophy,
Deodhar Trophy, Rohinton Baria
Master Blaster Vivian Richards, Sachin
Trophy, Cooch Behar Trophy,
Sharjah Cup, Ashes Cup, Asia Cup,
360 degree A.B. De Villiers Benson & Hedges Cup, Bose Trophy,
Churchy Adam Gilchrist Champions Trophy, Gavaskar
Jumbo Anil Kumble Border Trophy, G.D. Birla Trophy,
Ghulam Ahmed Trophy, Interface
Super cat Clive Lloyd Cup, Jawaharlal Nehru Cup, Rani
Rawal Pindi Express Shoaib Akhtar Jhansi Trophy, Rohinton Baria
Bengal Tiger / Dada Sourav Ganguly Trophy, Rothmans Cup, Sahara
Jammy / The Wall / Mr. Rahul Dravid
Reliable Hockey Aga Khan Cup, Beighton Cup,
Rangaswamy Cup, Begum Rasool
Turbanator/Bhajji Harbhajan Singh
Trophy (Women), Maharaja Ranjit
Torpedo Ian Thorpe Singh Gold Cup, Lady Ratan Tata
Black Pearl Pele Trophy (Women), Guru Nanak
Captain Cool Mahendra Singh Dhoni Trophy (Women), Dhyan Chand
Trophy, Nehru Trophy, Sindhia
Chilly Rajya Vardhan Singh Gold Cup, Sodhi Cup, Murugappa
Rathore Gold Cup, Wellington Cup
CR7 Cristiano Ronaldo Badminton Olympian Challenger Cup, Asia
Pocket Dynamo K.D. Jadhav Cup, Chadha Cup, Konica Cup,
Dhing Express Hima Das Narang Cup, Sophia Cup, Thomas
Cup, Tunku Abdul Rahman Cup,
Run Machine / Cheeku Virat Kohli
Uber Cup, Yonex Cup.
Dancing Umpire Billy Bowden
Table Berna Bellack Cup (Men), Corbillion
Haryana Hurricane Kapil Dev Tennis Cup (Women), Jai Lakshmi Cup
Dennis the Menace/ Andre Agassi (Women), Ramanuja Trophy
Punisher (Junior Men)
The Sikkim Sniper Baichung Bhutia Basket ball S. M. Arjuna Trophy, Todd
The Iron Lady Karnam Malleswari Memorial Trophy, William Jones
Cup, Bangalore Blues Challenge
Flicker Singh Sandeep Singh Cup, Nehru Cup, Federation Cup
Hitman Rohit Sharma Polo Erza Cup, Classic Cup, Prithi
Sultan of Multan Virender Sehwag Pal Singh Cup, President's Cup,
Gabbar Shikhar Dhawan Winchester Cup, Radha Mohan Cup

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Golf Ryder Cup, Walker Cup, Dunhill Suhas Yathiraj Badminton
Cup, Murphy Cup, Nomura Trophy Manish Narwal Badminton
Tennis Davis Cup, Wimbledon, French Krishna Nagar Badminton
Open, Hopman Cup, Grand Prix,
Manoj Sarkar Badminton
Grand Slam
Geeta Phogat Wrestling
Chess Naidu Trophy, Khaitan Trophy,
Limca Trophy Bajrang Punia Wrestling
Volleyball Centennial Cup, Federation Cup, Yogeshwar Dutt Wrestling
Indira Pradhan Trophy, Shivanthi Ravi Kumar Dahiya Wrestling
Gold Cup Vinesh Phogat Wrestling
TO THEM Sushil Kumar Wrestling
Players Sports Deepak Punia Wrestling
Cristiano Ronaldo Football (Portugal) Sakshi Malik Wrestling
Lionel Messi Football (Argentina) Navjot Kaur Wrestling
Baichung Bhutia Football (India) Mary Kom Boxing
Neymar Football (Brazil) Bijendra Singh Boxing
Diego Maradona Football (Argentina) Gaurav Bidhudi Boxing
David Beckham Football (England) Lovlina Borgohain Boxing
Zinedine Zidane Football (France) Shiva Thapa Boxing
Sunil Chhetri Football (India) Amit Panghal Boxing
Pele Football (Brazil) Vikas Krishna Boxing
Kaka Football (Brazil) Poonam Yadav Cricket
Wayne Rooney Football (UK) Harmanpreet Kaur Cricket
Gurpreet Singh Sandhu Football (India) Ravindra Jadeja Cricket
Alexia Putellas Football (Spain) Ajay Thakur Kabaddi
Roger Federer Tennis (Switzerland) Rahul Chowdhary Kabaddi
Sania Mirza Tennis (India) Jasveer Singh Kabaddi
Rohan Bopanna Tennis (India) Pradeep Narwal Kabaddi
Andy Murray Tennis (UK) Rajesh Narwal Kabaddi
Andre Agassi Tennis (USA) Anup Kumar Kabaddi
Steffi Graf Tennis (Germany) Fouaad Mirza Horse Racing
Leander Paes Tennis (India) Deepa Karmakar Gymnastics
Mahesh Bhupathi Tennis (India) Neeraj Chopra Javelin Throw
Rafael Nadal Tennis (Spain) Sumit Antil Javelin Throw
Novak Djokovic Tennis (Serbia) Devendra Jhajharia Javelin Throw
Serena Williams Tennis (USA) Sundar Singh Gurjar Javelin Throw
Maria Sharapova Tennis (Russia) Tiger Woods Golf (USA)
Ashleigh Barty Tennis (Australia) Jeev Milkha Singh Golf (India)
P.V. Sindhu Badminton Geet Sethi Billiards
Prakash Padukone Badminton Pankaj Advani Billiards (Snooker)
Sania Nehwal Badminton Mira Bai Chanu Weightlifting (India)
Pullela Gopi Chand Badminton Jeremy Lalrinnunga Weightlifting
Jwala Gutta Badminton Poonam Yadav Weightlifting

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Karnam Malleswari Weightlifting Ravi Kumar Dahiya Wrestling
Bhavini Ben Patel Table Tennis Bajrang Punia Wrestling
Yogesh Kathuniya Discus Throw Sakshi Malik Wrestling
Singhraj Adhana Shooting Swapna Barman Heptathlete
Avani Lekhra Shooting Anahat Singh Squash
Abhinav Bindra Shooting Dutee Chand Athlete
Saurabh Chowdhary Shooting PT Usha Athlete
Manu Bhaker Shooting Deepika Kumari Archery
Gagan Narang Shooting Hima Das Athlete
Heena Sindhu Shooting Manpreet Singh Hockey
Mariyappan High Jump Rani Rampal Hockey
Thangavelu Dhanraj Pillay Hockey
Praveen Kumar High Jump Achant Sharat Kamal Table Tennis
Sharad Kumar High Jump Sania Mirza Lawn Tennis
Nishad Kumar High Jump Deepa Karmakar Gymnastics
Anju Bobby George Long Jump Shreyasi Singh Shooting
Harvinder Singh Archery Abhinav Bindra Shooting
Usain Bolt Athletics Tek Chand Shooting
Hima Das Athletics Dharmendra Tiwari Archery
Karsten Warholm Athletics (Norway) Rajyavardhan Singh Shooting
Elaine Thomson Athletics (Jamaica) Rathore
Tejinder Pal Singh Athletics Anju Bobby George Athlete, Long Jump
Deepa Malik Para-athletics Mariyappan Para-High Jump
Sundar Singh Gurjar Para-athletics Thangavelu
Magnus Carlsen Chess (Norway) Mithali Raj Female Cricketer
Fabiana Caruana Chess (USA) Bhavna Patel Para-Table Tennis
Ding Liren Chess (China) Bhavani Devi Fencing
Vishwanathan Anand Chess Jeremi Lalrinnunga Weight Lifting
Michael Schumacher Car racing Mirabai Chanu Weight Lifting
Lewis Hamilton Car Racing (UK) Karnam Malleswari Weight Lifting
Fernando Alonso Car racing (Spain) Vaichung Bhutia Football
Kimi Raikkonen Car racing (Finland) Sajan Prakash Swimming
Ms. Deepa Malik Para Athletics
Neeraj Chopra JavelinTthrow
Viswanathan Anand Chess
Players Sports Harshit Raja Chess
Saina Nehwal Badminton Seema Punia Discus Thrower
P.V Sindhu Badminton Avni Lekhra Paralympic Shooting
Kidambi Srikanth Badminton Sumit Antil Paralympic Javelin
Mary Kom Boxing Throw
Lovlina Borgohain Boxing Manish Narwal Paralympic Shooting
Lakha Singh Boxing Pramod Bhagat Paralympics, Badminton
Nikhat Zareen Boxing Krishna Nagar Paralympics, Badminton
Vinesh Phogat Wrestling

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Singhraj Adhana Paralympic Shooting Shoaib Akhtar Controversially yours
Purushotham Rai Athletics (Biography)
Aditi Ashok Golfer Imran Khan Pakistan: A Personal
Karun Chandhok Car Racing
Balveer Singh Golden Hat -Trick, Golden
P.T. Usha Golden Girl
›› This award was started in 1991-92 and it was Viswanathan Anand My Best Game of Chess
first received by Viswanathan Anand. The prize Mary Kom Unbreakable An
money under this award is Rs 25 lakh. Autobiography
›› First women to receive this award - Karnam Saina Nehwal Playing to Win
Malleswari (1995)
Milkha Singh The Race of My Life
DHYAN CHAND AWARD Tiger Woods How I Play Golf
›› Dhyan Chand Award is the highest award given David Beckham My Side
for lifetime achievement in the field of sports.
This award was instituted in the year 2002. Shahid Afridi Game Changer
The winner of this award is given a statue of OLYMPIC GAMES
Dhyanchand, a certificate, formal dress and a
TT The ancient Olympic Games were held in the
cash prize of Rs 10 lakh.
Greek city of Olympia in 776 BC. For the first
ARJUNA AWARD time these games were played in the honor of
›› This award was started in 1961. Under this the Greek god Zeus. The games were officially
award, a cash prize of Rs 15 lakh is given. It abolished in the year 394 AD by the Roman
is given on the basis of the performance of the Emperor Theodosius.
players for the last 3 years. TT The modern Olympic games were started in
1896 AD in the city of Athens, Greece by the
DRONACHARYA AWARD efforts of Pierre de Coubertin of France.
›› This award was started in 1985. Under this These games are normally held at an interval of
award, a prize money of Rs 15 lakh and a statue every 4 years.
of Dronacharya is given. TT The International Olympic Committee was
established in 1894 at a place called Chakhon.
This award is given only to the sports coaches Its headquarter is in Lausanne (Switzerland).
for excellence in sports coaching. It consists of a Presedent, 4 vice-Presedents, 10
Executive members and the Director General.
BOOKS BY FAMOUS SPORTS-PERSONS TT Olympic torch was introduced at 1928
Players Books Amsterdam Olympics.
Sania Mirza Ace against odds TT Oath taking in the Olympic Games began in
1920 during the Antwerp Olympic Games.
Yuvraj Singh The Test of My Life
TT The mascot's debut in the Olympic Games
Saurabh Ganguly A Century Is Not Enough
started with the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.
Sachin Tendulkar Playing it My Way TT In the opening ceremony of the Olympics, the
Virat Kohli Driving team of Greece is first in the march past and the
Kapil Dev Cricket My Style host nation's team is last, with the rest of the
team is in the middle.
Sunil Gavaskar Idols, Sunny Days
TT The first ever Olympic day was celebrated on 23
Roland Perry Bradmans Best june 1948.
Alan Donald White Lightning
Herschelle Gibbs To the Point (Biography)
Adam Gilchrist True Colors
New sports have been included in the Tokyo
Olympics 2020. Which are as follows-

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
1. Skateboarding hockey team), India's flag bearer at the closing
2. Baseball/Softball ceremony was: Bajrang Punia (Wrestler).
3. Sport Climbing and Surfing TT In medal count, Team USA finishes first in gold
4. Karate and total medals, and India's position was 48th
(with 1 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze medals).
TT The 32nd Olympic Games were held in Tokyo
TT The flag was first used in the 1920 Antwerp (Japan) in 2021.
Olympic Games. In the middle of the flag, five TT The 33rd Olympic Games are scheduled to be
rings/wheels are shown intertwined, which held in Paris (France) in 2024.
represent the five continents of the world. The TT The 34th Olympic Games are scheduled to be
Olympic rings were publicly presented for the held in Los Angeles (USA) in 2028.
first time in 1913. TT The 35th Olympic Games are scheduled to be
Blue Ring - Europe held in Brisbane (Australia) in 2032.
Green Ring - Australia
Yellow Ring - Asia
TT The Summer Olympics are the Olympic Games
Red Ring - North and South America described above on this page.
Black Ring - Africa
TT So there are a total of 6 colors in the Olympic WINTER OLYMPICS
flag. It was designed by French educator Pierre TT Winter Olympics are organized by IOC at
de Coubertin. an interval of every 4 years. The first winter
TT Nita Ambani is the first Indian woman member Olympic games were held in France, in 1924.
of the International Olympic Committee. The Winter Olympic Games-2022 were held in
Beijing (China).
TT The current President of the International
TT India sent its team to the winter Olympics for
Olympic Committee is Thomas Bach
the first time in 1964.
TT The awarding of medals in the Olympics started PARALYMPICS
in 1904. TT The Paralympics Games is an international
TT The male athlete with the most gold medals in sports competition for athletes with disabilities.
a single Olympics is Michael Phelps of U.S.A. The first Paralympic Games were held in Rome,
Phelps, known as the Golden Shark, won 8 gold in 1960. India has been participating in the
medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. So far he paralympics since the debunt in 1968.
has won a total of 28 medals including 23 gold, 3 TT Devendra Jhajharia has won a total of 3 medals
silver and 2 bronze. (2004 : Gold Medal, 2016 : Gold and 2020 :
TT The most Olympic medals won by a woman is 18 Silver) in Paralympics in Javelin Throw.
by Larisa Latynina. TT Mariyappan Thangavelu has won a total of 2
medals (2016 : Gold and 2020 : Silver) in Men's
TT The first broadcast of the Olympic Games on
High Jump at the Paralympics.
TV was the 1960 Rome Olympic Games.
TT Deepa Malik is the first Indian woman to win a
TT The Indian Olympic Association was established medal at Paralympic. (Won a silver medal in the
in 1924 and Sir J. R.D. Tata was its first shot put event at Rio 2016)
president. The current president is P.T. Usha.
TT The first player to participate in the Olympics The Olympic Games have been canceled three
from India was an Anglo-Indian, Norman times.
Richard, who participated in 1900 AD 1916 - Berlin (during World War I)
Olympics. 1940 - Tokyo (during World War II)
TT Mary Leela Rao is the first Indian woman 1944 London (during World War II)
athlete to participate in the Olympics.
TT The first Indian woman to win a medal at the TT The 31-year-old Arif Khan, the lone Indian
Sydney Olympics in 2000 and the first Indian competitor at the Beijing games, could not get
woman to win a silver medal at the 2016 Rio any medal.
Olympics, is P.V. Sindhu.
India does not participate in the Winter Olympics.
TT India's flag bearers at the opening ceremony of
The Youth Olympics will be held in Senegal, in
Tokyo Olympics 2021 were Mary Kom (Boxer)
and Manpreet Singh (Captain of men's

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
COMMONWEALTH GAMES (Australia) in 1877.
TT It is the biggest sporting event in the world after TT The first ODI match was played between
the Olympics. These games are usually held Australia and England in Melbourne in 1971.
between two Olympic Games, which is called TT The apex body of cricket is the ICC, which
the Olympic year. was established in 1909. Earlier its name was
TT Commonwealth Games started in 1930 in at Imperial Cricket Conference. Its name was
Hamilton (Canada). changed in 1956.
TT India first participated in the 1934 London TT The headquarters of ICC is in Dubai, earlier it
Games. was at Lord's.
TT Commonwealth Games-2022 were held in TT BCCI is the governing organization for cricket
Birmingham, England. in India. It was formed in December 1928. The
TT The next Commonwealth Games will be held in headquarters of BCCI is in Mumbai.
Melbourne, Australia in 2026. TT The first World Cup of Cricket was held in
TT India won the first gold medal in England in 1975, and was won by West Indies.
Commonwealth Games in 1958. This gold was TT The first 20-20 World Cup was held in South
won by the great sprinter Milkha Singh. Africa in 2007, which India won by defeating
TT Roopa Unnikrishnan became the first Pakistan in the final.
Indian woman to win a gold medal at the
TT India played its first match in 1932 against
Commonwealth Games, Clinching the 50m Rifle
Prone title at the CWG 1998 in Kuala Lumpur.
TT India has won a total of 61 medals in the TT The 2019 World Cup was played in England and
Commonwealth Games 2022. This includes 22 the upcoming 2023 World Cup will be played in
gold, 16 silver and 23 bronze medals. India.
TT In Commonwealth Games 2022, India's star The first day-night Test Match was played with
women's badminton player PV Sindhu and pink ball between Australia and New Zealand in
men's hockey team captain Manpreet Singh 2015, in Adelaide.
were India's flag bearers. Table Tennis player
Achanta Kamal Sharath and boxer Nikhat HOCKEY
Zareen were India's flag bearers for the closing
TT The originator of Hockey is considered to be of
England. The duration of a hockey match is 60
TT India hosted the CWG in the year 2010 at Delhi. minutes. India holds the record of winning the
ASIAN GAMES gold medal in hockey for the maximum number
of times (8) in the Olympics, the first medal was
TT It was started on March 4, 1951 in New Delhi.
won by India in 1928. India won its last olympic
India hosted these games again in 1982. India
gold medal in hockey, in 1980.
won 51 medals in 1951 Asian Games, including
15 gold, 16 silver and 20 bronze medals. In 1951 VOLLEYBALL
Asian Games, only Japan was ahead of India. Its originator is U.S.A. Is. In volleyball there are
TT The shining sun is the symbol of the Asian 6 players in each team.
Games. The 2018 Asian Games took place in
Jakarta, Indonesia. FOOTBALL
TT In 2023, the Asian Games will be held in TT It originated in England, in 1857. The world's
Hangzhou, China. (The Games were originally first football club, Sheffield Football Club,
planned to be held in 2022) was formed in England. Football was brought
TT In 2026, the Asian Games will be held in Japan. to India by the Britishers. The duration of this
TT In 2030, the Asian Games will be held in Doha, game is 90 minutes.
the capital of Qatar. TT The first Indian Football club was the Dalhousie
TT In 2034, the Asian Games will be held in Riyadh,
TT The apex body of football is FIFA, whose
the capital of Saudi Arabia.
headquartered is in Zurich (Switzerland).
CRICKET TT The first World Cup of football took place in
Uruguay in 1930 and was won by Uruguay.
TT England is considered to be the originator
TT Brazil has won the maximum number of times
of cricket. The first Test match was played
in the Football World Cup.
between Australia and England in Melbourne,
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT The 2018 Football World Cup was held in TOKYO OLYMPIC 2021 MEDALS:
Russia and 2022 Football World Cup was be
Athlete Medal
held in Qatar. Argentina won the FIFA World
Cup, 2022. Neeraj Chopra Gold in Javelin Throw (87.58
TT Football World Cup-2026 will be in held in m)
Canada, USA and Mexico. Mirabai Chanu Silver in weight lifting (49 kg)
TABLE TENNIS Ravi Kumar Silver in Wrestling (57 kg)
England is the originator of this game. Standard
size of table tennis' table is : Length 2.74 meters P. V. Sandhu Bronze in Badminton
and width 1.52 meters. Lovlina Bronze in Boxing (69 kg)
Bajrang Punia Bronze in Wrestling (65 kg)
America is the originator of this game and there
are 5 players in each team in basketball. Men's hockey Bronze medal
England is the originator of this game. Dimensions STADIUM
of Badminton Court : Length 44 feet and width TT The oldest cricket stadium in India is Eden
20 feet. Gardens Stadium which is located in Kolkata. It
is the second largest stadium in India.
TENNIS TT The largest cricket stadium in India and the
England is the originator of this game. The world is Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad
International Tennis Federation (ITF), the supreme with a capacity of 100,000. It is also called
body of tennis, was established in Paris in 1913. Motera Stadium.
The Australian Open, Wimbledon, French Open and TT World's highest cricket stadium is proposed in
American Open are the four Grand Slam events of Sissu, Himachal Pradesh, which is going to be
the year. named Lahaul Cricket Stadium.
TT The largest hockey stadium in India is to be
built in Rourkela, Orissa, which will be named
It is played on red clay court. Birsa Munda Stadium.
WIMBLEDON TT The Buddh International Circuit, located in
It is played on green grass. Greater Noida, is the only Formula-1 race car
track in India.
POLO TT The largest indoor stadium in India is the Indira
TT It is generally believed that Polo originated in Gandhi Indoor Stadium in New Delhi.
Persia (Iran) but some people believe that Polo
was originated in Manipur, India. MAJOR STADIUMS IN INDIA
Stadium Name Sports City
Bebron Stadium Cricket Mumbai
TT This game is a gift from India. FIDE is the apex
body of the game. There are 64 squares made Wankhede Stadium Cricket Mumbai
in chess. Maulana Azad Cricket Jammu
Sawai Man Singh Cricket Jaipur
TT The game of modern golf first introduced by
Sher-e-Kashmir Cricket Srinagar
TT America is the originator of this game. Chidambaram Cricket Chennai
Stadium (Chepauk
TT Its distance is 26 miles, 385 yards or 42.195
Ferozshah Kotla Cricket New Delhi
Stadium (New Name:
Arun Jaitley Stadium)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Sardar Patel Stadium Cricket Ahmedabad Chinnaswamy Cricket Bengaluru
(New Name: Narendra Stadium
Modi Stadium) Moinul Haq Stadium Cricket Patna
Bhupen Hazarika Cricket Guwahati Shaheed Veer Narayan Cricket Raipur
Stadium (Barsapara Stadium
Cricket Stadium)
Barkatullah Khan Cricket Jodhpur
Rajiv Gandhi Cricket Hyderabad Stadium
International Stadium
Shyama Prasad Panji
Lal Bahadur Shastri Cricket Hyderabad Mukherjee Indoor
Stadium Stadium
Ekana Stadium Cricket Lucknow Birsa Munda Hockey Rourkela
(renamed as Atal International Hockey
Bihari Vajpayee Stadium
Salt Lake Stadium Football Kolkata
Captain Roop Singh Cricket Gwalior
Birsa Munda Stadium Athletics Ranchi
Barabati Stadium Cricket Cuttack
Madhavrao Sindhia Cricket Rajkot
Stadium Guru Gobind Singh Jalandhar
Eklavya Stadium Cricket Agra
Maharashtra Cricket Cricket Pune
Budh International Formula Noida
Association Stadium
Circuit Stadium -1
Jawaharlal Nehru Football Kochi, New
Eden Garden Stadium Cricket Kolkata
Stadium Delhi
Green Park Stadium Cricket Kanpur
Indira Gandhi Athletic Footbatt Guwahati
Vidarbha Cricket Cricket Nagpur Stadium
Association Stadium
Himachal Pradesh Cricket Dharamshala
Maharaja Bir Bikram Cricket Agartala Cricket Association
Dhyan Chand National Hockey Delhi

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Countries/States and Their

National emblem
Country Symbol Belgium Lion

Pakistan The Crescent and Netherland Lion


Bangladesh Water Lily (Kanwal) Sri Lanka Lion

Turkey The Crescent and

Star Norway Lion

Italy White Lily

Britain Union Jack

Canada Maple Leaf

Russia Double Headed Eagle

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Germany Black Eagle France Fleur-de-lis

Nepal Rhodoclendron
Blossom Ireland The Harp and the

Spain Pillars of Hercules

Israel Cadelabrum

Newzeland Kiwi
Japan Chrysanthemum

America Bald Eagle

Denmark Lion

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

national bird/animals
National Birds of Major Countries Sri Lanka Lion
New Zealand Kiwi
Australia: Emu
1. Pakistan Markhor (Species of
Argentina: Rupous Hornero
2. Goat)
Sweden: Eurasian blackbird
3. China Chinese Dragon and
Giant Panda
Egypt : Golden Eagle / Steppe Eagle
Japan Green Pheasant
India: Indian Peacock
Afghanistan Marcopolo Sheep-Snow
Japan: The Green Pheasant
South Africa: Blue Crane
Nepal Cow
Myanmar: Gray Peacock - Pheasant
England Lion
New Zealand: Northern Brown Kiwi
South Korea Siberian Lion
10. United States: Bald Eagle
Canada The Beaver
11. Pakistan: Chakor Partridge
South Africa Springbok Antelope
12. Nepal: Himalayan Monal
Singapore Lion
Spain Bull
National Animals of Major Countries
Denmark Lion
Country National Animal Finland Brown Bear
India Tiger (Bengal Tiger) Belgium Lion
Russia Eurasian brown bear Thailand Thai Elephant
USA American bison Mexico Jaguar
Bangladesh Tiger (Bengal Tiger) Myanmar Tiger
Australia Kangaroo

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

indian cities situated on the

bank of rivers
Indian Cities Situated on the bank of Rivers Jhelum Srinagar Jammu and
River City State Tapti Surat Gujarat
Rapti Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh
Gomti Lucknow Uttar Pradesh World Cities Situated on the Bank of Rivers
Ganga & Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh
Yamuna (Allahabad) City River Country
Ganga Kannauj Uttar Pradesh London Thames England
Ganga Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Berlin Spree Germany
Ganga Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Vienna Danube Austria
Gomti Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh Baghdad Tigris Iraq
Yamuna Mathura Uttar Pradesh Cairo Nile Egypt
Yamuna Agra Uttar Pradesh Rome The Tiber Italy
Sarayu Ayodhya Uttar Pradesh Paris Seine France
Yamuna New Delhi Delhi Lahore Ravi Pakistan
Ganges Haridwar Uttarakhand Karachi Indus Pakistan
Ganga, Badrinath Uttarakhand Budapest Danube Hungary
Yamuna & Madrid Manzanares Spain
Saraswati Perth Swan Australia
Hooghly Kolkata West Bengal Tokyo Arakawa Japan
Sabarmati Ahmedabad Gujarat Sydney Parramatta Australia
Brahmaputra Dibrugarh Assam Lisbon Iymphey Portugal
Brahmaputra Guwahati Assam Shanghai Yangtze China
Narmada Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh New York Hudson America
Chambal Gwalior Madhya Pradesh Washington Potamac America
Ganga Patna Bihar

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

unesco heritage sites

Venue State Year Red Fort Complex Delhi 2007
Agra Fort Uttar Pradesh 1983 Jantar Mantar Jaipur, 2010
Ajanta Caves Maharashtra 1983 Rajasthan
Ellora Caves Maharashtra 1983 Hill Forts of Rajasthan Chittorgarh;, 2013
Taj Mahal Uttar Pradesh 1983
Group of Monuments Tamil nadu 1984 Fort, Gagron
at Mahabalipuram Fort, Amber
Konark Sun Temple Odisha 1984 Rani ki Vav in Patan Gujarat 2014
Churches and Goa 1986 Archaeological Site of Bihar 2016
Monasteries of Goa Nalanda Mahavihara
Fatehpur Sikri Uttar Pradesh 1986 (Nalanda University)
Group of Monuments karnataka 1986 Capitol Building Chandigarh 2016
at Hampi Complex—The
Khajuraho group of Madhya 1986 Architectural Work of
monuments Pradesh Le Corbusier

Elephanta Caves Maharashtra 1987 Historic City Victorian Gujarat 2017

Great Living Chola Tamil Nadu 1987 Gothic and Art Deco Maharashtra 2018
Temple Ensemble of Mumbai

Pattadakal Group of Karnataka 1987 Walled City of Jaipur Rajasthan 2019

Monuments Kaziranga National Assam 1985
Sanchi Buddhist Madhya 1989 Park
Monuments Pradesh Keoladeo National Rajasthan 1985
Humayun's Tomb Delhi 1993 Park

Qutub Minar and its Delhi 1993 Manas Wildlife Assam 1985
Monuments Sanctuary

Mountain Railways Himachal 1999 Sundarbans National West Bengal 1984

of India (Includes Pradesh[ Park
Darjeeling Himalayan Sikkim, Tamil Nanda Devi and Flower Uttarakhand 1998,
Railway, Nilgiri Nadu, West Garden National Park 2005
Mountain Railway and Bengal Western Ghats Uttarakhand, 2012
Kalka-Shimla Railway) Maharashtra,
Mahabodhi Temple Bihar 2002 Goa,
Complex in Bodh Gaya Karnataka,
Rock Abode of Madhya 2003 Tamil Nadu
Bhimbetka Pradesh and Kerala
Champaner-Pavagadh Gujarat 2004 Nadu and
Archaeological Park Maharashtra
Chhatrapati Shivaji Mumbai 2004
Terminal (Maharashtra)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Location - Jaipur
Great Himalaya Himachal 2014
National Park Pradesh JAISALMER FORT
Protected Area TT High quality design from the point of view of
Kangchenjunga Sikkim 2016 architecture.
National Park TT After the war of Mahabharata, A large number
Kakatiya Rudeshwar Telangana 2021 of Yadavas moved towards this.
Dholavira: A city of Gujarat, Kutch 2021
Harappa – [TOTAL – 14]
TT Vadic Jap, 2008
TT Vijay Stambh is located inside the Chittorgarh TT Kutiyattam (Kerala Sanskrit-drama). 2008
TT Raman, Garhwal Himalaya, 2009
TT It was built in the 7th century.
TT Mudiyettu dance drama, Kerala, 2010
KUMBHALGARH TT Kalbelia, 2010
TT Creation - Rana Kumbha, May 14, 1459 TT Chhau Dance, 2010
TT Ladakh Bodha Jap, 2012
TT Manipur Sankirtan Dance, 2013
TT It was built in the 12th century.
TT Jandialaguru (Thathere-PB-Craft Pottery),
TT Producer: Chauhan Raja Ranthanvan Dev
TT Construction - 12th century TT Navroz 2016
TT This fort is surrounded by water from all sides. TT Kumbh Mela, 2017
NAGAR QUILA TT Durga Puja, 2021
TT Construction - Jai Singh I

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

India/World Tourish place

Charminar –GolKunda, Hyderabad
Major Tourist Places in India Birla Temple – Hyderabad
Humayun's Tomb – Delhi Venkateswara Temple – Andhra Pradesh
Qutub Minar – Delhi Vembanad Lake – Kerala
Rashtrapati Bhavan – Delhi Padmanabhaswamy Temple – Kerala
Jama Masjid – Delhi Gwalior Fort – Madhya Pradesh
Jantar Mantar – Delhi Mehrangarh Fort – Jodhpur
Rajghat – Delhi Dilwara Temple – Rajasthan
India Gate – Delhi Ajmer Sharif Dargah – Ajmer
Khirki Masjid – Delhi Pushkar Lake – Ajmer
Red Fort – Delhi Junagarh Fort – Bikaner
Lotus Temple – Delhi Fateh Sagar – Udaipur, Rajasthan
Ellora Caves – Maharashtra Lake Pichhola – Udaipur
Elephanta Cave – Maharashtra Birla Mandir – Jaipur
Gateway of India – Mumbai Hawa Mahal – Jaipur
Ajanta Caves – Maharashtra Amber Palace – Jaipur
Hanging Gardens – Mumbai Albert Hall Museum – Jaipur
Amarnath Cave – Kashmir Jal Mahal – Jaipur
Dal Lake – Srinagar Monsoon Palace – Rajasthan
Shalimar Bagh – Jammu and Kashmir Jodhpur Fort – Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Vaishno Devi – Jammu and Kashmir Deeng Mahal – Rajasthan
Victoria Memorial – Kolkata Jaisalmer Fort – Rajasthan
Howrah Bridge – Kolkata Jantar Mantar – Rajasthan
St Paul's Cathedral – Kolkata Jai Samand – Rajasthan
Birla Planetarium – Kolkata Bhadreshwar Jain Temple – Gujarat
Fort William – Kolkata Great Rann of Kutch – Gujarat
Golden Temple – Amritsar Vishnu Temple – Bihar
Taj Mahal – Agra Sher Shah's Tomb – Bihar
Buland Darwaza – Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh Jagannath Temple – Odisha
Panch Mahal – Uttar Pradesh Chilka Lake – Odisha
Akbar's Tomb – Agra Sun Temple – Konark
Gol Gumbaz – Karnataka Gol Gumbaz – Karnataka
Mysore Palace – Karnataka Rumi Darwaza – Lucknow
Lal Bagh Garden – Karnataka Sabarimala – Kerala
Statue of Gomateshwar – Karnataka Rajarani Temple – Odisha
Marine Beach – Tamil Nadu Samaleshwari Temple – Odisha
Meenakshi Temple – Tamil Nadu Somnath Temple – Gujarat
Brihadeeswarar Temple – Tamil Nadu Daringbadi Hill Station – Odisha
Brahma Temple – Pushkar

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Kalimpong Hill Station – West Bengal CHENNAI
Lingaraj Temple – Odisha TT Marina Beach
Hampi – Karnataka
Rani Ki Vav – Gujarat Hill Stations of India
TT Leh (Jammu and Kashmir)
Major Sea Beach of India
TT Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir)
TT Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
TT Manali (Himachal Pradesh)
TT Wandoor Beach
TT Shillong (Meghalaya)
TT Kala Patthar Beach
TT Darjeeling (West Bengal)
TT Elephant a Beach
TT Munnar (Kerala)
TT Radhanagar Beach
TT Ooty (Tamil Nadu)
TT Bagha beach Major Tourist Destinations of the World
TT Vagator Beach
TT Agonda Beach Great Pyramid of Giza – Egypt
TT Colva Beach Eiffel Tower – Paris
TT Palolem Beach Hollywood – Los Angeles
Grand Palace – Bangkok
Tower of london – London
TT Varkala Beach
The Strip – Las Vegas
TT Poovar Beach
Ubud – Bali
TT Kozhikode Beach
Burj Khalifa – Dubai
MAHARASHTRA Statue of Liberty – New York
TT Harihareshwar Beach Pearl Tower – Shanghai
TT Alibaug Beach Blue Mosque – Istanbul
GUJARAT Times Square – New York
TT Devka Beach Buckingham palace – London
TT Mandvi Beach Opera House – Sydney
TT Odissha Puri Beach Wall of China – China
Taj Mahal – India

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important mountain range/passes,

lakes, waterfalls/plateau/canal/
Mount Northern 6193 m Alaska
World Famous Mountains Mckinley United
Mountain Country Height Mountain Elbrus Russia 5642 m Caucasus
Peak Range (Highest in
Mount Nepal 8848 m Himalaya - Europe)
Everest Karakoram Mount Black Europe 4808 m Alps
(Highest in Hindukush (North of
the world) Italy)
K-2 (Godwin India 8611 m- Trans Mount Black America 4401 m- Rocky
Austin) (POK) Himalaya
(Highest in Everest is known as 'Sagar Matha' in Nepal and
India) 'Chomolungma' in China.
Kangchen Nepal - 8586 m- Himalaya
junga India
(highest in Major Passes of India
Lhotse Nepal- 8516 m- Himalaya JAMMU AND KASHMIR
China 1. Karakoram Pass: This pass is located in the
Makalu Nepal- 8485 m Himalaya middle of the Karakoram hills in the Ladakh
China region. It is the highest pass of India. The
pass is located at an elevation of 5654 meters
Dhaulagiri Nepal 8167 m Himalaya above sea level. It connects POK and China.
Manaslu Nepal 8163 m Himalaya 2. Zojila Pass: This pass connects the Kashmir
Nanga India 8126 m Himalaya Valley to Leh. It is situated in the Zanskar
Parvat (POK) range of Jammu and Kashmir. Its height above
Annapurna Nepal 8091 m Himalaya sea level is 3528 meters.
Mountains 3. Pirpanjal Darsh: This pass is situated in the
south-west of the Kashmir Valley. This pass is
Nanda Devi India 7817 m Himalaya
at an altitude of 3490 meters above sea level in
the Pirpanjal mountain range.
(Highest in
Uttaranchal) 4. Banihal Pass: This pass is situated in the
south-west of Jammu and Kashmir. The road
Rakaposhi Pakistan 7788 m Himalaya
from Jammu to Srinagar passes through this
(or Damani)
pass. The height of this pass is 2832 meters
Kamet India 7756 m Himalaya above sea level. Jawahar tunnel is also located
Tirichmir Pakistan 7708 m Himalaya on this pass.
Chaukhamba India 7138 m Himalaya 5. Burzil Pass: This pass connects Srinagar and
Gilgit. Its height above sea level is 4100 meters.
Aconcagua South 6961 m Andes
States 1. Shipkila Pass: This pass is situated in
the Zanskar range of Himachal Pradesh. It

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
connects Shimla to Tibet. Its height above sea Dimphu and Likhapani passes are also in
level is 4300 meters. Arunachal Pradesh.
2. Rohtang Pass: This pass is situated in the Pir
Panjal range of Himachal Pradesh. Its height MANIPUR
above sea level is 4630 meters. It connects Tuju Pass: This pass is situated in the south-
Manali and Leh by road. east of Manipur. Roads from Imphal to Tamu and
3. Baralacha La Pass: This pass is situated Myanmar go through this pass.
in the Jaskar range of Himachal Pradesh. It
connects the Mandi and Leh routes. Its height KERALA
above sea level is 4850 meters. Pal Ghat Pass: This pass connects Kerala
and Tamil Nadu. This pass is situated between
Annamalai and Nilgiri hills.
Mana Pass: This pass is situated in the Kumaon
hills of Uttarakhand. MAHARASHTRA
Its height above sea level is 5545 meters. Indian Thal Ghat Pass: This pass is situated on the
pilgrims go through this pass to visit Mansarovar Mumbai-Nashik road.
Lake and Kailash. Bhor Ghat Pass: This pass connects Mumbai to
Pune and Chennai.
There have been a well graded Indian military
road at 5610 meters west of Mana Pass. Mana Both the above passes are situated in the Western
Pass is also called DungriLa Pass. Ghats ranges.

Niti Pass : It is located in Kumaon, Uttarakhand.

Major Waterfalls of India
The height of this pass is 5389 meters above sea
level. It connects Uttarakhand with Tibet. Pilgrims
also go from here to visit Mansarovar Lake and MEGHALAYA
Kailash. Nohkalikai Falls: This waterfall is located near
Lipulekh Pass: Located in Pithoragarh, Cherrapunji in the state of Meghalaya. It is formed
Uttarakhand, this pass connects Uttarakhand to due to rain water. Its height is 340 meters.
Tibet. Its height above sea level is 5334 meters. Nohsngithiang : It is also known as Seven Sister
Pilgrims go through this pass to visit Kailash Water Falls. It is located in the East Khasi Hills
Parvat and Mansarovar Lake. district of Meghalaya. Its height is 315 meters.

SIKKIM Lang Shiang, Bishop, Dain-Thlen and Elephant

Nathula Pass: It is located in the Dongkya range Falls are also located in Meghalaya.
in the state of Sikkim, it became more popular due
to its strategic importance in the Indo-China war MADHYA PRADESH
of 1962. From this, there is a way to go to Tibet via
Dhuandhar Falls: This waterfall is formed on the
Darjeeling and Chumbi Valley. Its height above sea
Narmada River in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Its
level is 4310 meters.
height is 15 meters.
Jelepla Pass: Through this pass, the route to
Kapil Dhara Waterfall: This waterfall is also
Tibet is made through Darjeeling and Chumbi
formed on the Narmada River. Its height is 33 meters
valley. Trade between India and China is also done
through this pass. It is situated in East Sikkim at and it is at a distance of 7 km from Amarkantak.
an altitude of 4270 meters above sea level. Chachai Falls (on the Bihad River), Dudh Dhara
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Falls (on the Narmada River), Sahastradhara
Falls (on the Narmada River), Patalpani Falls (on
Bomdila Pass: This pass connects Tawang in
the Chambal River) are also located in Madhya
Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet. Its height above sea
level is 2217 meters.
Yangyap Pass: It is situated in the north-east of KARNATAKA
Arunachal Pradesh. The Brahmaputra river enters
Kunchikal Falls: It is the highest waterfall in
India through the Yangyap pass. It connects India
India. Its height is 455 meters. It is situated on
and China on the Indo-Tibet border. the Varahi river.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Shivanasamudra Water Fall: This water fall in Kollam district of Kerala state. Its height is 91
is situated on the river Kaveri. The Hydroelectric meters. The literal meaning of Palaruvi is 'stream
Power Station located on it is the first hydroelectric of milk'.
power station in Asia, which was established in Atirappilly Falls : It has a height of 25 meters.
1902. The height of this waterfall is 98 meters. This waterfall is a part of the Chalakudy River.
Jog Water Fall: This water fall is on Sharavati
river. It is also known as Jersappa Falls. Its height Kalakkayam Falls, Cheeyappara and Valara
is 253 meters. It is also known as Gersoppa and Falls are also located in Kerala.
Mahatma Gandhi Falls.

Gokak Falls (on Ghata Prabha River), Mekedatu TAMIL NADU

Falls (on Kaveri River), Barkana (on Seetha
Pykara Falls: It is formed on the Pykara River.
River), Magod Falls (on Bedti River) and Hebbe
Falls (on Bhadra River) are also located in Hogenakkal Falls (on the Kaveri River). Bear
Karnataka. Shola, Thalaiyar Falls (on Manjalar River) are
also located in Tamil Nadu.
Chuliya Water Falls: It is located on the Chambal
River in Kota, Rajasthan. The height of this Major Lakes of India
waterfall is 18 meters.
Bhimlat Water Fall: This water fall is situated TT The largest lake in India is Chilka Lake
between Bundi and Chittorgarh on Mangli river. (Odisha). It is a salt water lake. The length of
this lake is 70 km, the width is up to 30 km and
Gaipernath (in Kota), Padajhar Mahadev (in the average depth is 3 m.
Bundi) are also located in Rajasthan. TT Sambhar Lake is the largest inland saline water
lake in India, which is the largest in Rajasthan.
TT The largest fresh water lake in India is the
Wular Lake in Jammu and Kashmir. Main
Amboli Water Fall: This water fall is situated on source of water for Wular lake is river Jhelum.
the Hiranyakeshi river.
TT The largest artificial lake in India is the Govind
Thoseghar Falls: This water fall is situated on the Ballabh Pant Sagar, which is formed by a
Tarlee river in Satara city. dam built on the Rihand River. It is located in
Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh.
Kune Falls, Pandav Kada Falls is also situated
between Lonavala and Khandala in Maharashtra. Lakes State/UT
Dal Lake Jammu Kashmir
JHARKHAND Wular Lake (Largest Jammu Kashmir
Hundru Falls: It is formed on the Subarnarekha fresh water lake)
River. It is located in Ranchi district.
Manasbal Lake Jammu Kashmir
Rajrappa Falls: This waterfall is located in
Sheshnag Lake Jammu Kashmir
Ramgarh (Jharkhand). This water fall is formed at
the confluence of Damodar and Bhera rivers. Berinag Lake Jammu Kashmir
Anantnag Lake Jammu Kashmir
Sita Falls (on the Kanchi River), Dassam Falls (on
the Kachni River) are also located in Jharkhand. Umiam Lake Meghalaya
Sat Tal Lake Uttarakhand
ODISHA Nainital Lake Uttarakhand
Barehipani Falls : It is located in the Simlipal Bhimtal Uttarakhand
National Park in the Mayurbhanj district of Odisha.
Rakshastal Lake Uttarakhand
It comes in the course of the Budhbalang river. It
falls from a height of 399 meters. Dronasagar Lake Uttarakhand
Duduma Falls: It is formed on the Machhkund Devtal Lake Uttarakhand
river. Naukuchiatal Uttarakhand
KERALA Khurpatal Uttarakhand
Palaruvi Falls: It is formed on the Kallada River
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Pangong Tso Lake Ladakh Lake Superior USA and CAnada
Lausi Lake Manipur Lake Victoria Kenya, Uganda and
Pumlenpat Lake Manipur Tanzania
Loktak Lake Manipur Aral Sea (Shrinking Kazakhstan and
lake) Uzbekistan
Sambhar Lake Rajasthan
Lake Huron USA and Canada
Panchbhadra Lake Rajasthan
Lake Michigan USA and Canada
Rajsamand Lake Rajasthan
Lake Tanganyika Tanzania and Republic of
Pichhola Lake Rajasthan
the Congo
Lunkaransar Lake Rajasthan
Lake Baikal (World's Russia
Jaisamand Lake Rajasthan deepest)
Fatehsagar Lake Rajasthan Lake Malawi Malawi, Tanzania and
Didwana Lake Rajasthan Mozambique
Chembarambakkam Tamil Nadu Lake Great Slave Canada
Lake Lake Erie USA and Canada
Pulicat Lake Tamil Nadu (4% Area) Lake Winnipeg Canada
and Andhra Pradesh
Lake Ontario Canada
(96% Area)
Lake Balkhash Kazakhstan
Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh
Lake Chad Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger
Chilika Lake Odisha
and Chad
Ansupa Lake Odisha
Lake Guanyin Africa
Lonar Lake Maharashtra
Lake Ladoga Russia
Vembanad Lake Kerala
Lake Onega Russia
Ashtamudi Lake Kerala
Lake Titicaca Peru and Bolivia
Periyar Lake Kerala
Lake Nicaragua Nicaragua
Punnamada Lake Kerala
Lake Athabasca Canada
Cholamu Lake Sikkim
Lake Reindeer Canada
Gurudongmar Lake Sikkim
Kankaria Lake Gujarat Major Glaciers of India
Sursagar Lake Gujarat
Hamir Lake Gujarat Siachen Karakoram

Ulsoor Lake Karnataka Sasayani Karakoram

Surajkund Lake Haryana Hispar Karakoram

Renuka Lake Himachal Pradesh Biafo Karakoram

Machhial Lake Himachal Pradesh Baltora Karakoram

Surajtal Himachal Pradesh Chomolungma Karakoram

Govind Sagar Lake Himachal Pradesh Khurdopin Karakoram

Rimo Kashmir
Major Lakes of the World Panmah Kashmir
Rupal, Diamir Kashmir
Lakes Country Gangotri, Yamanotri Uttarakhand
Caspian Sea (world's Russia, Azerbaijan, Zemu Sikkim-Nepal
largest) Iran, Kazakhstan and
Sona Paani Himachal Pradesh

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Kazbek Georgia
Major Deserts of the World
Mount Ararat Armenia
Desert Country Kilimanjaro Tanzania
Sahara North Africa Mount Shasta USA
Arabian Arabian Peninsula Katmai Alaska USA
Gobi China and Mongolia Guallatiri Chile
Patagonia Argentina and Chile Semeru Indonesia
Great Victoria Australia Mount Aso Japan
Great Sandy Australia Krakatoa Indonesia
Gibson Australia Mount Cameroon Cameroon (Africa)
Thar India, Pakistan Mount Kenya Kenya
Chihuahuan Mexico Mount Popa Myanmar
Great Basin North America Chimborazo Ecuador
Karakum Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan Mount Rainier USA
Sonoran Mexico and America Laki Iceland
Majave America Mount Wrangell Alaska, USA
Takla Makan China Vulcano/Lipari Italy
Atacama Chile Kilauea Hawaiian Islands
Dast-e-kavir Iran (USA)
Antarctica Antarctica Sangay Ecuador
Desert Purace Colombia
Arctic Desert North Pole Tambora Indonesia
Kalahari South Africa, Botswana, Namibia Meru Kenya/Tanzania
Barren Island Volcano Andaman and Nicobar
Major Volcanoes of the World (active) Islands
Narcondam Island Andaman and Nicobar
Volcanoes Country Volcano Islands
Mount Etna Italy Aconcagua South America
Mount Elbrus Russia
Fujiyama Japan Major Plateaus of the World
Cotopaxi Ecuador
Popocatepetl Mexico Plateau Country
Mauna Loa Hawaiian Islands Plateau of Asia Minor Turkey
(USA) Anatolian Plateau Turkey
Lassen Peak USA Meseta Plateau Spain
Mayon Philippines Chiapas Plateau Southern Mexico
Mount Pinatuwo Philippines Alaska Plateau America
Mount Pelee Martinique Island Columbia Plateau America
Hekla Iceland Great Basin Plateau America
Vesuvius Gulf of Naples (Itlay) Colorado Plateau America
St Helens USA Greenland Plateau Greenland
Koh-i-Sultan Pakistan Pamir Plateau Tibet
Damavand Iran Plateau of Mexico Mexico
Mongolian Plateau Mongolia

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Bolivian Plateau Bolivia Manchester (Great Britain) Manchester,
Deccan Plateau India Canal Liverpool
Iranian Plateau Iran Volga Don (Russia) Rostov + Stalingrad
Brazilian Plateau South America
Erie Canal (USA) Lake Erie, Lake
Abyssinian Plateau Ethiopia/Simalia
Madagascar Plateau Madagascar (Africa)
Gota Canal (Sweden) Stockholm,
Plateau of Australia Western Australia Gothenburg
New Water Way (Netherlands) North Sea,
Major Canals of the World Rotterdam

Panama Canal : It was built in 1914. Initially

Kiel Canal North Sea, Baltic Sea
it was owned by America but since 2000 it was
owned by Panama.
K. P. Canal Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
Suez Canal Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea Important Trenches of The World
Mariana Trench Pacific Ocean
Soo Canal (USA) Lake Superior + Lake
Huron Tonga Trench Pacific Ocean
Panama Canal (Panama) Atlantic Ocean, Mindanao Trench Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean (Caribbean Sea) Sunda Trench Indian Ocean

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important research
institutes of india
Research Centre City State Industrial Toxicology Lucknow Uttar
National Dairy Research Karnal Haryana Research Pradesh
Institute National Sugar Research Kanpur Uttar
National Dairy Research Hisar Haryana Institute Pradesh
Institute National Aeronautical Bangalore Karnataka
National Environmental Nagpur Maharashtra Laboratory
Engineering Research Central Leather Chennai Tamil Nadu
Institute Research Institute
National Institute of Pune Maharashtra Sugarcane Breeding Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
Virology Institute
National Institute of DonaPaula Goa Central Rice Research Cuttack Odisha
Oceanography Institute
Indian Cancer Research Mumbai Maharashtra Central Salt and Marine Bhav nagar Gujarat
Tata Institute of Mumbai Maharashtra Chemicals Research
Fundamental Research Institute

Archaeological Survey of New Delhi New Delhi Textile Research Ahmedabad Gujarat
India Association

Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Delhi New Delhi National Institutes of Ahmedabad Gujarat
Institute Occupational Health

All India Institute Delhi New Delhi Central Scientific Chandigarh Punjab
of Medical Sciences Instruments
(AIIMS) Organization

Central Road Research New Delhi New Delhi PGI Medical Education Chandigarh Punjab
Institute & Research

Indian Meteorological New Delhi New Delhi Central Building Roorkee Uttarakhand
Observatory Research Institute

Indian Agricultural New Delhi New Delhi Indian Institute of Dehradun Uttarakhand
Research Institute Petroleum

All India Malaria New Delhi New Delhi Central Forest Research Dehradun Uttarakhand
Research Institute Institute

National Institute of New Delhi New Delhi Central Mining and Fuel Dhanbad Jharkhand
Communicable Diseases Research Institute

National Geophysical Hyderabad Telangana High Altitude Research Gulmarg Jammu and
Research Institute Laboratory Kashmir

National Institute of Hyderabad Telangana Center for Molecular Hyderabad Telangana

Nutrition and Cellular Biology

Indian Veterinary Izzatnagar Uttar Central Potato Research Shimla Himachal

Research Institute (Bareilly) Pradesh Institute Pradesh

Central Drug Research Lucknow Uttar Central Mechanical Durgapur West Bengal
Institute Pradesh Engineering Research
National Botanical Lucknow Uttar
Research Institute Pradesh

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous cities and their

nick name
Name of the city Nickname Gurugram (Haryana) Millennium City
Ujjain (Madhya City of Temples Panipat City of Weavers
Pradesh) Bhubaneswar (Odisha) Temple City of India
Trivandrum City of Statues Cuttack (Odisha) Silver City
(Thiruvananthapuram) Evergreen City of India
Hyderabad- Twin City
Itanagar (Arunachal Land of the Rising Sun (Telangana)
Guwahati (Assam) Gateway of North East
Bhilai (Chhattisgarh) Steel City of India India
Dispur (Assam) City of Temples New Delhi City of Rallies
Tuticorin Pearl City, the Pearl Amritsar (Punjab) Golden City
Harbor of India
Mundi (Madhya Power Hub City
Alappuzha (Kerala) Venice of the East Pradesh)
Wayanad (Kerala) Garden of God Indore (Madhya Mini Mumbai
Kozhikode (Calicut, City of Spices Pradesh)
Kerala) Mussoorie Queen of Mountains
Kochi or Cochin Gateway of Kerala, (Uttarakhand)
(Kerala) Queen of the Arabian Pondicherry Paris of the East
Sea, City of Spices (Puducherry)
Bhimavaram (Andhra India's Second Bardoli Coorg (Karnataka) Scotland of India
Dhanbad (Jharkhand) Coal Capital of India
Dharmavaram (Andhra Silk City of Andhra
Jamshedpur India's Pittsburgh Steel
Pradesh) Pradesh
(Jharkhand) City of India
Piduguralla (Andhra Lime City
Shillong (Meghalaya) Scotland of the East
Dibrugarh (Assam) Tea city of India
Vijayawada (Andhra Place of Victory
Pradesh) Bhagalpur (Bihar) Silk City of India
Rajahmundry (Andhra Cultural City Malda (West Bengal) Mango City
Pradesh) Musoorie Queen of the Hills
Tirupati (Andhra Spiritual Capital of Kolkata City of Palaces,
Pradesh) India Diamond Herbal
Udaipur City of Lakes Asansol (West Bengal) Land of Black Diamond
Muzaffarpur (Bihar) Litchi City Jodhpur (Rajasthan) Blue City, Sun City
Nalanda (Bihar) Land of Knowledge Jaipur The Paris of India, The
Bardoli (Gujarat) Butter City Pink City
Ahmedabad (Gujarat) Boston of India, Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) Golden City of India
Manchester of India

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Kashmir (Jammu and Switzerland of India Allahabad or Prayagraj Abode of God, City
Kashmir) (Uttar Pradesh) of Prime Minister,
Bangalore (Karnataka) Space City, Garden City Sangam City
of India, Silicon Valley Varanasi City of Temples and
of India, Science City Ghats
Nagpur (Maharashtra) Orange City Lucknow City of Nawabs
Mumbai City of Seven Islands, kannauj City of Fragrances
Hollywood of India Bareilly Antimony City
Pune Deccan Queen Aligarh Tala Nagar
Bangalore Space City Noida NCR - National Capital
Kolhapur City of Wrestlers Region
(Maharashtra) Pitampura Detroit of India
Mumbai Cotton Textile Capital Mysore Gem of Karnataka
Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) Leather City of the Chhattisgarh Rice Paddy
World, Manchester of
Madurai City of Festivals
North India
Jamshedpur Steel City
Agra, Uttar Pradesh) City Taj, Petha Nagri

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important currencies and

capital of countries
Country Capital Currency United Arab Abu Dhabi Dirham
Canada Ottawa Dollar Emirates
Mexico Mexico City Peso Hong kong Victoria Dollar
United States Washington D.C. Dollar Taiwan Taipei Dollar
of america Qatar Doha Real
Brazil Brasilia The Real Oman Musket Real
Argentina Buenos Aires Argentino Cambodia Phnom Penh Real
Trinidad and Port of Spain Dollar Japan Tokyo Yen
Tobago Russia Moscow Ruble
India New Delhi Rupees Germany Berlin Deutsche
China Beijing Renminbi, Mark (Euro)
Yuan Spain Madrid Peseta
Pakistan Islamabad Rupees Norwegian Oslo Cron
Nepal Kathmandu Rupees Denmark Copenhagen Cron
Sri Lanka Jayavardhanpura Rupees France Paris Frank
Sweden Stockholm Krona
Bangladesh Dhaka Taka
Great Britain London Pound
Bhutan Thimphu Ngultram
Ukraine Kyiv Hirvinia
Myanmar Mapedo, Kyat
Netherlands Amsterdam Guilder
Austria Vienna Shilling
Iran Tehran Rial
Ireland Dublin Pound
Kuwait Kuwait City Dinar
Belgium Brussels Frank
Afghanistan Kabul Afghani
Australia Canara Dollar
Iraq Baghdad Dinar
New Zealand Wellington Dollar
Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah
Libya Hoon (Tripoli) Dinar
israel Jerusalem New
Shackle Mauritius Port Louis Rupee
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringgit Morocco Rabat Dirham
Turkey Ankara Lira Togo Lome Frank
Maldives Male Rupiah South Africa Pretoria Rand
North Korea Pyongyang Von Egypt Cairo Pound
South Korea Seoul Von Seychelles Victoria Rupee
Vietnam Hanoi Dong Zimbabwe Harare Dollar
Thailand Bangkok Baht

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

india's famous samadhi sthal

Burial Key Date of Shakti Sathal Indira Gandhi October 31,
Ground Personality Death 1984
Rajghat Mahatma January 30, Kisan Ghat Choudhary May 28, 1987
Gandhi 1948 Charan Singh
Chaitya B.R. Ambedkar December 6, Veer Bhumi Rajiv Gandhi 21 May, 1991
Bhoomi 1956 Smriti Sathal Atal Bihari August 16,
Mahaprayan Dr. Rajendra February 28, Vajpayee 2018
Ghat Prasad 1963 Abhay Ghat Morarji Desai April 10, 1995
Shantivan Jawaharlal May 27, 1964 Nighambodh Arun Jaitley August 24,
Nehru Ghat 2019
Vijay Ghat Lal Bahadur January 11,
Shastri 1966

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important scientific names

Common Name Scientific Name Fox Vulpes
Human Homo sapiens Peacock Pavo Cristatus
frog Rana tigris tigrina Horse Equus caballus
Cat Felis domestica Dolphin Delphinus
Mouse Rattas noveglcus Baboon Papio Hamdryas
Lizard Lacertilia Mango Magnifera indica
Cow Boss indicus Grape Vitis
Buffalo Bubalus bubalis Apple Malus Domestica
Dog Canis lupus familiars Orange Citrus sinensis
She goat Capra hircus Papaya Carica Papaya
Lamb Ovies Arise Pineapple Ananay Comosus
Lion Panthera leo Lychee Litchi chinensis
Tiger Panthera tigris Cucumber Cucumis sativus
Leopard Panthera pardus Beetroot Beta vulgaris
Bear Uriside Maize Zia mays
Camel Camelus Wheat Triticum
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Turmeric Curcuma longa
Deer Cervidae Coriander Coriandrum sativum

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous ports, waterways, airports

and airlines/railway station/zone/
tunnel/national highway of india
TT Out of 13 major ports of Peninsular India 6 ports Waterway Number Route
are located on the west coast and their location
is as follows: National Waterway-1 Prayagraj to Haldia
ÂÂ Maharashtra - Mumbai Port National Waterway-2 Sadiya to Dhubri
ÂÂ Maharashtra - Nhava Sheva Port (Brahmaputra River)
ÂÂ Gujarat - Kandla Port National Waterway-3 Kollam to Kottapuram
ÂÂ Goa - Mormugao Port National Waterway-4 Kakinada to
ÂÂ Kerala - Cochin Port Marakkanam
ÂÂ Karnataka - New Mangalore Port National Waterway-5 Talcher to Dhamra
TT The port and its location on the east coast of National Waterway-6 Lakhipur to Bhanga
peninsular India are as follows:
ÂÂ Tamil Nadu - Tuticorin Port MAJOR AIRPORTS IN INDIA
ÂÂ Tamil Nadu - Chennai Port International
ÂÂ Tamil Nadu - Ennore Port Airport Names
ÂÂ Andhra Pradesh - Visakhapatnam Port Rajiv Gandhi Hyderabad, Telangana
ÂÂ Orissa - Paradip Port International Airport
ÂÂ West Bengal - Kolkata-Haldia Port Sri Guru Ramdas Ji Amritsar, Punjab
TT Port Blair Port is the only port in India located International Airport
in the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar. Lokpriya Gopinath Guwahati, Assam
TT Jawaharlal Nehru Port is also known as Bordoloi International
Nhavasheva Port. Airport
TT Some of the major ports and their location Biju Patnaik Bhubaneswar, Orissa
out of 200 minor ports of India are as International Airport
Indira Gandhi New Delhi, Delhi
Port State International Airport
Ratnagiri Port Maharashtra Veer Savarkar Port Blair, Andaman
Dwarka Port Gujarat International Airport and Nicobar Islands
Mandvi Port Gujarat Sardar Vallabhbhai Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Patel International
Porbandar Port Gujarat
Okha Port Gujarat
Kempegowda Bangalore, Karnataka
Bhavnagar Port Gujarat International Airport
Kasaragod Port Kerala Cochin International Kochi, Kerala
Kozhikode Port Kerala Airport
(Calicut) Calicut International Kozhikode, Kerala
Karaikal Port Pondicherry Airport
Machilipatnam Port Andhra Pradesh Trivandrum Thiruvananthapuram,
Nagapattinam Port Tamil Nadu International Airport Kerala

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Mumbai, Maharashtra INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES IN THE WORLD
Maharaj International Airlines Company Country
Aeroflot Russia
Dr. Babasaheb Nagpur, Maharashtra
Pan American Airways America
International Airport Olympic Airways Greece
Jaipur International Jaipur, Rajasthan Lufthansa Germany
Airport Garuda Airways Indonesia
Chennai International Chennai, Tamil Nadu Copa Airlines Panama
Airport Iberia Spain
Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Cathy Pacific Airways Hong Kong
International Airport Nadu
Emirates Airline Dubai
Chaudhary Charan Lucknow, Uttar
Singh International Pradesh Air Asia Malaysia
Airport Qantas Airways Australia
Lal Bahadur Shastri Varanasi, Uttar TT Vayudoot was established in the year 1981.
International Airport Pradesh
Netaji Subhas Chandra Kolkata, West Bengal RAIL TRANSPORT IN INDIA
Bose International TT Indian Railways is the second largest economy
Airport in Asia and the fourth largest economy in the
world. America ranks first in the list of countries
Kannur International Kannur, Kerala
with the largest railway network in the world.
China is in second and Russia is in third place.
Surat Airport Surat, Gujarat TT The world's first train ran between Liverpool
Ahilya Bai Holkar Indore, Madhya and Manchester in 1825 AD.
Airport Pradesh TT The first train in India ran between Mumbai
Dabolim Airport Dabolim, Goa and Thane on 16th April 1853 AD, which was a
Coimbatore Coimbatore, Tamil distance of 34 km. It started during the time of
International Airport Nadu Lord Dalhousie.
TT Indian Railway Board was established in 1905.
Sheikh Ul-Alam Srinagar, Jammu and
TT Indian Railways was nationalized in 1950.
International Airport or Kashmir
Srinagar International TT There are three types of railway lines in India-
Airport ÂÂ Broad Gauge - 1.676 meter
ÂÂ Narrow gauge - 1 meter
Imphal International Imphal, Manipur
ÂÂ Narrow Gauge - 0.610 meter
TT Vivek Express has the longest railway route
Madurai Airport Madurai, Tamil Nadu in the country. It covers a distance of 4286 kms
Bagdogra International Siliguri, West Bengal between Dibrugarh (Assam) to Kanyakumari
Airport (Tamil Nadu).
Mangalore Mangalore, Karnataka TT India's fastest train is Vande Bharat
International Airport (Train-18).
TT Gorakhpur railway platform of Uttar Pradesh is
Chandigarh Chandigarh, Punjab
the largest (1366.33 meters) railway platform in
International Airport
the world. But the Hubli platform of Karnataka
Nashik Airport Nashik, Maharashtra will be an even bigger platform in the future.
Swami Vivekananda Raipur (Chhattisgarh) TT The longest railroad in the world is the Trans-
Airport Siberian Railway. The length of the line from
Maharaja Bir Bikram Agartala (Tripura) Leningrad to Vladivostok is 9438 km.
Airport TT Konkan Railway: Runs from Roha
TT Pakyong is the first airport built in the North (Maharashtra) to Mangalore (Karnataka) via
Eastern region of India and the 100th airport Goa. The length of this track is 741 km. The first
in India. train ran on this track in 1998.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Konkan Railway benefits the states of 3. Karbude (T-35)
Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala. Track Length: 6,505 meters
TT The first Metro Rail in India ran on October 24, Location: Maharashtra
1984 in Kolkata. Railway Division: Konkan Railway
TT The Delhi Metro Rail was started on 25 4. Nathuwadi (T-6)
December 2002. This metro ran from Tis Track Length: 4,390 meters
Hazari to Shahdara. At that time the Prime Location: Maharashtra
Minister was Atal Bihari Vajpayee. This metro
Railway Division: Konkan Railway
ran in collaboration with Japan and South
Korea. 5. Tyke (T 39 )
TT Rail engine factories are in Chittaranjan, Track Length: 4,078 meters
Varanasi and Bhopal. Location: Maharashtra
TT Coach factories are located at Kapurthala, Railway Division: Konkan Railway
Perambur, Bangalore and Kolkata. 6. Berdewadi (T-49)
TT The factory for making train wheels is located in Track Length: 4,000 meters
Chapra (Bihar). Location: Maharashtra
TT Rail Coach Factory is located in Rae Bareli. Railway Division: Konkan Railway
Zone Headquarter 7. Savarde (T - 17 )
Track Length: 3,429 meters
Central Railway Mumbai
Location: Maharashtra
Eastern Railway Kolkata
Railway Division: Konkan Railway
East Coast Railway Bhubaneshwar
8. Barcem (T-73)
East Central Railway Hajipur Track Length: 3,343 meters
Northern Railway New Delhi Location: Goa
North Central Railway Allahabad (Prayagraj) Railway Division: Konkan Railway
North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur 9. Borail BG (T-10)
Track Length: 3,235 meters
North East Frontier Maligaon (Guwahati)
Railway Location: Assam
North Western Railway Jaipur Railway Division: Northeast Frontier
Southern Railway Chennai
10. Karwar (T-80)
South Central Railway Secunderabad Track Length: 2,950 meters
South Eastern Railway Kolkata Location: Karnataka
South East Central Bilaspur Railway Division: Konkan Railway
South Western Railway Hubli TT India ranks third among the countries with the
Western Railway Mumbai largest road system in the world. America has
the first place in the world.
West Central Railway Jabalpur
TT National Highways carry 40% of the total traffic
Metro Train Kolkata in the country.
South Coast Railway Visakhapatnam TT The longest National Highway of India is-
44. It starts from Srinagar in the north and
FAMOUS RAILWAY TUNNELS OF INDIA ends at Kanyakumari in the south. This
1. Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel national highway passes through the states of
Track Length: 11,215 meters Jammu-Kashmir, Punjab, Haridwar, Delhi,
Location: Jammu and Kashmir Railway Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Division : Northern Railway Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu. Its total length is 3,475 km.
2. Sangaldan Tunnel
TT National Highway-1 and National Highway-2
Track Length: 8,000 meters are collectively called Grand Trunk Road.
Location: Jammu and Kashmir TT The shortest National Highway in India is
Railway Division: Northern Railway NH 966 B, it runs from Wellington to Kochi.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT The National Highway is controlled by the NH-5 Firozpur (Punjab) - Shipkila (H.P.)
Central Public Works Department (PWD).
TT National Highway-15 passes through the desert NH-6 Jorabat (Assam) - Zokhawthar
of Rajasthan. (Mizoram)
TT Under the Golden Quadrilateral Scheme, four NH-7 Fazilka (India/Pak Border) - Mana
metropolitan cities of India Delhi, Mumbai, (Uttarakhand)
Chennai, Kolkata have to be connected by NH-8 Karimganj (Assam) - Indo/Bangla
National Highway. (NH-5, 5, 60, & 217) Border (Tripura)
TT Kerala has the highest density of roads in India.
TT Jammu and Kashmir has the lowest density NH-19 (Old Delhi-Kolkata
of roads in India. NH-2)
TT Maharashtra has the largest length of roads in NH-48 (old : Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai
India. NH 4 + NH 8)
TT Odisha has the shortest road length in India. NH-16 (Old : Kolkata-Chennai
TT NHAI : Established in 1988. NH 5 + NH 6)
TT BRO : Established on 7th May 1960. TT The Golden Quadrilateral or “GQ” was former
TT PWD : Established in 1854 (by Dalhousie) Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's first
SOME MAJOR NATIONAL HIGHWAYS (NEW) dream project. The Golden Quadrilateral project
was planned in 1999 .The Golden Quadrilateral
National From Where to Where is a network of national highways that connects
Highway major industrial, agricultural and cultural hubs
NH-1 J & K - Ladakh of India. It forms a quadrilateral connecting the
four major metro cities (Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai
NH-2 Dibrugarh (Assam) - Tuipang and Chennai) of india.
(1) Delhi-Kolkata: NH-44 from Delhi to Agra
NH-3 Atari (India/Pak Border) - Leh & NH 19 from Agra to Kolkata.
NH-4 Port Blair - Chiriyatapu (Andaman (2) Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai : NH48
Nicobar Islands) (3) Chennai-Kolkata: NH-16

Major Bridges of India

Length Year of
Name Link Place
(in km) Manufacture
Dr Bhupen Hazarika 9.15 km 2017 Assam and Arunachal Lohit River, Tinsukia,
Bridge Pradesh (Assam)
Dibang River Bridge 6.2 km 2018 Arunachal Pradesh Dibang River (A.R.)
Mahatma Gandhi 5.75 km 1982 South Patna to Ganga, Patna (Bihar)
Setu Hajipur
Bandra-Worli Sea 5.57 km 2009 Bandra to Worli Mahim Bay, (Mumbai)
Link (South Mumbai)
Bogibeel Bridge 4.94 km 2018 Dhemaji to Dibrugarh Brahmaputra River,
Vikramshila Setu 4.70 km 2001 Bhagalpur to Ganga River, Bhagalpur,
Naugachia (Bihar)
Vembanad Rail 4.62 km 2011 Edapalli to Vembanad Lake, Kochi,
Bridge Vallarpadam (Kerala)
Digha-Sonpur Bridge 4.55 km 2016 Patna to Sonpur Ganga, Patna, (Bihar)
Ara-Chhapra Bridge 4.35 km 2017 Ara to Chhapra Ganga River, Saran (Bihar)
Godavari Bridge 4.13 km 2015 Kovvar to Godavari River,
Rajahmundry Rajahmundry, (Andhra
Munger-Ganga 3.69 km 2016 Munger to Jamalpur Ganga, Munger (Bihar)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous monements of world

Famous Monuments of World Pyramid Giza, Egypt

Opera House Sydney, Australia
Monuments Location Eiffel Tower Paris, France
Taj Mahal Agra, India Parthanan Athens, Greece
Statue of Liberty New York, USA Wind Mill Kinder Dijk, Denmark
Great Wall China Kremlin Moscow, Russia
Leaning Tower Pisa, Italy Imperial Palace Tokyo, Japan

important art and culture

organisation of india
Institute Year of Head- National School 1959 New Delhi
Establishment quarters of Drama
Sangeet Natak 1953 New Delhi Archaeological 1861 New Delhi
Academy Survey of India
Indira Gandhi 1985 New Delhi National 1891 New Delhi
National Center Archives of India
for the Arts Asiatic Society 1784 Kolkata
Sahitya Akademi 1954 New Delhi Anthropological Kolkata
Lalit Kala 1954 New Delhi Survey of India

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important power plant/dam

Atomic Energy Commission was formed in August 8. Korba Thermal Power Plant
1948 and India's first industrial policy was also (Chhattisgarh): Thermal Power Plant is
implemented. located at Jamnipali in Korba district of
Chhattisgarh, this power plant is one of NTPC's
CURRENTLY OPERATING NUCLEAR POWER Korba super coal based power plants.
PLANTS 9. Sipat Thermal Power Plant (Chhattisgarh)
TT Narora (Uttar Pradesh) 10. Barauni Thermal Power Plant (Bihar)
TT Rawatbhata (Rajasthan) 11. Bokaro Thermal Power Plant (Jharkhand)
TT Tarapur (Maharashtra) 12. Ennore Thermal Power Plant (Tamil
TT Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu) Nadu)
TT Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu) 13. Neyveli Thermal Power Plant (Tamil
TT Kakrapar (Gujarat) Nadu)
TT Kaiga (Karnataka) 14. Tuticorin Thermal Power Plant (Tamil
Nadu) : Tuticorin Thermal Power Station
NUCLEAR PLANT UNDER CONSTRUCTION is a power plant located near the Newport of
TT Rawatbhata (Rajasthan) Thoothukudi on the coast of the Bay of Bengal
TT Kakrapar 3 & 4 (Gujarat) in southern India.
TT Kudankulam 3 & 4 (Tamil Nadu) 15. Durgapur Thermal Power Plant (West
TT Kalpakkam PFBR (Tamil Nadu)
16. Rihand Thermal Power Plant - Sonbhadra
TT More than 65% of electricity in India is 17. Anpara Thermal Power Plant (Uttar
generated from thermal power plants. The ten Pradesh)
largest thermal power stations in India are all 18. Simhadri Super Thermal Power Plant
coal operated. (Andhra Pradesh) : Simhadri Super Thermal
1. Mundra Thermal Power Plant (Gujarat): Power Plant is one of the coal based power
Mudra Thermal Power Station or Mudra plants of NTPC Visakhapatnam district of
Thermal Project is located at Mudra in Kutch Andhra Pradesh.
district in Gujarat. This power plant is one of 19. Vindhyachal and Satpura Thermal Power
the based power plants of Adani Power. Plant (Madhya Pradesh)
2. Sikka Thermal Power Plant (Gujarat) 20. Kota Thermal Power Plant, Kota
3. Vanakbori Thermal Power Plant (Gujarat) (Rajasthan) :Thermal Power Plant is the first
4. Ukai Thermal Power Plant on the banks of major coal based power plant in Rajasthan.
Tapti River (Gujarat) 21. Tiroda Thermal Power Plant
5. Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant (Maharashtra)
(Odisha): Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant 22. Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power Plant -
is a coal based thermal power project located Bathinda (Punjab)
at Kamalanga in Dhenkanal district in Odisha, 23. Indraprastha Thermal Plant (Delhi)
this power plant is one of the coal based power
24. Bellary Thermal Power Plant - Billari
plants of GMR Group.
6. Talcher Thermal Power Plant (Odisha)
25. Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station
7. Jharsuguda Thermal Power Plant
Singrauli (Madhya Pradesh)
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
MAJOR RIVER VALLEY PROJECT OF INDIA Bisalpur Dam Banas River Rajasthan
Dam Project River State Mahi Bajaj Mahi River Rajasthan
Tehri Dam Bhagirathi Uttarakhand Sagar
River Rana Pratap Chambal River Rajasthan
Hirakud Dam Mahanadi Odisha Sagar Dam
Sardar Sarovar Narmada River Gujarat Jawahar Sagar Chambal River Rajasthan
Dam Dam
Farakka Dam Hooghly River West Bengal Gandhi Sagar Chambal River Madhya
Project Dam Pradesh
Uri Dam Jhelum River Jammu and Indira Sagar Narmada River Madhya
Kashmir Dam Pradesh
Dul hasti dam Chenab River Jammu and Omkareshwar Narmada River Madhya
Kashmir Dam Project Pradesh
Salal Dam Chenab River Jammu and Ukai Dam Tapi River Gujarat
Project Kashmir Kakrapar Dam Tapi River Gujarat
Baglihar Dam Chenab River Jammu and Koyna dam Koena River Maharashtra
Krishna Raja Kaveri River Karnataka
Ranjit Sagar Ravi River Jammu and Sagar Dam
Dam (Thein Kashmir and
Sivasamudram Kaveri River Karnataka
Dam) Punjab
Dam Project
Bhakra Nangal Sutlej River Himachal
Almaty Dam Krishna River Karnataka
Dam Pradesh
And Punjab Tungabhadra Tungabhadra Karnataka
Dam River
Pong Dam Beas River Himachal
Pradesh Nagarjuna Krishna River Telangana
Sagar Dam
Nathpa Jhakri Sutlej River Himachal
Dam Pradesh Pochampad Godavari River Telangana
Dam (Shri
Dhauliganga Dhauli Ganga Uttarakhand Ram Sagar
Dam River Project)
Rani Laxmibai Betwa River Uttar Pradesh Srisailam Dam Krishna River Andhra
(Rajghat Dam) Pradesh
Matatila Dam Betwa River Uttar Pradesh Idukki Dam Periyar River Kerala
Maithon Dam Barakar River Jharkhand Mettur Dam Kaveri River Tamil Nadu
Tilaiya Dam Barakar River Jharkhand Dantiwada Banas River Gujarat
Panchet Dam Damodar River Jharkhand Dam
Mayurakshi Mayurakshi West Bengal Dhoari Dam Sabarmati Gujarad
Dam Project River Kadana Dam Mahi River Gujarat

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

the prime minister/president

of india
Prime Minister 3. Lal Bahadur 1 year, 216 9 June 1964
Shastri days to 11 January
TT In the constitution of India, the Prime Minister 1966
is mentioned in only four of its articles (74, 75, He played a
78 and 366) key role in
TT Prime Minister is the head of the cabinet. the white
TT Prime Minister is the executive head of the He gave the
state. famous slogan
TT He can suggest the president of India about the "JAI JAWAN
resignation or removed of any minister from his TAI KISAN'
cabinet. during Indo-
Pak war in
TT If the Prime Minister resigns from his post or
office, the cabinet stops functioning.
4. Gulzarilal 13 days
Name Duration Tenure Nanda
1. Jawahar Lal 16 years, 15 August
Nehru 286 days 1947 to 27
May 1964
He ensured
that every
child in the
country gets 5. Indira Gandhi 11 years, 24 January
free primiary 59 days 1966 to 24
education. March 1977
2. Gulzarilal 13 days 27 May 1964
Nanda to 9 June 1964
& India's
11 January decisive
1966 to 24 victory over
January 1966 Pak
Gulzari Lal
6. Morarji Desai 2 year, 126 24 March 1977
Nanda took
days to 28 July
over the
position was
after the He was the
Nehru death first non-
in the year congress
1964. Prime
Minister. He
did not face the

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
7. Charan Singh 170 days 28 July 1979 13. Atal Bihari 13 days 16 May 1996
to 14 January Vajpayee to 1 June 1996
1980 During
He was the his tenure
Chief architect as Prime
of land reform. Minister,
India carried
out the
8. Indira Gandhi 4 years, 14 January Pokhran II
291 days 1980 to 31 nuclear text in
October 1984 1998.
14. H. D. Deve 324 days 1 June 1996 to
Gowda 21 April 1997
He is credited
for providing
9. Rajiv Gandhi 5 years, 32 31 October closure and
days 1984 to 2 development
December of Delhi Metro
1989 project.
He was the 15. Indra Kumar 332 days 21 April 1997
youngest Gujral to 19 March
Prime 1998
Minister of I.K. Gujral
India. matters of
10. V. P. Singh 343 days 2 December discreation
1989 to 10 an auto -
November biography.
He belongs to 16. Atal Bihari 6 years, 64 19 March 1998
Janta Dal. Vajpayee days to 22 May

11. Chandra 223 days 10 November

Shekhar 1990 to 21
June 1991
He undertook
a padyatra 17. Manmohan 10 years, 4 22 May 2004
through the Singh days to 26 May
country from 2014
Kanyakumari As a finance
to Rajghat. minister, he
12. P. V. 4 years, 21 June 1991
licence policy.
Narasimha 330 days to 16 May
Rao 1996
He is known
for introducing
various liberal
to India's

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
18. Narendra Modi 26 May 2014 - 4. VV Giri 3 May 1969–20 July
Present 1969
He became 24 August 1969-24
the first prime August 1974
minister born
after india's
from British
empire in
1947. 5. Fakhruddin Ali 24 August 1974–11
Ahmad February 1977
TT The President of India is the Head of the state of
the Rupblic of India.
TT 52 : There shall be a President of India.
TT 53 : Executive Power of the union.
TT 54 : Election of President. 6. Neelam Sanjiv 25 July 1977-25 July
TT 55 : Manner of election of President. Reddy 1982
TT 56 : Term of Office of Resident.
TT 57 : Eligibility for re-election.
TT 58 : Qualification for election as President.
TT 59 : Conditions of President's office.
Name Tenure
1. Rajendra Prasad 13 May 1952 - 13 May 7. Giani Zail Singh 25 July 1982-25 July
1957 1987
13 May 1957 - 13 May

8. Ramaswamy 25 July 1987-25 July

Venkataraman 1992
2. Sarvepalli 13 May 1962-13 May
Radhakrishnan 1967

9. Shankar Dayal 25 July 1992-25 July

Sharma 1997
3. Zakir Hussain 13 May 1967 - 3 May

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
10. K. R. Narayanan 25 july 1997 - 25 july 13. Pranab 25 July 2012-25 July
2002 Mukherjee 2017

11. A.P.J. Abdul 25 July 2002 - 25 July

Kalam 2007
14. Ramnath Kovind 25 July 2017-24
July 2022

12. Pratibha Patil 25 July 2007-25 July

15. Dropada Murmu 25 July 2022 - till

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

intelligence/news agencies
of india
Intelligence Agencies Xinhua or New China News Agency China
Associated Press of America, America
Country Intelligence Agencies United Press International
India Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). IRNA Iran
Intelligence Bureau, Central Bureau Reuters Britain
of Investigation (C.B.I.)
APP, DAWN, Daily Mail, BBC, Pakistan
Russia K.G.B. (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy The Guardian
Bezopasnosti) G.R.U.
MENA Egypt
United Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
States of Federal Bureau of Investigation ANSA Italy
America (FBI) Arab News Agency (ANA) Arab
France DGSE (Director General De La DPA Germany
Securite Exterieure (General Agence France Presse France
Directorate for External Security)
Kyodo, Jiji Japan
Israel Mossad
ANTARA Indonesia
China Central External Liaison Department
A. A. P. (AAP) Australia
Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (I.S.I.)
WAFA Palestine
Iran Savak
ANP (ANP) Netherlands
Egypt Mukhabarat
Bernama Malaysia
United M.I. (Military Intelligence) - 5 & 6
Kingdom NAN Nigeria
Iraq Al Mukhabarat ITIM Israel
Spain CESID (Centro Superior de
Information de la Defensa) Documents
Germany BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst)
Blue book British Government Report
Japan Naicho
Green book Official reports or publications of
Canada Security Intelligence Service Italy and Iran
Cuba DGI (Director General of Intelligence) White book Official Reports of Portugal, China
South Bureau of State Security and Germany
Africa Orange Report of the Government of the
Australia Australian Security and Intelligence book Netherlands
Organization Yellow book Official Report of the Government of
News Agencies Grey book Official Reports of Belgium and
Names of News Agencies Country White Report of the Government of Britain
P.T.I., U. N. I, Univarta, Samachar India paper and India on a particular issue
Bharti, Indian News Service, Joint paper Joint Report of Two or More
Hindustan Samachar Governments
Novosti, Tass Russia
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Important articles
PART-1 UNION AND STATE TERRITORIES Article Right to free education for children in
Article 1 India is a union of states. 21A the age group of 6 to 14 years (86th 2002)
Article 2 Provision to include territory outside Article 22 Protection against arrest
the Indian Union.
Right Against Exploitation
Article 3 Power of Parliament to change the
territory, name and in any other way Article 23 Prohibition the trafficking of human
being began any similar form of forced
of a State.
PART 3: FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS (ARTICLES 12 Article 24 No child below the age of 14 years shall
TO 35 MAGNA CARTA) be employed to work in any factory
1. Right to Equality (Articles 14 to 18)
Right to Religious Freedom
2. Right to Freedom (Articles 19 to 22)
3. Right against exploitation (Articles 23-24) Article 25 Right to practice and propagate religion.
4. Religious Freedom (Articles 25 to 28) Article 26 Right to manage religion
5. Right to Education and culture (Article 29-30) Article 27 No person shall be compelled to pay
6. Right to property (Omitted by 44th, 1978). any tax or fee for the promotion or
7. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32) maintenance of any particular religion
or religious denomination.
Article 12 Definition of state
Article 28 Freedom to attend religious instruction
Article 13 Law inconsistent with the and worship
fundamental right shall not apply.
Culture and Educational Rights
Right to Equality
Article 29 Protection of Minority Interests
Article 14 Equality before the law . Article 30 Right to open Educational institution
Article 15 No discrimination on the basis of Article 32 Supreme Court issues writ for
religion, caste etc. protection of fundamental rights, Right
Article 16 Job equality. to constitutional remedies
Article 17 End of untouchability. PART 4 - DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE
Article 18 End of titles. POLICY
Right to Freedom Article 40 Organization of Village Panchayats

Article 19 Freedom of expression Article 44 Uniform Civil Code

1. Freedom of speech Article 45 Compulsory Education for Children
2. Freedom to assemble at one place
3. Freedom to form assembly and group Article 48A Environmental Protection
4. Freedom to roam Article 51 International Peace and Security
5. Residence in India
6. Right to Livelihood FUNDAMENTAL DUTY
Article 20 Protection in respect of criminal TT Fundamental Duties were included in Article
conviction 51A. on the constideration of Sardar Swarna
Singh Committee.
Article 21 Right to life

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
President of India Supreme Court
Article 52 Powers (Executive Power) Article 124 Constitution of Supreme Court
Article 54 Presidential Election Article 131 Original Jurisdiction
Article 56 Term of Office of the President Article 137 Judicial Review of Law

Article 60 Oath of the President Governor

Article 61 Impeachment Article 152 Definition
Article 72 Power of Pardon Article 153 There will be a Governor for the States
Article 85 Lok Sabha session, prorogation and Article 154 Power of Governor
dissolution Article 155 Appointment of Governer
Article 123 Issuing Ordinance Article 161 Pardon
Article 143 Advice on any matter by the President
to the Supreme Court
State Council of Ministers
Article 163 Council of Ministers
Vice President Article 164 Appointment of Chief Minister
Article 63 Vice President Article 165 Advocate General (State Government
Article 64 The Vice President will be the Counsel)
Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
State Legislature
Article 67 Term of Office
Article 168 Legislature
Union Council of Ministers Article 169 Formation and termination of the
Legislative Council
Article 74 The Council of Ministers, Headed
by the Prime Minister, to assist the High Court
Article 214 Constitute of a High Court
Article 78 Obligations of the Prime Minister to
Article 226 Writ for Protection of Fundamental
inform the President Rights
Constitutional Posts and Bodies Centre-State Relations
Article 76 Attorney General of India Article 249 Provision for Parliament to legislate on
the State List
Article 148 Comptroller and Auditor General
of India (Accounts of Government Article 262 River Water Dispute
Expenditure) Article 263 Interstate Council
Article 280 Finance Commission Article 266 Consolidated Funds
Article 315 UPSC Article 267 Emergency Fund
Article 324 Election Commission
Reservation in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Parliament Article 330 SC/ST reservation in Lok Sabha
Article 79 To Constitute of Parliament Article 332 SC/ST Reservation in State
Article 80 Composition of Rajya Sabha
Article 335 SC/ST reservation in service and
Article 81 Composition of Lok Sabha post
Article 89 Chairman of Rajya Sabha Article 338-338A SC Commission / ST Commission
Article 93 Speaker of the Lok Sabha Article 338B Backward Classes Commission
Article 100 Right to vote in case of equality of (103rd Amendment, 2018)
votes on a bill Article 343 India's official language and sc
Article 105 Special Power of Parliament Article 243A to O Village Panchayat
Article 108 Joint Session Emergency Provision
Article 110 Money Bill (Decision on the Bill by the Article 352 National Emergency
Speaker of the Lok Sabha)
Article 356 President's rule (When the constitutional
Article 112 Annual Financial Statement machinery fails)
Article 117 Finance Bill Article 360 Financial Emergency
Article 368 Constitutional Amendment
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous industries/navratan/
maharatna companies
Maharatna Companies Navratna Companies

Eligibility Criteria for Grant of Maharatna Eligibility Criteria for Grant of Navratna
Status Status
TT The company should be listed on the stock TT Companies with Navratna status can take
market. decisions on investment proposals up to Rs 1000
TT The average annual turnover of the company crore without the prior approval of the Central
in the last three years should be more than Government.
Rs.25000 crores. TT The company should have been in profit
TT During this period the company should have continuously for the last three years.
earned an average net profit of Rs.5000 crores. TT To be considered for Navratna status, a score
TT The company should have Navratna status. of 60 out of 100 is required based on various
TT There are 12 Maharatna companies in India. parameters.
TT There are 13 Navratna companies and 73 Mini
Company Year Ratna companies in India.
Bharat Heavy Electricals 1964 New Delhi Company Year Head quarter
Limited Hindustan Aeronautics 1940 Bangalore
Bharat Petroleum 1952 Mumbai Limited)
Corporation Limited Bharat Electronics 1954 Bangalore
Coal India Limited 1975 Kolkatta Limited
Gas Authority India Limited 1984 New Delhi National Aluminium 1981 Odisha
Company Limited
Hindustan Petroleum 1974 Mumbai
Corporation Limited Neyveli Lignite 1956 Chennai
Corporation Limited
Indian Oil Corporation 1859 New Delhi
Limited Engineers India 1965 New Delhi
National Thermal Power 1975 New Delhi
Corporation Limited Oil India Limited 1959 Noida
Oil and Natural Gas 1956 Dehradun Rashtriya Ispat Nigam 1982 Visakhapatnam
Corporation Limited Limited
Steel Authority of India 1954 New Delhi Container Corporation 1986 New Delhi
Limited of India Limited
Power Grid Corporation of 1989 Gurugram Mahanagar Telephone 1986 New Delhi
India Limited Nigam Limited
Power Finance Corporation 1986 New Delhi National Buildings 1960 New Delhi
Rural Electrification 1969 New Delhi Corporation Limited
Corporation Limited

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
National Mineral 1958 Hyderabad Badaun Zari -Zardozi
Development Pilibhit Flutes & Wood Products
Corporation Limited
Shahjahanpur Zari - Zardozi
Shipping Corporation 1950 Mumbai
of India Limited Sant Kabir Nagar Brassware Craft
Rail Vikas Nigam 2003 New Delhi Siddharthnagar Food Processing (Rice
Limited and Black Salt)
Chitrakoot Wooden Toys
Miniratna Companies Bandha Shazar Stone Craft
Mahoba Gaura Stone Craft
TT This scheme was started in 1997.
Hamirpur Shoes
TT Presently the number of Miniratna companies
Gonda Food Processing (Pulse)
is 73.
TT Airport Authority of India, Cochin Shipyard Bahraich Wheat Stalk
Limited, Hindustan Copper Limited, Mishra (Handicraft) and Food
Dhatu Nigam Limited etc. are Mini Ratna Processing
companies. Balrampur Food Processing (Pulse)
TT Total 62 companies are in Maniratna Category-1 Faizabad (Ayodhya) Jaggery
and 11 companies in Category-2 Barabanki Scarves (Textile
ONE DISTRICT ONE PRODUCT SCHEME Ambedkar Nagar Tanda Terracotta
Textile Products
TT This scheme was launched on 24 January 2018.
Every district in the state has its own special Amethi Moonj Products
product for which it is famous. The details of Sultanpur Moonj Products
all the districts along with the products are as Gorakhpur Terracotta &
follows. Readymade Garments
District Production Kushinagar Artifacts and Products
Agra Leather made of Banana
Firozabad Glass Bangles Deoria Plastic Doors and
Mathura Sanitary Fitting Decorative Products

Mainpuri Tarkashi Art Maharajganj Furniture

Aligarh Locks and Hardware Jhansi Soft Toys

Hathras Asafoetida processing Jalaun Handmade Paper Art

Etah Bells and Brass Lalitpur Hosiery/Zari Silk Saree

Products & Food Processing

Kashganj Zari and Zardozi Kanpur Nagar Leather Products

Allahabad (Prayagraj) Moonj Products & Food Etawah Textile Industry and
Processing Sewing and Embroidery

Pratapgarh Food Processing (Amla) Aurea Desi ghee

Kaushambi Food Processing Farrukhabad Block Printing (Textile

(Bananas) Printing)

Azamgarh Black Pottery Kannauj Perfume

Ballia Bindi Products Unnao Zari (Zardozi) and

Leather Products
Mau Power loom (Textile
Products) Rae Bareli Woodcraft

Bareilly Zari Work & Bass Sitapur Carpet (Dari)

Products Lakhimpurkheri Tribal Craft

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Hardoi Handloom Products Sambhal Horn and Bone
Meerut Sports Equipments Handicrafts
Baghpat Handloom & Home Mirzapur Rugs and Carpets
Furnishing Sonbhadra Carpets
Ghaziabad Engineering Goods Bhadohi Rugs and Carpets
Bulandshahr Ceramic Products Saharanpur Wooden Work
Gautam Buddha Nagar Readymade Garments Muzaffarnagar Jaggery
Hapur Home Furnishing Shamli Hub and Axle (Iron Art)
Moradabad Metal Craft Varanasi Silk Products (Banarasi
Rampur Zari Patch Work and Saree)
Applique Work Ghazipur Jute Wall Hangings
Bijnor Wood Craft Jaunpur Woolen Carpets (Dari)
Amroha Musical Instruments Chandauli Zari Zardozi and Black

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

gi tag
Production State Terracotta Gorakhpur
Araku Coffee Andhra Pradesh Kanyakumari Long Tamil nadu
Erode Turmeric Tamil Nadu Jeera phoal Rice Chhattisgarh
Green turmeric Maharashtra Black rice (chak hao) Manipur
Alphonso mango Maharashtra Idu Mishmi Textile Arunachal Pradesh
Warangal dhurries Telangana Willow cricket bat Jammu and Kashmir
Banarasi saree Banaras Gucchi Mushroom Jammu and Kashmir
Silk saree Tamil Nadu Naga Cucumber Nagaland
Rasogalla West Bengal Myndoli Banana Goa
Chhau mask West Bengal Sojat Mehndi Rajasthan
Govindo Bhog Rice West Bengal Jardalu Mango Bihar
Kandhamal Turmeric Odisha Kadaknath Chicken Madhya Pradesh
Coorg Arabica Coffee Karnataka

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

changed name
Old Name Changed Name Habibganj Railway Rani Kamalapati
Rajpath (Delhi) Kartavya Path Station (Madhya Railway Station
The Institute of Defence Manohar Parrikar
Studies and Analysis Institute for Defence Chhindwara University Raja Shankar Shah
(Delhi) Studies and Analysis (Madhya Pradesh) University

Mahakal Corridor Shri Mahakal Lok Kevadia Railway Station Ekta Nagar Railway
(Ujjain) (Gujarat) Station

Faizabad Cantt Ayodhya Cantt Motera Stadium Narendra Modi Stadium

(Ahmedabad. Gujarat)
Manduadih Railway Banaras Junction
Station (Uttar Pradesh) Jawaharlal Nehru Road Narendra Modi Marg
Mainpuri Sainik School General Bipin Rawat
(Uttar Pradesh) Sainik School Bihar Makhana Mithila Makhana

Jhansi Junction Railway Virangana Laxmibai Jim Corbett National Ramganga National
Station (Uttar Pradesh) Railway Station Park Park

Faizabad Railway Ayodhya Cantt Tata Sky Tata Play

Station (Uttar Pradesh) Point 5140 (Drass Sector) Gun Hill
Kibithu Military Camp Bipin Rawat Military Lok Sabha-Rajya Sabha Sansad TV
(Arunachal Pradesh) Garrison TV
Chandigarh Airport Shaheed Bhagat Singh Kakori Kand Kakori Train Action
International Airport Ruchi Soya Industries Patanjali Foods Limited
Chipi Airport Barrister Nath Pai Rajiv Gandhi Orang Orang National Park
(Maharashtra) Airport National Park (Assam)
Daulatabad Fort Devagiri Fort Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Major Dhyanchand Khel
(Maharashtra) Award Ratna Award
Aurangabad District Sambhaji Nagar Human resource Ministry of Education
(Maharashtra) development ministry
Army Sports Institute Neeraj Chopra Stadium Foreign service institute Sushma Swaraj Institute
(Pune) of Foreign Service
National Rail and Gati Shakti University Railway protection force Indian Railway
Transportation Institute Protection Force Service
The word 'Harijan' Dr. Ambedkar (By the Chenani Nashri Tunnel Dr. Shyama Prasad
Government of Delhi) Mukherjee Tunnel
Shivpuri Gram Kundeshwar Dham Wheeler Island APJ Abdul Kalam Island
Havelock Island / Neil Swaraj Dweep / Shahid
Miyan Ka Bada Railway Mahesh Nagar Halt Island Dweep
Station (Rajasthan)
Ross Island Netaji Subhash Chandra
Hoshangabad / Shivpuri / Narmadapuram / Bose Island
Babai (Madhya Pradesh) Kundeshwar Dham /
Makhan Nagar Leicester Cricket Ground Sunil Gavaskar Cricket
(England) Ground
Patalpani Railway Tantya Mama Railway
Station (Indore) Station

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important committees
Committee Workspace Vijay Kelkar Committee To Evaluate the PPP
Pinto Committee The Shipping Industry Model
Sarkaria Committee Center and State Sukhmoy Chakraborty Rethinking the
Relations Committee Monetary System
Narasimham Banking Reform Tarapore Committee Convertibility of Capital
Committee Account
Swaminathan Population Policy Saptarishi Samiti For the Development
Committee of Indigenous Tea
Mahajan Samiti Sugar Industry
VS Vyas Committee Agriculture and Rural
Dantwala Committee Unemployment
Credit Expansion
Meera Seth Committee Development of
Janki Raman Securities Scam
Shankarlal Guru Agricultural Marketing
Rangarajan Committee Balance of Payments
Mahalanobis National Income
Raja Chalaiya Tax Reform
Kanjuru Committee Rail Safety
Verma Committee Restructuring Weak
Malhotra Committee Insurance Sector Bank
Abid Hussain Small Industry
Gyan Prakash Sugar Scam Committee
Bhandari Committee Restructuring of
Sen Gupta Committee Educated Regional Rural Banks
Wanchoo Committee Direct Tax
Chandrasekaran Shares
Khusro Committee Agrarian Reform
Rakesh Mohan Based Infrastructure
Tendulkar Committee For Estimation of
Committee Financing
Population Below
Poverty Line Satyam Committee Clothing Policy
Rekhi Committee Indirect Tax Malegaon Committee Primary Capital Market
Goiporia Committee Banking Service Reform

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important revolutions
and their father
White revolution Milk Production Golden Revolution Fruit Production
Father of White Verghese Kurien Maize Revolution Production of Coarse
Revolution Grains
Green Revolution Food Production Paramani Revolution Okra Production
Father of Pink Durgesh Patel Round Revolution Potatoes
Revolution Silver Fiber Revolution Cotton
Father of Blue Dr. Arun Krishnan Golden Fiber Revolution Jute
Green Gold Revolution Bamboo Production
Father of Silver Indira Gandhi
Golden Revolution Honey from Orchard
White Gold Revolution Cotton Production
Father of Induced Pro. Harilal Chowdhary
(Third Revolution)
Amrit Kranti River Link Project
Father of Yellow Sam Pitroda
Revolution Sunrise Revolution Development of
Electronic Industry
Father of Golden Nirpakh Tutej
Revolution Ganga Revolution To Spread awareness
Against Corruption
Brown Revolution Cement, Fertilizer, and
wool production Evergreen Revolution Biotechnologically
Silver Revolution From Egg Production Gray Revolution Production of Fertilizers
Father of Red Vishal Tewari Khaki Revolution Leather Production
Revolution Food Chain Revolution Doubling the Income of
Pink Revolution Lobster Production Indian Farmers by 2020
Blue Revolution Fish Production NH Revolution The Golden
Quadrilateral Plan
Black Revolution Petroleum Production
Father of Protein Prime Minister
Evergreen Revolution Overall Development of
Revolution Narendra Modi and
Arun Jaitley
Yellow Revolution Oilseeds, oil seeds,
Rainbow Revolution Overall Agriculture
edible oils, especially
Sector Development
from mustard and
sunflower Food Chain Revolution Protecting Food Grains/
Vegetables/ Fruits from
Green Gold Revolution Tea Production
Krishna Revolution Biodiesel Production
Father of Green M. S. Swaminathan
Red Revolution Tomato/Meat Revolution (India)
Saffron Revolution Saffron Production

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important inventions and

their inventors
Inventions Inventor/ Discoverer Phone Graham Bell
Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin Motorcar (manufacture) Henry Ford
Script for the Blind Louis Braille Microphone Alexander Graham Bell
Laws of heredity Person Gregor John Mendel Discovery of x-rays W.C. Roentgen
Lightning-conductor Benjamin Franklin Telescope Galileo
Radio and Wireless G. Marconi Thermos flask James Dewar
Telegraphy Typography Gutenberg
Atomic structure Bore/ Rutherford Nuclear reactor E. Fermi
Genetic code and Hargobind Khurana Gramophone, electric Thomas Alva Edison
artificial genes bulb
Television (mechanical) J.L. Baired Bicycle K. Macmillan
Periodic table Mendeleev Raman effect C.V. Raman
Electron J.J. Thomson Gun manufacturer Samuel Colt
Transistor William Shockley, John Film (with music) Lee De Forest
Bardeen and Walter
Burton Safety lamp Humphrey Davy
Barometer E. Torricelli Dynamo Michael Faraday
Radar Robert Watson Watt Cosmic rays Victor Hess
Aircraft Wright Brothers Penicillin Alexander Fleming
Proton Goldstein/ Rutherford Quantum theory Max Planck
Fountain pen Lewis Waterman Discovery of radium Madame Curie and
Pierre Curie
Theory of relativity Albert Einstein
Fission of uranium Autohan
Neutrons James Chadwick (atomic bomb)
Theory of Gravitation, Newton Dynamite Alfred Nobel
Laws of Motion
Oxygen J. Priestley
Automobile Carl Breve

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous political parties

and their symbols
TT There are 6 national parties in India. Whose list Aam Aadmi AAP 2 Oct.
is as follows. Party 2012
Shorcut Party
Party Name Year
Name Symbol Party Name Leader
Indian INC 1885 Indian National Mallikarjun Kharge
National Congress
Bharatiya Janata Party J P Nadda
Communist Party of Sitaram Yechury
India (Marxist)
Bharatiya BJP 1980
Janta Party Bahujan Samaj Party Mayawati Prabhu Das
Aam Aadmi Party Arvind Kajriwal

TT There are 56 state recognized parties in India.


Party of India TT Samajwadi Party - Uttar Pradesh
TT Bahujan Samajwadi Party - Uttar Pradesh
TT AIADMK - Tamil Nadu
Bahujan BSP 1984 TT DMK - Tamil Nadu
Samaj Party
TT Biju Janta Dal - Odisha
TT Jhamumo - Jharkhand
National NPP 2013 TT Akali Dal - Punjab
Peoples Party
TT Nationalist Congress Party - Maharashtra
TT TMC - West Bengal

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

indian famous religious, social

and national movement
Institutions Year Founded by Indian Association 1876 Anand Mohan
Brahmo Samaj 1828 Raja Ram Mohan Bose, Surendranath
Roy Banerjee
Arya Samaj 1875 Swami Dayanand Indian National 1885 A. O. Hume
Saraswati Congress
Ram Krishna 1897 Swami Vivekanand Sharda Sadan 1889 Rama Bai
Mission Abhinav Bharat 1904 Vinayak Damodar
Pranthana Samaj 1867 M.G. Ranade, Sanstha Savarkar
Atmaram Servants of India 1905 Gopal Krishna
Pandurang Society Gokhale
Ved Samaj 1864 Acharya Muslim League 1906 Aga Khan and Salim
Keshavchandra Sen Ullah
Sathyashodhak 1873 Jyotiba Phule Hindu Mahasabha 1915 Madan Mohan
Samaj Malviya
Asiatic Society 1784 William Jones Visva Bharati 1912 Rabindra Nath
Theosophical 1875 Madame Blavatsky Thakur
Society Home Rule League 1916 Tilak and Annie
Atmiya Sabha 1815 Raja Ram Mohan Besant
Roy Ghadar Party 1913 Lala Hardayal,
Vedanta College 1825 Raja Ram Mohan Kashiram
Roy Swaraj Party 1923 Motilal Nehru and
Young Bengal 1826 Henry Louis Vivian Chittaranjan Das
Movement Derozio Khilafat Movement 1919 Ali Brothers
Tatvabodhini 1839 Devendranath
Sabha Thakur
British Public 1843 Dadabhai Naoroji
Meeting Words and Slogans Name
Paramhans 1848 Gopal Jana gana mana Rabindra Nath
Mandali Harideshmukh Thakur
Aligarh 1875 Sir Syed Ahmed 'Saare Jahan Se Accha Iqbal
Mohammedan Khan Hindustan Hamara
Anglo Oriental Swaraj is our birthright. Bal Gangadhar
College Tilak
East Indian 1866 Dadabhai Naoroji Inkalab Jindabad Bhagat Singh
Samrajyavad Ka Nash Ho Bhagat Singh
Poona Sarvjanik 1867 M.G. Ranade
Sabha Jai Hind Subhash Chandra
Forward Block 1939 Subhash Chandra Bose

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Tum mujhe khoon do main Subhash Chandra TITLE, RECIPIENT AND DONOR
tumhe azadi dunga [you Bose Title The Donor
give me blood I will give you Recipient
Netaji Subhash Adolf Hitler
Delhi chalo Subhash Chandra Chandra Bose
Mahatma Mahatma Rabindranath
Do or die, Hey ram, Bharat Mahatma Gandhi Gandhi Tagore
Father of the Mahatma Subhash
Simon commission go back Lala Lajpat Rai Nation Gandhi Chandra Bose
Who lives if india dies Jawaharlal Nehru Sardar Vallabh Bhai Bardoli Ladies
Back to vedas Swami Dayanand Patel
Deshratna Dr. Rajendra Mahatma
No Tax Sardar Vallabhai Prasad Gandhi
Gurudev Rabindranath Mahatma
Jai Jawan Jai Kishan Lal Bahadur Tagore Gandhi
National Subhash Rabindranath
Vande Mataram Bankimchandra Leader Chandra Bose Tagore
Chatterjee Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Mahatma
Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab Ram Prasad Ali Jinnah Gandhi
hamare dil mein hai Bismil Vivekananda Raja Ram Maharaja
Mohan Roy Khetri
Maro firangi ko Mangal Pandey
Raja Swami Akbar II
Sampoorna Kranti Jai Prakash Vivekanand
Vijayi Vishwa Tiranga Shyam Lal Gupta

Session Year Place President Specific
First 1885 Bombay Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee 72 delegates attended
Second 1886 Calcutta Dadabhai Naoroji —
Third 1887 Madras Badruddin Tayyabji First Muslim president
Fourth 1888 Allahabad George Yule First English president
Twelfth 1896 Calcutta Rahim-tullah Sayani "Vande Mataram was sung for
the first time"
Twenty second 1906 Calcutta Dadabhai Naoroji Use of the word 'Swaraj' for
the first time
Twenty third 1907 Surat Rasbihari Ghosh First split of congress
Twenty fourth 1908 Madras Rasbihari Ghosh Congress Constitution was
Twenty seventh 1911 Calcutta Pt. BishanNarayan Dhar Jana Gana mana was sung for
the first time
Thirty one 1915 Bombay Sir Satyender Prasanna Sinha Governer Gernal Wellington
Thirty second 1916 Lucknow Ambikacharan Mazumdar Pact with Muslim League
Thirty third 1917 Calcutta Mrs. Annie Besant First Female President
Fortieth 1924 Belgam Mahatma Gandhi –

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Forty one 1925 Kanpur Mrs. Sarojini Naidu First Indian woman president
Fifty fifth 1946 Meerut Acharya J. B. kriplani President at the time of


Major War Year Result CAPITALS
Battle of 1194 Muhammad Ghori Dynasty Founded by Capital
Chandawar AD defeated Jaichand. Maurya Chandra Gupta Patna
Battle of 1527 Babur defeated Rana
Nanda Mahapadma Patna
Khanwa AD Sanga.
Dynasty nanda
First Battle of 1191 Prithviraj defeated Haryanka Bimbisara Royal House
Tarain AD Muhammad Ghori. Dynasty
Kushan Kujula Purushpur
Second Battle 1192 Muhammad Ghori
Dynasty Kadphises
of Tarain AD defeated Prithviraj.
Shishunag Shishunag Vaishali
Battle of 1528 Babur defeated Medini Dynasty
Chanderi AD Rai. Chauhan Vasudev Ajmer
First Battle of 1526 Babur defeated Ibrahim Dynasty
Panipat AD Lodi. Sunga Pushyamitra Patna
Dynasty Sunga
Battle of 1565 Decline of the Hun Dynasty Torman Sialkot
Talikota AD Vijayanagara Empire
Chalukyas Tailap-II Manyakhet /
Battle of 1774 – (Kalyani) Kalyan
Ruhela AD
Satavahana Simuk Pratisthan
Battle of 1529 Babur defeated the
Ghaghra AD Afghans. Gupta Dynasty Srigupt Pataliputra
Battle of 1539 Sher Shah defeated Chola Dynasty Vijayalaya Tanjore
Chausa AD Humayun.
Pal Dynasty Gopal Munger
Battle of 1764 The British defeated
Buxar AD Mirkasim. Kakatiya Rudradeva - I Warangal
Battle of 1540 Sher Shah defeated
Kannauj AD Humayun. Gurjar Nagbhatta I Kannauj
Battle of 1576 Akbar defeated
Rashtrakutas Dantidurga Manyakhet
Haldighati AD Maharana Pratap
Chalukyas Jaisingh I Vatapi
Battle of 1757 The British defeated
Plassey AD Sirajuddaulah.
Chalukyas Vishnuvardhan Vengi
Battle of 1760 Defeat of the French (Vengi)
Vandiwas AD Hoysala Vishnuvardhan Dwar
Third Battle 1761 Ahmad Shah Abdali Dynasty Samundra
of Panipat AD defeated the Marathas. Kadamba Mayur Vanvasi
Dynasty Sherman

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Parmar Upendra Dhara Nagri Tughlaq Ghiyasuddin Delhi
Dynasty Dynasty Tughlaq
Gahadwal Chandradev Kannauj Lodi Dynasty Bahlol Lodi Delhi
Khilji Dynasty Jalaluddin Delhi
Gang Dynasty Brajhasta Kuvlal and
Pancham Talkad
Bahmani Hasan Gangu Gulbarga
Chandela Nunnuk Khajuraho /
Dynasty (Bidar)
Dynasty Maho
Qutb Shahi Coolie Golconda
Sangam Harihara and Vijayanagar
Dynasty Qutubshah
Dynasty Bukka
Adilshahi Adilshah Bijapur
Tuluva Veer Vijayanagar
Dynasty Narasimha
Baridshahi Amirali Barid Bidar
Sayyid Khizr Khan Delhi
Dynasty Mughal Babar Delhi / Agra
Slave Dynasty Qutbuddin Delhi Dynasty
Saluv Dynasty Narasimha Vijayanagar

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

mineral resources
PRODUCING STATES Gypsum (used in fertilizers, Rajasthan
Mineral/Metal State plaster of paris etc.)
Coal Jharkhand Rock salt Himachal Pradesh
Natural gas Assam Mica Andhra Pradesh
Raw iron Odisha Limestone Andhra Pradesh
Bauxite (aluminum ore) Odisha Diamond Madhya Pradesh
Manganese Odisha Copper ore Madhya Pradesh
Chromite (chromium ore) Odisha Gold Karnataka
Crude oil Rajasthan Corundum (source of ruby, Maharashtra
Lead and zinc Rajasthan
Calcite (source of marble) Rajasthan

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

first in the world, largest/

smallest in india
FIRST IN INDIA (WOMEN) First woman awarded with Mrs. Indira Gandhi
First woman ruler of India. Razia Sultan 'Bharat Ratna' (1971)
Female president Pratibha Devi First woman to get Ashoka Neerja Bhanot
Singh Patil Chakra
Woman prime minister Indira Gandhi First woman to win an oscar Bhanu Athaiya
(1966–77) First Indian woman to cross Aarti Saha
Speaker Meera Kumar the English Channel
First woman Secretary Snehlata First woman to reach the Bachendri Pal
General of Lok Sabha Srivastava summit of Everest (1984)
Central minister Rajkumari Amrit First woman to climb Santosh Yadav
Kaur Everest twice in a row
Member of parliament Radhabai First woman to become Miss Rita Faria
Subarayan 'Miss World' (1966)
Governor Sarojini Naidu First woman to become Sushmita Sen
(Uttar Pradesh) 'Miss Universe' (1994)
First woman chief minister Sucheta Kriplani First female mayor Tara Cherian
(Uttar Pradesh) (Chennai)
First woman chairman of Rose Million First female graduate Kamini Roy (1886
UPSC Bathue (distinction) AD)
First woman judge of Mira Sahib Fatima First female graduate Kadambini
Supreme Court Bibi (1989) Ganguly and
First woman Chief Justice Leela Seth
of High Court (Himachal Pradesh)
First female surgeon Dr. Prema
Country's first woman Anna Chandy
sessions judge (Kerala)
First woman driver of Harita Kaur Dayal
India's first woman IAS Anna George
Indian Railways
India's first woman I.P.S. Kiran Bedi (1972)
First woman pilot in air Surekha Shankar
First Indian woman to Mother Teresa force Yadav
receive Nobel Prize (1979)
First woman lieutenant Puneet Arora
First Indian Ambassador to Vijayalakshmi general
the United Nations Pandit
First woman air vice P. Bandopadhyay
First woman to win a medal Karnam Malleswari marshal
in the Olympics (2000)
First woman chairperson of Sushma Chawla
First woman congress Dr. Annie Besant Indian Airlines
president (1917)
First woman to win gold Kamaljit Sandhu
First woman to get Jnanpith Ashapurna Dev medal in Asian Games
First woman to win gold Vinesh Phogat
First woman to get Arjuna L. Lumsden medal in Asiad
Award (hockey) (1961)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
W.T.A. First woman to win Sania Mirza First Muslim President of Dr. Zakir Hussain
tennis tournament India
First woman to participate Mary Leela Rao First Vice President of Dr. Sarvepalli
in olympic games India Radhakrishnan
First woman to reach PT Usha First prime minister of Pt. Jawaharlal
an Olympic final in an india Nehru
individual track event First Deputy Prime Sardar Vallabh Bhai
First woman to win a bronze Mary Kom (2012 Minister and Home Patel
medal in boxing (women) at London Olympics) Minister of India
the Olympics First education minister Abul Kalam Azad
First woman to win bronze Sakshi Malik (2016 of india
medal in Olympic women's Rio Olympics) The first minister to resign Shyama Prasad
wrestling from the Union Cabinet of Mukherjee (1950)
First woman to qualify for Deepa Karmakar India
an Olympic gymnastics First Commander-in- General Cariappa
event Chief of Independent
The first woman to win a P .V Sindhu India
silver medal in Olympic First field marshal General Manik Shan
badminton (women) and
India's first Chief of the Air Marshal S.
the first woman to win
Air Staff Mukherjee
the women's singles title
at the World Badminton First chief of air staff Air Marshal Sir
Championships Thomas Amherst
First woman to win Saina Nehwal First Chief of Army Staff General M. Rajendra
bronze medal in Olympic Singh
Badminton (Women) India's first Chief of the Vice Admiral R.D.
First Indian woman to Nita Ambani Naval Staff Dagger
become a member of the First Chief Justice of India Hiralal J. kania
International Olympic First Speaker of Lok Ganesh Vasudev
Committee Sabha Mavalankar
First woman to swim across Bula Chaudhary First Election Sukumar Sen
the seven major oceans Commissioner of India
First woman Secretary B.S. Ramadevi Born in independent India Justice Sarosh Homi
General of Rajya Sabha (29 September 1947) First Kapadia
First female film actress Nargis Dutt Justice of India
to be nominated to Rajya First Indian Judge Dr. Nagendra Singh
Sabha (President) in the
FIRST IN INDIA (MALE) International Court of
First and last (Indian) Chakravati
First President of Indian Womesh Chandra
Governor General of Rajagopalachari
National Congress Banerjee
independent India
First Muslim President of Badruddin Tayyabji
First Governor General of Lord Mountbatten
Indian National Congress
independent India
The first person to Hasrat Mohani
First Governor General of Lord William Bentick
move the proposal of
independence of India in
Last Governor General Lord Canning the convention of National
and First Viceroy of India Congress
Last viceroy of india Lord Mountbatten First Indian to receive Rabindranath
Lirst president of india Dr. Rajendra Prasad Nobel Prize Tagore

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
India's first Nobel Prize CV Raman (Physics) Highest battlefield Siachen Glacier Region)
winning scientist Longest railway Gorakhpur (North (1.3
First Indian to get Acharya Vinoba platform km)
Magsaysay Award Bhave Most populous city Mumbai (Maharashtra)
First Indian to receive Saifuddin Kichlew State with most urban Maharashtra
Stalin Prize area
First Indian to win Globe A. R. Rehman State with the Longest Gujarat
Award coastline
First Indian to receive Dr. Sarvepalli Largest freshwater lake Wular Lake (Jammu
Bharat Ratna Award Radhakrishnan and Kashmir)
First foreigner to be Khan Abdul Gaffar Largest brackish water Chilka Lake (Odisha)
awarded Bharat Ratna Khan lake
Jnanpith honored first Sri Shankar Kurup Largest artificial lake Govind Ballabh Pant
person Sagar
LARGEST, LONGEST AND HIGHEST IN INDIA Longest tributary of Yamuna River
India's highest Param Vir Chakra
gallantry award (1954) Longest river of south Godavari
India's highest honor Bharat Ratna (1954)
Deepest river valley Bhagirathi and
Longest road bridge Bhupen Hazarika Setu Alaknanda
Biggest lever bridge Howrah Bridge The state of South Andhra Pradesh (1100
(Kolkata) India with the longest km)
Longest Dam (26 km) Hirakud Dam (Odisha) coastline
Highest dam Tehri Dam Longest beach Marina Beach
(Uttarakhand) (Chennai)
Longest road Grand Trunk Road Most diverted river Kosi River
Largest desert Thar Largest river that does Narmada and Tapi
Tallest statue Statue of Unity not form a delta
(Gujarat) Largest river island Majuli (Brahmaputra
Tallest tower Qutub Minar (Delhi) River, Assam)
Top door Buland Darwaza FIRST IN THE WORLD
The biggest dome Gol Gumbaz
World's first religion Judaism religion
Biggest gurudwara Golden Temple,
World's first university Taxila University (800
Largest cathedral Saint's Cathedral (Goa)
First person to reach Sherpa Tenzing (India)
Largest museum Kolkata Museum the summit of everest and Sir Edmund Hillary
Biggest cattle fair Sonpur (Bihar) (New Zealand)
Longest rail route Dibrugarh to First man in space Major Yuri Gagarin
Kanyakumari (Russia)
Largest natural harbor Mumbai (Maharashtra) First man to land on the Neil Armstrong (USA)
Longest national National Highway no.
highway 44 First man in space Alexey Lenovo (Russia)
Longest river The River Ganges First space shuttle Colombia
Longest canal Indira Gandhi Canal First woman in space Valentina Tereshkova
(Rajasthan) (Russia)
Place with highest Mawsynram
rainfall (Meghalaya)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
First country to launch Russia First country to make Prasha
artificial satellite into education compulsory
space Country that won the Uruguay
First woman to climb Juko Tebai (Japan) first football world cup
everest first country to make United States of
Oldest person to climb Richard Wass constitution America
Everest The venue of the first Belgrade
First woman to reach Caroline Mickelson conference of the Non-
the continent of Aligned Movement
Antarctica First European to reach Marcopolo
First country to print China China
books Aeronaut Wright brothers
First country to issue China First person to sail Ferdinand Magellan
paper currency around the world
First woman to swim Gertrude Adderle First country to send United States of
across the English man to moon America
The first country to host Greece
First woman president Vijayalakshmi Pandit the modern Olympic
of the United Nations Games
General Assembly
The first city on which Hiroshima (Japan)
First country to start China the atomic bomb was
civil service competition dropped
First President of the George Washington Country with the most India
United States livestock
First prime minister of Robert Walpole First European to Sikandar
britain invade India
First woman president Maria Estela Rajabel First person to map the Aneximander
of any country in the (Argentina) earth
First Asian man to win Arthur Ash
First queen of britain Jane Wimbledon trophy
First woman prime Margaret Thatcher
minister of england INTERNATIONAL BORDERS
First woman prime S. Bandaranaike (Sri Radcliffe Line (4096) India and Pakistan
minister of any country Lanka) Durand Line Pakistan and
in the world Afghanistan
First President of the Dr. Sanyat Sen McMahon Line (3488) India and China
Republic of China
Maginot Line Germany and France
First woman prime Benazir Bhutto
Hindenburg Line Germany and Poland
minister of a muslim (Pakistan)
country 38th Parallel Line North Korea and South
First Governor General Mohammad Ali Jinnah
of Pakistan Mannerheim Line Russia and Finland
First Secretary General Trygbeli (Norway) 49th Parallel Line USA and Canada
of the United Nations

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

TT Bihar : 1106 Person/sq km LITERACY RATE
TT West Bengal : 1028 Person/ TT Rajasthan
TT Overall Density in India 382 Person/sq km
MINIMUM POPULATION DENSITY (SQ KM) TT Census in India started in 1872 during the
TT Arunachal Pradesh - 17 Persons/sq km tenure of Lord Mayo.
TT Mizoram - 52 Person/sq km TT Regular census was started from 1881.
TT The credit for conducting the first census in the
HIGHEST POPULATION DENSITY UNION world goes to Sweden (1749).
TERRITORIES TT The highest authority of census regulation is
TT Delhi - 11320 persons/sq km Register General and Cencus Commissioner.
TT Andaman and Nicobar - 46 persons/sq km TT This was the seventh census of the independent
MAXIMUM SEX RATIO (STATE) (1000 GIRLS) TT According to 2011 data, the population of India
TT Kerala : 1084 is 121 crore (approx), which is 17.5% of the total
TT Tamil Nadu : 995 population of the world.
TT According to the 2011 census, The number of SC
MINIMUM SEX RATIO is 20 crores.
TT Haryana : 879 TT State with Highest SC population - Uttar
TT Jammu and Kashmir : 889 Pradesh
TT ST population as of 2011 is 10 crores.
TT State with maximum ST – Madhya Pradesh
TT Puducherry - 1037
MINIMUM SEX RATIO (UT) TT The growth rate of India's population during
TT 618 (Daman & Diu) 2001-2011 has been 17.64% in 2001, it was
TT Note: The sex ratio of India is 983. 21.15%
TT Kerala - 94% TT According to the 2011 census. In the total
TT Mizoram 91.3% population of the country. The urban population
is 31.20%, while the rural population is 68.8%.
TT Bihar - 61.8% Under the National Population Policy, 2000, the
TT Arunachal Pradesh - 65.4% target of achieving stability in population has
been changed from 2045 to 2070.
TT 91.8% (Lakshadweep) MOST POPULOUS STATE
TT Uttar Pradesh : 20 crores
TT Maharashtra : 11 crore
TT 76.2% (Dada & Nagar Haveli)
TT Bihar : 10 crores

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
STATES WITH THE LEAST POPULATION TT The population of India - 121.05 crore.
TT Sikkim - 6 lakhs TT Percent of the world population - 17.5%
TT Mizoram - 10 lakh TT The urban population in total population in
India - 31.36%
UNION TERRITORIES TT Total population of India conssprises 68.84%.
TT Most populous state - Delhi (1.67 crore)
TT Bhil is the most popular tribe with a total
TT Minimum population Lakshadweep (64 percent 37.7% of the ST population.
TT Most speaking language - Hindi.
DECENNIAL GROWTH (STATE) TT Second most speaking language - Bengali.
TT Meghalaya - 27.8% TT Child Sex ratio (0-6 year per/1000) - 919
TT • Arunachal Pradesh -26% ÂÂ Highest - Arunachal Pradesh (972)
ÂÂ Lowest - Haryana (834)
TT First Economic census - 1977 (Started)
TT Nagaland -0.6%
TT Highest populted Sistricts of India 2011 - Thana
TT Kerala 4.9%
(Maharashtra) - 1.1 crore
IMPORTANT FACTS TT Lowest populated districts 2011 - Debang Valley
TT Henry Walter is known as the father of the - 7948
Indian census. TT State with highest growth rate - Meghalaya
TT The census was first started under British vicroy (+27.9%)
Lord Mayo in 1872 (Not official) TT States with lowest growth rate - Nagaland (–6%)
TT The first official census was taken under British TT Union territories with lowest growth rate -
rule on 1881 by Lord Ripon. (Lakhadweep)
TT Nodal Ministry - Ministry of Home Affairs. TT The literacy rate of India - 74.04%
TT Census is a union subject under article 246 of ÂÂ Women - 65.46%
Indian Constitution. ÂÂ Men - 82.14%
TT The First independent census was conducted in TT The scheduled caste and schedule tribe - 16.2%
1951 under census of India act 1948. & 8.2%
TT Census 2011 was the 15th National census TT States & Union territory with highest SC
of the country since 1872 and the 7th after population - UP; Percentage - Punjab
independence. TT Religion:
TT The socio economic and caste census was held in ÂÂ Hindusiam - 79.8%
2011 for the first time since independance.
ÂÂ Muslim - 14.2%
ÂÂ Economic status
ÂÂ Christan - 2.3%
ÂÂ Specific caste
ÂÂ Sikhism - 1.7%
TT The first registar General and census
ÂÂ Buddism - 0.7%
Commissioner of independent India was R.A.
Gopalswami. ÂÂ Jainism - 0.4%
TT The slogan of census 2011 was 'Our census Our TT Year of great divide in the demographic history
future' of India - 1921
TT Mascut of 2011 Indian census - A woman TT State of world population report is published
enumerator UNPF.
TT CM Chandramauli was the Registrar General
and census commissionar of India for the 2011
Indian census.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

india's space/defence
TT The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) excellence in the field of liquid propulsion for
is the national space organization of India with launch vehicle and spacecraft programmes.
its headquarters in Bangalore, Karnataka. Its activities are spread across Valiamala
ISRO was established in 1969 AD. The current / Thiruvananthapuram, Mahendragiri and
chairman of the Indian Space Research Bangalore. The main testing and research center
Organization (ISRO) is S. Somnath. is located at Mahendragiri of Tamil Nadu.

The Indian space program is conceptualized by 5. SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTER (SAC)

Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. Dr. Sarabhai is considered TT This center is located in Ahmedabad. The
as the Father of the Indian Space Program. Space Applications Center (SAC) is one of the
major centers of the Indian Space Research
1. VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTER Organization (ISRO). This centre is responsible
(V. S.S.C.) for the development, realisation and qualification
TT This space research center is located at of communication, navigation, earth & planetary
Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram), Kerala. observation, meteorological payloads and
VSSC is the largest center of ISRO (Indian Space related data processing and ground systems.
Research Institute). Here rocket launching Several national level application programmes
vehicles, artificial satellites and associated in the area of natural resources, weather and
technologies are developed. environmental studies, disaster monitoring/
mitigation, etc are also carried out.
TT This center is located in Bangalore. Here
satellite development and related works like COMMUNICATION UNIT (DECU)
design, testing etc. are done. It is the second TT The Development and Educational
largest center of ISRO after Vikram Sarabhai Communication Unit (DECU) located at
Space Center. Ahmedabad is dedicated for realizing satellite
TT Aryabhatta & Bhaskar were built here. Satellites communication based social applications in
of IRS and INSAT series are also built here. the country. The major activities of DECU
are - SATCOM network configuration,
3. SHAR CENTER implementation, upgradation, migration,
TT This launch center is located at Sriharikota in utilization, sustenance, social research
Andhra Pradesh. This is the main center for and evaluation, program production and
launching Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) and transmission and training. This center is also
rockets into space. The country's largest Solid famous for studies related to the use of space
Propellant Booster Plant is also located here. technology.
TT This centre has the facilities for solid propellant
processing, static testing of solid motors, launch
vehicle integration and launch operations, range ACHIEVEMENTS
operations comprising telemetry, tracking and TT In 1975, India successfully launched its first
command network and mission control centre. satellite 'Aryabhata' from the launch station of
4. LIQUID PROPULSION SYSTEMS CENTER TT With the successful test of SLV-3 in 1980, India
TT Systems related to the release of spacecraft are added its name to the list of countries that could
developed under this center. Liquid Propulsion launch their own satellites. Rohini is the first
Systems Center (LPSC) is ISRO's center of satellite of India which was launched by Indian
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
launch vehicle (SLV-3). Command Headquarter
TT India launched INSAT-1B in 1983, Which
Western Command Chandi Mandir
revolutionized India's telecommunication,
television broadcasting and weather forecasting. Northern Command Udhampur
TT India successfully tested the Polar Satellite Central Command Lucknow
Launch Vehicle (PSLV) in 1994. Eastern Command Kolkata
TT Chandrayaan-1 was launched by ISRO on 22 Southern Command Pune
October 2008 and Chandrayaan-2 on 22 July
2019. Southwestern Jaipur
TT Chandrayaan-1 reached the Moon's surface on
14 November 2008 and India's flag was hoisted Training Command Shimla
on the Moon. Whereas the test of Chandrayaan-2
was not successful. Chandrayaan-3 is scheduled NAVY
to be launched in June, 2023. ›› It is headed by the chief of the Naval Staff of
TT In 2014, India became the fourth country to the rank of Admiral. Its headquarter is in Delhi.
land its Mangalyaan on the surface of Mars. The entire Navy is divided into three commands.
This mission of India was successful in the first Each command is headed by a Vice Admiral.
attempt itself.
Command Headquarter
TT In 2017, ISRO created a world record by sending
the maximum number of satellites into orbit in Eastern Command Vishakhapatnam
a single mission with the help of PSLV-C37. Western Command Mumbai
It was the 39th mission of the Indian Polar Southern Command Kochi
Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) programme.
TT On 5 June 2017, ISRO launched the country's AIR FORCE
heaviest rocket GSLV MK III. TT Its head is of the rank of 'Air Chief Marshal' who
TT In 2019, India surprised the world with the is called 'Chief of the Air Staff'. Its headquarter
successful test of Anti-Satellite (ASAT). India is in New Delhi. The Air Force is divided into 7
has become the fourth country (after USA, commands, the details of which are as follows-
Russia and China) to shoot down a satellite in
space. Command Headquarter
TT India and Cryogenic Engine: Indian Eastern Command Shillong
scientists made the first indigenous cryogenic Central Command Allahabad
engine in the year 2003 and the first successful Southern Western Gandhinagar
test was conducted in 2014. Command
TT CE-20 is India's second cryogenic engine
Western Command New Delhi
developed by Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO) for the GSLV Mark-III Southern Command Thiruvananthapuram
upper stage. Training Command Bangalore
Maintenance Command Nagpur
India's Defence System
›› The army is formed for the defence of India, Army Airforce Navy
whose supreme commander is the President.
But all the work related to defence is done by General Air Chief Admiral
the Union Cabinet. Marshal
›› Indian Armed Forces are divided into three Lieutenant Air Marshal Vice Admiral
parts. The Defence Minister deals with the General
administration of the Armed Forces. Major General Air Vice Rear Admiral
Brigadier Air Commodore Commodore
›› It is headed by the Chief of the Army Staff. Its
headquarter is in New Delhi. Colonel Group Captain Captain
›› It is divided into 7 commands whose details are Lieutenant Wing The
as follows: Colonel Commander Commander

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Major Squadron Lieutenant National Security 22 New Delhi
Leader Commander Guard (NSG) September
Captain Flight Lieutenant 1986
Lieutenant Rapid Action Force 1992 New Delhi
Lieutenant Flying Officer Sub Lieutenant (RAF)
Coast Guard 18 August New Delhi
Army Sashastra Seema 1963 [2003] New Delhi
National Defence Khadakwasla Bal (SSB)
Academy (NDA) (Maharashtra) ›› CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation:
Indian Military Dehradun Central Bureau of Investigation was established
Academy (IMA) in April 1963. Its headquarter is in New Delhi.
The current CBI director is Subodh Kumar
National Defence New Delhi Jaiswal.
›› NIA - National Investigation Agency: NIA
Defence Services Staff Wellington was constituted under the National Investigation
College Agency Act, 2008. Its headquarter is in New
Air Force Delhi. It is the central agency for investigation
Air Force Academy Hyderabad and prosecution of crimes in matters such as
national security, smuggling of fake Indian
Air Force Technical Jalahalli (Bangalore) currency, human trafficking, nuclear weapons,
College special offences. The current NIA director is
Airforce Administrative Coimbatore Dinkar Gupta.
College ›› IB - Intelligence Bureau: The Intelligence
Navy Bureau was established during the British rule
Indian Naval Academy Kochi itself, which was reconstructed in 1947 under
the Ministry of Home Affairs. Its headquarter is
I.N. S. Chilka Bhubaneswar
in New Delhi. Current IB chief is Tapan Deka.
I.N.S. Shivaji Lonavala ›› RAW-Research and Analysis Wing: RAW
is an important international intelligence
organization of India. Its headquarter is in New
Organization Foundation Head- Delhi. The IB could not work well in the Indo-
Day quarter China war of 1962 and the Indo-Pakistani war
National Cadet 16 April New Delhi of 1965. Therefore, a capable and independent
Corps (NCC) 1948 wing RAW was established by the Government
of India to collect international information. It
Assam Rifles (AR) 24 March Shillong
was established on 21 September 1968. Its
1835 (Meghalaya)
headquarter is in New Delhi.
Central Reserve 27 July 1939 New Delhi The current RAW director is Samant Kumar
Police Force (CRPF) Goel.
Home Guards (HG) 1946 In different
Territorial Army 1949 In different Missiles developed under the Integrated Guided
(TA) states Missile Development Program (IGMDP)
Indo-Tibetan 2 October New Delhi AGNI
Border Police 1962
›› It is a surface-to-surface ballistic missile.
Agni P is the sixth missile in the Agni series
Border Security 1 December New Delhi of ballistic missiles. This missile is capable of
Force (BSF) 1965 hitting targets up to 2000 km.
Central Industrial 10 March New Delhi ›› Apart from inter-continental ballistic missiles
Security Force 1969 Agni-5, the Indian armoury of the Agni series
(CISF) includes Agni-1, Agni-2, Agni-3 and Agni-4. Agni-

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
5 is a strategic missile with a maximum range of PRAHAR
5000 km. ›› It is a surface-to-surface missile. Its firing range
PRITHVI is upto 150 km.
›› It is a Short-range surface-to-surface ballistic SHAURYA
missiles. India has 3 Prithvi missiles. In this, ›› It is a surface-to-surface ballistic missile.
Prithvi-1 has a range of 150 km, Prithvi-2 has Its firing range is 700-1900 km. It can achieve
a range of 250 km and Prithvi-3 has a range of a speed up to Mach 7.5. It is a hypersonic
350 km. missile.
›› It is a medium-range surface-to-air missile. CRUISE MISSILES
The missile was inducted into Indian Air Force
in 2014 and Indian Army in 2015. Its firing Ballistic Missile Cruise Missile
range is up to 80 km. The size of a ballistic The size of cruise
missile is very large. missile is small.
›› It is a surface to air missile. It is a short Ballistics missiles can It is capable of carrying
range supersonic missile. There is also a naval carry large and heavy very light weight
version of the Trishul known as 'Torpedo MK warheads or explosives bombs.
2'. with them.
It is at a very high This missile moves at a
NAG altitude from the earth, height of only 15 to 20
›› It is a third generation anti-tank guided missile. due to which it is not meters from the surface
It can attack both surface-to-surface and easy to hide it from the of the earth, so it cannot
air-to-surface. HELINA is the air-to-surface radar. be caught by the radar.
version of Nag, integrated with the Dhruv This missile hits its This missile penetrates
helicopter. target by moving on a the target by moving
BRAHMOS parabolic trajectory. parallel to the earth's
›› Brahmos is a Supersonic Cruise Missile. Its
range is up to 300 kilometers. The BrahMos Fuel can be kept in Fuel cannot be kept
missile has a maximum speed of more than ballistic missiles. in reserve in a cruise
Mach 3 i.e. It is capable of reaching speed of missile.
upto Mach 3 and can hit its target with pinpoint
Hypersonic (greater than Mach 5): They
accuracy. It can be launched from submarine,
travel at least five times the speed of sound
ship, combat aircraft and land.
(Mach 5).
NIRBHAY Supersonic (Mach 1 to 5): These missiles travel
›› It is a sub-sonic cruise missile. It is capable of faster than the speed of sound.
being launched from surface, sea and air. Subsonic (less than Mach 1): These missiles
›› Its firing range is up to 1000 km. The specialty travel at speeds slower than the speed of sound.
of the Nirbhay missile is that it can fly at a very
low altitude due to which it cannot be caught by AIR-CRAFT CARRIER
the radar systems.
›› India has two aircraft carriers INS Vikramaditya
SAGARIKA and INS Vikrant.
›› This missile is capable of carrying nuclear ›› India's two major Nuclear Submarines are INS
warheads and can be fired from the sea (even Chakra and INS Arihant respectively.
from submarines). Its firing range is up to ›› Some major Diesel electric Submarines: INS
700 km. Shishumar, INS Kalvari, INS Sindhughosh.
›› India has major tanks: T-72 Tank, T-90 Tank,
T-90 Bhishma Tank and Arjun Tank. India has
›› This missile is capable of carrying 500 kg made its own tanks of the Ajeya series from the
warhead. Its firing range is 350 km. It can hit T-72 tank.
its target both on land and at sea with pin point

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Country of Helicopters
Aircraft Role
Origin HAL Rudra India Attack
Sukhoi 30Mk-I Russia Fighter Helicopter
MiG 29 Soviet Union Fighter HAL LCH India Attack
Mirage 2000 France Fighter Helicopter
Jaguar France and UK Fighter Mi-35 Soviet Union Attack
MiG 21 Soviet Union Fighter
Apache AH64E USA Attack
DassaultRafale France Fighter
Tejas (HAL) India Fighter
Chinook USA Transport
Ilyushin 76 Soviet Union Transport Helicopter
C-17 United States Transport Mi-8/Mi-17 Soviet Union Transport
Globemaster Helicopter
C-130J Super United States Transport Mi-26 Soviet Union Transport
Hercules Helicopter
Antonov 32 Soviet Union Transport HAL Dhruv India Transport
Boeing 737 United States Transport Helicopter
BAE Hawk United Trainer HAL Cheetah France + India Transport
Kingdom Helicopter
HAL Kiran India Trainer HAL Chetak France + India Transport
Pilatus PC-7 Switzerland Trainer
Ilyushin 78 Russia Air-to-air

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

the capital of states and their

establishment day
Establishment Chhattisgarh Raipur November 1,
State Capital
Day 2000
Arunachal Itanagar February 20, Rajasthan Jaipur March 30, 1949
Pradesh 1987
Gujarat Gandhi Nagar May 1, 1960
Tripura Agartala January 21,
Maharashtra Mumbai May 1, 1960
Karnataka Bangalore November 1,
Nagaland Kohima December 1,
Goa Panaji May 30, 1987
Manipur Imphal January 21,
1972 Kerala Thiruvanantha November 1,
puram 1956
Mizoram Aizawl February 20,
1987 Tamil Nadu Chennai November 1,
Assam Dispur January 26,
1950 Andhra Amaravati October 1, 1953
Meghalaya Shillong January 21,
1972 Telangana Hyderabad June 2, 2014
Sikkim Gangtok May 16, 1975 Jammu and Srinagr (S), October 31,
Kashmir Jammu (W) 2019
Himachal Shimla January 25,
Pradesh 1971 Ladakh Leh October 31,
Uttarakhand Dehradun November 9,
2000 Delhi New Delhi February 12,
Punjab Chandigarh November 1,
1966 Puducherry Puducherry November 1,
Haryana Chandigarh November 1,
1966 Andaman Port Blair November 1,
and Nicobar 1956
Uttar Pradesh Lucknow January 24,
Chandigarh Chandigarh November 1,
Bihar Patna March 22, 1912
Jharkhand Ranchi November 15,
Dadra and Silvassa August 11, 1961
Nagar Haveli
West Bengal Kolkata November 1, and Daman
1956 and Diu
Odisha Bhubaneswar April 1, 1936 Lakshadweep Kavaratti November 1,
Madhya Bhopal November 1, 1956
Pradesh 1956

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

the high courts of india

High Court Extablishment Main Bench Bench
Madras High Court 1862 Chennai Mudrai
Allahabad High Court 1866 Prayagraj Lucknow
Calcutta High Court 1862 Kolkata Port Blair
Karnataka High Court 1884 Bangalore Dharwad, Gulbarga
Delhi High Court 1966 New Delhi —
Bombay High Court 1862 Mumbai Nagpur, Panaji and
Rajasthan High Court 1949/1950 Jodhpur Jaipur
Madhya Pradesh High Court 1956 Jabalpur Gwalior, Indore
Himachal Pradesh High Court 1971 Shimla –
Patna High Court 1916 Patna –
Gauhati High Court 1948 Guwahati Kohima, Aizawl and
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh 1928 Srinagar/
Orissa High Court 1948 Cuttackk
Gujarat High Court 1960 Ahmedabad
Andhra Pradesh High Court 2019 Amaravati
Telangana High Court 2019 Hyderabad
Kerala High Court 1956 Ernakulam
Jharkhand High Court 2000 Ranchi
Uttarakhand High Court 2000 Nainital
Punjab and Haryana High Court 1966 Chandigarh
Chhattisgarh High Court 2000 Bilaspur
Sikkim High Court 1975 Gangtok
Meghalaya High Court 2013 Shilong
Manipur High Court 2013 Imphal
Tripura High Court 2013 Agartala

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

india's viceroys and

their functions
CANNING (1856–62) CURZON (1899-1905)
›› Indian Rebellion of 1857 ›› Establishment of Irrigation Commission
›› Proclamation of Queen Victoria and the ›› Establishment of Police Commission
proclamation of the Government of India Act ›› University act
1858. ›› Construction of Victoria Hall in Calcutta
›› Widow Remarriage Act 1856 ›› Archaeological Survey of India established in
›› Indian Councils Act 1861 1904
›› Indian Penal Code 1858 ›› Establishment of Agricultural Research
Institute at Pusa in Bihar
›› Partition of Bengal in 1905
›› Bhutan War (1865)
›› Establishment of High Courts at Calcutta, MINTO (II) (1905-1910)
Bombay and Madras in 1865 ›› Emergence of Anti Partition and Swadeshi
›› To Constitute of Famine Commission Movements
›› Surat session and split on Congress in 1907.
MAYO (1869–72)
›› Muslim League was founded by Aga Khan
›› Establishment of Statistical Survey of India
Nawab of Dhaka in 1906
›› Establishment of Agriculture and commerce
department HARDING II (1910–1916)
›› Major Census of India held in 1871 ›› The partition of Bengal was annulled. (1911)
›› Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi.
LYTTON (1876–1880)
›› Royal Titles Act 1876 CHELMSFORD (1916–21)
›› Vernacular Press Act 1878 ›› Return of Gandhi
›› Arms Act 1878 ›› Home Rule league
›› Second Afghan War (1878–1880) ›› Lucknow Session and Congress Reunion in 1916
›› Famine Commission appointed for the first time ›› Establishment of Women's University in Poona
in 1878 in 1916
›› Rowlatt Act in 1919
RIPON (1880–1884)
›› Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13 April 1919)
›› First regular census (1881) Local self-
government in 1882 ›› Khilafat Movement (1919-1920)
›› Hunter commission READING (1921–26)
›› Ilbert bill controversy ›› Chauri-Chaura incident (February 5, 1922)
DUFFERIN (1884–1888) ›› In 1923 C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the
Swaraj Party.
›› Burma War (1885–1888)
›› Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was
›› Indian National Congress was founded in 1885
formed by Hedgewar (1925)
LANSDOWNE (1888 1894) ›› Conducting simultaneous examinations in India
›› Appointment of Durand Commission and and England.
determination of Durand Line between India
(Now Pakistan) and Afghanistan.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
IRWIN (1926–31) LINLITHGOW (1936–43)
›› Simon Commission ›› Beginning of Second World War (1939)
›› Nehru Report and its rejection by Muslim ›› Subhash Chandra Bose resigns from the post of
League, Hindu Mahasabha etc. Congress President
›› Declaration of Purna Swaraj in Lahore Session. ›› Forward Bloc formed in 1939
›› Launch of Civil Disobedience Movement and ›› Congress rejected of the August offer
Dandi March ›› Cripps Mission 1942
›› First Round table conference ›› Quit India Movement 1942
›› Gandhi-Irwin Pact
WAVELL (1944–1947)
WELLINGTON (1931–36) ›› CR formula by C. Rajagopalachari
›› Declaration of Communal Award (1932) ›› Bevel Plan and Shimla Conference 1945
›› Poona Pact between Gandhi and Ambedkar ›› Naval mutiny 1946
(1932) ›› Cabinet Mission 1946
›› Government of India Act 1935

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

fundamental units
Unit Electrical Resistance Om
Length Meter Heat Kelvin
Mass Kilogram Latent Heat Joule/kg
Time Seconds Specific Heat Joule/kg
Area Square meter Electric current Ampere
Volume Cubic meter Electrical capacitance Farad
Density kg/cubic meter Electrical charge Coulomb
Force Newton Electric field intensity Newton per coulomb
Impulse Newton second Sound intensity Decibel
Acceleration Square meter/second Jyoti Flux Lumen
Surface Tension Newton/meter Light intensity Candela
Velocity m/s Frequency Hertz
Speed m/s Extreme heat Kelvin
Power Joule per second or watt Deep sea Fathom
Pressure Pascal Wave length Meter
Work Newton meter/Joule Lens power Dioptre
Energy Joule Potential difference Volt
Electrical Energy Kilowatt per hour Solid angle Steradian

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

official language of the

indian states
State Official Language Sikkim English, Nepal,
Andhra Pradesh Telugu Sikkimese, Lepcha
Arunachal Pradesh English Tamil Nadu Tamil
Assam Assamese Telangana Telugu
Bihar Hindi Tripura Bengali, Kokborok,
Chhattisgarh Hindi
Uttar Pradesh Hindi
Goa Konkani, English
Uttarakhand Hindi
Gujarat Gujarati
West Bengal English, Bengali
Haryanvi Hindi
Jharkhand Hindi Union Territory Language
Karnataka Kannada Andaman and Nicobar English, Hindi, Tamil
Kerala Malayalam Islands
Madhya Pradesh Hindi Chandigarh English
Maharashtra Marathi Dadra and Nagar Gujarati, Konkani,
Haveli and Daman and Marathi, Hindi
Manipur Manipuri
Meghalaya English
Delhi English, Hindi
Mizoram Mizo
Jammu and Kashmir Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindi,
Nagaland English Urdu, English
Odisha Oriya Lakshadweep Malayalam, Mahe
Punjab Punjabi Puducherry Tamil, French, English
Rajasthan Hindi Ladakh English, Hindi

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

the mausoleums
MAJOR TOMBS OF INDIA Jahangir's Tomb Shahdara, Lohare
Name of Tombs City/State Name (Pakistan)
Taj Mahal (World Agra, Uttar Pradesh Babar's Tomb Kabul (Afghanistan)
Heritage Site) Tansen's Tomb Gwalior (Madhya
Safdarjung's Tomb Delhi Pradesh)
Akbar's Tomb Sikandra, Agra, Uttar Sultan Adil Shah's Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur
Pradesh Tomb (Karnataka)
Tomb of Itmad-ud- Agra, Uttar Pradesh Mumtaz Mahal's Tomb Agra (Uttar Pradesh)
Daula Ghiyathal -Din Tughluqabad (Delhi)
Humayun's Tomb New Delhi Tughlaq's Tomb
(World Heritage Site) Noor Jehan's Tomb Shahdara, Lohore
Bibi Ka Maqbara Aurangabad, (Pakistan)
Maharashtra Razia Sultan's Tomb Delhi
Gol Gumbaz Bijapur, Karnataka Bahadur Shah Zafar's Rangoon (Yangon),
Tomb of Sher Shah Suri Sasaram, Bihar Tomb Myanmar
Aurangzeb's Tomb Aurangabad Baiju Bawra's Tomb Chanderi (Madhya
(Maharashtra) Pradesh)
Shahjahan's Tomb Agra (Uttar Pradesh) Shah Quli Khan's Tomb Narnaul (Haryana)
Sikandar Lodi's Tomb New Delhi

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous medical inventions

Discovery Discover Vitamin Riboflavin Milk, green
Small pox vaccine Edward Jenner 'B2' vegetables, yeast,
T.B. bacteria Robert Koch
Vitamin Niacin Milk, Groundnut,
Penicillin Alexander Fleming
'B3' Sugarcane, Meat,
Bacteria Leuvenhoek Tomato
Antigen Landsteiner Vitamin Pantothenic Potatoes, tomatoes,
Chloroform Harrison and Simpson 'B5' Acid groundnuts, meat,
leafy vegetables
Polio vaccine John E. Salk
Vitamin Pyridoxine Meat
Malaria parasite and Ronald Ross
Blood circulation William Harvey Vitamin Biotin Milk, meat, egg
R. N. A. James Watson 'B7'
DNA James Watson and
Crick Vitamin Folic acid Leafy vegetables,
'B9' pasta, bread, cereals,
Vitamins Funk
Sulfa drugs Dagmac
Vitamin Cobalamin Liver, Milk, Liver
Heart transplant Christian Bernard 'B12'
Insulin Betting
Vitamin Ascorbic acid Tomato, Orange,
'C' Citrus, Chili Sprouts
MAJOR VITAMINS Vitamin Calciferol Sunlight, Broccoli.
'D' Mushrooms, Carrots
Chemical etc.
Vitamib Source
Vitamin Tocopherol Butter, milk, leafy
Vitamin Retinol Egg, cheese, green 'E' vegetables, vegetable
A vegetables, milk, fish oil, sprouted wheat
Vitamin Phylloquinone Tomatoes, green
Vitamin Thiamine Sesame seeds,
'K' vegetables
'B1' vegetables,
groundnuts, dry
chilies, liver. Egg.
unwashed lentils

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

the branches of science

Major Cardiology Study of the structure and
Branches of Study Subjects function of the heart
Science Chemotherapy Cancer is treated with chemical
Acrobatics The branch of exercise science. compounds
Entomology Study of moths Cryogenics Study of the properties of
Apiculture Study of beekeeping objects and other phenomena
at low temperatures
Epigraphy Study of ancient inseriptions
Calology Study of human beauty
Aeronautics Branch of aeronautical science
Cosmology The birth, development and
Acoustics It is the science of sound
extinction of the universe is
Astronomy Study of celestial bodies studied
Anthology Flower is the branch of related Genetics Study of the process of transfer
science of genetic characteristics of
Astrology Study of the effect of planets organisms from generation to
and constellations on humans generation
Astronautics It's the science of spacecraft Numismatics Study of old coins
Arboriculture The cultivation of trees and Neurology Study of the nervous system
shrubs Numerology Study of numbers
Archeology The study of the human past Pedology Soil studies
using material remaing
Pathology Study of nature, causes,
Orthopedics Study of bone healing treatment etc. of diseases
Ornithology Study of Birds Pcculture Study of commercial
Optics The scientific study of sight production of fish
and litght Pomology Study of fruits
Olivoculture Study of olive cultivation Physiography Study of natural geography
Oleariculture Commercial farming of Floriculture Study of Flowers
Phycology Study of algae
Odontology Study of teeth and gums
Mycology Study of fungi and related
Onirology Study of dreams subjects
Biochemistry The branch of science Mineralogy Study of minerals
concerned with the study of
Microbiology Study of microbes
the chemical reactions of living
bodies Meteorology Study of environment and
related subjects
Arboriculture Paid production is related
science Morphology The study of the morphology of
life and the physical world
Ecology Study of interactions between
organisms and environment Mammology Study of mammals
Ethology Study of animal behavior Mariculture Seafood production

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Molecular Study of the structure and Horticulture Study of growing fruits and
functions of organisms at the vegetables, planting gardens,
molecular level flower production etc.
Lithology Study of topics related to rocks Holography A scientific method for
and stones producing three-dimensional
Cytogenetics Study of living cell and its images from a laser beam
genetic characteristics Hematology Study of blood and related
Cytology Study of living cells subjects
Seismology Study of earthquakes Horticulture Study of fruit, flower and
vegetable production
Sorology Study of lizards
Histology Body tissues and related topics
Silviculture Study of forestry
Serpetology The study of snakes
Heliology Study of the sun
Hepatology Gallbladder biliary tree
Hydropathy Diseases are treated with

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important rebellions
Movement (Rebellion) Affected Area Relevant Leader, Time
Sannyasi Rebellion Bihar, Bengal Pandit Bhavanicharan Pathak 1763-1800
Fakir Rebellion Bengal Majanunshah and Chirag Ali 1776-77
Pahariyag Rebellion Jharkhand Raja Jagganath 1779
Chuar Rebellion Bengal Durjan Singh of Karangarh 1798
Chero Rebellion Jharkhand (Palamu) Bhukhan Singh 1770
Bhil Rebellion Western Ghats Sewaram 1818
Ramosi Rebellion Western Ghats Chittar Singh 1822-29-
Pagal Panthis Rebellion Bengal Karam Shah 1825-27
Ahom Rebellion Assam Gomdhar Konwar 1828
Kol Movement Chhota Nagpur Buddho Bhagat 1831-32
Bhumij Rebellion Jharkhand (Ranchi) Ganga Narayan Singh 1832
Khasi Rebellion Assam Tirot Singh Syiem 1833
Faraizi Movement Bengal Hazi Shariatullah 1838-48
Santhal Rebellion Bengal and Bihar Sidhu Kanhu 1855-56
Munda Rebellion Jharkhand Birsa Munda 1899-1900
Paika Rebellion Odisha Bakshi Jagbandhu 1817-1825
Pabna Rebellion Pavana (Bengal) Ishanchandra Rai and Shambhupal 1873-76
Moplah Rebellion Malabar (Kerala) Ali Musaliyar 1920-22
Kuka Movement Punjab Baba Ram Singh 1840-72
Tebhaga Movement Bengal Kamram Singh and Bhawan Singh 1946

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

social reform act

Act Governor General Year Subject
Infanticide ban Wellesley 1795-1804 Infanticide ban
Prohibition of Sati Lord William Bentinck 1829 Complete ban on sati
Prohibition of slavery Allenborough 1843 Slavery was prohibited in 1843 by
the Charter Act of 1833.
Hindu widow remarriage Lord Canning 1856 Widow remarriage allowed
Native Marriage Act North Brook 1872 Interracial marriage
Age of consent act Lans Downe 1891 The age of marriage for a girl is
fixed at 12 years.
Sharda Act Irwin 1930 The minimum age for marriage is
fixed at 14 years for girls and 18
years for boys.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

oath and resignation of office


Appointment Before Whom Resignation
President The Chief Justice of India or Address to
in his absence the senior most President Vice President
Judge of the Supreme Court. Vice President President
Vice President President or Any person Supreme Court Judge President
appointed in this behalf by
Governor President
the President.
High Court Judge President
Supreme Court The President or any person
Judge appointed by the President in Speaker of the Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker of
this behalf. the Lok Sabha
Governor The Chief Justice of the High Deputy Speaker of the Lok Speaker of the Lok
Court or in his absence the Sabha Sabha
senior most Judge available Deputy Chairman of Rajya Chairman
in the High Court. Sabha
Minister in the President Member of Parliament Chairman of Rajya
Union Council of Sabha or Speaker of
Ministers Lok Sabha
Comptroller and The President or any person Speaker of the Legislative Deputy speaker of
Auditor General appointed by the President in Assembly the assembly
that behalf. Deputy chairman of the Chairman
Member of The President or any person legislative council
parliament appointed by the President in Deputy speaker of the Speaker
this behalf. assembly
State Legislators The Governor or any person Chairman of the legislative Deputy chairman
appointed by the Governor in council
this behalf.
Members of the Public President
Minister in Governor Service Commission
the council of (Union Commission or
ministers of state Joint Commission)
High Court Judge The Governor or any person Members of Public Service State Governor
appointed by the Governor in Commission (State
this behalf. Commission)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

important international
NOBEL PRIZE C V Raman Physics 1930
TT The Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Nobel Hargovind Khurana Healing 1968
Foundation on 10th December in the memory of
Alfred Nobel (Sweden). Mother Teresa Peace 1979
(Albania) (1948
TT It was started from 1901.
Indian citizenship)
TT It is given for outstanding contribution in
the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, S. Chandrashekhar Physics 1983
Literature and Peace. Amartya Sen Economic science 1998
TT The sixth subject 'Economics' was included in (Welfare economics)
the Nobel Prize in 1969. V. Ramakrishnan Chemistry (ribosome 2009
TT Prize money: A gold medal, A diploma and 10 structure)
million Swedish krona.
Kailash Satyarthi Peace 2014
TT First recipient: In 1901
TT Total number of 35 women have been awarded Abhijit Banerjee Economic science 2019
so far. TT The Nobel Foundation was established on June
TT Madame Curie was the first female Nobel 29, 1900.
laureate. TT Alfred Nobel discovered Dynamite in 1867 AD.
TT Only maximum of three people can be awarded
TT Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 and died in 1896.
in one field.
TT The Amount of the Nobel Prize varies every
TT The First Indian Nobel laureate was
Rabindranath Tagore (1913).
TT The Last Indian Nobel laureate is Abhijit TT The Prize money for the first five fields is
Banerjee (2019) (For Economics). provided by the Nobel Foundation.
TT The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, the capital TT The Prize money is the Economics field is
of Norway. provided by Sveriges Riks Bank.
TT The Nobel Prize is announced in Oslo every year
NOBEL PRIZE 2022 in October.
Category Winner TT These awards are given every year on 10
Physiology Professor Svante Paabo December in Stockholm (Sweden).
Physics John Clauser, Anton Zellinger, TT This rule was propounded that the Nobel Prize
Alain Aspect would not be awarded posthumously from 1974,
Chemistry Carolyn Bertozzi, Barry TT Only two deceased persons have been given this
Sharpless, Morten Meldal award so far.
ÂÂ Ari Eccles (1931)
Literature Annie Ernaux
ÂÂ Dang HammarSöld (1961) (UN Secretary
Peace Ales Bialiatsky Memorial and General)
Civil Liberties
TT The International Commettee of the Red Cross
Economics Ben S-Bernanke, Douglas W. was declared the winner of the Peace Prize both
Diamond, and Philip H. in 1919 and in 1944.
NOBEL PRIZE WINNER (INDIAN) TT The founder of the Red Cross is Henry Dunnet,
he received the Nobel Prize in 1901.
Rabindranath Literature 1913
TT Youngest Nobel laureate Lawrence Bragg, male

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(25 years). TT Prizes and Amount: An Oscar statuette is
TT The youngest woman to receive the Nobel Prize given to the Oscar award winner. A layer of gold
is Malala Yousafzai (17 years). is mounted on this statue and an agreement
TT Kailash Satyarthi also received this award is made before the people who get it, that they
along with her. would not sell it. Along with the trophy given to
the winners, no cash money or any other item
TT The oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize is
is given.
Goodenough (97 years).
TT Oscar Awards - 2023
TT There are only four people who have won the
Nobel Prize twice. ÂÂ Best Film: Everything Everywhere All At
1. Madame Curie
ÂÂ Best Actress: Michelle Yeoh
1903 - Radioactivity (Physics) ÂÂ Best Actor : Brendan Prasper
1911 - Radium Extraction (Chemistry) ÂÂ Best Director: Daniel Kwan and Daniel
2. John Bardeen Schienent
1956 Discovery of the transistor (Physics) ÂÂ Best Original Song: Naatu Naatu (RRR)
1972 - Superconductivity (Physics) TT The person with the most awards is Walt Disney,
who won a total of 26 awards (22 Academy + 4
3. Linus Paling
Honorary Academy).
1956 - Nuclear Test (chemical)
TT Indian Oscar Awardees
1962- Peace
1. Bhanu Athaiya: India's first woman to
4. Frederick Sanger have won an Oscar in 1983 for Richard
1958, 1930 (Chemistry) Attenborough's costume designing in the
film Gandhi.
2. Satyajit Ray: Bengali film director
TT The Annual Academy Award is given by the received the award in 1992.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of
3. A. R. Rahman: For the music of 'Jai Ho'
America is called the 'Oscar Award'.
for the film Slum Dog Millionaire in 2009.
TT The Best Directors, Artists, Writers and
4. Gulzar: Got it in 2009 for the lyrics of the
technicians associated with the film around the
song 'Jai Ho'.
world are awarded in this award.
5. Resul Pookutty: Awarded for Slumdog
TT The award was organized on May 16, 1929.
Millionaire in 2009.
TT Ben-Hur (1959), Titanic (1997). The Lord of the
6. Best Documentry: The Elephant
Rings: The Return of the King (2003) had won
all 11 Oscars.
M.M. Keeravani (Composer)
TT Renowned Costume Designer Bhanu Athaiya
is India's first Oscar award winner. She won an TT Oscar nominated movies
Oscar for Best Costume Design in 1983 for the ÂÂ 1957 - Mother India
film Gandhi. ÂÂ 2001 - Lagaan
TT Its official name is 'Academy Award of Merit'. ÂÂ 2006 - Rang De Basanti
ÂÂ 1988- Salaam Bombay
TT This award is organized every year in the month
ÂÂ 2005 - Paheli
of February.
ÂÂ 2022- Chhello Show (Director - Pan Nali)
TT The only person to have won both an Oscar and ÂÂ 2022 (Last Film Show)
a Nobel Prize was George Bernard Shaw, who ÂÂ 2023 - RRR
received the Nobel for Literature (1925) and the
Oscar for Best Screen Play in 1938. GRAMMY AWARD
TT India's 'Satyajit Ray' was given the 'Lifetime TT The Grammy Award was originally called the
Achievement Award' of Oscar in 1992. He was Gramophone Award.
the first Indian to receive this award for his TT It is an award to recognize achievements in the
achievements in cinema. music industry.
Films nominated by India for 2023 TT The Grammy Award is one of the biggest annual
1- RRR 2. All that Breathes 3. The Elephant prestigious music awards.
Whisperess (Best documentry short film)) TT Established in 1958

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
TT Description Outstanding Achievements in the 2023.
Music Industry TT Prize money: 60 thousand pounds
TT First Award: May 4, 1959 (As Gramophone)
TT The Award is given by the National Academy RAMON MAGSAYSAY AWARD
for Recording and Sciences for outstanding TT The Ramon Magsaysay Award is given to
contribution to Western music. individuals and organizations in Asia for doing
TT Renowned sitarist Pandit Ravishkar was the particularly notable work in their respective
first Indian to receive the Grammy Award in fields. It is also called the 'Nobel Prize of Asia'.
1968. The award is given by the Ramon Magsaysay
Award Foundation in memory of Ramon
TT The Names of Ricky Kej and Neela Vaswani
Magsaysay, former President of the Philippines.
were included in the 75th Grammy Awards in
2015. TT Founded : 1957 New York (By the Trustees of
the Rockefeller Brothers Fund)
TT Indian-origin Falguni Shah received the award
for 'Best Children's Album' at the 2022 Grammy TT Description: Outstanding Contribution
Awards. to Government Service, Public Service,
Community Leadership, Journalism, Literature
TT In 2022, Ricky Cage received the Grammy
and Creative Communication Arts, Peace and
Award for the album 'Divine Tides'.
International Understanding and Emerging
TT The award is given for music in the English Leadership.
TT First Indian recipient : Vinoba Bhave (1958)
TT Tanvi Shah was given the Grammy Award in
TT Last Indian : Ravish Kumar (2019)
TT Prize Money: $50,000 and A gold medal.
TT Zubin Mehta has been nominated for a record 23
Grammys. He Has won this award 5 times. TT The Ramon Magsaysay Award is called the
Nobel of Asia.
TT He won for the first time in 1981.
TT The award is distributed every year on 31
TT Pandit Ravi Shankar has won this award 5
August in Manila.
TT Earlier these awards were given in 5 fields.
TT Zakir Hussain has won this award twice.
ÂÂ Government service
MAN BOOKER PRIZE ÂÂ Community leadership
TT The Booker Prize is the world's leading literary ÂÂ Public service
prize in the field of fiction. ÂÂ Journalism, Literature and Creativity
TT It was established in 1969 in the UK. Initially it Communication Arts
was given to writers from the Commonwealth, it ÂÂ International understanding and peace
is now given to writers of all origins. But now it
TT Since 2006, this award is given in 6 fields. 6th
is given for all continent.
Sector Emerging Leadership.
TT Established : 1969, Guildhall, London, England
TT Indian Ramon Magsaysay Awardees
TT Description: Best Original Novel written in the
English language and published in the United Vinoba Bhave Community 1958
Kingdom Leadership
TT First Indian: The first Indian citizen to win the Chitaman Public Service 1959
Booker Prize is Arudhati Roy (1997). Deshmukh
TT Five Indians have received this award. Mother Teresa Public Service 1962
1. VS. Naipaul (1971) - In a Free State Verghese Community 1963
2. Salman Rushdie (1981) - Midnight Kurien Leadership
Children Jai Prakash Government 1965
3. Arundhati Roy (1997) - The God of Small Narayan
Things Satyajit Ray Literature 1967
4. Kiran Desai (2006) - The Inheritance of
M. S. Community 1971
Swaminathan Leadership
5. Aravind Adiga (2008) The White Tiger
M. S. Public 1974
TT Indian author Perumal Murugan's book "Pyre"
Subbulakshmi Leadership
has made it to the International Booker Prize
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
Arun Shourie Journalism 1982 TT First awarded : January 20, 1944
Padit Ravi Literature 1992 TT Last awarded : January 9, 2022 (79th Golden
Shankar Globe Awards)
TT Best Actor : Will Smith
Kiran Bedi Government 1994
Service TT Best Film : The Power of Dog
TT RRR's song 'Naatu' has received the Golden
Aruna Rai Community 2000
Globe Award-2023.
Arvind Kejriwal Emerging 2006 BRITISH ACADEMY FILM AWARDS
Bharat Public Service 2018 TELEVISION ARTS)
Vatwani, Sonam TT The Award, also known as the BAFTA Awards,
Waganchuk is an annual award presented by the British
Ravish Kumar Journalism 2019 Academy of Film and Television Arts. It is
America's equivalent of Oscar award which is
TT The four recipients of the award, Gary
given to the filmmaker, actor, actress for their
Bencheghib Sotherachhim, Tadashe Hattori
good performance.
and B.J. Madrid in 2022.
TT Established : 1947
UBER CUP TT M.M. Kelravaani and Chandrabose - 'Natu-
TT The Uber Cup is a Badminton competition Natu' song
played by the women's national badminton 95th BAFTA Awards
teams. Uber Cup is associated with Badminton. TT Best Film: Everything Everywhere All at Once
The cup is named after Bitti Uber, A former TT Best Actor: Brendan Fraser (The Whale)
British women's badminton player. TT Best Actress: Michelle Yeoh (Everything
TT It is often referred as the Women's World Team Everywhere All at Once)
Championships. TT Best Original song: Natu-Natu (M.M.
TT It was first organized in 1956-1957 at an Keeravani, Chandrabose)
interval of three years. Then in 1984 it started TT Best Documentry: The Elephant Whisperes
happening at an interval of every two years. TT Best Director: Daniel Scheinest (Everything
TT Established : 1957 (12 Teams) Everywhere All at Once)
TT Member countries of the World Badminton MISS UNIVERSE
TT The Miss Universe Pageant was founded in
TT Most winners: China, 15 times 1952 by Pacific Mills, a California-based textile
TT First winner: America (1956–57) company.
TT Recentley Winner : South Korea 2022 TT The First Miss Universe Pageant was held in
Long Beach, California in 1952. Armi Kuusela of
GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS Finland won the title of the first Miss Universe.
TT Every year, the Hollywood Foreign Press
TT Indian women winner
Association (HFPA) honors domestic and foreign
actors and films with the Golden Globe Awards ÂÂ Sushmita Sen - 1994
for special achievements in the entertainment ÂÂ Lara Dutta - 2000
world. This honor is given for excellence in film ÂÂ Harnaz Kaur Sandhu -2021
and television.
TT The first Golden Globe Awards were held in
January 1944 in Los Angeles. TT In memory of Joseph Pulitzer, the publisher
of the New York World, given since 1917 by
TT Aziz Ansari was the first Indian to receive this
Columbia University of America in the field of
award for the Best Actor.
journalism and literature.
TT The Golden Globe Awards are given in 27
TT This award is given annually in 21 categories.
TT Each winner in the 20 categories receives a
TT R. Rahman is the first Indian to receive the
certificate and a cash prize of $15,000.
Golden Globe Award.
TT The winner is awarded a gold medal in the
TT Beginning : 1944 public service category.
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TT Founded :1917 Govind Vallabh Pant 1957
TT First awarded: 1917
Maharishi Dr. Dhondo Keshav Karve 1958
TT First Indian recipient: Govind Bihari Lal (on his 100th birthday)
(1937). So far A total of 5 Indian people have
received this award. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy 1961
TT Prize Money: $15000 Purushottam Das Tandon 1961
Dr. Rajendra Prasad 1962
Dr. Zakir Hussain 1963
TT Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award of
India. Dr. Pandurang Vamane Kane 1963
TT This honor is given for national service. Among Lal Bahadur Shastri (Posthumous) 1966
them art. literature, science, public service and Indira Gandhi 1971
sports. Varahgiri Venkat Giri 1975
TT This honor was established on 2 January 1954
Kumaraswamy Kamaraj (Posthumous) 1976
by the then President of India Shri Rajendra
Prasad. Mother Teresa 1980
TT Initially there was no provision to give this Acharya Vinoba Bhave (Posthumous) 1983
honor posthumously. This provision was added Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan 1987
in 1966. After that 15 people were given this
Maruthur Gopalan Ramachandran 1988
honor posthumously.
TT Bharat Ratna can be given to a maximum of
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (Posthumously) 1990
three persons in a year.
TT So far 48 personalities from different fields have Nelson Mandela 1990
been awarded with the Bharat Ratna Award. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 1991
TT Description : Bharat Ratna inscribed in (Posthumously)
Devanagari script with platinum image of Surya Morarji Desai (Pakistan's Highest 1991
on a Peepal leaf. Civilian honor Nishan-e-Pakistan)
TT First decorated : Sarvapalli Radhakrishna Rajiv Gandhi (Posthumously) 1991
TT Last Decorated : 2019, Nanaji Deshmukh Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (Not 1992
(posthumously), Bhupen Hazarika accepted while alive) (Posthumously)
(posthumously), Pranab Mukherjee
J.R.D. Tata 1992
TT Bharat Ratna is followed by Padma Vibhushan,
Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri respectively Satyajit Ray 1992
in the honors given by the Government of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 1997
for notable contribution. Aruna Asaf Ali (Posthumous) 1997
TT Sachin Tendulkar is the only sportsperson to Gulzari Lal Nanda (Posthumous) 1997
have received the Bharat Ratna and he is the
youngest (40 years) person to receive the Bharat M. S. Subbulakshmi 1998
Ratna. Chidambaram Subrahmanyam 1998
TT The awardees of Bharat Ratna get only a Jaiprakash Narayan (Posthumous) 1998
certificate and a medal from the Government of Pandit Ravi Shankar 1999
India. No amount is given with this honor.
Professor Amartya Sen 1999
LIST OF BHARAT RATNA WINNERS Gopinath Bordoloi (Posthumous) 1999
Dr. Chandrashekhara Venkataraman 1954 Ustad Bismillah Khan (Awarded with 2001
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari 1954 all top honors of India)
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 1954 Lata Mangeshkar 2001
Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya 1955 Bhimsen Joshi 2009
Dr. Bhagwan Das 1955 Chintamani Nagesh Ramachandra 2014
Jawaharlal Nehru 1955
Sachin Tendulkar (Youngest) 2014

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Atal Bihari Vajpayee 2015 of which three leaves surround it. One gets the
certificate signed by the President.
Madan Mohan Malviya 2015
Nanaji Deshmukh (Posthumously) 2019 PADMA SHRI
Pranab Mukherjee 2019 TT Padma Shri is an honor usually given only to
Indian citizens by the Government of India in
Bhupen Hazarika (Posthumous) 2019
recognition of their distinguished contribution
PADMA AWARDS in various fields of life such as arts, education,
industry, literature, science, sports, medicine,
TT The Padma Awards are one of the Highest
social service and public life etc. is given to do.
Civilion Honours of India announced annually
on the eve of Republic Day. TT It is the fourth highest civilian award given by
the Government of India, it is announced on 26
TT Padma Awards are given in three categories- 1.
Padma Vibhushan 2. Padma Bhushan 3. Padma
Shri TT Established :1954
TT The Bharat Ratna and Padma awards were TT First awarded : Balbir Singh Dosanjh, 1954.
discontinued by the Janata Party government The first woman to receive Padma Shri was
in the year 1977, But were resumed in 1980 by Nargis who was an actress.
the Congress government.
TT Three types of Padma Awards All are given in
TT Jnanpith Award is the highest literary honor
the fields of medicine, literature, sports, arts,
given in India. The Jnanpith Award is given by
social service, education, science, engineering,
the Bharatiya Jnanpith to Indian writers who
civil service etc.
have contributed to literature. Excellent
PADMA VIBHUSHAN TT Some of the other literary awards given by
TT The Padma Vibhushan award is the second Bharatiya Jnanpith include Jnangarima
Highest civilian award given by the Government Puraskar, Moortidevi Puraskar and Navlekhan
of India, which is given for valuable contribution Puraskar.
to the country in various fields. This honor is TT Sri Sankara Kurup (Malayalam poet) was
given by the President of India. the first Indian writer to receive the Jnanpith
TT Establishment: January 2, 1954. Award for his anthology Odakkujal.
TT It is the second prestigious award of India after TT The first woman Jnanpith awardee was
Bharat Ratna. Ashapurna Devi.
TT First decoration 1954 TT Total number of 62 persons have been awarded
TT First decorated person Satyendranath Bose and so far.
TT An amount of Rs 11 lakh is given as a prize in
TT This honor is awarded for distinguished and
this award.
notable service in any field. It also includes
services rendered by Government servants. TT Final Award: Renowned Konkani with writer
Damodar Moujo has been awarded the 59th
PADMA BHUSHAN Jnanpith Award for the year 2022.
TT The Padma Bhushan award is the third highest
civilian award given by the Government of India SHANTI SWARUP BHATNAGAR
for valuable contribution to the country. TT This award is given by the Indian Council
TT Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan and Padma of Industrial and Scientific Research for
Shri is be named among other prestigious remarkable and extraordinary research in the
awards given by the Government of India. fields of biological, chemical, environmental, in-
depth study of oceans and planets, engineering,
TT The award is given for distinguished service of
mathematics, medicine and physics.
a high order, without distinction of Occupation,
Status or Caste and Gender. TT This award is the highest award of science and
TT Established : January 2, 1954
TT It was established in 1958 by the Council of
TT First awarded: 1954
Scientific and Industrial Research in honor of
TT Last awarded: 2023 (9 people have been its founder director Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar.
awarded the Padma Bhushan in 2023.) The award is given in the honor of Sir Shanti
TT Award: A Bronze badge is given as a mark of Swarup Bhatnagar, the first and founder
respect. A lotus flower is made in the middle
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director of CSIR. TT It comes after Mahavir Chakra in priority
TT First Awarded : 1960 TT B.B.L. Dutt was the first civilian to receive the
TT Award: This award carries a citation and an Kirti Chakra.
amount of 5 lakhs and a plaque. TT Established : 1952
TT First recipient: 1952
TT Final Recipient: 2019
TT Total Recipients: 496 (Posthumous Recipients
TT International Film Festival of India (IFFI),
established in 1952, is one of the most important
film festivals in Asia. TT Captain Joginder Singh Gharaya and 11 other
persons were the first recipients of the Kirti
TT The objective of the festival is to provide a
common platform for cinemas of the world to
showcase the excellence of film art. NATIONAL BRAVERY AWARDS
TT To contribute to the understanding and
appreciation of film cultures in the context of the NATIONAL CHILD BRAVERY AWARD
social and cultural ethos of different nations and TT National Bravery Awards are given to brave
to promote friendship and co-operation among children (6 to 18 years of age) in India every
the peoples of the world. year on the eve of 26 January.
TT This award is given by the Ministry of TT The Indian Council for Child Welfare started
Information and Broadcasting under the these awards from 1957.
National Film Development Corporation of TT Award: The award carries a medal, a certificate
India. and a cash amount. Financial aid is also given.
TT Establishment: January 24, 1952 TT The National Child Bravery Award is given for
TT Awards: The best film of the festival is presented exceptional achievement in six categories.
with the Golden Conch Award along with a cash TT In 2022, this award has been given to 29
prize of `10 lakh. children.
TT The award is given in sports, educational, art
ASHOKA CHAKRA and culture, innovation and bravery categories.
TT The Ashoka Chakra is India's Highest peacetime TT Provided by the Indian Council for Child
gallantry medal. This honor is given to soldiers Welfare.
and civilians for extraordinary heroism, bravery
or sacrifice. PARAMVEER CHAKRA
TT It can also be given posthumously. TT It is the highest military decoration of India and
TT The Ashoka Chakra is awarded by the President. is awarded for displaying exceptional courage
TT This medal is awarded for showing a and acts of indomitable and extraordinary valor
commendable act of courage, valor and self- during war.
sacrifice on land, water and air. TT This medal is made of bronze on which
TT It is the highest peacetime gallantry award. Indravajra is inscribed on one side.
TT Establishment: January 4, 1952 TT The first Param Vir Chakra in India was
TT First Given: January 26, 1952 awarded to Major Somnath Sharma for military
action (1947).
TT Last Given : ASI Babu Ram
TT The last recipient of the Param Vir Chakra was
TT Total Recipients: 90 (58 posthumously)
Rifleman Sanjay Kumar of the 13th J&K Rifles
KIRTI CHAKRA for 'Operation Vijay' in the Kargil conflict (1999).
TT This award of Kirti Chakra Shaurya is given to TT Establishment: January 26, 1950
those, who has displayed unprecedented courage TT First Awarded: November 3, 1947 (Major
in combat with the enemy. Somnath Sharma)
TT Kirti Chakra is India's gallantry medal. TT Last Paid: July 6, 1999 (Capt. Vikram Batra)
TT This award is given to soldiers and civilians for TT Total Recipients: 21 (14 posthumously)
extraordinary bravery or acts of valor or self- TT Prize money: Rs 2.50 lakh annuity allowance
sacrifice. (total Rs 31 lakh)
TT It can also be given posthumously.

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MAHAVIR CHAKRA in Behat village of Gwalior district of Madhya
TT This is country's second highest gallantry award Pradesh.
is given to the brave soldier who has displayed TT The event is organized by the Department of
unique bravery in the suppression of enemies. Culture, Government of Madhya Pradesh, near
TT The Mahavir Chakra is India's wartime Tansen's tomb.
gallantry medal. TT The prestigious 'National Tansen Samman' is a
TT This honor is given to soldiers for extraordinary music award given to exponents of Hindustani
bravery or overt bravery and sacrifice. music.
TT It can also be given posthumously. TT First Tansen Samman: Ustad Abdul Haleem
Zafar Khan (Sitarist Utsad, 2000)
TT In the order of preference, it comes after Param
Vir Chakra. TT Final recipient: Pandit Satish Vyas (santoor
player, 2020)
TT Establishment : January 26, 1950
TT Prize: Rs 5 lakh
TT First Awarded : 1947
TT Award Money: Rs 10000 per month allowance TT Saraswati Samman, K. Of. Literary Award
given by Birla Foundation.
TT This honor is given every year to an outstanding
TT The Vyas Samman is the second-highest literary literary work published in the languages listed
honour, literary academic award, after the in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of
Jnanpith Award for Indian Literature. India.
TT Inception: The award was instituted in 1991 TT Award: The award carries a shawl, a citation,
by K. Of. Birla Foundation. an insignia and an honorarium of Rs 15 lakh.
TT First recipient: Ram Vilas Sharma (The TT Saraswati Samman was started in 1991.
Ancient Language Families of India and Hindi,
TT The first Saraswati Samman was given to Hindi
litterateur Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan for his
TT Final Recipient: Asghar Wajahat (2021) 31st four volume autobiography.
Edition (2021)
TT It is given in the field of literature.
TT Award amount: Rs 4 lakh in cash, citation and
TT Saraswati Samman 2021 (31st) was given to
plaque are given.
Ramdarsh Mishra for his poetry collection 'Main
TT Any literary work in Hindi published within 10 to yahan hoon'.
years can be eligible for this award.
TT Chief Under this award, a statue of Goddess
NATIONAL FILM AWARDS Saraswati is given along with an amount of
TT This National Film Award is given by the ` 15 lakh and a citation.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, INDIRA GANDHI PEACE PRIZE
Government of India, for enhancing the high
TT Indira Gandhi Peace Prize is given in the
level of aesthetic, educative and cultural values
memory of former Prime Minister of India Indira
in Indian films.
Gandhi. The Indira Gandhi Peace, Disarmament
TT These National Film Awards are presented by and Development Award is given annually since
the President every year in New Delhi. 1986 by the 'Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust'
TT Establishment : October 10, 1954 established in her memory to any person in the
TT Final Award: August 9, 2019 world who has made a significant contribution
TT Description: The highest award given to a to social service, disarmament or development.
motion picture in India TT Established : 1986
TT National Film Awards (2022) - 68th TT First recipient: Parliamentarians for Global
TT The prize money is Rs 10 lakh in cash, Swarna Action, 1986
Kamal Medal and a 3 shawl. TT Final recipient: Sir Attenborough for the year
TANSEN SAMAROH OR TANSEN SAMMAN TT Prize money: Rs 25 lakh in cash, a trophy and
TT Tansen Samaroh or Tansen Music Festival is a citation
celebrated every year in the month of December

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TT Miss India or Femina Miss India. This award is TT The Sahitya Akademi Award is given every year
given once a year. since 1955 to the best works in Indian languages.
TT Indian beauty queens are allowed to participate TT Translation Award, Children's Literature
in international beauty pageants only after Award and Youth Writing Award are also
winning it. given annually by Sahitya Akademi in different
TT Established :1952 (Headquarters Mumbai) Indian languages.
TT Official language: Hindi, English TT Established : 1955
TT First winner: Esther Victoria Abraham (1947) TT First awarded: 1955, Makhanlal Chaturvedi,
TT Final Winner (2022): Sini Shetty (2022) Kriti Him Tarangini
TT Prize: One lakh rupees TT Last awarded: 2021, Daya Prakash Singha
(for Emperor Ashoka)
RABINDRANATH TAGORE INTERNATIONAL TT Award (Amount): Rs 1 lakh in cash along with
PEACE PRIZE a Tamrapatra
TT The award was instituted by the Government of
India in 2011 on the 150th anniversary of the MAJOR DHYAN CHAND KHEL RATNA AWARD
birth of Rabindranath Tagore. (FORMERLY RAJIV GANDHI KHEL RATNA
TT This award of one crore is given to poets and AWARD)
artists. TT Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award is the
TT This award was given to Pandit Ravi Shankar highest sporting award given in India.
for the year 2012 and Zubin Mehta for the year TT This award is named after the best player of
2013. India and the world hockey, who was a member
TT Final recipient: Rajkamal Jha (for the book of the Indian hockey team that won three
'City of the Sea') Olympic gold medals.
TT It is selected annually by a committee
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU INTERNATIONAL constituted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and
GOODWILL AWARD Sports and is awarded to the outstanding and
TT Jawaharlal Nehru Sadbhavna Puraskar is an most outstanding performance in the field of
international award given by the Government sports at the international level over a period of
of India, established in 1965. The award is four years.
given for his outstanding contribution to the TT Establishment : 1991-92
promotion of international TT First decoration : 1991 (Winner - Vishwanath
TT understanding, goodwill and friendship among Anand)
the peoples of the world. TT Description : Biggest sports award in India
TT This award is given by the Indian Council given by Government of India
for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Government TT Award: In this award, a medal, a citation and
of India, for significant contribution in the a cash amount of Rs 25 lakh are given to the
field of international peace, disarmament and awardee.
development. TT Honorable persons are given free railway
TT Establishment : 1965 facility.
TT First recipient: U Thant (Burma), in 1965 TT Final Winner: Sharath Kamal, 2022 (Table
TT Last recipient: Angela Merkel (Germany) in Tennis) (38th)
TT No award was given to anyone between the MAJOR DHYANCHAND KHEL RATNA AWARD
years 1986 and 1995 to 2003. The last award KEY POINTS
was given in 2009. TT Earlier it was known as Rajiv Gandhi Khel
TT Prize money: Rs 2.5 million (Rs 25 lakh), a Ratna Award. It is an outstanding honor in
citation sports.
TT Till now a total of 36 people have been given this TT It is awarded every year by the Ministry of
award. Sports and Youth Affairs.
TT It was established in 1991-1992.

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TT First recipient: Viswanathan Anand (Chess) TT It first started in 1954.
TT Final Recipients: 1. Neeraj Chopra (Javelin TT Under this honor, awards are given in 31
Throw), 2. Ravi Dahiya (Wrestling) 3. Lovlina categories.
Bogohain (Boxing) 4. Sunil Chhetri (Football) TT First Awarded 1954
5. Mithali Raj (Cricket) 6. P. Sreejesh (Hockey) TT 66th Filmfare Awards 2022
7. Manpreet Singh (Hockey) 8. Pramod Bhagat
ÂÂ Best Film: Sher Shah (Director
(Para-Badminton Player)
KALINGA AWARD ÂÂ Best Director : Vishnuvardhan (film
TT The Kalinga Prize is awarded for his contribution Shershaah)
in promoting and popularizing science among ÂÂ Best Actor : Ranveer Singh (Film 83)
the society. ÂÂ Best Actress : Kriti Sanon (film Mimi)
TT The Kalinga Prize is given for major contributions
in the field of science communication. ARJUNA AWARD
TT This award is given by UNESCO. TT The Arjuna Award is an award given to
TT The first Indian to be awarded the Kalinga Prize sportspersons by the Government of India for
is Jagjit Singh, who received the award in 1963 outstanding performance in the field of sports.
as a writer. TT Arjuna Award is one of the famous sports
TT The award is biennial and is presented on 10 awards.
November, the World Science Day. TT Arjuna Award was started in 1961.
TT First recipient: Louis de Broglie, 1952
TT The award is given by the Government of India
TT Final Recipient: Jean Pierre Luminet (2021)
to recognize outstanding achievements in sports.
ÂÂ Indian - Nimai Charan Panda, 2019
TT From the year 2020, the winner of this award
ÂÂ 2021 Andhra Pradesh Governor Biswa
carries a prize money of Rs 15 lakh, a bronze
Bhushan Harichandan has been awarded
statue of Arjuna and a scroll.
the Kalinga Ratna Award for the year
2021. TT The youngest Arjuna Award winner is
14-year-old swimmer Kutraleswaran Ramesh.
TT Prize money: Rs 10 lakh, a Swarna Kamal
Vishwanath Anand received the Arjuna Award
medallion, and a shawl.
at the age of 15.
DADASAHEB PHALKE AWARD TT India's first Arjuna Award winner was Manuel
TT The Dadasaheb Phalke Award is an annual Aaron (in 1961) who was India's first Chess
award given by the Government of India to an International Master.
individual for his or her lifetime contribution to TT The first woman to receive the Arjuna Award
Indian cinema. was Kumari Meena Shah.
TT This award was started on the birth centenary TT First awarded : 1961
of Dadasaheb Phalke. TT Last Awarded : 2022 Total Awarded : 941
TT Happened since the year 1969. This award Individual Team Awards
is given by the Ministry of Information and TT Prize money : Rs 15 lakh
Broadcasting, Government of India to a person
who has made a significant contribution to the DRONACHARYA AWARD
development of Indian cinema. TT Dronacharya Award, known as Dronacharya
TT Established : 1969 Award for outstanding contribution to sports
TT First recipient: Devika Rani (1969) and games.
TT Award: Rs 10 lakh, a Swarna Kamal medallion TT The award is named after Guru Dronacharya.
and a shawl TT This award is given annually by the Ministry of
TT Final recipient: Asha Parekh (2020), 52nd ed.; Youth Affairs and Sports.
Rajinikanth (2021) TT Established: 1985
TT Category: Coach in Sports (Individual)
TT First decoration : 1985 (by Government of
TT This award is given by the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting, Government of
India, for enhancing the high level of aesthetic, TT Description : Talented coaches in India
educational and cultural values in Indian films. TT First Winner: 1. Bhalachandra Bhaskar

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Bhagwat (Wrestling) 2. Om Prakash Bhardwaj formerly known as National Adventure Award.
3. O. M. Nambier It is the highest adventure sports award of the
TT Award: 15 Lakh (Lifetime Category); 10 Lakh Republic of India.
(Regular Category) TT The award is named after Tenzing Norgay, who
TT Dronacharya Award 2021: Lifetime along with Edmund Hillary was one of the first
Category two men to reach the summit of Mount Everest
ÂÂ TP Ouseph - Athletics in 1953.
ÂÂ • Sarkar Talwar - Cricket TT This award is given every year by the Ministry
of Sports and Youth Affairs.
ÂÂ • Sarpal Singh - Hockey
TT The recipient is awarded for outstanding
ÂÂ • Ashan Kumar - Kabaddi
achievement in the field of adventure sports on
ÂÂ • Tapan Kumar Panigrahi - Swimming land, water or air over the past three years.
TT Dronacharya Award: 2021 : Regular TT It is provided by the Government of India.
TT Instituted in the year 1993-1994, these awards
ÂÂ • Radhakrishnan Nair P. - Athletics were first given in 1994. This award is considered
ÂÂ • Sandhya Murung - Boxing at par with the Arjuna Award.
ÂÂ • Pritam Siwach Hockey TT Till the year 2020, 139 persons have been given
ÂÂ • Jaiprakash Nautiyal - Para Shooting this award.
ÂÂ • Subramanian Raman Table Tennis TT Award: As of 2020, the award consists of a
bronze bust of 'Tenzing Norgay', a certificate,
DHYAN CHAND AWARD a colored jacket with blazer and silken tie/sari,
TT Dhyan Chand Award is India's top sporting and prize money of Rs 15 lakh.
award which recognizes the lifetime achievement
of a sportsperson. Its official name is Jeevan
Gaurav Dhyan Chand Award in Sports. Famous Award of Indian State
TT The award is named after Dhyan Chand, the
famous field hockey player of India. Award State
TT This award is given by the Ministry of Sports Yash Bharti Award Uttar Pradesh
and Youth since 2002. Dhanji Kanji Gandhi Suvarna Gujarat
TT Recipients are selected by a committee Chandrak / Dhanji Gandhi Gold
constituted by the ministry and awarded for Medal
their contribution both during their active Ramanlal Neelkanth Comedy Gujarat
sporting tenure and after retirement. Award
TT Established : 2002 Asom Vaibhav Award Assam
TT First recipient: 2002 (Shahuraj Birajdar and
Rajasthan Gems Rajasthan
Bhim Award Haryana
TT Final Recipient: 2021, Sajjan Singh (Wrestling)
and others National Kalidas Samman Madhya
TT Award (Amount): The award carries a Pradesh
statuette, a certificate, ceremonial dress and a Shaheed Veeranarayan Singh Chhattisgarh
cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. Honor
TT Dhyan Chand Award for the year 2017 to Birsa Munda Sports Award Jharkhand
Bhupendra Singh (Wrestling), Rajendra Samman Bihar
TT Sumrai Tete (Hockey) and Syed Shahid Hakim
Maharashtra Bhushan Award Maharashtra
(Football) were honored.
Maharashtra Bhushan Award Kerala
TT Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award,

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famous international
organisation and their
UNITED NATIONS (UN: UNITED NATIONS) such as peace and security, the inclusion of
TT The United Nations was established in 1945 new members and for the budget decision, a
as an international organization. The main majority of two-thirds members is required.
objectives of the United Nations Organization At the beginning of the session, the General
are to prevent elements hostile to international Assembly elects a new president, 21 vice-
peace and security, to settle international presidents.
disputes peacefully and to establish friendly In addition to regular sessions, the General
relations between nations. Assembly may also hold special sessions on the
TT Currently there are 193 member states in the recommendation of the Security Council.
United Nations. South Sudan became the 193rd On the recommendation of the Security Council,
member in 2011. China, Russia, France, UK and The functions of General Assembly are: The
USA are in the list of permanent members. appointment of the Judge of the International
TT Year of Establishment : 1945 Court of Justice, The membership of new
TT Headquarters: New York, US countries, The appointment of the Secretary-
General and The passing of the budget of the
TT The working languages of the United Nations
United Nations.
are English and French. A total of 6 languages
(English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and (ii) Security Council (UNSC): It is the main
Spanish) are recognized. executive organ of the UNO. Maintaining
security is the main responsibility of the
TT Secretary-General : Antonio Guterres (from
Security Council, hence it is also called the
police man of the world. It consists of 15
TT First General Secretary: Trygve lie (Norway). members.
ORGANISATION China, Russia, France, UK and USA. While 10
(i) General Assembly non-permanent members of General Assembly
are elected by a 2/3rd majority, whose tenure is
(ii) Security Council
of 2 years. America first used the veto in 1971.
(iii) Economic and Social Council The Soviet Union has used the veto most often.
(iv) Trusteeship Council United Nations Human Rights Council:
(v) International Court of Justice The United Nations Human Rights Council
(vi) UN Secretariat was formed in 2006 by the United Nations
General Assembly. It replaced the Human
Apart from the International Court of Justice sits Rights Commission which was earlier
at Hague in Netherlands, all the other organs under the Economic and Social Council. Its
of the United Nations are situated in New York headquarter is in Geneva (Switzerland). Its
(USA). current president is Vaclav Balek.
(i) General Assembly : The General Assembly (iii) Economic and Social Council: In ECOSOC,
consists of representatives of all 193 countries. the number of members selected by the General
That's why it is also called world's small Assembly is 54, whose tenure is of 3 years.
parliament. The President of the General Every year two meetings of the Economic and
Assembly is elected for one year. Now in the Social Council (ECOSOC) are held in April in
77th session, the current president is Csaba (New York) and in July (Geneva).
Korosi. The Council works on economic, social
Important decisions in the General Assembly and environmental issues through various

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
specialized agencies; Like - WHO, WTO, World Food and Agriculture 16 Rome (Italy)
Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNESCO etc. Organization (FAO) April,
(iv) Trusteeship Council: The responsibility 1945
of the Trustee Council has been entrusted to
World Meteorological 1951 Geneva
Australia, New Zealand, Britain and America.
Organization (WMO)
At present, the Trusteeship Council has 12
member countries, of which 4 are managers, World Intellectual 1967 Geneva
3 are permanent members and 5 are elected Property Organization
members. The Trusteeship Council suspended (WIPO)
its operations in 1994, a month after the International Atomic 1957 Vienna,
independence of the Pacific island of Palau in Energy Agency (IAEA) (Austria)
1994. International Maritime 1948 London (UK)
(v) International Court of Justice (ICJ): It Organization (IMO)
was established on 3rd April, 1946 at Hague
UNESCO 1945 Paris,
(Netherlands). The Legal Handbook of the
International Court of Justice consists of
5 chapters and 70 articles. ICJ consists of UNICEF 1946 New York
15 judges, who are appointed for 9 years. International 1865 Geneva
It cannot have two judges from the same Telecommunication
country. The quorum of the court is 9. Benegal Union (ITU)
Nursing Rau was the first Indian judge in Universal Postal Union 1874 Bern
the International Court of Justice. Nagendra (UPU) (Switzerland)
Singh was the first Indian President of the
International Civil 1944 Montreal
International Court of Justice.
Aviation Organization (Canada)
(vi) Secretariat: The Secretariat deals with the (ICAO)
day-to-day affairs of the United Nations, headed
by the Secretary-General, who is appointed by United Nations 1966 Vienna,
the General Assembly on the recommendation Industrial (Austria)
of the Security Council for a term of 5 years. The Development
Secretary-General can also be appointed for a Organization (UNIDO)
second term. According to the manifesto, the International Fund 1977 Rome (Italy)
general secretary is the chief administrative for Agricultural
officer of the organization. Trygve Lie Development (IFAD)
(Norway) was the first Secretary-General of Comprehensive 1996 Vienna
the United Nations. Dag Hammarskjold was Nuclear Test Ban
the genegal secretary who died in an air crash. Treaty Organization
THE UNITED NATIONS Organization for the 1997 Hague
Prohibition of Chemical (Netherlands)
Head Weapons (OPCW)
Organization Year
United Nations High 1951 Geneva
International Labor 11 Geneva Commissioner for
Organization (ILO) April, (Switzerland) Refugees (UNHCR)
World Trade 1995 Geneva
World Bank 1944 Washington Organization (WTO)
International 1945 Washington SOME MAJOR ORGANIZATIONS OF THE
Monetary Fund (IMF) DC WORLD
World Health 7 April, Geneva WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO)
Organization (WHO) 1948
›› It was established on January 1, 1995. Its
World Tourism 1925 Madrid headquarters is in Geneva. Presently it has
Organization (WTO) (Spain) 164 member countries. Afghanistan became
the 164th member on 29 July 2016.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› GATT: GATT was later renamed as World Trade Eurozone.
Organization (WTO). GATT was established in ›› The European Union has 27 member states
1955. after Britain left the EU in January 2020.
›› It was founded on May 8, 1863 by Henry IN 2014)
Dunant in Geneva. Its headquarters is in ›› It was established in 1975 by France. Its 7
Geneva and this organization has been awarded member countries are: Canada, USA, UK,
the Nobel Peace Prize three times. Red Cross France, Germany, Japan and Italy.
was established in India in 1920. ›› • Germany to host the 48th G-7 summit in June
›› INTERPOL was established in 1923. Presently ›› It was established in 1999 in Berlin (Germany).
it has 195 member countries. A 'Red Corner' G-20 is an organization of 20 industrialized and
notice is issued by Interpol. The headquarters developing countries of the world. It includes
of Interpol is located in Lyon (France). India is 19 countries and the European Union. Its first
also its member. conference was held in 2008 in Washington,
USA. The 17th G-20 summit was hosted by
Indonesia. After that India will host it in 2023.
›› It was established on April 4, 1949. The
headquarters of NATO is in Brussels ASEAN
(Belgium). There are 30 member countries in ›› ASEAN is a regional organization of Southeast
this organization. Asian countries. It was established in 1967.
Its headquarter is in Jakarta (Indonesia). It
has a total of 10 member countries. Its first
summit was held in 1976 in Bali (Indonesia).
›› It was established in 1985. Its headquarter is
in Kathmandu (Nepal). The first summit of ORGANIZATION OF PETROLEUM EXPORTING
SAARC was held in Dhaka in 1985. Its 8 member COUNTRIES (OPEC)
countries are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, ›› It was established in the year 1960 in Baghdad.
Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Its headquarter is in Vienna (Austria).
Afghanistan. OPEC now has 13 member states following
the withdrawal of Gabon from Qatar on
January 1, 2019.
›› In the year 2009, Brazil, Russia, India and
China established a new economic organization. NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT (NAM)
The first summit of BRICS took place in the ›› After the Second World War, the world was
city of Yekaterinburg, Russia. In its second gradually divided mainly into two groups, the
summit in the year 2010, South Africa was also capitalist America and the communist Soviet
made its member. The BRICS Development Union. The rivalry between these two factions is
Bank was established in the year 2014 at the called the Cold War. The main objective of the
Sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil. It Non-Aligned Movement was not to get involved
is known as New Development Bank. Recently in the politics of the Cold War. Its first summit
the Prime Minister of India attended the 14th was held in 1961 in Belgrade (Serbia).
BRICS summit which was hosted virtually by Presently it has 120 member countries. Its
China. headquarter is located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The country in which its conference is held, the
same country presides over it.
›› It was established in 1958. Its headquarter is
in Brussels (Belgium). The number of member ARAB LEAGUE
states of the European Union is 27. It acts as a ›› The Arab League was established on March 22,
strong economic and political block. On January 1945 in Cairo (Egypt). Its headquarter is in
1, 2002, the currency called Euro was introduced. Cairo. Currently, the Arab League has a total of
This currency is being used by 19 countries of 22 members after Syria was suspended from the
this organization. These countries are called league in 2011.

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) Nations General Assembly as an autonomous
›› It was established on 19 December 1966. Its part of the United Nations Secretariat. Its
headquarter is in Manila (Philippines). At the headquarter is in Vienna (Austria). UNIDO
time of ADB's establishment, it had 31 members. has 171 member states as of 17 January,
ADB currently has 68 members. 2023. The main objective of this organization is
to promote industrial development along with
COMMONWEALTH environmental sustainability.
›› It is an association of countries, almost all of
which were formerly under British Rule. It UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM
was established in 1926 and formalized as (UNEP)
British Commonwealth of nations in 1931. Its ›› UNEP was established by Maurice Strong
headquarter is in London. Currently there on June 05, 1972 after the United Nations
are 53 member countries in the Commonwealth. Conference on the Environment in Stockholm
India became a member of the Commonwealth (Sweden). Its (UNEP) headquarter is in
of Nations in 1949. Nairobi (Kenya). It has 193 member
›› It was established on 7th April, 1948. That's SOME OTHER MAJOR ORGANIZATIONS OF
why World Health Day is celebrated every THE WORLD AND THEIR HEADQUARTERS
year on 7th April. Its headquarter is located in
Organizations Headquarters
Geneva (Switzerland). Currently WHO has
194 member states. India became a member of European Parliament Strasbourg
WHO on January 12, 1948. The South-East (France)
Asia Office of the World Health Organization is European Energy Commission Geneva
in New Delhi. (EEC) (Switzerland)
UNESCO European Economic Geneva
Organization (EEO) (Switzerland)
›› UNESCO was established in 1945. Its head-
quarter is in Paris (France). UNESCO has 193 International Atomic Energy Vienna,
member states, including 11 associate member Agency (IAEA) (Austria)
states. UNESCO coordinates international European Atomic Energy Brussels,
cooperation in the fields of education, science Community (Euraton) (Belgium)
and culture. There are 40 UNESCO World Organization of African Unity Addis Ababa
Heritage Sites in India. Dholavira and (OAU) (currently African (Ethiopia)
Ramappa Temple are the latest sites in this list, Union)
which are included in the list of World Heritage
List on July 27, 2021. International Olympic Lausanne
Committee (IOC) (Switzerland)
›› • Italy has the largest number of 'World Heritage
Sites' in the world, which are 58 in number. CHOGM: (Commonwealth Strasbourg
Heads of Government Meeting) (France)
›› It was created by the United Nations General (Switzerland)
Assembly on December 11, 1946. UNICEF is
International Solar Alliance Haryana (India)
working in more than 190 countries. Priyanka
Chopra is the Goodwill Brand Ambassador of Indian Ocean Commission Port Louis
UNICEF. (IOC) (Mauritius)
›› Ludwik Rajchman, a Polish physician, Amnesty International London (UK)
played an important role in the formation of United Nations High Geneva
UNICEF. UNICEF's supply division is based in Commission for Refugees (Switzerland)
Copenhagen (Denmark). (UNHCR)
›› UNIDO was established in 1966 by the United

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

foreign traveller in india

Name of Foreign
Time During Whose Reign
Megasthenes 304-299 BCE During the reign of Chandragupta Maurya

Hiuen Tsang 630-645 AD During the reign of Harshavardhana

Faxian 399-414 AD During the reign of Chandragupta II

Al-Masoodi 910-940 AD Mahipal

Itsing 671-695 AD –

Al Biruni or Abu Rayhan By 1024-1030 AD Mahmud Ghaznavi


Ibn Battuta 1333-1347 AD During the reign of Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Marco Polo By 1292-1294 AD It came to India during the reign of Kulashakra,

Madvartana, Madurai of Pandyan kingdom.

Abdul Razzaq By 1443-1444 AD It came during the reign of Devaraya II.

Domingo Paes By 1520-1522 AD It came during the rule of Krishnadeva Raya

Sir Thomas Roe From 1615-1619 AD During the reign of Jahangir

Niccolò Manucci 1653-1708 AD During the reign of Dara Shikoh it functioned

in his kingdom.

Peter Mundi By 1630-1634 AD During the reign of Shah Jahan

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous gardens of india

Garden City State Shalimar Bagh Srinagar Jammu and
Acharya Kolkata West Bengal Kashmir
Jagdish Tulip Garden Srinagar Jammu and
Chandra Bose Kashmir
Indian Botanic Company Allahabad Uttar Pradesh
Garden Garden
Lloyd Darjeeling West Bengal Jhansi Jhansi Uttar Pradesh
Botanical Botanical
Garden Garden
Royal Howrah West Bengal Saharanpur Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh
Botanical Botanical
Garden Garden,
Rock garden Darjeeling West Bengal Kalindi Kunj New Delhi New Delhi
Auroville Auroville Tamil Nadu Lodi Garden New Delhi New Delhi
Mughal New Delhi New Delhi
Sim park Kunoor Tamil Nadu
Law garden Ahmedabad Gujarat
Vrindavan Mysore Karnataka
Sarita Udyan Gandhinagar Gujarat
Malampuzha Palakkad Kerala
Lal Bagh Bangalore Karnataka
Peelikule Mangalore Karnataka
Pinjore Garden Panchkula Haryana
Garden Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh
Rock Garden
Chambal Kota Rajasthan
Garden hanging Mumbai Maharashtra
Sajjan Niwas Udaipur Rajasthan
Garden (Rose Jallianwala Amritsar Punjab
Garden) Bagh
Chasmashahi Srinagar Jammu and Jawaharlal Gangtok Sikkim
Kashmir Nehru
Nishat Bagh Srinagar Jammu and

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

famous museum in india

Museum Location International Doll New Delhi
Indira Gandhi National Bhopal, Madhya Museum
Human Museum Pradesh Egmore Museum Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Calico Textile Museum Ahmedabad, Gujarat Allahabad Museum Allahabad, Uttar
Chhatrapati Shivaji Mumbai, Maharashtra Pradesh
Maharaj Vastu Swaraj Bhavan Allahabad, Uttar
Sangrahalaya (Prince of Pradesh
Wales Museum) Sarnath Museum Sarnath, Uttar
Dr. Ambedkar National New Delhi Pradesh
Memorial and Museum State Museum Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Dandi Cottage Museum Gandhinagar, Gujarat Albert Hall Museum Jaipur, Rajasthan
Napier Museum Thiruvananthapuram, Mumbai Wax Museum Mumbai, Maharashtra
Shri Chhatrapati Shahu Kolhapur,
Naval Aviation Museum Vasco da Gama, Goa Museum Maharashtra
Naval Museum (The Visakhapatnam, Siddhagiri Village Life Kolhapur,
Swarna Jyoti Museum Andhra Pradesh Museum Maharashtra
Submarine Museum Visakhapatnam, National Museum of Mumbai, Maharashtra
(INS Kurusura) Museum Andhra Pradesh Modern Art
Partition Museum Amritsar, Punjab Archaeological Museum Bhopal, Madhya
Birla Industrial & Kolkata, West Bengal Pradesh
Technological Museum State Museum Bhopal, Madhya
Bombay Natural History Mumbai, Maharashtra Pradesh
Museum Madhya Pradesh Tribal Bhopal, Madhya
Indian Museum (Largest Kolkata, West Bengal Museum Pradesh
in India) Regional Natural Bhopal, Madhya
National Philatelic New Delhi Science Museum Pradesh
Museum Sanchi Archaeological Bhopal, Madhya
Maharaja Sansar Chand Kangra, Himachal Museum Pradesh
Museum Pradesh Tribal Museum Patalkot, Madhya
National Museum New Delhi Pradesh
National Handicrafts & New Delhi National Telecom Bhopal, Madhya
Handloom Museum Museum Pradesh
National Rail Museum New Delhi Sudhakar Museum Hyderabad, Telangana
Air Force Museum New Delhi Nizam Museum Hyderabad, Telangana
Victoria Jubilee Museum Vijayawada, Andhra Salar Jung Museum Hyderabad, Telangana
Pradesh Government Museum Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Visvesvaraya Industrial Bangalore, Karnataka Royal Museum Tanjore, Tamil Nadu
& Technological Museum

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

indian states
›› Number of Lok Sabha members : 17

›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 7

›› State Bird : Palpitta (Indian Roller/Blue Jay)
›› State : Rajasthan ›› State Animal : Zinka (Deer)
›› Capital : Jaipur ›› State Tree : Jammi Chattu (Prosopis cineraria)
›› Population Density: 200 persons per sq km ›› State Flower: Tanged Puchchu
›› Sex Ratio: 928 females per thousand males 0
State Foundation Day: 30 March
›› Official Language: Hindi
›› State Animal: Chinkara
›› State Bird: Godavan
›› State Flower: Rohida
›› Assembly : 200
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha: 25
›› Number of members in Rajya Sabha: 10

›› State : Telangana
›› Meaning of Telangana: Land of Telugu
›› Capital : Hyderabad
›› Formation : June 2, 2014 ›› Capital : patna
›› Number of assembly members: 119 ›› Borders: Nepal in the north, Jharkhand in
›› Number of Legislative Council members: the south, West Bengal in the east and Uttar
40 Pradesh in the west

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Official Languages: Hindi, Urdu
›› Number of assembly members: 243
›› Number of Legislative Council members:
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 40
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 16
›› State animal : bear
›› State Bird: Pigeon


›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 20

›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 9
›› Statehood Day: 1 November
›› Formation : 1 November 1956


›› Capital : Ranchi
›› State Official Language: Hindi
›› State Animal: Elephant
›› State Bird: Koel
›› State Flower: Palash
›› State Tree: Sal
›› Legislature: Unicameral
›› Number of assembly members: 82
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 14
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 6
›› State : Maharashtra
Kerala ›› Capital : Mumbai
›› Main Language: Marathi
›› State : Kerala
›› Major Festivals: Shivaji Utsav and Ganesh
›› Capital : Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) Chaturthi
›› Official Language: Malayalam ›› State Animal: Gaur
›› State Animal: Lion Tailed Ape ›› State Bird: Gray Jungle Fowl
›› State Bird: Antelope, Bitailed Angarak ›› Statehood day : 1 may
›› Major Folk Dances: Kathakali and ›› District : 36
›› Legislature: Bicameral
›› Main Festival: Onam
›› Number of assembly members: 288
›› Legislature: Unicameral
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 48
›› Number of Legislative Assembly members:
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 19

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Odisha Karnataka

›› State : Karnataka
›› State : Odisha ›› Capital : Bangalore
›› Capital: Bhubaneswar ›› Main language: Kannada
›› Language : Oriya ›› Statehood Day: 1 November
›› Legislature: unicameral ›› Legislature: Bicameral
›› Number of assembly members: 147 ›› Number of Legislative Assembly members:
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 21 224
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 10 ›› Number of Legislative Council members:
›› State Animal: Sambhar 75
›› State Bird: Hudhud ›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 28
›› Statehood Day: 1 April ›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 12
›› State Animal : Slender Loris
Assam ›› State Bird: Dhanesh

Andhra Pradesh

›› State : Assam
›› Capital : Dispur
›› Main language: Assamese
›› Legislature: Unicameral ›› State : Andhra Pradesh
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 14 ›› Capital : Hyderabad (P. Amravati)
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 7 ›› Current Chief Minister: Y.S. Jagan Mohan
›› State Day: 21 January Reddy
›› State Animal: One-horned Rhinoceros ›› Major languages: Telugu and Urdu Statehood
›› State Bird: White-winged Duck Day 1 November
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› District : 26
›› Major Dances: Kuchipudi, Ottam
›› Major Festivals/Festivals: Ugadi
›› Legislature: Bicameral
›› Number of assembly members: 175
›› Number of Legislative Council members:
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 25
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 11
›› State Tree: Neem (Vepa Chettu)
›› State Flower: Jasmine
›› State Animal: Krishna Jinka (Black Buck)
›› State Bird: Rama Chiluka
›› Main language: Gujarati
Tamil Nadu ›› District : 33
›› Statehood Day: May 1
›› Legislature: Unicameral
›› Number of members in the Legislative
Assembly: 182
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha: 26
›› Number of members in Rajya Sabha: 11
›› State Bird: Hansawar
›› State Animal: Gir Singh

Uttar Pradesh

›› State : Tamil Nadu

›› Capital : Chennai (Madras)
›› District : 38
›› Main language: Tamil
›› Statehood Day: 14 April
›› State Animal: Nilgiri Tahr
›› State Bird: Dabil
›› Number of members in the Legislative
›› State : Uttar Pradesh
Assembly: 234
›› Capital : Lucknow
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha: 39
›› Former name of the province: United
›› Number of members of Rajya Sabha: 18 Provinces
›› Main language: Hindi (Urdu is the second
Gujarat official language)
›› Legislature: Bicameral
›› State : Gujarat ›› Number of Legislative Assembly members:
›› Capital : Gandhinagar 404
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Number of Legislative Council members:
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 31
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 80
›› State Animal: Barasingha
›› State Bird: Stork or Kraunch
›› State Flower: Brahma Kalash
›› State symbol: Fish

Madhya Pradesh

›› Statehood Day: 1 November, 2000

›› State : Madhya Pradesh
›› Capital : Bhopal
›› Main Language: Hindi, Urdu
›› District : 53
›› Legislature: Unicameral
›› Number of assembly members: 230
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 11
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 29
›› State Animal: Barasingha
›› Statehood Day: 1 November, 1956

›› State : Chhattisgarh
›› Rajdhani : Raipur
›› Main language: Hindi, Chhattisgarhi and ›› State : Punjab
Urdu ›› Capital : Chandigarh
›› Legislature: Unicameral ›› Main Language: Punjabi, Hindi
›› Number of Legislative Assembly members: ›› District : 23
›› Legislature: Unicameral
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 5
›› Number of assembly members: 117
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 11
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 13
›› State Animal: Wild ueater Buffalo ›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 7

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› State Animal : Beakbuck
›› State Bird : Neelkanth
›› Statehood Day: 1 November


›› State Animal: Musk Deer

›› State Day : 15 April

Arunachal Pradesh

›› State : Haryana
›› Capital : Chandigarh
›› Main language: Hindi and Haryanvi
›› District : 22
›› Legislature: Unicameral
›› Number of Legislative Assembly members: ›› State : Arunachal Pradesh
90 ›› Capital : Itanagar
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 5 ›› Official language: English
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 10 ›› State Animal: Takin
›› State Animal: Nilgai ›› Number of Districts : 26
›› State Bird: Black Pheasant ›› Legislature: unicameral
›› Number of assembly members: 60
›› Statehood Day: 1 November
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 1
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 2
Himachal Pradesh
›› State : Himachal Pradesh West Bengal
›› Capital : Shimla
›› State : West Bengal
›› Main languages: Hindi, Kangri, Lahauli
›› Capital : Kolkata (Calcutta)
›› District : 12
›› Main language: Bangla
›› Legislature : Unicameral
›› District : 23
›› Number of assembly members: 68
›› Unicameral legislature
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 3
›› Number of Legislative Assembly members:
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 4

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 16 ›› Number of Rajya Sabha members: 3
›› Number of Lok Sabha members : 42 ›› State Animal: Musk Deer
›› State Animal: Indian Elephant

›› State : Tripura
›› Capital: Agartala
›› District : 8
›› Legislature: Unicameral (Legislative
›› Number of assembly members: 60
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 2
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 1
›› State Animal: Ferries leaf-monkey
›› State Bird: Phayre's Bluebird
›› Statehood Day: 21 January


›› State : Uttarakhand (Formerly Uttaranchal)

›› Winter capital : Dehradun
›› Summer Capital: Gairsain
›› District : 17
›› Legislature: unicameral (Legislative Assembly)
›› Number of Assembly members: 71 ›› State : Goa
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 5
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Capital : Panaji
›› District : 2
›› Legislature: Unicameral (Legislative
›› Number of assembly members: 40
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 2
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 1
›› State Animal: Mouse Deer
›› Official language: Konkani


›› Number of members in the Legislative

Assembly: 40
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha : 1
›› Number of members in Rajya Sabha: 1


›› State : Manipur
›› Capital : Imphal
›› District : 16
›› Legislature: Unicameral (Legislative
›› Number of assembly members: 60
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 2
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 1
›› State Day : 21 January ›› State: Sikkim
›› Capital : Gangtok
Mizoram ›› Main Languages: English, Nepali, Sikkimese,
›› State : Mizoram ›› Statehood Day: May 16, 1975
›› Capital: Aizawl ›› State Animal: Red Panda
›› Main language: Mizo and English ›› Number of members in the Legislative
›› Statehood Day: 20 February, 1987 Assembly: 32
›› State Animal: Himalayan Serow

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha: 1 seat
›› Number of members in Rajya Sabha: 1


›› State : Meghalaya
›› Capital : Shillong
›› Main language: Garo and Khasi and English
›› State Day : 21 January ›› Established : 1952
›› State Animal: Clouded Leopard ›› Architect of Chandigarh: Le Corbusier
›› Number of members in the Legislative ›› State language: English
Assembly: 60 ›› State Bird: Gray Hornbill
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha: 2 ›› State Animal : Gray Mongoose
›› Main languages spoken in Chandigarh:
Nagaland Hindi and Punjabi
›› Total Lok Sabha Seats in Chandigarh : 1


›› State : Nagaland
›› Capital : Kohima ›› State : Puducherry
›› Main language : English ›› Capital : Puducherry
›› Statehood Day: 1 December, 1963 ›› Main languages: Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam,
›› State Animal : Mithun (Gayal) French and English
›› Number of members in the Legislative ›› Number of Legislative Assembly members:
Assembly : 60 seats 33
›› Number of members in Lok Sabha : 1 seat ›› Number of Lok Sabha members : 1
›› Number of members in Rajya Sabha: 1 ›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 1

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)


›› National Animal : snow leopard

›› State Bird: Black Necked Crane
›› State : Lakshadweep
›› Jammu and Kashmir has been made a union
›› Capital : Kavaratti / Kavaratti territory with a legislature.
›› Language: Malayalam (Mahal language is ›› The tenure of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative
spoken in Minicoy Island) Assembly will be of Five years (earlier it was
›› Number of Lok Sabha members : 1 6 years). At present, Ladakh has become the
largest union territory in terms of area.
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu

›› New Name of Union Territory: Dadra and

Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
›› Establishment / Effective : January 26, 2020 ›› Union Territory Entry: Jammu and Kashmir
›› Capital : Daman ›› Summer capital : Srinagar
›› District : 3 ›› Winter capital : Jammu
›› Official language : Urdu, Dogri, Kashmiri,
›› Lok Sabha Seats: 2
Hindi, English

Ladakh Andaman and Nicobar Islands

›› Union Territory Entry : Ladakh
›› State : Andaman and Nicobar Islands
›› Capital: Leh ›› Capital : Port Blair
›› Districts : 2 (1. Leh, 2. Kargil)
›› State Animal : Crab eating monkey
›› Lieutenant Governor: Radhakrishna Mathur

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›› Statehood Day : March 11

›› Number of Lok Sabha members : 1 ›› Capital : New Delhi
›› Major languages : Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, ›› Main language : Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu
Malayalam and Telugu ›› Number of assembly members: 70
›› Number of Lok Sabha members: 7
›› Number of Rajya Sabha members : 3

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)

Question asked in ssc exams

in 2022
Question Asked in 2022 by SSC
1. The term ‘back stick’ is used in which of the - Alauddin Khan
sports/games? -Hockey 19. Which state has got the first state level bird
2. Which of the following festivals is celebrated atlas of its kind in India? -Kerala
in Punjab to mark the formation of Khalsa 20. Which of the following is related to PC
Panth? –Teej Mahalanobis, who contributed to the
3. When is the International Day of Nonviolence formulation of India’s Five Year Plans?
observed? –October 2 He founded the Indian Statistical
4. Who known as ‘Sarod Samrat’ in Indian Institute.
classical music? -Amjad Ali Khan 21. The first complete census in India was held in
5. The chemical formula of quicklime is -CaO the year ----. -1881
6. When was ‘Vayudoot’ airline setup in India? 22. In which state of India ‘Ran Utsav’ is organized
-1981 to promote tourism? - Gujarat
7. Abdul Karim Khan was the exponent of which 23. In which state was ‘Kudumbashree’
school of Hindustani music? implemented, A women-oriented, community-
- Kirana Gharana based, poverty alleviation programme?
8. Which festival is celebrated in the month of -Kerala
August-September? - Onam 24. When is Raksha Bandhan celebrated in India
9. Where was the first edition of Youth Olympic according to the Hindu calendar?
Games held? -Singapore - Full moon, Shravan month
10. The common name of the compound Ca(ClO)2 25. What is the chemical formula of chloroform?
is ----. -Bleaching powder -CHCl3
11. India House was founded by Shyamji Krishna 26. In which season Sarhul festival is celebrated
Verma in 1905? -London in Jharkhand -Spring season
12. In which languages Jyotiba Phule wrote 27. Which is the dance form of Arunachal
‘Gulamgiri’ in 1873? Pradesh? - Bhaia
-Marathi language 28. According to the 2011 census, what is the
13. Which classical dancer was honored with the male literacy rate in India? - 82.14 percent
Padma Vibhushan award in 2003? - Sonal 29. What is the average circumference of the
Mansingh standard cricket ball in international cricket?
14. Which folk dance forms is associated with the -8.81 × 9 inches
state of Gujarat? - Dandiya Raas 30. In which Five Year Plan was the objective of
15. The railway system connects St. Petersburg self-reliance was included for the first time?
to Vladivostole is -Third
-Trans-Siberian Railway 31. At present, the Grand Trunk Road runs from
16. To which state is the folk dance Tarangmel where to where in India?
related -Goa Amritsar to Kolkata
17. Which Bollywood choreographer is/were three 32. Kuchipudi classical dance is related to which
times National Award winner in 2003, 2007 type of music? -Carnatic Music
and 2009? -Saroj Khan 33. Bimbavati Devi is the exponent of which
18. Who was the Teacher of Pandit Ravi Shankar? Indian dance form? - Manipuri

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34. Census is regularly conducted in India after how many females per 1000 males? -933
every .......... year. -10th 57 Rukmini Devi Arundale is the exponent of
35. In which state is the Maihar court, where which Indian classical dance form?
Baba Allauddin Khan was a musician? - Bharatanatyam
-Madhya Pradesh 58. In honor of an Indian musician, the US state
36. Which festival is known as Vijay Utsav? of Massachusetts declared 20 April in 1984
-Hampi Festival as— -Amjad Ali Khan Day
37. ‘Tibetan New Year’ is celebrated as- -Losar 59. Which city is known as the ‘Manchester of
38. In which Indian classical dance form different India’? -Ahmedabad
colors are used on the faces of the characters 60. Which dance form is mentioned in the ancient
to represent them as symbols? -Kathakali text called ‘Vyavabaramala’?
39. Which is the least populous state of India as - Mohiniyattam
per 2011 census? -Sikkim 61. In which Indian state is the Lokrang festival
40. Roshan Kumari is the exponent of which celebrated? -Madhya Pradesh
Indian classical dance form? -Kathak 62. Kelucharan Mohapatra, who was awarded
41. Birju Maharaj was honored with which the Padma Vibhushan in the year 2000, was
awards in 2012? -National Film Awards a dancer of which classical dance? -Odyssey
42. Which animal is found in Sundarbans delta? 63. Which Union Territory/State has the highest
density as per 2011 census? -Chandigarh
-Royal Bengal Tiger
64. Which Indian classical musician has an
43. The chemical formula of magnesium oxide is
auditorium in Tehran, Iran named after him?
-Ustad Bismillah Khan
44. What is celebrated as New Year in Tamil
65. Jagoi and Cholom are the two main parts of
Nadu? - Puthandu
which classical dance? -Manipuri
45. Gangubai Hangal, an exponent of Hindustani
66. How many times has India hosted the ICC
classical music, was a noted Khayal singer who
Men’s Cricket World Cup (ODI)? -3
belonged to the ____ gharana of Hindustani
music. -kirana 67. Which Indian musician performed ‘Raga For
Peace’ at the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony
46. Who is famous as the ‘Australian Mother of
in Oslo? -Amjad Ali Khan
Kathakali’? -Louise Lightfoot
68. Which is a famous dance of Odisha?
47. Who among the following was the first Indian
to win the Grammy Award? - rangbati
-Pandit Ravi Shankar 69. Rani Karna Nayak, who was awarded the
Padma Shri in 2014. -Kathak
48. In which year was Manna Dey honored with
the Dadasaheb Phalke Award? 2007 70. Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi dancer Yamini
Krishnamurthy was conferred with which of
49. Mohiniyattam dance form originated from
the following award in 2016?
which state? -Kerala
- Padma Vibhushan
50. On which river Dhuandhar Falls is formed?
71. What is the chemical formula of washing
soda? -Na2CO3
51. Wangla festival is celebrated by which tribe?
72. Baisakhi, the famous festival of Sikhs is
-Garo Tribe celebrated every year in which month?
52. The chemical formula of gypsum is -April
CaSO4.2H2O 73. Sundaram Balachander has been the main
53. In which state is the Ugadi festival celebrated? player of which musical instrument?
-Andhra Pradesh -Veena
54. The Kagyed dance, a customary dance festival 74. Who was the first Indian female musician to
celebrated annually in Sikkim, in which win a Grammy Award? -Tanvi Shah
month? -December 75. Who won the Padma Vibhushan award in the
55. Pivoting is related to which sport? year 1971? - Uday Shankar
- basketball 76. What is the gap of how many years between
56. According to the 2001 census, the sex ratio is the Summer and Winter Olympic events?

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
-2 years model implemented? -second
77. What is the height of stump in cricket? 98. Which festival is organized by the Government
-28 inch of Karnataka usually in January to celebrate
78. Vempati Chinna Satyam was awarded the the grandeur of the temples at the UNESCO
Padma Vibhushan in 1998. He was a ______ heritage site? - Pattavakal Dance Festival
dancer. -Kuchipudi 99. In which state the Ganga Sagar fair is held at
79. By what name the birth anniversary of Lord the Hooghly river? -West Bengal
Krishna is famous? - Janmashtami 100. Surekha Punekar is a dancer from the Indian
80. Which country hosted the first edition of the state of Maharashtra. -Koli
Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010? 101. Which Indian musician has served as the
-Singapore artistic director of the Department of World
Music at the Rotterdam Music Conservatory
81. Which sector was given special emphasis in
in the Netherlands?
the second five year plan? -Industry
- Hariprasad Chaurasia
82. Which Indian tabla player and composer won
the Best Contemporary World Music Album 102. Name the classical dancer who was given the
Grammy Award for ‘Global Drums’ Project? Prasani Mitra Award in 1968?
-Ustad Zakir Hussain -Rukmini Devi Arundale
83. ‘A History of British India’. A work published 103. In which sport / event, the competition ground
by -James Mill is called ring? -boxing
84. ‘Nupa’ dance is associated with which Indian 104. In which Indian dance form, the performance
state? - Manipur of different roles by a single artist is called
‘Ekaharya’? - Bharatanatyam
85. Who choreographed the Bollywood song ‘Mohe
Rang Do Lal’ from Bajirao Mastani? 105. Which Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
winner founded the Nritya Bharathi Kathak
- Birju Maharaj
Dance Academy in Pune? -Rohini Bhate
86. In which year the Sangeet Natak Akademi,
106. Which state government has launched
New Delhi started the Ustad Bismillah Khan
Matrushakti Udyamita Yojana to provide
Yuva Puraskar? -2006
assistance to women entrepreneurs?
87. Yamini Krishnamurthy is famous for which
dance form? - Bharatanatyam
107. Which dance form is associated with Himachal
88. Who wrote the book ‘Gift to Monotheism’?
Pradesh? -Dhaman
-Raja Ram Mohan Roy
108. Which award was presented to Bharatnatyam
89. In which state is the festival of Gudi Padwa dancer, Priyadarshini Govind in 1998?
specially celebrated? -Maharashtra
90. Which game was earlier known as Poona?
109. Padma Shri awardee Gulabo Sapera is a
- badminton dancer from Rajasthan. :-Kalbelia
91. Who was awarded the highest civilian award 110. What is the distance between the center
of France ‘Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur’ point of the goal post and the penalty mark in
in 2009? - Lata Mangeshkar football? -2.11 m
92. Padma Bhushan Kishori Amonkar belongs to 111. Which one is Anandostava, which marks the
which Gharana? -Jaipur - Atrauli Assamese New Year and the beginning of
93. Guru Rajkumar Singhjit Singh, a leading spring? -Bohag Bihu
exponent of the Indian classical Manipuri 112. Sharodi Saikia is the exponent of which
dance form, was awarded which Indian Indian classical dance form? -Satriya
civilian honor in 1986? -Padma Shri
113. Kumkum Mohanty, An Odissi dancer received
94. Which award was given to Kathak dancer which award in 2005? - Padma Shri
Sitara Devi in 1973? - Padma Shri
114. Famous Bharatnatyam dancer and Bollywood
95. What is the center line in basketball a part of? actress Hema Malini was awarded which
-back court Indian civilian award by the Government of
96. Which musical instrument are the sisters India in the year 2000? -Padma Shri
Lalita and Nandini known to play? - violin 115. Borgeet, A musical composition is used in
97. In which five year plan was the Mahalanobis which classical dance of India? -Satriya

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116. In which year the first edition of -Doctor. Padma Subrahmanyam
Commonwealth Youth Games was held? 136. Which country hosted the Commonwealth
-in 2000 Games for the first time in 1930? -Canada
117. Which dance is performed to Carnatic music? 137. Where is the National Dairy Research
-Kuchipudi Institute located? -Karnal
118. The chemical formula of ammonium hydroxide 138. What does the yellow card in badminton
is. -NH4OH indicate? - warning for misconduct
119. Sharmila Biswas, who was awarded the 139. Guru Purnima, a festival celebrated by
‘Best Choreography Award’ by the Ministry Hindus, Jains and Buddhists in India, falls
of Information and Broadcasting in 1998, in which month according to the Hindu
represents which classical dance form? calendar? - Ashadh
-Oddissi 140. In which state of India is the ‘Manas’
120. In which month is Gokulashtami celebrated Biosphere Reserve located? -Assam
every year according to Hindu tradition? 141. India’s first Olympic Value Education
-Bhadrapada Program (OVEP) was launched in which
state? - Odisha
121. Dekhni is a folk dance belonging to which
Indian state? -Goa 142. ‘Povadas’ is a popular folk dance of which
state? -Maharashtra
122. At which place Tak Thok festival is celebrated?
143. Who is the author of the book ‘Sea of Poppies’?
-Amitabh Ghosh
123. According to the 2011 census, what is the
density of population per sq km? -382 144. -- aims to provide tap water connection to
every rural household by 2024.
124. In which country the 22nd Commonwealth
Games will be organized? - England Jal Jeevan Mission
125. The Satriya dance form was introduced by 145. What is the vocal form of music of the state of
which great Vaishnava saint and reformer of Punjab? -Tappa
Assam in the 15th century? 146. From which English word is the name
-Great man Shankardev ‘Bhangra’ derived in reference to Bhangra
dance? -Rhythm
126. T. Balasaraswati was a------------------ Dancer
as well as an actress? - Bharatanatyam 147. Me-Dum-Me-Phi is a festival of ancestor
worship. In which state is it celebrated?
127. Who is the first Sangeet Natak Akademi
Award winner from Telangana? -Assam
-Padmaja Reddy 148. Who was elected the President of the Asian
Cricket Council (ACC) in January 2021?
128. Bade Ghulam Ali Khan was a prominent
singer of which Gharana? -Patiala -Jay Shah
129. In which state is the Choliya dance performed? 149. Who is the author of the book ‘Social
Harmony’? -Narendra Modi
150. Which dance is recognized by UNESCO?
130. In which Indian state is ‘Vangala Mahotsav’
(Hundred Drum Festival) celebrated? - Kalbelia
-Meghalaya 151. Who is the author of the book ‘Poverty and Un
131. What is the chemical formula of vinegar? British Rule in India’? -Dadabhai Naoroji
-CH3 COOH 152. In which state is the Makaravilakku festival
132. Kullu Dussehra is a festival of colours, which celebrated in the sacred grove of Lord
is mainly celebrated in which State/UT? Ayyappa? -Kerala
-Himachal Pradesh 153. Which day is celebrated as ‘World Water
133. ‘Thaipusam’ festival is celebrated in which Day’? March 22
state of India? - Tamil Nadu 154. What is the name of the compound having the
134. What should be the standard length of a formula CH3 CH2 OH? -ethanol
tennis court as per the International Tennis 155. According to the Ramsar Convention, which
Federation (ITF), 2021 rules? -23.77 m is the World Wetlands Day? February 2
135. Who has got the credit of inventing and 156. When was the ‘Vayudoot’ airline established
creating a new style of ‘Bharatanatyam’? in India? -1981

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157. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory - Adil Hussain
Education Act 2009 is an Act of Parliament. 178. Which river rises from a spring at Verinag in
In which year was it implemented? -2010 the south-eastern part of Kashmir? -Jhelum
158. Which badminton player won the All England 179. ‘Nattuvanar’----- conducts dance and singing.
Open men’s singles title in March 2021? - Bharatanatyam
-Lee Zii Jia 180. Who is the author of the book ‘Mrs.
159. ‘Ummatt-aat’ is a folk dance performed in Funnybones’? - Twinkle Khanna
-Coorg 181. Which dance form originated in Assam?
160. Who is the author of the book ‘Burnt Sugar’? -Satriya
-Avani Doshi 182. By whom was the ‘Khula Haath Memorial’ of
161. Which two teams played against each other in Chandigarh designed? -Le Corbusier
the first match of IPL 2021? 183. A book belonging to the ‘Ashtadhyayi’ written
Mumbai Indians and Royal Challengers by the Sanskrit scholar Panini is -Grammer
Bangalore 184. Who was awarded the 2021 Abel Prize in
162. Who won the ‘Crossword Book Award 2020’ Mathematics? -Laszlo Lovaz
for his debut novel? -Madhuri Vijay 185. Which state won the maximum number of
163. In which Indian state is the Tibetan Buddhist medals in the Khelo India Youth Games 2020?
Golden Temple located? -Karnataka -Maharashtra
164. Who was selected for the first Chhattisgarh 186. Which day has been declared as Hand Hygiene
Veerani Award in April 2021? Are. Day by the World Health Organisation?
-Dutee Chand May 5th
165. Fawad Mirza is an Indian--- - Horsemen 187. Lalita is a form of folk music of which state?
166. Which festival of Sikkim is also known as -Maharashtra
Bhoomi Puja or Chandi Puja? - Sakeva 188. Which musical instrument is also known as
167. Who is the author of the epic ‘Kamayani’? ‘Mangal Vadya’? -the clarinet
-Jai Shankar Prasad 189. Who created the national record in javelin
168. Who is the author of the book named ‘Two throw event at the 3rd Indian Grand Prix
Lives’? -Vikram Seth meet in March 2021? - Neeraj Chopra
169. The Los Angeles Clippers and the Portland 190. Who is the author of the book ‘The Coalition
Trail Blazers are the teams of which sport? Years’? -Pranab Mukherjee
-men’s basketball 191. Who topped the Forbes list of ‘Most Expensive
170. Who wrote the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’? Female Athletes 2020’? Naomi Osaka
-F. Scott Fitzgerald 192. Who was nominated for the Saraswati
171. In which city was the 2020 Asian Wrestling Samman, 2020? Sharankumar Limbale
Championships held? -New Delhi 193. Which is the three-day festival held annually
172. As of 2021, who is the current champion of at Bada Shaheed Dargah in Nellore?
Olympic men’s field hockey? - Argentina -Rottela Panduga (Tottela Panduga)
173. As per Census of India 2011, what was the 194. On which river is the Koteshwar Hydroelectric
estimated national mortality rate of children Project situated? -Bhagirathi
under five in the country? -55 195. Whom in March 2021 E.T. Appointed as the
174. Which festival is organized on the new moon brand ambassador of
day? -Kali Pooja -Devdutt Padikkal
175. Which actor was honored with the ‘Lifetime 196. Which is a popular folk dance of Minicoy
Achievement’ award at the Filmfare Awards Island? Lava
2021? -Irrfan Khan 197. Bidhan Chandra Roy Award is given in which
176. Who is the author of ‘India Wins Freedom’? field? -Treatment
-Abul Kalam Azad 198. Who is the author of the book ‘Unaccustomed
177. In 2018, who became the first Indian to win Earth’? - Jhumpa Lahiri
the ‘Best Actor’ award at the Norwegian 199 Who is the author of the book ‘Unfinished: A
award ceremony held in Haugesund, Norway? Memoir’? -Deepika Padukone

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200. Hirakud Dam is built near which city in 211. Who was the Australian Open women’s
Odisha? -Sambalpur singles champion in 2021? -Naomi Osaka
201. In March 2021, cricketer Kieron Pollard hit 212. Sri Akal Takht Sahib is located inside the
six sixes in an over in a match against? complex. -Golden Temple
-Sri Lanka 213. In which dance the dancers balance pots with
202. Who was the author of Si-yu-ki or ‘The lit lamps on their heads? -Chari Dance
Records of the Western World’? 214. Who was named Sportsperson of the Decade
-Huwen Song (Individual Non-Olympic Sport) at the 2021
203. Which Sustainable Development Goal ensures Sportstar ACES Awards?
availability and sustainable management of -Viswanathan Anand
water and sanitation for all? SDG 6 215. In which year the Hindu Marriage Act was
204. Kelucharan Mohapatra was the exponent of enacted? -1955
which category of dance? –Odissi 216. According to the World Justice Project 2020,
205. Which is a mask dance prevalent in South what is the rank of India in regulatory
Malabar? -Kummatikali enforcement as quoted in the Economic
206. Who got the ‘Best Supporting Actress’ award Survey of India 2021? -74
at the National Awards 2021? 217. For which film Gulzar was awarded the 66th
- Konkona Sen Sharma Filmfare Award for ‘Best Song’? - Chhapaak
207. Who was honored with ‘Vatayan Lifetime 218. Mrida Sinha, who passed away in November
Achievement Award 2020’? 2020, was the first woman governor of which
state? -Goa
-Ramesh Pokhriyal
219. Where is Ghoom Math situated? -Darjeeling
208. Which of the following Indian artists won the
‘Joan Miro Award’ for the year 2019? 220. Who won the 2020 Tour de France?
-Nalini Malani -Tadej Pogacar
209. According to the 2011 census, which state has 221. A specific ‘Dhrupada style’ belongs to the
the lowest female sex ratio? -Haryana Gharana. - Bishnupur
210. Which Hero Indian Super League team 222. Which country hosted the ITTF (International
appointed Sergio Lobera as its head coach in Table Tennis Federation) Women’s World
October 2020? -Mumbai City FC Cup 2020? -China

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important questions
1. Where is ‘Sapta Ratha Temple’ situated? (c) Amarnath, Kailash, Meenakshi,
(a) Mahabalipuram (b) Kanchipuram Rameshwaram
(c) Madurai (d) Puri (d) Balaji, Kanyakumari, Meenakshi,
2. Where is ‘Swaminarayan Temple’ Varanasi
(Akshardham) located? 12. Match the following:
(a) Dwarka (b) Puri List I (Peeth) List II (Places)
(c) Mathura (d) Gandhinagar A. Jyotish Peeth 1. Bardinath
3. Which temple is famous as ‘Black Pagoda’? (Uttarakhand)
(a) Sun Temple of Konark B. Govardhan Peeth 2. Puri (Odisha)
(b) Sun Temple of Martand C. Sharda Peeth 3. Dwarka (Gujarat)
(c) Sun Temple of Modhera D. Shringeri Peeth 4. Mysore
(d) Temple of Hoysaleswara (Karnataka)
4. In which state the famous ‘Khajuraho
(a) 1 2 3 4
Temples’ is located?
(b) 1 3 2 4
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) 3 2 1 4
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Odisha
(d) 3 1 2 4
5. In which city is the ‘Dargah of Khwaja
13. The temple known as ‘temple of rats’ is-
Moinuddin Chishti’?
(a) Temple of Karni Mata
(a) Jaipur (b) Allahabad
(b) Lingaraj Temple
(c) Jaunpur (d) Ajmer
(c) Brihadeeswarar Temple
6. In which state is the Tirupati temple located? (d) Rajarani Temple
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Andhra Pradesh
14. The tomb of Sheikh Salim Chishti is located
(c) Maharashtra (d) Karnataka
7. Where is Dilwara Temple situated? (a) Ajmer (b) Fatehpur Sikri
(a) Hampi (b) Mount Abu (c) Agra (d) Bihar
(c) Dwarka (d) Puri
15. In which city is the 'Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra'
8. Where is the famous temple of Hoysaleswara located?
situated? (a) Ajmer (b) Delhi
(a) Tanjore (b) Mysore (c) Fatehpur Sikri (d) Agra
(c) Madurai (d) Halebidu
16. In which year was Apollo-II, the first artificial
9. Konark which has famous 'Sun God satellite that landed man on the moon,
Temple' with wonderful specimens of Hindu launched?
architecture lies in the state of- (a) 1975 (b) 1968
(a) Odisha (b) Gujarat (c) 1969 (d) 1958
(c) Karnataka (d) Madhya Pradesh
17. Where is the largest Hindu temple of India
10. To which deity is the ‘Black Pagoda’ of Konark ‘Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple’ located?
dedicated? (a) Cuttack (b) Khajuraho
(a) Jagannath (b) Shiva (c) Puri (d) Tiruchirappalli
(c) Sun (d) Mahavira
18. In which state is the Martanda Sun Temple
11. The four pilgrimages of Hindus which are located?
called ‘Dham’, which Are? (a) Gujarat (b) Odisha
(a) Badrinath, Dwarka, Puri, Rameshwaram (c) Jammu & Kashmir
(b) Haridwar, Nashik, Prayagraj, Ujjain (d) Tamil Nadu

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
19. Which of the following is/are associated with (a) Lata Mangeshkar (b) Tarla Joshi
Khajuraho temples? (c) Abhilasha Patil (d) Saroj Khan
(a) Buddhism 32. Who is the author of the book Modi
(b) Jainism Government: New Surge of Communalism?
(c) Hinduism (a) M. J. Akbar (b) Sitaram Yechury
(d) Hinduism and Jainism (c) Pranab Mukherjee (d) Jaswant Singh
20. In which state is the Jain temple of Dilwara 33. At the Oscars 2009, who among the following
situated? Indian composers won the ‘Best Original
(a) Assam (b) Uttar Pradesh Song’ award for his composition in ‘Slumdog
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh Millionaire’?
21. In which Indian state is the Kamakhya temple (a) Lata Mangeshkar (b) Gulzar
located? (c) A. R. Rahman (d) Asha Bhosle
(a) Meghalaya (b) Manipur 34. Which of the following festival is celebrated in
(c) Bihar (d) Assam Rajasthan?
22. Where is the Dwarkadhish temple situated? (a) Bundi festival (b) Gudi Padwa
(a) Bhopal (b) Jhansi (c) Matho Narang (d) Bonalu
(c) Gujarat (d) Kanpur 35. Who among the following was awarded the
23. Which temple is not situated on Mount Abu? Padma Shri in 2021 for keeping alive the
(a) Vimal Mandir tribal dance form ‘Gusadi’?
(b) Tejpal Temple (a) Pandit Birju Maharaj
(c) Vishwanath Temple (b) Shrimant Shankardev
(d) Vastupal Temple (c) Kanaka Raju
24. The temple of Srivardarajan (Kanchipuram) (d) Ramshay Pandey
is dedicated to which deity? 36. Who among the following Indian authors
(a) Shiva (b) Vishnu wrote the famous novel ‘Gora’ during the
(c) Brahma (d) Sun Nationalist Movement of India?
25. The presiding deity of Bhojshala temple is- (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Bhagwati Durga (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Bhagwati Parvati (c) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Bhagwati Lakshmi (d) Bhagat Singh
(d) Bhagwati Saraswati 37. In a play, the king said, “Swaraj is my
26. The Chitragupta Swami Temple, which is birthright and I will have it.” Which of the
dedicated to the God Sun, is located at- following Indian freedom fighter gave this
(a) Kanchipuram (b) Mathura slogan?
(c) Puri (d) Ujjain (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
27. Which place is famous for the temple of
(c) Bhagat Singh
Brahma and the cattle fair?
(d) Ambika Charan Mazumdar
(a) Pushkar (b) Sonpur
(c) Surajkund (d) Ujjain 38. Saga Dawa or Triple Blessed Festival is
celebrated in which state of India?
28. The idols installed in Ankorwat temple are of:
(a) Sikkim (b) Andhra Pradesh
(a) Buddha (b) Tirthankara
(c) Karnataka (d) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Hindu deities (d) Cambodian kings
39. Who among the following was not a tabla
29. In which state is the Jagannath temple
(a) Ahmad Jan Thirkwa
(a) Assam (b) West Bengal
(b) Ramdas Sharma
(c) Odisha (d) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Kishan Maharaj
30. Where is the Trimurti in which the faces of (d) Zakir Hussain
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are engraved?
40. Which Indian boxer won the bronze medal
(a) Ajanta caves (b) Ellora caves
in the middleweight division in boxing at the
(c) Elephanta Caves (d) Tiger caves
2008 Beijing Olympics?
31. Which of the following personality, (a) Vijender Singh (b) Akhil Kumar
affectionately known as ‘Nightingale of India’, (c) Jitendra Kumar (d) Mary Kom
(Swar Kokila) passed away in February 2022?
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
41. Yamini Krishnamurthy is famous for which 54. ‘Shalimar Bagh’ and ‘Nishat Bagh’ are located
classical dance form? in-
(a) Kuchipudi and Mohiniyattam (a) Jammu (b) Srinagar
(b) Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi (c) Gulmarg (d) Ladakh
(c) Manipuri and Odissi 55. Where is the ‘Vivekananda Rock Memorial’
(d) Mohiniattam and Manipuri situated?
42. Where is Jallianwala Bagh situated? (a) Ladakh (b) Kanyakumari
(a) Chandigarh (b) Amritsar (c) Andaman (d) Srinagar
(c) Jalandhar (d) Ambala 56. Where is ‘Garo Hills’ situated?
43. Where is the Gateway of India situated? (a) Tripura (c) Meghalaya
(a) Bangalore (b) Kolkata (b) Manipur (d) Nagaland
(c) Mumbai (d) New Delhi 57. The ‘Mughal Garden’ located in the
44. Where is the world famous ‘Rock Garden’ Rashtrapati Bhavan, the official residence of
located? the President of India, is opened to the public
(a) Kolkata (b) Jaipur every year.
(c) Chandigarh (d) Bangalore (a) in January and February
45. Where is the tomb of Sher Shah situated? (b) in March and April
(a) Delhi (b) Sasaram (c) in February and March
(c) Lahore (d) Ajmer (d) in April and May
46. Where is the famous Pinjore Garden located? 58. ‘Nava Nalanda Mahavihara’ is famous for?
(a) Haryana (b) Bangalore (a) Hiuen Tsang Memorial
(c) Srinagar (d) New Delhi (b) Birth place of Mahavira
(c) Pali Research Institute
47. Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library is
(d) Museum
situated at-
(a) Kolkata (b) Delhi 59. Who built the ‘Tomb of Etmauddaulah’ in
(c) Lucknow (d) Patna Agra?
(a) Akbar (b) Jahangir
48. Paunar Ashram of Acharya Vinoba Bhave is
(c) Noor Jahan (d) Shah Jahan
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat 60. Where is the world’s tallest ‘Vishwa Shanti
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan Stupa’ located in Bihar?
(a) Vaishali (b) Nalanda
49. The famous cultural center ‘Bharat Bhawan’
(c) Rajgir (d) Patna
is situated at-
(a) New Delhi (b) Lucknow 61. The ‘Great Stupa of Sanchi’ is-
(c) Bhopal (d) Patna (a) in Uttar Pradesh
(b) in Madhya Pradesh
50. In which state is the hill station Mussoorie
(c) in Arunachal Pradesh
(d) in Andhra Pradesh
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh 62. What was the name of ‘Ujjain’ in ancient
51. In which state is the Dalhousie hill station
(a) Taxila (b) Avantika
(c) Indraprastha (d) None of the above
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Uttarakhand 63. A famous pilgrimage center of Jainism and
(c) Himachal Pradesh Buddhism in Uttar Pradesh is-
(d) Jammu and Kashmir (a) Sarnath (b) Kushinagar
(c) Kaushambi (d) Devipatan
52. In which state is the hill station ‘Lansdowne’
located? 64. Sri Aurobindo Ashram is situated at-
(a) Uttar Pradesh (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka
(b) Uttarakhand (c) Rameshwar (d) Puducherry
(c) Himachal Pradesh 65. The ruins of which place represent the ancient
(d) Jammu and Kashmir capital of Vijayanagara?
53. Anand Bhawan is situated in- (a) Ahmednagar (b) Bijapur
(a) Prayagraj (b) Delhi (c) Hampi (d) Golconda
(c) Lucknow (d) Agra 66. According to the 2011 census, what was the
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
literacy rate of Kerala? 77. In which of the following states Goncha
(a) 85% (b) 96.2% Festival is celebrated?
(c) 90% (d) 91% (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Odisha
67. Which of the following is not actually a (c) Jharkhand (d) Karnataka
Garden? 78. Which of the following port is known as
(a) Hanging Garden - Mumbai ‘Diamond Harbour’?
(b) Eden Garden Kolkata - Kolkata (a) Mangalore (c) Kochi
(c) Vrindavan Garden - Mysore (b) Port Blair (d) Kolkata
(d) Khusro Garden - Lucknow 79. In I.C.C. Cricket World Cup 2011, which of
68. Where is the ‘Silicon Valley’ of India located? these animals was made the official mascot?
(a) Hyderabad (b) Srinagar (a) Elephant (b) Tiger
(c) Dehradun (d) Bangalore (c) Lion (d) Horse
69. Which of the following is the autobiography of 80. The autobiographical book of Indian shooter
Barack Obama? and gold medalist Abhinav Bindra is called:
(a) Dreams from my father a story of race of (a) Hunting the Hard Way
inheritance (b) Shots Fired
(b) The Taste of My Life (c) Firing Point
(c) Chronicles (d) A Shot at History
(d) Matters of discretion 81. Nishagandhi festival is celebrated in which
70. In which state of India is the Natyanjali state of India?
festival celebrated? (a) Madhya Pradesh (c) Kerala
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha (d) Rajasthan
(c) Rajasthan (d) Goa 82. Who originally wrote the famous song ‘Aye
71. Bonalu is a Hindu festival celebrated to Mere Watan Ke Logo’?
worship Goddess Mahakali. It is celebrated in (a) Kavi Pradeep (b) Asha Bhosle
which of the following states? (c) Arijit Singh (d) Lata Mangeshkar
(a) Assam (b) Kerala 83. ‘Panthi’ dance style is associated with which
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Telangana state of India?
72. Who among the following Indian dancers (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Maharashtra
was the first woman in Indian history to be (c) Punjab (d) Kerala
nominated as a member of the Rajya Sabha? 84. Chapchar Kut festival is celebrated in which
(a) Rukmini Devi Arundale state of India?
(b) Mallika Sarabhai (a) Mizoram (b) Goa
(c) Nargis Dutt (c) Jharkhand (d) Kerala
(d) Saroj Khan
85. Guru Bipin Singh was known for which
73. For which of these albums did Pandit Ravi classical dance form?
Shankar receive the Grammy Award in 1967? (a) Kathakali (b) Bihu
(a) Full Circle (c) Kathak (d) Manipuri
(b) West Meets East
86. Hariprasad Chaurasia is a renowned player
(c) Mr. Ragaj
(d) Concert for Bangladesh
(a) Mandolin (b) Guitar
74. ‘Waiting for a Visa’ is the autobiography of (c) Flute (d) Shehnai
which of the following person?
87. The temples of Khajuraho are a splendid
(a) B.R. Ambedkar (b) Mahatma Gandhi
example of .......... of temples.
(c) Indira Gandhi (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) Nagara style (b) Dravidian style
75. In which state of India is the Shree (c) Weser style (d) Eastern style
Brahmapureeswarar Temple located?
88. Whose autobiography is ‘Total Recall: My
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Rajasthan
Unbelievably True Life Story’?
(d) Andhra Pradesh (c) Manipur
(a) Arnold Schwarzenegger
76. Madhavi Mudgal is associated with which (b) Chris Gayle
classical dance of India? (c) Eddie Huang
(a) Kathak (b) Odyssey (d) I K Gujral
(c) Satriya (d) Manipuri
89. According to the 2011 Census of India, which
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
of the following states had a population (a) Mizoram (b) Jharkhand
density of less than 100 persons per square (c) Kerala (d) Manipur
kilometer? 100. Which of the following airport is located in
(a) Himachal Pradesh Amritsar?
(b) Rajasthan (a) Thiruvananthapuram International
(c) Sikkim Airport
(d) Tripura (b) Indira Gandhi International Airport
90. ‘Bhavai’ is the traditional theater form of (c) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International
which Indian state? Airport
(a) Gujarat (b) Nagaland (d) Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu Airport
91. Which of the following is an Indian martial 101. Tamasha is the main folk dance form of which
art that originated in modern Kerala? state?
(a) Gatka (b) Karate. (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
(c) Kalaripayattu (d) Muay Thai (c) Rajasthan (d) Punjab
92. Hojagiri is a folk dance of which Indian state? 102. A famous folk song of Uttar Pradesh is known
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Karnataka as-
(c) Goa (d) Tripura (a) Maang (b) Kajri
93. Who among the following is the first Odissi (c) Baul (d) Boli
dancer from Odisha to receive the ‘Padma 103. Baul folk song is related to which of the
Vibhushan’ award in the year 2000? following Indian states?
(a) Rukmini Devi Arundale (a) Gujarat (b) Bengal
(b) Kelucharan Mohapatra (c) Karnataka (d) Punjab
(c) Uday Shankar 104. Pandwani is the major folk dance form of
(d) Ileana Sitaristi which state?
94. Who is the author of the book ‘The Great (a) Uttarakhand (b) Chhattisgarh
Indian Novel’? (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
(a) K. Natwar Singh (b) Shashi Tharoor 105. Rauf is the major folk dance form of which
(c) Kiran Bedi (d) Arun Shourie state?
95. Ali Akbar Khan is known for playing which (a) Gujarat
among the following musical instrument? (b) West Bengal
(a) Sarod (b) Manjira (c) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Veena (d) Sarangi (d) Himachal Pradesh
96. Which of the following is the largest stupa in 106. ‘Keli Gopal’ is the folk dance form of which
India? state?
(a) Bharhut (b) Dhamekh (a) West Bengal (b) Assam
(c) Kesariya (d) Amaravati (c) Manipur (d) Tripura
97. Who among the following was/were the first 107. ‘Bhangra’ is the popular folk dance of which
person to bring the concept of modern dance state?
to India with his/her innovative approach and (a) Haryana (b) Chandigarh
works? (c) Punjab (d) Gujarat
(a) Uday Shankar 108. ‘Panihari’ folk dance is indigenous to which
(b) Padma Subrahmanyam state?
(c) Guru Bipin Singh (a) Nagaland (b) Gujarat
(d) Kelucharan Mohapatra (c) Karnataka (d) Rajasthan
98. Who was honored with the National Nritya 109. Yakshagana is the popular folk dance of
Shiromani Award 2022? which state?
(a) Aparna Satishan (a) Kerala (b) karnataka
(b) Shanta Dhananjayan (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Birju Maharaj
110. ’Bihu’ folk dance is related to which state?
(d) Anindita Neogy Anaam
(a) Assam (b) Odisha
99. Onam is a Hindu festival celebrated annually (c) West Bengal (d) Tripura
which has its origins in the ____ state of India.
111. Which of the following is not related to Ghazal
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
singing? play?
(a) Begum Akhtar (b) Mallika Pukhraj (a) Phakhavaj (b) Sarod
(c) Peenaz Masani (d) Haribhai Varodkar (c) Violin (d) Sitar
112. Who among the following is related to classical 125. Bal Murli Krishna is associated with which
singing? musical instrument?
(a) Shivkumar Sharma (a) Sarod (b) Sitar
(b) B.G. jog (c) Violin (d) Tabla
(c) Mallikarjun Mansoor 126. Which of the following is not correctly
(d) Amjad Ali Khan matched?
113. Famous singer Peenaz Masani is related to (a) Vilayat Khan- Sitar
which music? (b) Allah Rakha - Tabla
(a) Classical singing (b) Ghazal singing (c) Hariprasad Chaurasia - Flute
(c) Thumri singing (d) Carnatic music (d) Amjad Ali Khan - Pakhawaj
114. Begum Akhtar is related to which art form? 127. Ustad Zakir Hussain has the distinction of
(a) Dance (b) Painting playing which musical instrument?
(c) Music (d) Folk art (a) Tabla (b) Sitar
115. Tansen, Swami Haridas and Baiju Bawra (c) Sarod (d) Santoor
were associated with which form of Hindustani 128. Who is the writer of the famous novel ‘The
musical style, which had its influence all over White Tiger’?
North India? (a) Arundhati Roy (b) Jhumpa Lahiri
(a) Tarana (b) Dhamar (c) Arvind Adiga (d) Vikram Seth
(c) Dhrupad (d) Tillana 129. Pandit Kishan Maharaj is the famous player
116. Which of the following is not a part of the of which musical instrument?
Hindustani musical style? (a) Santoor (b) Sitar
(a) Dhrupad (b) Tillana (c) Violin (d) Tabla
(c) Tarana (d) Dhamar 130. Pandit Ravi Shankar has the distinction
117. Who is the first Indian Classical musician to of playing which of the following musical
perform at United Nations? instruments?
(a) Anoop Jalota (b) Bhupen Hazarika (a) Sarod (b) Tabla
(c) Lata Mangeshkar (d) M.S. Subbalakshmi (c) Sitar (d) Violin
118. Which of the following Indian singer/singers 131. Anoushka Ravi Shankar is associated with
received the Bharat Ratna in 2001? which musical instrument?
(a) Asha Bhosle (b) Shreya Ghoshal (a) Sitar (b) Sarod
(c) Lata Mangeshkar (d) Ali Akbar Khan (c) Veena (d) Mohanveena
119. The name of Tyagaraja is related to- 132. Aditi Ashok is associated with which of the
(a) Hindustani music (b) Carnatic music following sports?
(c) Classical dance (d) Folk art (a) Shooting (b) Tennis
120. Where is classical music taken from? (c) Chess (d) Golf
(a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda 133. ‘Loor' folk dance is a popular dance form from
(c) Samaveda (d) Atharvaveda the state of:
121. With which instrument is Govinda Swami (a) Manipur (b) Kerala
Pillai associated? (c) Karnataka (d) Haryana
(a) Mridangam (b) Tabla 134. Which of the following was Kadri Gopalnath
(c) Veena (d) Violin associated with:
122. Which of the following instruments did Panna (a) Head (b) Tabla
Lal Ghosh play? (c) Saxophone (d) Flute
(a) Flute (b) Sitar 135. The Kardang Monastery which is a Buddhist
(c) Violin (d) Santoor pilgrimage center is located in which Indian
123. Paladhar Raghu is associated with which state?
musical instrument? (a) Goa
(a) Veena (b) Tabla (b) Kerala
(c) Mridangam (d) Flute (c) Himachal Pradesh
124. Which instrument does V.V. Subrahmanyam (d) Jharkhand

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
136. Kamla Narayan is known for which classical trained dancer of :
dance? (a) Odissi (b) Bihu
(a) Odyssey (b) Kathakali (c) Kuchipudi (d) Manipuri
(c) Bharatnatyam (d) Kathak 149. In which ancient Indian sport a crowd of
137. Whose autobiography is ‘The Diary of a Young brave youths have to face angry bulls?
Girl’? (a) Jallikattu (b) Kabaddi
(a) Michelle Obama (b) Jessica Simpson (c) Mallakhamb (d) Kho-Kho
(c) Anne Frank (d) Agatha Christie 150. According to the information received till
138. Sarai Nurmahal is a centrally protected 2021, which is the only country in the world
monument of India. It is situated in which where both tiger and lion are found?
state of India? (a) South Africa (b) Mexico
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh (d) India (c) Tanzania
(c) Punjab (d) West Bengal 151. In which year was the Border Roads
139. Who is the author of the book ‘Roads to Organization established?
Mussoorie’? (a) 1958 (b) 1954
(a) Amish Tripathi (b) Kiran Desai (c) 1960 (d) 1966
(c) Ashwin Sanghi (d) Ruskin Bond 152. Which of the following is not a part of the
140. ‘Kalbeliya’ dance form is associated with structure of Buddhist stupas?
which of the following states? (a) Gopuram (b) Chattra
(a) Rajasthan (c) Odisha (c) Anda (d) Harnika
(b) Uttarakhand (d) Punjab 153. Who is the author of Anna Karenina?
141. Yaoshang festival is celebrated in which state (a) Leo Tolstoy
of India? (b) George Eliot
(a) Rajasthan (b) Manipur (c) EM Forster
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu (d) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
142. With which instrument was Pandit Kishan 154. In which year was the IPL started?
Maharaj associated? (a) 2010 (b) 2008
(a) Sitar (b) Santoor (c) 2009 (d) 2007
(c) Tabla (d) Dholak 155. What is the full form of NSG?
143. As per the information available till April (a) National Security Guards
2022, what is the total duration of a hockey (b) National Savings Guarantee
match? (c) New Sample Guarantee
(a) 60 minutes (b) 70 minutes (d) None of these
(c) 50 minutes (d) 80 minutes 156. The height of the world’s tallest tower ‘Burj
144. ‘Elelakkaradi’ is the tribal dance of which Dubai’ (New Name : Burj Khalifa) is-
Indian state? (a) 740 meters (b) 828 meters
(a) Kerala (b) Goa (c) 848 meters (d) 903 meters
(c) Jharkhand (d) Rajasthan 157. The country with the largest network of
145. Who among the following is the co-founder of railways in the world is-
Darpan Academy of Performing Arts? (a) Russia (b) U.S.A.
(a) Pt. Birju Maharaj (b) Mallika Sarabhai (d) India (c) China
(c) Uday Shankar (d) Mrinalini Sarabhai 158. Tanjore Balasaraswati is famous for which
146. Which of the following is the work of the classical dance?
famous Indian writer Khushwant Singh? (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Odyssey
(a) Sacred Games (b) The Guide (c) Bihu (d) Manipuri
(c) Train to Pakistan (d) A suitable boy 159. In which of the following countries apart from
147. The Chera Panhara ritual is associated with: India, Tamil is an official language?
(a) Rath Yatra of Odisha (a) Sri Lanka
(b) Baisakhi of Punjab (b) Singapore
(c) Navratri of Gujarat (c) Both Sri Lanka and Singapore
(d) Durga Puja of West Bengal (d) None of the options is correct
148. Sonal Mansingh was awarded the Sangeet 160. Where is the National Institute of Rural
Natak Akademi Award in 1987. She is a Development situated?
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(a) New Delhi (b) Mumbai 173. Who was the first foreigner to be honored
(c) Hyderabad (d) Kanpur with the Bharat Ratna Award?
161. Yen is the currency of which country? (a) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(a) Yugoslavia (b) Mexico (b) Nelson Mandela
(c) Japan (d) Thailand (c) Dalai Lama
(d) Annie Besant
162. Which is the national tree of India?
(a) Neem (b) Peepal 174. Which of the following award is given for
(c) Banyan (d) Mango outstanding performance in sports?
(a) Dronacharya Award
163. Where is the Central Leather Research
(b) Bharat Ratna
Institute (CLRI) located?
(c) Padma Shri Award
(a) Pune (b) Guwahati
(d) Arjuna Award
(c) Chennai (d) Srinagar
175. The first Nobel Prize was given to India for
164. Where was the first United Nations
the subject of-
Conference on Environment held?
(a) literature
(a) Montreal (b) Stockholm
(b) Chemistry
(c) London (d) Paris
(c) Pharmaceutical Science
165. ‘Unfinished a Memoir’ is the autobiography of (d) Physics
(a) Deepika Padukone
176. How many Nobel Prizes are awarded
(b) Kareena Kapoor
(c) Priyanka Chopra Jonas
(a) 10 (b) 6
(d) Alia Bhatt
(c) 5 (d) 8
166. Near which of the following cities is the
177. Who was awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace
Palitana temple situated?
(a) Bhavnagar (b) Mount Abu
(a) Barack Obama
(c) Nashik (d) Ujjain
(b) Kailash Satyarthi
167. NASA’s ‘Juno’ mission is for which planet? (c) Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai
(a) Saturn (b) Mars (d) Kailash Satyarthi and Tawakkul Karman
(c) Jupiter (d) None of these
178. Who was the first ‘Black’ artist to win an
168. Which of the following is known as the ‘Pearl Oscar?
City’? (a) Eddie Murphy (b) Wesley Snipes
(a) Kandla (b) Tuticorin (c) Sidney Potier (d) Morgan Freeman
(c) Kochi (d) Hyderabad
179. Which physicist was awarded the Nobel Prize
169. The first woman to receive the Bharat Ratna for Quantum Theory in 1918?
award is— (a) Max Puluk (b) Niels Bohr
(a) Mother Teresa (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Max Planck (d) Barry
(c) Lata Mangeshkar (d) Sarojini Naidu
180. B.C. Roy Award is given in which field?
170. Who was the first person to receive the title of (a) Music (b) Journalism
Bharat Ratna posthumously? (c) Medicine (d) Environment
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
181. Which is the highest gallantry award in
(b) K. kamraj
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(a) Vir Chakra
(d) M.G. Ramachandran
(b) Param Vishisht Seva Medal
171. The Magsaysay Award is named after Ramon (c) Kirti Chakra
Magsaysay. He was the President of which (d) Param Vir Chakra
182. Pulitzer Prize is given for doing extraordinary
(a) Myanmar (b) Malaysia
work in which field?
(c) Philippines (d) Sweden
(a) Environmental Studies
172. Kalidas Samman Award was started by- (b) Science and Technology
(a) Punjab Government (c) Literature and Journalism
(b) Uttar Pradesh Government (d) International Understanding
(c) Government of Madhya Pradesh
183. Sahitya Akademi Awards are given for best
(d) Government of Chhattisgarh
writing in how many Indian languages?

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(a) 12 (b) 15 (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) 20 (d) 24 (b) Dalai Lama
184. Which is the highest peacetime gallantry (c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
award? (d) Nelson Mandela
(a) Vir Chakra (b) Param Vir Chakra 196. Hornbill festival is associated with which
(c) Ashoka Chakra (d) Mahavir Chakra state of India?
185. Which dynasty’s rulers built the Konark (a) Bihar (b) Nagaland
temple? (c) Karnataka (d) Kerala
(a) Chalukya (b) Hoysalas 197. Dr. N. Rajam is famous as the player of ------.
(c) Eastern Ganges (d) Shunga (a) Violin (b) Flute
186. What do the paintings of Ajanta depict? (c) Veena (d) Guitar
(a) Rashtrakuta stories 198. Who among the following was the first athlete
(b) Raasleela to represent India in Fencing in Tokyo
(c) Jataka Tales Olympics 2020?
(d) Mahabharata (a) P.T. Usha (b) Bhavani Devi
187. Who built the Golden Temple at Amritsar? (c) P.V. Sindhu (d) Aditi Ashok
(a) Arjun Dev (b) Ramdas 199. Where is ‘Dakshineshwar Temple’ situated?
(c) Hargovind (d) Tegh Bahadur (a) Kolkata (b) Hyderabad
188. Which temple is considered to be the best (c) Chennai (d) Mysore
example of Dravida Chola art style? 200. The foundation of Lingaraj temple was laid
(a) Brihadeeswarar Temple by-
(b) Choleshwar Temple (a) Yayati Kesari (b) Lalatendu Kesari
(c) Koranganatha Temple (c) Narasimhadeva II (d) Pratap Rudradev
(d) All of the above 201. Dilwara Temple of Mount Abu is dedicated to
189. By what name is the northern style of temples whom?
known? (a) Lord Vishnu (b) Lord Shiva
(a) Dravidian (b) Nagar (c) Lord Buddha (d) Jain Tirthankara
(c) Besar (d) None of these 202. Which ruler had built the famous ‘Mahabodhi
190. Where is Chamunda Mata Temple situated? Temple’ at Bodhgaya?
(a) Himachal Pradesh (a) Ajatashatru (b) Ashoka
(b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) Devpal (d) Dharmapala
(c) Rajasthan 203. Who built the ‘Jama Masjid’ in Delhi?
(d) Uttar Pradesh (a) Akbar (b) Shahjahan
191. In which city is the Bradinath Dham located? (c) Sher Shah (d) Humayun
(a) Dehradun (b) Rudraprayag 204. To which religion is the Lotus Temple in Delhi
(c) Pauri (d) Chamoli related?
192. ‘Har Ki Pauri’ at Haridwar was built by- (a) Jews (b) Parsi
(a) Raja Mangalsen (b) King Vikramaditya (c) Bahai (d) Hindu
(c) King Ashoka (d) King Harpal 205. Where is the famous Virupaksha temple
193. Who is the builder of the Sun Temple at located?
Konark? (a) Bhadrachalam (b) Chidambaram
(a) Rajendra Chola (c) Hampi (d) Srikalahasti
(b) Rajaraja I 206. Match the following :
(c) Narasimha Deva II List I (Famous List II (Cities)
(d) Krishnadeva Raya Temples)
194. Which of the following cultural festival of A. Kailash Nath 1. Bhubaneswa
India, held at Shilpgram, is a ten-day event of B. Lingaraj 2. Khajuraho
classical dance, folk art and light music? C. Kandaria Mahadev 3. Mount Abu
(a) Mamallapuram festival D. Dilwara 4. Kanchipuram
(b) Nishagandhi Festival Code:
(c) Taj Mahotsav A B C D
(d) Natyanjali festival (a) 4 2 1 3
195. Freedom in Exile is the autobiography of (b) 4 1 2 3
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(c) 3 1 2 4 (b) Hariprasad Chaurasia
(d) 3 2 1 4 (c) Bismillah Khan
207. The great stupa of Sanchi is in- (d) Madurai Shanmukhadivu Subbulakshmi
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh 219. Indrani Rahman was associated with which
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Andhra Pradesh classical dance form of India?
208. Which of the following team won the first I. Bharatanatyam dance
edition of ISL (Indian Super League)? II. Odissi Dance
(a) Atlético de Kolkata (a) I only (b) II only
(b) Kerala Blasters (c) Both I and II (d) neither I nor II
(c) Chennaiyin 220. With which musical instrument was Prejudice
(d) Bangalore Ram Narayan associated?
209. Mukteshwar Temple is a 10th century Hindu (a) Flute (b) Sarangi
temple dedicated to Lord Shiva located in (c) Guitar (d) Sarod
(a) Assam (b) Gujarat 221. Who is the author of the book Pride, Prejudice,
(c) Maharashtra (d) Odisha and Punditry?
210. Who is the first Indian woman to win Grammy (a) Pranab Mukherjee
Award? (b) Manish Sisodia
(a) Sunidhi Chauhan (b) Lata Mangeshkar (c) Amitabh Ghosh
(c) Asha Bhosle (d) Tanvi Shahi (d) Shashi Tharoor
211. Which Bharatanatyam dancer became the 222. Bhogali Bihu festival is celebrated in which
second youngest dancer to be awarded the state of India?
‘Padma Shri’ in 1991? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu
(a) Dancer Nataraja (b) Saroj Khan (c) Rajasthan (d) Assam
(c) Alarmel Valli (d) Hema Malini 223. Qutub Minar is situated in-
212. Which of the following dance is known as (a) Agra (b) Lucknow
Gotipua dance? (c) Delhi (d) Mumbai
(a) Bhangra (b) Garba 224. Where is the hill station named Matheran
(c) Bandha dance (d) Lavani located?
213. In which state of India is the Nongkrem dance (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Manipur
festival celebrated? (c) Kerala (d) Maharashtra
(a) Kerala (b) Bihar 225. The ruins of Hampi are located in which
(c) Meghalaya (d) Madhya Pradesh state?
214. ‘The Race of My Life: An Autobiography’ is (a) Karnataka (b) Andhra Pradesh
the autobiography of which of the following (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala
person? 226. Which of the following is a heritage site of
(a) Milkha Singh (b) P.T. Usha Madhya Pradesh?
(c) Tintu Lukka (d) Dutee Chand (a) Hampi (b) Lepakshi
215. Bidar Fort is located in which state of India? (c) Bhimbetka (d) Sasaram
(a) Gujarat (b) Rajasthan 227. In which state is the nuclear test site Pokhran
(c) Meghalaya (d) Karnataka located?
216. In which Indian state is the Vangala festival (a) Gujarat (b) Rajasthan
celebrated? (c) Haryana (d) Maharashtra
(a) Jharkhand (b) Goa 228. Where is the Jawaharlal Nehru University
(c) Meghalaya (d) Kerala (JNU) located?
217. The ‘Vaghya Murli’ dance, associated with (a) Agra (b) Pune
Lord Khandoba, originally belonged to which (c) New Delhi (d) Dehradun
of the following states? 229. Buland Darwaza is located in :
(a) Bihar (b) Rajasthan (a) Delhi (b) Lucknow
(c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat (c) Meerut (d) Fatehpur Sikri
218. Who among the following was/were the first 230. The mountain resort of South India
singer/singers to be awarded the Bharat ‘Udhagamandalam’ or ‘Ooty’ is situated in
Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour? which of the following states of India?
(a) Utsad Ali Akbar Khan (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh 244. What is the name of the autobiography of
231. Among the following persons, whose Mahatma Gandhi?
autobiography is 'The Kiss of Life'? (a) My music, my life
(a) Dino Morea (b) Sanjay Suri (b) Justice for the Judge
(c) Emraan Hashmi (d) John Abraham (c) Satya Ke Prayog (The Story of My
Experiments with Truth)
232. Darjeeling is situated in-
(d) The Bandit Queen of India
(a) Himachal Pradesh
(b) West Bengal 245. Leaning Tower of Pisa is situated in-
(c) Uttarakhand (a) Italy (b) France
(d) Sikkim (c) Germany (d) Spain
233. The famous Chhota Imambara is situated in- 246. Who among the following is the first Indian
(a) Lucknow (b) Agra Grandmaster to become the Women’s Chess
(d) Delhi (c) Jaipur World Rapid Champion?
(a) Harika Dronavalli
234. Where in India is Fort William situated?
(b) Koneru Hampi
(a) Chennai (b) Musalipatnam
(c) Bhakti Kulkarni
(c) Kolkata (d) New Delhi
(d) Tania Sachdev
235. Hathi Gumpha is located in which state?
247. Which of the following pair of folk dance and
(a) Bihar (b) Odisha
the respective state is wrongly matched?
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
(a) Wancho Arunachal Pradesh
236. In which region of India are the famous tourist (b) Gidda - Punjab
places Gulmarg and Sonamarg located? (c) Ghoomar - Bihar
(a) Ladakh (b) Kashmir (d) Nongkrem - Meghalaya
(c) Kullu (d) Lahaul-Spiti
248. Where is Pisa, famous for its sloping wall,
287. Ustad Zakir Hussain is a famous Indian situated?
............. maestro. (a) Spain (b) France
(a) Guitar (b) Sitar (c) Italy (d) Austria
(c) Tabla (d) Violin
249. Where is the Wailing Wall situated?
288. An excellent specimen of Indian architecture (a) Jerusalem (b) New York
in Cambodia is— (c) Makka (d) Medina
(a) Borobudur Temple
250. To whom is Jerusalem a place of pilgrimage?
(b) Anand Mandir
(a) Christians (b) Jews
(c) Sittanavasal Temple
(c) Muslims (d) all of these
(d) Angkor Wat Temple
251. Which of the following pair is not correctly
239. To which deity is the ‘Ankorwat Temple’
located in Cambodia dedicated?
(a) Kremlin - Moscow
(a) Vishnu (b) Sun
(b) Pentagon - Washington
(c) Shiva (d) Ganesha
(c) Porcelain Tower Cairo
240. In which country is Mecca, the holy city of (d) Bigben - London
252. Which of the following pair is not correctly
(a) Iran (b) Iraq
(c) Egypt (d) Saudi Arabia
(a) Borobudur - Indonesia
241. Where is Elephant Pass situated? (b) Angkor Wat - Cambodia
(a) Pakistan (b) Sri Lanka (c) Temple of the Tooth - Myanmar
(c) China (d) India (d) Meenakshi Temple India
242. In which country is the Pentagon located? 253. The designer of Eiffel Tower was-
(a) United States of America (a) Sir Gustave Eiffel (b) George Stanley
(b) England (c) Henry Miller (d) none of these
(c) Canada
254. The International Sand Art Festival is usually
(d) Russia
held at
243. Where is the Elysee Palace? (a) Kerala (b) Odisha
(a) Germany (b) France (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Maharashtra
(c) Italy (d) Spain
255. Padma Subrahmanyam is known for which

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
classical dance? 266. Which of the following is not correctly
(a) Kathak (b) Kuchipudi matched?
(c) Mohiniyattam (d) Bharatanatyam (a) Madhubani Painting Bihar
256. Pandit Birju Maharaj, who passed away in (b) Pichwal Painting - Gujarat
January 2022, was associated with which (c) Phulkari Art - Haryana
classical dance form of India? (d) Kalamkari Art - Andhra Pradesh
(a) Kuchipudi (b) Kathak 267. The ‘Pahari School’, the ‘Rajput School’, the
(c) Satriya (d) Bharatanatyam ‘Mughal School’ and the ‘Kangra School’ refer
257. The Pattadakal dance festival is organized in to which of the following different styles of
which state of India? art?
(a) Jharkhand (b) Manipur (a) Sculpture (b) Painting
(c) Assam (d) Karnataka (c) Dance Art (d) Music Art
258. Manika Batra is associated with which sport? 268. ‘Uma ki Tapasya’, ‘Shiva-Parvati’, ‘Basant’,
(a) Table tennis (b) Boxing ‘Pranam’ etc. are masterpieces of which
(c) Wrestling (d) Badminton talented painter?
(a) Nandlal Bose (b) Jaimini Roy
259. ‘Wings of Fire’ is the famous autobiography of
(c) Satish Gujral (d) M.F. Hussain
which Indian scientist?
(a) C.V. Raman 269. The ‘Ambubachi’ festival of Assam is
(b) Vikram Sarabhai celebrated annually in the month of -----.
(c) Homi J. Bhabha (a) December (b) March
(d) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (c) January (d) June
260. Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty Amma is known 270. ‘Elephant’s Bathing in Green Pool’ is a famous
for which classical dance form? work of which of the following painter?
(a) Mohiniyattam (b) Odyssey (a) M.F. Hussain
(c) Kuchipudi (d) Manipuri (b) Satish Gujral
(c) Amrita Shergill
261. Who among the following was a famous
(d) Vikas Bhattacharya
Indian playback singer as well as an actor?
(a) Kishore Kumar 271. Who painted the painting named ‘Aurat’?
(b) Pranab Mukherjee (a) Nandlal Bose
(c) Kashinath Ghanekar (b) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) Sunil Chhetri (c) Jaimini Roy
(d) Satish Gujral
262. The famous painting 'Bani Thani' is from
which among the following styles of painting? 272. Who painted the painting named ‘Kala-
(a) Jaipur style (b) Kishangarh style Chand’?
(c) Kangra style (d) Bundi style (a) Jaimini Roy (b) Nandlal Bose
(c) Raja Ravi Varma (d) Satish Gujral
263. With which state is the Kangra painting style
associated? 273. Bagurumba is the folk dance of which Indian
(a) Rajasthan state?
(b) Himachal Pradesh (a) Goa (b) Assam
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (c) Haryana (d) Karnataka
(d) Punjab 274. Which of the following is an Indian sport of
264. Which type of paintings are prominent in snake boat race?
Kangra painting style? (a) Kho-Kho (b) Mallakhamb
(a) Hero-heroines of mythologies of Ritikal (c) Vallam Kali (d) Field Hockey
(b) Battle Scenes 275. Raut Nacha is a dance performed mainly by
(c) Animals and Birds the tribals communities of which state?
(d) Daily Cctivities (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Karnataka
265. Which type of paintings are prominent in (c) Bihar (d) Meghalaya
Gujarati painting style? 276. Where is Kaziranga National Park situated?
(a) Battle Scenes (a) Odisha (b) Gujarat
(b) Animals and Birds (c) Rajasthan (d) Assam
(c) Daily Activities 277. Where is the Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary
(d) Natural Compositions located?

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(a) Alwar (Rajasthan) with List II (States) and select the correct
(b) Bharatpur (Rajasthan) answer using the code given below the lists.
(c) Sawai Madhopur (Rajasthan) List I (National List II (State)
(d) Chengalpattu (Tamil Nadu) Forest/ sanctuary)
278. In which state is the Nanda Devi biosphere A. Kanger Valley 1. Chhattisgarh
located? National Forest
(a) Chhattisgarh B. Nagarhole 2. Haryana
(b) Assam National Forest
(c) Himachal Pradesh C. Kugti Wildlife 3. Himachal Pradesh
(d) Uttarakhand Sanctuary
D. Sultanpur Bird 4. Karnataka
279. In which of the following states of India is the
Manas National Park located?
(a) West Bengal (b) Odisha Code:
(c) Assam (d) Sikkim A B C D
(a) 3 2 1 4
280. The sanctuary known for Rhinos, is-
(b) 1 4 3 2
(a) Kaziranga (b) Gir
(c) 3 4 1 2
(c) Ranthambore (d) Corbett
(d) 1 2 3 4
281. In which state is the National Park ‘Valley of
290. Match List I with List II and Select the correct
Flowers’ situated?
answer using the code given below.
(a) Uttarakhand
List I (Wildlife List II (State)
(b) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Himachal Pradesh
A. Namdapha 1. Karnataka
(d) Kerala
B. Bandipur 2. Arunachal Pradesh
282. Madumalai Animal Sanctuary is famous for- C. Periyar 3. Manipur
(a) Tigers (b) Bison D. Lamjao 4. Kerala
(c) Birds (d) Elephants
283. Gir forest is famous for lions. In which state is A B C D
it located? (a) 2 1 4 3
(a) Jharkhand (b) Chhattisgarh (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) Gujarat (d) Assam (c) 4 2 1 3
284. In which state is the Namdapha Wildlife (d) 2 4 3 1
Sanctuary located? 291. Whose work is the book ‘Gandhi and Stalin’?
(a) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Lewis Fischer (b) Gunnar Myrdal
(b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) M.N. Roy
(c) Odisha
292. Who is the author of the book ‘The Accidental
(d) Mizoram
Prime Minister’?
285. Who wrote the song ‘Vande Mataram’? (a) Rajdeep Sardesai (b) Karan Thapar
(a) Bhagat Singh (c) Kuldeep Nayar (d) Sanjay Baru
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
293. Who is the author of ‘Freedom in Exile’?
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(a) Dalai Lama (b) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Nelson Mandela (d) Shashi Tharoor
286. In which of the following state is Dampha
294. Who wrote the book ‘Hindu View of Life’?
Wildlife Sanctuary situated?
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(a) Mizoram (b) Nagaland
(b) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(c) Assam (d) Sikkim
(c) B. R. Ambedkar
287. Which of the following National Park does not (d) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
come under Project Tiger?
295. The book ‘India Wins Freedom’ is the
(a) Kanha Kisli (b) Ranthambore
autobiography of-
(c) Jim Corbett (d) Keibul Lamjao
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
288. Rajaji National Park is a natural habitat of- (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) Mahseer fish (b) Asian Elephant (c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Musk Deer (d) Chital (d) Humayun Kabir
289. Match List I (National Forests / Sanctuaries)
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
296. Who wrote the book ‘Heart of India’? 309. The author of ‘Midnight’s Children’ is-
(a) Khushwant Singh (b) Mark Tully (a) E. M. Foster (b) Salman Rushdie
(c) R. K. Narayan (d) Anita Desai (c) Gunnar Myrdal (d) C.G. Marquez
297. The autobiography written by Khushwant 310. Who wrote ‘Discovery of India’?
Singh is— (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) The Moor's Last Sai (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Truth, Love and a Little Malice (c) APJ Abdul Kalam
(c) The End of Racism (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Burial at Sea 311. The author of the book named ‘Mother’ is-
298. Who is the author of ‘Malgudi Days’? (a) Soumsam Maum (b) Maxim Gorky
(a) Mulkraj Anand (b) R. K. Narayan (c) Charles Dickins (d) T.S. Elliot
(c) R. K. Laxman (d) Mukul Keshavan 312. Who is the author of ‘As You Like It’?
299. Who has written the book ‘Ignited Minds’? (a) Leo Tolstoy
(a) Vikram Seth (b) Mulkraj Anand
(b) Dalai Lama (c) George Bernard Shaw
(c) APJ Abdul Kalam (d) William Shakespeare
(d) Anita Desai 313. According to FIFA, what is the height of the
300. Who was the author of ‘Gulamgiri’? goal post?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar (b) Jyotiba Phule (a) 6 feet (b) 10 feet
(c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Periyar (c) 8 feet (d) 12 feet
301. Who amongst the following wrote Odyssey? 314. Who among the following is the author of the
(a) Shakespeare book titled ‘A House For Mr. Biswas’?
(b) Wordsworth (a) Ramachandra Guha
(c) Homer (b) V.S. Naipaul
(d) Ernest Hemingway (c) R. K. Narayan
302. Who was the author of ‘India of my dreams’? (d) Nirad C. Chowdhary
(a) Gopalkrishna Gokhale 315. The book ‘War and Peace’ is written by -
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) R. N. Tagore (b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) J. B. kriplani (c) Leo Tolstoy (d) Lenin
(d) M.K. Gandhi 316. The author of the book named ‘Communist
303. The author of ‘Asian Drama’ is- Manifesto’ is-
(a) Gunnar Myrdal (b) Bertand Russell (a) Richard Attenborough
(c) Samuelson (d) Amartya Sen (b) Charles Dickens
304. The title of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s (c) Karl Marx
autobiography is- (d) M.N. Roy
(a) Me and Missiles (b) My memoirs 317. Whose composition is ‘The Prince’?
(c) Sky is the limit (d) Wings of Fire (a) Goethe (b) Machiavelli
305. Who is the author of the English book ‘Broken (c) Adam Smith (d) Maxim Gorky
Wing’? 318. The author of ‘Unhappy India’ is-
(a) Sucheta Kriplani (b) Padmaja Naidu (a) V.D. Savarkar
(c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Mother Teresa (b) Subhash Chandra Bose
306. Which scientist has written the book ‘A Brief (c) Rafiq Zakaria
History of Time’? (d) Lala Lajpat Rai
(a) Louis Pasteur (b) Edward Jenner 319. The playwright of ‘Merchant of Venice’ is-
(c) J.L. Baird (d) Stephen Hawking (a) Leo Tolstoy
307. The author of the book ‘Good Earth’ is- (b) William Shakespeare
(a) J.B. Shaw (b) Pearl S. Buck (c) William Wordsworth
(c) Rudyard Kipling (d) Charles Dickins (d) George Eliot
308. Who among the following is the author of the 320. Who wrote the book ‘India divided’?
book ‘The Social Contract’? (a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(a) Voltaire (b) Hobbes (b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Lock (d) Rousseau (c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
321. Who wrote the book ‘Life Divine’? 333. Who has written the book "The Legend of
(a) M.K. Gandhi Lakshmi Prasad"?
(b) Rabindranath Tagore (a) Raveena Tandon (b) Twinkle Khanna
(c) S. Radhakrishnan (c) Karishma Kapoor (d) Kajol
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh 334. Where is the Indian Council of Forestry
322. The author of ‘Indian Poverty and Un-British Research and Education located?
Rule in India’ is- (a) Dehradun (b) Ranchi
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai (b) C.R. Dutt (c) New Delhi (d) Raipur
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji (d) Mahatma Gandhi 335. Which country has three administrative,
323. Who was the first Secretary General of the legislative and judicial capitals?
United Nations? (a) Chile (b) Malaysia
(a) U. Thant (b) Dr. Kurt Waldheim (c) Canada (d) South Africa
(c) Trigwe Lee (d) Dag Hammarskjöld 336. Who said about "Ram Rajya" through Gram
324. The Parliament of Afghanistan was built by- Rajya?
(a) Russia (b) China (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) India (d) America (b) Vinoba Bhave
325. Who made the statement that multi-purpose (c) Jaiprakash Narayan
river valley projects are the ‘new temples of (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
modern India’? 337. TH Vinayakram is associated with which
(a) Motilal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi musical instrument?
(c) Rajiv Gandhi (d) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Dholak (b) Ghatam
326. What types of information systems will be (c) Sarod (d) Tabla
recognized by digital circuits? 338. Which of the following novels was a source of
(a) Binary System Only inspiration for the freedom fighters of India?
(b) Both Hexadecimal and Binary Systems (a) Pariksha Guru (b) Anandmath
(c) Roman System Only (c) Rangbhoomi (d) Padmarag
(d) Hexadecimal System Only 339. The Central Food Technological Research
327. Who among the following was not a politician? Institute (CFTRI) is located at-
(a) I.K. Gujral (b) S. L. Bahuguna (a) Mysore (b) Dehradun
(c) J. Jayalalitha (d) H.N. Bahuguna (c) Nagpur (d) Ernakulam
328. Madan Mohan Malviya took loan from which 340. Where is the Indian Institute of Science
of the following bank for the economy of ‘The situated?
Hindustan Times’? (a) Chennai (b) Bangalore
(a) Punjab National Bank (c) Kolkata (d) Mumbai
(b) Bank of Maharashtra 341. When was the Indian Forest Service
(c) Bank of Baroda established?
(d) State Bank of India (a) 1st July, 1966 (b) 1st July, 1968
329. Who is famous for establishing ‘Anand Van’? (c) 1st July, 1967 (d) 1st July, 1965
(a) Jubilant Buddha (b) H.N. Bahuguna 342. Sangrai is a folk dance of which Indian state?
(c) Baba Amte (d) Motilal Nehru (a) Karnataka (b) Goa
330. The civil airport with the highest altitude is- (c) Bihar (d) Tripura
(a) in Tibet (b) in Nepal 343. Courage and Conviction : An Autobiography is
(c) in India (d) in China which of the following person’s autobiography?
331. Overuse of resources is called 'Tragedy of the (a) Manoj Mukund Naravane
Commons'. It was propounded by - (b) Dalbir Singh Suhag
(a) Garett Hardin (b) Seligman (c) Yogesh Kumar Joshi
(c) Adolf Wagner (d) A.P. Lernier (d) VK Singh
332. Baishagu festival is associated with the state 344. The festival of Salhesh is celebrated in the
of .............. in India. state of:
(a) Bihar (a) Bihar (b) Punjab
(b) Assam (c) Gujarat (d) Tamil Nadu
(c) Arunachal Pradesh 345. Who among the following dancers was the
(d) Manipur first Odissi dancer of foreign origin to be
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
awarded the Padma Shri in 2006? located at.
(a) Ileana Citaristi (b) Sofia Boutella (a) Ahmedabad (b) Kolkata
(c) Eri Nakamura (d) Mrinalini Sarabhai (c) Delhi (d) Bangalore
346. Which of the following dances are performed 358. Planetary scientists call the thin gaseous
by the devotees during the worship ceremony envelope present around the Moon as the
of the Tamil god Murugan? _____.
(a) Kavadi Aattam (b) Kummi (a) Lunar Atmosphere
(c) Therukoothu (d) Mayilattam (b) Lunar Thermosphere
347. The National Sports Day of India is celebrated (c) Lunar Endosphere
on (d) Lunar Exosphere
(a) 15th August (b) 26 January 359. Birja Temple, Rajarani Temple and
(c) 30 January (d) 29 August Samaleshwari Temple are all located in -
348. Gangaur is an Indian festival celebrated (a) Assam (b) Tamil Nadu
mainly in : (c) Odisha (d) Kerala
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Tripura 360. Which of the following is not a folk dance of
(c) Rajasthan (d) Arunachal Pradesh the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir?
349. Laho dance belongs to the state of ........ in (a) Dangi (b) Dhumal
India. (c) Hafiza (d) Rauf
(a) Kerala (b) Meghalaya 361. In which city was the Jhanda Satyagraha or
(c) Maharashtra (d) Manipur Flag Satyagraha of 1923 organized?
350 Who is the author of the book ‘Fearless (a) Calcutta (now Kolkata)
Governance’? (b) Bombay (now Mumbai)
(a) Arun Shourie (b) M.J. Akbar (c) Ahmedabad
(c) Kiran Bedi (d) Jaswant Singh (d) Nagpur
351. Red data book contains data of : 362. Freedom fighter Sucheta Kripalani became
(a) Red Panda the first woman Chief Minister of which state?
(b) Endangered Species (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Gujarat
(c) Rare Minerals (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
(d) Vanishing rivers 363. Famous Indian classical dancer Mrinalini
352. Which is the cultural capital of the world in Sarabhai was awarded with .............. in 1965.
India? (a) Padma Vibhushan (b) Padma Shri
(a) Kolkata (b) Trivandrum (c) Padma Bhushan (d) Kalidas Samman
(c) Madurai (d) Mumbai 364. Who is the first Indian to score two
353. India adopts the policy of non-alignment, international hat-tricks in cricket?
which means- (a) Kedar Jadhav (b) Kuldeep Yadav
(a) To become a third world power (c) Rohit Sharma (d) Virat Kohli
(b) Wanted to keep its separate identity 365. Jawara dance, a dance form to celebrate
(c) Neutrality towards power blocks wealth, originated in the state of :
(d) To bring peace and harmony in the world (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat
354. The 14th Dalai Lama lives in— (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Kerala
(a) Dharamshala (b) Kalimpong 366. Which of the following country’s currency is
(c) Shillong (d) Gangtok ‘Birr’?
355. Who among the following is an Indian Olympic (a) Ethiopia (b) Togo
Archer and Padma Shri winner? (c) Eritrea (d) Estonia
(a) Limba Ram 367. Which of the following festivals is dedicated
(b) Balbir Singh Dosanjh to the worship of the Sun, and is celebrated
(c) Kidambi Srikanth mainly by the people of Bihar?
(d) Bajrang Punia (a) Ugadi (b) Bohag Bihu
356. .......... expansion makes the Eiffel Tower (c) Chhath Puja (d) Lohri
taller during summers. 368. Which of the following Indian surnames
(a) Slope (up or down) (b) Thermal originated from the Swat River?
(c) Gravitational (d) Gradient (a) Srivastava (b) Sharma
357. Asia’s largest wholesale spice market is (c) Sehgal (d) Sood

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
369. Who is the founder of ‘Bachpan Bachao 380. Which of the following state has become the
Andolan’? first carbon free state of India?
(a) Malala Yousafzai (b) Sane Guruji (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Salman Khan (d) Kailash Satyarthi (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Maharashtra
370. Which of the following sports was not played in 381. Skoda, which launched its sedan ‘Rapid’
the Summer Olympic Games, 2020 (Olympics in the market, is originally an automobile
in 2021)? manufacturer from which country?
(a) Basketball (b) Tennis (a) Japan (b) France
(c) Bridge (d) Judo (c) South Korea (d) Czech Republic
371. Who is known as the father of the White 382. Which city in India is also known as ‘City of
Revolution in India? Palaces’?
(a) J.P. Narayan (b) Verghese Kurien (a) Jaipur (b) Kolkata
(c) Baba Amte (d) M.S. Swaminathan (c) Gwalior (d) Udaipur
372. Which of the following Indian languages 383. What amount of insurance cover is provided
is spoken in Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, by the Indian Railways to passengers at a
Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, premium of Re 1?
Jamaica, Caribbean, Fiji, Mauritius and (a) one lakh (b) fifty thousand
South Africa? (c) ten lakh (d) five lakh
(a) Bhojpuri (b) Punjabi 384. Which of the following is known as the country
(c) Tamil (d) Telugu of white elephants?
373. Which of the following state’s police (a) Thailand (b) Africa
department has launched ‘Operation Milan’ (c) Cuba (d) Turkey
to reunite kidnapped persons with their loved 385. What is the name of the US Parliament?
ones? (a) Diet (b) Senate
(a) Haryana (b) Gujarat (c) Congress (d) House of Commons
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Uttar Pradesh
386. Charles Correa is an Indian renowned ----.
374. Who was the director of ‘Alice in the (a) Freedom Fighter
Wonderland’? (b) Painter
(a) Lewis Carroll (b) Tim Burton (c) Architect and Urban Planner
(c) Linda Woolverton (d) Alan Rickman (d) Awarded Doctor
375. Which of the following car in India was named 387. Who was the first woman of Indian origin to
after Mr. Sumant Mulgaonkar? travel in space?
(a) Tata Sumo (b) Hyundai Santa Fe (a) Sunita Williams
(c) Tata Safari (d) Hyundai Santro (b) Kalpana Chawla
376. Who was the first Field Marshal of India? (c) Darshana Ranganath
(a) A. S. Vaidya (d) Avni Chaturvedi
(b) K.M. cariappa 388. By what name is the Indian Army’s aggression
(c) Sundarji against Pakistan in the Kargil war known?
(d) S.H.F.J. Manekshaw (a) Operation Kargil (b) Operation L.O.C.
377. Who was the founder/father of ‘Theory of (c) Operation Vijay (d) Operation Success
Bureaucracy’? 389. By whom was the Golden Quadrilateral
(a) F. W. Tailor (b) Max Weber project started for the development of
(c) Elton Mayo (d) Herbert Simon National Highways?
378. What is the full form of FCRA operated by (a) P.V. Narasimha Rao
Ministry of Home Affairs? (b) I.K. Gujral
(a) Foreign Currency Regulation Act (c) Manmohan Singh
(b) Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(c) Foreign Contract Regulation Act 390. Who coined the Chipko slogan ‘Ecology is
(d) Foreign Cartel Restriction Act sustainable economy’?
379. Where is the largest Botanical Museum of (a) Chandi Prasad Bhatt
India located? (b) Sunderlal Bahuguna
(a) Kolkata (b) Lucknow (c) Shyama Prasad Bahuguna
(c) Mumbai (d) Coimbatore (d) Bachni Devi

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
391. In which state of India ‘Kanthuri festival’ is 402. Which of the following State-folk Art pair is
celebrated? not correct?
(a) Telangana (b) Tamil Nadu (a) Madhubani Painting Bihar
(c) Karnataka (d) Kerala (b) Tanjore Art - Rajasthan
392. As per the information available till April (c) Pattachitra - Odisha
2022, what is the capital of India’s neighboring (d) Kalamezhuthu - Kerala
country Myanmar? 403. What is the common name of solid carbon
(a) Dhaka dioxide?
(b) Thimphu (a) Quick Silver (b) Epsom
(c) Beijing (c) Potash (d) Dry Ice
(d) Naypyidaw 404. In which year was Sanchi discovered after
393. Which of the following is the traditional being abandoned for nearly 600 years?
masked dance of West Bengal? (a) 1814 (b) 1818
(a) Jawara (b) Gambhira (c) 1820 (d) 1816
(c) Kavadi (d) Gidda 405. ---- was a sarod player.
394. Lai Haraoba Festival is celebrated by ....... (a) Bhajan Sopori
tribe. (b) Buddhadev Das Gupta
(a) Meitei (b) Deori (c) Annapurna Devi
(c) Khasi (d) Sumi (d) Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma
395. ‘A Comparison between Women and Men’ was 406. Which of the following novel is written by EM
written by - Forster?
(a) Tarabai Shinde (a) A Passage to India
(b) Begum Ruqaiya Sakhwat Hussain (b) Invisible Man
(c) Pandita Ramabai (c) Don Quixote
(d) Jyotiba Phule (d) Beloved
396. During which festival the Nongkrem dance is 407. What is the full form of R in MICR?
performed by the Khasi tribal people? (a) Reader (b) Route
(a) Wangala (b) Jatara (c) Request (d) Recognition
(c) Cheraw (d) Bihu 408. The book ‘Khullam Khulla’ is the
397. Who is the first Indian to receive the ISSF autobiography of which famous actor?
Blue Cross Honour? (a) Amitabh Bachchan
(a) Sania Mirza (b) Abhinav Bindra (b) Shatrughan Sinha
(c) Sachin Tendulkar (d) Rahul Dravid (c) Rishi Kapoor
398. Who among the following was the first (d) Shashi Kapoor
transgender Bharatanatyam dancer to 409. In which of the following forests are the
receive the Padma Shri in 2019? Asiatic lions found?
(a) Laxmi Narayan Tripathi (a) Gir Forest
(b) Dancer Nataraja (b) Kukrail Reserve Forest
(c) Manjamma Jogti (c) Molai Forest
(d) Naaz Joshi (d) Baikunthpur Forest
399. Which is the longest organ of the digestive 410. In which of the following states is the Float
system in the human body? Festival celebrated?
(a) Pancreatic duct (b) Small intestine (a) Nagaland (b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Large intestine (d) Esophagus (c) Rajasthan (d) Himachal Pradesh
400. The Parliament of India is divided into .......... 411. Guru Vempati Chinna Satyam is known for
Houses. which of the following Indian classical dances?
(a) Two (b) Five (a) Kuchipudi (b) Odissi
(c) Four (d) Three (c) Kathak (d) Kathakali
401. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of - 412. Veteran freedom fighter, reformer and
(a) Thermo Nuclear Fusion feminist Savitribai Phule belongs to which of
(b) Heavy Water Reaction the following states of India?
(c) Thermo Nuclear Fission (a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan
(d) Fast Breeder Reaction (c) Odisha (d) Gujarat

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
413. How man y Grammy Awards has Pandit Ravi 425. Jagoi and Cholom are two styles of ...... dance.
Shankar won? (a) Odyssey (c) Kathak
(a) 3 (b) 2 (b) Bharatanatyam (d) Manipuri
(c) 4 (d) 6 426. When was AFSPA first implemented in India?
414. In which district of Karnataka is the (a) 1955 (b) 1952
Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary located? (c) 1949 (d) 1958
(a) Hassan (b) Udupi 427. Barabati fort is situated in the city of :
(c) Mandya (d) Kodagu (a) Raipur (b) Guwahati
415. Which of the following was earlier known as (c) Madurai (d) Cuttack
‘The Lady Willingdon Park’? 428. Minati Mishra was associated with which
(a) Lodi Gardens classical dance form of India?
(b) Deer Park (a) Kuchipudi (b) Odissi
(c) Mughal Gardens (c) Manipuri (d) Kathak
(d) Buddha Jayanti Park
429. ‘Maru Mahotsav’ which is also known as
416. Which of the following Indian festivals desert festival is celebrated in-
celebrates the death of the demon king (a) Leh (b) Jaisalmer
Ravana at the hands of Lord Rama? (c) Srinagar (d) Jaipur
(a) Diwali (b) Dussehra
430. Madan Mohan Temple is a centrally protected
(c) Navratri (d) Holi
monument. It is located in which state of
417. Pandit Rajendra Gangani is associated with India?
which classical dance of India? (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
(a) Odissi dance (b) Kathak dance (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Karnataka
(c) Manipuri dance (d) Satriya dance
431. ‘An Unsuitable Boy’ is the autobiography of
418. In which of the following states is the Panna ............... .
National Park located? (a) Anurag Kashyap (b) Karan Johar
(a) Meghalaya (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Akshay Kumar (d) Salman Khan
(c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu
432. Mahabodhi Temple is an ancient Buddhist
419. Which one of the following pairs of authors temple. It is located in which state of India?
and autobiographies is incorrectly matched? (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan
(a) Unbreakable : Mary Kom (c) Bihar (d) Kerala
(b) Ace Against Odds : Sania Mirza
433. The term ‘Direct Free Kick’ is associated with
(c) The Test of My Life : Kapil Dev
which of the following sports?
(d) Playing it my way : Sachin Tendulkar
(a) Cricket (b) Badminton
420. India has won eight Olympic gold medals in (c) Football (d) Hockey
which sport till 2020?
434. Who among the following is the author of the
(a) 10 meter air rifle (b) Wrestling
book ‘Selection Day’?
(c) Field Hockey (d) Boxing
(a) Kiran Desai (b) Chetan Bhagat
421. Ace Against Odds is the autobiography of (c) Vikram Seth (d) Arvind Adiga
which of the following person?
435. Which of the dancers was also an Indian
(a) Mahesh Bhupathi (b) Vijay Amritraj
actress to be honored with the ‘Padma Shri’
(c) Leander Paes (d) Sania Mirza
award in 1968?
422. ---- was the capital of Magadha in the fourth (a) Hema Malini (b) Madhubala
century BCE. (c) Sridevi (d) Vyjayanthimala
(a) Pataliputra (b) Rajgriha
436. Who wrote the book ‘Gulamgiri’?
(c) Varanasi (d) Mathura
(a) Ghasidas
423. Private ownership of the means of production (b) Narayana Guru
is a characteristic of ----- economy. (c) Jyotirao Phule
(a) dual (b) mixed (d) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
(c) capitalist (d) socialist
437. IRS series of Indian satellites are used for
424. The lake in Gujarat is actually an artificial ...........
reservoir, built during the rule of the Mauryas. (a) Forestry (b) Communication
(a) Loktak (b) Pushkar (c) Remote Sensing (d) Astronomy
(c) Sudarshan (d) Lonar

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
438. Who is the author of the book titled ‘We are pinnacles.
Displaced’? (c) It has a wide boundary wall.
(a) N Jiao Mina (b) Mason Funk (d) The topmost part of the temple i.e. the
(c) Feminista Jones (d) Malala Yousafzai Kalash was not there.
439. Who is the author of the book ‘Close to the 449. What is the distance between the stumps and
Bone’? the popping crease at the same end of the
(a) Shilpa Shetty (b) Rishi Kapoor cricket pitch?
(c) Yuvraj Singh (d) Lisa Ray (a) 1.5m (b) 1.34 m
440. What was the name of the general of Alexander (c) 1.62m (d) 1.22 m
who was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya 450. Dree Utsav (Festival) is celebrated in which
after the death of Alexander? of the following states of India?
(a) Ptolemy (b) Seleucus Nicator (a) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Antigonus (d) Cassander (b) Assam
441. In the context of traditional culture of Assam, (c) Manipur
Bhaona is a (d) Nagaland
(a) Theater form 451. Chitti Babu is associated with which musical
(b) Puppet style instrument?
(c) Ancestor worship festival (a) Guitar (b) Santoor
(d) Musical instrument (c) Sitar (d) Veena
442. Nati is the folk dance of which Indian state? 452. Which of the following Indian sportsperson is
(a) Kerala (b) Bihar also known as ‘Dhing Express’?
(c) Nagaland (d) Himachal Pradesh (a) Dutee Chand (b) Hima Das
443. Which of the following festivals is celebrated (c) P.T. Usha (d) Neeraj Chopra
in Arunachal Pradesh? 453. Which of the following festivals is considered
(a) Pongal (b) Wangala to mark the beginning of the Telugu New
(c) Ugadi (d) Solung Year?
444. Which is the longest National Highway of (a) Ugadi (b) Gudipadwa
India? (c) Onam (d) Pongal
(a) NH-44 (b) NH-102 454. Which of the following term is not related to
(c) NH-7 (d) NH-22 cricket?
445. Which of the following lake is formed by a (a) Yorker (b) LBW
crater, which was formed by the fall of a (c) Slam Dunk (d) Maiden
meteorite? 455. When was the Environment Protection Act
(a) Loktak Lake passed?
(b) Hussain Sagar Lake (a) 1972 (b) 1986
(c) Lonar Lake (c) 1982 (d) 1992
(d) Sambhar Lake 456. What is the real name of Sister Nivedita?
446. Elephant festival is celebrated every year in (a) Agnes Gonçe Bojshiu
which district of Rajasthan? (b) Aileen Mathew
(a) Kota (b) Jaipur (c) Margaret Elizabeth Noble
(c) Alwar (d) Ajmer (d) Madeleine Slade
447. ‘Cracking the Code: My Journey to Bollywood’ 457. In which of the following dance form women
is the autobiography of intirate parrots as part of the performance?
(a) Sushant Singh Rajput (a) Jawara (b) Teratali
(b) Amit Sadh (c) Bhagoriya (d) Sua
(c) Rajkumar Rao 458. Whose autobiography is ‘Unbreakable’?
(d) Ayushman Khurana (a) M.C. Mary Kom (b) Sania Mirza
448. Which of the following is correct about the (c) Wasim Akram (d) Chris Gayle
Nagara or North Indian temple style of 459. Which of the following can be identified by
architecture? Widal’s test?
(a) The sanctum was always located under (a) AIDS (b) Cancer
the tallest tower. (c) Typhoid fever (d) Tuberculosis
(b) There were no minarets (towers) or
460. With reference to the dances and their states
Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
of origin, which one of the following pairs is (c) Myanmar (d) Bhutan
correct? 472. Bessie Award is a dance award given in which
(a) Sattaria - Manipur country?
(b) Yakshagana - Karnataka (a) Norway (b) Australia
(c) Kalaripayattu-Karnataka (c) Germany (d) USA
(d) Gomira - Uttar Pradesh
473. Which freedom fighter of India composed the
461. Who among the following was known as the song ‘Saare Jahan Se Accha’?
‘Disco King’, who passed away in February (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi
2022? (c) Muhammad Iqbal (d) Jyotiba Phule
(a) Bappi Lahiri
474. The purpose of starting the SAARC movement
(b) Vanraj Bhatia
(c) Anupam Shyam
(a) Not to interfere in each other’s affairs
(d) Chandrashekhar ji
(b) Military Treaty
462. On which date the National Sports Day is (c) Scientific and Cultural Exchange
celebrated in India? (d) Regional Cooperation
(a) 17 September (b) 29 August
475. Who is the author of the book ‘Slumdog
(c) 5th July (d) 4th May
463. In which of these states is the Jaugada Rock (a) Vikas Swaroop
Edict of Ashoka located? (b) R. K. Narayan
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Odisha (c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Gujarat (d) Kiran Desai
464. Who among the following has written the 476. What is the main specialty of Panchsheel?
novel God of Small Things? (a) Non-alignment
(a) Vikram Seth (b) Arundhati Roy (b) Economic cooperation and development
(c) Pankaj Mishra (d) Kiran Desai (c) Development of cultural relations
465. When was the first Wimbledon Championship (d) Friendship and peaceful existence among
held? the countries
(a) 1863 (b) 1877 477. Which of the following novels was written by
(c) 1884 (d) 1896 the famous Indian novelist Amrita Pritam?
466. ............ was the first host country of the FIFA (a) Rasidi Ticket
World Cup. (b) Midnight Children
(a) Brazil (b) France (c) Train to Pakistan
(c) Italy (d) Uruguay (d) Satya Ke Prayog
467. Mandu festival is associated with which state 478. The Janjira fort is situated on a small island
of India? in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of :
(a) Bihar (b) Madhya Pradesh (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
(c) Goa (d) Jharkhand (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
468. Which one of the following is an inert gas 479. Padma Shri awardee Gaddam Padmaja Reddy
commonly found in light bulbs? is associated with which classical dance form
(a) Radon (b) Hydrogen of India?
(c) Oxygen (d) Argon (a) Satriya (b) Kuchipudi
469. Mission Indradhanush, a program of the (c) Manipuri (d) Kathak
Government of India, is related to— 480. In which state of India is the Nuakhai festival
(a) Digitization celebrated?
(b) Vaccination (a) Assam (b) Bihar
(c) Highway Development (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Odisha
(d) Cleanliness 481. What is the maximum age for registration in
470. Which of the following book was written by National Pension Scheme?
R. K. Narayan? (a) 62 (b) 65
(a) The Guide (b) Jungle Book (c) 58 (d) 70
(c) Swami & Friends (d) Malgudi Days 482. ‘Unfinished’ is a memoir by the famous Indian
471. Where is Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda situated? actress .
(a) Nepal (b) Sri Lanka (a) Sridevi

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
(b) Priyanka Chopra Jonas Yojana’ (PMSBY).
(c) Vidya Balan (a) 14 to 59 years (b) 21 to 65 years
(d) Kangana Ranaut (c) 15 to 60 years (d) 18 to 70 years
483. How many players are allowed to be 488. Sputnik-I was launched by which of the
substituted in a game of field hockey? following countries?
(a) 3 (b) No limit (a) America (b) UK
(c) 5 (d) 10 (c) Soviet Union (d) France
484. The Jhaveri sisters are famous for which of 489. ........... was the world’s first artificial satellite.
the following classical dance forms? (a) Apollo II (b) Sputnik I
(a) Manipuri (b) Mohiniyattam (c) Sputnik 0 (d) Zee Sat
(c) Odyssey (d) Kuchipudi 490. Where is the Space Application Center (SAC)
485. Deepika Kumari is associated with which of located in India?
the following sports? (a) Mumbai (b) Ahmedabad
(a) Chess (b) Tennis (c) Trivandrum (d) Bangalore
(c) Archery (d) Golf 491. What is METSAT, the first dedicated
486. In which Indian state is the Khajuraho Dance meteorological satellite built by ISRO?
Festival celebrated? (a) Geosynchronous satellite
(a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu (b) A satellite in the lower orbit of the earth
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Nagaland (c) Polar orbit satellite
487. People of the age group are eligible for the (d) Deep Space Satellite
scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (d) 65. (c) 66. (b) 67. (b) 68. (d) 69. (a) 70. (b)
71. (d) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (d) 79. (a) 80. (d)
81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (d) 86. (c) 87. (a) 88. (a) 89. (c) 90. (a)
91. (c) 92. (d) 93. (b) 94. (b) 95. (a) 96. (c) 97. (a) 98. (a) 99. (c) 100. (d)
101. (b) 102. (b) 103. (b) 104. (b) 105. (c) 106. (b) 107. (c) 108. (d) 109. (b) 110. (a)
111. (d) 112. (c) 113. (b) 114. (c) 115. (c) 116. (b) 117. (d) 118. (c) 119. (b) 120. (c)
121. (d) 122. (a) 123. (c) 124. (c) 125. (c) 126. (d) 127. (a) 128. (c) 129. (d) 130. (c)
131. (a) 132. (d) 133. (d) 134. (c) 135. (c) 136. (c) 137. (c) 138. (c) 139. (d) 140. (a)
141. (b) 142. (c) 143. (a) 144. (a) 145. (d) 146. (c) 147. (a) 148. (a) 149. (a) 150. (d)
151. (c) 152. (a) 153. (a) 154. (b) 155. (a) 156. (b) 157. (b) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (c)
161. (c) 162. (c) 163. (c) 164. (b) 165. (c) 166. (a) 167. (c) 168. (d) 169. (b) 170. (c)
171. (c) 172. (c) 173. (a) 174. (d) 175. (a) 176. (b) 177. (c) 178. (c) 179. (c) 180. (c)
181. (d) 182. (c) 183. (d) 184. (c) 185. (c) 186. (c) 187. (b) 188. (a) 189. (b) 190. (c)
191. (d) 192. (b) 193. (c) 194. (b) 195. (b) 196. (b) 197. (a) 198. (b) 199. (a) 200. (a)
201. (d) 202. (b) 203. (b) 204. (c) 205. (c) 206. (b) 207. (b) 208. (a) 209. (d) 210. (d)
211. (c) 212. (c) 213. (c) 214. (a) 215. (d) 216. (c) 217. (c) 218. (d) 219. (c) 220. (b)
221. (d) 222. (d) 223. (c) 224. (d) 225. (a) 226. (c) 227. (b) 228. (c) 229. (d) 230. (b)
231. (c) 232. (b) 233. (a) 234. (c) 235. (b) 236. (b) 237. (c) 238. (d) 239. (a) 240. (d)
241. (b) 242. (a) 243. (b) 244. (c) 245. (a) 246. (b) 247. (c) 248. (c) 249. (a) 250. (d)
251. (c) 252. (c) 253. (a) 254. (b) 255. (d) 256. (b) 257. (d) 258. (a) 259. (d) 260. (a)

Rojgar Publications Static G.K. (English)
261. (a) 262. (b) 263. (b) 264. (a) 265. (d) 266. (b) 267. (b) 268. (a) 269. (d) 270. (c)
271. (b) 272. (d) 273. (b) 274. (c) 275. (a) 276. (d) 277. (b) 278. (d) 279. (c) 280. (a)
281. (a) 282. (a) 283. (c) 284. (a) 285. (c) 286. (a) 287. (d) 288. (b) 289. (b) 290. (a)
291. (a) 292. (d) 293. (a) 294. (d) 295. (c) 296. (b) 297. (b) 298. (b) 299. (c) 300. (b)
301. (c) 302. (d) 303. (a) 304. (d) 305. (c) 306. (d) 307. (b) 308. (d) 309. (b) 310. (b)
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321. (d) 322. (c) 323. (c) 324. (c) 325. (d) 326. (a) 327. (b) 328. (a) 329. (c) 330. (d)
331. (a) 332. (b) 333. (b) 334. (a) 335. (d) 336. (a) 337. (b) 338. (b) 339. (a) 340. (b)
341. (a) 342. (d) 343. (d) 344. (a) 345. (a) 346. (a) 347. (d) 348. (c) 349. (b) 350. (c)
351. (b) 352. (a) 353. (c) 354. (a) 355. (a) 356. (b) 357. (c) 358. (d) 359. (c) 360. (a)
361. (d) 362. (c) 363. (b) 364. (b) 365. (c) 366. (a) 367. (c) 368. (a) 369. (d) 370. (c)
371. (b) 372. (a) 373. (d) 374. (b) 375. (a) 376. (d) 377. (b) 378. (b) 379. (a) 380. (a)
381. (d) 382. (b) 383. (c) 384. (a) 385. (c) 386. (c) 387. (b) 388. (c) 389. (d) 390. (b)
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401. (c) 402. (b) 403. (d) 404. (b) 405. (b) 406. (a) 407. (d) 408. (c) 409. (a) 410. (b)
411. (a) 412. (a) 413. (c) 414. (d) 415. (a) 416. (b) 417. (b) 418. (b) 419. (c) 420. (c)
421. (d) 422. (a) 423. (c) 424. (c) 425. (d) 426. (d) 427. (d) 428. (b) 429. (b) 430. (a)
431. (b) 432. (c) 433. (c) 434. (d) 435. (d) 436. (c) 437. (c) 438. (d) 439. (d) 440. (b)
441. (a) 442. (d) 443. (d) 444. (a) 445. (c) 446. (b) 447. (d) 448. (d) 449. (d) 450. (a)
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461. (a) 462. (b) 463. (b) 464. (b) 465. (b) 466. (d) 467. (b) 468. (d) 469. (b) 470. (b)
471. (c) 472. (d) 473. (c) 474. (d) 475. (a) 476. (d) 477. (a) 478. (b) 479. (b) 480. (d)
481. (b) 482. (b) 483. (b) 484. (a) 485. (c) 486. (c) 487. (d) 488. (c) 489. (b) 490. (b)
491. (a)


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