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nglith Pruk M.


Appri akion of the Poem.

Dox And The Kangroo


i) Introdoeion Summ.ary
Tntroolockion Cpout, publthed year, Sourte)
of-he Poem
uThe implieo ymessage OF -the poem

v Rhym Scheme of the poem

vi) Literau devices

vli Poekic. devices

ultty Votabdoy
tx) Value poi nks
xUseful prersions

MKoik -

The Dck and tme Rang arooo Sommay

The oluck proiser e

Kangaroo for ts abiity

D hop ano vsit ploLe The olwck eaRs

it stt on tts pack

t make
he kang arcoo
tD plaes Gke the
lavds avo, Sear.
Dee aro Tl Bo Lee, Crosin
would emain iet

T t pomis thak

and w oud only

t I n t r o dvction :

The Putk ana KaqarDo is a non sen se poem

Edoard lear. Tt s first pot hd

tnLear's lg0 Cellechin, Nonsente Sonas.The

poem depicts a dfalogue behween a pond- boond
duck ao the Kangamo oho epre sent the

M.Kari k -
duk' gre adert chane at reedon
tity heme f

I t potm, The Ducke ad the Kavgaxoo, he

a diffiwt
Potk tell Os thak toe Ca 9tt
haye me Virbyer
Loork done b others, tf we

obedtenue The Dudk

Of Sueehets, politeness and
O Suweethess,
to make her visit the
Reauest the Kangaroo

allduing her to (edke Kr (RA}

eautitol word by
Ride on k bauk.

attepts hr oich, betose 6f

The Kaagouroo0o

ana Pbliteness Thosthe RargaDo

her Sweetness

tail and e nenk br

nde on her
lets her

ON pleasU tpur the Loorld,

wesage bf he
tu) eim plied poer.
TWe pORm qtve tR message thak those
oho genea n acknoLwledging
appredaking e Cap ab ites of Others also

ain from t. Admirakion avo polttene ss a

thak wake O-tters Comfor ta

posftive 9oaltties
god fmeds and
-ble. hey elp tp oln
and worth ohile,
wwakes fe very joyade

Sonane the Poem.

The thyme Scheme oF the poemn e

ard Second 9-tan zo s aba blLaa

and abab Cbb upeckively. Te vemainirg

-rte Stan 2a fo Uow e Scheme ababetdd.

t) Literal
Arefnradn i a p h rase or a Vexse thet
in apoem. T add
hepeaded yegolary
wwstcto he poem empha sf zef Certaln

Core ideos, rt smply bings ONty te


M.Kartik -
he repetition e ine Saf to he

Duce t he arg aooman mes fn e

efrain. The peti tion

poem naces
of he Duck'
bings ovt e Lingeny of

and ao emphasiee her Per sistent


vii poctic deut e


Of initial Con Jonat eo)Soonds in

agouP ot Lobrds.

Ca Good gracious
lhole ord

magery e use
nagey Cshen we Use

dle schptive tanguage to duon be Something,

the Deiekk feet a
and Cold och s bsingthe
e Sense

0f feel.

Lnver sion Too charackrs Speak to eauh e r

E9a1d e Duck tD he kang ooO.

Cang o6 to he Duck.
Said the

Vti VbLabolany

1 ood qraci ous, Osed t express Surpise

top Jomp
3)tlasty diriy
Pord Smal oader body
5) Beyond forher ouoay
8) Ride! to troue on Somethi

Qut te: Complelely

uack Soondl prodoteo by a dok

over aboue
Lo Reapire to nee
Reeekon, uinking
1 bhhectlon problem
3 Bolol braye
14) Unplea Santly '

15 RooMauki2 pafn in joits

6) Rock: the ard Soltd maltRe
lor sted oollen m tten

19) Web- Peet: fee ike web ohayi peaue of skin beten

14) Neaty propery

2D) cloak! plete of clothi n
Caargar o o of dried baLoleAWe
2aMoonigkt Ught tod ome from th

23 Pale dim
Balane equlibriom
R5) stady i

M.artk -
Vaug Poins.
1 he Duck avd
anol the Kangayoo wre tfast frieodls
e bxck uke he ouga
TheThe Ovck wanked

3 onLe Ducll expresse ha desie before he

t e ooro
ooro4he ooro
oankea to 9o
Kangaroo that she

Kong naoo had prodemy with her oet
4 ut e
aa Cd feet

5) TRe Doch auorol he Kangoo0 thet ske kad

a Solotion the problemn
6) She had bougkt oorsted so cks to her
web- Peet nttely. sw had alo hought a cloak

o Keee kim of he Cold. Besi des, she oud

Smoke cigar etery day4 please s end,

Togeter thay, te
e Duue aneth Kangao
went anona e worla
-times. ey
very vappy
X Use tU Spressions:

1 bod gradous
A made of greeking oi th e peas.

bore tn the nasty Pod,

. a

Te Duct ts nable bo enjoy URe in e Pond

3).... Coold hoP Gke you

has te desire to jump,PRrrt ard

Te Duck

n t the fi-edly ikes the Kangaoo.

wwighk b me wk

I he Kangaoo gfues he Pu a de
de on
for s fhend, tthe
batk, he tu be Lucky


M. KartA k-

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