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THE STATE OF Illinois DNB# 786653410

Corporate Charter held at
44 N.W. Congress Ave. Washington D.C

The State of Illinois DNB# 786653410

Both are private for profit governmental services corporation(s)
Foreign and Acting/Operating under “Color of Law”

Located in the geographical boundaries described and defined in the Western Ordinance
A dejure Government operated by “We the People”
The state Nationals defined at USC 8 § 1101 (a) (21)
Case No: 2023

Charity LEE HARRIS tm

Vessel Berthed 04/23/1985 CQV in Trust, a Nom de Guerre now at peace
Listed as Defendant in Error
By: Charity Lee Harris, Date of Live Birth 04/23/1985

Fiduciary and the only signatory Officer

(non corporate entity, tertius interveniens) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Notice to Agent[s] is Notice to Principal[s], and Notice to Principal[s] is Notice to Agents

COMES NOW, Charity Lee Harris, by this affidavit, appearing by special divine appearance,
declaring my Innocence, telling TRUTH, in Honor, a medal recipient, and now a non-corporate, natural
born, living breathing blood being, on the soil, Jus Soli, a living soul, Sui Juris, a Fiduciary, coming here in
Peace and Honor with clean hands, rectus in curia, and hereby NOTICES this court of FATAL DEFECTS and
ERRORS, and hereby MANDATES, by IN CAPITA Sovereign Body Authority, that the above captioned case
be DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE for lack of Personal and Subject Matter jurisdiction, and for the Cause of
Fraud and swindle upon the court by actors.

Praying to my God, the case shall be quashed and that prudent minds shall prevail.

I am, Accepting the Constitutional Oath of the presiding magistrate as his superior Oath, calling
for a constitutional court of record, and not accepting his inferior and odious oath to the Bar Guild which
I hereby voice my rebuttal. (Foreign, per 1947 BAR Treaty)

• This COURT is hereby NOTICED BY this “Court of Record” of my Documents(s) properly

served, publicly published, bonded and filed.
• By your lack of response, you shall be in dis-honor
• The facts are clear. You deal in “person” a vessel, a dead entity, a foundling!
• You summon! a seance, your summoning the dead.
• You warrant! a War Rant. A declaration of war You kidnapped a free woman’s son,
Bohdi Ryder
• You (the State) created the “person” a Maxim of law: that in which one creates one controls.
Having created a vessel, holding with an abstract of title through the foundling scheme
and unlawful conversion of the Christian name, Creating Under the false doctrine of Parens
Patriae. Held in a Cestui Que Vie trust, bonded and insured complete with a CUSIP, a number
regulated by SEC, Registered as Human Capital, peonage and slavery, A FRAUD. Actors
Committing Inland Maritime Piracy.

Then President, William Clinton signed Pres. EO#13707 on March 4,1997, taking out a 14
Quadrillion 300 Trillion loan against "all men with arms & legs" The Organization ID # is AG
59880464 A- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission which is defined as a TRUSTEE (can
you say BREACH !!) These UCC-1 Financing statements own the following COLLATERAL- "All
men with arms & legs" It’s an AGRICULTURE Lien.

Also, under the Dept. of Agriculture people are designated as CHATTEL...PL ...103-354 &
7 CFR § 1962.1 and CFR 7§1962.6 LIENS and ASSIGNMENTS on CHATTEL Property ...1962.34-
Transfer of chattel security... 1962.40- LIQUIDATION 1962.42- SALE OF CHATTEL SECURITY.

Let’s... Define attorney: An Actor to Attorn. Let’s... Define Actor: to get up on stage and
lie convincingly enough to make one believe in the character and the plot. Let’s... Define
Attorn: to steal from one and turn over to another.
Liars and Thieves, Not in Honor but in dishonor. A dishonorable profession

While I the living woman, have claimed the Vessel as Owner and Captain flying the Civil
Flag of Peace. A woman not dead and lost at sea, above the age of majority having hereby
laid Claim to the Minor Estate! Calling for probate! Mandating a settlement and restoration
of the estate. Holding its property in express TRUST. Therefore, I hereby rebut your implied

• I, Charity Lee Harris was created by my Father and Mother under gift of my eternal soul
from my God. the Holy Bible “THE WORD OF GOD” is Public Law 97-280- Oct 4. 1982.
• Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
• It would be a sin against God to accept the “person” so it is very much against my religious
• it says in the Book of Job 32:21 “Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person,
neither let me give flattering titles unto man.” ...and in Job 32:22 “For I know not to
give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.” A sin unto
• STATE OF Illinois, a fictional entity, has no Claim backed by affidavit of any wrongdoing, just
Presumed under the corporate by-laws, (Statutes) I am, Not a Employee of the Fictional and
STATE OF Illinois. (SEE Federally Authenticated Live Certificate of Birth with no autograph by
Charity Lee Harris in previous presented evidence)
• This would lead to liability on your part, of violations of Constitutional Rights and
International Treaties. Felonies under the USC punishable by fines and
imprisonments. USC 18 Ś 241 & 242, 1983, 1985 and others. (Please provide all risk
management information policy# from CIS, so I may make a proper claim under the
policies “constitutional rider”). (Also, please provide as part of my discovery the GSA
Bonding of the CASE so I may contact the reinsurer at the department of fiscal
services and as signatory, cancel the bonds of the case or make my reports to the
INTERNAL RE- VENUE SERVICE.) (sf23 Bid, sf24 Performance, sf25a Payment bonds
under Miller Act (on-line forms SF273,274,275) as well as filing of a UCC 1 financing
• No State Shall violate or remove a constitutional right, create a statute that abrogates it, or
License and charge a fee for that right. My 2nd amendment right precedes the creation of
the State, and was Published Law in 1791 and has been “settled law”. Murdock vs
Pennsylvania & Shuttlesworth vs City of Birmingham.
• All my property my life and my children are God’s! Held in a God Trust. God is the Co-
executor having created all things, I am the executor and trustee/steward as having been
commanded to take dominion, an ambassador of His beloved son Jesus Christ and my
children are the heirs and the beneficiaries. Held under the superior Juris of the Air,
Ecclesiastical law, Trust Law.
• the De Facto Corporation calling itself the STATE OF Illinois. Merely Acting as government
through the ignorant “consent of the governed”, incompetent minors as US Citizens has no
contract or employee-employer relationship with the living soul known as :Charity-LEE: the
Heir of Familia of HARRIS, nor do I claim as commerce resident, I merely am a temporary
inhabitant at best, and definitely not a Person.
• Please remove and dismiss this case with prejudice upon receipt, or I will file Tort claim on
all individuals personally, individually, severely and jointly liable. As well, as in their public
capacity for damages of character and violations of rights and religious fLeeoms acting under
“color of law”. When public servants acting as government operate to the deprivation of
rights outside their scope and authority of the lawful (Constitution and Treaties) that we the
people laid down, committing dishonor under color of law, they commit an emolument
violation. They lose their “Immunity of Office” and commit felonies.
• Article 1 section 6 clause 8 (emolument clause)


WHEREAS, the facts and the law contained herein are before this court; and. WHEREAS, the facts and the
law contained herein are the Truth; and WHEREAS, we hold said Truths to be self-evident; and,
WHEREAS, self-evident Truths are undisputed and incontrovertible, no oral argument is requested, for no
words can alter or overcome these Truths; and, WHEREAS, Truth is Sovereign: She comes from God and
bears His message, from whatever quarter her great eyes may look down upon you; Psalms 117:2; John
8:32; II Corinthians. 13:8; THEREFORE; this court must perform its duty under the Rule of Law, do Justice,
Rectum Rogare, and DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE [OR REVERSE] the above- captioned case without delay
for “Justice delayed is Justice denied.” Rectum Rogare - "to do right; to petition the judge to do right." --
Black's Law Dictionary 4th edition

Charity Lee Harris Sui Juris

Published by Charity L. HARRIS Lawyer-in-fact, lawful counsel, Trust Executive


LIABILITY MOTION/MANDATE TO DISMISS To be placed before the Clerk of Court of Cole County on this
[8th] day of the [second] month In the Year of Our Lord twenty naught twenty three A.D.


Illinois State

Cole County

The United States of America

On __________________________________________ date before me,

a Notary Public, personally appeared ____________________________________ who proved to me on

the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the man whose Name is subscribed to the within attached

instrument and acknowledged to Me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, And that by

his/her autograph(s) on the instrument the man executed, the instrument known as NOTICE OF SPECIAL


I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the lawful laws of Illinois State that the foregoing paragraph is

true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal.

Signature ___________________________________

of Notary / Jurat seal

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