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1. Operational database
WideWorldImporters is a wholesale company. The operational database of this company is provided in
the WideWorldImporters-Full.bak. Restore the corresponding file WideWorldImporters-Full.bak (SQL
Server 2016 and further) for having the operational database. For restoring the database, choose
Databases/Restore Database in SSMS and choose Device then browse to the folder including your
WideWorldImporters-Full.bak file.

2. Context
The WideWorldImporters company sells products in different city, countries. The diagram the operational
database is too large to print on a page A4, you could create a database diagram in your SSMS to view the
operational base. The operational base is divided into several schemas (Sales, Warehouse, Purchasing,
Application), each corresponding to a specific operational need. Note that:

- The Orders table contains general information about customer purchases, normally issued by the
customers to confirm their purchase and are to be fulfilled by the company.
- The Invoices table contains the information of the bills issued by the company after fulfilling a
purchase order.
- The InvoiceLines and OrderLines contain the details of products sold in different invoices/orders.

Business Requirement

The marketing department wants to increase the volume of sales of the company. For this, it is necessary
to better describe and understand the way in which these sales work.

Your goal is to build a datamart regarding sales of the company.

Your analysis must relate to each stock item. For each stock item, the manager needs to analyze by name,
color, unit package, outer package, brand, size, leadTimeDays, quantity per outer, is chiller stock, barcode,
tax rate, unit price, typicalWeightPerUnit, validFrom, validTo. Note that the decision makers do not want
to analyze the sales for each precise price, but they want to analyze the sales according to each price
range (for example 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, …).

We are interested also in the cities where the sales are delivered (city, state, country, continent, territory,
region, sub region). They also want to compare the sales by the suppliers of the stock items (supplier
name, category).

Your analysis should also look at the dates the customer has ordered items, on the dates that these orders
should have been delivered, and the dates on which the order was delivered to them. The decision maker
may want to know if the customers often make purchases on which day of the week, on holidays or not,
or in which week of the year.

Customers are of particular interest to you. In this project, you will also create customer profiles to help
members of the marketing department in the implementation of targeted marketing. Decision makers of
the marketing department do not require to keep all the information of each individual customer, but
they want to analyze the items preferred by each group of customers. Different customers are considered
belonging in a same group if they have the same category, buying group and from a same city.

The decision maker also wants to group the sales by sale person to analyze the effectiveness of their
employees. Each employee should be considered separately.

Finally, they want to know which payment method is preferred by their clients and which delivery method
is often used.

For analyzing the sales, the decision makers are interested in the quantity sold, the total amount excluding
tax, the tax amount, the total amount including tax, the profit. They also want to compare the total
quantity of the dry items and the total quantity of chiller items.

Your work:

1. For the lab 4:

a. Propose an information package for the data mart that you must create.
b. Distinguish the categories/hierarchies in each dimension.
c. Give the level of details of the data that should be stored in your data mart.
d. Using star schema to construct a Multi Dimension Data Model.
e. Enrich your star schema as follows: if an attribute of a table comes from an attribute of
the operational database, specify in parentheses the name of this attribute source.
Otherwise, bring up all the attributes of the database from which this new attribute can
be deduced.
2. For the lab 5:

Use SQL Server Integration Services to create a new Integration Services project named
WideWorld_RollNumer_ETL.sln where RollNumber is your roll number. In this project, you will
create a new Package named Create_DW.dtsx. In this package, you will create the multi
dimension database (data warehouse) and the corresponding tables. Specifically, in this
package, you have a “control flow” in which you can add different tasks to this control flow.
These tasks can be organized sequentially or parallel, as shown in the following figure. This
figure shows only an example, it is not corresponding to the control flow of your project. In fact,
you must create a “SQL query task” for creating the database or for creating each table. And for
each task, you could put your Transact-SQL code in the “SQL-query” field corresponding to the
task you want.
3. For the lab 6:

In the project WideWorld_RollNumer_ETL.sln, create a new package named

Populate_Decisional_DB.dtsx. In this package, you will create different “data flow task” in order
to feed (ETL process) your data warehouse from the operational database as well as the holiday
data from the excel file. An example of the ETL process is given in the following figure.

4. In the project WideWorld_RollNumer_ETL.sln, create a new package named

Incremental_Load_DB.dtsx for doing the incremental load (for example, each night) for the
DimStockItem table.
5. Data analyst: Use SQL server Analysis Services to create an Analysis Service project named
“WideWorld_RollNumer_analysis.sln”, create a cube including all dimensions and facts and
then try to navigate in the cube for analyzing the data and create analyst table as you wish. Try
to do an analysis as you wish by:
a. Navigating in the cube that you created.
b. Creating SQL query in the operational database.
c. Creating SQL query in the data mart.
An example is to analyze the total quantity sold by category, by customer gender and by year.

6. Use SQL Server Reporting Service to create a “reporting service” project by using your data
warehouse as data source and then create a report corresponding to the analysis that you did
in the previous question and extract the report in an excel file. You must also public an online
version of your report in your local server

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