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RESEARCH ARTICLE Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, Volume 56 Issue 4: 408-414 (August 2022)

Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple Waste for Biogas Production

and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier for
Phosphate Solubilizers
Gayathri Unnikrishnan, Vijayaraghavan Ramasamy1 10.18805/IJARe.A-5777

Background: Pineapple peel wastes was seasonal which comprised of peels and rags. Their disposal posed a serious environmental
pollution. Since pineapple peel was rich in cellulose, hemicellulose and other carbohydrates it was found to be a potential substrate
for methane generation by anaerobic digestion.
Methods: Here pineapple peel and pulp wastes were collected. The hydraulic retention time of biogas (HRT) was monitored regularly
for nine days and at three days intervals in gas collection bladders (Hans Seamless latex valve bladders). The slurry collected was
periodically treated with phosphate solubilizers- Providencia rettgeri, a bacterial solubilizer and Meyerozyma gullerimondi, an yeast
solubilizer. The biometric parameters of Ananas comosus was tested after slurry application. The germination per cent of Passiflora
edulis were also calculated.
Result: The best combination of biogas slurry with maximum manorial content for phosphate solubilizers were treatment with cow
dung and fruit waste in the ratio 1:2 with high amount of magnesium: 0.0037%, followed by 0.075 N and 0.00054% P which was
selected for biometric observations for plants. Pineapple waste were good source for making biogas and slurry obtained could be
utilized as carriers for phosphate solubilising liquid fertilizers.

Key words: Biogas, Liquid fertilizer, Phosphate solubilizer, Pineapple waste.

INTRODUCTION Department of Microbiology, Nehru Arts and Science College,

Waste management in fruits and vegetable refining factories Coimbatore-641 105, Tamil Nadu, India.
was one among the challengeable jobs around the world. Department of Microbiology, PSG College of Arts and Science,
Scientists had centred their attention on the utilization of Coimbatore-641 014, Tamil Nadu, India.
pineapple waste preferably for biogas and fibre production Corresponding Author: Gayathri Unnikrishnan, Department of
(Upadhyay et al., 2013). Some of these wastes had been Microbiology, Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore-641 105,
used in industrial applications like gas generations Tamil Nadu, India. Email: [email protected]
(Mbuligwe and Kassenga, 2004). Bio-methanation of fruit How to cite this article: Unnikrishnan, G. and Ramasamy, V.
wastes was a simple waste treatment as it both adds energy (2022). Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple W aste for Biogas
in the form of methane and also results in a highly stabilized Production and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier for
effluent fertilizer with almost neutral pH and odourless Phosphate Solubilizers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research.
property (Bardiya et al., 1996). Rani and Nand (2004) 56(4): 408-414. DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5777.
reported that different treatments of pineapple peels gave Submitted: 26-03-2021 Accepted: 09-06-2021 Online: 19-06-2021
biogas yields ranging from 0.41-0.67 mg/kg volatile solids
with methane content of 41-65%. This proved pineapple pulp could produce up to 1682 ml/day of biogas with methane
could be used successfully for biogas production. The use content of 51% in maximum.
of pulp and peel together gave higher biogas production The lowest possible HRT for banana peel was 25 days,
(Pimjai et al., 2012). The performance of biogas production resulting in 36% substrate utilization and with maximum gas
depends on biomass chemical composition as well as production of 0.76 vol/day, while pineapple processing
standardized conditions of feed concentration, hydraulic digestors could be operated at 10 days HRT, with 58%
retention time, pH and temperature (Boe, 2006; Turovskiy substrate utilization and maximum gas production rate of
and Mathai, 2006; Rehm et al., 2000). 0.93 vol/day (Bardiya et al., 1996). Gas production over 3
Bio-methanation of fruit wastes was the best suited days incubation period was found to be the highest with
waste treatment as it both adds energy in the form of cow manure followed by orange rind, with the lowest value
methane and also results in a highly stabilized effluent with for papaya peel and banana skins (Inthapanya et al., 2013).
almost neutral pH and odorless property (Bardiya et al., In this experiment, we had screened the efficient treatment
1996). They utilized pineapple waste for the production of with cow dung and biogas slurry for maximum methane gas
methane using semi-continuous anaerobic digestion which production. The slurry was developed as liquid fertilizer

408 Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple Waste for Biogas Production and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier...

carrier for phosphate solubilizer- Providencia rettgeri, a and analysed. The Biogas composition in laboratory test
bacterial solubilizer and Meyerozyma gullerimondi, a (CH 4 , CO 2, H 2, H 2S and O 2) was measured using an
yeast solubilizer. automated gas analyser according to Brettschneider et al.
(2004). The slurry generated in each treatment were tested
MATERIALS AND METHODS for profiling the quantity of macronutrient and micronutrients
Anaerobic digestor present in it using FESEM-EDX and Elemental mapping.

The biogas plant was installed at the household premises Biometric observations of seedlings
at Mannuthy, Thrissur. The work was carried out in Pineapple Biometric observations were recorded biweekly for three
Research station Vazhakulam, Ernakulam and Nehru Arts months. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, plant girth
and Science College, Coimbatore in year 2019 to 2020. The was recorded. Vigour index was also calculated from the
floating drum biogas plant of 0.5 m3 (Plate 1) capacity was biometric observations (Kaur and Phutela, 2014).
used for anaerobic digestion of pineapple substrate. The Statistical analysis
substrates were added through the inlet pipe. The gas
produced inside the digestor was collected in gas holder Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Panse
and the bottom of the gas holder was dipped into the and Sukhatme, 1985) using statistical package ‘MSTAT-C’
substrates to create an anaerobic condition. The gas package (Freed, 2006). Wherever the F test was significant
(at 5% level) multiple comparison among the treatments
collected in the gas holder was used daily through gas outlet.
were done with Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT).
W hen substrates got completely digested, slurry flowed
through slurry outlet. Regular feeding had done with the
slurry at the rate of 1 litre per day to the biogas plant. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Composition of biogas
Inoculation of phosphate solubilizers
The optimum combination of cow dung and pineapple waste
The phosphate solubilizers selected were Providencia
for maximum gas production was standardized using
rettgeri, a bacterial solubilizer and Meyerozyma gullerimondi,
completely randomized design with five treatments and three
a yeast solubilizer isolated from rhizosphere soil of
replications for a period of 18 months. All the six treatments
pineapple plants from Vazhakulam, Ernakulam district,
were done separately on all five weeks of 6 months from
Kerala. The ratio of 610 4 CFU/ml of slurry was the
October 2018 to June 2020 at Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala.
inoculum used for both organisms. The fermentation was
The readings were taken every week.
carried out for overnight.
The highest methane content of 60.49% was recorded
Regular monitoring of biogas plant in T 4 which was on par with T 5 (63.81%) and T 3 (60.29%)
During the anaerobic digestion period, hydraulic retention and was significantly higher than T1 (50.00) and T2 (46.65).
time (HRT) and daily temperature inside the digester, volume From the results it is clear that co-digestion of cow dung
of gas produced and quantity of slurry generated were with fruit waste increased the methane content in 1:1.5 ratio.
determined regularly. Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) was With the increase of pineapple fruit waste proportion with
defined as the maximum time taken by the substrates for cow dung as 1:2 methane generations decreased to 50.86%
maximum gas production. The daily temperature of the (Fig 1a). It was evident that CO 2 concentration varied
biogas unit was noted by using digital thermometer for the significantly between the treatments. It was found to be
entire period of study. highest in T2 (50.86%) and the lowest in T4 (32.00%). The
recorded CO 2 concentration in T 6, T 1, T 3, T 5 were 45.37,
The gas volume was recorded every day. The gas
37.48, 37.31 and 34.47 respectively (Fig 1a).The major
produced was measured and used for burning the stove.
nutrients and heavy metal composition of biogas slurry and
The increase in height of the gas holder was recorded daily
substrate was shown in Table 1.
and volume of gas was calculated using the formula,
Hydraulic retention time (HRT) and volume of gas generated
V=  r2h
W here The hydraulic retention time (HRT) was minimum (15 days)
V denotes volume, r denotes radius of gas holder and h in the treatment T3 (cow dung + fruit waste, 1:0.5) followed
denotes height increased after gas production. The slurry by T4 (cow dung + fruit waste, 1:1) with 17 days. The highest
output from the digester was also measured daily for all HRT of 28 days was observed in treatment T2 (fruit waste
the treatments using measuring cylinder (Enaboifo and alone) whereas the treatments T1 (cow dung alone) and T5
Adadu, 2020). (cow dung + fruit waste, 1:1.5) was recorded 23 days and
19 days. The HRT of T6 was 25 days (Fig 1b). The volume of
Analysis of biogas and biogas slurry gas was maximum (0.43 m3/day) in the treatment T4 (cow
The gas produced during the first three days was discarded dung + fruit waste, 1:1) which was followed by T3 (cow dung
for a stabilized biogas production. Biogas samples were + fruit waste, 1:0.5) with 0.41 m3/day. The lowest volume of
collected after nine days at three days intervals in gas 0.29 m3/day was observed in T2 (fruit waste alone) whereas
collection bladders (Hans Seamless latex valve bladders) the treatments T1 (cow dung alone) and T5 (cow dung + fruit

Volume 56 Issue 4 (August 2022) 409

Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple Waste for Biogas Production and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier...

waste, 1:1.5) was recording 0.35 m 3/day and 0.39 of slurry (96 L) followed by T5 (78 L), T4 (62 L), T3 (57 L) and the
respectively and the total volume in the treatment T 6 was treatments T1 and T2 were on par recording 40 L (Fig 1c). The
0.36 m3/day (Fig 1 b). nutrients present in the slurry was recorded using FESEM-
Total quantity of slurry EDX. The FESEM analysis and EDAX for elemental analysis
The quantity of biogas slurry generated in each treatment of the crude extracts and its biofertilizers i.e., biogas slurry
was analysed. The T6 treatment recorded the highest quantity and biogas substrate were shown in Fig 2 and Fig 3.

Effect of different treatments on composition of biogas Total quantity of slurry generated in each treatment
80 150

Quantity of slurry (litre)

Methane Quantity of slurry (litre)
Carbon dioxide
60 Other gases 100


0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Treatments


Total volume of gas (m3/day)

HRT(days) 20-30
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 10-20

Fig 1: A. Graph showing the different treatment on composition of biogas; B. Graph showing hydraulic retention time and
volume of gas as influenced by diffe rent treatments; C Graph showing the quantity of slurry generated in each treatment.

Fig 2: The FESEM Analysis of liquid biofertilizers and their crude extracts biogas slurry (a); biogas substrate(b).

cps/eV cps/eV
50 50

40 40

30 30

C O Na C O Na Cl
20 20

10 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig 3: FESEM-EDX spectra for elemental analysis of the crude extracts and its biofertilizers.
(a): Biogas  slurry BF; (b): Biogas substrate.

410 Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple Waste for Biogas Production and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier...

Ananas comosus (Pineapple) and Passiflora edulis soaked with pineapple fruit waste slurry recorded highest
(Passion fruit) vigour index (197.68). Coating with biogas slurry also
The germination studies of biogas slurry were done alone showed marginal improvement (177.44) compared to gober
in passion fruit seedlings since tissue culture pineapple gas slurry (Table 3, Fig 5a).
variety, MD 2 was selected to determine the biometric The length of pineapple plants (MD 2) was calculated
observations like length and leaf number of the plant and for 365 days with different batches of different plants. The
weight of the fruit. This MD2 pineapple plants treated with highest plant height (85.33 cm) was observed for pre-
biogas slurry at 15,30,45,60 DAP was shown in fig 4a, 4b, soaking treatment with biogas slurry (Table 4, Fig 5b). The
120 DAP in 4c, 365 DAP in 4d. The germination percent lowest height was recorded for pineapple plants coated with
was recorded higher for treatment, T3 (49.42%) which had gober gas slurry (69.33 cm). The plant stored in shade as
pre-soaking with biogas slurry having maximum manurial control without any treatments recorded 82.33 cm length
value (12 h) (Table 3, Fig 5a). The minimum per cent after 365 days.
(40.20%) was observed for storage in shade. The coating The effect of treatments on number of leaves of
treatments also followed the pre-soaking treatments but the pineapple plant were significant for 180 days after planting
effects were comparatively less. The passion fruit seeds pre- and found to be non-significant there after. The highest

Fig 4: a. Germination % of passion fruit seedlings; b. Pineapple MD2 plants treated with biogas slurry (15,30,45,60 DAP);
c. Pineapple MD2 plants treated with biogas slurry (120 DAP); d. Pineapple MD2 plants treated with biogas slurry (365 DAP).

Fig 5: a. Graph showing the germination % and vigour index of passion fruit seedlings; b. Graph showing the effect of biogas slurry
on the height of pineapple plant; c. Graph showing the effect of biogas slurry on the number of leaves of the pineapple plant.

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Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple Waste for Biogas Production and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier...

Table 3: Effect of biogas slurry on germination % and vigour index




of seedlings of passion fruit.

Treatments Germination (%) Vigour index




T1 40.20 160.8e

T2 44.36 177.44b


T3 49.42 197.68a
T4 42.76 171.04c




T5 41.73 166.92d
A% CD (0.05) 0.559 0.919


number of leaves was recorded in T5 at 180 and 365 days


after planting (Table 5, Fig 5c). Among the treatments, the



plants treated with pineapple waste biogas slurry were
PO 4


significant throughout and found to be the best, recording



the maximum number of leaves. The lowest number of

leaves was observed for control plant in shade, T1.


The average weight of the fruits obtained were also


calculated, the maximum fruits were obtained in the case of


pre-soaking treatment with biogas slurry (Table 6). The



average weight obtained was 1.28 kg for this treatment. The


lowest value obtained for control plant, 1.02 kg.




Anaerobic production of methane from pineapple waste

Pineapple peels had been found to be promising feed for

nd: Not detected; W%: Weight per cent; A%: Atomic per cent; C: Crude extract; B: Liquid biofertilizer.


biogas generation, since they were rich in carbohydrates

and proteins. Their disposal possessed a serious
environmental pollution problem. Since pineapple peel was


rich in cellulose, hemi-cellulose and other carbohydrates, it


was found to be a potential substrate for methane generation

Table 1: Major nutrients and heavy metal composition of biogas slurry and substrate.



by anaerobic digestion (Rani and Nand, 2004). Among the

fruit waste, pineapple generate enormous amount of

Elemental composition (%)


fermenting waste particularly its core and peel, henceforth



this fruit waste was selected for producing methane in pilot

Table 2: Elemental analysis (EDAX) of crude extracts and its bio-fertilizer.

scale digester (Malik et al., 2001). The experiment was




conducted for a month and the maximum amount of methane

was generated in treatment with 1:1.5 composition of cow
dung and pineapple fruit waste. The nutritional value (NPK)



was high in slurry obtained from treatment having 1:2 ratio

of cow dung and fruit waste. This slurry (1:2 treatment)


generated was applied as foliar and drenching to pineapple


(MD2)- Ananas comosus var L. plants itself to study their


height, leaf number and average weight of the fruit. In recent




studies, pineapple waste and cow dung were used in raw


form for methane gas generation (Hamzah et al., 2020),

67.88 73.79 32.12 26.21


here we had utilized cow dung slurry instead and maximum

production of methane gas was achieved in 1:1 ratio of slurry
50.59 28.12

application. Similar studies were done by Mugerwa., (2018)


where 2:1 ratio of pineapple waste and cow dung slurry

generated highest methane content of 64% whereas here

highest of 63.41% of methane gas was obtained from 1:1

Biogas substrate

ratio of pineapple waste and cow dung slurry.

Biogas slurry

Effect of sustainable liquid fertilizer made from environmental


waste to crops




The plant Ananas comosus (pineapple) was usually treated

with chemical fertilizers like Urea, potash etc. Fungicides

412 Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

Anaerobic Digestion of Pineapple Waste for Biogas Production and Application of Slurry as Liquid Fertilizer Carrier...

Table 4: Effect of biogas slurry on height of the Ananas comosus plant.

Height of the plant (cm)
15 DAP 30 DAP 45 DAP 60 DAP 75 DAP 90 DAP 180 DAP 365 DAP
T1 5.1d 10.31d 18.03e 24.08e 30.17d 37.23b 69.76b 82.33b
T2 8.0b 14.0c 20.06d 29.07c 32.36c 36.60c 68.56c 80.00c
T3 10.0a 18.06a 25.80a 32.04a 36.06a 40.20a 72.00a 85.33a
T4 7.3c 14.1c 21.00c 26.02d 34.33b 28.26e 52.66e 69.33e
T5 8.3b 16.2b 24.00b 30.07b 28.36e 33.06d 63.87d 74.67d
CD (0.05) 0.644 0.460 0.157 0.021 0.589 0.609 1.046 1.485

Table 5: Effect of biogas slurry on number of leaves of Ananas comosus plant.

Number of leaves
15 DAP 30 DAP 45 DAP 60 DAP 75 DAP 90 DAP 180 DAP 365 DAP
e c b c c b c
T1 9.97 10.97 12.23 15.00 17.66 19.00 45.66 57.33c
b ab a b bc b b
T2 14.31 15.0 16.55 19.66 20.66 22.00 52.00 62.00b
a a a ab ab a ab
T3 16.46 17.0 16.15 21.00 22.66 28.00 58.00 69.33a
b b a ab b b ab
T4 13.33 14.66 16.58 21.33 22.00 23.33 53.33 60.00bc
a a a a a a a
T5 16.55 16.94 18.27 22.66 25.33 29.33 59.33 68.00a
CD (0.05) 1.649 2.049 3.42 2.93 3.080 4.578 6.03 3.787

Table 6: Effect of biogas slurry on average weight of Ananas

comosus fruit from treatments. CONCLUSION
Treatments Average weight of fruit in kg Production of biogas from Ananas comosus waste (peel and
T1 1.02c core) were done and the treatment, T 5 with 1:1.5 ratio of
T2 1.21b cow dung and pineapple fruit waste resulted in 63.81%
T3 1.28a methane and 34.47% carbon dioxide which was closely
T4 1.22b followed by T4 (60.49%, 32.0%) having cow dung + pineapple
T5 1.25b fruit waste in ratio 1:1. Throughout the study period the
CD (0.05) 0.030 volume of gas was generated in the order T 5>T 4>T 3 >
T6>T 1>T 2. The temperature inside the digester was always
T1- Storage in shade (Control).
found to be higher compared to the atmospheric
T2- Coating with biogas slurry having maximum manurial value.
temperature. The HRT reduced from 23 days to 19 day by
T3- Presoaking with biogas slurry having maximum manurial value (12 h).
co digestion of pineapple fruit waste with cow dung in 1:15
T4- Coating with gober gas slurry from treatment 1.
ratio as compared with either of the substrate. Similarly, with
T5- Presoaking with gober gas slurry of treatment 1 (12 h).
biogas slurry (T6=1:2 ratio of cow dung and fruit waste), the
like Phytrax, SAAF, Bavistin and hormonal treatments like germination % (49.42) and vigour index (197.68) was studied
Ethephon for uniform inflorescence. Comparatively, we had with Passiflora edulis (Passion fruit seedlings) and were
designed a recyclable organic fertilizer from pineapple waste recorded highest in pre-soaking treatment, T 3 with biogas
for pineapple plants. The core and peel waste biogas slurry slurry having maximum manurial value (12 h); So, the growth
were applied to pineapple plants. Pre-soaking with the slurry rate order for passion fruit seedlings in terms of germination
regulates the transport of water to seed which acts as water is T3>T 2>T 4>T 5>T 1. In addition to this, Seedling height (85.33
reservoir (Aswathy and Sushama, 2015). In this way slurry cm), Leaf number (69.33) of Ananas comosus (Pineapple)
soaking might had improved germinating ability of seeds. was more in presoaking treatments of both fruit waste and
In a current study it showed that pre-treatment of pineapple gober gas slurry. For leaf the growth rate order was
peel using the alkali enhanced enormous lignin reduction T5>T 3>T 2>T 4>T 1 and for height the growth was reported as
and enhanced biogas production (Dahunsi, 2019), similarly T3>T 1>T 2 >T 5>T 4. This data infers the treatments of pre-
palm oil mill effluent containing various microbial consortium soaking with fruit waste slurry or gober gas slurry with
were used for anaerobic fermentation of pineapple pulp and phosphate solubilizers- Meyerozyma gullerimondi, a yeast
peel waste for biogas production at a range of (40.5 to solubilizer and Providencia rettgiri, a bacterial solubilizer
70.1%) (Aziz, 2017; Azouma et al., 2018). Likewise, in this induces maximum growth rate to the crop.
research we had fermented pineapple waste using cow
dung slurry and phosphate solubilizers for methane gas ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
production and had a recovery percentage ranging from The authors acknowledge that this research was technically
(46.65 to 63.49%). supported by Nanoscience department of Bharathiar

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