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Any interpretation of test or other data, and any recommendation or reservoir description based upon such interpretations, are opinions based upon inferences from measurements and empirical relationships and assumptions, which inferences and assumptions are not infallible, and with respect to which professional engineers and analysts may differ. ACCORDINGLY ANY. INTERPRETATION OR RECOMMENDATION RESULTING FROM THE SERVICES WILL BE AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE COMPANY, AND ‘THE CONTRACTOR CANNOT AND DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY SUCH INTERPRETATION OR RECOMMENDATION, WHICH INTERPRETATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SHOULD NOT, THEREFORE, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE RELIED UPON AS THE SOLE OR MAIN BASIS FOR ANY DRILLING, COMPLETION, WELL ‘TREATMENT, PRODUCTION OR FINANCIAL DECISION, OR ANY PROCEDURE INVOLVING ANY RISK TO THE SAFETY OF ANY DRILLING ACTIVITY, DRILLING RIG OR ITS CREW OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL, THE COMPANY HAS FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL DECISIONS CONCERNING THE SERVICES. BOREHOLE RECORD Last Edited: 25-MAY-2023 14:29 BitSize Depth From Depth To 47.500 0.00 309.90 12.250 308.90 793.00 8500 783.00 1026.00 CASING RECORD Type Size Depth From ‘Shoe Depth Weight ches, res mates pounds! 0.00 (0.00 Pee eee }1- WELL MANAGER VERSION USED: WLS 22.05.1131 12- DEPTH CONTROL PROCEDURE USED FOR CORRELATION }3- WELL HAVE TOTAL LOSSES, J4- USING CALIPER LOG FOR IDENTIFY HOLE CONDITION, HOLE VOLUM 10,5 CU.M AND ANNULAR VOLUM IS 4.9 CU.M FOR 7" LINER, }5- TOOL STRING AND LOG PRESENTATION AS PER CLIENT REQUEST. [é- WIRELINE TEAM: DASHTY, HAKIM, ALAA, FRYAD. v MAIN PASS 1:200 v [Depth Based Data - Maximum Sampiing Increment 10.00m Ploted on 26-MAY-2028 02:57 Filename: E:\jobs\Kar group\K-213_may-2023\0H 8.5in\QC MAIN.dta_ Recorded on 25-MAY-2023 21:32} [system Versions: Plotted with 22.05.1131 Depth Density Caliper Vee Arm Caliper A inches ‘Timing Marks ‘every 60.0 sec Bit Size Bit Size inches inches 9 9 Bit Sizep| Vee Arm Caliper A=; Gr) Bit Sixe—p) Density Calipe al <=MCG Gamma Ray WW Bit Size ‘Vee Arm Caliper A: MCG Gamma Ray La wT" / wh LM 1020 ‘Timing Marks ‘every 60.0 sec Bit Size Bit Size inches inches 9 9 Depth Based Data - Maximum Sampling Increment 10.0cm Plotted on 26-MAY-2023 02:57| Filename: E:obsiKar groupiK-213_may-2023\0H 8.5iniQC MAIN.dta Recorded on 25-MAY-2023 21:32| [Systm Versions: Plotted with 22.05.1131 a” MAIN PASS _1:200 aA BEFORE SURVEY CALIBRATION E:\jobs\Kar group\K-213_may-2023\0H 8.5in\SGS-MDN-MPD_REPEAT ata] General Constants All 000 Last Edited on 25-MAY-2023,23:00 General Parameters Mud Resistivity 9.000 ohm-metres Mud Resistivity Temperature 30.000 degrees C Water Level 90.000 metres Borehole Fluid Processing Water Level Switch Hole/Annular Volume and Differential Caliper Parameters HVOL Method XY Caliper HVOL Caliper 1 Density Caliper HVOL Caliper 2 Veo Arm Caliper A ‘Annular Volume Diameter 7.000 inches Caliper for Differential Caliper Density Caliper Rwa Parameters Porosity used NA Resistivity used NA RWWA Constant A NA RA Constant M NA SWIAPOR Tool Source Down-hole Tension Calibration SMS 0 Reading No Measured Calibrated (tbs) 1 12448.98 0.00 2 1370196 390.00 Field Calibration on 26-MAY-2023 00:34 Gamma Calibration MCG-D.K 467 Field Calibration on 25-MAY-2023,14:38 Measured Calibrated (API) Background 45 31 Calibrator (Gross) 961 600 Calibrator (Net) 816 569 Gamma Calibration Tolerances MCG-D.K 467 Ratio 1.434 [1H 1] Counts/apt Gamma Constants MCG-D.K 467 Last Edited on 13-APR-2023,19:51 Gamma Calibrator Number Rcct81 GRC-M Calibrator Jig in Use? NO Inactive Background Jig in Use? NO Mud Density 1.00 gmlec Caliper Source for Processing Bit Size Tool Position Eccentred Potassium Equivalence Chloride K Mud Concentration 000% High Resolution Temperature Calibration MCG-D.K 467 Field Calibration on 25-MAY-2023,14:38 Measured Calibrated(Deg C) Lower 10.00 10.00 Upper 100.00 100.00 High Resolution Temperature Constants MCG-D.K 467 Last Edited on 25-APR-2021,16:58 Pre-filter Length, 1" ‘SP Calibration MCG-D.K 467 Field Calibration on 11-NOV-2021,11:31 Measured Calibrated (mv) Reference 1 1500.0 1500.0 Reference 2 -1500.0 -1500.0 Caliper Calibration MVC-C.A 183 Base Calibration on 16-MAY-2023 13:21 Field Calibration on 16-MAY-2023 13:24 Base Calibration Reading No Measured Calibrator Size (in) 1 9890 3.99 2 16837 597 3 23807 7:89 4 30429 9.85 5 37965 11.92 6 NA NA Field Calibration ‘Measured Caliper (in) ‘Actual Caliper (in) 597 5.97 Neutron Calibration MDN-B.J 369 Base Calibration on 18-MAY-2023 00:25 Field Check on 18-MAY-2023 00:40 Base Calibration Measured Calibrated (eps) Near Far Near Far 2995 ot 3714 110 Ratio 92.843 33.764 Field Calibrator at Base Calibrated (ops) 1962 2913 Ratio 0.670 Field Check Calibrated (cps) 1940 2900 Ratio 0.669 Neutron Calibration Tolerances MDN-B.J 369 Ratio 32.043 C11 Base Check a a oeeo ete Neutron Constants MDN-B.J 369 Field Check Last Edited on 25-MAY-2023,23:01 Neutron Source td 505768 Neutron Jig Number Nueo18 Air Hole Processing Modified Ratio Caliper Source for Processing Bit Size Stand-off 0.00 inches Mud Density 1.00 gmice Limestone Sigma 740 eu Sandstone Sigma 42600 cu Dolomite Sigma 470 cu Formation Pressure Source Constant Value Formation Pressure 0.00 kpsi Temperature Source MCG External Temperature Temperature NA degrees C Mud Salinity 040 kppm Salinity Correction Not Applied Formation Fluid Salinity Source Constant Value Formation Fluid Salinity 0.00 kppm Barite Mud Correction Not Applied Caliper Calibration MPD-C.J 238 Base Calibration on 16-MAY-2023 17:02, Field Calibration on 16-MAY-2023 17:03, Base Calibration Reading No Measured Calibrator Size (in) i 16880 3.99 2 25152 597 3 33682 789 4 atraa 985 5 51075 1192 6 NA NA Field Calibration Measured Caliper (in) ‘Actual Caliper (in) 5.94 597 Caliper Calibration Tolerances MPD-C.J 238 Long Arm Field Cal s94 Cit 1 in Photo Density Calibration MPD-C.J 238 Base Calibration on 16-MAY-2023 16:49 Field Cheek on 16-MAY-2023 16:55, Density Calibration Base Calibration Measured Calibrated (sdu) Near Far Near Far Background 41371279 Reference 1 49606-23043 «= «59573-3080 Reference 2 20593 ©2370 «(25268 2541 Field Cheek at Base 11372 12790 Field Cheek 11398 1281.1 PE Calibration Base Calibration Measured Calibrated ws WH Ratio Ratio Background 208 1013 Reference 1 19337 49427 0.305 0.369 Reference2 5703 «20401 «0.283 0276 Field Check at Base 2076 = 1012.8 Field Check 2054 1012.5 Photo Density Calibration Tolerances MPD-C.J 238 os Ce? oso CL TT) Near Density Ratio PE Calibration Near Den. Field Check 1139.8 (11 —1-] PE WS Field Check 205.4 Cl —T) Far Density Ratio Far Den. Field Check PE WH Field Check on te een Se 40125 CL) Density Constants MPD-C.J 238 Density Source Id 505528 Nylon Calibrator Number DNC-E 723 ‘Aluminium Calibrator Number DAC.D 738 Density Shoe Profile Last Edited on 13-APR-2023,19:52 Caliper Source for Processing Density Caliper PE Correction to Density Not Applied Mud Density 4.00 gmlec Mud Density Type Non-Barite Mud Filtrate Density 1.00 gmlec Dry Hole Mud Filtrate Density 100 —_gmlec DNcT 0.00 © gmice cRCT 0.00 © gmice Density Z/A Correction Hybrid Precision Enhanced Density Processing Not Applied Density Detector Type ‘Compensated Density Matrix Density (gm/cc) Depth (m) art ao 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a 0.00 ‘Spectral Gamma Calibration SGS-E.J 106 Base Calibration on 27-MAR-2023 12:16 Field Calibration on 27-MAR-2023 12:44 Base Calibration Potassium Calibrator Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Gate 4 Gate 5 Background 80.5 258 23 09 12 Calibrator (Gross) 1971 106.8 190 08 12 Calibrator (Net) 1167 81.0 167 04 00 K% Uppm Th ppm Concentrations 58 00 00 Uranium Calibrator Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Gate 4 Gate 5 Background 80.5 258 23 09 12 Calibrator (Gross) 3596 1227 106 54 30 Calibrator (Net) 29.4 96.9 83 43 18 K% Uppm Th ppm Concentrations 00 18 00 ‘Thorium Calibrator Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Gate 4 Gate § Background 80.5 258 23 09 12 Calibrator (Gross) 386.2 134.9 106 59 142 Calibrator (Net) 305.8 109.0 83 54 130 k% Uppm Th ppm Concentrations 00 00 443 Mixture Calibrator eat et oe ee perenne Background 80.5, 258 23 09 12 Calibrator (Gross) 883.4 350.2 395 19 167 Calibrator (Net) 802.9 3244 372 110 155 Field Calibration ‘Gamma Ray Measured Calibrated (API) Background M1 23. Calibrator (Gross) 1329 273, Calibrator (Net) 1217 250 Mixture Calibrator Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Gate 4 Gate § Background 714 24.8 23 10 12 Calibrator (Gross) 897.0 3574 406 125 167 Calibrator (Net) 819.6 3325 383 15 155 ‘Spectral Gamma Check Tolerances SGS-E.J 106 Base Check K o1 Chi « Base Check U 157 CBT] ppm Base Check T 447 CE — TT] ppm Fold Check « es Ct ir « Fiold Check U 163 CL — BT] ppm Fiold Check T 445 CET — TJ ppm ‘Spectral Gamma Constants SGS-E.J 106 Last Edited on 13-APR-2023,19:51 Background Calibrator Number 370 Mixture Callorator Number 244 Potassium Calibrator Number ant Uranium Calibrator Number 373 ‘Thorium Calibrator Number 315 Mud Density 100 gméec Caliper Source for Processing Bit Size “Too! Postion Eccentred Potassium Equivalence Chloride KeMud Concentration 0.00 moi DOWNHOLE EQUIPMENT E:\jobs\Kar group\K-213_may-2023\0H 8.5in\SGS-MDN-MPD_MAIN.ta| Cablehead, 11 pin CBH-CC 384 LG:0.73m WT: 243 lb OD: 2.240 in 410-118 Compact Tool Adaptor MTA-K.B 283 LG: 0.47 m WT: 132lb OD: 2.240 in Compact Swivel Head Adaptor SHILA LG. 070m WT 2206 OD:2244in || __——= 1995 m_GRGE- MOG Gamma Rey ‘Compact Comms Gamma Compact Comms Came 7:68.91 OD:224¢in || 9.47 m_CGXT- MCG External Temperature 681m GCGR - Uranium Stripped Gamma 681m GRPO - Potassium Gamma 681m — GRUR - Uranium Gamma Spectral Gamma Ray Sub 681m —GRTH- Thorium Gamma SGS-E.J 108 LG: 237m WT 1058Ib OD: 3.543 in 681m GRSG - SGS Gamma Ray Compact Knuckle Joint SKI-E.A 269 LG. 068m WT 243 1b OD: 2.244 in Compact Vee Arm Caliper MVC-C.A 183 LG: 246m WT 61.7 Ib OD: 2.244 in Compact Neutron MON-B.J 369 LG: 1.53m WT: 807 Ib OD: 2.244 in Compact Density/Caliper MPD-C.J 288 LG: 292m WT: 90.41b OD: 2.795 in Pressure Bung + Hole Finder HFS 3 LG:0.28m WT: 66lb OD: 2.244 in Total Length: 14.77m Weight: 463.0 Ib COMPANY KARGROUP WELL K-213, FIELD KHURMALA PROVINCE/COUNTY KURDISTAN COUNTRY/STATE IRAQ ———47%4m ———290m 0.69 m 0.69 m 0.69 m 10m o10m SS 008m Tool Zero 0.95 m VCAD - Vee Arm Caliper A NPHB - Base Neutron Por. (PEN) CLDG - Density Caliper AVOL - Annular Volume HVOL - Hole Volume COR - Density Correction DEN - Compensated Density POPE - PE (0.95m from bottom) SMTU - DST Uphole Tension All measurements relative to tool zero Elevation Kelly Bushing 31120 metres Elevation Drill Floor 311.20 metres Elevation Ground Level 306.00 metres © CALIPER LOG Last Reading First Reading Depth Drier Depth Logger Weatherford GAMMA RAY LOG 79000 metres 1021.80 metres 1026.00 metres 1021.80 __metres

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