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EAS Journal of Radiology and Imaging Technology

Abbreviated Key Title: EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol

ISSN: 2663-1008 (Print) & ISSN: 2663-7340 (Online)
Published By East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya
Volume-5 | Issue-1 | Jan-Feb-2023 | DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2023.v05i01.006

Original Research Article

Computed Tomography Findings in Acute Stroke Patients: A Hospital-

Based Cross-Sectional Study
Dr. Rosy Perveen1*, Dr. Habibur Rahman2, AFMS Islam3, Dr. Ruksana P. Khan4
Department of Radiology & Imaging, Medical College for Women & Hospital, Uttara, Bangladesh
Department of Surgery, Nightingle Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Bangladesh
Department of Radiology & Imaging, Medical College for Women & Hospital, Uttara, Bangladesh
Sonologist, Medical College for Women & Hospital, Uttara, Bangladesh

Abstract: Introduction: Stroke, or "cerebrovascular accident," is a medical

Article History disorder in which the brain's cells die due to insufficient blood flow. Successful
Received: 18.12.2022
Accepted: 25.01.2023 stroke treatment varies according to the type of stroke, whether an infarct or a
Published: 08.02.2023 bleed, and it can be lethal without brain damage. Objective: The study aim was to
compare clinical stroke diagnosis with computed tomography (CT) scan findings to
Journal homepage:
determine stroke type (hemorrhagic or Ischemic). Method: This was a cross-
sectional type of observational study conducted at the Department of Radiology &
Quick Response Code Imaging in Medical College for Women and Hospital (MCWH), Uttara and
Catharsis Hospital, Pubail, Dhaka from January 2018 to December 2020. A total of
120 patients from the inclusion criteria were taken for the study purpose. Data of
clinical diagnosis were compared individually with CT findings. Result: Out of
120 patients, 84 were males and 36 were females and they were in the age range of
20-80 years. Clinically 52 patients were suspected to have cerebral infarction, 38
intracerebral bleeds and 30 indeterminate. CT scan of the brain showed 58 cerebral
infarcts, 42 intracerebral hemorrhages, 06 space-occupying lesions and 14
hemorrhagic infarcts. Conclusion: The study found that CT should be the first
thing to do when a person has a stroke because it's easy, quick, and accurate at
figuring out what happened.
Key words: Stroke, Clinical, Computed, Tomography, Diagnosis.
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.

for stroke since their introduction into clinical practice

INTRODUCTION [5]. A head CT scan employs x-rays and computers to
When blood flow to a portion of the brain is make numerous images inside of the head. It can
interrupted, a stroke occurs. The brain cells are unable immediately show the location and size of
to obtain the necessary oxygen and nutrients from the brain anomalies like blood clots or tumors. It also
blood, and they begin to die within a few minutes. This can reveal infections or areas of the brain where tissue
can result in long-term brain damage, incapacity, or is withering or dead due to a lack of blood flow. A CT
death [1]. Mainly in two types of stroke ischemic stroke scan can determine if a stroke is ischemic or
is the most frequent kind of stroke, accounting for 87% hemorrhagic. A stroke CT scan helps to detect blood in
of incidents. A blood clot blocks the flow of blood and the skull from a hemorrhage, ensuring proper treatment
oxygen to an area of the brain. The other type of stroke [6]. An ischemic stroke occurs when there is a lack of
is hemorrhagic stroke which happens as a result of a blood flow; a hemorrhagic stroke occurs when there is
blood vessel rupture. They are frequently caused by bleeding, and a thrombotic stroke occurs when fatty
aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) [2]. deposits accumulate in blood vessels and cause them to
In light of the therapeutic implications, it is critical to become blocked [7]. One-sided inability to move or feel
distinguish between hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes on one side of the body, difficulty understanding or
[3]. In practice, however, the clinical distinction has speaking, a sensation of the world spinning, loss of
proven challenging, as minor hematomas can produce vision on one side of the body, and complaints of
symptoms and signs that are comparable to those headache are all possible clinical manifestations of this
generated by infarcts [4]. Brain CT scans have become condition. Whether or not a patient will be treated with
the most widely utilized primary radiologic examination
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Rosy Perveen 33
Department of Radiology & Imaging, Medical College for Women & Hospital, Uttara, Bangladesh
Rosy Perveen et al; EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol; Vol-5, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb, 2023): 33-36

thrombolytics or with other therapies will be Table-1: Sex and Age distribution in Patients of
determined by how accurately the diagnostic was Acute Stroke (n=120)
performed. An incorrect diagnosis, on the other hand, Characteristics of Patients
may result in patients being denied appropriate Gender of Patients Cases (N, %)
treatment or being exposed to potentially dangerous Male 84 (70%)
treatments without their knowledge [8]. The present Female 36 (30%)
study compared the clinical diagnosis with computed Age Group (In Year) Cases (N, %)
tomography to determine the specific type of acute 21-30 03 (2.5%)
stroke. 31-40 05 (4.16%)
41-50 12 (10%)
OBJECTIVE 51-60 37 (30.83%)
The main objective of this study was to 61-70 53 (44.16%)
compare clinical stroke diagnosis with computed 71-80 10 (8.33%)
tomography (CT) scan findings to determine stroke type Total 120 (100%)
(hemorrhagic or Ischemic).
The below table has shown that, most of the
patients (fifty-two, 43.33%) with acute stroke were
MATERIALS AND METHODS clinically diagnosed with infarction whereas thirty-eight
From January 2018 to December 2020, 120 patients (31.66%) were diagnosed with haemorrhage.
patients referred to Radiology departments at Medical Thirty patients (25%) were diagnosed with
College for Women and Hospital (MCWH), Uttara and indeterminate.
Catharsis Hospital in Pubail, Dhaka were included in
this cross-sectional and observational study. CT scans Table-2: Clinical diagnosis of the type of acute
of the brain were performed on all individuals with a stroke (n=120)
clinical diagnosis of the acute stroke where indicated, Diagnosis Cases (N, %)
clinical diagnosis, age, sex, the onset of symptoms, and
Haemorrhage 38 (31.66%)
time of hospitalization are included. Patients who
Infarction 52 (43.33%)
presented with a fast onset of coma, rapid deterioration
Indeterminate 30 (25%)
of neurological status, severe headache, severe
vomiting, neck stiffness, and hypertension were
diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke. Patients presenting Table-3 has indicated that fifty-eight patients
with a sudden start of lateralizing size, particularly (48.33%) had infarction behind the acute stroke. Forty-
those with atrial fibrillation, rheumatic heart disease, two patients (35%) had a haemorrhage and fourteen
recent myocardial infarction, and carotid bruit, were patients (11.66%) had space-occupying lesions behind
deemed to have a cerebral infarction. Blood sugar, lipid the acute stroke. Only six patients (5%) had
profile, ECG, and echocardiography were all performed haemorrhage infarct. All of the patients with acute
in addition to the standard investigation. Every patient stroke in this table were diagnosed through a CT scan.
underwent a cerebral CT scan. Finally, the CT scan
findings and clinical diagnosis were compared Table-3: CT Scan findings in patients with acute
separately in order to ascertain the specific clinical stroke (n=120)
diagnosis. Diagnosis Cases (N, %)
Hemorrhage 42 (35%)
Infarction 58 (48.33%)
RESULTS Space Occupying Lesion 14 (11.66%)
Table-1 has shown that, eighty-four patients Hemorrhage Infarct 06 (5%)
(70%) of acute stroke among one hundred and twenty
were male and thirty-six patients (30%) were female. The below table has indicated that among
Most of the patients (fifty-three, 44.16%) were from the ninety patients thirty-eight had been clinically
age group 61-70. Thirty-seven patients (30.83%) were diagnosed with haemorrhage and among them, twenty-
from the age group 51-60. Twelve patients (10%) from one patients were diagnosed through CT scan where
41-50, ten (8.33%) from 71-80, five (4.16%) from 31- fifty-two patients had been diagnosed with infarction
40 and three (2.5%) were from age group 21-30 years. and among them, thirty patients were diagnosed with
CT scan.

Table-4: CT Scan findings in clinically diagnosed cases (n=90)

Specific Type of Acute Stroke Clinical Diagnosis CT Scan Confirmation Agreement of Results
Haemorrhage 38 21 55.26%
Infarction 52 30 57.69%

© East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya 34

Rosy Perveen et al; EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol; Vol-5, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb, 2023): 33-36

whether to employ antiplatelet or thrombolytic

DISCUSSION medications for acute stroke.
Stroke is a serious life-threatening medical
condition that occurs because of poor blood flow to the The burden of stroke is substantial, which is
brain which causes cell death. As clinical examination due not only to its high mortality but also to its
alone is not enough to differentiate ischemic stroke associated morbidity. A clinical diagnosis that is
from hemorrhagic, a CT scan or magnetic resonance incorrect has a significant impact on the patient's
imaging (MRI) is needed. Brain imaging helps outcome. Without a doubt, computed tomography scans
clinicians make management decisions and decide significantly improve stroke diagnosis. Reliance on
clinical diagnosis alone for acute stroke is unjustifiable,
much more so now that CT is widely available.

Figure-1: CT scan showing intracerebral haemorrhage Infarct

Figure-2: CT scan showing acute (Black area) with mass effect

The clinical diagnosis of the patients in this Ethiopia, Asefa et al., (2010) reported a
study was only 75% accurate when compared with the misinterpretation rate of 30% in relation to clinical
findings of the CT scan, which revealed a misdiagnosis diagnosis [10]. In a study of 156 Nigerian patients,
rate of 25%. This finding of the inadequacy of the Ogun et al., (2001) found 44% misinterpretation rate
clinical diagnosis is consistent with the findings of when comparing CT findings with clinical diagnosis
Salawu et al., (2009), who noted a misdiagnosis rate of [11].
15% when comparing clinical diagnosis with CT scans
in Maiduguri [9]. In a similar study conducted in

© East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya 35

Rosy Perveen et al; EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol; Vol-5, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb, 2023): 33-36

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CONCLUSION correlation of stroke diagnosis, pattern and clinical
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discovered that clinical diagnosis of acute stroke alone A. O., Ojini, F., & Odusote, K. A. (2001).
is frequently insufficient, resulting in a high risk of poor Accuracy of the Siriraj stroke score in
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Cite This Article: Rosy Perveen, Habibur Rahman, AFMS Islam, Ruksana P. Khan (2023). Computed Tomography Findings in Acute
Stroke Patients: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study. EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 5(1), 33-36.

© East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya 36

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