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NAPOLCOM Exam Intensive Review & Coaching

DAY 9 ACTIVITY: 9:00 AM – 8th Mock test – Logical Reasoning

6:00 PM – Live lecture – Logical Reasoning
(Rationalization and discussion)

1. Why we never post this mock test on drive?
- Kase may iba na pinapasa ang link ng drive sa hindi kasali sa group natin, kaya
para sa mga wala pang copy ng mock 1 to 8 nasa GC natin yan.
2. Why walang answer key yung ibang mock test?
- Reason is para may oras kayung makapag isip kung ano ba talaga ang tamang
sagot. At para rin maka panood kayu sa live natin ng mas maintindihan ng


Read the following questions then choose the MOST PRACTICAL and LOGICAL
answer from the given alternatives.

1. “A person acquires maturity when he receives parental approval and encouragement

early in life. A child develops independence and learns self-control when parents set
demands within his ability to meet them.” The paragraph BEST supports the idea
a. A child is a product of parental heredity
b. It is useless to correct a child early in life
c. Children have their own patterns of growth
d. A child needs parental affection and acceptance
e. A child learns to be mature from parents at an early age

2. In a nationwide survey, 8 of 10 dermatologists recommended a certain germicidal

soap for their patients who frequently have skin rashes. Which of the following
makes the results of the survey MOST credible and reliable?
a. Only 10 dermatologists were interviewed
b. Patients usually follow their dermatologists’ advice
c. The dermatologists were not paid for interview survey
d. Dermatologists usually recommend the latest germicidal soap
e. Only 2 dermatologists questioned the efficiency of the germicidal soap

3. There are three kinds of fruits on the table namely, banana, mango and papaya. The
number of papayas is 80% of the number of mangoes. The MOST accurate
statement is that:
a. For every 5 mangoes there are 4 papayas
b. There are 25% as many papayas as mangoes
c. There are 1 ¼ times as many mangoes as papayas
d. The number of mangoes was 20% of the number of papayas
e. At least 80% of all fruits higher than the banana are mangoes

4. No deaf person can hear, but some deaf persons can talk. Therefore:
a. No deaf person can talk
b. all deaf persons can talk
c. some deaf persons can hear
d. all persons who can talk are deaf
e. some persons who can talk are deaf

5. If fire (F) break out during a given month and result in pesos of loss (P), the average
loss per fire in pesos is:
a. P/F
b. F/P
c. (P)(F)
d. 12F/2P
e. (F x P)/F

6. On your way to work, you passed by a sidewalk vendor selling men’s T-shirt, shorts
and underwear. He offers his goods to you at 50% discount. If you are a policeman,
you should:
a. Ignore him
b. Accept his offer
c. Advise him to stay away from the sidewalk
d. Ask him why he offers the goods at 50% discount
e. Bring him to the station and use the goods as evidence against him
7. On your way to work, an old woman approached you and asked for some direction
because she is apparently lost. She has been looking for her way home the whole
day, she has no money to buy food and pay for her fare. Your BEST action would be
a. Accompany her to her home
b. Talk to her and validate her claim
c. Bring the old woman to the nearest food stall and feed her
d. Accompany her to the nearest police station for assistance
e. Ignore her because this could just be a budol-budol scheme

8. While walking along a street, you chanced upon a female student being held-up. The
hold-upper pointing a knife demanded her cellphone and bag. Your BEST judgement
is to:
a. Rush to the rescue of the victim
b. Go to the nearest police outpost to report the incident
c. Walk away to avoid being hurt by the hold-upper’s cohorts
d. Ignore because helping will only demand your time to testify as a witness
e. Shout loudly to call attention from more people around about the on-going

9. On your way home last night, you noticed a smoke coming out from one of the
windows of a house where several families reside. Your FIRST consideration under
these circumstances is to:
a. Determine the cause of the fire.
b. Alarm all the residents in the house.
c. Report the incident to the fire department.
d. Carry any person suffocated by smoke to safety.
e. Ignore the matter since you are not sure about it.

10. Wild animals are dangerous. Dogs are not wild animals. What can you conclude?
a. Dogs are not dangerous.
b. Dogs should be treated like members of the family.
c. Only wild animals can bring danger to people.
d. Even dogs can be dangerous.

11. Jordan’s cat is bigger than Amy’s cat, but smaller than Jenna’s cat. Fiona’s cat is the
same size as Wendy’s cat, which is bigger than Amy’s cat, but smaller than Jordan’s.
If bigger cats are faster, but smaller cats are more obedient, which of the following
lists the fastest and most obedient cat?
a. Jenna and Ammy
b. Wendy and Jenna
c. Fiona and Jenna
d. Amy and Jordan
e. None of the above

12. Nana is older than Nene. Nene is older than Nono but younger than Nino. There are
twins in the siblings. What are the names of the twins?
a. Nana and Nene
b. Nono and Nino
c. Nino and Nene
d. Nana and Nino
e. None of the above

13. Which statement represents a FACT, not a judgment?

a. My job performance is outstanding. I work beyond office hours.
b. My job performance is outstanding. My self-rating is outstanding.
c. My job performance is outstanding. I bring home unfinished work.
d. My job performance is outstanding. I bring home unfinished work.
e. My job performance is outstanding. My colleagues are pleased for my reporting
work early.

14. Which is a judgment, NOT a fact?

a. That production of The Phantom of Opera was first rate, the first I have ever seen
b. That production of The Phantom of Opera was first rate, it won an award this year
c. That production of The Phantom of Opera was first rate, you’ll never see it done
d. That production of The Phantom of Opera was first rate, it was cited as such in
the Daily news
e. That production of The Phantom of Opera was first rate, 94% of audience
members interviewed after the show agreed

15. No blue-eyed people have red hair. Some tall people have red hair. Based on the
foregoing, all of the following must be true EXCEPT:
a. Some-blue eyed people are tall.
b. There are red-haired people who are tall.
c. There are people without blue eyes who are tall.
d. There are tall people who do not have blue eyes.
e. There are people with red hair that do not have blue eyes.
16. All of my friends believe in marriage. Geraldine is a new friend. She lives with an
officemate in an apartment downtown.
a. Her housemate is most likely a good friend
b. She is living-in with her boyfriend
c. She needs a companion in the city
d. Geraldine believes in marriage
e. Geraldine is not married yet

17. White-skinned people belong to the Caucasian race while brown-skinned people
belong to the Malay race. Most Filipinos are brown-skinned. Henry is a Filipino. His
mother is a Filipina and his father is a Spaniard. It can be concluded that Henry:
a. Is half Malay and half Caucasian.
b. Belongs to Malay and Caucasian race.
c. Is a Malay because his mother is a Filipina.
d. Is Caucasian because his father is a Spaniard.
e. Belongs to Malay race because he is a Filipino.

18. Terry: “Most students of the State University belong to well-to-do families.”
Malou: “That’s not true. I know several students of State University who belong to
very poor families.”
Malou’s reply indicates that she interpreted Terry’s statement to mean that:
a. No State University student belongs to rich families.
b. All State University students belong to well-to-do families.
c. Very few State University students belong to poor families.
d. Most State University students belong to well-to-do families.
e. Students from well-to-do families may also be accepted at the State University.

19. Luis: “Eight people became sick at the company picnic.”

Juan: “Eating Ceasar’s salad made them ill.”
Which of the following supports Juan’s statement?
a. Ceasar’s salad is rich in Vitamins.
b. No one at the picnic ate Ceasar’s salad.
c. Ceasar’s salad was served at the picnic.
d. Some ingredients of the salad were spoiled.
e. Many people became ill eating Ceasar’s salad.
20. Daryl is taller than Reynan. Reynan is as tall as Laila but Laila is taller than Sonia. It
can be concluded that:
a. Daryl is the tallest.
b. Sonia is taller than Reynan.
c. Laila is the shortest of the group.
d. Sonia is as tall as Reynan.
e. Reynan is taller than Laila.

21. All Physics classes are full. Nathan found a class that wasn’t full.
a. Nathan did not find all the Physics classes.
b. Nathan found a class that is not Physics.
c. Not all Physics classes are full.
d. Nathan does not have a Physics subject.
e. All physics classes were not found.

For ITEM Nos 22 – 25:

A police officer is often asked for directions or referral to city agencies and facilities. Below
is a map showing a city where some public buildings and business establishments are
located. Each of the squares represents one city block. Street names are as shown. If there
is an arrow next to the street name, it means one-way traffic in the direction of the arrow. If
there are two arrows next to the street name, two-way traffic is allowed.
22. You are at the gas station for refueling when you received a call for police assistance
about snatching at the corner of 1ST AVENUE and SAMSON STREET. What is the
SHORTEST LEGAL way to reach the crime incident?
a. East on 5th avenue and north on Samson Street
b. East on 5th avenue north on Duterte Boulevard and east on 1st avenue
c. North on Mabini Lane, east on 2nd Avenue and north on Samson Street
d. North on Quezon Lane, east on 3rd Avenue, north on JP Rizal Lane, and east on 1st
e. East on 5th Avenue, north on Duterte Boulevard, east on 3rd Avenue, north on JP
Rizal Lane and west on 1st Avenue

23. From the crime incident at the corner of 1st Avenue and Samson Street, you planned
to bring the injured person to the hospital. What is the SHORTEST LEGAL way?
a. West on 1st Avenue and south on Duterte Boulevard
b. South on Samson Street, west on 5th Avenue, and north on Duterte Boulevard
c. North on Samson Street, west on 3rd Avenue and south on Duterte Boulevard
d. West on 1st Avenue, north on Quezon Lane, east on 3rd Avenue and south on
Duterte Boulevard
e. South on Samson Street, east on 3rd Avenue, south on JP Rizal Lane, west on 4th
Avenue, and north on Duterte Boulevard
24. From the hospital, you are directed to proceed to the COURT HOUSE, where a rally is
on-going. What is the SHORTEST route?
a. North on Duterte Boulevard and east on 2nd Avenue
b. North on Duterte Boulevard and west on 2nd Avenue
c. North on Duterte Boulevard, east on 3rd Avenue and north on Samson Street
d. North on Duterte Boulevard, west on 4th Avenue, west on Quezon Lane and east
on 2nd Avenue
e. North on Duterte Boulevard, east on 3rd Avenue, north on JP Rizal Lane, west on
1st Avenue and north on Samson Street
25. From the COURT HOUSE, you are directed to proceed to the City Park where
snatching occurred. What is the SHORTEST possible way?
a. Two blocks south, three blocks west and one block north
b. One block north, three blocks west and two block west
c. Two blocks west, one block south and one block west
d. Three blocks west and one block south
e. One block south and three blocks west

26. Starting from point X, Jay walked 15 meters towards west. He turned left and walked
20 meters. He turned left and walked another 15 meters. Then, he turned right and
walked 12 meters. How far from X and in which direction is Jay now?
a. 35 meters, East
b. 42 meters, south
c. 32 meters, south
d. 30 meters, west
e. 27 meters, south
27. Coffee was served to a group of 5 persons in the house of Mr. X where a meeting
was being held. The serving tray contained a can of milk, a bowl of sugar, a jug of
hot water and a bottle of instant coffee. Mr. X gave them each a white cup and
saucer with teaspoon. One person in the group who Mr. X hated most died a few
hours later for alleged poisoning. Not one had taken any food other than the coffee
served. As the investigator, you assume that the poison must have been possibly
placed in the:
a. Hot water
b. Coffee
c. Sugar
d. Milk
e. Cup

Five piano students – T, U, V, W, and X are to give a recital and their teacher is deciding the
order in which they will perform. Each student will play exactly one piece a piano solo. In
deciding the order of performance, the teacher must observe the following restrictions:
- X cannot play first or second
- W cannot play until X has played
- Neither T nor V can play fifth
- X must play immediately before W plays
- V must play immediately after U plays
- T must play after V

28. If V plays first, which one of the following must be true?

a. U plays fifth
b. X plays third
c. W plays first
d. T plays immediately after X
e. W plays immediately before X

29. If U plays third, what is the latest position in which W can play?
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
e. Fifth
30. Which student will play first?
a. T
b. U
c. V
d. W
e. X

31. Which order will student T play?

a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
e. Fifth

32. Romy is taller than Denis. Denis is taller than Monet but shorter than Tina. Who is
the tallest among them?
a. Romy
b. Denis
c. Tina
d. Monet
e. Insufficient information

33. In a certain police station there are A Police Officers, D Police Inspectors, E Police
Senior Inspectors, and G Police Superintendent. Suppose that for comparative
purposes, promotional opportunities are evaluated at the ratio of the number of
promotional positions to the number of positions at the entrance level. In
accordance with the method promotional opportunities in a police station are
evaluated as:
a. A(D+E+G)
b. G/(A+D+E)
c. (D+E+G)/A
d. (D+E+G)/(A+D+E+G)
e. (A+D+E+G)/(A+D+E+G)
Carla was nervous as she stood on the stage before her performance. As she sang, the
students in the audience began to laugh. Carla heard the laughing and sang even louder.
By the time she had finished her song, almost everyone was laughing. The music stopped,
and Carla smiled and bowed. As the curtain closed, Carla’s teacher wiped away tears and
give Carla a big hug. Carla was glad her song was finished. When she got home, Carla told
her parents that the audience had loved her song.
34. Based on the story, what is MOST LIKELY to be true?
a. Carla is a bad singer
b. Carla’s teacher felt sorry for her
c. Carla’s parents were proud of her
d. Carla lacks confidence
e. Carla sang a funny song

35. Based on the story, what BEST shows that Carla may have told her parents that the
audience loves her song?
a. She was nervous about singing
b. Her song made the students laugh
c. She was glad when her song was over
d. Her teacher gave her a big hug after her song
e. Her teacher shed tears during her performance

36. Based on the story, how did Carla’s teacher feel?

a. She felt sorry for Carla
b. She was proud of Carla
c. She was angry that the students laughed
d. She was sad that Carla’s parents were not there
e. She was nervous about the result of Carla’s performance

37. What is the LEAST LIKELY reason why Carl sang louder?
a. She saw her teacher shedding tears
b. She had become less nervous as she sang
c. She wanted the students to be able to hear the song
d. She had reached the most important part of the song
e. She was ignoring the students who were making fun of her

38. Which BEST shows that Carla was prepared for her performance?
a. She had finished her song
b. She was glad when she was done
c. She hugged her teacher to thank her
d. She smiled and bowed when she was done
e. She kept singing while the students laughed

39. Dan is Joshua's son and Guy's brother. Margaret is Guy's mother and Judy's
daughter. Which of the statements below are true?
a. Judy is Dan's mother-in-law
b. Margaret is Dan's mother
c. Judy is Joshua's grandmother
d. None of the above

40. If there are no dancers that aren’t slim and no singers that aren’t dancers, then which
statements are always true?
a. There is not one slim person that isn't a dancer
b. All singers are slim
c. Anybody slim is also a singer
d. None of the above

41. Mina, Bing, Amy, and Cel have surnames Flores, Mendez, Perez and Reyes but not
respectively. Mina is taller than Amy and Cel. Ms. Mendez is tallest of the four. Ms.
Flores is taller than Ms. Reyes but shorter than Ms. Perez. Also, Cel is taller than Amy
and Bing. What is the full name of the second tallest person?
a. Amy Mendez
b. Cel Perez
c. Cel Flores
d. Bing Reyes
e. Mina Perez

42. The war of the government against drugs pushers and users is escalating and many
are being killed by the police and other unidentified killers. Which of the following
sentences is true?
a. The policemen are brave.
b. the pushers and users who were killed fought the police.
c. The people who were killed were either users or pushers.
d. Users and pushers are hard to catch.
e. The war of the government against drug users and pushers is becoming more
43. At their girl's night out, Rizza arrived at the venue at 9pm. Gemma arrived ten
minutes earlier while Jean arrived five minutes after Rizza. If Cathy arrived five
minutes after Gemma, what time did she arrive at the venue?
a. 8:45pm
b. 9:05pm
c. 8:55pm
d. 9:10pm
e. 8:50pm

44. Chris is a responsible man, he takes good care of his family.

a. Taking good care of family is the responsibility of men
b. Responsible men take good care of their families
c. The family is responsible for taking care of men
d. A good family produces responsible men
e. A responsible person has a good family

45. A toothpick is useful. Useful things are valuable. A toothpick is valuable. If the first
two statements are true, the third statement is
a. true
b. false
c. uncertain
d. maybe
e. error

46. Based on the following statements, which is the correct conclusion drawn.
Only gentlemen can become members of the club.
Many of the members of the club are officers.
Some of the officers have been invited for dinner.
a. All the members of the club have been invited for dinner.
b. Some of the officers are not gentlemen.
c. All gentlemen are members of the club.
d. Only gentlemen have been invited for dinner.

47. All beggars are poor. Which of the following conclusions is valid from the given
a. If Carlo is a beggar, then Carlo is poor.
b. All of those who are poor are beggars.
c. If Jocelyn is poor then she is a beggar.
d. If Beth is not a beggar, then she is rich.
48. Which of the given shapes would complete the sequence?


49. Which of the given shapes fits the pattern in the sample images?


50. Which of the given shapes would complete the sequence?


51. Which of the given shapes would complete the sequence?


52. Which of the given shapes would complete the sequence?


53. Which of the given shapes would complete the sequence?

54. Which figure is odd one out?

55. Which figure completes the grid?

56. Which figure completes the series?

57. Provide the missing figure.


58. Which figure is odd one out?




59. Which figure is odd one out?


60. Which figure is odd one out?


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