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‫هيئة التقييس لدول مجلس التعبون لدول الخليج العربية‬


‫ نهائي‬:‫مشروع‬

GSO /FDS .../2012

‫الحليب المبخر‬
Evaporated milk

Prepared by:

Gulf technical committee for sector standard of food and agricultural products

This document is a draft Gulf Standard circulated for comments, it is therefore, subject to
alteration and modification, and may not be referred it as a Gulf Standard, until approved by
the Board of Directors .

ICS: 67.100.10
Gulf Standard GSO…/2012


The Gulf Standardization Organization for GCC (GSO) is a regional Organization

which consists of the national organization for Standards and Metrology in GCC.
and its duties are emphasized on the preparation of standards specifications through
specialized technical committees.

The GSO through its technical committee program TC NO .5 (Technical

Committee of food and agricultural products) has prepared GSO "Evaporated
milk". The Draft Standard has been prepared by (State of Qatar) in Arabic and
English langauge. This standard has been prepared after review the Arabic, foreine,
International standards and related complied references.

The standard has been approved as Gulf technical regulation by GSO Board of
Direction in its meeting No…. /….. Held on …/…/…/H, /…/G

Gulf Standard GSO…/2012

Evaporated milk


This Gulf Standard is concerned with evaporated milk, intended for direct human
consumption or further processing.

2-Complementary Standards:

2.1 GSO 9" Labeling of prepackaged food stuffs".

2.2 GSO 20" Methods for the determination of contaminating metallic elements in food

2.3 GSO 21" Hygienic regulations for food plants and their personnel" .

2.4 GSO 22" Methods of test for coloring matters used in food stuffs".

2.5 GSO 150" Expiration periods of food products" .

2.6 GSO 168" Conditions of stores facilities for dry and canned food stuffs".

2.7 GSO 383, 383" Maximum limits for pesticide residues in agricultural and food products-
Parts 1, 2".

2.8 GSO 569" Methods of sampling for milk and milk products" .

2.9 GSO 570" Methods for physical and chemical test for milk".

2.10 GSO 571" Methods of microbiological test for treated liquid milk" .

2.11 GSO 839" Food packages- Part 1: General requirements".

2.12 GSO 841" Maximum limits for mycotoxins permitted in food and animal feeds-

2.13 GSO 988" Limits of radioactivity levels permitted in food stuffs- Part1".

2.14 GSO 998" Methods for the detection of permissible radionuclide in food stuffs- Part 1:
Gamma spectrometry analysis: A-Cs- 134, Cs 137".

2.15 GSO 1016" Microbiological criteria for food stuffs" .

2.16 GSO 1694" General rules for food hygiene" .

2.17 GSO/CAC 192" General Standard for food additives" .

2.18 GSO/CAC 193" General Standard for contaminants and toxins in food and feed"

2.19 GSO/CAC 229" Analysis of pesticide residues: Recommended methods".

Gulf Standard GSO…/2012

2.20 GSO/CAC/RCP 57" Code of hygienic practice for milk and milk products".

2.21 GSO/CAC/MRL 2 "Maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs in food".


3.1 Evaporated milk:

Is a product which can be obtained by the partial removal of water from milk by heat, or any
other process which leads to a product of the same composition and

characteristics . The fat and /or protein content of the milk may have been adjusted, by the
addition and/ or withdrawal of milk constituents in such a way as not to alter the whey protein
to casein ratio of the milk being adjusted.

3.2 Milk retentate:

Is a product obtained by concentrating milk protein by ultra filtration of milk, partly skimmed
milk, or skimmed milk .

3.3 Milk permeates:

Is a product obtained by removing milk proteins and milk fat from milk, partly skimmed milk,
or skimmed milk by ultra filtration .


The following shall be met in the product:

4.1 All raw materials shall be complying with Gulf Standards specific to each.

4.2 The production shall be carried out according Gulf Standards stated in Items (2.3, 2.16,
and 2.20).

4.3 The product shall be free from big products and its derivatives and all the contradicts
Islamic law.
4.4 The product shall be manufactured from the following milk products: milk, milk powder
and cream, cream powder and milk fat products.

4.5 The following milk products are allowed for protein adjustment purposes:

- Milk retentat

- Milk permeate

- Lactose

4.6 The composition of evaporated milk shall be according to Table (1):

Gulf Standard GSO…/2012

Table (1)

Composition of evaporated milk

Evaporated Evaporated Evaporated Evaporated

milk skimmed milk partly high- fat milk
skimmed milk
Milk fat 7.5 % 1% More than 1% 15 % m/m
content m/m(Minimum) m/m(Maximum) and less than (Minimum)
7.5% m/m
Minimum milk 25 % m/m 20 % m/m 20 % m/m 11.5 % m/m
solids content*
Minimum milk
protein in milk
solids-not-fat 34% m/m 34% m/m 34% m/m 34% m/m

*The milk solids and milk solids- not- fat content include water of crystallization of the lactose.

4.7 Acidity content of the product shall not exceed 0.4% calculated as lactic acid.

4.8 The following permissible to add:

4.8.1 Potable water, Sodium chloride.

4.8.2 Without prejudice to what mentioned in Gulf Standard stated in Item (2.17), only those
food additives listed in Table (2), may be used within the limits specified against each:

Gulf Standard GSO…/2012

Table (2)

Allowed food additives

INS Purpose Permitted food additive Maximum level

508 Potassium chloride 2000 ppm singly or 3000
509 Firming agents Calcium chloride ppm in combination,
expressed as anhydrous
331 Sodium citrates 2000 ppm singly or 3000
332 Stabilizers Potassium citrates ppm in combination,
333 Calcium citrates expressed as anhydrous
170 Calcium carbonate 2000 ppm singly or 3000
339 Sodium phosphate ppm in combination,
340 Potassium phosphate expressed as anhydrous
341 Acidity regulators Calcium phosphate substances
450 Diphosphtes
451 Triphosphates

452 Polyphosphate
500 Sodium carbonate
501 Potassium carbonate
407 Thickener Carrageenan 150 ppm

322 Emulsifier Lecithins Limited by GMP

4.9 Contaminants content shall not exceed to what mentioned in Gulf Standard stated in Item

4.10 Contaminating metallic elements shall not exceed the following (PPm):

Mercury 0.5

Arsenic 1

Lead 2

Copper 1

Zink 250 in case of metallic containers

4.11 Aflatoxins content in the product shall not exceed to what mentioned in Gulf Standard
stated in Item (2.12).

4.12 Pesticide residues content in the product shall not exceed to what mentioned in Gulf
Standard stated in Item (2.7).

Gulf Standard GSO…/2012

4.13 veterinary drugs residues in the product shall not exceed to what mentioned in Gulf
Standard stated in Item (2.21).

4.14 Microbiological criteria in the product shall not exceed to what mentioned in Gulf
Standard stated in Item (2.15).

4.15 Contaminants radioactivity level for the product shall not exceed to what mentioned in
Gulf Standard stated in Item (2.11).

5. Sampling:

Samples shall be taken according to Gulf Standard stated in Item (2. 8).

6. Methods of examination and test:

All necessary tests stated in Gulf Standards mentioned in Items (2.2, 2.4, 2.9, 2.10, 2.14) shall
be carried out on the representative sample taken according to Item (5), to determine the
compliance of the product for the requirements of this Standard.

7. Packaging, transportation and storage:

7.1 Packaging:

Without prejudice to what mentioned in Gulf Standard stated in Item (2.11), the product shall
be packed automatically, to ensure not contamination, and in clean and sterilized containers
not lead to alter product properties.

7.2 Transportation:

7.2.1 Means of transportation shall be approved from control authorities and not previously
used in transportation any toxic or harmful substances.

7.2.2 Sterilized and automatic well sealed products shall be transport at temperature not
exceed 30°C.

7.2.3 Unsterilized products shall be transport at temperature ranged from 0-5°C.

7.3 Storage:

Used stores shall be well ventilated and far from heat and contamination sources, and shall be
comply with Gulf Standard stated in Item (2.6).

Gulf Standard GSO…/2012

8. Labeling:

Without prejudice to what mentioned in Gulf Standards stated in Items (2.1, 2.5), the
following shall be declared on the label of containers:

8.1 Product name: As mentioned in Item (4.6).

8.2 Fat content.

8.3 Protein content.

8.4 Evaporated partly skimmed milk may be designated "evaporated semi-skimmed milk" if
the milk fat content ranged between 4.0- 4.5 %and the minimum milk solids is 24% m/m.

8.5 In the case of process the product from reconstituted milk, the name of the product shall
be follow with clear write and with the same size for the letters used in writing the name of
the product, with the statement "processed from dried milk" or others, according to the kind of
milk used.

8.6 Kind of animal from which the milk produced.

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