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Reference No.

Issue No. 01
Rev. No. 04
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines Date: 01-25-2021
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UCM OBE Course Syllabus DC No. CC09212020-1149

OBE Course Syllabus

PNU Philosophy Education for personal renewal and social transformation.

PNU Vision PNU shall become internationally recognized and nationally responsive teacher education university. As the established producer of
knowledge workers in the field of education, it shall be the primary source of high-quality teachers and education managers that can
directly inspire and shape the quality of Filipino students and graduates in the country and the world.
PNU Mission PNU is dedicated to nurturing innovative teachers and education leaders.
PNU Quality Policy As the National Center for Teacher Education, the Philippine Normal University commits to provide leadership in teacher education and
nurture innovative teachers, education leaders, and research scholars imbued with the values of truth, excellence, and service. The
University further commits to the continual growth of its Quality Management System through compliance with International Quality
Standards and statutory and regulatory requirements. PNU shall achieve these commitments through core functions of instruction,
research, extension, and production.
Goals 1. Improve competence in educational research;
2. Provide leadership in curriculum and instruction;
3. Increase research productivity and publication; and
4. Create educational alternatives that are responsive to the needs of the country
Course Number ED 703
Course Title Qualitative Research Method
Course None
Course Description This course focuses on qualitative approach to research. It enables the students to understand and analyze qualitative research methods
in Education Sciences. It consists of four (4) important learning outcomes: understand the recent literature in qualitative research methods
such as ethnography, case study, grounded theory, and phenomenological research; relate theoretical perspectives associated with
qualitative methods; demonstrate competencies in data collection techniques, and data analysis; and employ appropriate qualitative
method/s in a particular research problem.

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
Program Outcomes 1. Manifest familiarity with the essential concepts in qualitative research
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of qualitative research designs and methods
3. Perform content analysis and thematic analysis of qualitative data
4. Be acquainted with the theoretical, procedural, ethical, and professional issues in the conduct of qualitative research
5. Display competence in the design and planning of a qualitative study.
GAD Themes

Instructional Delivery Design

Flexible Learning Activities
Content Face-to-Face
Session Activities
Course Learning (preferably with Independent Study/
No. / Assessment
Outcomes focusing / essential Flexible Learning
Duration Blank if NO Synchronous Asynchronous
questions) Activities

What should I know Viewing of video Discussion via group

Manifest as a student of PNU? Reading of Written meeting app (MS
familiarity with the Class Policies and Teams or Google
essential concepts Orientation on PNU Guidelines Meet)
in qualitative VMGO, URA,
research CGSTER Outcomes, Reflection Paper Rubric
Quality Policy, “What is the
Course Syllabus characteristic of a
1 good qualitative
Course Overview research?”

Giving of
assignments / group

Course/Class policies
and guidelines on

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
attendance to online
classes, submission
of requirements,
expectations, etc.

Manifest What is a research Define Qualitative a. View f video/ppt

familiarity with the problem and why is it Research and the with narration
essential concepts important? different theoretical about the topic
in qualitative underpinning of b. Read related
research What are the Qualitative articles / studies
essential concepts Research Design c. Consult via email
and theoretical or socmed
underpinnings of platform
qualitative research? Answer:
Introduction to the Research Capability
course (Online or Soft
Define Qualitative
Research and the
different theoretical
underpinning of
Research Design

Explain the What is narrative a. View video/ppt Discussion focusing

theoretical, research, why should with narration about on qualitative
procedural, you use it and how the topic research design
ethical, and did develop? b. Read related discussed recently
professional What are the types of articles / studies (via meeting room or
issues in the narrative designs? c. Consult via email chatroom) and
conduct of What are the key or socmed platform narrative research
narrative research characteristics of
designs. narrative research? Submit Critique Critique Paper

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
What are the potential Paper Rubric
Illustrate the ethical issues in
processes of narrative research?
content analysis What are the steps in
and thematic narrative research?
analysis of How to develop the
narrative research research concept
data paper in narrative

Narrative Research
Designs. Types of
Narrative Research.
Key Characteristics
of Narrative
Research. Potential
Ethical Issues in
Narrative Research

Explain the What is Submit Journal a. View video/ppt with Journal Article
theoretical, phenomenological Article Review narration about the Review Rubric
procedural, research, why should topic
ethical, and you use it and how b. Read related
professional did develop? articles / studies
issues in the What are the types of c. Consult via email
conduct of narrative designs? or socmed platform
phenomenological What are the key Submit Critique Paper
research characteristics of
Illustrate the research?
processes of What are the potential
content analysis ethical issues in
and thematic narrative research?
analysis of What are the steps in
phenomenological phenomenological
data. research?

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
Types of
Research. Key
Characteristics of
Research. Potential
Ethical Issues in

Explain the What is case study, a. View video/ppt Discussion focusing Annotated
theoretical, why should you use it with narration about on the two (2) Bibliography Rubric
procedural, and how did develop? the topic research designs
ethical, and What are the types of b. Read related discussed recently
professional case study designs? articles / studies (via meeting room or
issues in the What are the key c. Consult via email chatroom)
conduct of case characteristics of or socmed platform
study research case study research? Submit Critique
What are the potential Paper
Illustrate the ethical issues in case
processes of study research? Submit Annotated
5 content analysis What are the steps in Bibliography
and thematic case study research?
analysis of case
study data Case Study.

Types of Case

Key Characteristics
of Case Study.

Potential Ethical
Issues in Case

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
Study Research.

Explain the What is ethnography, Submit Digital a. View video/ppt with Digital Ethnography
theoretical, why should you use it Ethnography Study narration about the Study Rubric
procedural, and how did develop? topic
ethical, and What are the types of b. Read related
professional ethnographical articles / studies
issues in the designs? What are c. Consult via email
conduct of the key or socmed platform
ethnographical characteristics of Submit Critique Paper
research ethnographical
research? What are
Illustrate the the potential ethical
processes of issues in
content analysis ethnographical
and thematic research? What are
analysis of the steps in
ethnographical ethnographical
6 data research?


Types of

Key Characteristics
of Ethnography.

Potential Ethical
Issues in

7 Explain the What is Historical a. View video/ppt Discussion focusing Annotated

theoretical, Research Design, with narration about on the two (2) Bibliography Rubric

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
procedural, why should you use it the topic research designs
ethical, and and how did develop? b. Read related discussed recently
professional What are the types of articles / studies (via meeting room or
issues in the Historical Research c. Consult via email chatroom)
conduct of designs? or socmed platform
qualitative What are the key Submit Critique
research characteristics of Paper
Historical Research Submit annotated
Illustrate the Design? bibliography
processes of What are the
content analysis potential ethical
and thematic issues in Historical
analysis of Research Design?
qualitative data What are the steps in
Historical Research

Historical Research

Types of Historical

Key Characteristics
of Historical

Potential Ethical
Issues in Historical

Explain the What is grounded Submit Journal a. View video/ppt with Journal Article
theoretical, theory research, why Article Review narration about the Review Rubric
procedural, should you use it and topic
ethical, and how did b. Read related
professional What are the types of articles / studies

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
issues in the grounded theory c. Consult via email
conduct of designs? or socmed platform
grounded theory What are the key Submit Critique Paper
research characteristics of
grounded theory
Illustrate the research?
processes of What are the
content analysis potential ethical
and thematic issues in grounded
analysis of research?
grounded theory What are the steps in
data. conducting grounded
theory research?

Grounded Theory.

Types of Grounded
Theory Design.

Key Characteristics
of Grounded Theory

Potential Ethical
Issues in Grounded
Theory Research

Explain the What is Mixed a. View video/ppt Discussion focusing

theoretical, Method Research, with narration about on the two (2)
procedural, When is it used and the topic research designs
9 ethical, and how did it develop? b. Read related discussed recently
professional What are the types of articles / studies (via meeting room or
issues in the Mixed Method c. Consult via email chatroom)
conduct of mixed Design? or socmed platform
method research What are the Key Submit Critique
Characteristics of Paper Annotated

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
Illustrate the Mixed Methods? bibliography
processes of What are some Submit annotated Rubric
content analysis potential Ethical bibliography
and thematic Issues in Mixed
analysis of mixed Method Research?
method data
Mixed Method

Types of Mixed
Method Design.

Key Characteristics
of Mixed Method.

Potential Ethical
Issues in Mixed
Method Research

Display How to write a Submit Research Workshop on Research Proposal

competence in qualitative research Proposal Outline research proposal Outline Rubric
designing and proposal? writing
planning a
qualitative study Research writing in Research writing in
the “New Normal” the “New Normal”

Qualitative Discussion / Lecture

Research Proposal (via meeting room or
Writing chatroom)

Display Concept Paper Submission of Concept Paper Research Proposal

competence in presentation written concept presentation Presentation Rubric
11-12 designing and paper with
planning a consultation via
qualitative study email or socmed

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
Course References Ali, Mohammad. (2019)Research methods in sustainability education.UPI Press
Camiciottoli, B. & Fortanet-Gómez, I. (2015). Multimodal analysis in academic settings : from research to teaching.Routledge., New
Glesne ,Corrine (2016.) Becoming Qualitative Researchers : An Introduction (5th Edition).
Fink ,Arlene (2017). How to conduct surveys : a step by step guide. 6th Edition.
Hancock, Dawson (2017). Doing case study research : a practical guide for beginning researchers. 2nd ed.

Learning Resources Best, J. and Khan, J. (2015). Research in Education (12th ed.) Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd, Jurong, Singapore.
Corbin, J. and Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of Qualitative Research Techniques and Procedures for Deceloping Grounded Theory (4th
ed.) Sage Publication, Inc., USA.
Creswell, J.W. (2015). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (5th ed.).
Fraenkel, J., Wallen, N., and Hyun, H. (2015). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (9th ed.) McGraw Hill Education,
New York, NY.
Wellington, J (2015). Educational Research: Contemporary Issues and Practical Approaches. Sage Publication, USA.

Indicator and
Course Performance Indicator Evidence of Performance Performance Standard
Evidence of
 Analyze articles and recent studies A product Originality and Objectivity (30%)
related to education sciences.  Reflection Paper The output is written using the student’s original descriptions,
 Identify research gaps related to one’s  Journal Article Review and not merely a copy of the research abstract. Free from
area of specialization vis-à-vis  Critique Paper subjective statements or opinion.
appropriate qualitative research  Digital Ethnography Study
method. Format (20%)
 Annotated Bibliography Each source is cited using APA style. The output follows a
 Demonstrate competence in designing
specific organization technique (topical, thematic, etc.).
and planning a qualitative study
Content (50 %)
Describes the main ideas, arguments, themes, theses, or
methodology, and identify the intended audience. Explains

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
the author’s expertise, point of view, and any bias he/she
may have

A performance Quality of Presentation (20%)

 Professional Sharing - Video/ppt Communication skills, presentation style, visuals
presentation with narration about
the assigned topic Cognitive Skills (50%)
Depth and breadth of knowledge, critical thinking,
 Oral Presentation of Qualitative
assimilation of knowledge
Research Proposal
Response to Questions (30%)
Completeness, professionalism when challenged

Grading System Based on BOR Resolution No. U-3007 dated June 24, 2019, the following is the PNU Grading System of the University.

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
1. Comprehensiveness of the Course Content 20%
Assignment – Professional Sharing
2. Synchronous / Asynchronous Activities / Outputs 20 %

3. Qualitative Research Proposal 50%

4. Attendance and class participation 10 %

Total 100%

Face to Face

Attendance in all class sessions.

1. Satisfactory and timely completion of all assigned homework tasks.
Course Policies 2. Satisfactory organization/maintenance of a comprehensive literature review containing all classroom handouts,
homework and in-class assignments.
Flexible Delivery 3. Satisfactory completion of all assigned outputs and performance tasks.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a serious offense according to official University policy. As a result all efforts to monitor student
work will be a priority of the instructor in this course. Students are obligated to reference all materials taken from electronic
sources as they are from print and non-print sources.

Consultation Period Saturday 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Prepared by Shirley N. Cerbo, Ph. D. Date January 25, 2021

Signature above Printed Name

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)
Peer Reviewed by: Joyce Leviste – Bautista, Ph. D.
Signature above Printed Name Date January 26, 2021

Reviewed by Heidi Barcelo-Macahilig, Ph. D. Date

Signature above Printed Name

Approved by
Antriman V. Orleans, Ph. D.
Signature above Printed Name

(All documents without the PNU QM Stamp or Control Identifier are uncontrolled)

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