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Roniel D Espineda

12- Santiago

Directions: Give your insights on the following quotations in relation to Connection and Relationships in
the 21 century world.

1. "We must establish a personal connection with each other before content. Without relatedness, no
work can occur."-Peter block.

~This quote highlights the importance of building relationships and establishing connections with others
before attempting to work together on a project or task. This quote emphasizes the significance of
building trust, rapport, and understanding with others in order to create a productive and positive work
environment. It also suggests that personal connections and relationships are essential for fostering
creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills.

2. "Connect the dots between individual roles and the goal of the organization. When people see that
connection, they get a lot of energy to work. They fee; the importance of energy to work. They feel the
importance, dignity and meaning in their job." -Ken Blanchard and Scott Blanchard.

~This statement highlights the importance of connecting individual roles within an organization to the
overall goals and objectives of the company. When employees can see how their work contributes to the
success of the organization, they are more likely to feel motivated, engaged, and committed to their job
This quote emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of purpose and connection within an
organization. When employees feel connected to the goals and objectives of the company, they are more
likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving success.

3. "A great relationship is about two thinks,first, find out the similarities, second respect the difference-

~This quote highlights the key elements that are necessary for building a great relationship. The first
element is finding similarities between two people, which can help to establish common ground and
create a sense of connection. When people share similar interests, values, or experiences, they are more
likely to feel a sense of empathy and understanding towards one another
Roniel D. Espineda


Direction: Read and understand the statement below. Answer the process questions and write it on your
answer sheet.

"Every individual is connected to each other. Each one is like a unique thread in a tapestry, with unique
capacity to contribution to the whole."

Process questions:

1. What does the statement tell us?

~This statement about the interconnectedness of individuals and the importance of each person's
unique contributions to the whole. It suggests that every person has something valuable to offer, and
that when individuals work together, they can create something greater than the sum of their parts. This
statement reminds us that we are all connected to each other, and that our individual contributions are
important for creating a cohesive and successful whole. It encourages us to appreciate and value the
unique qualities and perspectives of each person, and to work together towards a common goal.

2. As a student, what are the unique traits that you should possess in building connections and

1. Open-mindedness: Being open-minded means being receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and
experiences. This can help you to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and to appreciate their
unique qualities and perspectives.

2. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. By putting yourself in
someone else's shoes, you can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for their experiences
and perspectives.

3. Active listening: Active listening means giving your full attention to someone when they are speaking.
This can help you to understand their needs, concerns, and interests, and to build a stronger connection
with them.

4. Positive attitude: A positive attitude can help you to approach new situations and people with a sense
of optimism and enthusiasm. This can help to create a positive and welcoming environment for building
connections and relationships.

5. Respect: Respect means treating others with dignity and consideration, regardless of their background
or beliefs. By showing respect to others, you can build trust and establish a foundation for meaningful
connections and relationships.

Overall, possessing these traits can help us to build strong connections and relationships with others,
both in your personal and professional life.
Roniel D. Espineda



DIRECTIONS; Make a list of programs and activities you have participated in your community last 2019
to present. Explain how these activities brought about social change and development in your locality.
Use the following table for this activity. Give at least 3 community service.

Explain briefly how these

activities brought about social
change and development in
Programs / your locality. Insight
Activities Attended

Through planting, we are helping I was able internalized the

nature to regenerate itself. Trees significance of this activity
help clean the air we breathe, filters considering of the current situation
the water we drink, and provide of our mother nature. This is timely
habitat to different species of flora because we now experienced
and fauna With this activity, we are massive flooding, strong typhoons
TREE PLANTING making a community that preserves and other natural calamities, and
biodiversity and equilibrating tree.
tourism industry as well.

For me donating food and clothes

This program helping those in need. can be a great way to make a positive
Donating food and clothes to those impact on your community and help
in need can help alleviate poverty those in need. It's important to do
and hunger in your community. This your research and find reputable
DONATING FOODS AND CLOTHES can lead to a reduction in crime rates organizations to donate to, and to
and a more cohesive community. make sure that the items you donate
are still in good condition and can be
used by those who receive them

This activity can help to promoting Recycling programs can have a

environmental sustainability. significant impact on your
Recycling programs can promote community by promoting social
environmental sustainability by change and development. It can
RECYCLING PROGRAM reducing waste and promoting the promote environmental
reuse of materials. This can help sustainability, create job
reduce the environmental impact of opportunities, encourage community
your community and promote a involvement, reduce waste disposal
more sustainable future costs, and enhance community
When people vote for new leaders, Voting for new leaders is a critical
they are choosing someone who way to bring about social change and
they believe will represent their development in a locality. It gives
interests and values. This can lead to people a voice in how their
VOTING FOR LEADERS greater representation of diverse community is governed and can lead
groups in government, which can to policies and initiatives that benefit
lead to policies that benefit everyone
marginalized communities.
This activity can Promote equality. Donating school supplies can help
Donating school supplies can improve education by providing
promote equality by providing students with the tools they need to
DONATING SCHOOL SUPPLY resources to those who are less succeed. This can help promote
fortunate. This can help bridge the academic achievement and
gap between the rich and the poor encourage students to stay in school.
and promote a more equal society.
This activity help to Improving public Community cleaning can have a
health. Community cleaning can help significant impact on your
improve public health by reducing community by promoting social
the spread of diseases and pests. change and development. It can
COMMUMITY CLEANING Clean streets and public spaces can improve public health, promote
reduce the risk of illnesses and environmental sustainability,
infections, promoting a healthier encourage community involvement,
community. enhance community aesthetics, and
reduce crime rates.
Roniel D. Espineda
12- Santiago


"How Tesla is disrupting the automotive industry"

by "Harvard" Business Review
~This case study examines how Tesla is using technology to disrupt the automotive industry,
from electric vehicles to self-driving technology.

"The Power of Influencers in Fashion"
by "Forbes"
~This article discusses the impact of social media influencers on fashion trends, and how brands
are partnering with them to reach new audiences.

"The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
by Healthcare IT News
~This case study explores the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, and how it is being used
to improve diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes.
Roniel D. Espineda

In the 21st century, networks refer to the interconnected system of devices, computers, and other digital devices that enable
communication and sharing of information. These networks can be local, such as a home or office network, or global, such as
the internet.

These are some significance of network on 21st Century.

1. Improved communication

~Networks enable people to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world, in real-time. This has facilitated
collaboration and improved productivity in various industries.

2. Increased access to information

~ Networks have made it easier for people to access information from various sources, including the internet, databases, and
cloud-based storage. This has enhanced learning and research capabilities.

3. Enhanced security

~Networks have enabled the development of advanced security measures to protect sensitive information from cyber threats.

4. Improved efficiency

~Networks have streamlined various processes, such as supply chain management, inventory management, and customer
relationship management. This has resulted in improved efficiency and cost savings.

5.Facilitated innovation

~Networks have enabled the development of new technologies and innovations, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and
the Internet of Things (IoT).

Networks have become an integral part of the 21st-century lifestyle and have transformed the way we live, work, and interact
with each other.
Roniel D. Espineda

~The trend of increased awareness of environmental issues has led to increased efforts to address climate change, resource
depletion, and environmental degradation. This has resulted in improved sustainability practices and increased investment in
renewable energy and green technologies. The trends in society have brought about many positive impacts, enabling new
opportunities, improving efficiency, and transforming the way we live and work.


~ The impact of trends in education has been positive, enabling new forms of learning, improving student engagement and
achievement, and preparing students for the workforce. It is important for educators to continue to adapt to these trends and
ensure that they are meeting the needs of all students.


~The trend of lifelong learning and upskilling has enabled employees to develop new skills and stay relevant in a rapidly
changing job market. This can improve career prospects and job security. Trends in employment have brought about many
positive impacts, enabling more flexible work arrangements, skill development, diversity and inclusion, increased productivity
and efficiency, and entrepreneurship. It is important for employers to continue to adapt to these trends and ensure that they
are creating a positive work environment for their employees.


The trends in communication and environment have brought about many positive impacts. Here are some examples:


~The trend of increased use of communication technologies, such as social media, video conferencing, instant messaging, and
email, has enabled people to connect with each other more easily and efficiently. This can improve collaboration, productivity,
and innovation.


~The trend of increased awareness of environmental issues has led to more sustainable practices, such as reducing waste,
conserving energy, and using eco-friendly products. This can improve the health and well-being of people and the planet.

Overall, the trends in communication and environment have brought about many positive impacts, enabling more efficient and
effective communication, promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship, fostering diversity and inclusion, increasing
access to education, and driving innovation. It is important for individuals and organizations to continue to adapt to these trends
and work together to create a better future for all.

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