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RULES 2023

5 on 5 / non-contact


FLAG 7 on 7
Flag Football Rules 2023

Important changes
This list of changes is limited to the most important ones by keywords.

• Flag 7 on 7 (big field 50 x 30 yd) added

• Field surface requirements added
• Jersey number 0 is now legal
• Team areas regulations to allow flexibility in the location introduced
• Pants and Flag specifications changed
• Glasses non-breakable redefined
• Diving definition improved
• Timeouts length, shortening and handling changed
• Illegal kick by runner, illegal run and illegal run play now carry LOD
• Illegal touching of own pass now applies to all passers not just QB
• Backward pass being batted forward by passing team as new foul
• Contact between runner and defender responsibility defined more precisely (with AR)
• Safety/Touchback enforcement changed
• Extension of penalties that can carry over on a try
• Summary of Penalties is restructured

All changes are highlighted so you can check it. Two colors are used, the darker gold for
substantial changes, the lighter yellow for editorial ones. If a chapter is highlighted, most of the
content is new.

These rules have been done with assistance of:
Markus Agebrink (SWE), Jim Briggs (IFAF), Jed Brookes-Lewis (GBR), Paul Brownd (NZL), Cédric
Castaing (FRA), Martin Cockerill (GBR), Elizabeth Faust (USA), Kouichirou Hirasawa (JPN), Chris
Kämpfe (GER) Stephan Keck (SUI), Matija Klančar (SLO), Matti Mäkäräinen (FIN), Filip Maly
(CZE), Daryll Nathaniel (MAS), Tim Ockendon (GBR), Giane Pessoa (BRA), Vladimir Platonov
(RUS), Herbert Prinz (AUT), Elisey Rodriguez (RUS), Alexandre Roger (FRA), Erick Saenz (MEX),
Claes Scherwin Thalmann (DEN), Omer Sela (ISR), Sebastian Sudholt (GER), Federico Taborda
(COL), Ilja Tersteeg (NED), Mariano Gastón Viotto (CHI), Taichi Yanaka (JPN), Riccardo Zampedri
(ITA), Andrés Zappia (ARG) and a lot more not mentioned persons who assist them.

A special thank for their additional work goes to: Jed Brookes-Lewis, Chris Kämpfe, Giane Pessoa
and Claes Scherwin Thalmann.

Front page: Design by Dan Buruiana, Photo provided by IFAF.

Thanks to all the persons for their helpful questions, hints and comments during the years.
If you have questions, feel free to contact me.

Wolfgang Geyer (AUT), Flag Lead - Rules Committee

[email protected]

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Flag Football Rules 2023

Foreword .......................................................................................................................................... 3
The Flag Football Code .................................................................................................................... 4
Flag Football ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Flag ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Beach Flag ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Indoor Flag ....................................................................................................................................... 6
National Changes (options) .............................................................................................................. 7
Dimensions of Fields ........................................................................................................................ 8
Rule 1 - Game, Field, Ball and Equipment ..................................................................................... 10
Rule 2 - Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 13
Rule 3 - Periods and Timing ........................................................................................................... 19
Rule 4 - Live Ball and Dead Ball ..................................................................................................... 22
Rule 5 - Series of Downs ................................................................................................................ 23
Rule 6 - Kicks ................................................................................................................................. 24
Rule 7 - Snapping and Passing the Ball ......................................................................................... 25
Rule 8 - Scoring .............................................................................................................................. 28
Rule 9 - Conduct of Players ........................................................................................................... 30
Rule 10 - Penalty Enforcement ...................................................................................................... 32
Rule 11 - Officials' Duties ............................................................................................................... 36
Rule 12 - Challenges ...................................................................................................................... 38
Summary of Penalties .................................................................................................................... 39
Official Flag Football Signals .......................................................................................................... 40
INTERPRETATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 41

The rules are revised by IFAF to improve the sport's level of safety and quality of play, and to
clarify the meaning and intent of rules where needed. The principles that govern all rule changes
are that they must:
be safe for the participants;
be applicable at all levels of the sport;
be coachable and administrable by the officials;
maintain a balance between offense and defense;
be interesting to spectators;
not have a prohibitive economic impact;
and retain some affinity with IFAF tackle rules.

The most important aspect of the rules is to avoid any significant and impactful contact.

One of the goals is to keep the rules as short and simple as possible. Consequently, the rulebook
does not cover every combination of situations that might happen in a game. Players, coaches and
officials are requested to interpret the rules according to the principles supporting them.

The Flag Football Code is an integral part of the rules.

IFAF request all member federations to play by IFAF rules, probably adopted with the optional
changes listed in the chapter „National Changes“.

These rules take effect by 1st of May 2023.

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Flag Football Rules 2023

The Flag Football Code

The Flag Football Code is a code of ethics and should be carefully read and observed. The code is
a guide to players, coaches, officials and others responsible for the benefit of the game.
Flag Football is a non-aggressive, non-contact, but still competitive sport. Fairness, sportsmanship
and conduct are expected from players, coaches, officials and others associated with the game.
There is no place for unfair tactics, unsportsmanlike conduct or acts that are intended to
intentionally cause injury or disrespect. A coach or player who attempts to gain an advantage by
deliberately circumventing or disregarding the rules is unsuitable for Flag Football.
The rule book attempts to prohibit all form of unnecessary contact, unfair tactics and
unsportsmanlike conduct; however, rules cannot cover every potential situation. Only through the
best efforts of coaches, players and officials, can the highest ethical standards be maintained.

Coaching ethics
Deliberately teaching players to violate the rules is indefensible. The coaching of intentional
contact, aiming or interference will break down rather than aid in the building of the character of
players. Such instruction is not only unfair to opponents but is demoralizing to the players
entrusted to a coach’s care and has no place in the game.
In the relationship with players under their care, the coaches should always be aware of the
tremendous influence they have, both for better and worse. Coaches should never place the value
of a win above that of the character and ethics of their players. The safety and welfare of their
players should always be uppermost in their mind, and they must never be sacrificed for any
personal prestige or selfish glory.
In teaching the game of Flag Football, the coach must realize that certain rules exist that are
designed to protect the player and provide common standards for determining a winner and a
loser. Any attempt to circumvent these rules, to take unfair advantage of an opponent, or acts of
deliberate unsportsmanlike conduct, have no place in the game, nor has any coach guilty of
teaching these any right to call themselves a coach. The coach should set the example for winning
without boasting and losing without bitterness. A coach who conducts themselves according to
these principles need have no fear of failure, for in the final analysis, the success of a coach can
be measured in terms of the respect they have earned from their players and their opponents.

A player or coach who intentionally violates a rule is guilty of unfair play and unsportsmanlike
conduct and whether or not they escape being penalized, they bring discredit to the good name of
the game.
Players, coaches and officials should emphasize the elimination of initiating contact against an
Feigning an injury for any reason is unethical. An injured player must be given full protection under
the rules, but feigning injury is dishonest, unsportsmanlike and contrary to the spirit of the rules.
Talking to a teammate, opponent or official in any manner that is demeaning, vulgar, abusive or
"trashy" or intended to incite a physical response or verbally put an opponent down is illegal.
Coaches are urged to discuss this conduct frequently and support all officials’ actions to control it.
When officials impose a penalty or make a decision, they are simply doing their duty as they see it.
They are on the field to uphold the integrity of the game of Flag Football and their decisions are
final and conclusive and should be accepted by players and coaches.
To address uncomplimentary remarks to any official during the game, or to engage in conduct that
might incite players or spectators against the officials is a violation of the rules and must be
considered conduct unworthy of any participant in the sport.

The most important principle of the rules is to avoid any significant and impactful contact.
The first important aspect of this principle is to make the flags an easy target. The runner is
restricted from using anything other than legal flags and legal tactics (e.g. spinning) to restrict an

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opponent's access to their flags. In return the flag puller must take all reasonable steps to minimize
contact during the act of removing the flag from an opponent.
The second important aspect of this principle is right of place and right of way, which determine
who is charged with avoiding contact. As a general rule, priority is given to the offense up to the
point before the ball is passed or handed off and to the defense thereafter. Conversely, the
responsibility to avoid contact lies with the opposing player.
Some other principles are:
A blitzer sacrifices their stance by raising one hand in order to be given right of way. The offense
should calculate the blitzer’s lane in order to give them right of way and avoid to interfering with
The runner has to calculate the defender’s action in order to avoid contact.
Limitations to backwards passes are in place to avoid playing a game similar to Rugby.
Penalties and their enforcement are not perfect. It is a balance between practical simplicity and fair

Gaining an advantage by using wide pants or camouflaging flags is unfair. Using pants with stripes
or different colors, or flags which do not contrast clearly with the player’s pants, disadvantages the
opponent. Any attempt to gain an advantage by using illegal equipment shall be penalized by the
officials and coaches and players should be aware of how this reflects on their character.
A team with perfect equipment (jerseys, pants and flags) by rule should be respected more than
one which sacrifices adherence to the rules for the sake of aesthetics.

Right of Way
Right of way (and right of place) is established to give both sides the possibility to play a fair game
and avoid unnecessary contact. This right should not be abused in order to provoke contact, or by
aiming at an opponent forcing them to react, or by intentionally restricting the room an opponent
has to move as permitted by rule. Avoiding interference with the legal actions of an opponent is
demanded and expected. Intentionally contacting an opponent, even with right of way, will be

The use of non-therapeutic drugs is not in keeping with the aims and purposes of amateur athletics
and is prohibited.
Under no circumstances should a coach authorize the use of drugs by players or other personnel
under their control. Medicines, stimulants or other drugs should be used only when authorized and
supervised by a physician. Coaches should be aware that willful ignorance of drug abuse by
players will be interpreted as support. Coaches are required to be familiar with and implement the
current IFAF policy on drugs.

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Flag Football Rules 2023

Flag Football 5 on 5 (regular field 50 x 25 yd) STANDARD STYLE

IFAF Flag Football Rules are based on Tackle rules but kept short and simple. The structure will
follow Tackle Rules, but the numbering will not correspond. All Flag Football situations are ruled on
without reference to the Tackle rules. Even when the whole document has 60 pages, the
fundamental parts for understanding the game itself are on less than half of it.

Flag Football has a lot of additional definitions (no-running zones, middle, blitzer, shielding,
contact, aiming, flag pulling, flag guarding, jumping, dipping, spinning, diving, right of place, right of
way) and respective rules. On the other hand, there are no helmets, protective padding, kicks
(kickoff, punt, field goal), blocking or tackling. All of this makes Flag Football a similar, but distinct,
sport with more speed and less injuries. Overall, there is a general understanding that Flag
Football is a speedy pass-orientated sport.

Flag football is non-contact. Blocking, tackling and kicking are not allowed.

Flag 7 on 7 (big field 50 x 30 yd)

Flag 7 on 7 games shall be played under the same rules as Flag Football with changes as follows:

R 1-1-1 Field of play width is enlarged to 30 yards.

R 1-1-1 Teams consist of not more than 7 players. Team rosters consist of a maximum of 20
players. Any references to these numbers in the rules should be amended.

Beach Flag 4 on 4 (small field 25 x 25 yd)

Beach Flag games shall be played under the same rules as Flag Football with changes as follows:

R 1-1-1 Field of play length is reduced to 25 yards with no middle line.

R 1-1-1 Width of lines: 2 inches (5 cm), field markings shall be made with solid bands.
R 1-1-1 Teams consist of not more than 4 players. Team rosters consist of a maximum of 10
players. Any references to these numbers in the rules should be amended.
R 1-3-2 Any kind of shoes are illegal.
R 3-1-1 Ball shall be put in play first by a snap at its own 1-yard line.
R 3-2-1 Total playing time shall be 30 minutes, divided into 2 halves of 15 minutes each.
R 3-2-5 Period where the timing restrictions of Rule 3-2-5 are in effect is reduced to 1 minute.
R 3-3-4 A charged team timeout shall not exceed 30 seconds.
R 7-1-3 The time limit to throw a pass is reduced to 5 sec.
R 7-1-4 The blitzing distance is reduced to 5 yards.
R 8-3-3 After a try, the ball shall be put in play by the opponent on its own 1-yard line.
R 8-4-2 After a safety, the ball shall be put in play by the scoring team at its own 1-yard line.
R 8-5-2 After a touchback, the ball shall be put in play by the defending team at its own 1-yard

Indoor Flag (any style)

Indoor Flag games shall be played under the same rules as using either Beach Flag rules or, if the
facility is big enough, Flag Football or Flag 7 on 7 rules.
Field dimensions for Indoor Flag shall be as similar as possible to the rule-set being utilized.
Markings shall be done with cones and pylons. Safety areas are still needed.
Shoes appropriate to the facility are legal.

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National Changes (options)

National changes allow governing bodies to adapt one or more specific rule changes in order to be
more flexible in organization, whilst retaining the core elements of the rules.
The organizer of a game/tournament/championship may change one or more rules as follows:
Flag Football and Flag 7 on 7:
R 1-1-1 Field dimensions can be changed due to game site or age.
The width and length of a half of the field of play can be uniformly increased or decreased
by up to 5 yards. Length changes should be made relative to the middle of the field (e.g. if
five yards are to be added, each half should be 27.5 yards long plus end zones).
NOTE: Maximum regular field of play is 60 yd (54,90 m) x 30 yd (27,45 m), minimum is
40 yd (36,60 m) x 20 yd (18,30 m). Maximum width for big field is 35 yd (32,05 m),
minimum is 25 yd (22,90 m).
The proportions of each half should continue to correspond approximately to a square, or
the corresponding rectangle for Flag 7 on 7.
End zones may be shortened to a minimum of 8 yd (7,30 m).
Safety area may not be altered.
R 1-1-1 Minimum field markings may be side lines, goal lines and end lines.
R 1-1-1 Pylons or disk markers may only be recommended.
R 1-1-1 Down indicator may only be recommended.
R 1-1-1 Score board may only be recommended.
R 1-1-1 Team rosters may consist of more than 15 players.
R 1-1-1 Teams may have players of different gender.
R 1-1-4 Officials may only be recommended.
R 1-2-1 Game balls need not be leather.
R 1-2-2 In mixed games youth ball size may be used.
R 1-3-1 Flags need not be pop-flags in youth and junior games.
R 1-3-1 Mouthpieces may be made mandatory.
R 1-3-2 Head wear may be legal, provided it does not endanger or offend other players.
R 3-1-4 The organizer of a tournament may decide the order of teams if the tie breaker system is
not deemed appropriate, but the officially designated system is strongly recommended
due to its fairness and ease of use.
R 3-2-1 Playing time may be altered due to competition or age.
R 3-2-5 The period where the timing restrictions of Rule 3-2-5 are in effect may be reduced from 2
to 1 minute.
R 3-3-2 Number of Timeouts may be changed.

Beach Flag (in addition to Flag Football changes):

R 1-1-1 Field dimensions may be altered due to game site or age in the same way as at Flag
NOTE: Maximum small field is 30 x 30 yd (27,45 m), minimum is 20 x 20 yd (18,30 m).
R 1-1-1 Marking of the field may be done with pylons or disk markers.
R 1-1-1 Team rosters may consist of more than 10 players.
R 5-1-1 Number of downs may be reduced to 3.

Other rules may not be altered for competition games.

It is strongly recommended not to alter these rules and play a different game at non-competition

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Dimensions of Fields
The field shall be a rectangular area with dimensions and lines as indicated in the diagram.
The surface of the playing field must be solid, level and free of any obstacles.
Measurements shall be from the inside edges of the lines. The goal line is part of the end zone.

Flag Football:
Field of play: length 50 yd (45,75 m), additional end zones 10 yd (9,15 m), width 25 yd (22,90 m).
Total required space for one field including safety area: 76 yd (69,55 m) x 31 yd (28,40 m).
Width of lines: 4 inches (10 cm). If temporary lines are being used, they must be flat, solid and
securely fixed to the ground with flat headed spikes.

(30 yd for 7 on 7)

The 1 and 2-point try marks shall be 1 yd (0,90 m) long and the mid-points shall be 5 yd (4,57 m)
and accordingly 10 yd (9,15 m) respectively from the middle of the goal lines. The no-running
zones shall be marked with disc markers at the side line and/or with a dashed line.
Pylons or disk markers shall be placed at the 8 intersections of the side lines with the goal lines
and end lines. Disk markers may be placed at the intersections of the side lines with the middle line
and at the intersection of the longitudinal axis of the field with the safety area.
The safety area shall be 3 yd (2,75 m) outside the side lines and end lines, and needs to be on
same level as the field of play and in the same condition. The safety area and team areas need not
be marked but shall be observed by all participants. If two fields are next to each other the
minimum distance between them is 6 yd (5,50 m) without team areas.
A down indicator shall be operated 2 yards outside of the side line opposite the main stands.
A 7-yd-chain (6,40 m) may be operated 2 yards outside of the side line next the main stands.
A visible score board shall be operated near the field.
International Championship Games
For international championship games additional field markings are required:
Lines every 5 yards from side line to side line ending 4 inches (10 cm) inside of them. The 5-yard
lines shall be marked using dashed lines of 1 yd (0,90 m) length with 0.5 yard (0,45 m)
Yard line extensions 1 yd (0,90 m) long at every yard line along the longitudinal axis of the field
and at both side lines, 4 inches (10 cm) inside of them between the goal lines.
Numbers at the 10-yard and 20-yard lines with a height of 1 yd (0,90 m) at a distance of 3 yd
(2,70 m) inside each side line.
Team areas shall be marked.
All 10 intersections of the side lines with the middle line, goal lines and end lines shall be marked
with pylons and no disc marker needed at the longitudinal axis.
An IFAF logo with a minimum length of 5 yards at the middle line.
A countdown game clock shall be positioned opposite the main stand. This shall be a minimum of
1 yard (0.90 m) outside the safety area. The official time will be kept by the officials on the field and

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the visual clock shall be corrected if necessary. The game clock should be combined with the
score board and may show additional information as team names, timeouts and down & distance.
At both ends of the field, there shall be 25 second countdown play clocks. These clocks shall be
positioned at the longitudinal axis at least 1 yard (0.90 m) outside of the safety area but no more
that 5 yards (4.50 m) away from the end line and be between 2 and 5 yards (1.80 - 4.50 m) above
the ground.



10 20 20 10


10 20 20 1



Beach Flag:
The surface should be sand and need not to be solid.
Field of play: length 25 yd (22,90 m), additional end zones 10 yd (9,15 m), width 25 yd (22,90 m).
Total required space for one field including safety area: 51 yd (46,70 m) x 31 yd (28,40 m).
Width of lines: 2 inches (5 cm), field markings shall be made with solid bands securely fixed to the
ground with flat headed spikes. Safety area as in Flag Football.
No-running zone marked with disc markers.


3 yd

Z Z 25 yd
3 yd


3 yd 10 yd 25 yd 10 yd 3 yd

For international championship games no additional marking is needed, but pylons instead of disc
marker and game clock, play clock and score board shall be used.

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Flag Football Rules 2023

RULE 1 Game, Field, Ball and Equipment

SECTION 1. General Provisions
ARTICLE 1. The Game
The game shall be played between 2 teams of not more than 5 players each, on a rectangular field
and with a regulation ball. For details see Dimensions of Fields.
Teams may play with less players on the field. If more than 1 player to the regular number is
missing, the game is forfeited by the side that is unable to field a team.
Team rosters consist of a maximum of 15 players (5 on the field with 10 substitutes).
Teams shall have only players of the same gender.
ARTICLE 2. Winning Team and Final Score
Each team shall be allowed opportunities to advance the ball across the other team’s goal line by
running or passing it. The teams shall be awarded points for scoring according to rule and the team
having the higher score at the end of the game, including extra periods, shall be the winner.
ARTICLE 3. Supervision
The game shall be played under the supervision of 2 or more officials.
ARTICLE 4. Team Captains and Coaches
Each team shall designate to the Referee no more than 2 players as its captains and no more than
2 coaches.
Only these captains and coaches may ask the Referee questions about rule clarifications, make
decisions for the team or request a challenge.

SECTION 2. The Ball

ARTICLE 1. Specifications
The ball shall be made of four panels of pebble-grained leather in natural
tan color with eight equally spaced lacings and new or nearly new with no
The ball shall be an ellipsoid spheroid of regulation dimensions and inflated
to a pressure of between 12.5 and 13.5 psi (0,85 – 0,95 bar).

Dimensions Regular Youth Junior

Length 11.00 to 11.50 inches 10.50 to 11.00 inches 10.25 to 10.75 inches
(27,9 – 29,2 cm) (26,7 – 27,9 cm) (26,0 – 27,3 cm)
Length circumference 27.00 to 28.00 inches 26.00 to 27.00 inches 25.00 to 26.00 inches
(68,6 – 71,1 cm) (66,0 – 68,6 cm) (63,5 – 66,0 cm)
Diameter 6.25 to 6.75 inches 6.00 to 6.50 inches 5.75 to 6.25 inches
(15,9 – 17,2 cm) (15,2 – 16,5 cm) (14,6 – 15,9 cm)
Cross circumference 20.00 to 21.00 inches 19.00 to 20.00 inches 18.00 to 19.00 inches
(50,8 – 53,3 cm) (48,3 – 50,8 cm) (45,7 – 48,3 cm)
Weight 14 to 15 ounces 12 to 13 ounces 11 to 12 ounces
(400 – 425 g) (340 – 370 g) (310 – 340 g)

Each team may use its own legal ball. Marking a ball to indicate ownership is legal.
ARTICLE 2. Sizes
For men's or mixed games, regular size balls shall be used.
For women's games, youth size balls shall be used.
For youth games aged under-16, youth size balls shall be used. Balls need not be leather.
For youth games aged under-13, junior size balls shall be used. Balls need not be leather.

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SECTION 3. Equipment
ARTICLE 1. Mandatory Equipment
Players of opposing teams shall wear jerseys of contrasting colors. If the teams are using similar
jerseys, the home team has the option which team has to change jerseys.
a. Players of a team shall wear jerseys of the same color, cut and style. The jerseys shall be
full-length and tucked into the pants with contrasting Arabic numerals at least 6 inches (15 cm)
in height on the back. All players of a team shall have different whole numbers from 0 to 99.
Jerseys shall not be taped or tied in any manner.
b. Players of a team shall wear shorts or pants of the same single color except for branding, logos
or numbers on the front side of each leg with a maximum size of 4×4 inches (10×10 cm). The
shorts or pants shall have the same cut and style without pockets, press studs or clips. Players
may not tape or secure their shorts or pants to meet the regulations. Skirts are illegal.
c. Players of a team shall wear tightly fixed flag belts with pop-sockets and 2 identical flags. Every
effort shall be made to keep one flag on each side of the players waist.
The sockets shall be placed facing outwards and downwards.
The flags shall be clearly visible, hang down freely and must not be covered in any way by the
player’s uniform and all colors must be contrasting with the color of the pants.
The flags and sockets may not be greased, glued or altered in any way. Any player, who
deliberately manipulate their flags shall be disqualified. AR 1-3-1-I to IV
d. If an intra-oral mouthpiece is worn it shall be of a visible, non-white color and with no part
extending more than 0.5 inch (1,25 cm) out of the mouth. The use of a mouthpiece is strongly
ARTICLE 2. Flag Specifications
The flags and sockets each shall be made of the same material in the same color without sharp
All parameters must be maintained over a temperature range of 32° F to 86° F (0° C - 30° C).
a. Length from the socket: 15 to 16 inches (38,1 – 40,6 cm).
b. Width: 1.8 to 2.0 inches (4,6 – 5,1 cm).
c. Logo or Brand: maximum size of 2 × 3 inches (5,1 x 7,6 cm)
in the quarter next to the socket. c. Logo

d. Thickness: 0.02 to 0.10 inches (0,5 - 2,5 mm).

e. Weight: minimum 0.4 ounces (11 g) without socket.
f. Tear resistance: minimum 300 Newton (67 lbf) when attached to the flag
part of the socket (correlates to a mass of 30 kg or 66 pounds).


Socket: (pop) b.
g. Outside diameter: 0.7 to 1 inches (1,8 – 2,5 cm). symbol drawing
h. Length belt part: from top to corner 1.4 to 1.6 inches not in scale

j. (3,6 – 4,1 cm) in axis.
i. Length flag part: from corner to bottom 2.4 to 2.6 inches (6,1 – 6,6 cm)
Ø g. in axis.
j. Corner angle: 130 to 140 degrees.
k. Pull-off force: maximum 100 Newton (22 lbf) for senior games
(men, women, mixed),
maximum 50 Newton (11 lbf) for all other games
symbol drawing (correlates to a mass of 10/5 kg or 22/11 pounds).
not in scale

NOTE: If flags are used with Velcro or another fixing, the specifications for flags must still be met
and the fixing must be easily removable with a maximum force of 50 Newton (11 lbf).

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ARTICLE 3. Illegal Equipment

a. Shoes with cleats longer than 0.5 inch (1,25 cm), sharpened or pointed in any way or made of
any metallic material.
b. Any kind of shoulder pads, helmets or head wear (caps, hoods, bandannas, headbands or
c. Any kind of protectors which endanger other players (e.g. sharp-edged knee braces).
d. All kinds of glasses and frames made from breakable material which could splinter.
NOTE: Certified sport glasses made of synthetic material under standard specifications are
e. Jewelry shall be removed or covered up completely.
f. Uniform attachments like towels or hand warmers.
g. Adhesive material, paint, grease or any other slippery substance applied to equipment or to a
player’s person, clothing or attachment that affects the ball or an opponent.
h. Any electronic, mechanical or other signal devices for the purpose of communicating with a
coach or other person.
ARTICLE 4. Team Certification
Before the game each team shall give a roster to the Referee and certify that all players have the
mandatory equipment and have been informed what constitutes illegal equipment.

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RULE 2 Definitions
SECTION 1. Areas and Lines
ARTICLE 1. The Field
The field is the area within the safety area and the space above.
ARTICLE 2. Field of Play
The field of play is the area within the boundary lines (side lines and end lines) other than the end
ARTICLE 3. End Zones
The end zones are the 10-yard areas at both ends of the field between the end lines and the goal
ARTICLE 4. No-Running Zones
The no-running zones are the 5-yard areas at both ends of the field in front of the goal lines.
ARTICLE 5. Goal Lines
Goal lines, one for each team, shall be established at opposite ends of the field of play. The goal
lines and goal line pylons are in the end zone. Each goal line is part of a vertical plane which
separates the end zone from the field of play and extends beyond the side lines. A team’s goal line
is the one it is defending.
ARTICLE 6. Middle Line
Midway between the goal lines is the middle line. The middle of the middle line is the line to gain
for a new series of downs and is hereafter called middle for short.
ARTICLE 7. In Bounds and Out of Bounds
The area enclosed by the side lines and end lines is in bounds and everywhere else (including the
side lines and end lines themselves) is out of bounds.
ARTICLE 8. Team Areas
The team areas are outside the safety area (3 yards away from the side line) and between the
5-yard lines along the side line with a depth of 5 yards (4,58 m).
If there is a conflict with the safety area, then the team areas shall be moved elsewhere.
If, due to space limitations, it is necessary to relocate the team areas from their normal positions,
both teams must be treated equally. The ground area for both teams must be approximately of the
same size, they must be in close sight of the field and there must be a minimum distance of
10 yards (9,15 m) between them.
When the team areas will be located on the same side of the field, both coaches of each team are
allowed to work in their respective team area, as always, and use the safety area between their
team area and the 5-yd line at the other end of the field.
When the team areas are located anywhere else, both coaches of each team may work anywhere
along the sideline outside the safety area between the 5-yard lines on opposing sides of the field;
or in case of not enough space it is also possible to allow the coaches to use the safety area on
opposing sides.
The use of electronic devices (headsets, video recorders, smart phones etc.) in the team area is

SECTION 2. Team and Player Designations

ARTICLE 1. Offense (O) and Defense (D)
The offense is the team which puts the ball in play by a snap. The defense is the opposing team.
A player of the offensive team is either a snapper, a runner or a receiver. A player of the defensive
team is either a blitzer, rusher or defender.

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ARTICLE 2. Snapper
The snapper is the offensive player who snaps the ball.
ARTICLE 3. Quarterback
The quarterback is the offensive player who first gets possession of the ball after the snap. They
are also the first runner.
ARTICLE 4. Passer
The passer is a runner who throws a legal pass.
ARTICLE 5. Runner
The runner is a player in possession of a live ball.
ARTICLE 6. Blitzer
A defender who lines up with all parts of their body more than 7 yards away from the scrimmage
line at the snap can establish themselves as a blitzer with a legal signal by raising one hand clearly
above the head at least during the last second prior to the snap. This grants them right of way
which supersedes the general right of way for the offense, because they are pursuing the runner.
The rush of a blitzer shall be immediately after the snap, quick and straight towards the point
where the quarterback receives the snap in order to retain the right of way. If a blitzer is rushing
late, slowly, towards a different spot, changing direction during the rush or just does not rush the
quarterback, the player loses the right of way but still can participate as any other defender.
If a blitzer is forced to change direction due to an offensive foul (shielding), the blitzer will not lose
their right of way for a further direct rush to the point where quarterback received the snap.
A defender who does not give a signal and legally crosses the scrimmage line is a rusher.
ARTICLE 7. Out of Bounds
A player is out of bounds when any part of their body touches anything out of bounds except
another player or official. The ball not in player possession is out of bounds when it touches
anything out of bounds.
ARTICLE 8. Disqualified Player
A disqualified player is one who has been declared ineligible from further participation in the game.
ARTICLE 9. Home Team
If neither team is at its home venue or at a tournament with more than 2 teams, then the team
listed first shall be designated the home team. The second listed team shall be the visiting team.

SECTION 3. Down, Scrimmage and Play Classification

A down is the part of the game that starts with a legal snap after the ball is ready for play and ends
when the ball becomes dead. Between downs is the interval during which the ball is dead. A play is
the action between the 2 teams during a down.
ARTICLE 2. Scrimmage Line (SL)
When the ball is made ready for play the scrimmage line for each team is the vertical plane that
passes through the point of the ball closest to its own goal line and extends to the side lines.
A player has crossed the scrimmage line if any part of the body has been beyond their respective
scrimmage line.
ARTICLE 3. Forward Pass Play
A legal forward pass play is the interval between the snap and when a legal forward pass beyond
the scrimmage line is completed or intercepted. Also, any forward pass from behind the scrimmage
line becoming incomplete or touched by the defense is considered as a forward pass play.

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ARTICLE 4. Running Play

A running play is any live ball action other than that during a legal forward pass play.
Passes completed behind the scrimmage line are legal and are running plays.

SECTION 4. The Ball Live or Dead

ARTICLE 1. Live Ball
A live ball is a ball in play. A pass that has not yet touched the ground is a live ball in flight.
ARTICLE 2. Dead Ball
A dead ball is a ball not in play.
ARTICLE 3. When Ball is Ready for Play
A dead ball is ready for play when the ball is placed on the ground and the Referee blows the

SECTION 5. Forward, Beyond and Forward Progress

ARTICLE 1. Forward and Beyond
Forward, beyond or in advance of denotes the direction toward the opposing team's end line.
Backward or behind denotes the direction towards a team's own end line.
ARTICLE 2. Forward Progress
Forward progress is a term indicating the end of advancement by the runner or airborne pass
receiver of either team and applies to the most forward point of the ball when it becomes dead by
rule between the end lines (dead ball spot).

SECTION 6. Spots
ARTICLE 1. Enforcement Spot
An enforcement spot is the point from which the penalty for a foul is enforced.
ARTICLE 2. Dead Ball Spot (DB)
The dead ball spot is the point at which the ball becomes dead.
ARTICLE 3. Spot of Foul (SF)
The spot of the foul is the point at which that foul occurs. If out of bounds, it is the adjacent spot on
the side line. If behind the goal line, the foul is in the end zone.
ARTICLE 4. Out-of-Bounds Spot
The out-of-bounds spot is the point at which the ball becomes dead due to of being out of bounds.

SECTION 7. Foul, Penalty and Violation

A foul is a rule infraction for which a penalty is prescribed by rule. A flagrant foul is a rule infraction
that places an opponent in danger of injury.
ARTICLE 2. Penalty
A penalty is a result imposed by rule against a team that has committed a foul and may include
one or more of the following: loss of yardage, loss of down, automatic first down or disqualification.
If the penalty involves loss of a down, the down shall count as 1 of the 4 in that series.
ARTICLE 3. Violation
A violation is a rule infraction for which no penalty is prescribed, it does not offset a foul.

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ARTICLE 4. Loss of Down (LOD)

“Loss of Down” is an abbreviation meaning “loss of the right to repeat a down”.
A loss of down will be only applied if the foul is by the offense prior to a change of team
ARTICLE 5. Automatic First Down (AFD)
“Automatic First Down” is an abbreviation meaning “award the offense a new series”.
An automatic first down will be only applied if the foul is by the defense prior to a change of team

SECTION 8. Shift and Motion

ARTICLE 1. Shift
A shift is a simultaneous change of position by 2 or more offensive players after the ball is made
ready for play and before the snap. The shift ends when all players have been stationary for 1 full
ARTICLE 2. Motion
A motion is a change of position by one offensive player after the end of a shift and before the

SECTION 9. Handling of the Ball

ARTICLE 1. Hand-off
A hand-off is a successful transfer of possession from one teammate to another that does not
involve a pass. A fake hand-off is any movement of the runner with the hands towards a nearby
teammate that simulates a transfer of possession. A faked pass (pump or simulated pitch) or the
runner turning the body towards a teammate without movement of the hands is not a fake hand-off.
A pass is any intentional act to throw the ball in any direction or drop it to the ground. A pass is
identified by a period where the ball is not in any player’s possession. A pass starts with the final
release after firm control during an intentional movement of the hand or arm. A pass continues to
be a pass until it is completed to a player or the ball becomes dead.
ARTICLE 3. Fumble
A fumble is any act other than passing or successful handing that result in loss of player
A fumble can only occur after a player gains possession of a ball.
ARTICLE 4. Possession
Possession means firmly holding or controlling a live ball.
A change of team possession (COP) occurs when an opponent gains possession of the ball.
ARTICLE 5. Batting
Batting the ball is intentionally striking it with the hands or arms.
ARTICLE 6. Kicking
Kicking the ball is intentionally striking it with the knee, lower leg or foot and is illegal.

SECTION 10. Passes

ARTICLE 1. Forward and Backward Pass
A pass is forward if the ball first touches anything beyond the spot where the ball is released. All
other passes are backward passes, even if it is lateral (parallel to the scrimmage line).
A snap becomes a backward pass when the snapper releases the ball. If a snapper loses control
of the ball as they begin the snap, it is an illegal snap.

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ARTICLE 2. Crosses Scrimmage Line

A legal forward pass has crossed the scrimmage line when it first touches anything beyond the
scrimmage line in bounds.
ARTICLE 3. Catch and Interception
A catch is the act of firmly establishing and maintaining control of a live ball in flight. A catch of an
opponent’s pass or fumble is an interception. A player who leaves the ground to make a catch or
interception must have the ball firmly controlled when first returning to the ground with any part of
the body touching the ground in bounds and then maintain complete and continuous control of the
ball throughout the process of contacting the ground to complete the pass. If the player loses
control of the ball and the ball touches the ground before the process of the catch is completed
then it is not a catch.
A sack is the removal of a flag (flag pull) from the quarterback behind the scrimmage line who is in
possession of a live ball. A player is in possession of the ball until the ball is completely released.

SECTION 11. Holding, Shielding, Contact and Aiming

ARTICLE 1. Holding
Holding is grasping an opponent or their equipment, not releasing immediately and impacting the
ARTICLE 2. Shielding
Shielding is obstructing an opponent without contact by moving into their path. A moving player
without right of way who impedes an opponent from running a pass route, getting to the runner or
impedes a legal blitzer is guilty of shielding.
A player standing still (with the right of place) is not shielding, even if the player is obstructing an
ARTICLE 3. Contact
Contact is touching an opponent with impact. Touching with no impact is not a foul.
ARTICLE 4. Aiming
Aiming is to target and initiate contact with an opponent or to run into an opponent, even with right
of way.
Aiming is any deliberate or avoidable contact with force against an opponent, even in an attempted
flag pull or while playing the ball during a pass.
Aiming is to attack a ball in possession or take away the ball from the runner.

SECTION 12. Flag Pulling, Flag Guarding, Jumping, Dipping, Spinning and
ARTICLE 1. Flag Pull
A flag pull is the removal of one or more flags from an opponent with one or more hands. The
defender has the right to move towards the runner and attack the flags.
ARTICLE 2. Flag Guarding
Flag guarding is an attempt by the runner to avoid a flag pull by covering the flag with any part of
the body (hand, arm or leg) or with the ball or waving the hand below the hip in front of the flag
before the flag pull attempt.
Flag guarding is also stretching out a hand, with or without the ball, towards the opponent to make
it more difficult for the defender to reach the flag.

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ARTICLE 3. Jumping
Jumping is an attempt by the runner to avoid a flag pull by pushing off the ground and thus raising
the level of the flags significantly compared to regular running. Jumping is a type of flag guarding
and illegal.
ARTICLE 4. Dipping
Dipping is an attempt by the runner, with continuous movement, to avoid a flag pull by extra
bending of the knees and lowering the level of the flags significantly compared to regular running.
Dipping is legal.
ARTICLE 5. Spinning
Spinning is an attempt by the runner to avoid a flag pull by rotation of the body along the vertical
axis. Spinning is legal if the height of the flags is not significantly raised. Spinning combined with
dipping is legal, combined with jumping or diving is illegal.
ARTICLE 6. Diving
Diving is an attempt by the runner to avoid a flag pull or make the approach to the flag more
difficult by leaning the upper body forward, with or without jumping, dipping or spinning. Diving is a
type of flag guarding and is illegal.

SECTION 13. Right of Place and Right of Way

ARTICLE 1. Right of Place (ROP)
Right of place is given to any stationary players who maintains normal player posture and make no
movements in any horizontal direction to change their position. A purely vertical movement,
including a lift from the ground, in order to throw or catch a pass does not mean that a previously
established right of place has been lost.
Right of place supersedes right of way when determining who is guilty of a foul.
ARTICLE 2. Right of Way (ROW)
Right of way is given to a player according to rule who has established a direction of movement in
a regular manner and does not alter that direction.
A player with right of way has a higher privilege when determining who is guilty of a foul than all
other players except those with right of place.

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RULE 3 Periods and Timing

SECTION 1. Start of Each Period
ARTICLE 1. First Half
3 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, the Referee shall toss a coin at midfield in presence of
the captains from each team, first designating the captain of the visiting team to call the coin toss.
The winner of the toss will choose to put the ball in play first by a snap at its own 5-yard line in
either the first half or the second. The other team will elect which side to defend.
ARTICLE 2. Second Half
In the second half, the teams shall defend the opposite goal line to the one they defended in the
first half. The team who did not first put the ball in play in the first half, shall put the ball in play by a
snap at its own 5-yard line.
ARTICLE 3. Overtime (Tie Breaker)
The tiebreaker system shall be used when a game is tied after 2 halves and the competition
mandates a winner needs to be determined.
a. After a 2 minute intermission, the Referee shall toss a coin at midfield as at the beginning of the
game. The winner of the coin toss will choose to start each following period on offense or
defense. The other team will elect which end of the field will be used.
b. No charged team timeouts shall be granted.
c. The first extra period shall consist of 2 series with each team putting the ball in play by a snap at
the middle line for one series of downs (no first down at middle). Should the defense score
during the first series, other than on the try, then the extra period is over.
d. Each team retains the ball during its series until it scores (including try downs for 1 or 2 points)
or exhausts its series of downs. The ball remains alive after a change of team possession until it
is declared dead. The series is then ended even if there is a second change of team possession
during that down.
e. If after the first period (with 2 series including tries) the score is still tied, the second and
following periods consist of series with each team playing a 1-point try from the 5-yard line.
The overtime ends when the score after a period is no longer a tie or the defense scores during
the first series of a period.
f. The team scoring the greater number of points during overtime shall be declared the winner.
ARTICLE 4. Tournament Tie Breaker System
If 2 or more teams in a tournament have the same total percentage (win-tie-loss), the following
procedure shall decide the order of the teams step by step:
1. Head to head percentage, if all teams played each other.
2. Head to head net point differential, if all teams played each other.
3. Head to head points scored, if all teams played each other.
4. Total net point differential.
5. Total points scored.
6. Coin toss. AR 3-1-4-I

SECTION 2. Playing Time

ARTICLE 1. Length of Play and Intermission
The total playing time shall be 40 minutes, divided into 2 halves of 20 minutes each, with a
2 minute intermission between halves.
ARTICLE 2. Extension of Periods
A period shall be extended until a down has been played which is free from live ball fouls (without
loss of down) for which the penalty is accepted. If offsetting fouls occur during a down in which
time expires, the down will be repeated.
No period shall end until the ball is dead and the Referee declares the period ended. [S14]

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ARTICLE 3. Timing Devices

The game clock and the 25-second-clock shall be kept by either a stopwatch operated by an
official or by a visible clock operated by an assistant under the direction of the appropriate official.
ARTICLE 4. When Clock Starts
When the game clock has been stopped by rule it shall be started when the ball is next legally
Exception: The game clock will start at the ready for play when it was only stopped at the Referee’s
discretion or when a team has committed a foul to conserve time.
AR 3-2-4-I to IV
ARTICLE 5. When Clock Stops
The game clock shall be stopped when each half ends, for a charged team timeout, for an injury
timeout or at the Referee’s discretion.
Within the last 2 minutes of each half the clock shall stop:
1. To award a first down, also after a change of team possession.
2. To complete a penalty.
3. When the ball or the runner goes out of bounds.
4. When a pass or fumble (forward or backward) strikes the ground.
5. When a teammate of the fumbler touches the ball.
6. When a score is made and during and after the following try.
7. When a charged timeout is granted.
The game clock shall not run during an extension of a half or overtime.
ARTICLE 6. Running Clock
If the score difference is 30 points or more at the Referee’s notification, the clock will not stop for
situations it normally would do so for in the last 2 minutes.
The Referee will inform both teams at the Referee’s notification that the clock will no longer be
stopped (running clock) for the remainder of the half.
After the Referee’s notification, the established status of the clock (standard timing or running
clock) will not change even if the score difference goes below 30 or reaches 30 or more points.
AR 3-2-6-I to II

SECTION 3. Timeouts
ARTICLE 1. How Charged
The Referee shall declare a timeout when the game is suspended for any reason. Each timeout
shall be charged to one of the teams or designated as an official timeout. [S3]
The Referee shall call an official timeout if discussion of the ruling or other circumstances, take a
significant amount of time.
ARTICLE 2. Charged Team Timeouts
An official shall allow a charged team timeout when requested by any coach or inbound player
when the ball is dead. Each team is entitled to 2 charged team timeouts per half. Unused timeouts
may not be carried over to a subsequent period.
ARTICLE 3. Injury Timeout
In the event of an injured player any official may declare an official timeout, provided the player for
whom the timeout is taken is removed from the game for at least one down.
ARTICLE 4. Length of Timeouts
A charged team timeout shall not exceed 60 seconds.
The Referee can shorten any charged timeout by agreement of both teams.
Other timeouts shall be no longer than the Referee deems necessary to fulfill the purpose for which
they are declared.
The Referee shall notify both teams when any timeout has expired and 5 seconds later shall
declare the ball ready for play. AR 3-3-4-I

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ARTICLE 5. Referee’s Notification

The Referee shall inform all coaches when 2 minutes or less of playing time remain in a half and
the ball is or becomes dead next. The game clock shall be stopped for this purpose.
AR 3-3-5-I to II

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RULE 4 Live Ball and Dead Ball

SECTION 1. Live Ball - Dead Ball
ARTICLE 1. Dead Ball becomes Alive
For the next down the ball shall be put in play at the spot midway between the side lines, laterally
in line with the spot where the ball was when it became dead by rule, or at the spot where the ball
has been placed following completion of an accepted penalty or to award a new series.
After a dead ball is made ready for play it becomes a live ball with the start of a legal snap.
A ball snapped before it is made ready for play or is illegally snapped remains dead.
A foul before the ball is snapped (delay of game, encroachment, false start, disconcerting signal,
illegal blitzer signal) will cause the ball to remain dead.
ARTICLE 2. Live Ball becomes Dead
A live ball becomes dead by rule and an official shall sound a whistle when:
a. The ball is out of bounds.
b. The runner is out of bounds.
c. Any part of the runner’s body except their hand or foot touches the ground. AR 4-1-2-I
d. A runner simulates placing the knee on the ground.
e. A pass or fumble (forward or backward) strikes the ground.
f. A teammate of the fumbler touches the ball.
g. A player with fewer than 2 flags is in possession of the ball. AR 4-1-2-II
h. A player with flags not positioned correctly is in possession of the ball and the player
themselves is responsible.
i. A touchdown, touchback, safety or successful try occurs.
j. A foul which causes the ball to become dead (e.g. illegal kick or delay of pass) occurs.

On an inadvertent whistle by an official, the ball becomes dead and the team in possession may
elect either to put the ball next in play where it was declared dead or to replay the down.

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RULE 5 Series of Downs

SECTION 1. A Series: Started, Broken, Renewed
ARTICLE 1. When to Award Series
A series of 4 consecutive scrimmage downs shall be awarded to the team that is next to put the
ball in play by a snap at the beginning of each half and after a score (including try), safety,
touchback or change of team possession. [S8]
A new series shall be awarded to the offense if:
a. It is in legal possession (following the application of any accepted live ball penalty) of the ball
beyond the middle when the ball is declared dead and it is the first time in this series that has
happened. If a subsequent play or penalty brings the ball back behind the middle and the ball is
then advanced across the middle line for a second time during the same series, no new first
down shall be awarded. AR 5-1-1-I to II
b. An accepted penalty results in or mandates a first down.
A new series shall be awarded to the defense on its own 5-yard line if the offense following
4th down has failed to score or earn a new first down.
A new series shall be awarded to the defense at the dead ball spot after an interception.

SECTION 2. Down and Possession after a Penalty

ARTICLE 1. Foul Before Change of Team Possession
If a penalty is accepted for a foul that occurred during a down before any change of team
possession, the ball belongs to the offense and the down shall be repeated, unless the penalty
involves loss of a down, mandates a first down or leaves the ball beyond the middle.
ARTICLE 2. Foul After Change of Team Possession
If a penalty is accepted for a foul that occurred during a down after change of team possession, the
ball belongs to the team in possession when the foul occurred. The next down shall be a first down
after enforcement of the penalty.
ARTICLE 3. Penalty Declined
If a penalty is declined, the number of the next down shall be whatever it would have been if that
foul had not occurred.
ARTICLE 4. Foul Between Downs
If a foul occurs between downs, the number of the next down shall be the same as that established
before the foul occurred, unless enforcement of the penalty leaves the ball beyond the middle or
the penalty mandates a first down.
ARTICLE 5. Fouls by Both Teams
If offsetting fouls occur during a down, the previous down shall be repeated.

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RULE 6 Kicks
SECTION 1. Kicking
ARTICLE 1. Illegal Kick
The runner may not intentionally kick the ball. This foul causes the ball to become dead.
AR 6-1-1-I and II
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S19]

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RULE 7 Snapping and Passing the Ball

SECTION 1. The Scrimmage
ARTICLE 1. Ball Ready for Play
a. No player shall put the ball in play before it is ready for play. [S1]
NOTE: If the ball is snapped after the ball declared ready but before all the officials are ready, any
official shall stop the play immediately without penalty and the Referee will order the down to be
replayed. The Referee shall take care only to declare the ball ready for play if all officials are ready
and in position.
PENALTY - Ball remains dead, 5 yards, enforced from the dead ball spot. [S19]
b. The ball shall be put in play within 25 seconds after the Referee has declared the ball ready for
PENALTY - Ball remains dead, 5 yards, enforced from the dead ball spot. [S21]
ARTICLE 2. Starting with a Snap
After the snapper touches the ball, the snapper may not lift the ball, move it forward or simulate the
start of the snap.
Before the snap, the long axis of the ball shall be at right angles to the scrimmage line.
A legal snap is handing or passing the ball backward from its position on the ground with a quick
and continuous backward motion of the hand or hands that results in losing possession of the ball.
The snap need not be between the snapper’s legs.
PENALTY - Ball remains dead, 5 yards, enforced from the dead ball spot. [S19]
ARTICLE 3. Offensive Team Requirements
There is no minimum number of players on the scrimmage line at the snap.
a. After the snapper touches the ball and before the ball is snapped all offensive players shall be in
bounds behind their scrimmage line (encroachment).
b. The first and each following shift must be completed before the snap starts. AR 7-1-3-I
c. No offensive player shall make a false start or make any abrupt movement that simulates the
beginning of a play.
PENALTY - Ball remains dead, 5 yards, enforced from the dead ball spot. [S19]
d. When the snap starts, one offensive player may be in motion, may not be moving toward the
opponent’s goal line. When the snap starts and 2 or more players are moving, it is an illegal
shift. AR 7-1-3-II
PENALTY - 5 yards, enforced from the scrimmage line. [S19]
e. The quarterback cannot run with the ball beyond the scrimmage line, unless the ball has been
solely possessed by another player and returned to them or touched by a defender while in
f. When the ball is snapped on or inside the 5-yard line going towards the opponent’s end zone
(no-running zone), the offense shall make a forward pass play. If the quarterback or runner gets
deflagged behind the scrimmage line before a forward pass play has been completed, there is
no foul for an illegal run play. AR 7-1-3-III to VII
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the scrimmage line. [S19]
g. The quarterback has 7 seconds to pass or hand-off the ball after the snap. If this limit is
exceeded, the ball becomes dead at the scrimmage line.
PENALTY - Loss of down at the scrimmage line. [S21 + S9]
ARTICLE 4. Defensive Team Requirements
a. Before the ball is snapped all defenders shall be in bounds and behind their scrimmage line
(offside). AR 7-1-4-I
b. After the ball is declared ready for play no defender shall touch the ball until after the snap is

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c. No defender shall use words or signals that disconcert opponents when they are preparing to
put the ball in play.
d. A maximum of 2 players may establish themselves as a blitzer. If a player who signals is less
than 7 yards from the scrimmage line or if a player is giving an invalid signal or if more than 2
players simultaneously keep their hand raised after the snapper has touched the ball, it is a foul
for illegal signal. AR 7-1-4-II to VII
PENALTY - Ball remains dead, 5 yards, enforced from the dead ball spot. [S18]
e. Any defender who has all parts of the body more than 7 yards away from the scrimmage line at
the snap may cross the scrimmage line multiple times until the ball is dead. There is no
requirement for a player requesting right of way to establish as blitzer and any player (> 7 yards)
may rush the quarterback during the play.
f. All defenders less than 7 yards away from their scrimmage line at the snap shall stay behind
their scrimmage line until the ball has been handed off, fake handed off or passed by the
PENALTY - 5 yards, spot of foul is the scrimmage line, enforced from the scrimmage
line. [S18]
ARTICLE 5. Handing the Ball
a. The offense may hand off the ball multiple times as long as both involved players are behind the
scrimmage line, provided the ball has not been carried beyond the scrimmage line and it is prior
to any change of team possession.
b. No snapper shall receive a forward hand-off.
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S19]

SECTION 2. Passes and Fumbles

ARTICLE 1. Backward Pass
A runner may pass the ball backwards provided it has not previously been carried beyond the
scrimmage line and it is prior to any change of team possession. AR 7-2-1-I to IV
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S35]
ARTICLE 2. Complete Pass
Any pass caught by an eligible player touching the ground in bounds is completed and the ball
continues in play unless completed in the opponent’s end zone. AR 7-2-2-I to VII
ARTICLE 3. Incomplete Pass
Any pass is incomplete if the ball touches the ground when not firmly controlled by a player. It also
is incomplete when a player jumps and receives the pass but first lands on or outside a boundary
line. [S10]
When a forward pass is incomplete, the ball belongs to the passing team at the previous
scrimmage line, which is the dead ball spot.
When a backward pass is incomplete, the ball belongs to the passing team at the spot of the last
player’s possession, which is the dead ball spot.
ARTICLE 4. Fumble
When a fumble hits the ground or is touched by a teammate of the runner (fumbler) without being
touched by an opponent before, the ball is dead and belongs to the fumbling team at the spot
where the fumbler lost possession, this is the dead ball spot. If the fumbler or an opponent gains
possession before the ball becomes dead, the ball continues in play. AR 7-2-4-I to II

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ARTICLE 5. Illegal Touching and Batting

a. The passer is only allowed to touch, bat or catch a pass that has been thrown by themselves
after it has been touched by a defender.
b. No offensive player who goes out of bounds voluntarily during a down shall touch a pass in
flight. If an offensive player is forced out of bounds due to a foul and immediately returns to the
field of play or end zone, the player remains eligible to touch or catch a pass.
PENALTY - Loss of down at the scrimmage line. [S19]
c. A backward pass shall not be batted forward by the passing team.
Outside of the above restriction, inbound players are eligible to touch or bat a pass in any
direction. AR 7-2-5-I to III
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S19]

SECTION 3. Forward Pass

ARTICLE 1. Legal Forward Pass
A team may make one forward pass during each scrimmage down before team possession
changes, provided the pass is thrown from a point behind the scrimmage line. AR 7-3-1-I to IV
ARTICLE 2. Illegal Forward Pass
A forward pass is illegal:
a. If thrown by an offensive player who is beyond the scrimmage line when the ball is released.
b. If thrown after a runner has gone beyond the scrimmage line.
c. If it is the second forward pass by the offense during the same down.
d. If thrown after team possession has changed during the down.
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S35]
ARTICLE 3. Pass Interference
Pass interference is physical contact on a legal forward pass play up to the point where the pass is
touched by a player or falls incomplete.
Pass interference is contact that interferes with an opponent whilst the ball is in the air. It is the
responsibility of the defender to avoid the opponents.
It is not pass interference when 2 or more eligible players are making a simultaneous and fair
attempt to touch, bat or catch the pass. Eligible players of either team have equal rights to the ball,
but it is the responsibility of the player in the disadvantageous position to avoid the opponent.
AR 7-3-3-I to III
PENALTY - 10 yards, enforced from the basic spot. Loss of down for fouls by offense. [S33]
Automatic first down for fouls by defense. [S33]
NOTE: Contact on a pass play before the pass has been thrown or if the pass does not cross the
scrimmage line, is a foul for illegal contact (R 9-1-1).

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RULE 8 Scoring
SECTION 1. Value of Scores
ARTICLE 1. Scoring Plays
The point value of scoring plays shall be:
Touchdown 6 points. [S5]
Successful try from 5 yd - 1 point. [S5]
Successful try from 10 yd - 2 points. [S5]
Defense touchdown on a try - 2 points. [S5]
Safety - 2 points (points awarded to opponent). [S6]
Safety on a try - 1 point (point awarded to opponent). [S6]

SECTION 2. Touchdown
ARTICLE 1. How Scored
A touchdown shall be scored when:
a. The ball in possession of a runner advancing from the field of play penetrates the plane of the
opponent’s goal line.
b. A player catches a pass in the opponent’s end zone.

SECTION 3. Try Down

ARTICLE 1. How Scored
The points shall be scored according to the point values if the try results in what would be a
touchdown or safety.
ARTICLE 2. Opportunity to Score
A try is an extra down with the opportunity for either team to score 1 or 2 points.
a. The ball shall be put in play by the team that scored a 6-point touchdown. If a touchdown is
scored during a down in which time expires the try shall be attempted. The scoring team shall
decide to go for 1 or 2 points prior to the ball being declared ready for the try.
b. The try begins when the ball is made ready for play.
c. The snap shall be midway between the side lines on the opponent’s 5-yard line (1 point) or
10-yard line (2 points).
d. The try ends when either team scores or the ball becomes dead by rule.
e. Accepted penalties will require either repeating the try or the try results in a score or the end of
the try. If the try will be repeated after a penalty, it is still worth the same value as before. No
change of decision (1 or 2 points) is possible before the try ends.
AR 8-3-2-I to IV
ARTICLE 3. Next Play
After a try, the ball shall be put in play by the opponent on its own 5-yard line, if no penalty will be

SECTION 4. Safety
ARTICLE 1. How Scored
It is a safety when:
a. The ball becomes dead with any part on or behind the goal line, except for an incomplete pass
or fumble from outside the end zone, and the team defending this goal line is responsible for the
ball being there.
b. An accepted penalty for a foul leaves the ball on or behind the offending team’s goal line.
AR 8-4-1-I to III

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ARTICLE 2. Snap After a Safety

After a safety, the ball shall be put in play by the scoring team at its own 5-yard line.

SECTION 5. Touchback
ARTICLE 1. When Declared
It is a touchback when:
a. The ball becomes dead with any part on or behind the goal line, except for an incomplete pass
or fumble from outside the end zone, and the team attacking this goal line is responsible for the
ball being there.
b. A defender intercepts a pass between the own 5-yard line and their goal line and their original
momentum carries the player into the end zone and the ball remains in the end zone where it
becomes dead.
ARTICLE 2. Snap After a Touchback
After a touchback, the ball shall be put in play by the defending team at its own 5-yard line.

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RULE 9 Conduct of Players

SECTION 1. Contact Fouls
ARTICLE 1. Illegal Contact (IC)
a. No player shall intentionally contact an opponent or an official.
b. No player shall step, jump or stand on another player.
c. No player shall hold another player.
d. All stationary players have the right of place and opponents shall avoid contact.
e. The runner has no right of way and is fully charged with avoiding contact with opponents. If
runner and defender contribute equally to the contact, the foul is by the offense.
f. All offensive players have the right of way as long as a legal forward pass is still possible and
defenders shall avoid contact. When the forward pass is in the air all players have the right to
play the ball, but not by aiming (playing through) an opponent. If receiver and defender
contribute equally to an illegal contact, the foul is by the defense.
g. All blitzers rushing according the rule have the right of way and offensive players shall avoid
NOTE: If there is no contact, it still could be a shield by the offensive player.
h. No player shall commit aiming.
PENALTY - 10 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the basic spot. Automatic first down
for fouls by defense. [S38]
AR 9-1-1-R-I to VIII, AR 9-1-1-B-I to XV
ARTICLE 2. Game Interference
No substitute or coach shall contact or interfere in any way with the ball, a player or an official
during the game.
PENALTY - 10 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the basic spot. Automatic first down
for fouls by defense. [S38]

SECTION 2. Non-Contact Fouls

ARTICLE 1. Unsportsmanlike Acts
a. Use of abusive, threatening or obscene language or gestures, or engaging in such acts that
provoke ill will or are demeaning. AR 9-2-1-I
b. If a player is neither returning the ball to the next spot nor leaving it near the dead ball spot.
c. If a player is neither immediately returning a pulled flag to the opponent nor leaving it near the
spot where it has been pulled. It is preferable for players to return the flag to the opponent.

PENALTY - 10 yards, enforced from the dead ball spot, administered as a dead ball
foul. [S27]
ARTICLE 2. Unfair Acts
a. No player shall shield an opponent.
PENALTY - 5 yards, enforced from the basic spot. [S43]
b. No runner shall commit jumping or diving.
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S51]
c. No runner shall commit flag guarding. AR 9-2-2-I to IX
PENALTY - 5 yards, also loss of down, enforced from the spot of foul. [S52]
d. No player shall pull a flag from an opponent other than the runner, an opponent who simulates
being the runner or when an opponent has touched the ball in flight. AR 9-2-2-X to XV
PENALTY - 5 yards, enforced from the basic spot. [S52]
e. No player shall intentionally kick a pass or a fumble. This foul does not change the status of the
ball, except if a teammate of the fumbler kicks the ball.
PENALTY - 5 yards, enforced from the basic spot. [S19]

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f. Participation by more than 5 players of one team is illegal.

PENALTY - 5 yards, spot of foul is the scrimmage line, enforced from the scrimmage
line. [S22]
g. Coaches and substitutes may not be outside the team area during a down.
PENALTY - 5 yards, spot of foul is the scrimmage line, enforced from the scrimmage
line. [S27]
h. No player wearing illegal equipment or missing mandatory equipment shall be permitted to play.
A player with a bleeding wound shall leave the field. Players shall leave the field immediately
after being ordered to do so by an official.
VIOLATION - Charged timeout for the offending team. [S3] Penalty - 5 yards, if no timeouts
remain. [S21]

SECTION 3. Substitutions
ARTICLE 1. Substitution Procedures
Any number of legal substitutes may enter the game to replace teammates after the ball is dead.
The offense may substitute until the snapper touches the ball. The defense may substitute until the
ball is snapped.
a. After the ball has been snapped, no substitute from either team shall enter the field of play.
PENALTY - 5 yards, spot of foul is the scrimmage line, enforced from the scrimmage
line. [S22]
b. No offensive player shall enter or leave the field of play after the snapper has touched the ball.
c. No simulated replacements or substitutions may be used to confuse opponents. No tactic
associated with substitutes or the substitution process may be used to confuse opponents.
AR 9-3-1-I to II
PENALTY - Ball remains dead, 5 yards, enforced from the scrimmage line. [S22]

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RULE 10 Penalty Enforcement

SECTION 1. General
ARTICLE 1. Flagrant Fouls
A flagrant foul is one which puts an opponent in danger of serious injury or one which is contrary to
the principle of sportsmanship. Flagrant fouls require disqualification. [S47]
Any player or coach who commits two unsportsmanlike acts during the same game shall be
A disqualified player or coach is required to leave the team area and remain out of view of the field.
Further regulations are to be made by the organizer of the tournament or championship.
ARTICLE 2. Unfair Tactics
If a team refuses to play or repeatedly commits fouls that can be penalized only by halving the
distance or commits an obviously unfair act not specifically covered by the rules, the Referee may
take any action considered equitable, including assessing a penalty, disqualifying a player or
coach, ordering a loss of down, awarding a first down to either team, awarding a score or
suspending or forfeiting the game. AR 10-1-2-I to VI
NOTE: The Referee should, but need not, warn the team and inform them that the foul will be
called if they continue to repeat a certain unfair situation.
It needs a lot of experience to find the appropriate judgment for when the Referee should make
use of this rule. Officials should confer prior to any announcement by the Referee in order to
ensure that the action being taken is appropriate.

SECTION 2. Penalties Completed

ARTICLE 1. How and when Completed
a. A penalty is completed when it is accepted, declined or canceled.
b. Any penalty may be declined by a team of the non-offending team, but a disqualified player
must leave the game.
c. When a foul is committed, the penalty shall be completed before the ball is declared ready for
play for the next down.

ARTICLE 2. Simultaneous with Snap

A foul that occurs simultaneously with the snap is considered as occurring during that down. The
spot of foul is the scrimmage line.
ARTICLE 3. Live Ball Fouls by the Same Team
When 2 or more live ball fouls by the same team are reported, the Referee shall explain the
alternative penalties to the non-offending team, which then may elect one of these penalties to be
ARTICLE 4. Offsetting Fouls
If live ball fouls by both teams are reported, the fouls offset and the down is replayed with the
following exceptions:
a. When there is a change of team possession during a down and the team last gaining
possession had not fouled before last gaining possession, it may decline offsetting fouls and
thereby retain possession after completion of the penalty for its foul.
b. When a live ball foul is administered as a dead ball foul it does not offset and is enforced in
order of occurrence.
AR 10-2-4-I to IV
ARTICLE 5. Dead Ball Fouls
Penalties for dead ball fouls are administered separately and in order of occurrence.
Dead ball fouls by both teams simultaneously will offset and the previous down counts. AR 10-2-5-I

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ARTICLE 6. Interval Fouls

Penalties for fouls that occur between periods are enforced from the start of the next series.

SECTION 3. Enforcement Procedures

ARTICLE 1. Basic Spot (BS)
The basic spot is the scrimmage line with the following exceptions:
a. For offense fouls behind the scrimmage line, the basic spot is the spot of foul. AR 10-3-1-a-I to
b. For defense fouls when the dead ball spot is beyond the scrimmage line, the basic spot is the
dead ball spot. AR 10-3-1-b-I to X
c. For fouls after a change of team possession the basic spot will be the dead ball spot. If the foul
is on the last related run from the team ending up in possession and the foul is behind the dead
ball spot, the basic spot is the spot of foul. AR 10-3-1-c-I to VI
d. For fouls after a change of team possession, committed by a team in their own end zone, before
the ball is brought out of this end zone, the enforcement spot is the Touchback spot (own 5-yard
line). AR 10-3-1-d-I to IV
ARTICLE 2. Procedures
The enforcement spot for live ball fouls is the previous scrimmage line if not otherwise stated in the
The enforcement spot for dead ball fouls is the next scrimmage line.
Fouls during or after a touchdown or try:
1. Fouls with a 10 yard penalty by the non-scoring team during a touchdown are enforced on the
try. Other fouls by the non-scoring team are declined by rule.
2. Fouls after a touchdown and before the ball is ready for play on the try are enforced on the try.
3. Fouls with a 10 yard penalty by the non-scoring team during a successful try are enforced on
the next new series. Other fouls by the non-scoring team are declined by rule.
4. Fouls with a 10 yard penalty by the non-scoring team after a change of team possession during
a try will be enforced on the next new series. Other fouls are declined by rule.
5. Fouls after a try are enforced on the next new series.
AR 10-3-2-I to X
ARTICLE 3. Half-Distance Enforcement
No distance penalty, including tries, shall exceed half the distance from the enforcement spot to
the offending team’s goal line. AR 10-3-3-I to II

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Basic Spot Enforcement

The basic spot will be used for: pass interference, illegal contact, game interference, shielding,
illegal flag pull, intentionally kicking a pass
Below are the 6 possible situations with the basic spot marked with a red dot.

Offense fouls – SF related to SL defines BS

1 2 3 4 5 6

direction of play



Defense fouls – DB related to SL defines BS

1 2 3 4 5 6
direction of play




Fouls after COP – SF related to DB defines BS

only for foul during last run from team in possession, in other situations BS is DB
1 2 3 4 5 6
direction of play




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Philosophy of Enforcement

A simplified quick guide (“rules of thumb”) to help to understand the rules.

The exact enforcement shall be done according to rule.

Illegal Contact and Unsportsmanlike Conduct fouls are 10 yards, non-contact fouls are 5 yards.
A loss of down is enforced only with live ball fouls, automatic first downs will be enforced always.

Fouls prior to the snap mean the ball remains dead and will be enforced from the dead ball spot
(scrimmage line).
Illegal snap, delay of game, encroachment, false start, offside, disconcerting signal, illegal
blitzer signal
Technical fouls will be enforced from the scrimmage line.
Delay of pass, illegal touching, illegal motion, illegal blitz, side line interference, illegal
participation, illegal substitution
Fouls which can be committed only by the runner will be spot fouls and include loss of down.
Illegal kick, illegal run, illegal run play, Illegal hand-off, illegal (forward and backward) pass,
jumping, diving, flag guarding, backward pass batted forward by an offensive player
Fouls during the play will be enforced from the basic spot.
Shielding, illegal flag pull, intentionally kicking a pass, pass interference, illegal contact, game
The basic spot will be the worst of the scrimmage line and the spot of foul for offense fouls
and the worst of the scrimmage line and the dead ball spot for defense fouls.
Unsportsmanlike acts will be enforced as dead ball fouls.

Live ball fouls by both teams during the play will offset and the down will be replayed.
Exception: The team last in possession can decline offsetting penalties and keep the ball if it
has not fouled before getting the ball. The foul of the team last in possession will be enforced.
(“clean hands principle”)

Fouls after a change of team possession will be enforced from the dead ball spot. The worst spot
principle between spot of foul and dead ball spot will be used only for fouls during the last run.
Fouls in their own end zone after a change of possession will be enforced from the Touchback

If the distance between enforcement spot and goal line is less than double the penalty, the ball
will be placed halfway to the goal line.

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RULE 11 Officials' Duties

SECTION 1. General Duties
ARTICLE 1. Jurisdiction of Officials
The officials' jurisdiction begins with the coin toss and ends when the Referee declares the score
final. [S14]
ARTICLE 2. Number of Officials
The game shall be played under the supervision of 2 (R and FJ), 3 (R, DJ and FJ) or 4 (R, DJ, FJ
and SJ) officials.
ARTICLE 3. Responsibilities
a. Each official has specific duties as prescribed in the IFAF Flag Football Officials Manual but
each has equal responsibility and jurisdiction in matters of judgment.
b. All officials shall wear a uniform and equipment prescribed in the IFAF Flag Football Officials

SECTION 2. Referee (R)

ARTICLE 1. Position
The initial position of the Referee is behind and to the side of the FJ in the offensive backfield.
On a 2-man crew, the Referee is positioned and working like Down Judge.
ARTICLE 2. Basic Responsibilities
a. The Referee has general oversight and control of the game, has final authority for the score and
their decisions upon rules and other matters pertaining to the game are final.
b. The Referee shall inspect the field and report any irregularities to game management, teams
and other officials.
c. The Referee has jurisdiction over player equipment.
d. The Referee shall indicate that the ball is ready for play, award new series of downs and
administer penalties.
e. The Referee shall notify both teams of any disqualifications.
f. After the snap, the Referee shall be responsible for ruling on the play behind the scrimmage line
around the ball.
The Referee is responsible for coverage of the quarterback.

SECTION 3. Down Judge (DJ)

ARTICLE 1. Position
The initial position of the Down Judge is on the scrimmage line at the side line with the down
ARTICLE 2. Basic Responsibilities
a. The Down Judge is responsible for the operation of the down indicator.
b. The Down Judge shall keep count of the downs.
c. The Down Judge has jurisdiction over the scrimmage line and their side line.
d. Once the ball has crossed the scrimmage line, the Down Judge shall be responsible for ruling
on the play around the ball and forward progress on their side of the field.

SECTION 4. Field Judge (FJ)

ARTICLE 1. Position
The initial position of the Field Judge is 7 yards deep at the side line opposite to the down

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ARTICLE 2. Basic Responsibilities

a. On a 2 or 3-man crew the Field Judge is responsible for timing the game or supervising the
game clock operator.
b. The Field Judge has jurisdiction over their side line.
c. Once the ball has crossed the scrimmage line, the Field Judge shall be responsible for ruling on
the play around the ball and forward progress on their side of the field.

SECTION 5. Side Judge (SJ)

ARTICLE 1. Position
The initial position of the Side Judge is 7 or more yards deep at the side line with the down
ARTICLE 2. Basic Responsibilities
a. The Side Judge is responsible for timing the game or supervising the game clock operator.
b. The Side Judge shall be responsible for observing receivers on deep routes for ruling on long
passes and the status of the ball and forward progress in their area.

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RULE 12 Challenges
SECTION 1. Conference
ARTICLE 1. Requesting a Challenge
Once in each half and once during overtime, a team may take a timeout and immediately request a
conference to challenge a ruling or enforcement. The challenge may be about a ruling during the
previous play or action or enforcement after it. The challenge must be made before the ball is
snapped for the next play and before the Referee declares the end of the half or game.
A challenge may only be made about the misapplication of a rule or incorrect penalty enforcement.
Judgment calls are not challengeable. Another challenge on the same play by either team for the
same reason cannot be requested. AR 12-1-1-I to V
ARTICLE 2. Procedure
After a team has requested a challenge the Referee will call an officials' timeout. The requesting
team explains to the Referee, in the presence of a second official, what exactly they are
challenging and the reason for it. The Referee will decide if the challenge is permitted by rule. The
second official will inform the opposing team about the subject of a permitted challenge and the
relevant members of the officiating crew will meet away from both teams.
The Referee will then explain and discuss the challenged ruling or enforcement with the relevant
officials. The Referee can request more information from the challenging team if needed for a
All involved officials shall provide information carefully and faithfully in order to decide if the
ruling/enforcement on the field was correct or if something was missed by the officials and it should
be changed.
When this decision has been made, the Referee, accompanied by another official, will explain to
the challenging team why the ruling/enforcement has or has not been changed and provide all
relevant information regarding the status of the game (spot, down, time) to them. This information
will then also be given to the opposing team.
ARTICLE 3. Video Review
The challenging team may not attempt to provide videos, photos, audio, witnesses or other
evidence to support the challenge. The Referee must ignore these if offered.
ARTICLE 4. Timeout
a. If the challenge is permitted and the ruling is altered, the requesting team will not be charged
with a timeout and the game will continue.
b. If the challenge is not permitted or the ruling is not altered, the requesting team will be charged
with a timeout and granted the full time allowed for this.
If the team has no timeouts remaining or the game is in overtime, it is a violation and no timeout
will be granted.
VIOLATION - Charged timeout for the requesting team. [S3] Penalty - 5 yards, if no timeouts
remain. [S21]

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Summary of Penalties
LEGEND: “O” refers to officials signal number, “R-S-A” is the rule with section and article number,
“E” refers to the enforcement spot.
Pass interference .................................................................................................. 33 7-3-3 BS
Illegal contact ........................................................................................................ 38 9-1-1 BS
Game interference ................................................................................................ 38 9-1-2 BS
Unsportsmanlike acts ............................................................................................ 27 9-2-1 DB
Illegal kick by runner ............................................................................................. 19 6-1-1 SF
Illegal run, illegal run play ..................................................................................... 19 7-1-3 SL
Illegal hand-off ...................................................................................................... 19 7-1-5 SF
Illegal backward pass ............................................................................................ 35 7-2-1 SF
Backward pass batted forward by passing team .................................................. 19 7-2-5 SF
Illegal forward pass ............................................................................................... 35 7-3-2 SF
Jumping or diving .................................................................................................. 51 9-2-2 SF
Flag guarding ........................................................................................................ 52 9-2-2 SF

Illegal snap ............................................................................................................ 19 7-1-1 DB

Delay of game ....................................................................................................... 21 7-1-1 DB
Illegal snap ............................................................................................................ 19 7-1-2 DB
Encroachment, false start ..................................................................................... 19 7-1-3 DB
Illegal shift, illegal motion ...................................................................................... 19 7-1-3 SL
Offside, disconcerting signals, illegal blitzer signal ............................................... 18 7-1-4 DB
Illegal rush ............................................................................................................. 18 7-1-4 SL
Shielding ............................................................................................................... 43 9-2-2 BS
Illegal flag pull ....................................................................................................... 52 9-2-2 BS
Illegal kicking a pass ............................................................................................. 19 9-2-2 BS
Illegal participation ................................................................................................ 22 9-2-2 SL
Side line interference ............................................................................................ 27 9-2-2 SL
Charged timeout without a timeout left ................................................................. 21 9-2-2 DB
Illegal substitution ................................................................................................. 22 9-3-1 SL
Delay of pass ........................................................................................................ 21 7-1-3 SL
Illegal touching ...................................................................................................... 19 7-2-5 SL
Player with wearing illegal equipment not leaving field .......................................... 3 9-2-2 DB
Player with missing mandatory equipment not leaving field .................................. 3 9-2-2 DB
Player with bleeding wound not leaving field ......................................................... 3 9-2-2 DB
Failed Challenge..................................................................................................... 3 12-1-4 DB

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Official Flag Football Signals

S1 S2 S5 S6

Start the clock


Ready for play Touchdown Safety

Stop the clock
S8 S9 S 10 S 14

First Down Loss of down Incomplete pass End of period

S 18 S 19 S 21 S 22

Offside False start Delay of game Illegal participation

Illegal Blitz Illegal procedure Delay of pass Illegal substitution
S 27 S 33 S 35 S 38

Unsportsmanlike Pass Interference Illegal forward or Illegal contact

conduct backward pass
S 43 S 47 S 51 S 52

Shielding Disqualification Jumping Flag guarding

Diving Illegal flag pull

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A rule interpretation, or approved ruling (AR), is an official decision on a given statement of facts. It
serves to illustrate the spirit and application of the rule.
AR 1-3-1 / Equipment
I. One or more players of a team are using very wide pants or skirts.
RULING: Illegal equipment. This kind of pants or skirts is not necessary for playing. It is obvious
that the players are trying to gain an advantage.
NOTE: If the team is not able to change to a legal equipment the game is forfeited.

II. A player is wearing a flag belt with a long strap hanging freely.
RULING: Illegal equipment. The entire belt, including any excess strap, must be secured tightly.

III. A player has not tucked their jersey into the pants and it hangs over the belt and covers the
socket of the flags.
RULING: Illegal equipment. The entire flags must be uncovered.

IV. A team with red jerseys and white pants are using rainbow colored flags.
RULING: Legal equipment. The flags must be contrasting to the pants not the jersey.
AR 3-1-4 / Tournament Tie Breaker
I. A tournament with 10 teams, all play once against each other. 5 teams (A, B, C, D, E) have
the same percentage after their 9 games, so to make a ranking you look at the percentage just
for their games.
1. A, B and C still have the same percentage, D and E have the same but lower percentage.
So the system will split them into the first group of 3 and second group of 2 which will be
further looked on separately.
2a. A has a net point differential of +6, B and C have -2 for their games just in the group of 3.
So A is first in the tie breaker. The remaining 2 will be further looked on separately.
3a. B and C have played a tie, so there is no decision on points scored.
4a. B has an overall net point differential of +11, C has -5. So B is second, C is third in the tie
2b. D and E have played a tie, so there is no decision on net point differential for their games
just in the group of 2.
3b. D and E have played a tie, so there is no decision on points scored just in the group of 2.
4b. D and E have the same overall net point differential.
5b. D has more points scored overall than E. So D is fourth, E is fifth in the tie breaker.
AR 3-2-4 / Playing Time
I. During the last 2 minutes of a half the clock has been stopped to award a first down.
RULING: Clock will restart on the snap.

II.The pass is incomplete, the ball rolls far away from the field, and no player helps the officials
to get the ball back to the scrimmage line.
RULING: The Referee shall stop the clock at their discretion and the clock will restart on the ready.

III. In a close game with 4 minutes remaining, the leading offense repeatedly and deliberately
commit delay of game fouls in order to consume time.
RULING: The clock will stop for the penalty and restart on the next snap by rule.

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IV. In a close game with less than 2 minutes remaining and the offense trailing, an offensive
player who is beyond the neutral zone throws a pass out of bounds, to the ground or to a
teammate, in order to conserve time.
RULING: Penalty – Five yards from the spot of the foul and loss of down for illegal pass. The clock
will be ordered to start on the ready-for-play signal.
AR 3-2-6 / Running Clock
I. In a decided game (more than 30 points at the Referee’s notification) with 1 minute remaining
and a running clock, an injured player is unable to leave the field.
RULING: The clock will stop for the injury timeout and restart on the next snap by rule.
NOTE: Same applies if a charged timeout is taken.

II.In a decided game (more than 30 points at the Referee’s notification) with 1 minute remaining
and a running clock, one team commits a foul.
RULING: The clock will not stop for the penalty.
AR 3-3-4 / Length of Timeouts
I. With 12 seconds remaining in the game the trailing offense completes a pass at the 4-yd line
and calls for a timeout to stop the clock at 6 seconds. The offense captain informs the Referee
that they want to continue the game without using the full length of the timeout.
RULING: The Referee asks the defensive captain if they are happy to shorten the timeout. If they
agree, the Referee informs both teams that they will declare the ball ready, after 5 seconds
they do so.
NOTE: If the defensive captain disagrees the full 60 second timeout will be granted.
AR 3-3-5 / Referees Notification
I. The ball becomes dead at the end of a play and the game clock runs down to 2 minutes before
the Referee can declare the ball ready for play.
RULING: The official with the game clock will stop the clock at 2 minutes and the Referee will
inform both teams about the remaining time in the half. The clock will start on the snap by rule.
NOTE: The same process will happen if the ball is ready (the ball is dead) but the offense does not
snap the ball before the time is down to 2 minutes.

II. The ball becomes dead at the end of a play and the game clock is under 2 minutes.
RULING: The official with the game clock will stop the clock immediately and the Referee will
inform both teams about the exact remaining time in the half. The clock will start on the snap
by rule.
AR 4-1-2 / Live Ball becomes Dead
I. A runner stumbles and, in order to regain their balance, places their hand on the ground or
pushes off the ground using the ball, whilst maintaining possession of it. They then continue
their run.
RULING: The play continues, none of the requirements from R 4-1-2 to make the ball dead are
NOTE: If the runner loses control of the ball on contact with the ground, it will be a fumble and the
ball is dead. (R 4-1-2-e)

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II.A receiver loses one flag at the start of the play, continues their route, completes the catch and
make some more yards before a defender is able to pull the remaining flag.
RULING: The pass is complete, but the ball is dead with the catch. (R 4-1-2-g) The yards after the
catch will not count and the defense does not need to pull any flag. It will be the same ruling if
the receiver loses both flags before the catch.
NOTE: There is no difference in the ruling if the receiver loses one flag by accident alone or if the
flag is illegally pulled by a defender. The ball is dead when caught by a player who doesn’t
have both flags. If the receiver is able to pick up the flag and attach it compliant to the rule
before the pass is completed, the ball remains alive and play continues.
AR 5-1-1 / New Series
I. 2 & middle at Os 19-yd line, the run is stopped at the middle line. The ball is spotted with its
nose reaching 1 inch into the 4 inch wide middle line.
RULING: No first down. The middle of the field of play is the middle of the middle line. Should the
ball reach 3 inches into the middle line, it would be a first down.

II. 1 & goal at Ds 19-yd line, the quarterback gets sacked at Os 23-yd line.
RULING: 2 & goal at Os 23-yd line, no new first down possible.
Next play: Team A completes a pass at Ds 13-yd line.
RULING: 3 & goal at Ds 13-yd line, no new series will be awarded.
AR 6-1-1 / Illegal Kick
I. 2 & middle at Os 9-yd line, the quarterback kicks the ball (punt) from the 4-yd line to avoid a
RULING: Penalty for illegal kick by runner, enforced from SF. The ball becomes dead. Next play
3 & middle at Os 2-yd line.
NOTE: If it would have been a 4 & middle, the series ends by loss of down. Next play 1 & middle
for the opponent at the 5-yd line.

II.2 & middle at Os 9-yd line, the forward pass is kicked by a receiver to avoid an interception,
the ball falls incomplete.
RULING: Penalty for illegal kicking a pass (R 9-2-1-e), that is another foul. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 4-yd line.
NOTE: Same applies if a defender kicks a ball in flight.
AR 7-1-3 / Illegal Plays
I. After the ball is ready, the offense sets in a formation (first shift), after 3 seconds they shift to
different formation and immediately snap the ball.
RULING: Penalty for illegal shift, the whistle shall be blown at the snap and the ball remains dead.

II.After the ball is ready, the offense sets in a formation (first shift), after 3 seconds the receiver
on the right side starts a motion towards the quarterback, makes a circle around them and
continues moving towards the right side line, parallel to the scrimmage line, as the ball is
RULING: No foul, legal motion.

III. 2 & middle at Os 24.5-yd line, the quarterback, who is under center, makes a step forward and
stretch the ball over the middle before being deflagged.
RULING: No First Down. Penalty for illegal run. Next play 3 & middle at Os 19.5-yd line.
NOTE: Same ruling applies at the goal line. Technically it would be an illegal run play in the
no-running zone too.

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IV. 2 & middle at Os 19-yd line, the quarterback rolls out, steps just beyond the scrimmage line
and get deflagged by a defender who was positioned less than 7 yd from the scrimmage line
at the snap. The quarterback then throws a pass.
RULING: Penalty for illegal run. No foul for illegal pass, the ball was dead prior to the pass being
thrown. When the quarterback has crossed the scrimmage line (R 2-3-2) all defenders have
the right to pull the flag of the runner. Next play 3 & middle at Os 14-yd line.
NOTE: No foul for illegal blitz if the defender technically crosses the scrimmage line whilst
attempting the flag pull, even if the quarterback retreats behind the scrimmage line before
being deflagged.

V. 2 & goal at Ds 4-yd line, the quarterback throws a pass which is completed at Ds 5-yd line and
advanced into the end zone.
RULING: Penalty for illegal run play. A forward pass has to cross the scrimmage line to be
considered as a forward pass play (R 2-3-3). Next play 3 & goal at Ds 9-yd line (outside the
no-running zone), no forward pass play needed.

VI. 2 & goal at Ds 4-yd line, the quarterback throws a pass which is deflected by a defender
behind the scrimmage line. The quarterback catches the ball and runs into the end zone.
RULING: Touchdown. No illegal run. A pass touched by the defense is considered as a forward
pass play (R 2-3-3).

VII. 2 & goal at Ds 8-yd line, the quarterback throws a pass which is deflected by a receiver behind
the scrimmage line or bounces the ball off the snappers back. The quarterback catches the
ball fakes a pass play and afterwards runs into the end zone.
RULING: No touchdown, penalties for illegal run (R 7-1-3-e) and illegal touching (R 7-2-5-a) by the
quarterback. Next play 3 & goal at Ds 13-yd line (or 3 & goal at Ds 8-yd line).
NOTE: If this play were to take place in the no-running zone then it would also be a foul for failing
to execute a forward pass play.
AR 7-1-4 / Offside and Blitzer
I. A defender reacts to the snap count of the quarterback and jumps over the scrimmage line.
RULING: Ball remains dead. Penalty for offside as a dead ball foul.
NOTE: Should the defender contacts an opponent with impact (receiver is displaced from the
stationary position), the foul will be for illegal contact additionally enforced.

II.A defender, positioned 7 yd away from the scrimmage line raises a hand for a split second or
raises a hand just at shoulder level.
RULING: Penalty for invalid (illegal) signal, the whistle shall be blown and the ball remains dead.
NOTE: Inform the player before the next down to give a clear signal to get the ROW next time.

III. 3 or more blitzers are giving simultaneously a clear signal for getting the ROW.
RULING: Penalty for illegal blitzer signal, the whistle shall be blown and the ball remains dead.

IV. 2 blitzers are giving simultaneously a clear signal for getting the ROW. Before the snap one of
them drops the hand and afterwards another defender, positioned 7 yd away from the
scrimmage line, raises a hand for a clear signal and holds it through the last second before the
RULING: No foul for illegal blitzer signal. The 2 blitzers last giving the signal get the ROW.

V. A defender (#46), positioned 6 yd from the scrimmage line, raises a hand for a blitzer signal.
RULING: Penalty for illegal blitzer signal, the whistle shall be blown and the ball remains dead.
NOTE: The FJ should make every attempt to inform the player before the foul with: “Number 46
you are not 7 yd away from scrimmage line.” Should the player adjust to a legal blitzing
position prior to the snap than there is no foul.

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VI. A defender (#46), positioned 7.5 yd from the scrimmage line, raises a hand for a blitzer signal.
The player mistakenly anticipates the snap and is 6 yards from the scrimmage line with the
raised hand when the ball is snapped.
RULING: Penalty for illegal blitzer signal, the whistle shall be blown and the ball remains dead.
NOTE: If #46 drop the hand and start the blitz from 6 yd, it will be an illegal blitz as a live ball foul. If
#46 drop the hand and does not cross the scrimmage line, then play continues with no foul.

VII. A defender, positioned 10 yd from the scrimmage line, raises a hand for a blitzer signal. The
player starts running towards the SL anticipating the snap and is 7.5 yards from the
scrimmage line with the raised hand when the ball is snapped and continuous a blitz.
RULING: No foul, the blitzer has ROW.
NOTE: If the blitzer drops his hand during their run before the snap, they can still legally blitz
without ROW.
AR 7-2-1 / Backward Pass
I. 2 & middle at Os 3-yd line. The quarterback throws a backward pass from inside their own end
zone out of bounds to avoid a sack.
RULING: No foul, but it is a safety. The ball belongs to the offense at the spot of the last
possession which is in the end zone.
NOTE: It is also a safety if this backward pass or fumble falls incomplete in the end zone.

II.2 & middle at Os 3-yd line. The quarterback throws a backward pass from the 1-yd line out of
bounds or to the ground in the end zone to avoid a sack.
RULING: No safety, no foul. Next play 3 & middle at the 1-yd line.
NOTE: On an incomplete forward pass it would be a similar ruling. Next play 3 & middle at the 3-yd

III. 2 & middle at Os 3-yd line. The ball is snapped over the head of the quarterback and falls
incomplete in the end zone or out of bounds.
RULING: No safety. Next play 3 & middle at Os 3-yd line.

IV. 4 & goal at Ds 3-yd line. The ball is snapped high and the quarterback bats the ball forward to
avoid an incomplete pass and the end of the series. The snapper is able to catches the ball
and advances into the end zone.
RULING: Foul for illegal batting by offense (R 7-2-5-c), no score, series ends by loss of down.
AR 7-2-2 / Complete Pass
I. Two opposing players gain control of a pass while both are off the ground, and both players
return simultaneously to the ground in bounds.
RULING: Simultaneous catch, the ball is awarded to the passing team (R 2-10-3).
NOTE: If opposing players do not return to the ground simultaneously, the player first touching the
ground in bounds with possession is awarded the completion.

II.An airborne player receives a pass, grasps the ball firmly and while returning to the ground in
bounds, the nose of the football touches the ground. The player retains firm control of the ball
and the ball does not come loose.
RULING: Completed pass.
NOTE: If the player loses control of the ball it is an incomplete pass. An airborne receiver must
maintain control of the ball throughout the process of going to the ground.

III. An airborne player receives a pass, grasps the ball firmly and the player’s body, but not the
ball, touches the ground in bounds. Immediately upon hitting the ground, the ball comes loose
and in a second effort the receiver still being in bounds regains control of the ball, prior to it
touching the ground.
RULING: Completed pass.

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IV. A receiver reaches for the ball but is not able to catch it with their hands. Before the ball hits
the ground, the receiver clamps the ball between their knees and then goes to the ground
without losing the ball.
RULING: Completed pass. The rule does not specify how the ball must be controlled for a catch.

V. A receiver catches a pass in the air and before returning to the ground is contacted by an
opponent which causes the ball to come loose and the ball subsequently hit the ground.
RULING: Incomplete pass and penalty for illegal contact. The pass was not completed (R 2-10-3)
and the foul occurred while the ball was in the air. But the contact occurred after the ball had
been touched so it is not pass interference.

VI. A receiver on the right side of the field gets contacted by a defender before the ball has been
thrown by the quarterback. The pass falls incomplete on the left side of the field.
RULING: Illegal contact by the defense. It is a foul to contact an opponent whether the ball is
thrown towards that player or not.

VII. A receiver controls the ball in the air and, while still airborne, throws the ball backwards to
another receiver. The second receiver advances the ball for further yardage.
RULING: Legal play. The pass was first controlled but not completed and the status of the ball
remain as the initial pass (R 2-9-2). The pass is completed with the second catch and the
contact with the ground (R 2-10-3).
NOTE: It would be the same ruling if the pass is just touched or batted and the ball went either
forward or backward. If the receiver was contacting the ground when the pass was controlled,
it would be a completed catch and a foul for an illegal backward pass.
AR 7-2-4 / Fumble
I. 2 & middle at Os 13-yd line. The runner loses control of the ball (fumble) at Os 20-yd line and
the ball hits the ground at Os 16-yd line.
RULING: Ball is dead when it hits the ground, no foul. Next play 3 & middle at Os 20-yd line.
NOTE: It would be the same ruling if the ball hits the ground at Os 24-yd line (forward fumble) or if
a teammate of the fumbler catches the ball.

II.With less than 2 minutes on the clock, the runner drops the ball to the ground intentionally to
stop the clock before getting deflagged.
RULING: The clock will stop as the drop is considered as pass (R 2-9-2). If the drop happens
behind the scrimmage line it will be no foul, just as spiking the ball or incomplete pass. If the
drop happens beyond the scrimmage line it will be a penalty for illegal pass. Clock will restart
on the next snap by rule.
AR 7-2-5 / Illegal Touching and batting
I. 2 & goal at Ds 20-yd line. The quarterback throws a forward pass towards a receiver at Ds
10-yd line, rather than attempt to catch the pass the receiver bats the ball forward towards
another receiver who catches the ball in the end zone.
RULING: Legal play. Touchdown.

II.2 & goal at Ds 20-yd line. Prior to the snap a receiver goes in motion towards the snapper, the
quarterback at the 24-yd line is not able to handle the snap and, instead of handing the ball
forward to the receiver, bats the ball to them. The receiver catches the ball and advance into
the end zone.
RULING: Foul for Illegal batting by offense at the 24-yd line. The snap is a backward pass and may
not be batted forward. Next play 3 & goal at Os 21-yd line.
NOTE: Technically the receiver is the quarterback, because they are the first player in possession
of the ball. Therefore we have an illegal run too. Next play would be 3 & goal at Ds 25-yd line,
what will obviously be declined to choose the other penalty.

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III. 2 & goal at Ds 20-yd line. The quarterback throws a backward pass to a receiver at Ds 22-yd
line, who instead of catching the ball chooses to bat the ball forward to a receiver that catches
the ball at Ds 19-yd line and advances into the end zone.
RULING: Foul for Illegal batting by offense at the 22-yd line. Next play 3 & goal at Os 23-yd line.
AR 7-3-1 / Forward Pass
I. 2 & middle at Os 3-yd line. The quarterback throws a forward pass from the own end zone to
the ground to avoid a sack.
RULING: No foul, there is no intentional grounding in Flag Football. Next play 3 & middle at Os
3-yd line.

II.2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws a high forward pass from behind the
scrimmage line and catches their own pass for a 10 yd completion.
RULING: Penalty for illegal touching, the quarterback can catch the own pass only after a defender
has touched it (R 7-2-5-a). Next play 3 & middle at Os 7-yd line.

III. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws a forward pass from behind the scrimmage
line, the ball is deflected by a defender and returns to the quarterback’s hands.
RULING: No foul for illegal touching, the quarterback can advance the ball (R 7-2-5-a).

IV. 2 & middle at Os 15-yd line. The quarterback scrambles to avoid the blitzer, runs to Os 17-yd
line and throws a complete pass to Os 23-yd line.
RULING: Penalties for illegal run (R 7-1-3-e) and illegal forward pass (R 7-3-2-a). Next play
3 & middle at Os 10-yd line (or 3 & middle at Os 12-yd line).
AR 7-3-3 / Pass Interference
I. After the snap the quarterback rolls to the right and the snapper runs a route to the right. The
receiver from the right side moves into the way of the defender who is covering the snapper.
The defender has to run around the receiver to avoid contact and the snapper is open to
receive the pass.
RULING: Penalty for shielding by offense. It is not a pass interference because the ball is not in the
air. If there was contact between receiver and defender, it would be aiming by offense.
NOTE: If the receiver is standing still then the defender has to avoid contact, because the ROP of
the receiver supersedes any ROW.

II.Two receivers are positioned to the right of the formation, the outside receiver goes in an
angle inside, the inside receiver goes to the outside and then downfield (wheel route). The
defenders in individual coverage collide as they are crossing to cover their respective receiver.
RULING: No foul, the offense is not responsible for the actions of the defenders.
NOTE: If the outside receiver is crossing the running lane of the inside defender in order to
obstruct them in their coverage, it will be a foul for shielding. This is a very tough call and it
requires experience to judge this.

III. A receiver is running straight at the defender. Immediately in front of them the receiver cuts to
the outside and pushes themselves slightly off. The defender keeps their balance but cannot
close the gap to the receiver before the catch is made, after the completion they pull the flag.
RULING: Offense pass interference (or illegal contact). There is contact with impact by the receiver
before the pass is throw. The impact is not on the defender, it is on themselves to accelerate
and gain extra separation from the defender.
AR 8-3-2 / Penalty on a Try
I. On a 1-point try there is an accepted penalty and the try will be repeated from the 10-yd line.
RULING: The offense may make a pass or run play for 1 point.

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II. On a 1-point try there is an accepted penalty and the try will be repeated from the 2.5-yd line.
RULING: The offense may make only a forward pass play for 1 point.

III. On a 2-point try there is an accepted penalty and the try will be repeated from the 5-yd line.
RULING: The offense may make only a forward pass play for 2 points.

IV. During a try the runner commits a flag guarding at the 3-yd line and then scores.
RULING: Penalty for flag guarding with LOD. No score and the try is over.
AR 8-4-1 / Safety
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. A blitzer grabs the pants of the quarterback in the end zone which
causes them to momentarily lose balance. The quarterback then throws an incomplete forward
RULING: Penalty for illegal contact (holding) enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 1 & middle at
Os 17-yd line.

II.2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback in the end zone holds the ball in front of the flag
as the defender tries to pull it. The defender misses the flag and then the quarterback throws a
complete pass for a 14 yd gain.
RULING: Penalty for flag guarding will be enforced from the SF which is in the end zone, resulting
in a safety.

III. 3 & goal at Ds 21-yd line. A defender intercepts the ball on Ds 7-yd line and their momentum
carries them into their own end zone. An offensive player deflags the defender in the end
RULING: Safety, because the momentum rule will only apply if the ball is intercepted inside the
5-yd line (R 8-5-1-b).
AR 9-1-1-R / Right of Place, Right of Way
I. A defender lines up close to the scrimmage line directly in front of a receiver (individual
RULING: The receiver must avoid contact for the first few steps because the defender has ROP. If
the defender starts to move they will lose ROP and must avoid contact with the receiver and
give room for the pass route.

II.A defender lines up close to the scrimmage line directly in front of a receiver. At the snap the
defender moves immediately inside and collides with the receiver who is also going towards
the middle.
RULING: Illegal contact foul by the defense. Once the defender moves the ROP is lost and they
are charged with avoiding contact. The receiver has to avoid the place where the defender
stands at the snap, but they cannot anticipate in which direction the defender will move.

III. A defender lines up close to the scrimmage line directly in front of a receiver and stretches
their arms sideways to shield the receiver. After the snap the defender does not move and the
receiver, in trying to run around the defender, contacts an arm of the defender.
RULING: Aiming by the defender. Even with ROP the defender shall not to seek contact with an
unnecessary act.
NOTE: The same ruling will apply to a snapper who is shielding a blitzer by stretching the arms

IV. A defender is in zone coverage and looking at the quarterback when an offense receiver runs
across the field and intentionally hits the defender from behind.
RULING: Aiming by the offense. Even with ROW, a player is not allowed to aim and hit an
opponent. (R 9-1-1)

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V. A defender is squeezing the runner towards the side line. The runner tries to stay in bounds by
keeping the lane to gain a first down, rather than going out of bounds. The defender does not
slow down as they try to pull the flag and as a result both players collide.
RULING: Illegal contact by the runner, not aiming because the runners target was the gap. The
defender is not obligated to slow down and give the runner room, they are legitimate to aim the
earliest possible point for a flag pull. The runner is in control of the play, has no ROW and
must show their intention to avoid contact. If the runner miscalculates the defenders expected
route, it’s their fault.
NOTE: If the runner has stopped and afterwards (1 sec) the defender runs into the runner with
contact, it will be an Aiming foul by defense.

VI. Two defenders squeeze the runner between them. The runner tries to hit the gap between the
defenders and contacts one or both defenders.
RULING: Illegal contact by the runner, not aiming because the runners target was the gap. The
runner must avoid contact even when this stops the forward progress.

VII. A defender running towards the runner slips and falls right in the front of the runner. The
runner jumps over the defender in order to avoid contact. The defender still tries to reach the
flag for a pull but misses it and the runner continues the run.
RULING: Jumping by the runner. A runner is charged with avoiding contact with a defender, even if
that means running around a player on the ground to avoid committing another foul.

VIII. A receiver makes a catch standing with their back to the defender who closes in to attempt a
flag pull and stops, establishing ROP due to now being stationary. After the catch the receiver
turns around on the spot and in the act of making the turn, the receiver contacts the defender.
The receiver then runs away from the defender and after gaining some extra yardage the
receiver is deflagged.
RULING: No foul for illegal contact. The receiver does not lose ROP by turning. (R 2-13-1)
NOTE: An extra movement by the receiver (or the defender) which caused contact to be initiated
would result in a foul for illegal contact.
AR 9-1-1-B / Blitzer
I. A blitzer is running quickly towards the quarterback and a receiver running a route has to alter
direction to avoid the blitzer.
RULING: No foul. A receiver has to give the blitzer the superseding ROW. If another defender who
had not made a valid signal to gain ROW was rushing, it would have been a foul against the
defender for shielding.

II.A blitzer is running quickly towards the quarterback and a receiver running a route shields or
contacts the blitzer.
RULING: Penalty for shielding or illegal contact against the offense. All receivers must avoid the
blitzers' rushing lane(s).

III. A blitzer is running slowly towards the quarterback and a receiver running a route is shielded.
RULING: Penalty for shielding against the defender. A blitzer has the ROW only if rushing quickly
(R 2-2-6) and the receivers have the chance to calculate the blitzers' rushing lane(s).

IV. A blitzer is rushing towards the quarterback and as the quarterback starts to roll out the blitzer
changes direction.
RULING: The blitzer loses ROW when changing direction and must take care not to shield a
receiver thereafter.

V. A blitzer contacts the snapper, who has remained stationary since the snap.
RULING: Penalty for aiming against the defender. ROP of the snapper is worth more than the
ROW of the blitzer (R 2-13-2).

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VI. A blitzer lines up directly opposite the snapper and after the snap rushes straight towards the
quarterback. The snapper remains stationary using the ROP and the blitzer changes direction
to avoid contact. Immediately afterwards the snapper starts running a pass route right in front
of the blitzer and both collide.
RULING: Penalty for aiming on offense against the offense. The blitzer loses ROW when changing
direction, but this will not give the snapper the right to provoke a collision.

VII. A blitzer is rushing towards the scrimmage line but stops before crossing it.
RULING: No foul. The blitzer does not have to cross the scrimmage line, but loses ROW by
stopping and will have to avoid the offensive players thereafter.

VIII. A receiver is crossing the lane of the blitzer. The blitzer tries to avoid contact but still runs into
the receiver.
RULING: Penalty for illegal contact against the offense.

IX. A receiver is crossing the lane of the blitzer. The blitzer does not try to avoid contact and runs
into the receiver.
RULING: Penalty for shielding against the offense and penalty for aiming against the defense. The
fouls offset and the down will be repeated.

X. A receiver is crossing the blitzers lane without shielding. The blitzer hits the receiver with an
extended arm as they pass.
RULING: Aiming by the blitzer. Even with the ROW the blitzer may not initiate contact.

XI. The blitzer stops in front of the quarterback after the ball has been released and touches the
quarterback with the hands at the hip.
RULING: No foul for the touch, because contact has to have an impact.

XII. The blitzer stops in front of the quarterback after the ball has been released and pushes the
quarterback with the hands at the hip such that the quarterback must take 2 steps to regain
RULING: Penalty for illegal contact defense.

XIII. The blitzer stops in front of the quarterback as the ball is released. The natural throwing
movement with a step forward brings the quarterback into contact with the blitzer.
RULING: No fouls for the contact as both players are standing and have the ROP in the meaning
of R 2-13-1.

XIV.The blitzer jumps straight up in the air as the quarterback releases the ball. The quarterback
takes 3 steps forward after releasing the ball and contacts the blitzer.
RULING: Penalty for illegal contact offense. The blitzer has ROP despite the jump and the
quarterback’s actions mean that they are responsible for the contact. If the momentum of the
jump had carried the blitzer into the quarterback then the foul would have been against the

XV. As the quarterback starts to release the ball, the blitzer jumps forward in an attempt to deflect
it and hits the ball or arm prior to leaving the quarterback’s hand.
RULING: Penalty for aiming, because the point of attack was a ball in possession of a runner
(R 9-1-1).

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AR 9-2-1 / Unsportsmanlike Acts

I. The quarterback throws an interception and a defender runs back for an easy touchdown.
Before crossing the goal line the defender taunts the quarterback using words or gestures.
RULING: Touchdown. Penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. The penalty will be enforced on the
try. Next play 1-point try from 15-yd line or 2-point try from 20-yd line.
AR 9-2-2 / Flag Pulling
I. A runner is waving their hands near their hips as a close defender attempts a flag pull. There
is no contact but the defender misses the flag.
RULING: Penalty for flag guarding. A hand (or ball) in front of the flag restricts access and creates
a disadvantage, even without contact.
NOTE: The enforcement (5 yd + LOD) will be from the SF. Example: 2 & goal at Ds 18-yd line, flag
guarding at Ds 10-yd line. Next play 3 & goal at Ds 15-yd line.

II.A runner is waving their hands near their hips as a far off defender dives towards them in a
desperate attempt to make a flag pull. There is no contact and the defender misses the flag by
a distance.
RULING: No foul. There has to be a serious attempt at a flag pull to make the action of the runner
to a foul. Diving and jumping by a defender are legal.

III. A runner is running straight towards a defender and before they meet the runner bends the
upper body forward.
RULING: Offense penalty for diving (R 2-12-2). The defender has to avoid the head and body of
the runner and the runner's actions in this instance restrict access to the runner’s flags and
create a disadvantage, regardless of contact.

IV. A runner is running straight towards a defender and extends the ball forward to gain extra
yardage before being deflagged.
RULING: Penalty for flag guarding. The defender must avoid contact with the ball in players
possession and the runner's actions in this instance restrict access to the runner’s flags and
create a disadvantage, regardless of contact.

V. A runner is chased by a defender and before getting caught the runner extends the ball
forward to gain extra yardage before being deflagged.
RULING: No foul. As the flag pull is from behind the extension of the ball does not obstruct the

VI. A runner is spinning to avoid a flag pull from a defender. During the spin the defender is
contacted by the runner’s elbow.
RULING: Illegal contact by the runner. The spin by the runner, although not illegal in itself, means
that the runner is responsible for the contact.
NOTE: The same ruling apply if a runner cause contact by dipping.

VII. A runner is dipping to avoid a flag pull from a defender with the ball held with both hands in
front of the chest and the elbows stretched sideways. The defender reaches down to pull the
flag but hits the arm of the runner which is in front of the flag due to the dip.
RULING: Flag guarding by the runner. The dip by the runner, although not illegal in itself, means
that the runner is responsible for restricting access to the flag.

VIII. A runner stops and jumps upward with a spin in order to avoid a flag pull from a defender.
RULING: Jumping by the runner. The jump by the runner restricts access to the runner’s flags by
raising their level.

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IX. A runner stops and jumps sideways (or backward) with (or without) a spin to avoid a flag pull
from a defender.
RULING: No foul. A jump in any direction without significant changing the level of the flags is legal.
NOTE: To lower the flags (dipping) is legal too.

X. A runner is moving along the side line towards the corner of the end zone. The defender tries
to squeeze the runner out of bounds by a fast and steady closing of the gap to the side line but
makes no attempt at a flag pull. The runner jumps toward the goal line and, even after contact
with the defender at the 1-yd-line, is able to touch the pylon with the ball before then touching
the ground out of bounds.
RULING: It would be a touchdown, but obviously the penalty for illegal contact (aiming) by the
runner will be enforced from the SL, no score.
As long as the defender acts predictable the runner has to anticipate the defender’s action.
There is no foul for diving/jumping as there is no attempt at a flag pull.
NOTE: It would be a second foul for diving (with jumping), if the defender makes an attempt for a
flag pull. The defense could choose to accept either of the penalties (same penalty, same

XI. A runner is moving along the side line towards the corner of the end zone. The defender
comes slowly toward the runner parallel to the side line with a distance of 2 yards to it. The
runner tries to sneak through the gap past the defender. At the last moment the defender
suddenly steps into the lane of the runner and both collide.
RULING: Penalty for aiming by the defender. The runner cannot anticipate the last move of the
defender and has no chance to avoid contact, the defender has to play in a predictable way.
NOTE: If there are actions by both players and there is doubt as to who is responsible, it is a foul
by the offense.

XII. A blitzer pulls the flag of the quarterback a split second after the ball has been thrown. The
blitzer keeps the flag and starts to move toward the receiver in order to help to stop the play.
RULING: No foul for illegal flag pull as the defense has the right to make a serious attempt.
However penalty for an unsportsmanlike act for keeping the flag. The blitzer has to hand over
the flag immediately or put it on the ground before starting to run towards the receiver.

XIII. After the quarterback has thrown the ball backwards to a teammate, the blitzer continues to
rush and pulls the flag of the quarterback.
RULING: Penalty for illegal flag pull. This prevents the quarterback from running with the ball
should the ball be thrown back later on a trick play.
NOTE: If the pass crosses the scrimmage line then there would be no legal way for the
quarterback to regain possession, therefore no foul for illegal flag pull should be called. But it
could be an unsportsmanlike act provided the blitzer provokes the quarterback with the late
flag pull.

XIV.The defender pulls the flag right at the moment the receiver touches the ball. The receiver
muffs the ball and makes the completion at the second attempt.
RULING: No foul for illegal flag pull. The defender may anticipate the completion that would turn
the receiver into a runner and need not to wait for the catch to be complete.
NOTE: In this case the runner may not advance the ball because it is dead if a runner has fewer
than 2 flags. (R 4-1-2-g) Even when there is an illegal flag pull (before the touching of the ball),
the runner may not advance the ball after the catch but will gain extra yards by penalty.

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XV. After the snap, the quarterback fakes a hand off to another offensive player who simulates
having possession of the ball. The blitzer changes direction and pulls a flag from the player
simulating being a runner. The quarterback then throws a pass to the simulated runner. The
pass is caught and the runner advances to the end zone.
RULING: No foul for illegal flag pull as the blitzer has the right to deflag a simulated runner
(R 9-2-2-d). The ball is dead where the pass is caught because the runner has fewer than 2
flags (R 4-1-2-g).
AR 9-3-1 / Substitutions
I. The ball is ready for play and the offense is in a legal formation when the player usually
playing quarterback comes towards the side line, apparently to confer with their coach, but
stops in the field of play facing their side line. The snapper then touches the ball and snaps the
ball to a player usually playing running back who throws a legal forward pass to the player at
the side line who has gone downfield after the snap for a touchdown.
RULING: Ball remains dead, penalty for unfair tactics associated with the substitution process.
Penalize 5 yards or 10 yards from the SL and replay the down. Once the player heads towards
the side line it is legitimate for the defense to expect that the substitution process has started
and the snap is not imminent.
NOTE: Should the player clearly demonstrate that the substitution process has stopped (by taking
a position as receiver being set for one second) there would be no foul. Neither would it be a
foul if the action happens after the snapper has touched the ball, because there are no
substitutions allowed after the snapper has touched the ball (R 7-1-3-a) and the defense
should not expect a substitution.
II. The ball is ready for play and the offense is in a legal formation when one player leaves the
field into the team area. After a while another player sneaks onto the field while appearing to
be talking to a coach, such that the defense do not recognize the substitution. The snapper
then touches the ball and snap it quickly. The quarterback throws a deep pass to the
unrecognized player.
RULING: Penalty for unfair tactics. 10 yards from the SL and replay the down. The offense may not
use the substitution process to “hide” a player, that legitimate the Referee to see it as unfair
AR 10-1-2 / Unfair tactics
I. A runner is sprinting along the side line for the winning score, the defenders are far away. A
substitute player comes to the side line and pulls a flag of the runner.
RULING: The play is dead where the runner get deflaged, but the Referee should award the score
that was only prevented by the unfair act. The next play is the try after enforcing the penalty.
The player shall be disqualified.
NOTE: If this happens near the middle, the adequate ruling could be a first down somewhere
beyond the middle but still could be a score too.

II.The defense commits repeated offside fouls before the snap to consume time and getting
closer to the Referees notification (2 min warning) to keep the lead in the game.
RULING: The Referee should stop the clock and inform the team that they will see it as unfair
tactic and will only start the clock on a legal snap.
NOTE: The same apply if the offense repetitively commits fouls to consume time. If they will not
stop, the Referee can order a loss of down or award a first down to the defense too.

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III. The defense repeatedly commits illegal blitzes from 1-yard away from SL to sack the QB
immediately or intercept the snap.
RULING: Penalty for illegal blitz, but no unfair tactic. The offense is able to gain ground each time
by declining the penalty on a successful play or at least the 5 yd penalty.
NOTE: If this happens near the goal line and the penalties will be enforced by half the distance,
then this will be an unfair tactic.

IV. 2 & middle at Os 21-yd line (less than 5 yards to the middle). A defensive player goes offside
immediately after the snapper has touched the ball in order to force the offense into a 1 & goal
situation from Bs 24-yd line.
RULING: Unfair tactics by the defense, penalize with 10 yards. There is no possibility of an error by
the player, so an intentional foul to gain an advantage must be assumed. The offense may
decline the penalty. The defense players and coaches will be warned that any further
infringements will result in both a 10 yard penalty for unfair tactic and an additional 10 yard
penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct being enforced and disqualification of the offending

V. A coach from the defensive team is coming on the field and holds an obviously open receiver
before they can get to the end zone. The quarterback has to withhold the easy pass for a
score but then throws the ball to another receiver in the end zone for a touchdown.
RULING: Live ball foul for game interference, however the Referee should declare it as a dead ball
foul and enforce the penalty on the subsequent play. The coach shall be disqualified.

VI. The offense score a touchdown on the final play to tie the score and the game is extended for
the try. On the Try the QB throws a forward pass which is intercepted by a defender who
returns the ball. The QB is the only player in position to make a flag pull attempt.
The flag pull fails but the QB contacts the defender at Ds 21-yd line causing him to fall to the
ground at Ds 24-yd line.
RULING: Foul for IC by the QB. No score and the try is over.
A game cannot end with an accepted penalty (R 3-2-2), therefore the defense will be awarded
a 1 & goal at their 15-yd line with no time on the clock.
NOTE: If the QB makes no attempt to pull the flag pull and instead pushes the defender to the
ground, it will be the same ruling but the QB should be disqualified, not only because of the
foul, but also because of intentionally preventing a score.
AR 10-2-4 / Offsetting Fouls
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws a complete pass or interception at Os
15-yd line. Before the catch the snapper shields the blitzer at Os 10-yd line and a defender
contacts a receiver at Os 20-yd line.
RULING: Offsetting fouls. The down will be replayed.

II.2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws a pass which is intercepted at Os 15-yd
line and returned to Os 6-yd line. Before the catch the snapper shields the blitzer at Os 10-yd
line and during the return the blitzer shields the snapper at Os 12-yd line.
RULING: The defense can decline offsetting fouls and keep the ball after enforcement of their
penalty. (R 10-2-4-a) BS is the SF. Next play 1 & goal for the previous defense at the 17-yd

III. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws a pass which is intercepted at Os 15-yd
line and returned to Os 6-yd line. Before the catch a defender contacts a receiver at Os 10-yd
line and during the return the snapper holds (illegal contact) the runner at Os 12-yd line.
RULING: Offsetting fouls. The down will be replayed.

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IV. 3 & middle at Os 23-yd line. The runner commits flag guarding at Ds 17-yd line and the
defender holds the runner to get to the flag. The play is finally stopped at Ds 12-yd line. The
offense coach wants to decline the defense penalty and earn a first down after enforcing the
penalty for flag guarding from the SF.
RULING: Offsetting fouls is the only option and the down will be replayed. The fouls - not the
penalties - offset. The coach will not be given the option to decline a penalty.
AR 10-2-5 / Dead Ball Fouls
I. After the ball becomes dead, 2 opponents have a verbal exchange and start pushing each
RULING: The officials shall separate the 2 players and throw a penalty marker for illegal contact on
both. Even when the penalties are offsetting (R 10-2-5) it will show that the officials will not
tolerate such behavior. If the players start a fight then both shall be disqualified.
NOTE: If one player is hitting the opponent first and then the second player is striking back, the
fouls are not offsetting and have to be administered in order including half the distance
AR 10-3-1-a / Basic Spot Enforcement Offense Fouls
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The receiver commits PI at Os 22-yd line and the ball falls
RULING: The DB is the SL (R 7-2-3) so the BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from Os
7-yd line. Next play 3 & middle at Os 3.5-yd line.
NOTE: Same BS and ruling if the receiver after the PI catches the ball and advance it.

II.4 & goal at Ds 4-yd line. As the pass from the quarterback is approaching the receiver pushes
a defender in order to gain separation and catches the pass in the end zone.
RULING: Penalty for offensive pass interference, no score. The series ends by the loss of down.
Next play 1 & middle for the defensive team at their 5-yd line.

III. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and is sacked in the end zone. The
snapper shields the blitzer at Os 10-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 3.5-yd line. Declining will result in a safety.

IV. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and is sacked at Os 1-yd line. The
snapper shields the blitzer in the end zone.
RULING: The BS is in the SF. The penalty will be enforced in the end zone, resulting in a safety.
Declining will bring up 3 & middle at Os 1-yd line.

V. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and is sacked at Os 1-yd line. The
snapper shields the blitzer at Os 5-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SF. The penalty will be enforced from the 5-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 2.5-yd line. Declining will bring up 3 & middle at Os 1-yd line.

VI. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and completes a pass at Os 15-yd
line. The snapper shields the blitzer at Os 5-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SF. The penalty will be enforced from Os 5-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 2.5-yd line. Declining will bring up 3 & middle at Os 15-yd line.

VII. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and completes a pass at Os 15-yd
line. The snapper shields a defender at Os 20-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 3.5-yd line. Declining will bring up 3 & middle at Os 15-yd line.
NOTE: The same enforcement will apply on an incomplete pass but in this case, declining will
bring up 3 & middle at Os 7-yd line.

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VIII. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and completes a pass which is
advanced for a touchdown. The snapper shields a defender in the opponent's end zone during
the run and before the score is made.
RULING: The BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 3.5-yd line.
AR 10-3-1-b / Basic Spot Enforcement Defense Fouls
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The defender commits PI at Os 22-yd line and the ball falls
RULING: The DB is the SL (R 7-2-3), so the BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from
Os 7-yd line. Next play 1 & middle at Os 17-yd line.

II.2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The defender commits PI at Os 22-yd line but the receiver still
catches the ball and advance it to Os 24-yd line.
RULING: The DB is the end of run, so the BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from
Os 24-yd line. Next play 1 & goal at Ds 16-yd line.

III. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and is sacked in the end zone. A
defender shields the snapper at Os 10-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 12-yd line.
NOTE: The same enforcement will apply when the quarterback throws an incomplete pass to avoid
the sack.

IV. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and is sacked at Os 1-yd line. A
defender shields the snapper at Os 5-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at
Os 12-yd line.

V. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and completes a pass at Os 15-yd
line. A defender shields the snapper on a screen route in the end zone.
RULING: The BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from Os 15-yd line. Next play 2 & middle
at Os 20-yd line.

VI. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and completes a pass at Os 15-yd
line. A defender shields another receiver at Os 20-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from Os 15-yd line. Next play 2 & middle
at Os 20-yd line.

VII. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback drops back and completes a pass which is
advanced for a touchdown. Prior to the pass a defender shields the snapper at Os 10-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the DB (opponents goal line). The penalty is declined by rule (R 10-3-2-1) and
the score counts.
NOTE: If instead the foul is illegal contact the penalty will be enforced on the try.

VIII. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. A blitzer grabs the pants of the quarterback behind the scrimmage
line but in spite of this the quarterback still throws a complete pass at Os 12-yd line.
RULING: Penalty for illegal contact (holding). The BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from
Os 12-yd line plus AFD. Next play 1 & middle at Os 22-yd line.

IX. 4 & middle at Os 9-yd line. The quarterback throws a pass and a defender kicks the ball in
flight to prevent a completion. The pass falls incomplete.
RULING: Penalty for illegally kicking a pass. The BS is the SL. The penalty will be enforced from
Os 9-yd line. Next play 4 & middle at Os 14-yd line.

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X. 4 & middle at Os 9-yd line. The quarterback throws a pass and a defender kicks the ball in
flight to prevent a completion. The ball is caught by the offense and advanced to Os 22-yd line.
RULING: Penalty for illegally kicking a pass. The BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from
Os 22-yd line. Next play 1 & goal at Ds 23-yd line.
AR 10-3-1-c / Basic Spot Enforcement Change of Team Possession
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws an interception at Os 21-yd line and the
return ends at Os 12-yd line. After the change of team possession, the snapper holds (illegal
contact) the runner at Os 18-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from Os 12-yd line. Next play 1 & goal for
the former defense at Os 6-yd line.

II.2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws an interception at Os 21-yd line and the
return ends at Os 12-yd line. After the change of team possession, a teammate of the returner
shields the snapper at Os 18-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the SF. The penalty will be enforced from Os 18-yd line. Next play 1 & goal for
the former defense at Os 23-yd line.

III. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws an interception at Os 21-yd line and the
return ends at Os 12-yd line. After the change of team possession, a teammate of the returner
shields the snapper at Os 10-yd line.
RULING: The BS is the DB. The penalty will be enforced from Os 12-yd line. Next play 1 & goal for
the former defense at Os 17-yd line.

IV. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws an interception at Os 21-yd line and the
returner fumbles at Os 12-yd line. The snapper catches the ball and runs to Os 20-yd line.
After the first change of team possession, a teammate of the snapper holds the returner at Os
18-yd line.
RULING: Penalty for illegal contact (holding). The defense will keep the ball (R 5-2-2), the BS is
the DB. (R 10-3-1-c) Next play 1 & goal for the former defense at Os 10-yd line.

V. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws an interception at Os 21-yd line and the
returner fumbles at Os 12-yd line. The snapper catches the ball in flight and runs to Os 20-yd
line. After the second change of team possession, a teammate of the snapper shields an
opponent at Os 18-yd line.
RULING: Penalty for shielding. The offense will retain the ball, the BS is the SF (R 10-3-1-c last
related run). Next play 1 & middle at Os 13-yd line.

VI. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The quarterback throws an interception at Os 21-yd line and the
returner fumbles at Os 12-yd line. The snapper catches the ball in flight and runs to Os 20-yd
line. After the first change of team possession, a teammate of the returner shields an opponent
at Os 18-yd line. After the second change of team possession, a teammate of the snapper hits
an opponent at Os 15-yd line.
RULING: The offense will decline offsetting fouls and retain possession after enforcement of the
illegal contact (R 10-2-4-a). The BS is the SF. (R 10-3-1-c last related run) Next play
1 & middle at Os 7.5-yd line.
AR 10-3-1-d / Basic Spot Enforcement Touchback
I. 2 & goal at Ds 12-yd line. A defender intercepts the ball in the end zone and commits flag
guarding while still in the end zone before advancing to Ds 15-yd line where they are
RULING: The foul occurs before the ball is brought out of the end zone, so the enforcement spot is
the touchback spot (R 10-3-1-d). Series for O ends, next play 1 & middle at 2.5-yd line.
NOTE: Same ruling if the ball stays in the end zone.

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II.2 & goal at Ds 12-yd line. A defender intercepts the ball in the end zone and commits flag
guarding while still in the end zone before advancing to Ds 15-yd line where they are
deflagged. At the flag pull the snapper holds the runner to get to the flag.
RULING: Offsetting penalties, repeat the down.
NOTE: By rule the defense can choose to decline offsetting penalties (R 10-2-4-a) and accept a
penalty enforced from the touchback spot.

III. 2 & goal at Ds 21-yd line. A defender intercepts the ball on Ds 3-yd line and their momentum
carries them into their own end zone. After avoiding a flag pull by covering the flag with the
ball, another offensive player deflags the defender in the end zone.
RULING: The result of the play is a touchback, the enforcement spot is the touchback spot.
NOTE: Same ruling if another defender commits a foul.

IV. 2 & goal at Ds 21-yd line. A defender intercepts the ball on Ds 3-yd line and advances to Ds
14-yd line. Another defender in their end zone illegally contacts an offensive player during the
RULING: Safety by accepting the penalty. The enforcement spot for the foul (illegal contact) is the
SF in the end zone (R 10-3-1-c).
NOTE: Same ruling if the ball was intercepted in the end zone and the foul occurs after the runner
left the end zone.
AR 10-3-2 / Procedures
I. 3 & goal at Ds 19-yd line. 3 blitzers are simultaneously giving a blitzer signal.
RULING: Ball remains dead. Foul for illegal blitzer signal. The penalty will be enforced from Ds
19-yd line. Next play 3 & goal at Ds 14-yd line.

II. 2 & middle at Os 15-yd line. The runner commits a flag guarding foul at Ds 22-yd line.
RULING: The penalty will be enforced from the SF which brings back the ball behind the middle.
The penalty for a live ball foul will be enforced before the next down will be declared. Next play
3 & middle at Os 23-yd line.

III. 2 & middle at Os 15-yd line. The runner commits a flag guarding foul at Ds 18-yd line.
RULING: The penalty will be enforced from the SF which leaves the ball beyond the middle, a new
series will be awarded. Next play 1 & goal at Ds 23-yd line.

IV. 4 & middle at Os 9-yd line. A forward pass hits a defender in the lower leg and the pass falls
RULING: No foul for illegal kicking because the contact is unintentional. Turnover on downs (series
ends). Next play 1 & middle for the opponent at the 5-yd line.

V. 2 & goal at Ds 10-yd line. The pass is completed for a touchdown. The defense commits pass
RULING: Touchdown. The penalty will be enforced on the try. (R 10-3-2-1)

VI. Try at the 5-yd line. The pass is completed in the end zone. The defense commits an illegal
contact foul during the play in the end zone.
RULING: The try is good (touchdown 1 point). The penalty will be enforced on the next new series
with 1 & middle at the 2.5-yd line.

VII. Try at the 5-yd line. The pass is completed in the end zone. The offense commits an illegal
contact foul in the end zone before the pass is in the air.
RULING: No score. The try ends by the loss of down.

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VIII. Try at the 5-yd line. The pass is intercepted in the end zone. The offense commits an illegal
contact foul on the run back at Ds 18-yd line.
RULING: No score. The try ends, the penalty will be carried over to the next series. Next play
1 & middle from the 15-yd line.
NOTE: If it would have been a contact foul by the returner, the try ends with no score and the
penalty will be also carried over to the next series. Next play 1 & middle from the 2.5-yd line.

IX. In overtime during first extra period, team 1 (first offense) scores a touchdown and attempts a
1-point try. The pass is completed for a touchdown. Team 2 (first defense) commits an illegal
contact foul during the try.
RULING: The try is good (1 point). The penalty will be enforced on the next snap. (R 10-2-6) Next
play 1 & goal for team 2 from its own 15-yd line.
NOTE: In overtime no new first down at the middle will be awarded, only a penalty can bring a new
AFD. Also team 1 cannot accept the penalty and repeat the try from the 5-yd line for 2 points.
(R 8-3-2-e)

X. In overtime during first extra period, team 1 has scored a touchdown and a 1-point try, team 2
has also scored a touchdown and attempts a 1-point try. The pass is completed for a
touchdown and the defense (team 1) commits an illegal contact foul during the play.
RULING: The try is good (1 point). The game is tied and a second overtime period will be played.
The penalty will be enforced on the next snap (R 10-3 2-3). Next play 1-point try for team 1
from the 15-yd line.
AR 10-3-3 / Half Distance Enforcement
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The offense commits a false start.
RULING: Ball remains dead. Penalty enforced from Os 7-yd line. Next play 2 & middle at Os 3.5-yd

II.4 & goal at Ds 13-yd line. The defense commits pass interference in the end zone. The pass is
RULING: Penalty enforced from Ds 13-yd line plus AFD. Next play 1 & goal at the 6.5-yd line.
AR 12-1-1 / Challenge
I. 2 & middle at Os 7-yd line. The offense commits a false start. The penalty is enforced from Os
7-yd line with 5 yards. Next play 2 & middle at Os 2-yd line. The offense coach or captain
points out that, half the distance enforcement should be used.
RULING: If the Referee recognizes that they have made the enforcement wrong, they will correct it
and inform the coach. If the Referee keep it this way, the coach can request a challenge and
the procedure begins. The Referee takes a timeout, the challenge will be permitted, because it
is about an enforcement, and shall be successful.

II.During a successful try, the defense commits an illegal blitz. The Referee spots the ball for the
new series at the 5-yard line. The offense coach points out the ball should be placed at the
2.5-yd line after enforcement of the penalty. The Referee informs the coach that only 10 yard
penalties will be carried over. The coach disagrees and requests a challenge.
RULING: The Referee takes a charged timeout, the challenge will be permitted, because it is about
an enforcement, and shall be not successful. The Referee may show the coach the respective
R 10-3-2 on paper or an electronic device. Next snap 1 & middle from the 5-yd line.
NOTE: If the offense has no more timeouts, the challenge will not be granted.

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Flag Football Rules 2023

III. A team has made a challenge and it was successful. Later in the half the coach wants to make
a second challenge about a ruling. The Referee informs the coach that they already had a
challenge in this half and cannot have a second one. The coach still insists on getting a
RULING: The Referee ignores the request from the coach, the play continues.
NOTE: If the coach continues arguing loudly from the sideline, the referee may penalize them for
unsportsmanlike conduct.

IV. After 2 & goal from Ds 16 has ended with an incomplete pass, the DJ announces 4 & goal, all
other officials agree. The play starts, a pass is completed at Ds 5-yard line and the play is
stopped at Ds 2-yard line. The Referee announces a new series for the defense. The offense
coach challenges the ruling about the next down.
RULING: The Referee takes a timeout, the challenge will be permitted, because it is about a ruling
on the next down. Not challenging the first wrong 4th does not forfeit the right to challenge the
next down (new series).
The offense coach explains that they have not played a 3rd down in this series and wants to
get another down to have 4 downs played.
The challenge shall not be successful, because the teams cannot request a change about a
ruling before the last play. To be permitted and successful the offense coach would have had
to challenge the wrong 4th down before it had been played.

V. After 2 & goal from Ds 16 has ended with an incomplete pass, the DJ announces 4 & goal, all
other officials agree. The play starts, a pass is completed at Ds 5-yard line and the play is
stopped at Ds 2-yard line. Both teams start to exchange personnel as the DJ announces they
made a mistake and the upcoming down will be the 4th for the offense at Ds 2 yard line, the
Referee agrees. The defense coach challenges the ruling.
RULING: The Referee takes a timeout, the challenge will be permitted, because it is about a ruling
on the next down. Not challenging the first wrong 4th (why should they?) does not mean the
right to challenge the second 4th down is forfeited.
The defense coach explains that they have played an undisputed 4th down and wants to get
the ball by a turnover on downs.
The challenge shall be successful. After the wrongly announced 4th down has been started by
the snap, it is played as announced and the next down (new series) has to be established.
Contact between Runner and Defender
View from above View from front/behind View from side


R R R R F1 F2 S1 S2
A1 A2 A3 A4
Fouls by O A1 A2 A3 A4

F1+S1 No flag check for IC check for IC Aiming

F1+S2 No flag check for IC check for IC Aiming

F2+S1 check for IC IC/Aiming IC Aiming (+DSQ)

F2+S2 check for IC IC/Aiming IC Aiming (+DSQ)

Check for Aiming by D if target is person instead of flags.

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