Online Knowledge Test 1 Attempt Review 1

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Nhi Le Thi Mai 

Dashboard  My courses  BACHELOR  BBUS 12  EIM_S2(2022-2023)DH47ISB-1  Online Quiz  Online Knowledge Test

Started on Thursday, 16 February 2023, 12:41 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 16 February 2023, 1:09 PM
Time taken 27 mins 33 secs

Question 1 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Bottleneck buster is an entrepreneur's approach for creating value used in

a. Cost innovation
b. Perceptual changes
c. Creating social values
d. Marketing analysis
e. Disruptive innovation Good

Question 2 Complete Marked out of 1.00

A source of innovation within a company may emerge from an area of opportunty such as

a. Process needs
b. Demographic changes That's not

c. Shareholders interests
d. Financial assistance
e. Customers feedback

Question 3 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Which of the following combinations best describes disruptive innovation?

a. none of the listed options

b. can be rapidly implemented; based on sustained technologies; immediate gains That's not

c. immediate gains; based on disruptive technologies; develops customer loyalty

d. experimentation; needs to be nurtured for long periods; creates new markets
e. steady improvements; based on sustained technologies; needs to be nurtured for long periods

Question 4 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Internal entrepreneurs are often called

a. Antrapreneurs
b. Social leaders
c. Organisational mavericks
d. Intrapreneurs Good

e. Risk takers

Question 5 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Creating effective networks, outsourcing and coordination of a virtual organisation is an example of

a. Creating social value

b. Meeting social needs
c. Strategic advantage Good

d. Creating dynamic capability

e. Perceptual changes

Question 6 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Reviewing and resetting innovation management approaches is termed

a. Entrepreneurial skills
b. Breakthrough changes
c. Dynamic capability Good

d. Innovation process
e. Linking innovation and enterprise

Question 7 Complete Marked out of 1.00

_________________ is considered as the purpose for innovation, whether expressed in growth, sustainability,
improvement of social welfare or in financial terms.

a. Corporate venture
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Nanotechnology
d. Unexpected occurrences
e. Creating value Good

Question 8 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Regardless of the type of innovation be it disruptive or incremental, it remains fundamentally an application


a. Entrepreneurship
b. Creativity
c. Capturing an opportunity
d. Marketing
e. Knowledge Good

Question 9 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Innovation can take many forms, all involving a change of some kind. Which of the following is NOT a form
of innovation?

a. None of the listed options

b. Process innovation - changes in the way offerings are created and delivered
c. Position innovation - changes in the context in which innovations are launched
d. Price innovation - offering deals, price discounts and price competition Good

e. Product (or service) innovation - changes in what is offered to the world

Question 10 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Entrepreneurs who have learnt and built long-term capability into a robust set of skills are known as

a. Creative shareholders
b. Marketeneurs
c. Drivers of change
d. Innovative coaches
e. Serial entrepreneurs Good

Question 11 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Bright ideas are the fuel for ______________ so understanding how we come up with them is worth exploring.

a. Innovation Good

b. None of the listed options

c. Entrepreneurial success
d. All the listed options
e. Market share improvement

Question 12 Complete Marked out of 1.00

A rule of thumb is that new technology should have at least ___________ feature/s that promise/s to be ten
times better that its rivals.

a. three
b. five
c. four
d. one Good

e. two

Question 13 Complete Marked out of 1.00

A common element between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurships is

a. knowledge Good

b. motivation
c. customers
d. resources
e. technology

Question 14 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Diversity in network ties is essential for would-be entrepreneurs as it widens the scope of information about

a. all of the options listed Good


b. potential innovation
c. business locations
d. sources of capital
e. assistance schemes

Question 15 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Creativity is about

a. motivation
b. communication
c. all of the listed options Good

d. none of the listed options

e. thinking skills

Question 16 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Copy of Mutual openness to ideas, shared commitment to a project and diversity in team members can

a. encourage creativity Good


b. enhance social networks

c. develop intrinsic motivation
d. assist with divergent thinking
e. assist with incremental innovation

Question 17 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Quantity of ideas is an important rule to follow in

a. brainstorming Good

b. market feasibility
c. new product development
d. None of the listed options
e. product feasibility

Question 18 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Knowledge constitutes the essence of ___________ and is intrinsically related to the creativity-innovation-
entrepreneurship process.

a. all of the listed options Good


b. capabilities
c. none of the listed options
d. abilities
e. skills

Question 19 Complete Marked out of 1.00

The action of viewing a problem from an opposite angle is called

a. scenario thinking
b. all the listed options
c. forced analogy
d. problem reversal Good

e. attribute listing

Question 20 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Encouraging people to build on the ideas of others is an element of

a. screening opportunities
b. pattern recognition
c. social networks
d. brainstorming Good

e. innovation capability

Question 21 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Cultural factors influencing people's attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, preferences, customs and lifestyles are
known as

a. political forces
b. environmental forces
c. sociocultural forces Good

d. economic forces
e. technological forces

Question 22 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Marketing metrics' underlying principles are that metrics should be linked to

a. situational analysis
b. organisational objectives
c. market position
d. strategy Good

e. investment analysis

Question 23 Complete Marked out of 1.00

If in doing a SWOT analysis an organisation identified that its retail store site was poorly located, this would
be an example of

a. a weakness Good

b. an external factor that cannot be controlled by the organisation

c. a strength
d. None of the options listed
e. a threat

Question 24 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Which of the following would not be a part of an organisation's micro-environment?

a. Suppliers
b. The economy Good

c. Competitors
d. Customers
e. Retailers

Question 25 Complete Marked out of 1.00

The rising use of social networking sites could be attributed to

a. competitive forces
b. legal forces
c. economic forces
d. sociocultural forces Good

e. international forces

Question 26 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Which of these is the aim of marketing?

a. all of the listed options

b. To organise the various functions efficiently and effectively
c. To develop organisational goals
d. To develop mutually beneficial exchanges Good

e. To maximise profits for the business owners

Question 27 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Marketing inherited the concept of exchange from

a. ancient greece
b. economics Good

c. trade
d. science
e. psychology

Question 28 Complete Marked out of 1.00

The Heart Foundation publicising the health risks associated with a poor diet is an example of how the
organisation can ______________ customers, clients, partners, competitors and other parties that make up its

a. exert some influence on the Good


b. none of the options listed

c. compel people to eat healthily, including
d. force food businesses to provide only healthy menu items to
e. control the decisions of the

Question 29 Complete Marked out of 1.00

Political, economic, sociocultural, technological and legal factors are all a part of an organisation's
_______________ environment?

a. Ethical
b. Micro
c. All of the options listed
d. Internal
e. Macro Good

Question 30 Complete Marked out of 1.00

A market can best be described as

a. a group of potential customers within a similar age range

b. a group of customers living in the same geographic area
c. a group of customers with similar needs and wants
d. a group of customers with different needs and wants Good

e. a group of potential first time customers

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