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No-Glamour ®

Listening Comprehension
by Linda Mulstay-Muratore, M.A., CCC-SLP

Skills: Listening comprehension Age Level: 4 to 9

Answering questions Grades: PreK to 4

Evidence-Based Practice
According to the Clinical Guidelines of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
(, 2005;, 2001),
the following therapy principles are supported by evidence at Levels Ib through Level IV:

• Teaching young students skills for attention, comprehension, expression, interaction,

and play facilitates balanced development of communication as well as school, social
and emotional development.

• Students should understand specific grammar structures before they are asked to use
them in speech.

• Children with expressive language disorders frequently have problems developing

literacy skills and require specific instruction to acquire reading and writing skills.

The tasks in this book incorporate the above principles and are also based on expert
professional practice.

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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use with students. Any other reproduction
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800-776-4332 ISBN 0-7606-0639-0
About the Author

Linda Mulstay-Muratore, M.A., CCC-SLP, has worked as a

speech-language pathologist in private practice since her
graduation in 1996 from St. John’s University in New York.
She gained her experience with children with PDD/autism and
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) while in college working with
families in home-based educational ABA programs. Linda now
does both consulting and direct therapy for children in early
intervention and preschool, writing programs for and working
in conjunction with teams of special educators.

Linda is the author of Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts,

Levels 1 and 2, and Reinforcers To Go. No-Glamour Listening
Comprehension is her third publication with LinguiSystems.

To my darling little Josie, who loves her stories

Cover design and illustrations by Jason Platt

Page layout by Christine Buysse
Edited by Carolyn LoGiudice
Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Pretest/Posttest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1-Sentence Stories
Who Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Where Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
What Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
When Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
What Happened Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
How/Why Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

2-Sentence Stories
Who, Where, What, and When Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

3-4 Sentence Stories

Who, Where, What, When, What Happened,
and Why Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

4+ Sentence Stories
Comprehension Questions and Story Retelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 3 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.


Many children with deficits in comprehension and/or auditory processing have difficulty
answering simple Wh- questions about information in single sentences, multiple
sentences, and short stories. Answering questions about simple stories requires
simultaneous efficiency in multiple tasks such as attending, auditory memory, word
retrieval, and formulating responses. A child with a problem in any of these areas may
be unable to provide an appropriate answer to a Wh- question even immediately after
hearing the question.

While many clinicians address IEP goals targeting these deficits and include storytelling
activities in their therapy sessions, it can be difficult for the busy clinician to find
appropriate story materials for younger children or to make up stories on the spot for
therapy. No-Glamour Listening Comprehension provides the clinician with plenty of
stimulus material and Wh- questions for the child who has difficulty with early listening
comprehension skills for sentences or stories.

The stories and associated questions are organized in a general hierarchy from the
easiest to the most challenging. No-Glamour Listening Comprehension includes many
one-sentence stories that can be used to teach comprehension of simple who, where,
what, when, what happened, how, and why questions in isolation or in a sentence. The
target information needed for a response may be in the beginning, middle, or end of
a sentence. Next two-sentence and three-to-four-sentence stories with more complex
Wh- questions are introduced, with more complex comprehension questions. Finally
stories with four or more sentences are provided for targeting story comprehension,
higher-level auditory/language processing, or story retelling. Pictures for multiple-
sentence stories are also provided and can be used as cues in teaching visual
compensatory strategies.

Guidelines for Use

Before presenting No-Glamour Listening Comprehension to a student, test the child’s

ability to respond to questions about stories by completing the Pretest on pages 9-17.
Administer the most appropriate section(s) for the student. If you expect the student
to give a complete sentence as a response, inform the student about your expectation.

If the Pretest shows that the child is unable to respond with appropriate information to
simple Wh- questions about single sentences with 80-90% accuracy, begin by working on

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 5 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

the child’s ability to answer who questions about single sentences. Prepare the child
by saying, “I am going to tell you a short story. Listen carefully and then I will ask you
questions about the story.”

Read a one-sentence story.

“John went to the store on Saturday.”

Ask the target who question about the story.

“Who went to the store?”

If the child responds acceptably (“John”), praise him. Move on and read a single-
sentence story that has a target what question.

If the child is unable to answer the initial who question, read the story again and try
to emphasize the answer within the story by reading a certain part more slowly or more
loudly or with more emphasis on the key word.

“JOHN went to the store on Saturday.”

Repeat the target who question. If the child still doesn’t respond appropriately,
provide the answer and have him repeat it. Read subsequent stories and ask
who questions until the child is able to respond to who questions about a sentence
with 80-90% accuracy. Then continue by working on the child’s ability to answer
where questions about sentences, using the same procedure. Continue and require
the same 80-90% accuracy criteria before moving on to the next type of question.

Make sure the child can answer a question without regard to the location of the
target information in a sentence. For example, if a child can only answer who questions
when the answer is in the beginning of the sentence, do not move on to the next group of
target questions until she is able to answer correctly regardless of the location of the
key information in a sentence.

Once the child can answer all of the various target questions about single-sentence
stories with 80-90% accuracy, move on to asking questions about simple two-sentence
stories. When the child is able to answer all of the various target questions about
simple two-sentence stories with 80-90% accuracy, move on to asking questions about
simple three-to-four-sentence stories. Then move on to asking questions about stories
with four or more sentences.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 6 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

Depending on the student’s ability, you may want him to look at the picture while you
read the story, or you may want to wait and use the picture as a prompt. In general,
once a child is able to answer questions about stories while looking at a picture, it is
helpful to generalize this ability by then having him answer story questions without using
a visual aid.

You may also wish to use No-Glamour Listening Comprehension to work on a child’s
ability to retell stories with appropriate sequence, sentence structure, and accuracy.
Use the multi-picture stories on pages 218-253 for this task. In this case, say to the
child, “I am going to tell you a short story. Listen carefully because when I finish,
I want you to tell the story back to me.” Read the story as the child looks at the
pictures. When you are finished, say, “Now you tell the story.” Have the child look at
the pictures as he retells the story. The child is not required to tell the story back
verbatim, but he must include important details in the proper sequence. Once a child
can retell a story while he looks at the pictures, have him retell the story without
looking at the pictures.

Helpful Hints

When you present many stimulus items consecutively, you may find that the child’s
accuracy in responding becomes poorer as each new item is presented. The presen-
tation of multiple consecutive sentences or stories may be too taxing on the child’s
ability to process information, and she may become fatigued. Here are a few strat-
egies to help increase the child’s accuracy of performance.

• Take brief breaks between target sentences or stories and questions.

• Do a different type of activity that does not require specific or significant

processing (e.g., labeling) between stimulus items.

• Let the child know how many questions you are going to ask before taking a break
so she understands this will not be an endless task. If necessary, show the child
how many questions she will be asked by having her cross off a set number of
boxes or take tokens off a board for each question after she answers it.

The Answer Key (pages 258-264) lists responses as examples. Accept other logical
answers as appropriate also.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 7 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

Suggested I.E.P. Objectives

Below are suggested I.E.P. objectives that mirror the hierarchy of tasks within No-
Glamour Listening Comprehension.

Long-Term Objective 1: The child will improve receptive language and/or auditory
processing skills.

Short-Term Objectives
• The child will demonstrate appropriate auditory attention to speakers during
specific listening activities 80% of the time without prompting.

• The child will demonstrate comprehension of simple who, where, what, when,
what happened, and how/why questions about a sentence by responding with
appropriate information with 80% accuracy independently.

• The child will demonstrate comprehension of simple who, where, what, when,
what happened, and how/why questions about multiple sentences by responding
with appropriate information with 80% accuracy independently.

• The child will demonstrate comprehension of simple Wh- questions about

short stories by responding with appropriate information with 80% accuracy

• The child will demonstrate comprehension of how, why, and other complex
Wh- questions about short stories by responding with appropriate information
with 80% accuracy independently.

Long-Term Objective 2: The child will improve expressive language skills.

Short-Term Objectives
• The child will answer simple who, where, what, and when questions with 80%
accuracy independently.

• The child will answer how, why, and other complex Wh- questions with 80%
accuracy independently.

• The child will encode actions and events from a short story sequentially with
80% accuracy independently.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 8 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.


Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions

1. Jordan played with his trains. Who played with his trains? Jordan + -
2. Mrs. Gates made vegetable soup. Who made vegetable soup? Mrs. Gates + -
3. A noise scared Daniel. Who did the noise scare? Daniel + -
4. The flowers are for Miss Romeo. Who are the flowers for? Miss Romeo + -
5. The stroller is in the back of Dorie’s car. Who has a stroller in the back
of her car? Dorie + -

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions

1. The bugs are under the ground. Where are the bugs? under the ground + -
2. The family is going to a movie. Where is the family going? to a movie + -
3. Above the water, the birds looked for food. Where did the birds look
for food? above the water + -
4. At the bookstore, Tracy bought a magazine. Where did Tracy buy
a magazine? at the bookstore + -
5. The tree next to the house was leaning. Where was the leaning tree?
next to the house + -

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions

1. Rebecca turned the page. What did Rebecca do? turned the page + -
2. Mr. Foster painted his garage. What did Mr. Foster do? painted his garage + -
3. Willy finished his homework. What did Willy do? finished his homework + -
4. Carlos broke his airplane. What did Carlos do? broke his airplane + -
5. The class put on a play. What did the class do? put on a play + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 9 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pretest/Posttest, continued

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions

1. Kevin went to piano lessons after school. When did Kevin go to piano
lessons? after school + -
2. On Tuesday, Jeannie left her lunchbox at home. When did Jeannie leave
her lunchbox at home? on Tuesday + -
3. Next summer, Joey’s family is going to Mexico on vacation. When is
Joey’s family going to Mexico? next summer + -
4. Alison’s mother promised her that after she turns nine, she can get her
ears pierced. When can Alison get her ears pierced? after she turns nine + -
5. Jeffrey woke up at 3:00 in the morning because his brother started
talking in his sleep. When did Jeffrey wake up? at 3:00 in the morning + -

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions

1. Janie dropped her juice all over the floor when a boy bumped her arm.
What happened when the boy bumped Janie’s arm? She dropped her juice. + -
2. Victoria’s dress was so long, she tripped over it when she walked down
the aisle at graduation. What happened when Victoria walked down the
aisle at graduation? She tripped over her dress. + -
3. A toddler found a marker on the floor and she drew all over the wall. What
happened when the toddler found a marker? She drew all over the wall. + -
4. After Mindy took a bath, she realized there were no towels in the
bathroom. What happened after Mindy took a bath?
She realized there were no towels in the bathroom. + -
5. When Brianna went out to her car and saw the inside of her car was soaking
wet, she realized she forgot to close the sunroof on her car before the
storm. What happened when Brianna went out to her car?
She saw that the inside of her car was soaking wet. + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 10 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pretest/Posttest, continued

1-Sentence Stories: How/Why Questions

1. When Gino heard his brother had broken his arm playing football, he got
a ride to the hospital from his friend. How did Gino’s brother break his
arm? playing football + -
2. Kaleem’s cat quickly ran outside when Kaleem opened the door for his
friend to come in. How did Kaleem’s cat get out of the house?
Kaleem opened the door. + -
3. When Liam went into some bushes to get the baseball, he got poison ivy
all over his arms. How did Liam get poison ivy?
He went into some bushes to get the baseball. + -
4. Katrina was sad when she found out she didn’t get a part in the school
play. Why was Katrina sad? She didn’t get a part in the school play. + -
5. The teacher wore her work boots to school the day she had a trip to
the muddy pumpkin farm. Why did the teacher wear her work boots
to school? She had a trip to the muddy pumpkin farm. + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 11 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pretest/Posttest, continued

2-Sentence Stories: Who, Where, What, and When Questions

1. Marc went to the hardware store on Saturday morning. He bought a new toolbox.

a. Who went to the hardware store? Marc + -

b. Where did Marc go? to the hardware store + -
c. What did he do there? He bought a new toolbox. + -
d. When did Marc go to the hardware store? on Saturday morning + -

2. Larry went to the post office before breakfast. He mailed an important package.

a. Who went to the post office? Larry + -

b. Where did Larry go? to the post office + -
c. What did he do there? He mailed an important package. + -
d. When did Larry go to the post office? before breakfast + -

3. Next month, Alicia will go to the city. She will march in a parade.

a. Who will go to the city? Alicia + -

b. Where will Alicia go? to the city + -
c. What will she do there? She will march in a parade. + -
d. When will Alicia go to the city? next month + -

4. When it gets dark out, Pablo likes to go in his backyard. He tries to catch fireflies.

a. Who likes to catch fireflies? Pablo + -

b. Where does Pablo like to go? in his backyard + -
c. What does he like to do in his backyard? He tries to catch fireflies. + -
d. When does Pablo try to catch fireflies? when it gets dark out + -

5. Blaine goes to the bagel store to make the bagels. She gets there at five A.M.
on the weekends.

a. Who goes to the bagel store? Blaine + -

b. Where does Blaine go? to the bagel store + -
c. What does she do there? She makes the bagels. + -
d. When does Blaine go to the bagel store? at five A.M. on the weekends + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 12 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pretest/Posttest, continued

3-4 Sentence Stories: Who, Where, What, When, What

Happened, and How/Why Questions

1. Tyler went to the airport to say good-bye to his uncle yesterday. When his uncle
waved good-bye from the airplane, Tyler cried. He missed his uncle.

a. Who went to the airport? Tyler + -

b. Where did Tyler go? to the airport + -
c. What did he do there? said good-bye to his uncle + -
d. When did Tyler go to the airport? yesterday + -
e. What happened when Tyler’s uncle waved good-bye? Tyler cried. + -
f. Why did Tyler cry? He missed his uncle. + -

2. Robyn went to the toy store to buy a present before her friend ’s birthday party.
When she got to the birthday party, she realized she had left the present at the
toy store. Robyn went back to the toy store to get the present.

a. Who went to the toy store? Robyn + -

b. Where did Robyn go? to the toy store + -
c. What did she do at the toy store? bought a present + -
d. When did Robyn go to the toy store? before her friend ’s birthday party + -
e. What happened when Robyn got to the birthday party?
She realized she had left the present at the toy store. + -
f. Why did Robyn buy a present for her friend? for the friend’s birthday + -

3. Joanie wanted to look at the moon through her telescope at midnight. She went
outside on the patio. When she tried to find the moon, a cloud went in front
of it. Joanie looked at some stars instead.

a. Who wanted to look at the moon? Joanie + -

b. Where did Joanie go to look at the moon? outside on the patio + -
c. What did Joanie want to do on the patio?
look at the moon through her telescope + -
d. When did Joanie go there? at midnight + -
e. What happened when Joanie tried to find the moon?
A cloud went in front of it. + -
f. Why did Joanie look at the stars instead of the moon?
A cloud went in front of the moon. + -
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 13 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Pretest/Posttest, continued

3-4 Sentence Stories: Who, Where, What, When, What Happened, and
How/Why Questions, continued

4. When it began to snow, Ellen went outside to catch snowflakes on her tongue. All of
a sudden, the clouds got dark and it got very windy. Ellen ran inside the house to be
out of the storm.

a. Who tried to catch snowflakes on her tongue? Ellen + -

b. Where did Ellen try to catch snowflakes? outside, on her tongue + -
c. What did she do outside? caught snowflakes on her tongue + -
d. When did Ellen go outside? when it began to snow + -
e. What happened when the clouds got dark? It got windy. + -
f. Why did Ellen run inside the house? to be out of the storm + -
g. How did Ellen know she should go inside?
It was dry and safe from the storm. + -

5. On the first day of school, Bruce wore a new white shirt. In the art room, Bruce
was painting a picture with red paint. When he leaned over to reach his paintbrush,
the bottom of his shirt dipped in the red paint. Bruce took his shirt off at home
and rinsed it in the sink, but the shirt turned pink!

a. Who wore a new white shirt to school? Bruce + -

b. Where did Bruce paint a picture with red paint? in the art room + -
c. What did he do in the art room? He painted a picture. + -
d. When did Bruce wear his new shirt? on the first day of school + -
e. What happened when Bruce leaned over to get his paintbrush?
The bottom of his shirt dipped in the red paint. + -
f. Why did Bruce’s shirt turn pink? He rinsed it in the sink and the
paint spread on the shirt. + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 14 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pretest /Posttest, continued

4+ Sentence Stories: Wh- Questions and Story Retelling


No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Pretest /Posttest, continued

4+ Sentence Stories: Wh- Questions and Story Retelling, continued


No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Pretest/Posttest, continued

4+ Sentence Stories: Wh- Questions and Story Retelling, continued

1. Last Saturday was a hot, sunny day, so the Carlos family decided to go to the beach.

2. Everyone wanted to do something different at the beach. The family packed shovels,
pails, surfboards, books, tubes, towels, snorkels, fins, a picnic basket, and a Frisbee.

3. Then it was time to go, but the car was so packed with equipment, there was no room
for the family to sit.

4. The family decided to unpack the car and start over. By the time they unpacked, it
was too late to go to the beach.

5. The family was disappointed but Mr. Carlos had an idea.

6. They all stayed in their swimsuits. They set up a picnic blanket under a tree in the
backyard and got wet under the sprinkler instead. Everyone had a great time.


1. Who wanted to go to the beach? the Carlos family + -

2. Where did the Carlos family want to go? to the beach + -

3. What did they pack for their trip? shovels, pails, surfboards,
books, tubes, towels, snorkels, fins, a picnic basket, and a Frisbee + -

4. When did the Carlos family want to go to the beach? last Saturday + -

5. What happened when it was time to get into the car?

There was no room for them to sit. + -

6. Why didn’t the Carlos family go to the beach after they unpacked their
car? It was too late. + -

7. How did the Carlos family have fun instead?

They had a picnic in their backyard and got wet under the sprinkler. + -

8. Tell me the story. (student retells story, including appropriate details) + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 17 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions

1. Oliver delivers the newspaper. Who delivers the newspaper?

2. Mr. Bilco went to work late. Who went to work late?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 18 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

3. Darla has a new baby sister. Who has a new baby sister?

4. Herman opened the window. Who opened the window?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 19 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

5. The Stout family had a yard sale. Who had a yard sale?

6. Rosemary rode the train to the city. Who rode the train to the city?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 20 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

7. Dave has a nice voice. Who has a nice voice?

8. Sabina is from Poland. Who is from Poland?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 21 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

9. A lion scared Michael. Who did the lion scare?

10. A wave knocked over a surfer. Who did the wave knock over?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 22 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

11. These girls like the new boy in school. Who do the girls like?

12. The motorcycle was a present for Kyle’s Dad. Who was the motorcycle a
present for?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 23 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

13. The Popsicle dripped on Jamie. Who did the Popsicle drip on?

14. A letter was delivered to Mrs. Phillips. Who was a letter delivered to?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 24 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1. Stan loves pizza. Who loves pizza? Stan + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

2. Katie can’t swim. Who can’t swim? Katie + -
3. Noah has a lot of toy cars. Who has a lot of toy cars? Noah + -
4. Mr. Jones likes to sing. Who likes to sing? Mr. Jones + -
5. Kirk plays with trucks. Who plays with trucks? Kirk + -

6. Roberto is tall. Who is tall? Roberto + -
7. Pete wants to play ball. Who wants to play ball? Pete + -
8. George is a hard worker. Who is a hard worker? George + -
9. Stacey has long fingernails. Who has long fingernails? Stacey + -
1 0. Doug doesn’t like ice cream. Who doesn’t like ice cream? Doug + -
1 1. Gail swims every day. Who swims every day? Gail + -
1 2. Olivia grows flowers. Who grows flowers? Olivia + -
1 3. Carrie has red hair. Who has red hair? Carrie + -
1 4. Arthur smells like coconut. Who smells like coconut? Arthur + -
1 5. Dino has a new puppy. Who has a new puppy? Dino + -
1 6. Seth is a strong boy. Who is a strong boy? Seth + -
1 7. Shelly drives to work. Who drives to work? Shelly + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1 8. Ken doesn’t eat peas. Who doesn’t eat peas? Ken + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

1 9. Westly has two cats. Who has two cats? Westly + -
20. Grace is in kindergarten. Who is in kindergarten? Grace + -
2 1. Dr. Morris fixes teeth. Who fixes teeth? Dr. Morris + -
22. Abraham yells a lot. Who yells a lot? Abraham + -

23. Ross likes to ski. Who likes to ski? Ross + -
24. Miss Grecco is a good teacher. Who is a good teacher? Miss Grecco + -
25. Michele laughs a lot. Who laughs a lot? Michele + -
26. Joey sleeps all day. Who sleeps all day? Joey + -
27. Mr. Peterson is a funny man. Who is a funny man? Mr. Peterson + -
28. Rori has a new ball. Who has a new ball? Rori + -
29. Mr. Reedy has no teeth. Who has no teeth? Mr. Reedy + -
30. Matthew is shy. Who is shy? Matthew + -
3 1. Shane knows the alphabet. Who knows the alphabet? Shane + -
32. Paolo has a lot of games. Who has a lot of games? Paolo + -
33. Ryan doesn’t have a computer. Who doesn’t have a computer? Ryan + -
34. Morgan is friendly. Who is friendly? Morgan + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


35. Lorna won’t watch scary movies. Who won’t watch scary movies? Lorna + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

36. Josef loves to run. Who loves to run? Josef + -
37. Jerry feels sick. Who feels sick? Jerry + -
38. Marie looks tired. Who looks tired? Marie + -
39. Ginger is not happy. Who is not happy? Ginger + -

40. Robert takes the bus. Who takes the bus? Robert + -
4 1. Kara talks all day. Who talks all day? Kara + -
42. Eddie can’t go outside. Who can’t go outside? Eddie + -
43. Harry saves his pennies. Who saves his pennies? Harry + -
44. Mrs. Thomas bakes cookies. Who bakes cookies? Mrs. Thomas + -
45. Drew wears round glasses. Who wears round glasses? Drew + -
46. Miss Jones can’t drive. Who can’t drive? Miss Jones + -
47. Hector is very silly. Who is very silly? Hector + -
48. Darin plants flowers outside. Who plants flowers outside? Darin + -
49. Denise has a jump rope. Who has a jump rope? Denise + -
50. Victor calls every day. Who calls every day? Victor + -
5 1. The ball rolled to Karen. Who did the ball roll to? Karen + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


52. The jacket belongs to Dara. Who does the jacket belong to? Dara + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

53. The party is at Neal’s house. Who is having a party? Neal + -
54. The dog licked Mr. Brady. Who did the dog lick? Mr. Brady + -
55. The cookies are Eve’s. Who do the cookies belong to? Eve + -
56. The pencil is for Stanley. Who is the pencil for? Stanley + -

57. The hat belongs to the baby. Who does the hat belong to? the baby + -
58. The present is for Grandma. Who is the present for? Grandma + -
59. A bird landed on Rosa. Who did the bird land on? Rosa + -
60. The telephone call is for Bob. Who is the telephone call for? Bob + -
6 1. The pants fit Tamara. Who do the pants fit? Tamara + -
62. The blocks fell on Spencer. Who did the blocks fall on? Spencer + -
63. A bird flew past Jake. Who did the bird fly past? Jake + -
64. The ice cream is for Janet. Who is the ice cream for? Janet + -
65. The candle burned Dennis. Who did the candle burn? Dennis + -
66. A feather tickled Jessica. Who did the feather tickle? Jessica + -
67. The key was Tim’s. Who did the key belong to? Tim + -
68. A wave splashed Hannah. Who did the wave splash? Hannah + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


69. The crowd cheered for Scott. Who did the crowd cheer for? Scott + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

70. This card is for Anna. Who is the card for? Anna + -
7 1. The tree branch scratched Cole. Who did the tree branch scratch? Cole + -
72. The car bumped Mrs. Marsh. Who did the car bump? Mrs. Marsh + -
73. A light shined on Arnie. Who did the light shine on? Arnie + -

74. A soda spilled on Lida. Who did the soda spill on? Lida + -
75. A bee stung David. Who did the bee sting? David + -
76. The sun burned Erin. Who did the sun burn? Erin + -
77. A kite landed on Gary. Who did the kite land on? Gary + -
78. Jen got some gum stuck in her hair. Who got some gum stuck in her hair? Jen + -
79. Connor put ice in his soda. Who put ice in his soda? Connor + -
80. The cat belongs to Eleanor. Who does the cat belong to? Eleanor + -
8 1. The paper is for Al. Who is the paper for? Al + -
82. The books are in Sydney’s backpack. Who has books in his backpack? Sydney + -
83. The message was for Ryan. Who was the message for? Ryan + -
84. The phone is on Haley’s desk. Who has a phone on her desk? Haley + -
85. The earrings are in June’s drawer. Who has earrings in her drawer? June + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Who Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


86. An apple is in Hal’s lunchbox. Who has an apple in his lunchbox? Hal + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

87. The movie is about the president. Who is the movie about? the president + -
88. A singer sang for Patricia. Who did the singer sing for? Patricia + -
89. The statue looked like Marco. Who did the statue look like? Marco + -
90. The doll was Carla’s. Who did the doll belong to? Carla + -

9 1. The scissors are in Greg’s desk. Who has scissors in his desk? Greg + -
92. A dog bone is on Dawn’s bed. Who has a dog bone on her bed? Dawn + -
93. These toys are for the babies. Who are these toys for? the babies + -
94. An apple dropped on Colin. Who did the apple drop on? Colin + -
95. The mail is in Mr. Kop’s mailbox. Who has mail in his mailbox? Mr. Kop + -
96. Flowers are blooming in Kayla’s garden. Who has flowers blooming in her garden? Kayla + -
97. That scream came from Riley. Who did that scream come from? Riley + -
98. These crayons are for Mackenzie. Who are these crayons for? Mackenzie + -
99. Some perfume was given to Jillian. Who was the perfume given to? Jillian + -
100. The surprise was for Grandpa. Who was the surprise for? Grandpa + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions

1. Jay went to an appliance repair store. Where did Jay go?

2. Toni Ann is going to her child’s day care. Where is Toni Ann going?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 31 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

3. The children are in gym class. Where are the children?

4. Kaylee skated on the pond. Where did Kaylee skate?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 32 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

5. From the balcony, the king waved to his public. Where did the king wave from?

6. From the diving board, Ian did a great backflip. Where did Ian do a backflip from?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 33 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

7. On top of the large bump, the car got stuck. Where did the car get stuck?

8. At the finish line, the runner stopped. Where did the runner stop?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 34 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

9. On the boat, Mrs. Epps felt a little sick. Where did Mrs. Epps feel sick?

10. The plates in the dishwasher are still dirty. Where are the dirty plates?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 35 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

11. Long icicles are hanging from the roof. Where are the long icicles?

12. The clothes piled on the chair are wrinkled. Where are the wrinkled clothes?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 36 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

13. The baskets of plants hanging from the ceiling need water. Where are the baskets
of plants?

14. The lipstick found in the washing machine ruined all of the clothes. Where was the
lipstick found?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 37 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1. Leslie went to the bakery. Where did Leslie go? to the bakery + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

2. Carl is going to the ice-cream parlor. Where is Carl going? to the ice-cream parlor + -
3. Sue went to the train station. Where did Sue go? to the train station + -
4. Eric went to camp. Where did Eric go? to camp + -
5. Jonah is going to his uncle’s house. Where is Jonah going? to his uncle’s house + -

6. Phillip is going to the library. Where is Phillip going? to the library + -
7. Shannon is at the flower shop. Where is Shannon? at the flower shop + -
8. Mr. Brennan is at work. Where is Mr. Brennan? at work + -
9. The Nelsons are at Disneyland. Where are the Nelsons? at Disneyland + -
1 0. Mary Ellen is on the stage. Where is Mary Ellen? on the stage + -
1 1. Elizabeth is at gymnastics. Where is Elizabeth? at gymnastics + -
1 2. Craig is playing in his crib. Where is Craig playing? in his crib + -
1 3. Dylan is at his cousin’s house. Where is Dylan? at his cousin’s house + -
1 4. Mr. Frank went to New York. Where did Mr. Frank go? to New York + -
1 5. The boys are on the merry-go-round. Where are the boys? on the merry-go-round + -
1 6. The Rosens live across the street. Where do the Rosens live? across the street + -
1 7. Jill and Mary are in the office. Where are Jill and Mary? in the office + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1 8. Vanna and Ralph are next door. Where are Vanna and Ralph? next door + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

1 9. The players are in the field. Where are the players? in the field + -
20. The kids are in the TV room. Where are the kids? in the TV room + -
2 1. The chickens are in the barn. Where are the chickens? in the barn + -
22. The couple went to the movie theater. Where did the couple go? to the movie theater + -

23. The twins are going to the hockey rink. Where are the twins going? to the hockey rink + -
24. The monkeys climbed into the trees. Where did the monkeys climb? into the trees + -
25. The children walked to the playground. Where did the
children walk? to the playground + -
26. At the restaurant, Lori ordered soup. Where did Lori order soup? at the restaurant + -
27. From the window, the couple waved to their friends. Where did the
couple wave from? from the window + -
28. Under the porch, the girl stayed dry. Where did the girl stay dry? under the porch + -
29. Up the tree, the squirrel hid from the dog. Where did the squirrel hide? up the tree + -
30. In the gym, the man did his exercises. Where did the man do
his exercises? in the gym + -
3 1. At the party, the clown shook everyone’s hand. Where did the clown
shake everyone’s hand? at the party + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


32. In the bathtub, the baby splashed. Where did the baby splash? in the bathtub + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

33. On top of the mountain, the man sang. Where did the man sing? on top of the mountain + -
34. At the beach, Chuck dug his feet into the sand. Where did Chuck dig
his feet into the sand? at the beach + -
35. At the dentist’s office, Janelle got her teeth cleaned. Where did
Janelle get her teeth cleaned? at the dentist’s office + -

36. At the amusement park, Rashid met his friends. Where did Rashid
meet his friends? at the amusement park + -
37. In the classroom, the teacher read a story. Where did the
teacher read a story? in the classroom + -
38. At the baseball game, Cameron ate a hot dog. Where did Cameron
eat a hot dog? at the baseball game + -
39. At her grandma’s house, Sophie baked cookies. Where did Sophie
bake cookies? at her grandma’s house + -
40. In the ocean, a dolphin ate a fish. Where did the dolphin eat a fish? in the ocean + -
4 1. Under the rock, a snake slithered. Where did the snake slither? under the rock + -
42. At the concert, the children sang. Where did the children sing? at the concert + -
43. In the office, the secretary worked after school. Where did the
secretary work? in the office + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


44. On the dock, the birds ate the bread. Where did the birds eat the bread? on the dock + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

45. At the store, the clerk stacked the cans. Where did the clerk stack
the cans? at the store + -
46. Under the blanket, the cat fell asleep. Where did the cat fall asleep? under the blanket + -
47. In the sugar bowl, the woman hid her money. Where did the woman
hide her money? in the sugar bowl + -

48. On the bed, the woman left her wallet. Where did the woman leave
her wallet? on the bed + -
49. In the small tunnel, the train got stuck. Where did the train get stuck? in the small tunnel + -
50. On the top shelf, Tina placed her trophy. Where did Tina place her trophy? on the top shelf + -
5 1. The man on the boat waved. Where was the man? on the boat + -
52. The woman in the car sneezed. Where did the woman sneeze? in the car + -
53. The little boy on the bus dropped his lunch. Where did the little boy
drop his lunch? on the bus + -
54. The birds in the nest cried for their mother. Where did the birds cry? in the nest + -
55. The marchers in the parade played their instruments. Where did the marchers
play their instruments? in the parade + -
56. The children at the playground were running. Where were the
children running? at the playground + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


57. The puppies in the box were whining. Where were the puppies whining? in the box + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

58. The bananas on top of the refrigerator are ripe. Where are the on top of the
ripe bananas? refrigerator + -
59. The rolls at the bakery are stale. Where are the stale rolls? at the bakery + -
60. The money is locked away in the safe. Where is the money
locked away? in the safe + -

6 1. The potato chips on the floor were crushed. Where were the
crushed potato chips? on the floor + -
62. The car on the side of the road was stuck. Where was the car stuck? on the side of the road + -
63. A pen in the girl’s pocket leaked ink. Where did the pen leak? in the girl’s pocket + -
64. The clothes in the washing machine are wet. Where are the
wet clothes? in the washing machine + -
65. The computer game Jeremy played at his friend’s house was fun.
Where did Jeremy play a fun computer game? at his friend’s house + -
66. The cat on the fence meowed. Where did the cat meow? on the fence + -
67. The TV in the living room is broken. Where is the broken TV ? in the living room + -
68. The dip at the party was delicious. Where was the delicious dip? at the party + -
69. The gum under the desk was sticky. Where was the sticky gum? under the desk + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

70. The sunset over the ocean was lovely. Where was the lovely sunset? over the ocean + -
1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


7 1. The ants at the picnic were hungry. Where were the hungry ants? at the picnic + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

72. The rabbits at the pet store were soft. Where were the soft rabbits? at the pet store + -
73. The man on the dance floor was dizzy. Where was the dizzy man? on the dance floor + -
74. The star next to the moon is bright. Where is the bright star? next to the moon + -
75. The movie star at the theater was signing autographs. Where was the

movie star signing autographs? at the theater + -
76. Dana found the keys behind the phone. Where did Dana find the keys? behind the phone + -
77. Between his eyes, Mr. Malone has a scar. Where is Mr. Malone’s scar? between his eyes + -
78. At the gym, Jenny lifted weights. Where did Jenny lift weights? at the gym + -
79. Keira got a belt from her friend’s closet. Where did Keira get a belt? from her friend’s closet + -
80. Abigail danced at the theater. Where did Abigail dance? at the theater + -
8 1. The towel on the floor was all wet. Where was the wet towel? on the floor + -
82. The horse ate an apple behind the barn. Where did the horse eat
an apple? behind the barn + -
83. The boy was asleep under the blanket. Where was the boy asleep? under the blanket + -
84. The kids at the back of the bus were laughing. Where were the
kids laughing? at the back of the bus + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: Where Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


85. In the mirror, the baby made funny faces. Where did the baby

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

make funny faces? in the mirror + -
86. On the stage, the woman played a harp. Where did the woman play a harp? on the stage + -
87. The dog behind the fence is barking. Where is the dog barking? behind the fence + -
88. The man sells ice cream on the corner. Where does the man sell ice cream? on the corner + -
89. The plane flew above the clouds. Where did the plane fly? above the clouds + -

90. Between the trees, the hammock swung. Where did the hammock swing? between the trees + -
9 1. The sign under the light said “Caution.” Where was the “Caution” sign? under the light + -
92. Behind the garbage can, the raccoon hid. Where did the raccoon hide? behind the garbage can + -
93. The ice on the front sidewalk is slippery. Where is the ice slippery? on the front sidewalk + -
94. At the restaurant, the family ate pasta. Where did the family eat pasta? at the restaurant + -
95. The plant above the cabinet was droopy. Where was the droopy plant? above the cabinet + -
96. At the movie, the ticket line was very long. Where was the long line? at the movie + -
97. The remote fell between the cushions. Where did the remote fall? between the cushions + -
98. On the porch, Grandma read her book. Where did Grandma read her book? on the porch + -
99. The baby fell asleep in the swing. Where did the baby fall asleep? in the swing + -
100. The flowers at the bottom of the tree bloomed. Where did the flowers bloom? at the bottom

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

of the tree + -
1-Sentence Stories: What Questions

1. Peter mowed the lawn. What did Peter do?

2. Ray played a game. What did Ray do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 45 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

3. Devon called his grandma. What did Devon do?

4. Sarah cleaned her room. What did Sarah do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 46 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

5. Shavona scratched her shoulder. What did Shavona do?

6. Jasmine walked to school. What did Jasmine do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 47 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

7. Barb opened her present. What did Barb do?

8. Theo dug a hole. What did Theo do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 48 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

9. Patti ate a meatball. What did Patti do?

10. Lynette found a ring. What did Lynette do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 49 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

11. Polly drank a soda. What did Polly do?

12. Fiona wrote her name. What did Fiona do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 50 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

13. Ren swam in the pool. What did Ren do?

14. Lucia swept the porch. What did Lucia do?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 51 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1. Phil washed his face. What did Phil do? washed his face + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

2. Burt played a game. What did Burt do? played a game + -
3. Tucker called his friend. What did Tucker do? called his friend + -
4. Gage cleaned her room. What did Gage do? cleaned her room + -
5. Chris walked to the library. What did Chris do? walked to the library + -

6. Denise hurt her arm. What did Denise do? hurt her arm + -
7. Candice opened her book. What did Candice do? opened her book + -
8. Barry closed the closet. What did Barry do? closed the closet + -
9. Darla put on her hat. What did Darla do? put on her hat + -
1 0. Landon pushed his brother. What did Landon do? pushed his brother + -
1 1. Luis painted his fence. What did Luis do? painted his fence + -
1 2. Carol dropped her money. What did Carol do? dropped her money + -
1 3. Barney fixed the chair. What did Barney do? fixed the chair + -
1 4. Diego laughed at the joke. What did Diego do? laughed at the joke + -
1 5. Becca cooked some rice. What did Becca do? cooked some rice + -
1 6. Austin turned the page. What did Austin do? turned the page + -
1 7. Molly looked out the window. What did Molly do? looked out the window + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1 8. Miguel danced at the party. What did Miguel do? danced at the party + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

1 9. Douglas brushed his hair. What did Douglas do? brushed his hair + -
20. Helen watered the flowers. What did Helen do? watered the flowers + -
2 1. Krista pointed to the star. What did Krista do? pointed to the star + -
22. Maria crashed into the wall. What did Maria do? crashed into the wall + -

23. Rock charged the fence. What did Rock do? charged the fence + -
24. Devon yelled out the window. What did Devon do? yelled out the window + -
25. Gregory clicked the mouse. What did Gregory do? clicked the mouse + -
26. Alison changed her clothes. What did Alison do? changed her clothes + -
27. Sean stapled his papers. What did Sean do? stapled his papers + -
28. Frank vacuumed the rug. What did Frank do? vacuumed the rug + -
29. Bonnie waited in line. What did Bonnie do? waited in line + -
30. Kareem waved to his friend. What did Kareem do? waved to his friend + -
3 1. Jim raised the flag. What did Jim do? raised the flag + -
32. Danielle lifted her shopping bag. What did Danielle do? lifted her shopping bag + -
33. Walter showed us his cut. What did Walter do? showed us his cut + -
34. Peg hugged her grandma. What did Peg do? hugged her grandma + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


35. April rubbed her eyes. What did April do? rubbed her eyes + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

36. Teresa knocked on the door. What did Teresa do? knocked on the door + -
37. Katherine jumped over the fence. What did Katherine do? jumped over the fence + -
38. Madison poured the orange juice. What did Madison do? poured the orange juice + -
39. Meagan splashed in the water. What did Meagan do? splashed in the water + -

40. Tony set the table. What did Tony do? set the table + -
4 1. Brianna planted a tree. What did Brianna do? planted a tree + -
42. Jarred fastened his seat belt. What did Jarred do? fastened his seat belt + -
43. Erin coughed in her hand. What did Erin do? coughed in her hand + -
44. Ed finished his homework. What did Ed do? finished his homework + -
45. Mary Lou sprayed the perfume. What did Mary Lou do? sprayed the perfume + -
46. Sam stopped at the store. What did Sam do? stopped at the store + -
47. Bernie cried at the movie. What did Bernie do? cried at the movie + -
48. Orlando watched a TV show. What did Orlando do? watched a TV show + -
49. Matt raced around the block. What did Matt do? raced around the block + -
50. Stephanie tripped over a rock. What did Stephanie do? tripped over a rock + -
5 1. Jeff dug a hole. What did Jeff do? dug a hole + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


52. Rose ate macaroni. What did Rose do? ate macaroni + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

53. Laura found a watch. What did Laura do? found a watch + -
54. Lindsey ate breakfast. What did Lindsey do? ate breakfast + -
55. Cassie wrote a letter. What did Cassie do? wrote a letter + -
56. Ellery went for a walk. What did Ellery do? went for a walk + -

57. Bethany set the table. What did Bethany do? set the table + -
58. Joseph took a nap. What did Joseph do? took a nap + -
59. Anthony made a snowman. What did Anthony do? made a snowman + -
60. Uncle Ray drove to the bank. What did Uncle Ray do? drove to the bank + -
6 1. Harold rode a horse. What did Harold do? rode a horse + -
62. Henry took a picture. What did Henry do? took a picture + -
63. Ned fed the goldfish. What did Ned do? fed the goldfish + -
64. Julie bought a sweater. What did Julie do? bought a sweater + -
65. Ted taught his class. What did Ted do? taught his class + -
66. Marla sang “Happy Birthday.” What did Marla do? sang “Happy Birthday” + -
67. Jeannie said, “No, thanks.” What did Jeannie do? said, “No, thanks.” + -
68. Micah held his mom’s hand. What did Micah do? held his mom’s hand + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


69. Will went to a restaurant. What did Will do? went to a restaurant + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

70. Finnian swung the bat. What did Finnian do? swung the bat + -
7 1. A.J. caught the ball. What did A.J. do? caught the ball + -
72. Chelsea chose a video game. What did Chelsea do? chose a video game + -
73. Rubin blew out the candles. What did Rubin do? blew out the candles + -

74. Noel hid behind the couch. What did Noel do? hid behind the couch + -
75. Nick felt the soft kitten. What did Nick do? felt the soft kitten + -
76. Jane spoke to her grandpa. What did Jane do? spoke to her grandpa + -
77. Manuel fell off the bench. What did Manuel do? fell off the bench + -
78. Linda heard the news. What did Linda do? heard the news + -
79. Trudy found some marbles. What did Trudy do? found some marbles + -
80. Karis sat on the grass. What did Karis do? sat on the grass + -
8 1. Julia gave a high-five. What did Julia do? gave a high-five + -
82. Valerie told a joke. What did Valerie do? told a joke + -
83. Sonia turned on the light. What did Sonia do? turned on the light + -
84. Kelly saw a rainbow. What did Kelly do? saw a rainbow + -
85. Clarence hung a picture. What did Clarence do? hung a picture + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


86. Marion came to the door. What did Marion do? came to the door + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

87. Carter read the magazine. What did Carter do? read the magazine + -
88. Christy made chocolate pudding. What did Christy do? made chocolate pudding + -
89. Bud sent a package. What did Bud do? sent a package + -
90. Cory flew to Florida. What did Cory do? flew to Florida + -

9 1. Dan broke the lamp. What did Dan do? broke the lamp + -
92. Owen stole a base. What did Owen do? stole a base + -
93. Rita wore her coat. What did Rita do? wore her coat + -
94. Nicholas grew some vegetables. What did Nicholas do? grew some vegetables + -
95. Diana slept outside. What did Diana do? slept outside + -
96. Ramona rode her bike. What did Ramona do? rode her bike + -
97. Rex stood on the mound. What did Rex do? stood on the mound + -
98. Pete shot the basketball. What did Pete do? shot the basketball + -
99. Reed built a doghouse. What did Reed do? built a doghouse + -
100. Gilbert threw the football. What did Gilbert do? threw the football + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions

1. Terence went to the library Saturday night. When did Terence go to the library?

2. Philip played basketball with his friends after school. When did Philip play basketball
with his friends?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 58 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

3. Kendra forgot to feed her fish yesterday. When did Kendra forget to feed
her fish?

4. Aunt Grace sat on the porch and had a cup of tea this afternoon. When did Aunt
Grace have a cup of tea on her porch?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 59 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

5. Tomorrow Mr. Denton is going to build a birdhouse for his backyard. When will Mr.
Denton build a birdhouse?

6. Last summer, Cole’s cousin from Ireland came to visit. When did Cole’s cousin come
to visit?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 60 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

7. Before going to sleep, Mrs. King reads a chapter in her book. When does Mrs. King
read her book?

8. Whitney had fun on Sunday afternoon when she went for a bike ride in the park.
When did Whitney go for a bike ride?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 61 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

9. Jade took all day Friday to clean her garage. When did Jade clean her garage?

10. When the rain stopped, the children went outside to play in the puddles. When did
the children go outside to play?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 62 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

11. The teacher handed out the homework for the class to do over the weekend. When
should the class do their homework?

12. Since the fire drill happened in the middle of the children’s recital, the children
started over and sang again. When did the fire drill happen?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 63 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

13. The turtles crawled out of the water just before it became dark and hid between
some rocks on the beach. When did the turtles crawl out of the water?

14. The baby fell asleep in the car on the way home from his grandma’s house. When
did the baby fall asleep in the car?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 64 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1. Today Carl called his friend. When did Carl call his friend? today + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

2. Yesterday Amy wrote a letter. When did Amy write a letter? yesterday + -
3. Tomorrow Alice is in a play. When is Alice in a play? tomorrow + -
4. This morning, Raymond cooked eggs. When did Raymond cook eggs? this morning + -
5. Tonight Franklin watched basketball on TV. When did Franklin
watch basketball? tonight + -

6. This afternoon, Marlin has karate class. When does Marlin have
karate class? this afternoon + -
7. Last night, Grace had a hard time going to sleep. When did Grace
have a hard time going to sleep? last night + -
8. After school, Natalie took a nap. When did Natalie take a nap? after school + -
9. Before dinner, Leila did her homework. When did Leila do
her homework? before dinner + -
1 0. In the middle of the night, Andy ate a bowl of cereal. When did
Andy eat a bowl of cereal? in the middle of the night + -
1 1. When it is dark, Greg goes to bed. When does Greg go to bed? when it is dark + -
1 2. When the sun comes up, Debra takes her dog for a walk.
When does Debra take her dog for a walk? when the sun comes up + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


13. When the movie started, Mrs. Becker stopped talking. When did Mrs.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

Becker stop talking? when the movie started + -
14. When the rain started, the children went inside. When did the
children go inside? when the rain started + -
15. Next week, Jill is going on a band trip. When is Jill going on a
band trip? next week + -

16. Last month, Hillary had a birthday. When did Hillary have a birthday? last month + -
17. In the summer, Mark is going to camp. When is Mark going to camp? in the summer + -
18. Every winter, Chuck goes ice skating. When does Chuck go ice skating? every winter + -
19. When it gets really hot, Mrs. Flynn turns on the air conditioner.
When does Mrs. Flynn turn on the air conditioner? when it gets really hot + -
20. Next spring, Selena is getting married. When is Selena
getting married? next spring + -
21. In the fall, DeShawn is going to college. When is DeShawn going
to college? in the fall + -
22. When the music comes on, the party will start. When will the
party start? when the music comes on + -
23. When the concert is over, the crowd will cheer. When will the
crowd cheer? when the concert is over + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


24. After lunch, Mr. Hedgecock has a meeting. When does Mr. Hedgecock

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

have a meeting? after lunch + -
25. Howard went swimming this morning. When did Howard
go swimming? this morning + -
26. Vinny’s car broke down after work. When did Vinny’s car
break down? after work + -

27. Mr. Clark washed his car last weekend. When did Mr. Clark wash
his car? last weekend + -
28. Meredith took a shower after her soccer game. When did Meredith
take a shower? after her soccer game + -
29. Corey took a walk after lunch. When did Corey take a walk? after lunch + -
30. Trista had a doctor’s appointment at one o’clock. When did Trista
have a doctor’s appointment? at one o’clock + -
31. Johnny called his grandma on her birthday. When did Johnny call
his grandma? on her birthday + -
32. Tim went to get pizza during his lunch hour. When did Tim go to
get pizza? during his lunch hour + -
33. Dr. Stevens played golf on his day off. When did Dr. Stevens play golf? on his day off + -
34. George rode the bus home late last night. When did George ride
the bus home? late last night + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


35. Teri went down the slide after her brother. When did Teri go down

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

the slide? after her brother + -
36. Yasmine was still hungry after dinner, so she made herself a snack.
When did Yasmine make a snack? after dinner + -
37. Arthur couldn’t find his white sneakers before gym class, so he put
on his blue sneakers. When did Arthur put on his blue sneakers? before gym class + -

38. The bell rang at five o’clock and the workers went home. When did
the workers go home? at five o’clock + -
39. The potato chips ran out at the beginning of the party, so Bill bought
more. When did the potato chips run out? at the beginning of the party + -
40. Mr. Moroney delivered the mail later than usual because there was so
much mail. When did Mr. Moroney deliver the mail? later than usual + -
41. The class arrived at the museum at 11:30, so they ate lunch there.
When did the class arrive at the museum? at 11.30 + -
42. Liz planted tulips in the fall so they would bloom in the spring.
When did Liz plant the tulips? in the fall + -
43. Shenequa finished her homework before dinner, so she went outside
to play. When did Shenequa finish her homework? before dinner + -
44. Mrs. Deere’s phone battery ran out in the middle of her phone call, so
she called back later. When did Mrs. Deere’s phone battery run out? in the middle of her phone call + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: When Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


45. José washed his car after work because he rode through a big puddle

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

on the way home. When did José wash his car? after work + -
46. Owen got a card in the mail on his birthday from his friend. When
did Owen get a card in the mail? on his birthday + -
47. The band had a bake sale after school to make money for a trip.
When did the band have a bake sale? after school + -

48. Timothy went to the hospital after he fell off his skateboard.
When did Timothy go to the hospital? after he fell off his skateboard + -
49. A.J. called his friend when he heard she was sick. When did A.J.
call his friend? when he heard she was sick + -
50. Clarissa got a haircut on Thursday after school. When did Clarissa
get a haircut? on Thursday after school + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions

1. A teacher opened her briefcase and realized she had forgotten to bring the test to
school. What happened when the teacher opened her briefcase?

2. Arturo broke his grandma’s lamp when he was playing ball in the house with his
brother. What happened when Arturo was playing ball in the house with his brother?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 70 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

3. Sally accidentally scratched her favorite CD when she pulled it out of the CD player.
What happened when Sally pulled her favorite CD out of the CD player?

4. Mrs. Kelly opened up a shoe box in her attic and found some old letters inside. What
happened when Mrs. Kelly opened up a shoe box in her attic?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 71 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

5. Jackie found a hole in her new skirt the first time she put it on. What happened the
first time Jackie put her new skirt on?

6. When a pickup truck pulled away from the curb, all of the tools fell out of the back
of the truck onto the street. What happened when the pickup truck pulled away
from the curb?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 72 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

7. A tired woman tried to finish her paperwork in bed, but she fell asleep with the
computer in her lap. What happened when the woman tried to finish her paperwork
in bed?

8. The whole class giggled in gym class when the wind blew the teacher’s hat off his
head. What happened when the wind blew the teacher’s hat off his head?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 73 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

9. When Julie brought her new drum to school, someone accidentally stepped on it and
broke it. What happened when Julie brought her drum to school?

10. The windshield of the car broke when someone hit a baseball into the parking lot.
What happened to the car?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 74 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

11. When Jennifer opened the door and walked into her house, everyone yelled
“Surprise” and sang “Happy Birthday.” What happened when Jennifer walked
into her house?

12. Anwar had bad dreams after he watched a scary movie. What happened after
Anwar watched a scary movie?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 75 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

13. Billie Joe left his crayons out in the hot sun and they melted. What happened when
Billie Joe left his crayons out in the hot sun?

14. John went outside to the get the newspaper and he locked himself out of his
apartment. What happened when John went outside to get the newspaper?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 76 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1. Kendra stepped in a puddle and her shoes got all wet. What

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

happened when Kendra stepped in a puddle? Her shoes got all wet. + -
2. Roma’s money fell out of her pocket when she went on the roller
coaster. What happened when Roma went on the roller coaster? Her money fell out of her pocket. + -
3. Eugene’s tooth fell out when he bit an apple. What happened when
Eugene bit an apple? His tooth fell out. + -

4. The geese flew away when the child started chasing them. What
happened when the child started chasing the geese? The geese flew away. + -
5. Mrs. Hatcher waited on the porch when she locked herself out of
the house. What happened when Mrs. Hatcher locked herself out
of the house? She waited on the porch. + -
6. Donald’s plant died when he forgot to water it. What happened
when Donald forgot to water his plant? His plant died. + -
7. Brody’s dog got out when he left the gate open. What happened
when Brody left the gate open? His dog got out. + -
8. The dog ate Lena’s snack when she wasn’t looking. What happened
when Lena wasn’t looking? The dog ate her snack. + -
9. A glass bowl broke when the boys were playing ball in the house.
What happened when the boys were playing ball in the house? A glass bowl broke. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1 0. The baby fell asleep while the music was playing. What happened

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

while the music was playing? The baby fell asleep. + -
11. David’s shoes got all muddy when he played outside. What
happened when David played outside? His shoes got all muddy. + -
12. Teddy’s dad got angry after Teddy rode his bike without his helmet.
What happened when Teddy rode his bike without his helmet? His dad got angry. + -

13. Mrs. Chester’s bush died when her dog dug it up. What happened when
Mrs. Chester’s dog dug up her bush? The bush died. + -
14. Melissa was punished after she hit her sister. What happened after
Melissa hit her sister? Melissa was punished. + -
15. The worms came out of the ground after it rained. What happened The worms came
after it rained? out of the ground. + -
16. The mom got out the vacuum after the children dropped their cereal
on the rug. What happened after the children dropped their cereal The mom got out
on the rug? the vacuum. + -
17. The Higgins moved their outdoor party into the house after it started They moved the party
to rain. What happened after it started to rain? into the house. + -
18. After the children ran through the pile of leaves, they had to help
rake them up. What happened after the children ran through the pile They had to help
of leaves? rake up the leaves. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


19. After Margaret wiggled her tooth, it came out. What happened after

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

Margaret wiggled her tooth? Her tooth came out. + -
20. After he fell off his skateboard, Diego got a cast on his arm. What
happened after Diego fell off his skateboard? He got a cast on his arm. + -
21. After the rain stopped, the children went to play on the playground. The children went to
What happened after the rain stopped? play on the playground. + -

22 After Maura sold all of her lemonade, she counted her money. What
happened after Maura sold all of her lemonade? She counted her money. + -
23. After Mr. Carter cleaned out his attic, he rested on his couch. What
happened after Mr. Carter cleaned out his attic? He rested on his couch. + -
24. When Jared came back from the beach, he had a sunburn.
What happened when Jared came back from the beach? He had a sunburn. + -
25. After Alyssa graduated from high school, she went to beauty school.
What happened after Alyssa graduated from high school? She went to beauty school. + -
26. When Simon woke up late, he got to work late. What
happened when Simon woke up late? He got to work late. + -
27. When Kip dove into the pool, his goggles came off. What happened
when Kip dove into the pool? His goggles came off. + -
28. After the doctor checked Gary’s ears, she gave him some medicine.
What happened after the doctor checked Gary’s ears? She gave him some medicine. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


29. After Will fell asleep, his dad carried him up to bed. What happened

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

after Will fell asleep? His dad carried him up to bed. + -
30. Before the race, Bob twisted his ankle. What happened before
the race? Bob twisted his ankle. + -
31. Before going to a party, the children got their good clothes all dirty.
What happened before the children went to a party? They got their good clothes dirty. + -

32 The rain came down hard and soaked the soccer field, so the game
was canceled. What happened when rain soaked the soccer field? The game was canceled. + -
33. Quinn started crying in the movie theater, so he and his family had to Quinn and his family had to leave
leave. What happened when Quinn cried in the movie theater? the movie theater. + -
34. A pen leaked in Nicole’s purse, so everything in it was ruined. A pen leaked in Nicole’s purse
What happened? and ruined everything in it. + -
35. George had a bad cold, so he couldn’t go to the party. What happened? George couldn’t go to the party
because he had a bad cold. + -
36. Pat forgot to put on sunscreen, so she got a sunburn. What happened? Pat got a sunburn because she
forgot to put on sunscreen. + -
37. Megan loved her doll, so she took it on vacation with her. Megan took her doll with her on
What happened? vacation because she loved it. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


38. Lindsey didn’t want to sleep on the ground, so she didn’t go camping. Lindsey didn’t go camping

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

What happened? because she didn’t like sleeping
on the ground. + -
39. Mr. Gibson forgot to turn off the stove, so the pot burned. The pot burned because Mr. Gibson
What happened? forgot to turn off the stove. + -
40. The sun got in his eyes, so Steven didn’t catch the ball. Steven didn’t catch the ball

What happened? because the sun got in his eyes. + -
41. Betty ate too much candy, so she got a cavity. What happened? Betty got a cavity because she
ate too much candy. + -
42. The boys would not stop talking in class, so the teacher sent them to The teacher sent the boys to the
the principal. What happened? principal because they wouldn’t
stop talking in class. + -
43. There was a car accident on the highway, so the road was closed. The road was closed because there
What happened? was a car accident on the highway. + -
44. Tony lost his wallet, so he borrowed money from his friend. Tony borrowed money from his
What happened? friend because he lost his wallet. + -
45. The team won the championship, so they went out to celebrate at the The team celebrated winning
ice-cream shop. What happened? the championship by going to
the ice-cream shop. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: What Happened Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


46. Annette didn’t like her new haircut, so she put on a hat. Annette put on a hat because she

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

What happened? didn’t like her new haircut. + -
47. Robin didn’t eat her breakfast, so she ate an early lunch. Robin ate lunch early because
What happened? she didn’t eat her breakfast. + -
48. A bird had a broken wing, so Frances brought it to the veterinarian. Frances brought a bird with a
What happened? broken wing to the veterinarian. + -

49. When Rocky dropped his notebook, his papers blew all over the Rocky dropped his notebook and
parking lot. What happened? his papers blew all over the
parking lot. + -
50. Alicia broke the heel on her shoe at the dance, so she danced in her Alicia danced in her bare feet
bare feet. What happened? because she broke the heel
on her shoe at the dance. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/Why Questions

1. Christopher found some money when he reached into the pocket of an old pair of
pants. How did Christopher find some money?

2. Bradley’s stove wasn’t working, so he cooked his dinner on the barbecue outside.
How did Bradley cook his dinner?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 83 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

3. Paul opened his car with a hanger after he locked his keys in his car. How did Paul
open his car?

4. Gloria drove her baby around in her car until the baby fell asleep. How did Gloria put
her baby to sleep?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 84 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

5. Joan was really hot, so she ran through the sprinkler outside of her house. How did
Joan cool off?

6. Alec was afraid to fly, so he took the train to visit his aunt in Florida. How did Alec
get to his aunt’s house?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 85 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

7. Hailey’s little brother was sad, so she sang a song to him to make him stop crying.
How did Hailey help her little brother stop crying?

8. Sheri stayed home from school because she had the flu. Why did Sheri stay home
from school?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 86 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

9. Kimora wasn’t playing nicely with the other children, so her teacher took her off
the playground. Why did Kimora have to leave the playground?

10. Rosalyn ripped her wedding dress as she stepped out of the car, so she used a
safety pin to hold it together. Why did Rosalyn have to pin her wedding dress?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 87 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

11. Greg wasn’t wearing his seat belt when he was driving his car, so a police officer
gave him a ticket. Why did the police officer give Greg a ticket?

12. Juanita and her sister started to giggle at a wedding, so their mother made
them move away from each other. Why did Juanita’s mother move her away
from her sister?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 88 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

13. Larissa was crawling around on the floor of the movie theater looking for her
earring. Why was Larissa crawling around the floor of the movie theater?

14. Camela got to leave first because her dad was waiting for her. Why did Camela
leave first?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 89 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


1. Nick had no money for the bus, so he walked home instead.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

How did Nick get home? He walked home. + -
2. Dale’s computer broke, so he finished his report on his brother’s
computer. How did Dale finish his report? He used his brother’s computer. + -
3. Lee forgot to bring his lunch, so he used a lunch ticket.
How did Lee get lunch? He used a lunch ticket. + -

4. Paul crouched down behind a chair when his brother came in
so he wouldn’t see him. How did Paul hide from his brother? He crouched down behind a chair. + -
5. David couldn’t reach the cereal in the cabinet, so he climbed
up onto the counter. How did David reach the cereal? He climbed up onto the counter. + -
6. Brian cooked his dinner over a fire when he went camping.
How did Brian cook his dinner? He cooked it over a campfire. + -
7. Adrian bought a new fishing pole over the Internet for his
brother. How did Adrian buy a fishing pole? He bought it over the Internet. + -
8. Linda popped the balloon when she sat on it. How did Linda
break the balloon? She sat on it. + -
9. Philip won a new car when he entered a contest. How did
Philip get a new car? He entered a contest and won it. + -
1 0. Jim got a ride to his baseball game from his friend’s dad.
How did Jim get to his baseball game? He got a ride from his friend’s dad. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


11. Blake rode to school on his skateboard. How did Blake get to school? He rode on his skateboard. + -

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

12. Natalie’s lights went out, so she did her homework by candlelight.
How did Natalie see her homework? She used candlelight. + -
13. Mr. Stone wasn’t feeling well, so he paid a boy to shovel snow off his
walkway. How did Mr. Stone get his walkway shoveled? He paid a boy to do it. + -
14. Toni Ann’s mom kissed her scratch and made it feel better. How did

Toni Ann’s mom make her scratch feel better? She kissed the scratch. + -
15. Rex dug under the gate and got out in the front yard. How did Rex get
out in the front yard? He dug under the gate. + -
16. Eve couldn’t find the scissors, so she opened the package with a knife.
How did Eve open the package? She used a knife. + -
17. Melissa wrote her phone number for the boy in lipstick when she couldn’t
find a pen. How did Melissa write her phone number? She wrote with lipstick. + -
18. Archie ate his applesauce with a straw after he dropped his spoon on
the ground. How did Archie eat his applesauce? He used a straw. + -
19. Carlos played the national anthem on his trombone before the baseball
game. How did Carlos play the national anthem? He played it on his trombone. + -
20. Tarik climbed a ladder to get the ball off the roof. How did Tarik get
the ball off the roof? He climbed a ladder. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


21. Penny won the card game when she got four aces. How did Penny win

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

the card game? She got four aces. + -
22 Tim accidentally dropped his keys down the sink drain. How did Tim He dropped them down
lose his keys? the sink drain. + -
23. Ike fell off a ladder and twisted his ankle. How did Ike twist his ankle? He fell off a ladder. + -
24. John mailed his grandpa a letter to wish him a happy birthday. How did

John wish his grandpa a happy birthday? He mailed him a letter. + -
25. Dina tipped Colin’s canoe, so Colin fell into the water and got all wet. He fell into the water when
How did Colin get wet? his canoe tipped. + -
26. Janet wore gloves in the garden so her hands wouldn’t get all dirty. She wore gloves to keep her
Why did Janet wear gloves in the garden? hands from getting dirty. + -
27. Tom cried because his sister knocked down his tower. Why did Tom cry? His sister knocked down his tower. + -
28. Victor returned his toy car to the store because the wheels broke off.
Why did Victor return his toy car to the store? The wheels broke off. + -
29. Judith turned on the air conditioner after it got above 90 degrees.
Why did Judith turn on her air conditioner? It was above 90 degrees. + -
30. Christopher had a headache, so he took an aspirin. Why did
Christopher take an aspirin? He had a headache. + -
31. Leroy got a haircut because his hair was covering his eyes. Why did
Leroy get a haircut? His hair covered his eyes. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


32 Devon finished his homework quickly so he could go outside and play.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

Why did Devon finish his homework quickly? He wanted to go outside and play. + -
33. Bailey played two softball games and was really dirty, so he took a He was really dirty after
long bath. Why did Bailey take a long bath? playing two softball games. + -
34. The grass in the backyard was very high, so Sandy mowed it. Why did
Sandy mow the lawn in the backyard? The grass was very high. + -

35. Hugh and Greg had a silly fight, so they don’t talk to each other
anymore. Why don’t Hugh and Greg talk to each other anymore? They had a silly fight. + -
36. Luke wasn’t tired, so he didn’t take a nap. Why didn’t Luke take a nap? He wasn’t tired. + -
37. The children behaved well at the store, so their dad bought them some
ice cream. Why did the children’s dad buy them some ice cream? They behaved well at the store. + -
38. The chain on Craig’s bike fell off, so he had to walk his bike home.
Why did Craig walk his bike home? The chain fell off. + -
39. Victoria had worked really hard this year, so she took a long vacation.
Why did Victoria take a long vacation? She had worked really hard. + -
40. It was too cold outside, so Tess gave her dog a bath in the house.
Why didn’t Tess give her dog a bath outside? It was too cold outside. + -
41. Julie wanted to make the tennis team, so she practiced hitting the
ball against her garage door. Why did Julie hit the ball against her She wanted to make the
garage door? tennis team. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1-Sentence Stories: How/ Why Questions, continued

Circle + for a correct response. Circle - for a prompted or an incorrect response.


42. It is not dark enough during the day to see the stars, so Franklin uses It’s not dark enough

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension

his telescope at night. Why does Franklin use his telescope at night? during the day. + -
43. It wasn’t windy enough to fly her kite, so Nan rode her bike instead.
Why didn’t Nan fly her kite? It wasn’t windy enough. + -
44. Michael already had the same bug book at home, so he exchanged the
other one at the store. Why did Michael exchange the bug book? He already had the same book. + -

45. Because he had a dental appointment, Jim left work early. Why did
Jim leave work early? He had a dental appointment. + -
46. Yolanda did well on her math project, so her mom gave her a big hug. Yolanda did well
Why did Yolanda’s mom give her a big hug? on her math project. + -
47. Jeremy had a bad cold, so he didn’t go to his cousin’s birthday party.
Why didn’t Jeremy go to his cousin’s birthday party? He had a bad cold. + -
48. Because the weather was bad, the wedding was held indoors. Why was
the wedding held indoors? The weather was bad. + -
49. Because Janis lost her gloves, she wore mittens instead. Why did
Janis wear mittens? She lost her gloves. + -
50. Rob had to get up early to catch a plane, so he went to bed early. He had to get up early
Why did Rob go to bed early? to catch a plane. + -

Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories

1. John went to the bank on Friday. He took ten dollars out of his account and put
it in his wallet.

a. Who went to the bank?

b. Where did John go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did John go to the bank?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 95 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

2. Josie went to the park on Saturday. She gave a mother duck and three baby ducks
some bread.

a. Who went to the park?

b. Where did Josie go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Josie go to the park?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 96 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

3. Ben went to the pet shop on Monday. He bought a toy for his dog.

a. Who went to the pet shop?

b. Where did Ben go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Ben go to the pet shop?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 97 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

4. Luke went to his cousin’s house on Wednesday. They played on the swings and ate
pizza for dinner.

a. Who went to his cousin’s house?

b. Where did Luke go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did Luke go to his cousin’s house?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 98 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

5. Mark went to a birthday party on Sunday. He played games and ate cake.

a. Who went to a birthday party?

b. Where did Mark go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Mark go to the party?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 99 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

6. Veronica went to a farm on Tuesday. She fed the pigs some corn.

a. Who went to a farm?

b. Where did Veronica go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Veronica go to the farm?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 100 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

7. Alex went to the mall last night. He bought a new gray jacket.

a. Who went to the mall?

b. Where did Alex go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Alex go to the mall?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 101 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

8. Brandon went to school this morning. He made a picture with finger paint.

a. Who went to school?

b. Where did Brandon go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Brandon go to school?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 102 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

9. Beth went to her grandma’s house last week. She raked all of the leaves in her
grandma’s backyard.

a. Who went to her grandma’s house?

b. Where did Beth go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Beth go to her grandma’s house?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 103 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

10. Ethan went to the doctor’s office yesterday. He got a shot and a lollipop from
the doctor.

a. Who went to the doctor’s office?

b. Where did Ethan go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Ethan go to the doctor’s office?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 104 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

11. Maya went to the movies last night. She ate popcorn and watched a scary movie.

a. Who went to the movies?

b. Where did Maya go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Maya go to the movies?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 105 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

12. Rachel went to a soccer game on the weekend. She watched and cheered for her
sister’s team.

a. Who went to a soccer game?

b. Where did Rachel go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Rachel go to the soccer game?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 106 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

13. Mandy went to the grocery store in the afternoon. She bought some vegetables to
make a salad.

a. Who went to the store?

b. Where did Mandy go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Mandy go to the store?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 107 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

14. Brady went to the dentist last week. He had his teeth cleaned with a special

a. Who went to the dentist?

b. Where did Brady go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Brady go to the dentist?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 108 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

15. Melanie went to a restaurant on Saturday. She ate a lot of yummy pasta and

a. Who went to a restaurant?

b. Where did Melanie go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Melanie go to the restaurant?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 109 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

16. Griffin went to the library this weekend. He took out a book about bugs.

a. Who went to the library?

b. Where did Griffin go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Griffin go to the library?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 110 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

17. Trevor went to a video store last night. He rented a funny video.

a. Who went to a video store?

b. Where did Trevor go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Trevor go to a video store?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 111 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

18. Bridget went to the pool Saturday morning. She practiced diving off the
diving board.

a. Who went to the pool?

b. Where did Bridget go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Bridget go to the pool?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 112 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

19. Evan went to the park yesterday afternoon. He rode his bike on the bike trail.

a. Who went to the park?

b. Where did Evan go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Evan go to the park?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 113 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

20. Susan went to a hair stylist the other day. She got a shampoo and haircut.

a. Who went to a hair stylist?

b. Where did Susan go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Susan go to a hair stylist?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 114 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

21. Meg went to the jewelry store last week. She bought a shiny bracelet for
her mom.

a. Who went to the jewelry store?

b. Where did Meg go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Meg go to the jewelry store?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 115 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

22. Judith went to the bakery at six o’clock this morning. She bought three fresh
onion rolls.

a. Who went to the bakery?

b. Where did Judith go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Judith go?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 116 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

23. Ramon went to the hardware store at three o’clock this afternoon. He got a new

a. Who went to the hardware store?

b. Where did Ramon go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Ramon go to the hardware store?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 117 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

24. Mary went to a craft fair Saturday afternoon. She bought a flower wreath for
her aunt.

a. Who went to a craft fair?

b. Where did Mary go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Mary go?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 118 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

25. Charlotte went to the gym Tuesday night. She played two games of tennis.

a. Who went to the gym?

b. Where did Charlotte go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Charlotte go to the gym?

26. Marcie went to her new job this week. She learned how to bag groceries.

a. Who went to a new job?

b. Where did Marcie go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Marcie go to her new job?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 119 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

27. Zach went to the city last Wednesday night. He saw a concert with his friends.

a. Who went to the city?

b. Where did Zach go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Zach go?

28. Mary Jane went to the beach at ten o’clock in the morning. She read a book under
her umbrella.

a. Who went to the beach?

b. Where did Mary Jane go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Mary Jane go to the beach?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 120 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

29. Juan went to the eye doctor a little while ago. He had his eyes examined by
the doctor.

a. Who went to the eye doctor?

b. Where did Juan go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Juan go to the eye doctor?

30. Sal went to the flower shop on Mother’s Day. He bought some roses for his

a. Who went to the flower shop?

b. Where did Sal go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Sal go to the flower shop?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 121 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

31. Arnold went to the marina on the Fourth of July. He watched the fireworks from
his boat.

a. Who went to the marina?

b. Where did Arnold go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Arnold go to the marina?

32. Ling went to her room after school. She did her homework on her computer.

a. Who went to her room?

b. Where did Ling go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Ling go to her room?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 122 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

33. Moses went to the airport on New Year’s Day. He waved goodbye to his friend on
the plane.

a. Who went to the airport?

b. Where did Moses go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Moses go to the airport?

34. Uncle Harris went to the fire station at 11 o’clock last night. He turned on the
siren to call the other firefighters.

a. Who went to the fire station?

b. Where did Uncle Harris go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Uncle Harris go to the fire station?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 123 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

35. Loretta went to the hospital at 9:30 yesterday morning. She brought her friend
some magazines to read.

a. Who went to the hospital?

b. Where did Loretta go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Loretta go?

36. Taylor went to the roof of his house at midnight. He looked at the stars through
his telescope.

a. Who went to the roof of his house?

b. Where did Taylor go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Taylor go to the roof of his house?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 124 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

37. Paul went to the ice-cream shop on Valentine’s Day. He got ice-cream cones for his
girlfriend and himself.

a. Who went to the ice-cream shop?

b. Where did Paul go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Paul go to the ice-cream shop?

38. Rich went to the museum on Saturday afternoon. He saw a dinosaur exhibit.

a. Who went to the museum?

b. Where did Rich go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Rich go to the museum?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 125 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

39. Rocco went to the fair last weekend. He rode the Ferris wheel and ate cotton

a. Who went to the fair?

b. Where did Rocco go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Rocco go to the fair?

40. Gordon went to a baseball game this summer. He saw his favorite team win a game.

a. Who went to the baseball game?

b. Where did Gordon go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Gordon go to the baseball game?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 126 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

41. Curtis went to a farm stand in the fall. He picked some red, juicy apples.

a. Who went to the farm stand?

b. Where did Curtis go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Curtis go to the farm stand?

42. Heather went to the paint store the other day. She picked out a paint color for
her room.

a. Who went to the paint store?

b. Where did Heather go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Heather go to the paint store?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 127 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

43. Mrs. Liddy went to the hardware store a couple of days ago. She bought a new

a. Who went to the hardware store?

b. Where did Mrs. Liddy go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Mrs. Liddy go to the hardware store?

44. The Murphy family went to Florida last winter. They swam in the ocean.

a. Who went to Florida?

b. Where did the Murphy family go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did the Murphy family go to Florida?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 128 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

45. Mr. Peterson went to the track early today. He jogged around the track five times.

a. Who went to the track?

b. Where did Mr. Peterson go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Mr. Peterson go to the track?

46. Last weekend, the Wong family went to the shoe store. They bought some new

a. Who went to the shoe store?

b. Where did the Wong family go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did the Wong family go to the shoe store?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 129 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

47. Every Friday, Aunt Dee and Uncle Max go to a restaurant. They order the
fish special.

a. Who goes to the restaurant?

b. Where do Aunt Dee and Uncle Max go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Aunt Dee and Uncle Max go to the restaurant?

48. On Saturday, the Brennans are moving. They are moving to Los Angeles.

a. Who is going to Los Angeles?

b. Where are the Brennans going?
c. What are they going to do there?
d. When are the Brennans moving?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 130 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

49. Next year, Allyssa will go to college. She will learn to be a teacher.

a. Who will go to college?

b. Where will Allyssa go?
c. What will she do there?
d. When will Allyssa go to college?

50. In the summer, Toby and his family will go to California. They will see the ocean.

a. Who will go to California?

b. Where will Toby and his family go?
c. What will they do there?
d. When will Toby and his family go to California?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 131 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

51. Next year, Jonathan will go to a different school. He will meet new friends there.

a. Who will go to a different school?

b. Where will Jonathan go?
c. What will he do there?
d. When will Jonathan go to a different school?

52. Every day at six o’clock in the morning, Christina and her dog go to the track. She
gives her dog some exercise.

a. Who goes to the track?

b. Where do Christina and her dog go?
c. What does she do there?
d. When do Christina and her dog go to the track?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 132 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

53. Once a week, Mrs. Stone and her students go to the library. They take out
books to read.

a. Who goes to the library?

b. Where do Mrs. Stone and her students go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Mrs. Stone and her students go to the library?

54. Every year, Holly has a holiday party at her house. She gives presents to all the

a. Who has a holiday party?

b. Where does Holly have her holiday party?
c. What does she do there?
d. When does Holly have her holiday party?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 133 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

55. When it rains, Mrs. Richards goes out on her porch. She sits in her rocking chair
and listens to the rain on the roof.

a. Who goes out on her porch?

b. Where does Mrs. Richards go?
c. What does she do there?
d. When does Mrs. Richards go on her porch?

56. Every winter, the Epstein children go to the photography studio. They have their
picture taken for their grandparents.

a. Who goes to the photography studio?

b. Where do the Epstein children go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do the Epstein children go to the photography studio?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 134 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

57. When it is really hot outside, Wayne goes to the movies. He sits in the air
conditioning and watches the movie.

a. Who goes to the movies?

b. Where does Wayne go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Wayne go to the movies?

58. On her tenth birthday, Lila will go to the animal shelter. She will pick out a kitten
to take home.

a. Who will go to the animal shelter?

b. Where will Lila go?
c. What will she do there?
d. When will Lila go to the animal shelter?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 135 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

59. When it snows, Jorge and his brothers go to the town park. They bring their sleds
and go sledding down a big hill.

a. Who goes to the town park?

b. Where do Jorge and his brothers go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Jorge and his brothers go to the park?

60. After they were married, James and Judy went to Florida. They sailed on a

a. Who went to Florida?

b. Where did James and Judy go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did James and Judy go to Florida?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 136 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

61. Next month, Mike and Cindy will go to New York City. They will watch a play.

a. Who will go to New York City?

b. Where will Mike and Cindy go?
c. What will they do there?
d. When will Mike and Cindy go to the play?

62. Next weekend, Jack and Gina will go to the mountains. They will go skiing.

a. Who will go to the mountains?

b. Where will Jack and Gina go?
c. What will they do there?
d. When will Jack and Gina go to the mountains?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 137 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

63. After work today, Betty will go to the car wash. She will have her car washed.

a. Who will go to the car wash?

b. Where will Betty go?
c. What will she do there?
d. When will Betty go to the car wash?

64. Next Wednesday, Lynn and her class will go on a field trip to a candy factory.
They will see how candy is made.

a. Who will go to a candy factory?

b. Where will Lynn and her class go?
c. What will they do there?
d. When will Lynn and her class go to the candy factory?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 138 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

65. Before school, Omar will go to the ice-skating rink. He will have his skating lesson.

a. Who will go to the ice-skating rink?

b. Where will Omar go?
c. What will he do there?
d. When will Omar go to the ice-skating rink?

66. During lunch, Rita is going to the post office. She needs to mail a box to her

a. Who is going to the post office?

b. Where is Rita going?
c. What is she going to do there?
d. When is Rita going to the post office?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 139 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

67. When his brother is sick, Charlie goes into the closet. He gets out his brother’s
electric blanket.

a. Who goes into the closet?

b. Where does Charlie go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Charlie go into the closet?

68. When Fido is bored, he goes out into the backyard. He digs up a bone to chew on.

a. Who goes into the backyard?

b. Where does Fido go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Fido go into the backyard?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 140 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

69. When Kendra hears the baby cry, she goes to the baby’s room. She picks up the
baby and rocks him in the rocking chair.

a. Who goes to the baby’s room?

b. Where does Kendra go?
c. What does she do there?
d. When does Kendra go to the baby’s room?

70. When it gets dark, Damian goes up to his tree house. He looks through his
telescope at the stars.

a. Who goes up to his tree house?

b. Where does Damian go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Damian go up to his tree house?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 141 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

71. Before the sun rises, Mrs. Flint goes to the barn. She milks the cows and feeds
the chickens.

a. Who goes to the barn?

b. Where does Mrs. Flint go?
c. What does she do there?
d. When does Mrs. Flint go to the barn?

72. When the ocean waves are big, Skeeter goes to the beach. He brings his surfboard
and goes surfing.

a. Who goes to the beach?

b. Where does Skeeter go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Skeeter go to the beach?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 142 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

73. In the middle of the night, Mr. Rosenwald goes to the baby’s room. He makes sure
the baby is sleeping.

a. Who goes to the baby’s room?

b. Where does Mr. Rosenwald go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Mr. Rosenwald go to the baby’s room?

74. Right before the wedding, the groom ran to the car. He had to get the
wedding rings.

a. Who ran to the car?

b. Where did the groom run?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did the groom run to the car?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 143 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

75. At the end of the show, the dancer ran onto the stage. She received some flowers
and took a bow.

a. Who ran onto the stage?

b. Where did the dancer run?
c. What did she do on the stage?
d. When did the dancer run onto the stage?

76. At the beginning of the party, the birthday boy came into the party room. He
jumped when everyone yelled, “Surprise!”

a. Who came into the party room?

b. Where did the birthday boy go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did the birthday boy come into the party room?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 144 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

77. When everyone was hungry, Mrs. Anderson went to the kitchen. She made a phone
call and ordered some Chinese food.

a. Who went to the kitchen?

b. Where did Mrs. Anderson go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Mrs. Anderson go to the kitchen?

78. When the mail carrier came, Mrs. Campbell ran to meet him. She took the mail
from him and opened a special letter she had been waiting for.

a. Who ran to meet the mail carrier?

b. Where did Mrs. Campbell go?
c. What did she do with the mail?
d. When did Mrs. Campbell run to meet the mail carrier?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 145 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

79. On the first day of spring, Mr. Hamilton went to his garden. He watered the
flowers that were beginning to bloom.

a. Who went to his garden?

b. Where did Mr. Hamilton go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Mr. Hamilton go to his garden?

80. On the last day of school, Jerome went to the principal’s office. He shook the
principal’s hand and said, “Have a nice summer.”

a. Who went to the principal’s office?

b. Where did Jerome go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Jerome go to the principal’s office?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 146 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

81. The day before Thanksgiving, Rhoda went to the fruit and vegetable market. She
got turnips, carrots, and potatoes to cook for her guests.

a. Who went to the fruit and vegetable market?

b. Where did Rhoda go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Rhoda go to the fruit and vegetable market?

82. When the leaves fall off the trees, Mrs. Connelly goes to her neighbor’s house.
She asks her neighbor’s son to rake her leaves for $20.

a. Who goes to her neighbor’s house?

b. Where does Mrs. Connelly go?
c. What does she do there?
d. When does Mrs. Connelly go to her neighbor’s house?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 147 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

83. Greta plays volleyball on Thursday nights in the summer. She plays in the sand at
Jones Beach.

a. Who plays volleyball?

b. Where does Greta play volleyball?
c. What does she do at Jones Beach?
d. When does Greta play volleyball?

84. Martin and his friends go to the pier on the lake on Saturday mornings in the
spring. They try to catch fish for dinner.

a. Who goes to the pier on the lake?

b. Where do Martin and his friends go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Martin and his friends go to the pier on the lake?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 148 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

85. Grandma and her sister go to the beauty shop every other week. They get their
nails and hair done.

a. Who goes to the beauty shop?

b. Where do Grandma and her sister go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Grandma and her sister go to the beauty shop?

86. Aiden and his team go to Lawrence High School at the end of every month.
They have a wrestling match there.

a. Who goes to Lawrence High School?

b. Where do Aiden and his team go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Aiden and his team go to Lawrence High School?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 149 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

87. Uncle Nunzio goes to Cancun on vacation at the start of every year. He goes
scuba diving.

a. Who goes to Cancun on vacation?

b. Where does Uncle Nunzio go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Uncle Nunzio go to Cancun on vacation?

88. Kelsey and Paige play soccer on Wednesdays after school. They play at all the
soccer fields in town.

a. Who plays soccer?

b. Where do Kelsey and Paige play soccer?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Kelsey and Paige play soccer?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 150 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

89. Joann and Don go to a block party every Memorial Day. They visit with their
neighbors and have a barbecue.

a. Who goes to a block party?

b. Where do Joann and Don go?
c. What do they do there?
d. When do Joann and Don go to a block party?

90. Manny has a piano lesson every Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Jones gives him lessons at
her house.

a. Who takes piano lessons?

b. Where does Manny go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Manny take piano lessons?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 151 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

91. Latrell goes upstate to Camp Lockhern after the Fourth of July. He works as a
counselor for the campers.

a. Who goes upstate to Camp Lockhern?

b. Where does Latrell go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Latrell go to Camp Lockhern?

92. When the nurse calls, the doctor comes into the delivery room. He helps the
mothers have their babies.

a. Who goes into the delivery room?

b. Where does the doctor go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does the doctor go into the delivery room?
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 152 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.
2-Sentence Stories, continued

93. On the last day of the month, Nelson gets paid for working. He goes to the bank
to cash his check.

a. Who gets paid for working?

b. Where does Nelson go?
c. What does he do there?
d. When does Nelson get paid for working?

94. Mr. McSweeney went into his office and called the electric company. He called
when the lights went out.

a. Who called the electric company?

b. Where did Mr. McSweeney make the call?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Mr. McSweeney call the electric company?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 153 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

95. The Dobbs will go to Hawaii on their anniversary. They will see volcanoes on a
helicopter ride.

a. Who is going to Hawaii?

b. Where are the Dobbs going?
c. What will they do there?
d. When will the Dobbs go to Hawaii?

96. The president will have his picture taken in a few minutes. He will go into the
Rose Garden.

a. Who will go into the Rose Garden?

b. Where will the president go?
c. What will he do there?
d. When will the president have his picture taken?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 154 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

97. Cheryl’s aunt will go to the car dealer in a few hours. She will pick up her new car.

a. Who will go to the car dealer?

b. Where will Cheryl’s aunt go?
c. What will she do there?
d. When will Cheryl’s aunt go to the car dealer?

98. My cousin will have her cast taken off next Saturday. She will have it done at
the hospital.

a. Who will go to the hospital?

b. Where will my cousin go?
c. What will she do there?
d. When will my cousin go to the hospital?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 155 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

99. This morning in the parking lot, Maggie was carrying her briefcase. She dropped it
and her papers flew all over.

a. Who dropped her briefcase?

b. Where did Maggie drop her briefcase?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Maggie drop her briefcase?

100. When he feels better, my brother will go back to school. He has to finish his

a. Who will go back to school?

b. Where will my brother go?
c. What will he do there?
d. When will my brother go back to school?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 156 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

101. Mrs. DiPaola invited her neighbors over to her boathouse for a barbecue last
weekend. When it rained, she decided to cancel the party.

a. Who invited her neighbors over? Mrs. DiPaola

b. What did Mrs. DiPaola do? She invited her neighbors to a barbecue.
c. Where did Mrs. DiPaola invite her neighbors? to her boathouse
d. When did she invite them over? last weekend
e. What happened when it rained? She canceled the party.
f. Why did Mrs. DiPaola cancel the party? because it rained

102. Paula helped her little sister, Nancy, climb up the tree into their tree house
yesterday. When their mother saw them, she scolded Paula because Nancy
was too little to climb trees.

a. Who helped Nancy climb a tree? Paula

b. What did Paula do? She helped her sister climb up the tree.
c. Where did Paula help Nancy go? into their tree house
d. When did Paula help Nancy climb into the tree house? yesterday
e. What happened when Paula and Nancy’s mother saw them climbing?
She scolded Paula.
f. Why did Paula’s mother scold her? because Nancy was too little to climb trees

103. Lorna helped her father with yard work yesterday morning. It was so hot when
they were done, he took her to the beach to cool off.

a. Who helped her father with yard work? Lorna

b. What did Lorna do? She helped her father do yard work.
c. Where did Lorna’s father take her? to the beach
d. When did Lorna help her father with the yard work? yesterday morning
e. What happened when they were done with the yard work?
They went to the beach.
f. Why did Lorna’s father take her to the beach? to cool off

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 157 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

104. Coach Peterson and his soccer team rode the bus to the soccer field early Sunday
morning. There were geese all over the field, so the coach got his dog and chased
the geese away.

a. Who went to the soccer field? Coach Peterson and his soccer team
b. What did the coach and his team do early Sunday morning?
They rode the bus to the soccer field.
c. Where did the coach and his soccer team go? to the soccer field
d. When did they go to the soccer field? early Sunday morning
e. What happened when they got to the soccer field?
There were geese all over the field.
f. How did the coach’s dog make the geese fly away? The coach’s dog chased them.

105. Before the race today, Gene stretched at the starting line. When he bent over to
stretch his back, he pulled a muscle and had to sit out of the race.

a. Who was going to race today? Gene

b. What did Gene do to get ready to race? He stretched.
c. Where did Gene stretch before the race? at the starting line
d. When did Gene stretch at the starting line? before the race today
e. What happened when Gene stretched his back? He pulled a muscle.
f. How did Gene pull a muscle? He bent over to stretch his back.

106. Jodi and Shari went to USA Skates for a roller-skating party and skated all
Saturday afternoon. When they got home, they were so tired that they fell
asleep and didn’t wake up to eat dinner.

a. Who went to a roller-skating party? Jodi and Shari

b. What did Jodi and Shari do at the party? They roller skated.
c. Where did Jodi and Shari go? to USA Skates
d. When did Jodi and Shari go to the party? Saturday afternoon
e. What happened when they got home? They fell asleep and slept through dinner.
f. Why were the girls so tired? They had skated all afternoon.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 158 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

107. Juliann brought her folding chair and got to the concert early last evening to get
a good spot by the stage. When she got there, she saw that all of the good spots
were taken already, so she sat behind the stage instead.

a. Who went to the concert? Juliann

b. What did Juliann bring to the concert? her folding chair
c. Where did Juliann go? to the concert
d. When did Juliann go to the concert? early last evening
e. What happened when Juliann got to the concert?
All the good spots were taken, so she sat behind the stage.
f. Why did Juliann sit behind the stage? because all the good spots were taken

108. Marisa went to the supermarket the other day. When Marisa saw a mother having
trouble carrying her children and her packages out to the car, Marisa got out of
the checkout line and helped the woman carry her packages.

a. Who went to the supermarket? Marisa

b. What did Marisa do? She went to the supermarket.
c. Where did Marisa go? to the supermarket
d. When did Marisa go to the supermarket? the other day
e. What happened when Marisa saw a mother having trouble carrying her children
and packages? Marisa got out of the checkout line to help the woman.
f. How did Marisa help the mother? She helped the woman carry her packages.

109. Mary Jo and her friends were playing jump rope in the street this afternoon when
they saw a car speeding right toward them. The children moved onto the sidewalk
before the car came near them.

a. Who was playing jump rope in the street? Mary Jo and her friends
b. What were Mary Jo and her friends doing in the street? playing jump rope
c. Where were Mary Jo and her friends playing? in the street
d. When were Mary Jo and her friends playing jump rope? this afternoon
e. What happened when Mary Jo and her friends were playing in the street?
A car came speeding toward them.
f. How did Mary Jo and her friends avoid the car coming near them?
They moved onto the sidewalk.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 159 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

110. Nathan asked his father if he could go to his friend’s house for dinner and a video
last night. Since Nathan had played video games instead of finishing his homework
after school, his father said no.

a. Who wanted to go to his friend’s house for dinner? Nathan

b. What did Nathan want to do at his friend’s house? eat dinner and watch a video
c. Where did Nathan want to go? to his friend’s house
d. When did Nathan want to go to his friend’s house? last night
e. What happened when Nathan asked his father if he could go to his friend’s
house? His father said no.
f. Why did Nathan’s father say he could not go to his friend’s house?
because Nathan played video games instead of finishing his homework

111. Last week, Dan taught his son to ride a bike in the parking lot at his son’s school.
After his son could ride the bike by himself, Dan let his son ride his bike home
while he walked next to him.

a. Who taught his son to ride a bike? Dan

b. What did Dan do? He taught his son to ride a bike.
c. Where did Dan teach his son to ride a bike?
in the parking lot at his son’s school
d. When did Dan teach his son to ride a bike? last week
e. What happened when Dan’s son could ride the bike by himself?
Dan let him ride his bike home.
f. How did Dan’s son learn to ride a bike? Dan taught him to ride a bike.

112. Mrs. Wong invited her neighbors over to her apartment for a traditional Chinese
dinner one night last year. Her neighbors kept dropping their food when they used
chopsticks, so she gave them knives and forks instead.

a. Who did Mrs. Wong invite to dinner? her neighbors

b. What did Mrs. Wong serve her guests? a traditional Chinese dinner
c. Where did Mrs. Wong invite her neighbors? to her apartment
d. When did Mrs. Wong have her neighbors over for dinner? one night last year
e. What happened when Mrs. Wong’s neighbors tried to eat with chopsticks?
They dropped their food.
f. How did Mrs. Wong help her neighbors eat her dinner?
She gave them knives and forks.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 160 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

113. Brad got a remote-control car from Uncle John for his birthday in September.
Brad tried to play with the car in his driveway without reading the instructions,
so the car crashed into a wall.

a. Who gave Brad a remote-control car for his birthday? Uncle John
b. What did Brad get for his birthday? a remote-control car
c. Where did Brad play with his remote-control car? in his driveway
d. When did Brad get a remote-control car? for his birthday in September
e. What happened when Brad tried to play with his remote-control car without
reading the instructions? The car crashed into a wall.
f. Why did Brad’s car lose control and crash? Brad didn’t read the instructions.

114. Ari and Jamie played tennis at the park every Saturday morning to practice so
they could make the high school tennis team. When tryouts for the team came,
Ari and Jamie both made the tennis team.

a. Who played tennis every Saturday morning? Ari and Jamie

b. What did Ari and Jamie do every Saturday morning? They played tennis.
c. Where did Ari and Jamie play tennis? at the park
d. When did Ari and Jamie play tennis? every Saturday morning
e. What happened when Ari and Jamie tried out for the tennis team?
They both made it.
f. How did Ari and Jamie get ready for tryouts for the tennis team?
They played tennis every Saturday morning.

115. Last weekend, Nigel’s parents took him and his brother to a furniture store to buy
new beds. When they got to the furniture store, Nigel asked if he could get a
bunk bed and share a room with his brother.

a. Who went to the furniture store? Nigel and his family

b. What did Nigel and his family do last weekend? They went to a furniture store.
c. Where did Nigel and his family go? to a furniture store
d. When did Nigel and his family go to the furniture store? last weekend
e. What happened when Nigel and his family got to the furniture store?
Nigel asked for a bunk bed.
f. Why did Nigel ask for a bunk bed? He wanted to share a room with his brother.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 161 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

116. Isabelle drove to the beach with her friend in the morning. When they got there,
they got into a silly fight, so Isabelle took the bus home.

a. Who went to the beach? Isabelle and her friend

b. What did Isabelle and her friend do? They drove to the beach.
c. Where did Isabelle and her friend go? to the beach
d. When did Isabelle and her friend go to the beach? in the morning
e. What happened when Isabelle and her friend got to the beach?
They had a silly fight.
f. How did Isabelle get home? She took the bus.

117. Eva and her friend went to New York City last winter to see a show. There were
so many people, Eva lost her friend in the crowd and couldn’t find her for an hour.

a. Who went to New York City? Eva and her friend

b. What did Eva and her friend do? They went to New York City.
c. Where did Eva and her friend go? to New York City to see a show
d. When did Eva and her friend go to New York City? last winter
e. What happened when Eva and her friend were in the crowd of people?
Eva lost her friend in the crowd.
f. Why did Eva lose her friend in the city? There were too many people.

118. During recess at school, Augie found a calculator someone had dropped on the
playground. He took it to the school office in case anyone came back to look
for it.

a. Who found a calculator? Augie

b. What did Augie do? He found a calculator on the playground and took
it to the office.
c. Where did Augie find the calculator? on the playground
d. When did Augie find the calculator? during recess at school
e. What happened when Augie found the calculator? He took it to the office.
f. Why did Augie take the calculator to the office?
in case someone came back to look for it

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 162 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2-Sentence Stories, continued

119. Jerilyn took her big dog for a walk around the block yesterday afternoon. When
her dog saw a squirrel, it pulled so hard that the leash broke and Jerilyn had to
carry her big dog home.

a. Who took her dog for a walk? Jerilyn

b. Where did Jerilyn take her dog for a walk? around the block
c. When did Jerilyn take her dog for a walk? yesterday afternoon
d. What did her dog see on the walk? It saw a squirrel.
e. What happened when the dog saw a squirrel?
It pulled so hard that the leash broke.
f. How did Jerilyn get her dog home? She carried it.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 163 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories

1. Diane went to her aunt’s house for dinner on Sunday. Diane ate three slices of pizza.
Soon she had a stomachache, so she went to lie down.

a. Who went to her aunt’s house?

b. Where did Diane go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Diane go to her aunt’s house?
e. What happened when Diane got a stomachache?
f. Why did she get a stomachache?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 164 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

2. Rae Lynn saw Santa Claus at the mall before Christmas. She sat on his lap. Santa
Claus gave Rae Lynn a present, and she was so happy.

a. Who saw Santa Claus?

b. Where did Rae Lynn see Santa Claus?
c. What did Rae Lynn do there?
d. When did Rae Lynn see Santa Claus?
e. What happened when Rae Lynn sat on Santa’s lap?
f. How did Rae Lynn feel when Santa Claus gave her a present?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 165 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

3. This afternoon, Bill was playing basketball in his driveway. He jumped up to shoot
the ball and fell on his ankle. He cried because his ankle hurt.

a. Who played basketball?

b. Where did Bill play basketball?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Bill play basketball?
e. What happened when he jumped up to shoot the ball?
f. Why was Bill crying?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 166 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

4. Toni went to the toy store today. She bought a toy. When she opened the toy at
home, it was broken. She was disappointed.

a. Who went to the toy store?

b. Where did Toni go today?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Toni go to the toy store?
e. What happened when she opened up the toy?
f. How did Toni feel when her toy was broken?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 167 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

5. Christopher went outside on his porch this morning. When it started to rain, he
put on his raincoat. He reached in the pocket and found ten dollars. He was very

a. Who went outside on his porch?

b. Where did Christopher go?
c. What did he do when it started to rain?
d. When did Christopher go outside on his porch?
e. What happened when he reached into his pocket?
f. Why was Christopher surprised?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 168 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

6. Ellie went to her friend’s house after school. They played dress-up. When Ellie’s
friend turned around, she had on a silly hat. Ellie laughed.

a. Who went to her friend’s house?

b. Where did Ellie go?
c. What did Ellie do there?
d. When did Ellie go to her friend’s house?
e. What happened when Ellie’s friend turned around?
f. Why did Ellie laugh?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 169 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

7. Adam had a doctor’s appointment today. He didn’t want to go, so he hid under his
bed. When Adam’s mom looked for him, she couldn’t find him. She was mad.

a. Who had a doctor’s appointment?

b. Where did Adam hide?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Adam have his doctor’s appointment?
e. What happened when Adam’s mom looked for him?
f. How did Adam’s mom feel when she couldn’t find him?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 170 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

8. After the circus on Saturday, Dale got a balloon. Suddenly he heard a loud noise and
let go of the balloon. It floated away. Dale was sad.

a. Who went to the circus?

b. Where did Dale go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Dale get a balloon?
e. What happened when Dale heard a loud noise?
f. Why was Dale sad?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 171 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

9. This morning, Vicky was in her kitchen. She was getting ready for work. When she
went to pet the dog goodbye, he took her car keys and ran. She thought that was
funny, so she laughed.

a. Who was going to work?

b. Where was Vicky?
c. What was she doing there?
d. When was Vicky getting ready for work?
e. What happened when Vicky said goodbye to her dog?
f. Why did Vicky laugh?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 172 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

10. Yesterday afternoon, Evan went to the store with his brother. They bought some
books. When Evan wasn’t looking, his brother bought a special book for him. Evan
gave his brother a big hug.

a. Who went to the store?

b. Where did Evan and his brother go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did Evan and his brother go to the store?
e. What did Evan’s brother buy for him?
f. How did Evan thank his brother?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 173 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

11. Fred went to an amusement park last week. He waited in line all day to ride the
roller coaster. When he got to the front of the line, the roller coaster was closed.
Fred said, “No way!”

a. Who went to an amusement park?

b. Where did Fred go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Fred go to the amusement park?
e. What happened when Fred got to the front of the line?
f. How did Fred feel when the roller coaster was closed?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 174 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

12. Ricky was going to the shed this afternoon1 to get his bat to play baseball with his
friends. His little brother was in his way, so Ricky pushed him. His mother said,
“Ricky, you can’t play baseball.” Ricky said, “I’m sorry.”

a. Who was going to the shed?

b. Where was Ricky going?
c. What was he going to do there?
d. When did Ricky go to the shed?
e. What happened when Ricky’s brother got in his way?
f. How did Ricky apologize?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 175 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

13. Karl and Joe were playing catch in Joe’s backyard before their baseball game.
Karl bent down to tie his shoe, and Joe threw the ball right at Karl’s head. Karl
fell back on the ground.

a. Who was in Joe’s backyard?

b. Where were Karl and Joe playing?
c. What were they doing there?
d. When were Karl and Joe playing catch?
e. What happened when Karl bent down to tie his shoe?
f. Why did Karl fall back on the ground?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 176 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

14. Christine and Libby were walking very slowly home after school, singing as they
walked. All of a sudden, they heard a loud boom and it started to rain. The girls
screamed and ran home.

a. Who was walking home?

b. Where were Christine and Libby going?
c. What were they doing as they walked?
d. When were they walking home?
e. What happened when they heard a loud boom?
f. Why did the girls scream and run?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 177 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

15. Sharon went to the kitchen in the middle of the night. She began to make herself a
snack. She climbed up on a chair to reach for the peanut butter and fell off. The
noise woke up her parents.

a. Who went to the kitchen?

b. Where did Sharon go?
c. What was she doing there?
d. When did Sharon go to the kitchen?
e. What happened when Sharon climbed up on the chair?
f. Why did Sharon’s parents wake up?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 178 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

16. Rex the dog went behind the tree after dinner. He dug a hole to hide his bone.
When he was finished, he fell into the hole, too. He got all dirty.

a. Who went behind the tree?

b. Where did Rex go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Rex go behind the tree?
e. What happened when Rex was finished digging the hole?
f. How did Rex get all dirty?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 179 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

17. Leila and her brother went to the TV room to watch TV on Saturday morning.
Leila’s brother wanted to watch a Thomas the Train tape, but Leila didn’t want
to watch it. When Leila ’s brother wasn’t looking, she hid the Thomas the Train
tape under the couch.

a. Who went to the TV room?

b. Where did Leila and her brother go?
c. What were they going to do there?
d. When did Leila and her brother go to the TV room?
e. What happened when Leila ’s brother wasn’t looking?
f. How did Leila hide the Thomas the Train tape?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 180 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

18. On Tuesday in art class, Riley made a painting for his big sister. When Riley turned
around, he spilled black paint all over the picture. Then Riley made another painting.

a. Who went to art class?

b. Where was Riley?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Riley go to art class?
e. What happened when Riley turned around?
f. Why did Riley make another picture?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 181 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

19. Laureen went to gymnastics class. She tried on her new leotard before class.
It was too small, so Laureen had to wear her swimsuit to gymnastics.

a. Who went to gymnastics class?

b. Where did Laureen go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Laureen try on her leotard?
e. What happened when Laureen tried on her leotard?
f. Why did Laureen wear her swimsuit?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 182 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

20. Lois went to the beach. She lay in the sun to get a suntan and fell asleep. After a
few hours, she woke up. She had a terrible sunburn.

a. Who went to the beach?

b. Where did Lois go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did Lois wake up?
e. What happened when Lois woke up?
f. How did Lois get a terrible sunburn?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 183 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

21. Kevin went into the garage to put his bicycle together. He didn’t read the
instructions. He finished putting it together and decided to take a ride.
When he sat on his bike, it fell apart!

a. Who went into the garage?

b. Where was Kevin?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Kevin decide to take a ride on his bike?
e. What happened when Kevin sat on his bike?
f. Why did Kevin’s bike fall apart?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 184 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

22. Ava went to her neighbor’s house to babysit little Steven. Ava put little Steven to
bed. All of a sudden, a noise outside made the dog bark and the baby woke up! The
baby cried.

a. Who went to the neighbor’s house?

b. Where did the babysitter go?
c. What did she do there?
d. When did the dog bark?
e. Why did the baby wake up?
f. What happened when the baby woke up?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 185 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

23. Muhammed went to a petting zoo last week and bought some food to feed the
animals. He fed the goats and chickens. Suddenly a goat knocked him over
and he spilled the rest of the food. He bought more food to feed the animals.

a. Who went to the petting zoo?

b. Where did Muhammed go?
c. What did he do there?
d. When did Muhammed go to the zoo?
e. What happened when a goat knocked Muhammed over?
f. How did Muhammed get more food for the animals?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 186 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

24. Emmit went into the living room to watch his favorite TV show before lunch. His
mom said, “Eat your lunch first.” When he finished his lunch, he turned on the TV
but his show was over. Emmit turned off the TV.

a. Who went into the living room?

b. Where did Emmit go?
c. What did he want to do there?
d. When did Emmit turn on the TV?
e. What happened when Emmit turned on the TV?
f. Why did Emmit turn off the TV?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 187 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

25. Lucy went to the pond with her grandmother on a beautiful April afternoon. They
fed the ducks. When Lucy threw the bread to the ducks, she dropped her doll into
the pond. Lucy’s grandmother bought her a new doll.

a. Who went to the pond?

b. Where did Lucy and her grandmother go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did Lucy and her grandmother go to the pond?
e. What happened when Lucy threw the bread to the ducks?
f. How did Lucy’s grandmother cheer her up?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 188 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

26. Morty and Vanessa played tennis at the hotel’s tennis courts when they went on
vacation. When Vanessa served the ball, it hit Morty in the head. He fell back
on his bottom. His head hurt so much that he had to take a nap.

a. Who went to the hotel’s tennis courts?

b. Where did Morty and Vanessa go?
c. What did they do there?
d. When did Morty and Vanessa go to the hotel’s tennis courts?
e. What happened when Vanessa served the ball?
f. Why did Morty’s head hurt?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 189 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

27. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins went skiing on their anniversary. They got to the mountain to
ski, but there was no snow. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins went shopping instead.

a. Who went skiing?

b. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Higgins go?
c. What did they want to do there?
d. When did they take a ski trip?
e. What happened when Mr. and Mrs. Higgins got to the mountain?
f. How did Mr. and Mrs. Higgins change their plan?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 190 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

28. Christa and Brad went to a restaurant and ordered some delicious pasta. When the
server brought their food, Christa bumped into him. The pasta spilled all over Brad.
Brad went to the restroom to wash off his shirt.

a. Who went to a restaurant?

b. Where did Christa and Brad go?
c. What did Christa and Brad do there?
d. When did Christa bump into the server?
e. What happened when Christa bumped into the server?
f. Why did Brad go to the restroom?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 191 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

29. When the mail carrier came to the house, Mr. Foster’s dog ran to the door. The
dog barked and the mail carrier jumped. The mail carrier dropped the mail all over
the lawn. Mr. Foster apologized for his dog barking and helped the mail carrier pick
up the mail.

a. Who owned a dog?

b. Where did the mail carrier drop the mail?
c. What did the dog do?
d. When did Mr. Foster’s dog run to the door?
e. What happened when the dog barked?
f. How did Mr. Foster help the mail carrier?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 192 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

30. It started to rain, so Mrs. Baldwin went outside to bring in the dog. When she
went outside, she couldn’t find him. She called his name but he didn’t come.
Mrs. Baldwin held out a dog treat and the dog came running inside.

a. Who went outside?

b. Where did Mrs. Baldwin go?
c. What was Mrs. Baldwin doing outside?
d. When did Mrs. Baldwin go outside to bring in the dog?
e. What happened when Mrs. Baldwin went outside?
f. Why did the dog come running?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 193 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

31. On the day of the big snowstorm, Mr. Sanchez was supposed to go to the barber-
shop to get a shave and a haircut. When it was time to go, he went outside to start
his car. He couldn’t see his car because it was buried in the snow. Mr. Sanchez
called to cancel his appointment with the barber.

a. Who had an appointment at the barbershop?

b. Where was Mr. Sanchez supposed to go?
c. What was Mr. Sanchez going to do there?
d. When did Mr. Sanchez go outside?
e. What happened when Mr. Sanchez went outside to start his car?
f. How did Mr. Sanchez cancel his barber appointment?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 194 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

32. Aunt Vivian and Brooke were making cookies in Aunt Vivian’s kitchen. When Vivian
wasn’t looking, Brooke put olives in the cookie mix. When the cookies were done,
Vivian took a bite of a cookie and made a funny face. Brooke laughed.

a. Who was in Aunt Vivian’s kitchen?

b. Where did Aunt Vivian and Brooke make cookies?
c. What did Aunt Vivian and Brooke do in the kitchen?
d. When did Brooke put olives in the cookies?
e. What happened when Aunt Vivian took a bite of a cookie?
f. Why did Brooke laugh?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 195 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

33. This morning, Jason wanted to watch a DVD movie in his living room. When he put
the disk in the player, it wouldn’t play. He took the disk out and saw he had put the
DVD in upside down. Jason said, “Silly me!”

a. Who went to his living room?

b. Where did Jason go to watch his DVD?
c. What did Jason want to do there?
d. When did Jason find the DVD didn’t work?
e. What happened when Jason took the disk out of the player?
f. Why did Jason say, “Silly me!”?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 196 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

34. Paula wanted to go to the park to fly her new kite. When her mom looked out the
window and saw how windy it was outside, she told Paula not to go. Paula flew her
kite anyway and the strong wind blew the kite into a tree and broke it. Paula said,
“I should have listened to my mom.”

a. Who wanted to go to the park?

b. Where did Paula want to go?
c. What did Paula want to do at the park?
d. When did Paula’s mom tell her not to fly her kite?
e. What happened when Paula flew her kite?
f. How did the kite break?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 197 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

35. On her brother’s birthday, Wendy wanted to play with her brother’s new race car
set. She had races with the cars in his room. When her brother came home, he
said, “I’m glad you like my new race cars. Want to have a race together?”

a. Who wanted to play with her brother’s race car set?

b. Where did Wendy play with the race cars?
c. What did Wendy do in her brother’s room?
d. When did Wendy want to play with his race car set?
e. What happened when Wendy’s brother came home?
f. Why wasn’t Wendy’s brother mad at her?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 198 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

36. Donovan and Reese made paper airplanes in school during recess. When they flew
them down the stairs, a teacher walked by. One airplane hit her in the neck. The
boys got into trouble.

a. Who made paper airplanes?

b. Where did the boys fly the airplanes?
c. What did the boys do at recess?
d. When did the boys make the paper airplanes?
e. What happened when the boys flew the airplanes down the stairs?
f. How did the boys get into trouble?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 199 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

37. Nina made a delicious fish dinner for her sister on her sister’s birthday. She put
it on the table and left to get some salad. While she was gone, the cat jumped
onto the table and ate the fish dinner! Nina and her sister went out to eat instead.

a. Who did Nina make the fish dinner for?

b. Where did Nina put the fish dinner when she went to get the salad?
c. What did Nina make for dinner?
d. When did Nina make the fish dinner?
e. What happened while Nina was getting the salad?
f. Why did Nina and her sister go out to dinner?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 200 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

38. Mr. Ellis took a nap in a hammock between two trees one Saturday afternoon. He
forgot he was in the hammock and rolled over. Mr. Ellis fell out of the hammock,
but he didn’t wake up! When he woke up later, he had grass in his mouth.

a. Who took a nap?

b. Where did Mr. Ellis take a nap?
c. What did Mr. Ellis do?
d. When did Mr. Ellis take a nap?
e. What happened when Mr. Ellis rolled over?
f. Why did Mr. Ellis have grass in his mouth?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 201 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

39. A few weeks ago, Randy and Simon went canoeing at Miller’s Lake. When they
stopped for lunch, the paddles slipped into the water and floated away. Randy
and Simon had to paddle back with their hands.

a. Who went canoeing?

b. Where did Randy and Simon go canoeing?
c. What did Randy and Simon do at the lake?
d. When did Randy and Simon go canoeing?
e. What happened when Randy and Simon stopped for lunch?
f. How did Randy and Simon get back to the shore?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 202 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

40. Derry stayed up late watching TV, so he was very tired in the morning. He stood at
the kitchen counter to fix his cereal. He was so tired, he poured juice on his cereal
instead of milk.

a. Who was tired?

b. Where did Derry make his cereal?
c. What did Derry do at the kitchen counter?
d. When was Derry tired?
e. What happened when Derry fixed his cereal?
f. Why did Derry pour juice in his cereal?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 203 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

41. Maureen met her friends at the ice-skating rink last Saturday. She couldn’t wait
to take her first ice-skating lesson with her friends. When she opened her bag to
get her ice skates, she found she had put her in-line skates in the bag by mistake.
Maureen called her dad and asked him to bring her ice skates to the rink.

a. Who went to the ice-skating rink?

b. Where did Maureen go?
c. What did Maureen want to do at the ice-skating rink?
d. When did Maureen meet her friends at the ice-skating rink?
e. What happened when Maureen opened her bag?
f. Why did Maureen call her dad?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 204 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

42. Quinn went to her friend Tammy’s house for a sleep-over last night. They made
popcorn and played games before going to sleep. In the middle of the night, Quinn
woke up and wanted to go home. Tammy’s mom called Quinn’s mom to come pick
her up.

a. Who went to her friend’s house?

b. Where did Quinn go?
c. What did the girls do before going to sleep?
d. When did Quinn wake up?
e. What happened when Quinn woke up?
f. How did Quinn get home?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 205 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

43. William and his family went to the zoo when they took their trip to Washington,
D.C. William was wearing his favorite yellow hat. When they went to the monkey
cage, a monkey took William’s yellow hat right off of his head. The monkey thought
the hat was a banana!

a. Who went to the zoo in Washingon, D.C.?

b. Where did William and his family go?
c. What did William and his family do on their trip to Washington, D.C .?
d. When did William and his family go to the zoo?
e. What happened when William and his family went to the monkey cage?
f. Why did the monkey take William’s hat?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 206 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

44. Tonya went to the beach to try surfing in the ocean at sunrise. She tried and tried
to stand up on her surfboard, but she kept falling off. Finally, Tonya decided to
ride the waves lying down on her surfboard instead.

a. Who went to the beach?

b. Where did Tonya go?
c. What did Tonya do at the beach?
d. When did Tonya go to the beach?
e. What happened when Tonya tried to stand on the surfboard?
f. How did Tonya decide to ride the surfboard instead of standing on it?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 207 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

45. Archie loved to play with his trains every day in his playroom. His father said if
Archie did a good job in school this year, he could get some new train cars. Archie
worked hard and got good marks in school, so Archie’s dad bought him five new
train cars.

a. Who loved to play with trains?

b. Where did Archie play with his trains?
c. What did Archie love to do?
d. When did Archie play with his trains?
e. What happened when Archie worked hard in school?
f. Why did Archie’s dad buy him new train cars?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 208 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

46. Mrs. Brock’s class went to an assembly in the auditorium on Wednesday morning.
They were supposed to watch a ballet dancer. Halfway through the performance,
the dancer fell and hurt her ankle. The assembly ended early.

a. Who went to an assembly?

b. Where did Mrs. Brock’s class go?
c. What was Mrs. Brock’s class supposed to do at the assembly?
d. When did Mrs. Brock’s class go to the assembly?
e. What happened halfway through the performance?
f. Why did the assembly end early?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 209 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

47. Missy went to the hair salon to get a haircut. The stylist let Missy sit in a special
chair that spun around and around. When the stylist wasn’t looking, Missy spun
around so fast that she got dizzy. Missy fell out of the chair, so the stylist cut
her hair on the floor.

a. Who went to the hair salon?

b. Where did Missy go?
c. What did Missy do in the special chair?
d. When did Missy spin around fast in the chair?
e. What happened when Missy spun around fast in the chair?
f. How did the stylist keep Missy from spinning in the chair while she cut her hair?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 210 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

48. Janis and Myra’s aunt was taking them to the movies yesterday afternoon. Janis
and Myra were teasing each other in the back of the car. Their aunt said if they
didn’t stop teasing, she would turn around and go home. The girls did not stop, so
their aunt took them home instead of to the movies.

a. Who drove the girls to the movies?

b. Where was their aunt taking them?
c. What were the girls doing in the back of the car?
d. When did the girls’ aunt take them to the movies?
e. What happened when the girls did not stop teasing each other?
f. Why did the girls’ aunt turn around and go home?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 211 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

49. Lily entered her picture in an art contest at the community center. On Monday,
the manager of the community center announced the winners of the contest. When
he announced that Lily’s picture won first prize, Lily jumped out of her chair and
yelled, “Yes!” Everyone turned and looked at Lily.

a. Who entered her picture in an art contest?

b. Where did Lily enter her picture in an art contest?
c. What did Lily do at the community center?
d. When did the manager announce the winners of the art contest?
e. What happened when he announced that Lily had won first prize?
f. Why did everyone turn and look at Lily?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 212 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

50. Dante wore a special suit to school on picture day. While he was in school, it
started to rain. Dante did not bring his raincoat to school and he didn’t want
to ruin his special suit when he walked home. When Dante walked home, he
stayed dry by wearing a big plastic bag over his suit.

a. Who wore a special suit on picture day?

b. Where did Dante wear his special suit?
c. What did Dante wear to school on picture day?
d. When did it start to rain?
e. What happened when Dante walked home?
f. How did Dante stay dry on the way home?

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 213 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

51. Payton had a birthday party at the animal farm when he was five years old. All the
children got to feed the animals. Payton’s sister put some animal feed into his back
pocket when he wasn’t looking. He thought the deer were trying to bite him when
they tried to nibble the food in his back pocket.

a. Who had a birthday party? Payton

b. What did the children do at the party? They fed animals at a farm.
c. Where was the birthday party? at a farm
d. When was Payton’s birthday party? when he was five years old
e. What happened when Payton wasn’t looking?
His sister put animal feed into his back pocket.
f. Why did Payton think the deer were trying to bite him?
because they were nibbling at the food in his back pocket

52. One rainy day, Brett was playing Hide-and-Seek with his best friend, Albie. Albie
found a really good hiding spot under a desk and waited for Brett to find him.
Brett started to look, but then saw his favorite TV show was on and stopped to
watch. Albie waited so long, he fell asleep waiting for Brett to find him.

a. Who played Hide-and-Seek? Brett and Albie

b. What did Brett and Albie do? They played Hide-and-Seek.
c. Where did Albie hide? under a desk
d. When did Brett and Albie play Hide-and-Seek? one rainy day
e. What happened when Brett started to look for Albie?
He saw his favorite show playing on TV and stopped to watch.
f. Why did Albie fall asleep? He waited such a long time.

53. Kellie brought her dog to the dog groomer to get a haircut. When Kellie came to
pick up her dog at the end of the day, her dog wasn’t there. Someone had taken
home Kellie’s dog by mistake! The dog groomer called and got the dog back right
away and gave Kellie her money back.

a. Who brought her dog to the dog groomer? Kellie

b. What did Kellie do? She brought her dog to the dog groomer.
c. Where did Kellie bring her dog? to the dog groomer
d. When did Kellie go to pick up her dog? at the end of the day
e. What happened when Kellie went to pick up her dog? Her dog wasn’t there.
f. Why did the dog groomer give Kellie her money back?
The dog groomer shouldn’t have let anyone else take Kellie’s dog.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 214 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

54. Timothy asked his mom for one more glass of water in his room before he went
to bed last night. When she went to hand it to him, it spilled all over the bed.
Timothy’s mom let him sleep on the floor in his sleeping bag.

a. Who wanted a glass of water? Timothy

b. What did Timothy want? a glass of water
c. Where did Timothy ask for the water? in his room
d. When did Timothy ask for the water? before he went to bed last night
e. What happened when Timothy’s mom went to give him the water?
It spilled all over the bed.
f. Why did Timothy sleep on the floor? His bed was all wet.

55. Arlene wanted to wear her favorite gold shoes with her new black dress to a party
tonight. When she went to get her shoes under her bed, a strap had broken and
couldn’t be fixed. Arlene didn’t have another pair of shoes to go with the black
dress, so she changed and wore a red dress and shoes instead.

a. Who wanted to wear gold shoes? Arlene

b. What did Arlene want to wear to the party? her new black dress and gold shoes
c. Where did Arlene keep her shoes? under her bed
d. When was the party? tonight
e. What happened when Arlene went to get her shoes? A strap was broken.
f. Why did Arlene change her clothes?
She had to wear a dress that matched her shoes.

56. Gene heard that his friend Hope was sick when he went to school today. After
school, Gene brought Hope her homework and some flowers he picked outside.
Hope was happy to get her homework, but told Gene the flowers he had picked
were from her dad’s prize garden in their yard. Gene said he was sorry.

a. Who was sick? Hope

b. What did Gene do for Hope? He brought her homework and some flowers.
c. Where did Gene go after school? to Hope’s home
d. When did Gene visit Hope? after school today
e. What happened when Gene got to Hope’s house?
He picked some flowers from her dad’s prize garden.
f. How did Gene apologize? He said he was sorry.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 215 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

57. Rafael was playing hockey with his friend Kyle at the ice rink. Kyle hit the puck
hard into Rafael’s leg. That afternoon, Rafael went to the hospital and found out
his shin bone was broken. Next time, Rafael said he’d wear shin guards.

a. Who was playing hockey? Rafael and Kyle

b. What did Rafael and Kyle do? They played hockey.
c. Where were Rafael and Kyle playing hockey? at the ice rink
d. When did Rafael go to the hospital? in the afternoon
e. What happened when Kyle hit the puck? He hurt Rafael’s shin.
f. How did Rafael say he’d protect himself next time? He’d wear shin guards.

58. Byron went fishing with his grandpa at the pond down the road from their house.
They went at five A.M. so they could get a good spot. When they got to the pond,
Byron said he was hungry, so they went to get something quick to eat. By the time
they got back, all the good spots were taken at the pond, so they went home.

a. Who went fishing with his grandpa? Byron

b. What did Byron and his grandpa do? They went fishing.
c. Where did Byron and his grandpa go fishing?
at the pond down the road from their house
d. When did Byron and his grandpa leave to go fishing? at five A.M.
e. What happened when they got to the pond? Byron was hungry.
f. Why did Byron and his grandpa go home? All the good spots were taken.

59. David studied all night for his big test the next day at school. He was very nervous
about the test and could barely sleep. The next morning, David was so tired that he
fell asleep at the breakfast table and missed his test at school.

a. Who studied all night for his test? David

b. What did David do all night? He studied.
c. Where did David fall asleep? at the breakfast table
d. When was David supposed to take his test? the next day
e. What happened at breakfast? David fell asleep.
f. Why did David miss his test? He was too tired and fell asleep at breakfast.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 216 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3-4 Sentence Stories, continued

60. It was sunny out yesterday morning, and Samantha let her cat play out in the yard.
The cat saw a butterfly and started to chase it. When the butterfly flew over the
fence, the cat jumped over the fence, too. The next time, Samantha brought her
cat out on the leash.

a. Who brought her cat outside? Samantha

b. What did Samantha do? She let her cat play in her yard.
c. Where did Samantha bring her cat? into the yard
d. When did Samantha bring her cat outside? yesterday morning
e. What happened when Samantha’s cat chased the butterfly?
The cat jumped over the fence to follow the butterfly.
f. How did Samantha make sure her cat couldn’t run away again?
She used a leash.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 217 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories
Story 1

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 219 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 1, pages 218-219

1. Reuben mowed the lawn this morning. The grass had gotten too long.

2. Reuben looked down at his shoe. He saw his shoelace was untied.

3. Reuben bent down to tie his shoe. He let go of the lawn mower.

4. When he looked up, the lawn mower had run away from him. It ran over his
neighbor’s flowers.


a. Who mowed the lawn? Reuben

b. When did he mow the lawn? this morning

c. Why did Reuben mow the lawn? The grass was too long.

d. What happened when he looked down at his shoe?

He saw that his shoelace was untied.

e. What happened when he bent down to tie his shoe? He let go of the lawn mower.

f. How did the neighbor’s flowers get run over?

Reuben’s lawn mower got away from him and mowed the flowers.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 220 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 2

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 222 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 2, pages 221-222

1. Wanda went to her friend’s house to play. She liked to play dolls with her.

2. Wanda brought her favorite doll. She showed it to her friend.

3. Wanda went to the bathroom. She left her doll in the room.

4. When she came back, she couldn’t find her doll. It wasn’t where she had left it.

5. Wanda and her friend looked all over. They still couldn’t find Wanda’s doll.

6. Suddenly they looked over at the dog. The dog was chewing on the doll like
a bone.


a. Who went to her friend’s house to play? Wanda

b. What did Wanda bring to her friend’s house? her favorite doll

c. What happened when Wanda came out of the bathroom?

She couldn’t find her doll.

d. Why did Wanda and her friend look all over the house? to find the missing doll

e. What happened to Wanda’s doll? The dog took it.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 223 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 3

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 225 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 3, pages 224-225

1. Liza went to school on Monday. It was story day at school.

2. Liza’s teacher chose a story. The story was about bugs.

3. Later, when Liza wasn’t looking, a boy put a plastic spider on her desk.

4. When Liza turned around, she saw the plastic spider. She screamed!


a. Who went to school? Liza

b. When was story day at Liza’s school? Monday

c. What was the story about? bugs

d. What happened when Liza wasn’t looking? A boy put a plastic spider on her desk.

e. What happened when Liza saw the plastic spider? She screamed.

f. Why did Liza scream? She was afraid of the spider.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 226 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 4

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 228 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 4, pages 227-228

1. After school, Elisa took her cat out on the porch to play. Her cat loved to
play outside.

2. Suddenly, a dog came by. The dog barked.

3. The dog scared Elisa’s cat. The cat went up the tree.

4 The cat was stuck in the tree. It wouldn’t come down.

5. Elisa climbed up in the tree. She wanted to get the cat down.

6. Elisa got stuck in the tree, too. Someone had to come and help them get down.


a. Who played with her cat? Elisa

b. Where did Elisa play with her cat? on the porch

c. When did Elisa play with her cat? after school

d. What happened when a dog came by? The dog barked and her cat went up a tree.

e. What happened when Elisa tried to get the cat out of the tree?
Elisa got stuck in the tree, too.

f. How did Elisa and the cat get down from the tree?
Someone came to help them get down.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 229 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 5

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 231 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 5, pages 230-231

1. Every night, Tom gives his dog Casey an egg. Casey loves to eat eggs.

2. One night, Tom looked in the refrigerator. There were no more eggs.

3. Casey wanted her egg. She was sad.

4. Tom gave Casey a dog cookie instead. Casey was happy.


a. Who gives his dog an egg? Tom

b. When does Tom give Casey an egg? every night

c. What happened when Tom looked in the refrigerator? There were no more eggs.

d. How did Casey feel when there were no eggs? sad

e. What did Tom do when he saw that he had no eggs? He gave Casey a dog cookie.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 232 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 6

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 234 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 6, pages 233-234

1. Kim wears glasses every day. One afternoon, Kim couldn’t find her glasses.

2. Kim looked in her backpack. They weren’t there.

3. Kim looked on the kitchen table. They weren’t there.

4. Kim looked in her dresser. They weren’t there.

5. Kim gave up looking. She sat down in a chair.

6. All of a sudden, Kim heard a crunch. She had sat on her glasses!


a. Who wears glasses? Kim

b. When does Kim wear glasses? every day

c. Where did Kim look for her glasses?

in her backpack, on the kitchen table, and in her dresser

d. What happened when Kim sat down in the chair? She heard a crunch.

e. Where did Kim find her glasses? She was sitting on them.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 235 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 7

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 237 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 7, pages 236-237

1. Shari went to the park with Grandpa. Shari wore her favorite baseball cap.

2. Shari brought some bread. She wanted to feed the ducks.

3. When Shari bent over to feed the ducks, her cap fell into the pond.

4. Shari tried to reach her cap, but it floated away. She couldn’t reach it.

5. Grandpa ran around to the other side of the pond. He reached into the pond.

6. Grandpa got the cap out of the pond. Shari was very happy.


a. Who went to the park with Grandpa? Shari

b. Where did Shari and her grandpa go? to the pond in the park

c. What did Shari bring to the park? bread

d. What happened when Shari bent over to feed the ducks? Her cap fell into the pond.

e. How did Shari get her cap back? Grandpa got it out of the pond.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 238 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 8

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 240 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 8, pages 239-240

1. Merri wanted to watch a movie this morning, so she went to the TV room.

2. She found her favorite DVD and put it into the player.

3. When Merri pushed play, the player hummed but the TV screen was blank.

4. Merri felt confused. She didn’t know why the DVD wasn’t playing.

5. Merri had an idea. She looked for the power cord for the TV.

6. Merri saw that the TV was unplugged. Now she knew how to make the DVD play.


a. Who wanted to watch a movie? Merri

b. When did Merri want to watch a movie? this morning

c. Where did Merri go to watch the movie? to the TV room

d. What happened when Merri pushed play?

The player hummed but the TV screen was blank.

e. Why didn’t Merri’s DVD play? The TV was unplugged.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 241 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 9

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 243 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 9, pages 242-243

1. Last summer, Fran went to visit her Aunt Helen in California. Fran flew there
on an airplane.

2. When she got to the airport, she went to get her luggage. She looked and looked,
but she couldn’t find her luggage.

3. She asked someone at the airport where her luggage was. The workers at the
airport went to look for it.

4. Finally Fran found out that her luggage accidentally went on the wrong plane!
The worker said that he couldn’t get her luggage back for a few days.

5. Fran talked with her Aunt Helen. Fran was worried that she wouldn’t have anything
to wear.

6. Aunt Helen took Fran to the store and bought her some new clothes. Fran felt
much better.


a. Who went to visit her Aunt Helen? Fran

b. When did Fran visit her aunt? last summer

c. Where did Aunt Helen live? California

d. How did Fran get to California? on a plane

e. What happened when Fran went to get her luggage? It wasn’t there.

f. What happened to Fran’s luggage? It went on another plane.

g. What did Aunt Helen do to make Fran feel better?

She bought Fran some new clothes.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 244 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 10

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 246 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 10, pages 245-246

1. One weekend, Jean and Marty wanted to go sailing. They had a small sailboat
in the marina.

2. They got all their things together. They made snacks and put on swimsuits.

3. To get ready to sail, they pulled ropes to put up the sails.

4. Jean and Marty were ready to sail. They were so excited.

5. Oh, no, there was no wind! The boat couldn’t sail.

6. Jean and Marty sat on the dock and ate their snacks in the marina. They decided
to try again the next day.


a. Who wanted to go sailing? Jean and Marty

b. Where was their sailboat? in the marina

c. What did Jean and Marty do to get ready to sail?

They pulled ropes to put up the sails.

d. What happened when they were ready to sail? There was no wind.

e. What did Jean and Marty do when they couldn’t sail?

They sat on the dock and ate snacks.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 247 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 11

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 249 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 11, pages 248-249

1. Georgia was going to a party. She wanted to wear her blue dress.

2. Georgia went to her closet, but her blue dress wasn’t there.

3. Georgia asked her mom where her dress was. Her mom told her it was in the wash
and she couldn’t wear it.

4. Georgia was disappointed. She didn’t know what to wear.

5. Georgia’s mom told her that she couldn’t wear the blue dress anyway. It was a
costume party and she had to wear a costume.

6. Georgia wore her witch costume to the party. She had a great time!


a. Who was going to a party? Georgia

b. What did Georgia want to wear? her blue dress

c. What happened when Georgia looked in her closet? The dress wasn’t there.

d. Why couldn’t Georgia wear her blue dress?

It was in the wash and it was a costume party.

e. What did Georgia wear to the party? her witch costume

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 250 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 12

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4+ Sentence Stories, continued

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 252 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

Story 12, pages 251-252

1. Lee went to see his favorite hockey team, the Eagles, play at the stadium.

2. Lee really wanted his team to win. He was excited.

3. Lee’s favorite player scored a goal.

4. But the Eagles lost the game. Lee was sad.

5. Lee was leaving the stadium. All of a sudden, his favorite player walked by.

6. Lee got his autograph. He was thrilled!


a. Who went to the hockey game? Lee

b. Where did Lee go? to a hockey game at the stadium

c. What is Lee’s favorite team? the Eagles

d. Why was Lee sad for a while? The Eagles lost the game.

e. What happened to make Lee happy again? He got his favorite player’s autograph.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 253 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

13. J.D. and Paul went out into the backyard after dark. They took some glass jars
with holes in the lids of the jars. J.D. and Paul ran around the yard and caught
fireflies in the jars. At the end of the night, the jars were lit up like lamps. Then
the boys felt bad for the bugs, so they let them go.

a. Who caught fireflies? J.D. and Paul

b. What did J.D. and Paul do? They got jars ready and caught fireflies in them.
c. Where did J.D. and Paul go? into the backyard
d. When did J.D. and Paul catch fireflies? after dark
e. What happened at the end of the night? The jars were lit up like lamps.
f. Why did the boys let the bugs go? They felt bad for the bugs.

14. Before the party, Denise asked her son Rich to go to the store to get some more
soda for the party. Rich bought the soda, but he dropped it on his way home. He
didn’t want to get in trouble, so he didn’t tell his mother that he had dropped the
soda. When Denise opened the soda at the party, it sprayed all over her and her

a. Who went to buy soda? Rich

b. What did Rich’s mom ask him to do? to go to the store to get soda
c. Where did Rich go? to the store
d. When did Rich go to the store? before the party
e. What happened on the way home from the store? Rich dropped the soda.
f. Why didn’t Rich tell his mother he had dropped the soda?
He didn’t want to get in trouble.

15. When Willis went to the ice-cream shop one hot day last week, he couldn’t wait
to have his ice cream. Willis got a large chocolate cup and was just about to eat
it when he saw his neighbor. His neighbor started talking and talking and talking.
When his neighbor finally went on his way, Willis’s ice cream was melted. Willis
still wanted his ice cream, so he got a straw and drank it instead.

a. Who went to get ice cream? Willis

b. What did Willis do? He went to the ice-cream shop.
c. Where did Willis go? to the ice-cream shop
d. When did Willis go to the ice-cream shop? on a hot day last week
e. What happened when Willis’s neighbor finally left?
Willis’s ice cream had melted.
f. Why did Willis get a straw? to drink his melted ice cream

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 254 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

16. At the start of every spring, Mr. Denton plants tomatoes in his garden. One year,
a rabbit got into his garden and ate all of his tomato plants. Mr. Denton was very
mad and set a trap for the rabbit by putting a carrot into a box. After he caught
the rabbit, Mr. Denton thought it was cute, so he kept the rabbit as a pet.

a. Who planted tomatoes? Mr. Denton

b. What did a rabbit do one year? It ate all the tomato plants.
c. Where did Mr. Denton plant his tomatoes? in his garden
d. When did Mr. Denton plant his tomatoes? at the start of every spring
e. How did Mr. Denton catch the rabbit? He set a trap.
f. What happened after Mr. Denton caught the rabbit?
He kept the rabbit as a pet.

17. Ronan was not doing well in school last year. His parents thought he was not paying
attention in school, but Ronan’s teacher told his parents to have his eyes checked
by an eye doctor. When Ronan went to the eye doctor, he found out he needed
glasses. After he got his glasses, Ronan did well in school.

a. Who was having trouble in school last year? Ronan

b. What did Ronan’s teacher tell his parents to do? to get his eyes checked
c. Where did Ronan go? to an eye doctor
d. When did Ronan have trouble in school? last year
e. What happened when Ronan went to the eye doctor?
He found out he needed glasses.
f. Why did Ronan do better in school? He could see well.

18. Greg and his daughters were playing in their basement. The girls asked Greg if he
would play beauty shop with them this afternoon. Greg said he would, but he fell
asleep on the couch waiting for them. When Greg woke up, he had make-up all over
his face. His daughters were giggling because he didn’t realize he had make-up on.

a. Who said he would play with his daughters? Greg

b. What did Greg’s daughters want to play? beauty shop
c. Where were Greg’s daughters playing? in their basement
d. When did Greg’s daughters want to play? this afternoon
e. What happened when Greg fell asleep? His daughters put make-up on his face.
f. Why were Greg’s daughters giggling?
Greg didn’t know he had make-up on his face.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 255 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

19. Josh went to his grandma’s apartment early in the morning on Mother’s Day. He
planted some beautiful flowers in the dirt outside of her window. When Grandma
woke up, she opened the window and saw the beautiful flowers. Josh wrote, “Happy
Mother’s Day, Grandma. Love, Josh” in the dirt next to the flowers. Josh’s
grandma was so happy, she started to cry.

a. Who planted flowers for his grandma? Josh

b. What did Josh do for his grandma? planted flowers
c. Where did Josh plant the flowers? in the dirt outside his grandma’s window
d. When did Josh plant the flowers? on Mother’s Day
e. What happened when Josh’s grandma opened her window?
She saw the flowers and a note from Josh.
f. How did Josh’s grandma know the flowers were from Josh?
He wrote a note in the dirt.

20. Georgette had a special date with her boyfriend last night. She went to the beauty
shop yesterday afternoon to get a special hair style for her date. Georgette’s
boyfriend picked her up in his convertible with the top open. As soon as they
started driving, Georgette’s hair got whipped around in the wind and was a mess.
Georgette wore a hat for the rest of the night.

a. Who had a special date with her boyfriend? Georgette

b. What did Georgette do in the afternoon? She got a special hair style.
c. Where did Georgette go to get her special hair style? to the beauty shop
d. When was Georgette’s date? last night
e. What happened when Georgette rode in her boyfriend’s convertible?
Her hair blew in the wind.
f. Why did Georgette wear a hat on her date? Her hair was a mess.

21. Keenan was practicing his saxophone in the living room after school the other day.
His sister asked him to go somewhere else because she had to study for a big test
and she couldn’t study with all that noise. Keenan got up to go to the bathroom.
When he came back, his saxophone sounded funny. His sister had stuffed socks
in his saxophone.

a. Who was practicing his saxophone? Keenan

b. What was Keenan doing? practicing his saxophone
c. Where was Keenan practicing his saxophone? in the living room

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 256 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

4+ Sentence Stories, continued

d. When was Keenan practicing his saxophone? after school the other day
e. Why did Keenan’s sister ask him to move? so she could study without any noise
f. What happened when Keenan came back from the bathroom?
His saxophone sounded funny because it had socks in it.

22. Cole played on the side of the house in the dirt with his favorite trucks yesterday
afternoon. His mother told him to bring them in the house when he was finished.
Cole didn’t feel like cleaning up, so he left them outside. Overnight there was a
snowstorm. The next morning, Cole couldn’t play with his trucks because they were
covered in snow. He put on his snowsuit and dug around in the snow until he found
his trucks.

a. Who was playing with his trucks? Cole

b. What was Cole doing? playing with his trucks
c. Where did Cole play with his trucks? on the side of the house in the dirt
d. When did it snow? overnight
e. Why couldn’t Cole play with his trucks? They were covered with snow.
f. How did Cole find his trucks? He dug for them in the snow.

23. The day before Valentine’s Day, Charlotte made her mom some paper flowers out
of coffee filters. She colored them with red markers because her mom’s favorite
color was red. She put them in a vase on a table so her mom would see it when she
got up. Charlotte’s little sister saw the flowers and wanted to water them. The
water made the color run and the flowers were ruined. Charlotte was upset until
her mom told her they were still the prettiest flowers she had ever seen.

a. Who made flowers for her mother? Charlotte

b. What did Charlotte do? She made paper flowers for her mom.
c. Where did Charlotte put the flowers? in a vase on the table
d. When did Charlotte make the flowers? the day before Valentine’s Day
e. How did the flowers get ruined? Her little sister put water on them.
f. What happened when Charlotte’s mom saw the flowers?
She thought they were the prettiest flowers she had ever seen.

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 257 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key

1-Sentence Stories 12. wrote her name How/ Why

13. swam in the pool
Who 14. swept the porch 1. He reached into the pocket
of an old pair of pants.
1. Oliver When 2. on the barbecue outside
2. Mr. Bilco 3. with a hanger
3. Darla 1.Saturday night 4. She drove the baby around
4. Herman 2. after school in her car.
5. the Stout family 3. yesterday 5. She ran through the
6. Rosemary 4. this afternoon sprinkler.
7. Dave 5. tomorrow 6. He took the train.
8. Sabina 6. last summer 7. She sang a song to him.
9. Michael 7. before going to sleep 8. She had the flu.
10. a surfer 8. on Sunday afternoon 9. She wasn’t playing nicely with
1 1. the new boy 9. all day Friday the other children.
12. Kyle’s Dad 10. when the rain stopped 10. She ripped her dress as she
13. Jamie 1 1.over the weekend stepped out of the car.
14. Mrs. Philips 12. in the middle of the 1 1. He wasn’t wearing his seat
children’s recital belt.
Where 13. just before it became dark 12. The girls were giggling.
14. on the way home from his 13. She was looking for her
1. to an appliance repair store grandma’s house earring.
2. to her child’s day care 14. Her dad was waiting for her.
3. in gym class What Happened
4. on the pond 2-Sentence Stories
5. from the balcony 1. She realized she had
6. from the diving board forgotten to bring the test 1. a. John
7. on top of the large bump to school. b. to the bank
8. at the finish line 2. He broke his grandma’s lamp. c. He took ten dollars out of
9. on the boat 3. She accidentally scratched his account and put it in
10. in the dishwasher the CD. his wallet.
1 1. hanging from the roof 4. She found some old letters d. on Friday
12. piled on the chair inside. 2. a. Josie
13. hanging from the ceiling 5. She found a hole in her skirt. b. to the park
14. in the washing machine 6. All of the tools fell out of c. She gave a mother duck
the back of the truck. and three baby ducks
What 7. She fell asleep. some bread.
8. The whole class giggled. d. on Saturday
1. mowed the lawn 9. Someone accidentally 3. a. Ben
2. played a game stepped on it and broke it. b. to the pet shop
3. called his grandma 10. The windshield broke. c. He bought a toy for
4. cleaned her room 1 1. Everyone yelled “Surprise” his dog.
5. scratched her shoulder and sang “Happy Birthday.” d. on Monday
6. walked to school 12. He had bad dreams. 4. a. Luke
7. opened her present 13. They melted. b. to his cousin’s house
8. dug a hole 14. He locked himself out of his c. They played on the swings
9. ate a meatball apartment. and ate pizza for dinner.
10. found a ring d. on Wednesday
1 1. drank a soda

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 258 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

2-Sentence Stories, cont. c. He had his teeth cleaned c. She bought a flower
with a special toothbrush. wreath for her aunt.
5. a. Mark d. last week d. Saturday afternoon
b. to a birthday party 15 . a. Melanie 25. a. Charlotte
c. He played games and b. to a restaurant b. to the gym
ate cake. c. She ate a lot of yummy c. She played two games
d. on Sunday pasta and meatballs. of tennis.
6. a. Veronica d. on Saturday d. Tuesday night
b. to a farm 16 . a. Griffin 26. a. Marcie
c. She fed the pigs some b. to the library b. to her new job
corn. c. He took out a book c. She learned how to bag
d. on Tuesday about bugs. groceries.
7. a. Alex d. this weekend d. this week
b. to the mall 17 . a. Trevor 27. a. Zach
c. He bought a new gray b. to a video store b. to the city
jacket. c. He rented a funny video. c. He saw a concert with his
d. last night d. last night friends.
8. a. Brandon 18 . a. Bridget d. last Wednesday night
b. to school b. to the pool 28. a. Mary Jane
c. He made a picture with c. She practiced diving off b. to the beach
finger paint. the diving board. c. She read a book under
d. this morning d. Saturday morning her umbrella.
9. a. Beth 19 . a. Evan d. at ten o’clock in the
b. to her grandma’s house b. to the park morning
c. She raked all of the c. He rode his bike on the 29. a. Juan
leaves in her grandma’s bike trail. b. to the eye doctor
backyard. d. yesterday afternoon c. He had his eyes examined
d. last week 20. a. Susan by the doctor.
10. a. Ethan b. to a hair stylist d. a little while ago
b. to the doctor’s office c. She got a shampoo and 30. a. Sal
c. He got a shot and a a haircut. b. to the flower shop
lollipop from the doctor. d. the other day c. He bought some roses
d. yesterday 2 1. a. Meg for his mother.
1 1. a. Maya b. to the jewelry store d. on Mother’s Day
b. to the movies c. She bought a shiny 31. a. Arnold
c. She ate popcorn and bracelet for her mom. b. to the marina
watched a scary movie. d. last week c. He watched the fireworks
d. last night 22. a. Judith from his boat.
12. a. Rachel b. to the bakery d. on the Fourth of July
b. to a soccer game c. She bought three fresh 32. a. Ling
c. She watched and cheered onion rolls. b. to her room
for her sister’s team. d. at six o’clock this morning c. She did her homework on
d. on the weekend 23. a. Ramon her computer.
13. a. Mandy b. to the hardware store d. after school
b. to the grocery store c. He got a new flashlight. 33. a. Moses
c. She bought some d. at three o’clock this b. to the airport
vegetables to make afternoon c. He waved goodbye to his
a salad. 24. a. Mary friend on the plane.
d. in the afternoon b. to a craft fair d. on New Year’s Day
14. a. Brady
b. to the dentist

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 259 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

2-Sentence Stories, cont. 44. a. the Murphy family 54. a. Holly

b. to Florida b. at her house
34. a. Uncle Harris c. They swam in the ocean. c. She gives presents
b. to the fire station d. last winter to all the children.
c. He turned on the siren to 45. a. Mr. Peterson d. every year
call the other firefighters. b. to the track 55. a. Mrs. Richards
d. at 11 o’clock last night c. He jogged around the b. out on her porch
35. a. Loretta track five times. c. She sits in her rocking
b. to the hospital d. early today chair and listens to the
c. She brought her friend 46. a. the Wong family rain on the roof.
some magazines to read. b. to the shoe store d. when it rains
d. at 9:30 yesterday morning c. They bought some new 56. a. the Epstein children
36. a. Taylor sneakers. b. to the photography studio
b. to the roof of his house d. last weekend c. They have their picture
c. He looked at the stars 47. a. Aunt Dee and Uncle Max taken for their
through his telescope. b. to a restaurant grandparents.
d. at midnight c. They order the fish d. every winter
37. a. Paul special. 57. a. Wayne
b. to the ice-cream shop d. every Friday b. to the movies
c. He got ice-cream cones 48. a. the Brennans c. He sits in the air
for his girlfriend and b. to Los Angeles conditioning and watches
himself. c. They are moving there. the movie.
d. on Valentine’s Day d. on Saturday d. when it is really hot
38. a. Rich 49. a. Allyssa outside
b. to the museum b. to college 58. a. Lila
c. He saw a dinosaur exhibit. c. She will learn to be b. to the animal shelter
d. on Saturday afternoon a teacher. c. She is going to pick out a
39. a. Rocco d. next year kitten to take home.
b. to the fair 50. a. Toby and his family d. on her tenth birthday
c. He rode the Ferris wheel b. to California 59. a. Jorge and his brothers
and ate cotton candy. c. They will see the ocean. b. to the town park
d. last weekend d. in the summer c. They bring their sleds
40. a. Gordon 51. a. Jonathan and go sledding down a
b. to a baseball game b. to a different school big hill.
c. He saw his favorite team c. He will meet new friends d. when it snows
win a game. there. 60. a. James and Judy
d. this summer d. next year b. to Florida
41. a . Curtis 52. a. Christina and her dog c. They sailed on a sailboat.
b. to a farm stand b. to the track d. after they were married
c. He picked some red, juicy c. She gives her dog some 6 1. a. Mike and Cindy
apples. exercise. b. to New York City
d. in the fall d. every day at six o’clock in c. They will watch a play.
42. a. Heather the morning d. next month
b. to the paint store 53. a. Mrs. Stone and her 62. a. Jack and Gina
c. She picked out a paint students b. to the mountains
color for her room. b. to the library c. They will go skiing.
d. the other day c. They take out books d. next weekend
43. a. Mrs. Liddy to read.
b. to the hardware store d. once a week
c. She bought a new toolbox.
d. a couple of days ago

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 260 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

2-Sentence Stories, cont. 72. a. Skeeter c. He shook the principal’s

b. to the beach hand and said, “Have a
63. a. Betty c. He brings his surfboard nice summer.”
b. to the car wash and goes surfing. d. on the last day of school
c. She will have her car d. when the ocean waves 81 . a. Rhoda
washed. are big b. to the fruit and vegetable
d. after work today 73. a. Mr. Rosenwald market
64. a . Lynn and her class b. to the baby’s room c. She got turnips, carrots,
b. on a field trip to a candy c. He makes sure the baby and potatoes to cook for
factory is sleeping. her guests.
c. They will see how candy d. in the middle of the night d. the day before
is made. 74. a. the groom Thanksgiving
d. next Wednesday b. to the car 82. a. Mrs. Connelly
65. a. Omar c. He had to get the wedding b. to her neighbor’s house
b. to the ice-skating rink rings. c. She asks her neighbor’s
c. He will have his skating d. right before the wedding son to rake her leaves
lesson. 75. a . the dancer for $20.
d. before school b. onto the stage d. when the leaves fall off
66. a. Rita c. She received some the trees
b. to the post office flowers and took a bow. 83. a . Greta
c. She needs to mail a box d. at the end of the show b. in the sand at Jones
to her friend. 76. a. the birthday boy Beach
d. during lunch b. into the party room c. She plays volleyball in
67. a. Charlie c. He jumped when everyone the sand.
b. into the closet yelled, “Surprise!” d. on Thursday nights in
c. He gets out his brother’s d. at the beginning of the the summer
electric blanket. party 84. a. Martin and his friends
d. when his brother is sick 77. a. Mrs. Anderson b. to the pier on the lake
68. a. Fido b. to the kitchen c. They try to catch fish
b. into the backyard c. She made a phone call and for dinner.
c. He digs up a bone to ordered Chinese food. d. on Saturday mornings
chew on. d. when everyone was hungry 85. a. Grandma and her sister
d. when he is bored 78. a. Mrs. Campbell b. to the beauty shop
69. a. Kendra b. to meet the mail carrier c. They get their nails and
b. to the baby’s room c. She took the mail from hair done.
c. She picks up the baby and the mail carrier and d. every other week
rocks him in the rocking opened a special letter 86. a. Aiden and his team
chair. she had been waiting for. b. to Lawrence High School
d. when she hears the d. when the mail carrier c. They have a wrestling
baby cry came match there.
70. a. Damian 79. a. Mr. Hamilton d. at the end of every month
b. up to his tree house b. to his garden 87. a. Uncle Nunzio
c. He looks through his c. He watered the flowers b. to Cancun
telescope at the stars. that were beginning to c. He goes scuba diving.
d. when it gets dark bloom. d. at the start of every year
71. a. Mrs. Flint d. on the first day of spring 88. a. Kelsey and Paige
b. to the barn 80. a. Jerome b. They play at all the soccer
c. She milks the cows and b. to the principal’s office fields in town.
feeds the chickens. c. They play soccer.
d. before the sun rises d. on Wednesdays after

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 261 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

2-Sentence Stories, cont. c. She will have her c. played dress-up with her
cast taken off. friend
89. a. Joann and Don d. next Saturday d. after school
b. to a block party 99. a. Maggie e. She had on a silly hat.
c. They visit with their b. in the parking lot f. The hat looked silly on
neighbors and have a c. She dropped her brief- her friend.
barbecue. case and her papers flew 7. a. Adam
d. every Memorial Day all over. b. under his bed
90. a. Manny d. this morning c. hid from his mom
b. to Mrs. Jones’s house 100. a. my brother d. today
c. He has a piano lesson. b. back to school e. She couldn’t find him.
d. every Tuesday afternoon c. He has to finish his f. mad
91 . a . Latrell schoolwork. 8. a. Dale
b. upstate to Camp Lockhern d. when he feels better b. to the circus
c. He works as a counselor c. got a balloon
for the campers. 3-4-Sentence Stories d. after the circus on
d. after the Fourth of July Saturday
92. a. the doctor 1. a. Diane e. He let go of his balloon.
b. into the delivery room b. to her aunt’s house f. His balloon floated away.
c. He helps the mothers c. ate pizza 9. a. Vicky
have their babies. d. for dinner on Sunday b. in her kitchen
d. when the nurse calls e. She went to lie down. c. getting ready for work
93. a. Nelson f. She ate too much pizza. d. this morning
b. to the bank 2. a. Rae Lynn e. He took her car keys and
c. He cashes his check. b. at the mall ran.
d. on the last day of the c. sat on Santa’s lap f. She thought that was
month d. before Christmas funny.
94. a. Mr. McSweeney e. He gave her a present. 10. a. Evan and his brother
b. in his office f. happy b. to the store
c. He called the electric 3. a. Bill c. bought some books
company. b. in his driveway d. yesterday afternoon
d. when the lights went out c. played basketball e. a special book
95. a. the Dobbs d. this afternoon f. He gave him a big hug.
b. to Hawaii e. He fell on his ankle. 11. a. Fred
c. They will see volcanoes f. His ankle hurt. b. to an amusement park
on a helicopter ride. 4. a. Toni c. waited in line to ride the
d. on their anniversary b. to the toy store roller coaster
96. a. the president c. bought a toy d. last week
b. into the Rose Garden d. today e. The roller coaster was
c. He will have his picture e. It was broken. closed.
taken. f. disappointed f. He was angry and
d. in a few minutes 5. a. Christopher disappointed.
97. a. Cheryl’s aunt b. outside on his porch 12. a. Ricky
b. to the car dealer c. put on his raincoat b. to the shed
c. She will pick up her d. this morning c. get his baseball bat
new car. e. He found ten dollars. d. this afternoon
d. in a few hours f. He didn’t know there was e. Ricky pushed him.
98. a. my cousin money in his pocket. f. He said, “I’m sorry.”
b. to the hospital 6. a . Ellie 13. a. Karl and Joe
b. to her friend’s house b. in Joe’s backyard
c. playing catch

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 262 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

3-4-Sentence Stories, cont. e. It was too small. c. played tennis

f. Her leotard didn’t fit. d. when they went on
d. before their baseball game 20. a. Lois vacation
e. Joe threw the ball right b. to the beach e. It hit Morty in the head.
at Karl’s head. c. lay in the sun and fell f. The ball hit his head hard.
f. He lost his balance asleep 27. a. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins
when the ball hit him d. after a few hours b. to a mountain
in the head. e. She had a terrible c. go skiing
14. a. Christine and Libby sunburn. d. on their anniversary
b. home f. She lay in the sun too long. e. They found there was
c. singing 21. a. Kevin no snow.
d. after school b. in the garage f. They went shopping
e. It started to rain. c. put his bicycle together instead of skiing.
f. They were getting wet d. after he put it together 28. a. Christa and Brad
and wanted to get home e. It fell apart. b. to a restaurant
quickly. f. Kevin didn’t follow the c. ordered pasta
15. a. Sharon instructions. d. when the server brought
b. to the kitchen 22. a. Ava their food
c. getting a snack b. to a neighbor’s house e. The pasta spilled all over
d. in the middle of the night c. babysat little Steven Brad.
e. She fell off. d. after a noise f. to wash off his shirt
f. The noise woke them up. e. The dog barked. 29. a . Mr. Foster
16. a. Rex f. The baby cried. b. on the lawn
b. behind the tree 23. a. Muhammed c. ran to the door and
c. He dug a hole. b. to a petting zoo barked
d. after dinner c. fed the goats and d. when the mail carrier
e. Rex fell into the hole. chickens came to the house
f. The hole was full of dirt. d. last week e. The mail carrier jumped
17. a. Leila and her brother e. Muhammed spilled the and dropped the mail.
b. to the TV room rest of the food. f. He picked up the mail.
c. watch TV f. He bought it. 30. a. Mrs. Baldwin
d. on Saturday morning 24. a. Emmit b. outside
e. Leila hid the Thomas the b. to the living room c. trying to get her dog
Train tape under the c. watch his favorite TV inside
couch. show d. when it began to rain
f. She put it under the d. after lunch e. She couldn’t find her dog.
couch. e. His show was over. f. It wanted the dog treat
18. a. Riley f. He only wanted to watch she was holding.
b. in art class his favorite show, which 31. a. Mr. Sanchez
c. He made a painting for was over. b. to the barbershop
his big sister. 25. a. Lucy and her grandmother c. get a shave and a haircut
d. on Tuesday b. to the pond d. when it was time to go
e. He spilled black paint all c. fed the ducks e. His car was buried in
over his picture. d. one afternoon in April the snow.
f. The first picture for his e. She dropped her doll f. He called the barber.
big sister was ruined. in the pond. 32. a. Brooke
19. a. Laureen f. She bought Lucy a b. in Aunt Vivian’s kitchen
b. to gymnastics class new doll. c. make cookies
c. She tried on her new 26. a. Morty and Vanessa d. when Aunt Vivian wasn’t
leotard. b. to the hotel’s tennis looking
d. before class courts

No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 263 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

3-4-Sentence Stories, cont. d. one Saturday afternoon e. She kept falling off.
e. He fell out of the f. She lay down on the
e. She made a funny face. hammock. surfboard.
f. She thought it was funny f. He slept on the grass. 45. a. Archie
to play a trick on her aunt. 39. a. Randy and Simon b. in his playroom
33. a. Jason b. at Miller’s Lake c. play with his trains
b. to his living room c. went canoeing d. every day
c. watch a DVD movie d. a few weeks ago e. His dad bought him five
d. when it wouldn’t play e. Their paddles slipped into new train cars.
e. He saw he had put it in the water and floated f. Archie did well in school.
upside down. away. 46. a. Mrs. Brock’s class
f. He made a silly mistake. f. They paddled with their b. to the auditorium
34. a. Paula hands. c. watch a ballet dancer
b. to the park 40. a. Derry d. on Wednesday morning
c. fly her new kite b. at the kitchen counter e. The dancer fell and hurt
d. when she saw how windy c. fixed his cereal her ankle.
it was d. in the morning after he f. She had injured her ankle.
e. It blew into a tree and stayed up late 47. a. Missy
broke. e. He poured juice on his b. to the hair salon
f. It got all tangled in the cereal instead of milk. c. She spun around and
tree. f. He was too tired to around.
35. a. Wendy think right. d. when the stylist wasn’t
b. in her brother’s room 41. a. Maureen and her friends looking
c. had races with the cars b. to the ice-skating rink e. She fell out of the chair.
d. on his birthday c. take a skating lesson f. She cut Missy’s hair while
e. He asked her to race cars d. last Saturday Missy sat on the floor.
with him. e. She found in-line skates 48. a. their aunt
f. He was glad she liked instead of ice skates. b. to the movies
the race cars, too. He f. to ask him to bring the ice c. teasing each other
wanted someone to race skates d. yesterday afternoon
cars with him. 42. a. Quinn e. Their aunt took them
36. a. Donovan and Reese b. to Tammy’s house home instead of to the
b. in school down the stairs c. made popcorn and played movies.
c. made paper airplanes games f. The girls wouldn’t stop
d. during recess d. in the middle of the night teasing each other.
e. One hit a teacher in e. She wanted to go home. 49. a. Lily
the neck. f. Her mom picked her up. b. at the community center
f. They hit a teacher with 43. a. William and his family c. entered her picture in an
an airplane. b. to the zoo in Washington, art contest
37. a. her sister D.C. d. on Monday
b. on the table c. went to the zoo e. Lily jumped out of her
c. fish and salad d. when they went to chair and yelled, “Yes!”
d. on her sister’s birthday Washington, D.C. f. She stood up and shouted.
e. The cat jumped onto the e. A monkey took William’s 50. a. Dante
table and ate the fish. hat off his head. b. to school
f. The cat ate their dinner. f. The monkey thought it c. a special suit
38. a. Mr. Ellis was a banana. d. while Dante was in school
b. in a hammock between two 44. a. Tonya e. It rained but he kept dry.
trees b. to the beach f. He wore a big plastic bag
c. He rolled over. c. went surfing over his suit.
d. at sunrise
No-Glamour Listening Comprehension 264 Copyright © 2006 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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