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Projectile/Gripper weaving

Projectile weaving machine was developed by Sulzer brothers of

Switzlarland in 1953.
Since then the machine is regarded as one of the most widely sold and
used machine in the history.
Nearly 200,000(two hundred thousands) machines were sold worldwide.

1.Main features (page 346 of Talukdars book)

i. Picking and projectile receiving units are separated from the moving reed/sley/beat-up unit.
ii. The gripper projectile, made of steel, 90 mm X 14mm wide and 6mm thick (3.5” x 0.55” x
0.14”). Wt-40g or 1.33 oz.

iii. The weft is directly fed from a cone/cheese

iv. Picking is always from one side
v. They runs in a rake like steel guides, so that the warp threads are touched neither by the
projectile nor weft thread.
vi. Tucked in selvedge is generated.
vii. If the reed width is reduced, it is possible to reduce the projectile receiving unit.
viii. Smaller shed opening
ix. Several fabrics can be woven side by side leading to nearly 1500 WIR.
x. There are 13 projectiles in a 220 cm width and 17 projectiles in a 330 cm width

2.Picking mechanism page (fig-17.7 page 355 of Talukdars book)

A-Projectile, B-Projectile feeder, C-Weft, D-Tensioner, E-Weft Brake,

F-Projectile Break, G-Selvedge Gripper, H-Tucked in device, I-Scissor

3.Beat up mechanism (Fig 17.9, page 357 of Talukdars book)

Fig-6: Cam beat-up

4.Transfer of weft from the feeder to the projectile gripper (Fig 17.5, page Advantages of smaller shed
349 of Talukdars book). (i) the stroke of the reed is small so that yarn with hairiness can be
5.Basic working principle (Fig 17.6, page 350 and 351 of Talukdars book). woven without too much difficulty, and
6.Shedding- can be dobby or jacquard but in most cases dobby is used (ii) the upper and lower shed lines remains near the centre of the reed as
a result knots can easily pass through the reed so that there will be
7.Operating experience less end breakage and the weaving efficiency will higher.

Weaving performance Disadvantage of smaller shed

Fabric density The preparation of the beam should be very precise so that there would not
be any loose yarns in the shed zone, loose yarn may break or result faulty
S = 99.43C1-0.4023 design in the fabric.

Where S is the square sett in and C1 is the tex count of warp Projectile weaving is relatively unsuitable for high-density fabrics (with fine
and weft. warp yarns) because in case of high density fabrics the warp yarns may break
due to insertion of projectile guide.
As the dimension of the projectile is very small in comparison with the
shuttle the size of shed of projectile can be very small.

In some cases it was found that OE yarns results more breakages than ring In case of the shuttle loom 89% energy is absorbed in the receiving side
yarn, however in case of Denims & drills the breakage rate of OE is 20-30% while only 10% of energy is absorbed in receiving side of the projectile
lower than ring yarn. loom.
Off course 60 % of energy is absorbed in the hydraulic system of the
Fine filaments and twist less textured yarns results problem in transferring projectile picking system. The width of projectile is nearly three to four times
the tip of the weft. of that of shuttle therefore weaving cost of projectile loom is much lower
than that of shuttle loom.
Projectile loom is an excellent and unparallel loom for producing heavy and
wider fabric on mass scale. There are options that instead of producing a Power for picking - for shuttle 0.27 hp @ 230 ppm, for projectile required
wider fabric several narrow fabrics can be woven side by side. hp is 0.36 @ 220 ppm. Note that the width of projectile loom is nearly 3-4
times than that of shuttle loom.


The kinetic energy absorbed per pick is 8 ft-ibs which is lower than that of
shuttle loom (27 ft-ibs). 1 X 1, 2, 4 and 6 colours can be used in weft direction.

Lowest consumption of energy. The system is freely programmable and operated by servo controller.
No limitations on feeder position shifting. 8) Automatic weft brake repair motion enables shifting of feed package to a
reserved one in the event of weft break between package and accumulator, no
2) ELECTRONIC WEFT BRAKER: - stopping of machine which increases the machine efficiency.
This device keeps a uniform tension on weft.
The braking force and the braking duration are programmable.
Program can be given for each pick.
The device is driven by stepper motor.
3) Pre-acceleration to weft yarn is given by compressed air, which relieves extra
tension in weft while inserting.
4) K3 Synthetic projectile can be used for weaving of delicate yarns.
5) The no. of heald shafts operable by cam motion is extended to 14.
6) Speed has been increased upto 1400 mpm (470 rpm). Due to improvement in
many related mechanisms.
7) LED display at signal pole for machine speed, projectile arrival time, angle of
machine stop, etc. which helps in monitoring of process.

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